Saints names for boys in August: meaning, origin, patron saint. Orthodox male names in August according to the church calendar - complete list

Many parents know that a name is a kind of identifier for a person. At the same time, a lot depends on the name: character traits, behavior and even, to some extent, the fate of a person. That is why people approach this matter responsibly, carefully choosing a name for a boy. There are several ways to choose names for children. For example, you can choose a name for a boy based on the meaning of the names, the sound, and the church calendar. And if you wish, you can combine all these methods of selecting names.

Saints for boys born in August

We bring to your attention a list of name days in August according to the Orthodox church calendar.

August 1 Gregory, Dmitry, Mitrofan, Roman, Seraphim, Stepan, Tikhon.

August 2 Aaron, Alexander, Alexey, Afanasy, Georgy, Egor, Efim, Ibrahim, Ivan,

Ilya, Konstantin, Kuzma, Leonty, Nikolai, Peter, Savva, Sergei, Theodor, Tikhon, Fedor, Jan.

August 3 Georgy, Evgeny, Egor, Ivan, Peter, Roman, Semyon, Theodor, Fedor, Ian.

August 4 Alexey, Mikhail.

August 5 Andrey, Vitaly, Theodor, Trofim, Fedor.

August 6 Anatoly, Afanasy, Boris, Gleb, David, Ivan, Illarion, Nikolay, Roman, Ian.

August 7 Alexander, Makar.

August 8 Ignat, Sergey, Theodor, Fedor.

August 9 German, Ivan, Klim, Nikolai, Platon, Savva, Emmanuel, Jan.

August 10 Akaki, Vasily, Efim, Ivan, Nikolai, Ostap, Pavel, Prokhor, Seraphim, Julian, Jan.

August 11 Alexander, Alexey, Anatoly, Veniamin, Konstantin, Kuzma, Mikhail, Nikolay, Ostap, Roman, Seraphim.

August 12 Anatoly, Valentin, German, Ivan, Luka, Maxim, Pavel, Jan.

August 13 Anton, Arseny, Vasily, Veniamin, Vladimir, Voldemar, Georgy, Denis, Egor, Ivan, Joseph, Konstantin, Maxim, Nikolay, Sergey, Stepan, Yuri, Yan.

August 14 Alexander, Alim, Dmitry, Elizar, Leonty, Theodor, Timofey, Fedor.

August 15 Vasily, Ivan, Kirill, Platon, Roman, Stepan, Taras, Theodor, Fedor, Ian.

August 16 Anton, Vyacheslav, Ivan, Kuzma, Nikolai, Ian.

August 17 Alexey, Andrey, Denis, Dmitry, Ivan, Konstantin, Maximilian, Mikhail, Semyon, Ian.

August 18 Efim, Ivan, Maximilian, Simon, Jan.

August 20 Alexander, Alexey, Anton, Afanasy, Vasily, Dementy, Dmitry, Elisha, Ivan, Mitrofan, Mikhail, Peter, Jan.

August 21 German, Grigory, Emelyan, Joseph, Leonid, Miron, Nikolai, Theodor, Fedor, Emil.

August 22 Alexey, Anton, Grigory, Dmitry, Ivan, Leonty, Makar, Matvey, Peter, Samuel, Julian, Yakov, Ian.

August 23 Afanasy, Vyacheslav, Lavrenty, Roman, Savva.

August 24 Alexander, Vasily, Makar, Maxim, Mark, Martin, Theodor, Fedor.

August 25 Alexander, Alexey, Anton, Arkady, Vasily, Vyacheslav, German, Dmitry, Efim, Ivan, Ilya, Leonid, Matvey, Mikhail, Nikolay, Peter, Savva, Sergey, Simon, Stepan, Theodor, Fedor, Yakov, Yan.

August 26 Alexey, Vasily, Ivan, Konstantin, Maxim, Nikolay, Seraphim, Tikhon, Yakov, Yan.

August 27 Alexander, Alexey, Arkady, Vasily, Vladimir, Voldemar, Matvey, Nikolay, Semyon, Theodor, Fedor.

August 29 Akim, Alexander, Demid, Lavrentiy, Nil, Stepan, Yakov.

August 30 Alexey, Dmitry, Ilya, Miron, Pavel, Philip.

August 31 Georgy, Grigory, Denis, Evgeny, Egor, Emelyan, Ivan, Illarion, Lev, Luka, Makar, Mikhail, Emil, Ian.

Men's names in August are very diverse. The Saints endow newborns with a certain energy on the brightest warm days, making the owners of August names generous and humane individuals. This month it is difficult to choose a specific name, since it should emphasize the boy’s character and be bright.

Saint Tikhon

Name Day on August 1st is celebrated by all men named after Tikhon (Belavin), a saint who is honored for his achievements and work in both North America and Russia.

As Bishop of the Russian Orthodox Diocese of the Aleutian Islands and North America from 1898 to 1907, he did much to promote the spread of Orthodoxy in America, including the creation of St. Tikhon's Monastery, and conducted services for various ethnic groups of Orthodox Christians in America in their native languages. , and in English. Upon his return to Russia, his reputation as an extraordinary archpastor strengthened, after which he was elected Patriarch of All Rus' in 1917.

Responsible for the Russian Orthodox Church during a time of extreme difficulty caused by atheist attacks and communist repression, persecution of religion, Patriarch Tikhon endured enormous physical and spiritual trials, including several arrests and imprisonments, which resulted in his martyrdom in 1925. In 1989, he was canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church.

Character traits

Men's name days in August are celebrated by those born under the signs of Leo and Virgo. For such individuals, little has been achieved and they strive to move forward without stopping. Their main characteristics are their independent disposition; it is difficult to convince them once they have decided something for themselves. They are born leaders and the praise of their neighbors is very important to them. In addition, such individuals can hardly be called modest; in order to arouse the admiration of the public, they flaunt their every advantage.

They have the power of attraction and charm, which allows them to be the center of attention in every company. Such men are loving and easily flirt with members of the opposite sex. The August man is distinguished by his honesty and decency, which allows him to be raised as an ideal husband and reliable father. They believe in fortune, and it reciprocates.

These representatives also have negative character traits. They find it difficult to restrain themselves emotionally, causing outbursts of anger, and it is also difficult for them to admit defeat and mistake. If someone criticized them, then from now on they will bypass this person for a long time, holding a grudge against him.

Such people make excellent and sympathetic friends who are always ready to help. Being under the cover of the planet Mercury and the earthly elements, they are practical and hardworking, and have a unique mindset. It is not important for them to occupy leadership positions, but being performers, they will professionally perform all their job responsibilities.

What does the horoscope say: Leo and Virgo

In order to more consciously approach the choice of a boy’s name, it is worth asking what the horoscope recommends, what kind of character a Leo boy and one born under the sign of Virgo will have.

Undoubtedly, the Zodiac influences a person’s character no less than the numbers of his birth.

Leo character

Boys born in early and mid-August have irrepressible, overflowing energy. They feel a constant need to communicate, move and play. They almost always become the ringleaders in the yard. If not, then they are loners, who over time acquire followers ready to carry out their will.

Leo's desire to influence his environment is as natural as the feeling of hunger; manipulation is in his blood. Well-developed analytical skills help to realize this need, and the desire to please people protects against manifestations of cruelty.

One of the reasons for the love of command is laziness, which pushes the Leo man to invent reasons for orders.

Leos succeed in a career as a businessman, senior manager, teacher, coach.

His companion is as confident a person as he is. She knows her worth, so quarrels often break out in the family and quickly fade away. Moving away from society, Leo withers away. Going out into the world will save the situation.

For Leo boys, you need to choose modern names that reflect the strength of nature, but at the same time serve as a counterbalance to excessive activity:

  • Anton;
  • Henry;
  • Robert;
  • Alexander;
  • Gleb;
  • Novel;
  • Konstantin.

Virgo character

After August 23, the influence of Virgo comes into force, so the character of the kids becomes more pragmatic, even to the point of cynicism and coldness. But they are also distinguished by their general honesty and straightforwardness.

“Going Ahead” is about a boy born under the star of Virgo.

It’s difficult with them, because virgin boys can’t stand lies, although they love to be friends. Thanks to their crystal sincerity, they often become arbitrators in disputes between friends, because they are not afraid to point out mistakes.

The last feature is the reason that they are often offended, although, in fact, for no reason.

The boy has a developed intellect, he can become a scientific luminary or a political prophet, a surgeon with golden hands or a mathematical genius.

A name that neutralizes pride and egocentrism and awakens sensuality is best suited for him:

  • Adrian;
  • Konstantin;
  • Mark:
  • Efim;
  • Peter;
  • Semyon;
  • Ruslan;
  • Theodore.

What names are suitable?

According to the church calendar, it is recommended to give names for boys in August in accordance with Angel Day. There are a total of 119 options this month, the most popular among them:

  • Gregory;
  • Dmitriy;
  • Boris;
  • Gleb;
  • David;
  • Ivan;
  • Ostap;
  • Paul;
  • Prokhor;
  • Andrey;
  • Denis;
  • Michael;
  • Basil;
  • Novel;
  • Theodore;
  • Hermann;
  • Nikolai;
  • Emil;
  • Jan.

In many ways, a person’s character depends not only on his name, but also on the data invested in him in the process of upbringing. Ancient people believed that a name contributed to the formation of a person and led him along the entire path of life. However, the formation of a person as an individual depends not only on the Orthodox name.

How to choose the right name for a child according to the Saints?

Age-old wisdom claims that you need to talk to children about God, so as not to talk with God about children all your life. That is why the heavenly patron saint is an iconic figure in Orthodox Christianity.

Important: Guardian Angel and patron saint are completely different concepts. The patron saint whose name a person bears is his support and support in earthly life and intercedes for him before God, helps him become closer to the Heavenly Kingdom.

You can determine the name of the heavenly patron using the Saints or Name Books.

How to choose the right name for a child according to the Saints?

In order to have a more complete understanding of all the Name Books, also study the calendars for September, October, November, December, January, February, March, April, May, June, July.

Women's name days

Women's name days on August 1 are celebrated by all representatives of the fair sex, whose names are:

  • Evgenia is “the owner of good genes, noble, of good origin.” The name is considered a female version of the male name Evgeniy. Originated in Ancient Greece.
  • Militsa – the Slavic meaning of the name is “sweetheart”.

What to name a child born this month?

There are so-called lucky names that are most suitable for children born in the last month of summer.

Experts who characterize names recommend giving August boys names that contain soft sounds. This helps soften the baby's tough temperament. For example:

  • Alexander is the “protector of people.” Sasha grows up as a rather sickly child, but with age his health improves, especially if his parents send their son to a sports section. Sasha is a leader in any society. He is fair and knows how to achieve his goals.
  • Anton - “entering into battle.” Anton is already a little star from the cradle. He knows how to attract attention to his own person. Outwardly, Anton, as a rule, resembles his mother, but in his decisions he relies on the authority of his father. Treats parents with special respect.
  • Gleb - “favorite of the gods.” From a young age he is thoughtful and reasonable. Because of his gloominess, he sometimes looks older than his peers, although at heart Gleb is a real good-natured person.
  • Denis - “dedicated to Dionysus.” Denis is a sociable child who loves animals, especially dogs.
  • Kirill – “Mr.” Little Kirill finds it easy to study. He loves to read and has an enviable memory. His negative trait is the desire to show off and brag to others about his knowledge.
  • Leonidas – “like a lion.” Little Lenya is very picky about the environment. He is clean, selfish, always and everywhere strives to stand out, but he is successful in his studies and business.
  • Maxim – “the greatest”. Since childhood, Maxim has not given his parents much trouble. He is friendly with his classmates, is a good student, loves books, and has theatrical talents.
  • Nicholas - “victorious people.” Kolya is distinguished by good health and a calm disposition. He studies well and has excellent ingenuity.
  • Roman - "Roman". Quite a sickly child. Due to frequent absences, his studies are not very good. But Roma is a kind and flexible boy who loves and respects his parents very much.
  • Stepan - “crown”. Stepan is a very restless child. But it’s always fun and interesting with him. Styopa has a good memory, which replaces his perseverance, so such boys rarely have problems with school.

Saint Gregory the Theologian

August 1st birthday people and Gregory. Of the twenty centuries since the birth of Christ, not a single century contains so many great events as the fourth, in which the Christian image of God was created. If it were not for the efforts of these people, Christianity would not have become the spiritual refuge of humanity that it is today.

The fabric of Christendom was woven into the strength and beauty of character by threads of men such as St. Gregory the Theologian, who during this period became one of the four great Fathers of the Church along with Basil the Great, John Chrysostom and Athanasius the Great. He is also remembered as one of the three so-called Cappadocian Fathers, an honor he shares with Basil and Gregory Nissa.

The son of the bishop for whom he was named, Gregory was born at Arianzos in Cappadocia, Asia Minor, in 329. He was educated in Caesarea and then in Athens, where he met Basil, with whom he became closely associated, as they were bound by a common determination to serve Christ.

At Basil's suggestion, the two friends became monks in a retreat at Pontos, where each embarked on a spiritual journey that would lead them to greatness. Without much desire, Gregory left the monastery to be ordained to the priesthood to serve as an assistant to his father, the Bishop of Nazianza.

The son surpassed his father as a preacher. When he was thirty years old, he won recognition throughout the region as a mighty warrior in the fight against paganism and heresy.

Largely thanks to the influence of Gregory, his friend Basil was made bishop of Caesarea. Gregory himself chose to stay with his father in Nazianzos. He took over the church of Nazianzos after his father's death in 374. With the loss of his father, he felt the desire to return to asceticism to meditate, pray and interpret the Scriptures. He was allowed to go into seclusion in Seleucia in Isauria, where his stay was short.

After the death of Emperor Arian Valens, which followed the death of Gregory's friend Basil, Gregory was summoned to Constantinople. He was supposed to lead the reorganization of the Orthodox Church, torn apart by the Arian heresy from within, suffering from persecution of the pagans. In the course of this holy work he achieved success as an orator, traditionalist and crusader and earned fame as a Theologian.

Saint Seraphim

The name day is August 1 and for men named after the holy father Seraphim of Sarov, who was a Russian ascetic and miracle worker who lived in the Sarov Monastery in the 18th century. St. Seraphim of Sarov is one of the most beloved Orthodox saints, credited with the knowledge of grace and the Spirit of God.

Saint Seraphim taught that acquiring the Holy Spirit is the goal of all spiritual life, and if we receive the Holy Spirit, thousands of people around us will be saved.

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