Pouring wax - what is useful? What does wax casting do?

Does wax casting help? Before the ritual, many people ask this question, especially those who have never dealt with magical rituals. A variety of life circumstances prompt a person to turn to professionals in the world of magic and esotericism - family troubles, business problems, the desire to give birth to a child or heal a loved one. Someone comes out of simple curiosity, and in such cases it is most difficult to determine whether wax casting helps or not. Today we will talk about whom casting helps, reviews, and read the reviews of those who were helped by wax casting.

Wax pouring, what is it?

A little history about casting damage on wax. Pouring wax is a very old ritual, rite. He has been known for a long time. Our ancestors, back in Ancient Rus', cleansed themselves and their loved ones by pouring wax from all evil spirits and restored the functioning of the body’s energy. In those days, everyone knew how to do wax pouring. But the “great turmoil” came and swallowed up simple truths and deep knowledge about human nature.

Unfortunately, natural science has disappeared from everyday life. And later, only the knowledgeable grandmothers remained in the villages. More recently, most of you remember that each village had its own grandmother, who knew how to pour wax and knew spells. If anything happened, they always ran to her and asked for help.

Today we have lost this knowledge almost completely and are turning for help to the bearers, the keepers of this wisdom. As a rule, we go to grandma, although I am a healer and also have all the necessary knowledge on how to do wax pouring.

I pour wax, and I can save you from harm, and I know the most powerful conspiracies. I can’t even dare call myself a grandmother))). This word is gradually disappearing from everyday life and from modern life. I prefer the word healer.

What examples from life are there when wax castings really helped in some situations?

I’ll show you a few photos of what the person came up with and what happened there. Still, this is a publication about wax castings, and not a book - a teaching aid. I can talk a lot about wax, but given the format, I will only cover the main points of this procedure. Anyone who wants to learn how to work correctly in waxing, to remove negative programs from themselves and others using this ancient method, after an interview with me, will be able to receive individual training from me. I can refuse if I see that a person is not ready to practice for a number of reasons. To help someone be healthy, you must first of all be healthy yourself: both physically and spiritually - this is one of the basic rules of working with people.

Wax is a unique natural material that can diagnose and eliminate a number of problems. These are just some of the images that appear when identifying difficult situations in people's lives. Wax reveals everything that cannot be determined by other methods. You can always learn a lot of new things about yourself, or understand the cause of unnecessary life situations. What is reflected on the wax is an unnecessary burden that is usually carried out of ignorance and lack of understanding of exactly how to get rid of it.

Who is a healer?

A healer is a specialist in the field of subtle matters. I wrote in detail about the subtle plan in this article. It heals, heals, makes whole what is damaged (removes damage), makes it whole.

This is exactly what happens after pouring wax, a person becomes more holistic. His strength returns, energy is in full swing, the desire to do something, create, live appears.

The interesting thing is that I learned how to do wax pouring from a photo of a person, it can also be done online. Modern people are increasingly immersed in the online space. Here they shop and study. So I help people remotely. I just use a photo of a person, but that’s not about that now.

Features of treatment

Removing damage with wax is an ancient technique known since pre-Christian times. Our ancestors used the casting of negativity from the chakras. Orthodox healers have improved their methods and now we have a powerful healing complex for black magic.

Before the ceremony, cleansing procedures were necessarily carried out. The performer fills his soul with positive energy for several days in a row. During this period, you can read the prayers “Our Father” or the Guardian Angel. It is important to be fully prepared for complex actions.

The rules and methods for treating wax damage require the use of a fresh natural product. If the substance has already been used in other rituals, then it is not suitable. After completing the cycle of rituals, the “medicine” is thrown away.

For the sacrament, prepare 200 g of wax and fresh, cold water from the well. Where can I get the substance? It is best to purchase a suitable element yourself from beekeepers. This ingredient makes it possible to recognize even the most hidden curses.

While the liquid is being collected, mentally read any known prayer three times. After which they make the sign of the cross. Some healers recommend dipping a silver object into a container overnight. After a few hours, the moisture acquires magical properties.

The most suitable time for the ceremony is before or after sunset. Action requires a lot of energy, and this period is characterized by maximum concentration of force. Removal of damage with wax for women is carried out on odd days, and for men - on even days. You cannot cast magic on Sundays and major Christian holidays.

Water is poured into a basin, and the natural substance is melted over a fire in a metal container, but not brought to a boil. During the action, the Lord's Prayer is read. The ladle is placed on the photo or held above the patient's head. Throw the “preparation” into the liquid in a thin stream. Decoding is done using the figures that appear.

When you need to do waxing - the worst way to ruin your life

So, pouring spoilage on wax is good. But we turn to a specialist only when things get really bad and difficult. When life is bursting at the seams and problems come one after another. Only when we are bogged down in problems and cannot cope with them, the thought comes to our minds:

“Should I go see grandma? Maybe I have an evil eye or damage?

Do you recognize yourself? )))

It would, of course, be more correct to constantly monitor the quality work of your energy centers and chakras and not bring them to a deplorable state. This is how we brush our teeth every day to keep them healthy. In the same way, our energy sector needs cleaning.

Most often we do not hear the first bells. We don't pay attention to the first signs of trouble. We shrug it off until the last moment and think, “Somehow I’ll get to this….and that…” Meanwhile, the tangle of problems is only growing.

So what to do if you have already reached a deplorable state, to the very end? Act and don’t delay! There are many options. You can pour out damage with wax, you can roll it out with an egg, you can perform energy cleansing, clean the cocoon, restore chakras and much more. Now, specifically in this article, we are only talking about how to do wax pouring.

Pouring wax, what gives?

Casting wax removes damage. People say “remove damage.” This means restoring a person’s healthy energy in order to get rid of problems. Damage can be removed in various ways. One of the most effective is wax casting.

How do you know if you have damage?

As I said earlier, damage is not something abstract, incomprehensible or secret. Damage is when you have problems in life. If you have: health problems, quarrels or disagreements in the family, difficulties at work, lack of understanding with children and loved ones, a series of failures and misfortunes haunts you.

Most likely this is caused by damage or the evil eye. Simply put, if you have difficulties, difficulties, then it’s not just like that, there are reasons for it - problems in the energy sector, damage or the evil eye. These problems in energy are visible on the subtle plane in the form of dark energies, breakdowns, and deformation of the cocoon. And wax helps to remove, remove, get rid of the root cause of all these difficulties.

In addition, you can check whether you definitely have damage in one of the following ways:

  • Alternatively, take a FREE short test to determine damage - here at the link
  • You can determine it yourself using an egg, read more here
  • You can order diagnostics using a photo, details here

When should you think about making a casting?

For causeless chronic fatigue; with ongoing diseases (one turns into another); casting can also help with chronic depression; with symptoms such as confused consciousness and thoughts, life as if in a fog, causeless melancholy, irritation, aggression, feelings of depression and fear (it is worth diagnosing), lack of vitality; muscle distortion, body distortion, facial distortion, grimacing; lack of emotions of joyful perception of the world; a person suddenly loses weight or gets fat; sensation of unpleasant odors (others do not feel them), noise, voices in the head, hallucinations; a feeling of powerlessness and a constant desire to lie down or sleep.

Pouring wax on yourself for dummies

Is it possible to wax yourself?

pour wax yourself if you know how to do it. Of course, there is a lot of information on this topic on the Internet. Many sites also have a description of how to do this, and they will write spells for you. And to decipher, in general, what you see is real, it is enough to turn on the power of your imagination and fantasy... But my dear readers, this will be more entertainment than it will bring significant results. Every business has its own subtleties, and there are many of them here.

You need to know and understand what you are doing while pouring onto wax and what to do with it next, with the resulting wax image. And most importantly, how to remove the negative impact from you or your loved ones and protect yourself from it in the future.

Another important nuance: when pouring wax, a large amount of energy and strength is lost. You need to know how to replenish them. Therefore, it is not recommended to do this yourself, because... You can do even more harm. If you don't know how, don't bother!

If you still want to do it yourself, then here are the prayers for you that need to be read when removing damage and the evil eye. Follow the link //landing.mailerlite.com/webforms/landing/z5b4s0

How is wax pouring done correctly?

It is better to seek help from a specialist, since you are not filling your own teeth. Contact someone with specific knowledge and skills in this area. Healer, magician, grandmother, it doesn’t matter, call it whatever is more convenient for you, he knows how:

  • Perform pouring on wax.
  • Correctly decipher the information received.
  • Remove the negative impact.
  • Put up protection.

Wax is an affordable and at the same time incredibly strong material in its properties. In the hands of a specialist, it turns into a tool that works wonders.

It is possible to solve problems by pouring wax, in almost any area of ​​life. The main thing in this matter is a smart master.

Some sources write the following:

“Pouring wax is not done on days of fasting, Sundays and church holidays, since the higher forces of light must be respected. Otherwise, it may not turn out very well. Women are recommended to do this procedure on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, men - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. Since this method of healing, as already written above, takes a large amount of strength and energy from both the healer and the client, it is highly recommended to maintain strength with the help of prayers and water spoken in a certain way.”

What can we get from waxing with a specialist online?

Remove damage, evil eye

  1. Damage to death, no matter where it was done, even if in a cemetery or in a church
  2. Remove damage to destruction and collapse in business.
  3. Also remove damage to your personal life or “remove the crown of celibacy.”
  4. Other types of damage.

Improve your health

  1. Get rid of headaches.
  2. Eliminate irritability.
  3. Reduce nervousness.
  4. Take the fear out of children.
  5. Diseases are cast, but not all
  6. Solve other problems.

Wax casting solves and treats the following problems:

Fright - can be formed as a result of a magical action or an unexpected event.

Pristrit is damage caused by people filled with negativity and anger. You may accidentally sit in the place where such a person was sitting and read this program.

Evil eye - if someone is looking at you intently or with a grin, but has negative emotions towards you, he can unwittingly put negativity on you through his gaze.

Damage is a purposeful and conscious magical effect.

Love spell is accompanied by a loss of strength and vital energy. The fate of a person under a love spell is always in danger.

Lining is a type of damage, as a result of which you often find foreign and suspicious objects near or in the house: needles, egg shells, salt, hair, red threads, etc.

The most difficult thing to do with casting is to remove cemetery, church and intrauterine damage. And also wax is powerless at the crown of celibacy.

What happens after the damage is poured out with wax?

Life is changing for the better. Usually they write to me like this: “Huh, it’s like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. It became easier to breathe. Everything is becoming better".

The most important thing is that you can cleanse your energy of all foreign influences and return to yourself - healthy, strong and happy.

Wax has a unique ability to absorb the negative impact programs of other people and remove your personal blocks. Pouring wax will help you qualitatively improve your life for the better and solve problems in various areas in a fairly short period of time.

Meanings of signs

If pouring is carried out correctly at home, then you can easily determine the hidden meaning of the symbols. Carefully inspect the frozen substance from all sides. Any branches and tubercles are of great importance.

A figurine of an animal (dog, horse) always means that there are signs of a “family” curse. Most often, such damage is done to constant quarrels and failures of all prospects. The presence of the image of a rooster pushes the victim to betrayal, and the bird symbolizes failure in endeavors. The snake most often indicates an enemy from close people.

Irregularly shaped bumps on the surface of the wax indicate a burning hatred for the patient. Balls are a sign of the evil eye. A symbol of severe damage will be posts or even knives. And the longer the “fence”, the more dangerous the ritual. Frequent small stripes along the substance hint at fear.

If wax spills into the ring, then this is a spell to work. Actions that signify illness most often appear in the form of outlines of elements of the body (heart, eyes, head). By the way, images of the genitals are obtained after a love spell. Any dark dots and inclusions indicate a ritual aimed at beauty.

A tree or branching branches indicate severe, destructive damage. Does any figure end with a loop? This curse was imposed on a person in the womb of the mother or passed on from her by inheritance. Sometimes numbers or letters appear during the ceremony. If you decipher the designations, then such symbols can indicate the date of targeting, the initials of the performer.

If you cannot determine the results yourself, then your enemy is trying to hide the meaning of sabotage. Professional sorcerers have this kind of energy, so people with the same power can help you find out the interpretation of the signs and decide what the image looks like. Any torn edge and corners on the surface allow us to conclude that there is a negative interference on the person.

Completion of the ritual

At the end of the ritual, the wax casting should be disposed of and the objects used during the ritual should be thoroughly cleaned. Some practitioners also advise harmonizing the room or space where the sacrament was performed. The condition of the conductor or the patient may deteriorate - in such cases, restoration should be performed.

Wax casting disposal methods:

  • throw in the trash;
  • bury in the ground;
  • burn;
  • float on water;
  • When recycling, you can use special spells.

Where do evil eyes and damage come from?

As a rule, those closest to you are involved in this - the closest circle of friends: relatives, interested business partners, rivals, friends, work colleagues, and simply envious people whom you may not even know by sight.

Wax is a unique natural material that shows cause-and-effect relationships, captures faces, objects, numbers, and a lot of details understandable to a specialist in photos, which can be used to unravel this “tangle” of events, eliminate problems and return a person to a full, healthy and happy life.

In the photo above are just a few wax castings of people who have faced various kinds of difficulties in their lives. Wax removes these problems, shows us the details of who did what, how, and how they inflicted negativity on a person. Wax seals this problem into itself, and the person’s affairs improve, health is restored, and good luck and prosperity come to the house.

It is necessary to carry out wax castings while observing safety measures for both the client and the specialist himself. The apparent simplicity of the method implies “pitfalls” that are not openly written about on the Internet. To ensure that problems do not return, so that those around you do not suffer when removing negativity and severe damage, you need to carry out the procedure correctly and complete it correctly, while maintaining environmental friendliness.

If everything is done correctly, the results will not keep you waiting in the first days of the procedure. And if the procedure is performed unprofessionally, or in violation of the rules, then the problems do not go away, and new ones may appear. The indicator of successful work is the results of the customers themselves and the state of health of the master.

Take off

Is it possible to cleanse your own chakra? Wax methods do not prohibit performing actions independently, but the ritual requires maximum concentration. If you are confident in your own abilities, then you can try to remove light damage, the evil eye. It is better to remove attacks of fear with an assistant.

You need to drain negative energy from yourself using a photograph. We recommend taking a fresh, full-length image, without any strangers or animals. Don’t be lazy and dedicate the first session to diagnostics. The resulting images are interpreted. Remember that any columns rushing through the water to the bottom are a sign of a dangerous influence on death. In this case, the treatment is entrusted to a professional magician.

Unlike rituals with a person, a photo ritual requires maximum concentration. Use a container of melted wax to make circular movements clockwise from head to toe. During the actions, you can read a prayer to St. Cyprian. Then pour the substance into the water in a stream.


Deciphering a casting is a complex and exclusively individual process in which one cannot be completely guided by any general rules.
It is worth considering symbols and figures using associative and figurative thinking; disparate elements will need to be put together into a single picture. The first step is to consider the upper part of the casting, which will be located above the water.

The shape itself provides a lot of information - different edges and holes indicate damage to the energy field, and strands or tails are different channels. It happens that the wax is poured out in the form of a silhouette, figure or some object. The bottom section provides the main information. It is generally accepted that pillars, bubbles, various irregularities and growths are a manifestation of negative programs.

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