Troparions for every day - who does the Orthodox Church pray to during the week?

Troparion and kontakion on Sunday hours

The saint does not have a troparion (kontakion).Glory to the Sunday Troparion. And now the Theotokos hours. Sunday kontakion.
The saint has a troparion: does not have a holiday sign, or is sung on 6.Troparion for Sunday. Glory Troparion of the Saint. And now the Theotokos hours. Sunday kontakion.
The saint has: a doxology, or a polyeleos, or a vigil.Troparion for Sunday. Glory Troparion of the Saint. And now the Theotokos hours. AT 1 AND 6 O'CLOCKS: Kontakion of the saint. AT 3 AND 9 O'CLOCKS: Sunday Kontakion.

Troparion and kontakion on the clock of seven days: from Monday to Friday.

Usually.Glory Troparion of the Saint. And now the Theotokos hours. Kontakion of the Saint.
The saint does not have a troparion (kontakion).Glory to the Troparion common to the well-known face of saints. And now the Theotokos hours. The saint's general kontakion.
There are two saints and each has a troparion (kontakion).Troparion of the first saint. Glory to the Troparion of the second saint. And now the Theotokos hours. AT 1 AND 6 O'CLOCKS: Kontakion of the 1st saint. AT 3 AND 9 O'CLOCKS: Kontakion of the 2nd saint.

Troparion and kontakion on the hours of Saturdays.

Usually.Glory Troparion of the Saint. And now the Theotokos hours. Kontakion of the Saint.
The saint does not have a troparion (kontakion).Glory to the Troparion common to the well-known face of saints. And now the Theotokos hours. The saint's general kontakion.
There are two saints and each has a troparion (kontakion).Troparion of the first saint. Glory to the Troparion of the second saint. And now the Theotokos hours. AT 1 AND 6 O'CLOCKS: Kontakion of the 1st saint. AT 3 AND 9 O'CLOCKS: Kontakion of the 2nd saint.
Funeral service during the singing of the Octoechos.“Apostles, martyrs and prophets...”
Glory “Remember, O Lord, that he is good...” And now the Theotokos of the Hours.
"Rest with the saints..."
Funeral service for Meat Saturday and Saturday before Pentecost.Glory to the “depth of wisdom...”
And now the Theotokos hours.
"Rest with the saints..."

Sunday worship. All-night vigil. Features of Sunday Vespers. Chapters 1-5 of the Typikon. Compline on Saturday evening (when there is no vigil). Chapter 7 of the Typicon. (see example.)

Sunday worship. The place of Sunday service in the Charter can be compared with the place of the Resurrection of Christ in the life of every Christian. According to Holy Scripture, without faith in the Resurrection our faith is vain (1 Cor. 15:14). And the Sunday service, of course, has a completely exceptional position in worship. Easter is the pinnacle of the whole year, the center of the year, an incomparable holiday, not even the twelfth, since it is immeasurably larger than any twelfth holiday; it has a huge preparatory period - more than 40 days - and the same after-feast. And the Sunday service is the beginning and culmination of the weekly service; week is the first day of the week. The week begins from its peak, from such a height that not a single day of the week rises to. The name of Sunday: “Sunday” does not require explanation, but “week” says that on this day there is no need to do worldly affairs; it is a day dedicated to God. Let us remember the commandment about a day dedicated to God - this is one of the ten commandments. In the Old Testament this is the Sabbath day, for the New Testament people it is Sunday.

The Eucharist itself does not belong to time, it belongs to eternity, and into this eternity it transports us from the power of time. The same teaching was probably about Sunday. This is the eighth day - the day of the next century. In ancient times, this particular day was the day of the community meeting, the predominant day for the celebration of the Eucharist.

The 1st chapter of the Typikon describes Little Vespers, and the 2nd chapter describes the course of the Sunday all-night vigil (in conjunction with the service to the saint without a sign). Chapter 3 is a Sunday vigil in conjunction with the service to the vigil saint; The 4th chapter is the Sunday service in conjunction with the service to the polyelean saint, the 5th is in conjunction with the service to the sixfold saint and the saint with doxology, the 6th speaks about the number of vigils (not only Sundays) “that occur throughout the summer.” After the Sunday vigils are described, the vigils that occur during the rest of the year are mentioned; it is very clearly shown that the Sunday service is their model. Chapter 7 describes a Sunday service without a vigil, a version of the service when Great Vespers is celebrated, preceded by the ninth hour, then Compline, Sunday Midnight Office and separately Sunday Matins. Let us remember that during the vigil, Great Vespers and Festive Matins are performed together as one service, and Compline and the Midnight Office are absent.

Sunday vigil is never served on its own, only as a Sunday service. This is not only the day of the week, it is also the day of the year, the day of a month. The Sunday service will not be combined only with the services of the twelve feasts of the Lord (with the exception of the Presentation), since according to the Rule, on the Lord's feast all Sunday services are canceled. And this testifies to the exceptional importance of the Sunday service, which is always served without fail, except for only one single case, when the Twelfth Feast of the Lord falls on a Sunday. It is the twelve, for example, the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem: it is always on Sunday, and there is no Sunday service. Christmas, Epiphany, Transfiguration, Exaltation of the Cross - if they fall on a Sunday, then the Sunday service is cancelled. But the Image Not Made by Hands or the Position of the Savior’s Robe does not cancel the Sunday service; after all, these are not the Twelfth holidays. This is the high level at which an ordinary Sunday day stands in the Typikon system. Only the Lord's Twelfth Feast is higher than it. Everything else is either comparable in importance or much inferior.

All-night vigil. An all-night vigil is a special church service that currently represents the combination of Vespers and Matins with the first Hour and is celebrated on the eve of well-known holidays. It received its name from the custom of the ancient Church to perform it throughout the whole night, until dawn (in liturgical books, the term “Vigil” is sometimes replaced by the term “Council”. This word in liturgical books generally denotes a particularly solemn service performed by a meeting of priests; but it is used this is the name for the all-night vigil).

The first evidence of night vigils belongs to the apostolic age. Thus, in the book of the Acts of the Apostles (chap. 16, v. 25) the night prayer and singing of the apostle is mentioned. Paul and Silas, as well as the night prayer (chap. 12, art. 12) of the entire apostolic community. On the “First Day of the Week,” when the disciples gathered (in Troas) to break bread, St. Paul talked with them and spent the whole night talking (Acts 20:7-11). In accordance with this, some St. Fathers and teachers of the Church, for example, St. John Chrysostom (in the 27th conversation on 1st Corinne) and Origen (in the 12th chapter, “On Prayer”), point to the performance of the all-night vigil as an establishment of the apostles themselves.

In the Russian Church, the all-night vigil appeared only in the 15th century, i.e. simultaneously with the introduction of the Jerusalem Charter.

According to the Rules, the all-night vigil should begin a little time after sunset: “it’s not enough for the sun to set.”

(Typikon, 2 chapters). But since immediately before sunset a special service is supposed to be served, namely small vespers, then the all-night vigil, according to the Rule, is preceded by small vespers, performed shortly before the vigil. Compline and the Midnight Office on the day of the All-Night Vigil are abandoned. Usually in parish churches, Little Vespers is also omitted along with the ninth hour.

Before the all-night vigil, small vespers should be performed. Before Little Vespers, the ninth hour should be celebrated, at which the troparion and kontakion of the passing day are read, and Vespers is already dedicated to the holiday, i.e. The liturgical themes of these two services are different.

The Vigil service is formed by the most festive Vespers and the most festive Matins - Great Vespers and Polyeleos Matins. In order to pray all night and greet the sunrise with the words “Glory to Thee, who showed us the light,” Vespers must begin quite late. It turns out that Vespers begins very late, already in the night, and the usual time of evening prayer remains without service, so for these days the Typikon appoints small vespers to be served. Small Vespers, according to the instructions of the Typikon, is performed before sunset, when the sun has not yet set, that is, when it is still light.

The Rule of Small Vespers is described in Chapter 1 of the Typikon. It speaks of small vespers performed on Sundays, but it is a model of all small vespers of the year. What is the plan and procedure for performing this service?

1. "Blessed be God..."

2. Ninth hour.

3. "Blessed be God"

Psalm 4.103.

5. Lord have mercy

3 times,
Glory, and now.
6. “Lord, I have cried...”

and stichera on
the Lord, I cried
on 4.

7. The light is quiet

8. Prokeimenon in the day.

9. Vouchsafe, Lord

10. Stichera on verse.

11 . Now you let go

and the Trisagion of
Our Father.
12. Troparion.

13. Litany, strictly abbreviated.

14. End.

Let's compare small and weekday vespers. At Little Vespers there are no lamp prayers; The great and petitionary litanies are always missing. However, the Great Litany was replaced by Lord, have mercy

3 times and
Glory, and now.
This is very interesting and shows us the importance in the service of such little things as
Lord, have mercy
Glory, even now.
This replacement occurred because the entire content of the great litany can be reduced to these texts: all 11 long petitions of the great litany, to which
Lord, have mercy is chorused
, are a request for mercy, and the exclamation concluding each litany always has a laudatory character and can be reduced to “Glory to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages.
Amen". We briefly call it Glory, and now,
in fact, this is a small doxology to the Most Holy Trinity, a very important text.

The petitionary litany is not replaced by anything; only the august litany remains in an abbreviated version. At Small Vespers there is never kathisma, but at weekday Vespers there is in most cases. At Little Vespers, stichera on the Lord, I cried

always sung by 4, this is the smallest number that can be. These are the main differences between Little Vespers.

On the feasts of the Mother of God

Troparion, tone 4

We are now diligent to the Mother of God, / sinners and humility, and let us fall, / in repentance calling from the depths of the soul: / Lady, help, having mercy on us, / struggling, we perish from many sins, / do not turn away your vain servants, / / ​​You Imams have one hope.

Kontakion, tone 6

The intercession of Christians is not shameful, / the intercession to the Creator is immutable, / do not despise the voices of sinful prayers, / but advance, as the Good One, to the aid of us, / who faithfully call You, / hasten to prayer, and strive to entreaty, / / ​​interceding ever since, the Mother of God, those who honor Thee.


It is worthy to eat/ magnify You, the Mother of God,/ the Most Honest Cherub/ and the Most Glorious// without comparison the Seraphim. We magnify You,/ Most Holy Virgin,/ God’s chosen Youth, and honor Your holy image,/ through which you bring forth healing// to all who come with faith.

Holy Ethereal forces

Troparion, tone 4

Heavenly armies of the Archangel, / we always pray to you, we are unworthy, / and with your prayers, protect us / with the shelter of the krill of your immaterial glory, / preserving us, falling diligently and crying: / deliver us from troubles, / like the rulers of the Highest Powers.

Kontakion, tone 2

Archangels of God,/ servants of the Divine glory,/ guides of angels and guides of men,/ ask for what is useful to us and great mercy,// like the bodiless Archangels.


We magnify you,/ Archangels and Angels,/ and all the hosts,/ Cherubim and Seraphim, // glorifying the Lord.

Holy Fathers

Troparion, tone 8

Glorified art thou, O Christ our God, / who founded our fathers as a light on the earth, / and taught us all to the true faith, / / ​​Most gracious, glory to Thee.

Kontakion, tone 8

The apostle of preaching and the father of dogmas/ Seals the one faith of the Church,/ even wearing the robe of truth, weaved from above theology,// corrects and glorifies piety, the great sacrament.


We bless you,/ our fathers,/ and honor your holy memory,/ for you pray for us// Christ our God.

to the Prophet

Troparion, tone 2

Thy Prophet (
) is remembered, O Lord, in celebration, / thus we pray to Thee, / / ​​save our souls.

Kontakion, tone 4

Enlightened by the Spirit, your pure heart / prophecies are the brightest friend, / see that the real one exists far away, / for this reason we honor you, // blessed prophet (
), more glorious.


We magnify you,/ holy prophet of God (
),/ and honor your holy memory,/ because you pray for us// Christ our God.

to the Apostle

Troparion, tone 3

Holy Apostle
),/ pray to the Merciful God,/ that forgiveness of sins// will grant to our souls.

Kontakion, tone 4

Like a bright star/ The Church has always acquired you,/ an apostle (
),/ enlightened by the abundance of Your miracles./ In the same way we call to Christ:/ save those who honor by faith// the memory of Your apostle, O Many-merciful One.


We magnify you, / an apostle of Christ (
), / and honor your illnesses and labors, / in the image of whom you labored // in the gospel of Christ.


Troparion, tone 3

Holy apostles,/ pray to the merciful God,/ that forgiveness of sins// will grant to our souls.

Kontakion, tone 4

The vine of Christ’s grapes of wisdom has appeared, / bearing grapes in virtues, / pouring out the wine of salvation for us, / which is acceptable, filled with joy. / We celebrate your honorable memory, / in the present day, pray to be granted to us great mercy and remission of sins, / / ​​Lord’s apostles.


We magnify you,/ holy apostles,/ who enlightened the whole world with your teachings,/ and brought all ends// to Christ.


Troparion, tone 4

The rule of faith and the image of meekness, / teacher self-control / show you to your flock / Even the things of the Truth, / for this sake you have acquired high humility, / rich in poverty, / father (name
/ pray to Christ God / / to save our souls.

Kontakion, tone 2

Divine thunder, spiritual trumpet,/ the planter of faith and the cutter of heresies,/ saint of the Trinity,/ great saint (
),/ with the angels standing ever before,// pray unceasingly for all of us.


We magnify you,/ holy father (
),/ and honor your holy memory,/ for you pray for us// Christ our God.


Troparion, tone 4

God our father,/ always deal with us according to Your meekness,/ do not leave Your mercy from us,/ but through their prayers// guide our life in peace.

Kontakion, tone 8

As a teacher of virtues and an adornment of hierarchs, / The Church glorifies you by singing, / through your prayers give to those who honor you love / correction of virtues and deliverance from temptations, / / ​​as invincibility.


We magnify you,/ great saints,/ and honor your holy memory,/ for you pray for us// Christ our God.


Troparion, tone 4

Thy martyr, Lord, (
) / in his suffering received an imperishable crown from You, our God, / having Thy strength, / overthrow the tormentors, / crush the demons of weak insolence. / Through his prayers / / save our souls.

Kontakion, tone 2

Thou hast appeared as a bright star, / the charmless one of the world, / proclaiming the Sun of Christ, / with Thy dawns, passion-bearing one (
), / and thou hast extinguished all the charm, / and thou hast given us light, / / ​​praying unceasingly for all of us.


We magnify you, / the passion-bearing saint (
), / and we honor your honest suffering, / which you endured for Christ.

Martyr of the twentieth century

Troparion, tone 4

Thy martyr, Lord, (
) / in his suffering received an imperishable crown from You, our God, / having Thy strength, / overthrow the tormentors, / crush the demons of weak insolence. / Through his prayers / / save our souls.

Kontakion, tone 2

The faithful son of the Russian Land appeared, / new martyr (
), / Christ, the Sun of Truth, proclaiming / and driving away the darkness of atheism. / Now your relatives affirm in the Orthodox faith, / / ​​praying for our souls.


We magnify you, / the passion-bearing saint (
), / and we honor your honest suffering, / which you endured for Christ.


Troparion, tone 4

Your Lamb, Jesus, (
), calls with a great voice:/ I love You, my Bridegroom,/ and seeking You, I suffer,/ and I am crucified and buried in Your Baptism,/ and I suffer for Your sake, as if I reign in You,/ and I die for You, and I live with You,/ but as an immaculate sacrifice, accept me, sacrificed to You with love.// By your prayers, for You are merciful, save our souls.

Kontakion, tone 2

Your all-honorable temple, as if you have found spiritual healing, / all the faithful cry out loudly to you: / great-named virgin martyr (
), / pray to Christ God unceasingly for all of us.


We magnify you,/ the passion-bearer of Christ (
),/ and honor your honest suffering,/ you endured for Christ.

Martyr of the twentieth century

Troparion, tone 4

Having lived piously in the law of the Lord,/ you have preserved the Orthodox faith,/ and having put the Russian Church to shame by the patience of the persecutors,/ you have accepted death for Christ,/ a glorious martyr (
),/ standing before the throne of God,// pray for the salvation of our souls.

Kontakion, tone 5

Like a meek lamb, / raised in the pastures of the Russian Church, / the passion-bearer of Christ (
), / in the midst of fierce tormentors, / you prayed warmly: / Lord, forgive them, / for they do not know what they are doing.


We magnify you, / holy martyr (
), / and honor your honest suffering, / even for Christ, / you endured.

To the martyrs

Troparion, tone 4

Thy martyrs, O Lord,/ in their suffering received incorruptible crowns from Thee, our God,/ having Thy strength,/ they overthrew the tormentors,/ crushed the demons of weak insolence./ With those prayers// save our souls.

Kontakion, tone 2

Lamps of light appearing, divine martyrs,/ illuminating all creation with the light of miracles,/ resolving ailments and always driving away deep darkness,// constantly praying to Christ God for all of us.


We magnify you, / holy passion-bearers, / and honor your honest sufferings, / which you naturally endured for Christ.


Troparion, tone 1

The lambs of words, the Lamb and the Shepherd, / brought by torment to Christ, / having ended the course / and having kept the faith, / the same today with a joyful soul we celebrate your holy memory, / magnifying Christ.

Kontakion, tone 4

We celebrate the memory of the Passion-Bearers of Christ, / and by faith asking for help / to deliver everyone from all sorrow, calling: / Our God is with us, / Who glorified these as he willed.


We magnify you, / holy passion-bearers, / and honor your honest sufferings, / which you naturally endured for Christ.


Troparion, tone 4

And you were a communicant in character,/ and a vicar of the throne, an apostle,/ you gained your deed, inspired by God,/ in a vision rising:/ for this sake, correcting the word of truth,/ and for the sake of faith, you suffered even to the point of blood,/ holy martyr (
),/ pray to Christ God // save our souls.

Kontakion, tone 4

Having lived piously among the saints/ and gone through torment,/ you extinguished the sacrifices of idols,/ and became a champion of your flock, God-wise./ We also reverence you, secretly crying out to you:/ deliver us from troubles always with your prayers,// Our Father (
) .


We magnify you,/ Hieromartyr
),/ and honor your holy memory,/ for you pray for us// Christ our God.

Hieromartyr of the twentieth century

Troparion, tone 3

An unshakable pillar of the Russian Church, / the rule of piety, / the life of the Gospel image, / a holy martyr (
), / who suffered for Christ’s sake even to the point of blood, / pray to Him fervently, / as the Author and Finisher of salvation, / to establish Holy Russia in Orthodoxy // until the end century.

Kontakion, tone 2

Let us praise, faithfully,/ a great saint (or priestess)/ and a glorious one among martyrs (
),/ a champion of Orthodoxy and a zealot of piety,/ the red vegetation of the Russian land,/ who through suffering has reached Heaven/ and there warmly prays to Christ God// to save souls ours.


We magnify you, / holy martyr (
), / and honor your honest sufferings, / even for Christ, / to establish Orthodoxy in Russia, / you endured.

To the Hieromartyrs

Troparion, tone 4

God our father,/ always deal with us according to your meekness,/ do not leave your mercy from us,/ but through their prayers// guide our life in peace.

Kontakion, tone 3

Like the lamps of the never-setting rational sun, / having come together today to praise with songs, / they shone for those who exist naturally in the darkness of unreason, / calling everyone to the height of piety, holy martyr. / With this we cry to you: // Rejoice, the foundation of fasters of all.


We magnify you,/ holy martyrs of Christ,/ and honor your holy memory,/ for you pray for us// Christ our God.

Venerable Martyr

Troparion, tone 8

In you, father, it is known that you were saved in the image:/ we accepted the Cross, you followed Christ,/ and you taught in action to despise the flesh, for it passes away,/ but to be careful about the souls, things more immortal,// In the same way, the angels rejoice, Reverend (
), your spirit.

Kontakion, tone 2

As a faster is pious and skillful,/ and a sufferer is honest in his will,/ and a desert dweller conforms to the desert,/ in songs we worthily praise (
) the ever-praising one,// because he has trampled upon the serpent.


We bless you,/ venerable martyr (
),/ and honor your holy memory,/ mentor of monks// and interlocutor of Angels.

Venerable Martyr of the 20th century

Troparion, tone 1

You were a faithful disciple of Christ even before death, / a venerable martyr (
) of everlasting memory, / you sanctified the Russian land through the exploits of fasting and the blood of torment. / Likewise, we, your children, cry out to you with love: / glory to Him who gave you strength, / glory to Him who crowned you , // glory to the One who glorified you with the new martyrs of Russia.

Kontakion, tone 3

Having left the worldly rebellion,/ you served God well,/ in the days of persecution of the Russian Church/ you shed your blood for Christ/ and with your suffering you stained our land./ The same prayer, O Venerable Martyr (
),/ that she may be preserved in Orthodoxy and piety // until the end of time.


We magnify you, / venerable martyr (
), / and honor your exploits and sufferings, / which you endured for Christ.

Venerable Martyr

Troparion, tone 4

Your Lamb, Jesus, (
), calls with a great voice:/ I love You, my Bridegroom,/ and seeking You, I suffer,/ and I am crucified and buried in Your Baptism,/ and I suffer for Your sake, as if I reign in You,/ and I die for You, and I live with You,/ but as an immaculate sacrifice, accept me, sacrificed to You with love.// By your prayers, for You are merciful, save our souls.

Kontakion, tone 4

Your divine memory, (
), has now shone, / appeared to the world like the sun, / telling your life: / for you have destroyed the movements of the flesh with abstinence, / and you have been ignorant of Christ’s suffering through blood. / Moreover, those who praise you, deliver you from all evils, so we call you :// Rejoice, reverend mother.


We magnify you,/ holy passion-bearer
),/ and honor your holy memory,/ for you pray for us// Christ our God.

Venerable Martyr of the 20th century

Troparion, tone 5

faithful disciple of Christ the Lord Jesus,/ the chosen lamb of the Church of Russia,/ the venerable passion-bearer (
),/ bearing the light yoke and wounds of His love,/ the ladder of torment/ to Him, as the Heavenly Bridegroom, you have risen up,/ whom the people of Russia pray to preserve in piety // and save our souls.

Kontakion, tone 4

Like a crimson-shaped crimson, / in the midst of the thorns of atheism, / you flourished in your earthly fatherland, / an honorable martyr (
), / having adorned your feats of abstinence with suffering, / you rose to the Heavenly Bridegroom Christ, / Who crowned you with the beauty of incorruptible glory.


We magnify you, / the venerable passion-bearer mother (
), / and we honor your honorable sufferings, / even for Christ, / to establish Orthodoxy in Russia, / you endured.

Venerable Martyrs

Troparion, tone 4

God our father,/ always deal with us according to your meekness,/ do not leave your mercy from us,/ but through their prayers// guide our life in peace.

Kontakion, tone 2

There are many unceasingly passing worries, / the bodiless enemies, with streams of your tears, have firmly immersed your nature, / God-wisdom and reverence, / and the gift of miracles you have received, / / ​​pray unceasingly for all of us.


We bless you,/ venerable martyrs,/ and honor your holy memory,/ mentor of monks,// and interlocutor of Angels.

To the priest and venerable confessor

Troparion, tone 8

Teacher of Orthodoxy,/ teacher of piety and purity,/ lamp of the universe,/ God-inspired fertilizer of the bishops,/ (
) wise,/ you have enlightened everything with your teachings, O spiritual priest,// pray to Christ God for the salvation of our souls.

Kontakion, tone 2

Having enjoyed, O wise God, abstinence / and the desires of the flesh, you have fallen asleep, / having appeared, we bring back by faith, / and like the life of the tree of paradise, you have flourished, / / ​​(
), holy father.

Greatness to the priestly confessor

We magnify you,/ holy father (
),/ and honor your holy memory,/ for you pray for us// Christ our God.

Greatness to the Reverend Confessor

We bless you,/ Reverend Father (
),/ and honor your holy memory,/ mentor of monks// and interlocutor of Angels.

To the priest of the twentieth century

Troparion, tone 2

Hiero-confessor father (
), / in the days of the godless persecution of the Russian Church / reproach, imprisonment, exile and bitter work / you endured for Christ’s sake, / and nothing separated you from the love of God. / Having also lived piously in the world, / you testified to the Lord Jesus Christ, // pray to Him for the salvation of our souls.

Kontakion, tone 2

Like a new star, you appeared to the Russian Church,/ patiently-hearted (
) sacred confessor,/ glorifying Christ God/ and in the night of godlessness, showing the way to the faithful./ We also pray to you:/ pray to us, your relatives,/ to be established in the Orthodox faith// and to save our souls ours.


We magnify you,/ sacred confessor (
),/ and honor your holy memory,/ because you pray for us// Christ our God.

To the reverend confessor of the twentieth century

Troparion, tone 2

Reverend Confessor Father (
), / in the days of the godless persecution of the Russian Church / reproach, imprisonment, exile and bitter work / you endured for Christ’s sake, / and nothing separated you from the love of God. / Having also lived piously in the world, / you testified to the Lord Jesus Christ, // pray to Him for the salvation of our souls.

Kontakion, tone 2

Like a new star, you appeared to the Russian Church,/ patiently-hearted (
) reverend confessor,/ glorifying Christ God/ and in the night of godlessness, showing the way to the faithful./ We also pray to you:/ pray to us, your relatives,/ to be established in the Orthodox faith// and to save our souls ours.


We bless you,/ Reverend Confessor (
),/ and honor your holy memory,/ mentor of monks// and interlocutor of Angels.

Reverend confessor of the twentieth century

Troparion, tone 5

A faithful disciple of Christ the Lord Jesus,/ a chosen lamb of the Church of Russia,/ a reverend mother (
),/ bearing the light yoke and wounds of the Lord with love,/ a ladder of virtues and a confession of faith/ to Him? like the Heavenly Bridegroom? rose up? Thou art,/ Pray to preserve the people of Russia in piety// And save our souls.

Kontakion, tone 4

Like a fragrant bean, / in the midst of the desert of godlessness, / you flourished in your earthly Fatherland, reverend mother (
), / and having adorned your feats of abstinence with the confession of faith, / you rose to the Heavenly Bridegroom Christ, / Who crowned you with the beauty of incorruptible glory.


We magnify you, / the venerable passion-bearer mother (
), / and we honor your honorable sufferings, / even for Christ, / to establish Orthodoxy in Russia, / you endured.

Confessor of the twentieth century

Troparion, tone 4

Having endured suffering for Christ, / you have preserved the Orthodox faith, / and by the patience of the persecutors you have put to shame the Russian Church, / you have lived piously in the law of the Lord, / a glorious confessor (
), / standing before the Throne of God, / pray for the salvation of our souls.

Kontakion, tone 2

Like a new star, you appeared to the Russian Church,/ patiently-hearted (
) confessor,/ glorifying Christ God/ and in the night of godlessness, showing the way to the faithful./ We also pray to you:/ pray to us, your relatives,/ to be established in the Orthodox faith// and to save our souls ours.


We magnify you, / holy confessor (
), / and honor your holy memory, / because you pray for us // Christ? Our God.

Confessor of the 20th century

Troparion, tone 4

Having lived piously in the law of the Lord,/ you have preserved the Orthodox faith,/ and by the patience of the persecutors you have put to shame the Russian Church,/ you have endured suffering for Christ,/ a glorious confessor (
),/ standing before the throne of God,// pray for the salvation of our souls.

Kontakion, tone 4

Like a fragrant plant, / in the midst of the desert of godlessness, / you flourished in your earthly Fatherland, / blessed mother (
), / and having adorned your virtuous life with a confession of faith, / you rose to the Heavenly Bridegroom Christ, / Who crowned you with the beauty of incorruptible glory.


We magnify you,/ confessor of Christ (
),/ and honor your holy memory,/ for you pray for us// Christ our God.


Troparion, tone 8

In you, father, it is known that you were saved in the image:/ we accepted the Cross, you followed Christ,/ and you taught in action to despise the flesh, for it passes away,/ but to be careful about the souls, things more immortal,// In the same way, the angels rejoice, Reverend (
), your spirit.

Troparion, tone 8

With the streams of your tears you have cultivated the barren land,/ and those from the depths of sighs with a hundred labors have brought forth fruit,/ and you have been a lamp of the universe, shining miracles,/ (
) Our Father,// pray to Christ God for the salvation of our souls.

Kontakion, tone 2

Having armed yourself with divine purity of soul, / and having firmly handed over unceasing prayers like a copy, / you have broken through the demonic hosts, / (
), our father, / / ​​pray unceasingly for all of us.


We bless you,/ Reverend Father (
),/ and honor your holy memory,/ mentor of monks// and interlocutor of Angels.


Troparion, tone 8

In you, mother, it is known that you were saved in the image:/ for you accepted the Cross, you followed Christ,/ and in action you taught to despise the flesh, for it passes away,/ to adhere to the souls, things more immortal,// In the same way, the angels rejoice, reverent (
), your spirit.

Kontakion, tone 2

For the love of the Lord, venerable one, / you hated the desire for peace, / having enlightened your spirit with fasting: / you powerfully conquered the beasts; / but with your prayers / / destroy the vacillation of those who oppose you.


We bless you, / reverend mother (
), / and honor your holy memory, / for you pray for us / / Christ our God.


Troparion, tone 4

God our father,/ always deal with us according to Your meekness,/ do not leave Your mercy from us,/ but through their prayers// guide our life in peace.

Kontakion, tone 2

There are many unceasingly passing worries, / the bodiless enemies, with streams of your tears, have firmly immersed your nature, / God-wisdom and reverence, / and the gift of miracles you have received, / / ​​pray unceasingly for all of us.


We bless you,/ Reverend Fathers,/ and honor your holy memory,/ mentors of monks,// and interlocutors of Angels.

To the Reverend Wives

Troparion, tone 2

The true desire of the ignorant, Christ-glorifying, / and the temporary betrothed, rejecting copulation, / and virtuous deeds of increasing age, / to heights? in the east of incorruptibility, / red-heartedness and abundance of wealth, / pillars of monastic wives and rule, / also pray for us unceasingly, / / ​​those who celebrate your memory with love.

Kontakion, tone 2

Having exhausted your body with fasting,/ and begging the Creator for your sins with incessant prayers,/ so that you may receive perfect forgiveness,/ and receive divine forgiveness/ and the kingdom of heaven,// pray to Christ? God for all of us.


We bless you, / reverend mother, / and honor your holy memory, / for you pray for us / / Christ our God.


Troparion, tone 8

Holy saints without money and miracle workers,/ visit our infirmities // eat tuna, give us tuna.

Kontakion, tone 2

You receive grace for healings,/ extend health to those in need,/ physicians, wonderworkers of glory,/ but with your visit/ bring down warriors of insolence,// healing miracles for the world.


We magnify you,/ glorious miracle workers (
),/ and honor your honest sufferings,/ which you naturally endured for Christ.

For Christ's sake the holy fools

Troparion, tone 1

Hearing the voice of Your Apostle Paul, he said:/ We are fools for Christ’s sake,/ Your servant, O Christ God, (
)/ Become a fool on earth for Your sake;/ We also honor his memory,/ We pray to You, O Lord, // save our souls.

Kontakion, tone 8

Desiring the highest beauty, / the lower pleasures of the body, you left languidly, / through the non-acquisitiveness of the vanity world, passing through the angelic life, / having passed away, (
) blessed, / / ​​with them, pray to Christ God unceasingly for all of us.


We please you,/ righteous saint (
),/ and honor your holy memory,/ for you pray for us // Christ? Our God.



(according to secular style - on Sunday evening after Little Compline): Canon of Repentance to our Lord Jesus Christ.


: Canon of prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos.


: Canon to the Guardian Angel.


: Canon to Saint John the Baptist.


: Canon, Akathist or prayers to your patron saint, whose name you bear.


: To the Sweetest Jesus.


: the first (evening) part of the procession to Holy Communion. The second (morning) part of the sequence is read after the 1st hour.

Attendance at the Divine Liturgy on Sunday is a MANDATORY and IMMEDIATE rule for an Orthodox believer, as is the communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. An exception to this RULE is possible only due to a serious or contagious illness, as well as in the event of a natural or social disaster, when it is impossible to get to church.

Note: in this prayer rule and the attached Orthodox calendar, the beginning of a new day is considered to be 18:00.

Apostolic reading:

The Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the Ephesians, chapter 5, verses 8 - 19

You were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord: walk as children of light, for the fruit of the Spirit consists of all goodness, righteousness and truth. Test what is pleasing to God, and do not participate in the fruitless works of darkness, but also reprove. For what they do in secret is shameful to even talk about. Everything that is revealed is made manifest by the light, for everything that becomes manifest is light. Therefore it is said: “Awake, O sleeper, and rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.” Therefore, take heed and walk cautiously, not as fools, but as wise, valuing the time, because the days are evil. So, do not be unreasonable, but know what the will of God is. And do not get drunk with wine, which causes debauchery; but be filled with the Spirit, speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your hearts to the Lord,

priest Stefan (Domuschi)

The Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the Hebrews, chapter 13, verses 17 - 21

Obey your teachers and be submissive, for they are vigilantly watching over your souls, as those who are obliged to give an account; so that they do this with joy, and not sighing, for this is not good for you. Pray for us; for we are confident that we have a good conscience, because we desire to behave honestly in everything. I especially ask you to do this so that I can be returned to you as soon as possible. May the God of peace, who raised up from the dead the great Shepherd of the sheep through the blood of the everlasting covenant, our Lord Jesus Christ, perfect you in every good work to do His will, working in you that which is pleasing to Him through Jesus Christ. Glory to him forever and ever! Amen.

priest Dmitry (Baritsky)

St. Nicholas is known even to those who rarely come to church. He is one of the most famous saints of the Christian world. His life was full of difficulties and feats of overcoming them: he was in prison and on the verge of death, he helped out the poor and those in difficulties. And today we can turn to an amazing miracle worker, dear to many generations of our ancestors. Ask for his intercession in the most difficult situations. And this will not be paganism or the creation of an “idol”. The saint was and remains a Christian, showing us a worthy example of a holy life and the reality of miracles.

The editors of “Thomas” wish you a good Sunday in church!

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