Word on the 1st passage. Reasons for the Jewish rebellion against Christ

Everyone who has read the Holy Gospel knows that Jesus Christ, being the only begotten son of God, was incarnated as a man from the Holy Spirit, who descended on the Virgin Mary.

His life and ministry are described in sufficient detail by the evangelists. But his death and subsequent Resurrection is what was predicted in the Old Testament. Why did this have to happen? How did all the cause and effect come together so that all the predictions about Jesus Christ came true?

These are very difficult questions. To answer them, you need to turn to the only truthful source - the Holy Gospel.

The reason why Jesus Christ was crucified

Photo: Flickr.com

The Gospel of Matthew says:

At that time they had a famous prisoner called Barabbas;

So, when they had gathered, Pilate said to them: whom do you want me to release to you: Barabbas, or Jesus, who is called Christ?

for he knew that they had betrayed Him out of envy.

While he was sitting in the judgment seat, his wife sent him to say: Do not do anything to the Righteous One, because now in a dream I have suffered a lot for Him.

But the chief priests and elders stirred up the people to ask Barabbas and to destroy Jesus. Gospel of Matthew (Matthew 27:15–26)

That is, the reason is clearly indicated to us: out of envy.

The people who listened to Christ's sermons when he taught him in the temple accepted his teaching with their hearts. It was so true that people were willing to go any distance to hear His preaching. They followed Jesus, listening to Him and accepting him as the Messiah. In addition, all those miracles that he showed people, healing the sick, raising the dead, feeding thousands of people with five loaves, indicated that he was not just another preacher, but exactly who he calls himself - the Son of God.

Because of his activities, the scribes and Pharisees lost their influence before our eyes, and, therefore, their income. The opportunity to increase their storehouses, decorate their robes, recline at feasts and sit in synagogues floated away from them. Now it was not them, but Jesus Christ who were greeted by the people's assemblies. He was called the Teacher, not the scribes and Pharisees. This was precisely the reason that envy and anger strangled the former authorities for the people.

And since the scribes and Pharisees lived among the people for many years, knew their weaknesses and vices, which they themselves instilled in the people, it was not difficult for them to press on the right strings.

The Lord saw everything in advance, he knew about his fate, but gave the Jews the right to choose between good and evil. And they chose a cross for him, shouting in unison “Crucify, crucify.”

Envy and malice are the reasons indicated in the Gospel itself that led Jesus Christ to Calvary.

Pontius Pilate

Understanding the question of who killed Jesus Christ, we need to dwell on the episode of the meeting with Pontius Pilate. He was a Roman prefect who represented Roman interests in Judea from 26 to 36 AD. Unlike Jesus Christ, about whose personality there are many legends (there is still debate as to whether he existed), Pilate is a historical character. In fact, he was the governor of Rome in Judea.

Historians who have studied that period note that Pilate was a cruel ruler. In those years, executions and mass violence were often carried out. Mass popular uprisings caused increasing political oppression, rising taxes, and provocations from Pilate, who insulted the customs and religious beliefs of the Jews. The Romans mercilessly suppressed all attempts to resist this.

Contemporaries often characterize Pilate as a corrupt and cruel tyrant who is guilty of numerous executions carried out without investigation or trial. Addressing Emperor Caligula, King Agrippa I of Judea claims that Pilate engaged in violence, bribery, handed down countless death sentences, and was unbearably cruel.

At that time, Herod Philip II was the ruler of Judea. However, it cannot be argued that there was a Jewish king who killed Jesus Christ. Real power belonged to the Roman governors, who relied on local high priests.


Photo: School.orthpatr.ru
But, as already said, the death of Christ was predetermined from the beginning; he had to die in order to cheat death. It was a way to cure humanity of original sin. The Lord knew what he had to endure in order to atone for the sins of mankind. That’s why he calls himself the son of man, emphasizing that he will suffer like a man, but having died, he will be resurrected.

And thus, to every person consisting of flesh and blood, God gave hope that resurrection awaits him, but at the same time, the main thing is to preserve his immortal soul from sin. That is why believers do not lose heart when reading the description of the terrible torment of the Lord. They just have to prevent them from happening again. But every time people sin, they again send Jesus Christ to the cross, making his atoning sacrifice meaningless.


The recently shown television series based on the novel by Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita” attracted the attention of many people in our country. There was a heated discussion of this series on the pages of central newspapers. In this article we will not attempt to analyze everything that is touched upon in the novel, or to engage in polemics with the authors of critical newspaper articles. We will try to draw the attention of our readers to one of the most important issues raised in the novel by Mikhail Afanasyevich, which all critics and analysts are trying to silence. This is the question of whether or not the crucifixion of Christ happened .

Umberto Eco , an outstanding Italian writer, author of the works “The Name of the Rose” and “Foucault’s Pendulum”, famous in elite circles, a professor at the University of Bologna, famous for his work in medieval studies, cultural history and semiotics, in early 1996, in an interview with the Russian Obshchaya Gazeta, expressed seditious thought: “The Bible is hyperinformation, created over 2000 years, and only a madman can read it from beginning to end.” It turns out that according to Western statistics, 17% of people who read the Bible from beginning to end go crazy.

Umberto Eco is right. The fact is that with a careful and thoughtful reading of the Bible, a person’s consciousness comes into conflict with the subconscious. For in one part of the Bible he reads the revelation given by God: “Thou shalt not kill!” And in another part of the same Bible he finds: “ The Lord your God goes before you like a consuming fire, he will destroy them (meaning other nations) and cast them down before you...”, or “When the Lord your God yours, he will destroy the nations to whom the Lord your God gives the land...” (Deuteronomy). And there are many similar examples in the Bible.

Below are quotes from the Bible from two prophets: Solomon and Isaiah. For the reader who is not familiar with the Bible and its plots, we will very briefly explain the essence of the issue of prophecies. In those distant “biblical times” people lived poorly and difficultly. But everyone wanted to live happily... And everyone was waiting for the Messiah (miracle worker) who would make their life happy. And the prophets prophesied about when he would come, what he would be like, what he would do to make everyone happy. Solomon and Isaiah were among the first such prophets. Solomon came first, and Isaiah came right after him. Read key excerpts from these two prophecies. Think about it. Compare.

The people did not wait for the Messiah

Photo: Radiovera.ru
Why did those people who followed the Lord in crowds, saw the miracles that He performed for them, suddenly turn away from him so easily? Why didn’t they shout down the crowd that was sending Him to death?

Perhaps, and this is one of the versions, He did not live up to their expectations. The Jews believed that He was the Messiah who would become a leader, free Israel from the power of the pagans, make it great and the whole world would respect their state. But instead of taking power from King Herod by force and expelling the Romans who enslaved the Israelites, Christ called the Jews to repentance and prayer. He preached humility and mercy, not war and violence.

As a result: those who a few days ago at the entrance to Jerusalem shouted “Hosanna to the son of David”, a few days later shouted “Crucify, crucify Him!” at the palace of the governor Pontius Pilate.

Passion of Christ

The answer to the question of who killed Jesus Christ can be found in the pages of the Bible. According to the Gospel, the last days and hours of his life brought him a lot of suffering. In Christianity, this is usually called Holy Week. These are the last days before Easter, during which believers prepare for the holiday.

To the list of the Passion of Christ, theologians include:

  • Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem.
  • Supper in Bethany.
  • Washing the disciples' feet.
  • Last Supper.
  • The path to the Garden of Gethsemane.
  • Prayer for the cup.
  • The Kiss of Judas and the subsequent arrest of Jesus.
  • Appearance in the Sanhedrin.
  • Denial of the Apostle Peter.
  • Appearance of Jesus before Pontius Pilate.
  • The Flagellation of Christ.
  • Desecration and crowning with thorns.
  • Way of the Cross.
  • Soldiers tearing off their clothes and playing them with dice.
  • Crucifixion.
  • Death of Christ.
  • Position in the coffin.
  • Descent into hell.
  • Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Epistle of Peter

The Apostle Peter also speaks about the death of Jesus Christ in his letter. He provides evidence that Christ also suffered for the sins of people, being a righteous man, in order to bring unrighteous people to God.

Have a good conscience, so that those for whom you are slandered as evildoers may be put to shame by those who reproach your good life in Christ.

For, if the will of God pleases, it is better to suffer for good deeds than for evil ones;

because Christ, in order to lead us to God, once suffered for our sins, the righteous for the unjust, being put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the Spirit,

to whom He and the spirits in prison, having descended, preached

1 Peter 3 verse 18

Kiss of Judas

Answering the question of who killed Jesus Christ, many agree that one of the key culprits was his disciple Judas Iscariot. This was the only Jew of all the apostles; the rest came from Galilee. According to legend, in their community he was the treasurer, responsible for the donation box. Many researchers are inclined to believe that he stole.

Judas agreed to betray Jesus Christ for 30 pieces of silver. When the guards came to the Garden of Gethsemane, Judas, in order to point to the Savior, came up and kissed him in front of the guards. Since then, the popular expression “Kiss of Judas” has been known, which denotes betrayal by the closest person.

When Jesus was sentenced to crucifixion, Judas repented of his actions. He returned the 30 pieces of silver to the high priests, declaring that he had sinned by betraying an innocent man. He threw the money on the floor of the temple and then committed suicide.

Jesus Christ preached in Judea, and the priests considered him a false prophet and decided to execute him

In the context of talking about the death of Christ, we will not dwell in detail on the details of His life. It's not that important now. Let's get down to the facts. A few years before our era, according to the Gospel story, an amazing man was born, about whom they would later say that He was the Son of God.

Article “John the Baptist” on hranitel.club

Until about the age of 30, almost nothing is known about Jesus Christ, but then He goes out to preach following the example of his relative, John the Baptist, whose disciples make up Jesus’ first audience.

The first disciples of Jesus Christ came to him from the disciples of John the Baptist.

There are different assessments of the person of Christ. They say that He:

  • Prophet;
  • A common person;
  • Artifice;
  • Man-god;
  • Son of God;
  • Archangel Michael.

We will adhere exclusively to the Orthodox interpretation. According to it, Christ became famous through miracles and sermons. He positioned himself as the true heir of the Jewish faith, while many Jews were not righteous enough in their devotion to God.

The preaching of Jesus Christ was displeasing to the high priests of Judea

The preaching of Christ was not something unique to Judea. In those years, it was under the rule of Rome, the temple was destroyed, and the Jews perceived these circumstances as terrible times in which the Messiah would appear. That is why there were enough such “messiahs” regularly.

However, according to the biblical account, it was Jesus Christ who became the problem for the high priests of Judea. They considered Him a false prophet and decided to achieve the death of Christ by any means.


The Koran directly states that there was no execution, that all this “presented itself” to them, that is, a certain mystery (performance) was played out. “And because they (the Jews) broke the covenant, and did not believe in the signs of Allah, and beat the prophets without right, and said: “Our hearts are not circumcised” (No! Allah put a seal on them for their disbelief, and they believe only a little), and for their unbelief, and for the fact that they uttered a great lie against Maryam, and for their words: “We killed the Messiah, Jesus, the son of Maryam, the Messenger of Allah” (but they did not kill him and did not crucify him, but it only appeared to them ; and, verily, those who disagree about it are in doubt about it; they have no knowledge about it, except following the proposal. They did not kill him, no, Allah exalted him to Himself: after all Allah is great and wise!…

and for the injustice of those who profess Judaism, We have withheld from them the benefits that were permitted to them, and We have prepared a painful punishment for the disbelievers" (Sura 4, verse 152-159, excerpts)

Elixir of Youth of Count Cagliostro

According to rumors, the Vatican archives contain a manuscript of Count Alesandro Cagliostro, who was fond of alchemy. It describes the elixir of youth. We only know about this character from the Soviet comedy “Elixir of Love”.

The star of “The Last Hero” told how and with whom he spent the period of self-isolation

The mayor of Moscow spoke in his blog about the improvement of Krasnaya Presnya

You can also have sweets: a nutritionist said that it’s not harmful to eat sweets in the morning

In fact, Giuseppe Balsamo (real name) was an unsurpassed adventurer. He lived at the end of the 18th century. He was a member of the high society of European monarchies and was adored at the royal court of Russia. He was an incredibly charming and talented person.

However, this gigolo attracted the attention of the Vatican because, according to rumors, he had a recipe for eternal youth. He was captured by the Inquisition and thrown into dungeons, where he died. Eyewitnesses report that they saw his recipe for rejuvenation in church archives.

It is curious that the description of the process is very reminiscent of the Indian rejuvenation practice “Kaya Kappa”, which supposedly prolongs life by decades. However, we are not talking about immortality.

Three secrets of Fatima

In 1917, in the vicinity of the Portuguese town of Fatima, the image of the Virgin Mary repeatedly appeared to three shepherd children. During the vision, she warned humanity of impending dangers. The first two secrets were eventually made public. They concern the nature of Hell, the imminent end of the First World War, the revolution in Russia and the persecution of Christians, a new big war, famine, and epidemics.

But the third secret remained secret for a very long time. In 2000, Pope John Paul II revealed the contents of the prophecy. Supposedly we are talking about the final battle between good and evil. But it is silent when this should happen. However, conspiracy theorists doubt that the whole truth has been told to society.


M.A. Bulgakov in “The Master and Margarita” masterfully reveals how everything happened. “A wide lunar road stretches from the bed to the window, and a man in a white cloak with a bloody lining rises onto this road and begins to walk towards the moon. Next to him is a young man in a torn tunic and with a disfigured face. Those walking are talking passionately about something, arguing. They want to agree on something.

“Gods, gods,” the man in the cloak says, turning his arrogant face to his companion, “what a vulgar execution!” But please tell me,” here the face turns from arrogant to pleading, “after all, she wasn’t there!” I beg you, tell me, wasn’t it?

“Well, of course it wasn’t,” the companion answers in a hoarse voice, “you imagined it.”

- And you can swear to this? - the man in the raincoat asks ingratiatingly.

“I swear,” the companion answers, and for some reason his eyes smile.

- I don’t need anything else! — the man in the cloak screams in a broken voice and rises higher and higher towards the moon, dragging away his companion. Behind them comes a calm and majestic giant pointy-eared dog.” With this episode, in which Yeshua and Pontius Pilate walk side by side, M. A. Bulgakov ends his novel.

Those interested can familiarize themselves in detail with such a New reading of the novel in the work “The Master and Margarita: a hymn to demonism? or the gospel of selfless faith.”

Center for Falsification of History

The monks of the Jesuit order especially suffer from the progressive public. They showed remarkable activity a couple of centuries ago, allegedly carrying out an educational mission.

Having access to ancient books and archives from different countries, they could really learn many secrets. And also influence the interpretation of history in a way that was beneficial to the Vatican. It is no secret that the church is not only responsible for spiritual development, but also actively intervened in big politics.

But we won't know the truth anytime soon. In the distant future, most likely, too. Secret information can influence fragile minds and lead to chaos.

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There are many legends associated with the Way of the Cross of Christ

The Savior was forced to carry the cross to the place of execution. According to legend, this is Mount Golgotha. If you visit Jerusalem, they will show you this mountain, but it is not at all a fact that it is the very place where Jesus was crucified.

G. Memling’s painting “Saint Veronica” depicts a board on which the face of the Savior appeared

There are several versions, and it is not a fact that at least one of them is correct.

There are many legends associated with the Way of the Cross of Christ. Here are just two of them:

  • Veronica's Plat . The good Jewish woman Veronica wiped the blood and sweat from the face of Christ, after which the face of the Savior appeared on her scarf. Currently, several relics are known that claim to be called Veronica's board.
  • The Eternal Jew . The Savior got tired along the way and asked a Jew named Agasferus for permission to lean against the wall of his house, but the owner insulted the Savior. Jesus Christ cursed this man with immortality. Now Agasfer is forced to wander around the world until the Second Coming.

These stories have a lot of variations and have been played out many times in works of art.

Ahasferus (Eternal Jew) - a man, according to legend, doomed to immortality for insulting Christ (drawing by G. Dore)


FROM THE PROPHECIES OF SOLOMON (in the Bible - The Wisdom of Solomon)
2. Those who think wrongly said to themselves: “Our life is short and sad, and there is no salvation for man from death, and they do not know that anyone will free him from hell. 2 We were born by chance and afterward we will be like those who never were: the breath in our nostrils is smoke, and the word is a spark in the movement of our heart. 3 When it is extinguished, the body turns to dust, and the spirit dissipates like liquid air; 4 And our name will be forgotten in time, and no one will remember our deeds; and our life will pass like the trace of a cloud and dissipate like fog, dispersed by the rays of the sun and aggravated by its warmth. 5 For our life is the passing of a shadow, and there is no return for us from death: for a seal has been set, and no one returns. 6 Let us enjoy real blessings and hasten to enjoy the world as youth; 7 let us be filled with expensive wine and incense, and may the spring blossom of life not pass us by; 8 Let us be crowned with rose flowers before they wither; 9 let none of us deprive ourselves of participation in our enjoyment; Let us leave traces of joy everywhere, for this is our share and our lot. 10 We will oppress the poor righteous , we will not spare the widow, and we will not be ashamed of the old man’s long gray hairs. 11 Let our strength be the law of righteousness, for weakness is useless. 12 Let us make feats for the righteous, for he is a burden to us and opposes our deeds, reproaches us for doing things against the law and reproaches us for the sins of our upbringing; 13 declares himself to have the knowledge of God and calls himself the son of the Lord; 14 He is before us as a reproof of our thoughts. 15 It is difficult for us to look at him, for his life is not like the life of others, and his ways are different: 16 he considers us an abomination and shuns our ways as from uncleanness, he rejoices at the death of the righteous and vainly calls God his father. 17 We will see whether his words are true, and we will test what his outcome will be; 18 For if this righteous man is the son of God, then God will protect him and deliver him from the hand of his enemies. 19 Let us test him with insult and torment, so that we may know his humility and see his gentleness; 20 We will condemn him to a dishonorable death, for, according to him, he will be taken care of . 21 So they reasoned and were mistaken; for their malice blinded them, 22 and they did not know the mysteries of God, did not expect reward for holiness, and did not consider blameless souls worthy of reward . 23God created man for incorruptibility and made him the image of His eternal existence; 24 But through the envy of the devil death entered the world, and those who belong to his inheritance experience it.

3. But the souls of the righteous are in the hand of God, and torment will not touch them . 2 In the eyes of the foolish they seemed dead, and their departure seemed like destruction, 3 and their departure from us seemed like destruction; but they are at peace. 4 For, although they are punished in the eyes of people, their hope is full of immortality. 5 And although they were punished a little, they will be greatly favored, because God tested them and found them worthy of Him. 6 He tested them like gold in the furnace and accepted them as a perfect sacrifice. 7 When they are rewarded, they will shine like sparks running along a stalk. 8 They will judge nations and rule over nations, and the Lord will reign over them forever. 9 Those who trust in Him will know the truth, and those who are faithful in love will abide with Him; for grace and mercy are with His saints and providence for His elect. 10 But the wicked, as they thought, will suffer punishment because they despised the righteous and departed from the Lord . 11 For those who despise wisdom and instruction are wretched, and their hope is vain, and their labors are fruitless, and their works are useless.


52. Arise, arise, put on your strength, O Zion! Put on the garments of your majesty, O Jerusalem, holy city! For the uncircumcised and unclean will no longer enter you. 2 Shake off your dust; Arise, captive Jerusalem! remove the chains from your neck, captive daughter of Zion! 3 For thus says the Lord: You were sold for nothing, and without money you will be redeemed; 5 And now what do I have here? says the Lord; My people are taken for nothing, their rulers are furious, says the Lord, and constantly, every day, My name is dishonored. 6 Therefore my people will know my name; therefore he will know on that day that I am the same who said: “Here am I!” 10 The Lord has bared His holy arm in the sight of all nations; and all the ends of the earth will see the salvation of our God. 13 Behold, my servant will prosper, and will be exalted and exalted and exalted. 14 How many were amazed when they looked at You; His face was so disfigured more than any man, and His appearance more than the sons of men! 15 So He will make many nations astonished; the kings will shut their mouths before him, for they will see what was not told to them, and will know what they have not heard.

53. [Lord!] who believed what was heard from us, and to whom was the arm of the Lord revealed? 2 For he came up before Him as an offspring and as a sprout from dry ground; there is neither appearance nor grandeur in it; and we saw Him, and there was no appearance in Him that would attract us to Him. 3 He was despised and despised before men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with pain, and we turned our faces away from him; He was despised, and we thought nothing of Him. 4 But he took upon himself our infirmities and bore our diseases; and we thought that He was being smitten, punished and humiliated by God. 5 But he was wounded for our sins and tormented for our iniquities; the punishment of our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we were healed. 6 We all like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way: and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all. 7 He was tortured, but He suffered voluntarily and did not open His mouth; as He was led as a sheep to the slaughter, and as a lamb is silent before His shearers, so He did not open His mouth. 8 He was taken from bondage and judgment; but who will explain His generation? for He is cut off from the land of the living; for the crimes of my people I suffered execution . 9 They assigned him a grave with the wicked, but he was buried with a rich man, because he committed no sin, and no lie was found in his mouth. 10 But the Lord was pleased to smite Him, and He gave Him over to torture; when His soul brings a sacrifice of propitiation , He will see long-lasting offspring, and the will of the Lord will be successfully fulfilled by His hand. 11 He will look upon the struggle of His soul with contentment; through the knowledge of Him , He, the Righteous One, My Servant, will justify many and bear their sins . 12 Therefore I will give Him a portion among the great, and He will share the spoil with the mighty , because He gave His soul to death and was counted among the evildoers, while He bore the sin of many and became an intercessor for the criminals .

59. Behold, the hand of the Lord is not too short to save, and His ear is not too heavy to hear. 2 But your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God, and your sins have turned His face away from you, so that you will not hear. 3 For your hands are defiled with blood, and your fingers with iniquity; your mouth speaks lies, your tongue utters lies. 8 They do not know the way of peace, and there is no judgment in their paths; their paths are crooked, and no one who walks on them knows peace. 9 That is why judgment is far from us, and justice does not reach us ; We wait for the light, and then there is darkness, for illumination, and we walk in the darkness. 10 We touch a wall like the blind, and feel our way like those without eyes; We stumble at noon, like at dusk, among the living - like the dead. 11 We all roar like bears and groan like doves; We are waiting for judgment, and there is no salvation, but it is far from us . 12 For our transgressions are many before you, and our sins testify against us; For our transgressions are with us, and our iniquities we know. 13 We have betrayed and lied before the Lord, and have departed from our God; they spoke slander and treason, conceived and gave birth to false words from the heart. 14 And judgment retreated back, and righteousness stood afar off , for truth was stumbled in the marketplace, and honesty could not enter. 15 Truth has ceased, and he who shuns evil is insulted. And the Lord saw this, and it was disgusting to His eyes that there was no judgment. 16 And he saw that there was no man, and marveled that there was no intercessor ; and His arm helped Him, and His righteousness upheld Him. 17 And He put righteousness on Himself as breastplate, and the helmet of salvation on His head; and he put on the robe of vengeance as if it were a garment, and covered himself with jealousy as with a cloak. 18 According to the measure of retribution, according to this measure He will repay His opponents with rage, His enemies with vengeance , He will pay tribute to the islands. 19 And they will fear the name of the Lord in the west, and His glory at the rising of the sun. Even if the enemy comes like a river, the breath of the Lord will drive Him away. 20 And the Redeemer of Zion and the sons of Jacob who are turned from wickedness will come, says the Lord . 21 And this is my covenant with them, says the Lord: My Spirit which is upon you, and my words which I have put in your mouth, shall not depart from your mouth, nor from the mouth of your descendants, nor from the mouth of the descendants of your descendants, says the Lord, from now until forever.

60. Arise, shine, [Jerusalem], for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. 2 For behold, darkness will cover the earth, and darkness over the nations; and the Lord will shine upon you , and His glory will appear upon you. 3 And nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness that rises above you. … 10 Then the sons of foreigners will build your walls, and their kings will serve you; For in My anger I struck you down, but in My favor I will be merciful to you. 11 And your gates will always be open, they will not be shut day or night, so that the wealth of the nations may be brought to you and their kings may be brought in. 12 For the people and kingdoms that do not want to serve you will perish, and such nations will be completely destroyed .

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