Strong prayers to Matrona of Moscow for help, how to write a note

Particularly revered Saint Matrona of Moscow

If you have been to the Intercession Monastery with Matrona, you were able to notice an extraordinary feeling of responsiveness and warmth that emanates from the icon during a prayer address to Mother. It’s as if you are having a conversation about your needs with a living, soulful person.

Matrona of Moscow led a modest life until her death, bringing healing to the sick, helping the weak, although she herself was weak. But God gave her great power - to help people. Her prophecies came true and are coming true now. She was first buried at the Danilovsky cemetery in 1552. Only a few decades later her relics were transferred to the Intercession Monastery.

All her life she was considered blessed, but she was not offended, lived modestly, predicted many events, healed people from illnesses, and instilled faith in them.

Even today she will provide assistance to everyone who comes to the temple with faith.

Mother said that the enemy sits on our left shoulder, and on the right is an angel. Get baptized often! The cross is a lock, like on a door.

Veneration of Saint Matrona and how she helps

Born blind, and at the age of 17, due to paralysis of her legs, deprived of the ability to move, Matrona never succumbed to despondency. She humbly accepted her injuries and considered them a gift from the Lord and a test of her spiritual faith. From childhood, Matronushka was pious, often prayed a lot, spent several hours in the temple, could find icons by touch and determine who was depicted on them.

At the age of 8, Matrona began to predict various events, give advice and heal the sick.

The fame of the blind girl's incredible gift quickly spread, and people began to flock to her native village in search of healing, consolation and spiritual support. Despite the fact that Matrona herself was deprived of many earthly blessings, she helped people all her life, until her death.

Even in her youth, the saint made pilgrimages with the daughter of a local landowner, who became Matrona’s friend. They visited various cities and holy places in Russia, in particular, the Kiev Pechersk Lavra, the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, and St. Petersburg.

There is a legend that in the Kronstadt Cathedral, the righteous John of Kronstadt singled out a girl from the crowd, called her by name and blessed her, calling her “the eighth pillar of Russia.”

The monks of various Orthodox monasteries revered and respected the righteous woman.

Having predicted her death three days before her death, Matrona called on the suffering and needy to come to her and to the grave. After Matronushka’s death, people came to the burial place and turned to her in prayer, believing that the saint, as in life, would help and heal.

She helps everyone who asks to find a job, improve their financial situation, protect themselves from evil people, find a spiritual path, save their family, find or return love.

But most of all there is evidence of how prayers and appeals to Matrona of Moscow with requests for health work miracles.

See also:

How to get to the relics of Matrona of Moscow, where they are located in Moscow and visiting hours

Prayer to Saint Matrona for health

Most often, the Holy Elder is asked for health. Here is a prayer and a sample petition:

Holy Matrona! Forgive me for my voluntary and involuntary sins. I ask you, intercede before the Lord God for the sick servant (name). Remove all illnesses of the body and sorrows from the soul. Give healing and avert a cruel trial. May the sick person recover quickly, and may his (her) soul be freed from sorrow. I trust in you. Amen.

If children are sick, then the mother’s soul is torn into pieces. Ask for their healing, read the prayer:

Oh, Holy Mother Matrona. I appeal to you with a sincere request. Give strength and health to my child (name), who is dying from terrible damage. I ask not for myself, but for my innocent child. Remove confusion from his soul, take away suffering, deliver him from bodily illness. Pray for him before the Heavenly Father and beg him to forgive me for my sins. Amen!

You can pray both in church and at home. Light the candles near the icon and pray from a pure heart, most importantly, with faith. The miracles of healing of St. Mother are known to everyone.

Many people, having gotten rid of illnesses, again come to her temple with gratitude for their healing, and those who could not give birth for a long time bring their babies to show them to Mother. Therefore, believe in our Lord, and healing will definitely come to you, as well as the fulfillment of your requests.

In what form to address the saint?

A written appeal does not have a specific and strict form of creation. As in prayer, here a person expresses his own wish, showing humility and praising the Lord, as well as His saint. More often, letters have a brief content and are created in free form.

Advice! In order for a request to reach Matrona’s consideration, it is necessary to create it with great truthfulness and religious love for the environment. A person himself must believe in what he asks for with such great zeal.

A letter addressed to a holy saint gives an Orthodox person a chance for correction and departure from a sinful life. A manuscript, like a prayer, allows one to receive divine forgiveness and reconcile with the Almighty Creator. With spiritual vision, Matrona sees the emotional outpourings of people who turn to her for significant help. She loves every person extremely and does not leave them in trouble; the saint prays to the Lord himself for a calm and happy life for defenseless orphans, unfortunate widows and seriously ill people.

Icon of Saint Matrona of Moscow. Pokrovsky Stauropegic Convent

The notes that reach her have miraculous powers, as do her images or holy remains. The request finds a response when a person sincerely desired to sacrifice his life to the Lord.

Important! If a believer shows tremendous will and overcomes his own selfishness, he will definitely receive the gift for which he begs with a pure heart.

Letters-notes to Mother Matrona

If it is not possible to personally come to the monastery to see Saint Matrona, then you can write a note.

How to write a note to Matrona of Moscow

First of all, words must come from a pure soul. First, ask the Elder to pray for yourself and your loved ones, and only then ask for help with what weighs on your soul the most.

Note from the Saint: “Dear Mother Matrona, pray before the Lord for my husband and my son (names). Forgive me for all voluntary and involuntary sins. Help me always maintain memory, clarity of mind, and reason."

But if you do not live with faith in the Lord, but only ask, then no one will help you. Order a prayer service to Blessed Matrona in your church, pray at the icon, because we have one God.

During her lifetime, Matrona said that it is not she who helps people, but the Lord, to whom she turns in prayer. Holy Mother provides assistance in different situations.

There is no problem that cannot be addressed to her, be it a request for marriage or family needs. But if you ask for a desire to marry a married man, your request will not be heard.

If you need work, then Matrona of Moscow will also ask the Lord to find work for you according to your skills. Just don’t expect the job to find you, you need to make the effort yourself.

Notes to Matrona before the Lord can be written:

  • on the website and
  • to the monastery email address or
  • 109147, Moscow, st. Taganskaya, 58

and the assistants will place your requests at the relics of the blessed Matrona of Moscow.

How to ask for help correctly

There are no uniform rules on how to turn to a saint for help. Everyone can do this as it is convenient - in their own words or read the church text. It is important to remember that prayer is not a magic wand for making wishes come true. You need to approach with a pure heart and sincere faith in the Lord and His power.

How to read a prayer for health and healing

Matrona’s prayer for health has helped the suffering and sick many times. There is a lot of evidence about the healing of hopeless patients.

The blessed saint considered the human body to be a house given by God, which needs periodic repair and cleansing with the help of prayer, but one should not refuse medical help.

Before reading a prayer for health or healing, it is recommended to give alms to those in need, bring donations to churches or monasteries, and submit a note about health.

You need to pray with a pure heart, sincerely believe in the help of the Lord and show humility towards the test sent. To get quick results, you need to pray constantly, even if the disease begins to recede.

You can contact the old woman both at home and in church. First, the “Our Father” is read, then you need to ask the Lord for help and only then call on Matrona. The appeal should not cause harm or harm to anyone.

Every prayer to the saint will be heard, because before her death Matrona said: “I will see and hear you, and help you.”

Blessed Elder Matrona, our intercessor and petitioner before the Lord! You look with your spiritual gaze both into the past and into the future, everything is open to you. Enlighten the servant of God (name), give advice, show the way to solve the problem (….)

Thank you for your holy help. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy

Spirit. Amen.

About pregnancy

It happens that two lovers have a great desire to have a child, but the long-awaited pregnancy still does not occur. Perhaps this is due to health problems of one of the spouses, or the reason is on a spiritual plane - past sins do not give the couple the opportunity to become parents. In such cases, many seek help from the Lord and the saints, gain sincere faith in God and begin to live like a Christian.

Important! In order for the prayer for a long-awaited pregnancy and the birth of a healthy child to be heard, you need to be patient, humbly and without malice accept the current situation, get rid of evil thoughts, and sincerely believe in the protection of the Lord and His mercy. We must try to lead a righteous life, help those in need, and attend church.

A prayer for help to Matrona helps in conception, during pregnancy and in its successful resolution. Many expectant mothers, in the event of a threat of termination of pregnancy, also turn to the righteous Matrona for help and intercession.

Oh, blessed mother Matrona, we resort to your intercession and tearfully pray to you. As you who have great boldness in the Lord, pour out a warm prayer for your servants, who are in deep spiritual sorrow and asking for help from you. Truly is the word of the Lord: ask, and it will be given to you, and again: even if two of you take counsel upon the earth, whatever you ask, it will be given to you from My Father who is in Heaven. Hear our groans and bring the Lord to the throne, and where you stand before God, the prayer of a righteous man can do much before God. May the Lord not completely forget us, but look down from the heights of heaven on the sorrow of His servants and bestow the fruit of the womb for something useful. Truly, God wants, so do the Lord to Abraham and Sarah, Zechariah and Elizabeth, Joachim and Anna, pray with him. May the Lord God do this to us, out of His mercy and ineffable love for mankind. Blessed be the name of the Lord from now to eternity. Amen.

About marriage and help in loving a man

Nowadays, many women are successful in their careers, have wealth, have achieved a lot in life, but there is no person nearby who will share their joys and sorrows. There is no assistant, protector and like-minded person who will support you all your life. Prayer for marriage will help with this.

The old woman gives goodness to everyone who asks for help with a bright heart and pure thoughts. Young girls, widows and divorced women can turn to Matrona with a prayer for finding love and marriage.

The blessed one will hear everyone who asks for a strong, happy family. It is only important to remember that the request should not harm anyone - you cannot ask for the love of a married man and you cannot tie anyone to you against his will.

Not only girls and women, but also their parents or other relatives, friends, acquaintances, or any Orthodox Christian who cares about the fate of a single woman can turn to the saint about marriage.

Blessed Elder Matrona of Moscow, protect my daughter from a destructive marriage and give her a faithful chosen one.

Not rich, not married, not partying, not drinking, not being dealt a hard hand.

Thy will be done. Amen

Help with work and affairs

To provide for himself and his family, a person needs a stable income, which means a good job or his own business. There are also troubles at work, business failures, the threat of dismissal or insufficient wages. Such life difficulties lead to despondency, addictions, and deterioration of relationships with loved ones. It is important to perceive the difficulties encountered as a temporary test.

Turning to a blind servant will help you find a decent job and improve your quality of life. A prayer to Matrona will guide you in finding a job, in setting up a business, in developing a career, if there are bad relationships in the team with colleagues or superiors, with insufficient pay, and also if the work does not bring pleasure.

Mother will help you find the strength to cope with difficulties and contribute to success in your work life. But you cannot ask for “easy money” and help in illegal activities.

To get a job and improve your well-being, you need to repent of past sins and sincerely ask the lady for help. This can be done not only by the sufferer himself, but also by his relatives or friends.

Our holy blessed Mother Matrona, with your holy prayers help the servant of God (name) to find work convenient for salvation and spiritual growth, so that he may grow rich in God and not waste his soul on the worldly - vain and sinful. Help him find a merciful employer who does not violate the commandments and does not force those who work under him to work on Sundays and holy holidays. Yes, the Lord God will protect the servant of God (name) in the place of his labors from all evil and temptation, may this work be for his salvation, for the benefit of the Church and the Fatherland, for the joy of his parents. Amen.

How to submit a note

You can turn to Blessed Matrona for help not only in prayers, but also in writing, describing your problems and wishes. The request is stated in free form, not forgetting to humbly thank the Lord and the blind saint. In order for the message to reach the saint, you need to compose it as truthfully as possible, with great faith and love for others.

Notes have the incredible power of making things happen. The blessed old woman is full of love for every person, sees the needs and aspirations of those who ask, helps him in trouble and prays to the Lord for grace for the defenseless, unfortunate, sick and needy.

Prayer notes to Mother can be placed at her relics or sent by email to the monastery website, the nuns will accept them and deliver them to the shrine.

You can ask for anything in your notes with good thoughts and sincere faith in the miracle of achieving what you want. Let us remind you once again: you cannot ask for something that is vicious or that can harm others.

See also:

Fortune telling with paper at Christmas

About Matrona's predictions for 2022

In fact, the predictions of the Holy Elder are very scary. She predicts the end of the world in 2022. She said that everyone would die even without a war. Her prophecy is alarming as many of them have already come true.

But on the other hand, perhaps her prophecy concerns people’s lack of faith in God. Many people worship money and material values, which can lead to disaster.

The saint urged people to believe in the Lord, repent and pray, then God would save the Russian land. She said that many peoples have disappeared, but Russia was and will be, since there will be a revaluation of values ​​- from material to spiritual!

What can you ask Saint Matronushka for?

Most often, Orthodox believers turn to Matrona of Moscow in the following cases:

  • People strive to overcome a serious illness, which modern medicine is sometimes powerless to cure.
  • People turn to the mother to get new housing (for example, a young family expecting a child).
  • People write letters or come to the shrine of the holy saint to return stolen things to which they are very accustomed.
  • Reverend Matrona pays great attention to orphans, the unemployed and those who find themselves on the edge of society. Therefore, merciful people should pray to her in their letters for great blessings to the unfortunate and needy.

The Holy Mother helps to get rid of many of life’s difficulties, while at the same time involving a grateful person on the path of true religion. He who has seen a miracle and experienced the power of the Almighty becomes kinder to those around him, strives to benefit society and sacrifice his time for the sake of the whole.

However, before the miracle happens, you must correct your own thinking and activities.

Advice! The saint loves it when a person asking (through a letter or in front of an icon) makes a donation to a church, feeds a homeless person, or shelters an orphan. Any good deed gives the believer a special favor from the Lord and His saints.

How to contact Matrona

How to ask Matrona for help? You can ask for help from the Blessed Saint in any church in any city, even if there is no icon of Mother Matrona in your churches. But if you can, then visit the Intercession Monastery and bring her favorite flowers. You will leave their temple with flowers that were attached to the relics of the Old Lady.

These flowers have miraculous powers. They need to be dried and placed near the icons. When you get sick, put a petal from a bud in your tea and ask for help for a speedy recovery. Matrona will definitely hear you.

How to get to Matronushka in Moscow? Take the metro to the station. Proletarskaya or Marxistskaya, go to the street. Taganskaya.

How to venerate the Relics of Matrona

Parishioners visiting the monastery must adhere to special rules that maintain order in the Abode of God. Everyone who turns to Matronushka needs to know the following:

  1. Pilgrims should behave modestly and well-mannered while calmly waiting in line.
  2. It is necessary to remove outer clothing and leave bags and packages in front of the tomb.
  3. They bow before the relics and make the sign of the cross three times.
  4. The cancer is applied with the lips, then with the forehead.
  5. A pre-formulated request must be kept in mind and clearly expressed mentally or out loud.
  6. Afterwards, you need to cross yourself and step aside, giving way to the next one.

You can take a small icon with you and also attach it to the holy relics.

Afterwards, thank the saint with a bow and lay flowers. On this day, it is important to do a selfless, kind deed, for example, give to a beggar or feed a homeless animal.

Appeal to the saints for financial help

There are prayers for money to the Matronushka of Moscow and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Just don’t ask for untold wealth, but only enough to feed your children and not vegetate in poverty.

Home prayer for money to Matrona of Moscow

Buy 3 candles from the church. Stay home alone. Light 3 candles and place them near the icon. Calm down, just don't complain about fate. Think about why you are in a cash-strapped situation, what you did wrong in your life. Ask for forgiveness for your sins, then read the prayer, sincerely and with feeling:

“Blessed Matrona, you are our Righteous Elder! For all my sins and for all the terrible groaning, the Lord sent me punishment. The punishment is fair and worthy for me. But I strongly believe with all my soul in your holy relics, I ask you for financial help. Make sure that I always have enough for black bread, and that despair does not occupy my hand. Let your will be done! Amen!"

The history of the acquisition of the icon

Many people believed that Matrona was a saint and had the gift of healing, but the official church did not recognize her until 1997. At this time, by decision of a specially assembled commission, it was decided to canonize her among the locally revered saints of the Moscow diocese of the ever-memorable Matrona Nikonova.

In 1998, her grave was opened and her relics were removed. They were taken to the Danilov Monastery, and then to the Intercession Church. The first icons painted in 1999 are also located here. One is located on the wall of the main temple, the second is inside it. In 2004, her church-wide canonization took place, and a few years later the Bulgarian Orthodox Church also canonized Matrona.

Icon of the Matrona of Moscow in the Intercession Church

The saint’s relics were delivered to many monasteries for veneration, and numerous copies of the icons were made.

Marked by God: briefly about the life of Matrona

The future saint was born in the Tula region, in the village of Sebino, in 1881; her date of birth is considered to be November 22. The girl's parents were peasants, they worked a lot and hard. When it turned out that the newborn was blind, the mother and father even thought about leaving her in an orphanage.

But the girl’s mother had a prophetic dream: as if an amazingly beautiful, but blind bird with white plumage flew into the window. This vision made a great impression on the parents, and they kept their daughter with them.

Matrona showed a special gift at the age of eight, and after the revolution she left for the capital, where she received visitors all day, treated and helped in difficult situations, and devoted the night to prayers.

Please note: Saint Matrona was a sensitive, bright and sincere person, she found a kind word for everyone. For her there were no minor problems - she treated all visitors with equal attention.

At the end of her life, she often repeated that in the next world she would hear anyone who turned to her, regardless of whether the person believed in her help or not.

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