International House of Prayer - Wikipedia

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House of Prayer
is the name of a place of worship (church) among Evangelical Christians (Baptists, Pentecostals), Seventh-day Adventists and some other Protestant denominations in Russia.
Nowadays, the term “church” or “church building” is more often used in the same meaning, and “house of prayer” is found more often in the provinces than in large cities such as Moscow and St. PetersburgK: Wikipedia: Articles without sources (type: not specified) [ source not specified 3519 days

Variant name: "house of prayer."

The name "house of prayer" is taken from the Bible, where it refers to the Jerusalem Temple:

“For my house will be called a house of prayer for all nations” (Isa. 56:7)

“And he said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called a house of prayer” (Matthew 21:13)

“And he taught them, saying, Is it not written, My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations?” (Mark 11:17)

“Saying unto them, It is written, My house is a house of prayer” (Luke 19:46)


A house of prayer usually has:

  • worship hall
  • library
  • church meeting room

Also in the house of prayer there can be (depending on the need, the wishes of the church and the size of the building):

  • baptistery
  • Sunday (Saturday) school room
  • rooms for classes and meetings of various groups of parishioners
  • dining room and kitchen
  • guest room (living room)
  • church minister's apartment
  • bathroom
  • Christian literature store
  • mother and baby room
  • premises for rent by Christian missions and organizations

A number of evangelical denominations have developed standard designs for houses of worship. Thus, the Maranatha Christian Church (Brazil) has a plant for the production of prefabricated houses of worship.

History of the church and construction of the house of worship

God arranged everything very wonderfully!

If we look at the very beginning of the development of this process, at least to what we managed to capture in our minds, then it all started with the desire of our family to organize a church and build a church in the city of Maloyaroslavets. These thoughts arose at the end of 2001 and beginning of 2002. But God gave more than we thought!

At the beginning of 2012, there is a church in Maloyaroslavets with a prayer house with a capacity of 40 people. on a plot of 7.5 acres and a prayer house for 100 people is under construction. with housing for a minister’s family (4 rooms on the second floor) with utility rooms (dining room, garage, library, boiler room) on a plot of 12 acres.

What happened during these 10 years? In 2003, in March, at the membership meeting of the Obninsk community, a decision was made to create a fund for the construction of the MD, where funds were received every second Saturday. Also in February 2003, the PM was organized, where in December we write a letter of appeal to the PM churches about supporting the MD project in Obninsk. At the annual meeting in December 2003, management presented a plan for the construction of MD in the Mission until 2007. It took into account the needs of our community and was considered as a sponsorship project.

Three years later, in 2006, we again appeal to the PM communities for prayers and support for the project. At the end of 2006, we had collected 35,200 rubles. And, lo and behold, in March 2007, a plot of 9.6 acres with a wooden building was purchased for 1.2 million rubles..

On March 4, 2009 (which coincided, interestingly, with my 45th birthday), a start was given at the Mission level to begin the development of this site: this year, access roads were made, electricity, water, gas were supplied, a foundation of 9 by 18 m was poured , the ground floor has been erected. A 3-level modern spiritual center was designed.

But the devil does not sleep. In December 2009, a legal battle with a neighbor began over various types of claims (there were three of them). We had to suspend construction for 9 months and resume it only in November 2010. The courts themselves bring little pleasant things, but God turned it into good: we increased our plot by almost 1 m along the border, since it turned out that our neighbor had seized our site, without knowing it.

But despite these obstacles, God gave us the weather and by January 5, 2011 we were able to put the roof on the building and install all the windows.

To date, soil filling around the building has been completed (0.8 m), waterproofing inside and outside, all flights of stairs, internal work on electrical wiring, and heating work has begun.

Brief history of the church. In 2007 we celebrated our 10th anniversary. In 1997, Kazakov V.A. came with a team from Zaoksk to conduct an evangelistic campaign. The following year, Kaminsky M.F. held evangelistic meetings for the same purpose. Thus, it was formed and today the roster is 45 people + about 10 teenagers who regularly attend the church. Over the past 3 years, the church has confidently tended to grow and qualitatively strengthen its spiritual state. In 2010, a daughter church was organized in Maloyaroslavets, where 20 people were transferred.

Thank God for this amazing experience that the Lord brought to life in our lives and the lives of every brother and sister.

Author: Pastor of the church in Obninsk

Excerpt describing the House of Prayer

One group of Frenchmen stood close by the road, and two soldiers - the face of one of them was covered with sores - was tearing a piece of raw meat with their hands. There was something scary and animalistic in that quick glance that they cast at those passing by, and in that angry expression with which the soldier with the sores, looking at Kutuzov, immediately turned away and continued his work. Kutuzov looked at these two soldiers carefully for a long time; Wrinkling his face even more, he narrowed his eyes and shook his head thoughtfully. In another place, he noticed a Russian soldier, who, laughing and patting the Frenchman on the shoulder, said something affectionately to him. Kutuzov shook his head again with the same expression. - What are you saying? What? - he asked the general, who continued to report and drew the commander-in-chief’s attention to the captured French banners that stood in front of the front of the Preobrazhensky regiment. - Ah, banners! - said Kutuzov, apparently having difficulty tearing himself away from the subject that occupied his thoughts. He looked around absently. Thousands of eyes from all sides, waiting for his word, looked at him. He stopped in front of the Preobrazhensky Regiment, sighed heavily and closed his eyes. Someone from the retinue waved for the soldiers holding the banners to come up and place their flag poles around the commander-in-chief. Kutuzov was silent for a few seconds and, apparently reluctantly, obeying the necessity of his position, raised his head and began to speak. Crowds of officers surrounded him. He looked carefully around the circle of officers, recognizing some of them. – Thank you everyone! - he said, turning to the soldiers and again to the officers. In the silence that reigned around him, his slowly spoken words were clearly audible. “I thank everyone for their difficult and faithful service.” The victory is complete, and Russia will not forget you. Glory to you forever! “He paused, looking around. “Bend him down, bend his head,” he said to the soldier who was holding the French eagle and accidentally lowered it in front of the banner of the Preobrazhensky soldiers. - Lower, lower, that’s it. Hooray! “Guys,” with a quick movement of his chin, turn to the soldiers, he said. - Hurray rah rah! - thousands of voices roared. While the soldiers were shouting, Kutuzov, bending over the saddle, bowed his head, and his eye lit up with a gentle, as if mocking, shine. “That’s it, brothers,” he said when the voices fell silent... And suddenly his voice and expression changed: the commander-in-chief stopped speaking, and a simple, old man spoke, obviously wanting to tell his comrades the very thing he needed now. There was a movement in the crowd of officers and in the ranks of soldiers to hear more clearly what he would say now.


  1. Bradley, Donald (26 July 2009). “Prayers never stop at the International House of Prayer.” Kansas City Star
    . Kansas City, Missouri. page A1. Retrieved January 8, 2010.
  2. “Statement of Faith – About IHOPKC.”
    . Retrieved January 19, 2015.
  3. “About the International House of Prayer - About IHOPKC.”
    . Retrieved 2017-09-22.
  4. "24/7 Justice Works - About IHOPKC."
    . Retrieved 2017-09-22.
  5. "Oh - Exodus Cry." Exodus Lament
    . Retrieved 2017-09-22.
  6. ^ a b c
    Yoars, Marcus (November 1, 2010).
    “We will not stop praying.” Charisma
    . Archived from the original on August 30, 2011. Retrieved February 10, 2011.
  7. Latif Mungin (September 16, 2010) Pancake House Hosts CNN Prayer Group
  8. Glendale News-Press, (December 29, 2010) The pancake against prayer has fallen
  9. “Where worship never stops.”
    . Retrieved January 19, 2015.
  10. ^ a b
    "This IHOP Serves the Generous Parts of Prayer."
    Reading eagle
    . Reading, Pennsylvania. McClatchy-Tribune. August 8, 2009. Retrieved February 12, 2011.
  11. Gaines, Adrienne. “The ministry celebrates 20 years of continuous prayer and worship.” Charisma. Retrieved June 24, 2011.
  12. Wood, Andrea (August 17, 2010) Jackson County Advocate
  13. "Joint Statement of Ernie Gruen and Mike Bickle from 1993." Press center
    . 2018-01-26. Retrieved 2018-12-07.
  14. Montgomery, Peter (2014). “In response to Uganda documentary, IHOP says it is 'not involved' in politics | Right Wing Watch.”
    . Retrieved December 29, 2014.
  15. The International House of Prayer is distancing itself from the husband of murder victim, Tyler Deaton.
  16. Bethany Deaton's suicide is now considered a murder; Police arrested Micah Moore.
  17. Claims: Religious "sexual community" leads to the murder of women. WDAF TV - FOX 4.
  18. The secrets of Tyler Deaton's prayer group are revealed.
  19. A prayer group leader whose wife was killed has Texas roots. Houston Chronicle.
  20. Tyler Deaton's role at the International House of Prayer is becoming clearer.
  21. On the death of Bethany Deaton | International House of Prayer University.
  22. "Disputed murder confession sheds light on Missouri cult." New York Times
    . December 6, 2012. Retrieved October 16, 2013.
  23. Webster, Betsy. “Prosecutors dismiss charges against man in cult murder case.” KCTV5. Retrieved 2015-01-19.
  24. Bradley, Donald (14 September 2010). “IHOP (pancake maker) is suing IHOP (prayer center) over trademark.” Kansas City Star
  25. "IHOP Sues Church Over Use of IHOP Abbreviation." LATimes
    . Retrieved December 30, 2010.

Is it necessary to pray at home?

You can call on God wherever a person is:

  • At work;
  • on the road;
  • on the street, etc.

God is Spirit, He is everywhere and He can hear us everywhere, in any place.

The saints taught us to often repeat to ourselves the Jesus Prayer : “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.”

It creates the right repentant mood and makes you always think about God. It can be done anywhere, doing various things.

This way the mind does not become distracted, and the Grace of God invisibly strengthens a person. Of course, public prayer is valued higher than private prayer. But we must pray outside the church in order to preserve the feeling that we get in church.

It is more convenient to pray at home than in other places, because you can retire, calm down, and tune in to the right mood. You can light a candle, read an akathist or canon. But for those who have children in the house, especially small ones, this is, of course, very difficult to do. But the Lord knows all the features of a given person’s life and will not punish such parents strictly. It is important to understand that we need our prayers more than God . He, of course, rejoices when we turn to Him and expects this from us. But He is self-sufficient and does not need anything.

How should you pray at home?

For people who are more or less unoccupied in home obedience, who do not have children or grandchildren, or elderly parents who need constant care, they should read the morning and evening rules. The text of these prayers can be found in any Orthodox prayer book.

For especially zealous Christians, there is a 24-hour cycle, which consists of:

  • hours;
  • lunch girls;
  • Compline;
  • vespers;
  • midnight office;
  • Matins.

Nowadays, due to great busyness, few people read all this, but quite recently, in the last century, zealous Christians performed this circle of prayers.

Before communion, you must definitely read the prescribed rule, which is also in the prayer book. For those who are despondent and in difficulties in life, there is a wonderful canon to the Most Holy Theotokos, read in sorrow.

for the deceased at home; in the first forty days after death, it is advisable to read an akathist about the same deceased. Immediately after the death of a person, one must read the sequence on the outcome of the soul. If a person has taken his own life, then prayer at home for his unfortunate soul becomes the only way of remembering him, since in church it is forbidden to pray for him.

Of course, it is not the text of the prayer itself that is important, but the right attitude. Therefore, one must prepare for prayer in a special way. Saint Anthony, Metropolitan of Sourozh, advises before starting any prayer to simply sit alone and be silent, presenting yourself before the eyes of God. This way, calmness, silence, and the right attitude will come, and only after that you need to start praying.

It is also important not only to speak to God, but also to hear His answer. To do this, after prayer, you do not need to immediately rush to household chores, but again, be silent for a few minutes. It is good to read the Holy Scriptures, because through it the Lord speaks to us.

Location of the home iconostasis

According to the Orthodox canon, a home chapel is set up in the southeast corner of the room, away from household items and works of art. If this is not possible, location in other directions of the world is allowed. Holy images are usually not hung on the wall, but placed on shelves. In this case, the icon cases should stand on embroidered towels or openwork napkins.

It’s good to place a flower bouquet (artificial or live) nearby, and on holidays put out holy water, Easter eggs or lay out fresh herbs. During cell prayer, on Sundays, as well as Orthodox festivals, it is customary to light church candles and lamps. The iconostasis should be regularly cleaned of dust, using a soft feather instead of a regular cloth.

At home, a “red corner” can be installed in any room except the bathroom and toilet. Icons can be placed even in the kitchen. To prevent them from getting dirty, they are placed behind glass in kitchen cabinets. Most often these are the faces of Jesus Christ, the Holy Trinity or the Mother of God, to whom it is customary to pray before starting a meal. If you can’t make shelves, the images should be placed on a specially designated cabinet or table, away from household items. At the same time, shrines cannot be placed on top of each other - their location must be separate.

At home, a “red corner” can be arranged in any room

Often Christian believers are not limited to the iconostasis alone. If in a home chapel icons must stand on supports, then outside it they can be hung on the wall. For example, it is customary to place an image of the child’s patron, after whose name he is baptized, near a child’s crib. However, artistic paintings, photographs, or other non-canonical works of art are not allowed nearby.

Icons for home iconostasis

The Orthodox Church attaches great importance to a “beautiful corner.” She says that a person has the right to pray not only in the temple, but to honor the Lord at home. A properly constructed chapel should contain the following images:

  • Savior;
  • Blessed Virgin Mary;
  • Nicholas the Wonderworker;
  • Savior Almighty.

The clergy recommend placing the waist-length icon of Pantocrator in order to offer various prayers to it.

Author's advice

Some lay believers place the face of the Guide in the “red corner”. The Vladimir and Kazan images of the Mother of God are also allowed. At the same time, you need to turn to shrines not only for help. We should not forget to express gratitude for their support.

Icon of the Savior Almighty

Image of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Face of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

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