The Power of Prayer (How it Works) What is prayer?

In this article, we provide you with an overview of how prayer works and how best to pray from a spiritual perspective. There are two types of prayers: for worldly welfare and for spiritual growth. Accordingly, answers to these prayers will be received from various Divine Aspects. Spiritual research has shown that even negative energies or entities can answer our prayers to harm us. A person's spiritual level is the only important factor in obtaining a positive answer to prayer. Praying for peace on Earth is, of course, wonderful and noble, but most likely such a prayer will remain unanswered due to the too low spiritual level of those praying. Paradoxically, the people who could really achieve such a change with prayer alone are the Saints, but they see the futility of such prayer because they are united with God at such a high level that they act in full accordance with His will and do not perceive it separately from your own desires. In addition, the position of our body also affects the effectiveness of prayer.


When people face difficult or insurmountable situations in life, such as the loss of a loved one, terminal illness, great financial problems, etc., they pray to God or a certain Aspect of God. These are prayers with material or worldly expectations.

Seekers of God, whose main goal is spiritual growth, also regularly pray to God, not only in difficult situations, but also in everyday life. They do not pray for worldly benefits, but are concerned with spiritual growth. For them, prayer is part of their spiritual practice.

This article explains how different types of prayers are answered and how to learn to pray so that it works.

For a better understanding of this article, please read the following:

  • Definition of prayer
  • What is the difference between prayer with and without expectation?

It is important to know that problems in our lives can have physical, psychological or spiritual causes. SSRF in its research has found that up to 80% of problems have their root cause in the spiritual sphere. Fate (karma) and deceased ancestors are the main spiritual causes of life’s problems.

The Power of Prayer in the Holy Spirit

(Hab 2:14) For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.

Every part of the sea is filled with water, so the glory of God will fill the earth.

(Isaiah 59:21) And this is My covenant with them, says the Lord: My Spirit which is upon you, and My words which I put in your mouth, shall not depart from your mouth, nor from the mouth of your descendants.

God says, “This is My covenant.” God has made a covenant with us, and we are living in just such a time. The people in this verse are us. The Spirit of God is upon us.

What words has God put in our mouths?

This speaks of our time and the filling of the Holy Spirit. When His Spirit is upon us. We speak a heavenly language, the prayer language of the Holy Spirit. The Bible connects these two events.

We want our children to be filled with the Holy Spirit, and for them to walk in the ways of the Lord, so that the Lord influences their lives.

Pay attention to the sequence.

At first the words of the Lord will not depart from your mouth. Then, when you keep His words in your mouth, they will not depart from the lips of your descendants, from your children and grandchildren, that is, from the seed of your seed.

Who answers our prayers and how does this happen?

2.1 Who answers prayers?

  • The table below shows who responds to which prayers. As a rule, the type of prayer depends on the spiritual level of the person. People who are at the spiritual level of 30% more often pray for solutions to material problems, and people with a level of 50% or more pray for spiritual growth. Accordingly, prayers are answered by various subtle energies in the Universe. Interestingly, even negative energies answer prayers, for example, when a person asks to harm someone, the negative energies lure him under their influence, fulfilling his desire. An example from this table: if a person asks for the death of another, he will be helped by a negative subtle entity from the 4th level of Hell (Patala). Prayers for worldly welfare are usually answered by lower-level Deities or lower positive energies, and prayers for spiritual growth are usually answered by higher-level Deities or higher positive energies.

  • If we pray to God or a specific Deity with expectation, for example asking for a job or to relieve us of an illness, the answer will be received from a lower level Deity or lower positive energies. Let's take the example of a man who prayed earnestly for a job. If a person is destined to live without work for five years, then the Divine Aspect can answer the prayer by pushing this period of unemployment to a later period in his life. But he will still have to go through this period. (The point is that we must fulfill our destiny no matter what, it can only be overcome or mitigated through spiritual practice.)
  • Sometimes higher level Deities also help in mundane situations if this creates an obstacle to spiritual growth.

2.2 How does prayer work?

  • When people pray, they think intensely about God and talk to Him about things that are very important to them. According to the law of action and reflection, God will react accordingly, and God will also feel closer to them.
  • Prayers have the ability to activate Divine principles (Aspects of God) in the Universe. Extremely subtle vibrations arise when we also say words of gratitude during prayer. These vibrations can not only activate the Divine, but can also move It, thereby activating It faster, which will lead to the fulfillment of prayer. The deity performs the prayer considering the strength of desires/determination. For a more complete understanding, please refer to the article – What is an Aspect of God/Deity?

Examples of prayers that end with gratitude:

  • God please help me get this job, I really need it. Lord, accept my gratitude for giving me the thought to pray.
  • Lord, please grant me all day long to perform all my duties as part of my spiritual practice. Lord God, I express gratitude to Your holy feet that You remind me of prayer and that through me You perform this prayer.
  • Prayers attract subtle Divine vibrations, thereby destroying the Raja-tama shell around those praying. Thus, the environment around a person becomes more sattvic. With the increase in the Sattva component around, those praying have fewer thoughts and become more sattvic, because the mind is influenced by the environment around us.

The sheath (Kosha) is a thinner covering of each layer of the subtle body and is more powerful. Thus, the vital, psychic, causal and external causal body (Subtle Ego) all have their own sheaths around them.

  • Prayers increase the number of Sattva particles in the shell of the vital body (Prana-deha). If we say prayers with gratitude, the proportion of Sattva in the mental body sheath (Mano-deha) increases. In this way the sheaths of the vital and mental bodies are spiritually purified. For more information about subtle bodies, read the article “How does a person work?”
  • Due to the cleansing of the shells of the vital and mental bodies, the impressions in them begin to collapse. With a decrease in impressions, thoughts about ourselves and interest in worldly things are reduced to a minimum, and our desire for God and the desire to unite with Him intensifies. In addition, if these two shells are cleansed, negative energy will no longer be able to penetrate these bodies. In addition to this, you can read the article: “How chanting purifies the mind.”
  • When we pray, we accept that we cannot solve our problems on our own and we perceive ourselves as increasingly insignificant, so our ego decreases. With the decrease of the ego comes a temporary increase in the spiritual level, as a result of which the subtle component of Sattva increases. In addition, when we express gratitude, humility arises in us, which has an even greater positive impact on our spiritual level. This is why our sense of unity with God grows. The growth of Sattva increases our ability to cope with life's problems.

Prayer as a high technology of the mind

Since childhood, each of us has heard “pray”, “prayer”, “miracle prayer”, “the power of prayer”, etc. What is “prayer” and why does it help some and not others, why certain prayers? passed from hand to hand and called miraculous, while other prayers are not so popular? Source - Esoterics. Living Knowledge

The word “prayer” comes from the ancient Slavic “molviti”. That is, prayer is an appeal to God that we offer for something. But why does everyone pray, but not everyone gets real results? Because prayer has clear mechanisms of action, from which certain rules and principles of prayer flow. In order to really get what you want, you need to understand the “technology” of prayer, understand how prayer works. Therefore, let’s look at this “technology”, let’s analyze the mechanism of how prayer works.

So, prayer is an appeal to God. But we understand that the Almighty God unites everything in himself (that’s why he is the Almighty). The Almighty God is the entire Universe as a single whole, which has One Soul and One Mind. The Almighty God unites in himself all the powers of the World. But, turning to the Almighty, we are interested in a very specific aspect of him, his very specific power (of love, wisdom, etc.). Therefore, we call it some quality (love, wisdom, etc.) or we call it by a name that reveals to us exactly that vibration, the force that we most need now or is most natural for our people.

The Almighty unites in himself everything and everyone: both the forces of Creation and the forces of Destruction. Very often these forces are even difficult to distinguish or separate: lightning purifies the air, destroying something, but creating clean, life-giving air. Everything is a piece of the Almighty God and fulfills its function, mission, purpose, fulfills its role in the Universe. It’s like every cell in our body has its own purpose.

Therefore, an appeal to the Almighty needs to be specified, it needs a clear indication of that power, that manifestation of the Almighty, that facet, side of the Universe to which we are addressing, which we need here and now. It's like sitting down at a table. We do not consume everything together, but choose exactly the product that we need right now. That is why, turning to the Almighty God, we describe those qualities that interest us right now. We say “Almighty God, you are our Love”, “Almighty God, you are Eternal Wisdom”, “Almighty God, you are Life, Source of Strength and Health”, indicating those qualities that we need most now. Why?

Because what we think about, what we talk about comes into our lives, and we unite with it. We say “love” and a vibration arises in space, a wave that unites us with the power of love, we resonate with this force and this force begins to come into our lives, fills our soul. We say “honor, honor, honor” and people of honor begin to surround us. And if we say “people are dishonest,” then scammers and thieves begin to surround us. Each word, vibrating in space, causes certain changes in space and our lives.

Therefore, if someone says in prayer, “I am a slave,” “I am a scoundrel,” “I am a thief,” then by doing so he only attracts into his life those forces that enable and force him to be like that. It is necessary to say and think not what we want to change, but what we want to change! If a person prays for forgiveness, that is, prays, speaking about guilt, then by doing so he only increases the energy of guilt in himself, which attracts to him those circumstances that will “subject him to punishment.” It is necessary to increase in yourself those forces that make it possible to be righteous, honest, healthy, wise, and loving. By multiplying these bright forces within himself, a person creates conditions in which there is no place for negative manifestations, injustice and mistakes.

That is why our ancestors, as usual, did not ask God for anything, but simply glorified him, glorified his Light Forces. By glorifying God in his Light Manifestations, we thereby unite with them, multiply them in our life, in ourselves, in our soul. We glorified and thanked for everything, thereby again and again creating conditions when we are thanked, thanked and respected. Because what we send into space returns to us the same way again and again, but in increased quantities.

Each land has its own energy, its own vibration, which is reflected in sound, in the sound of the language of the people who live on it. If we move to Canada, Germany or anywhere else, we will develop an accent. This is because we have changed our location and the vibration of this earth has changed accordingly. That is why it is so important to speak the language of the people who live on the land on which we are located. This is a condition of harmony, resonance with the Earth. This is a condition for our spiritual and physical health. Therefore, it is natural to name and address your father or mother in your native language, calling them mom and dad, and not “mother, father.”

But this also applies to our Heavenly parents. For the best interaction with the Higher Powers, we turn to God in our native language and according to our native custom. That is, using what the Almighty God himself has given us since time immemorial, which belongs to us by right of our birth in the Slavic family. Therefore, each nation calls the Almighty in its own language and by its own names, uniting with those facets of the Almighty God, with those forces and vibrations that are most necessary for this particular people. And that is why our people, turning to the Almighty, call him the Most High Family, thereby strengthening the strength of their clan, their people.

But not everyone in this world needs a strong Slavic family and therefore we are told to pray differently and call God differently. So, for example, modern Christians, every Sunday at the liturgy, thinking that they are glorifying Jesus, sing “The Lord of Hosts is the only Holy One.” Why call the Almighty by a Jewish (Jewish) name, strengthening not one’s own, but the Jewish family, and pray for the prosperity of the family of Abraham? Why not call God by Chinese, Japanese or African names? Why not renounce your native language, land, customs altogether? Some people do this, but we understand that since we were born on this land and among this people, then the custom and language of this people is the most natural for us, for our souls, because if we needed Chinese, Greek or African custom, then God would create such conditions that we would be born in China, Greece or Africa. Therefore, we need to glorify the Slavic Family, the Family of Forefather Bogumir and Foremother Glory. Just imagine what will happen if millions of Slavs begin to glorify their family every day! Yes, our lives will change at lightning speed!

We have what the Almighty God gave us: our native language, our native customs, our native land. Using our native language and customs, praying to the Almighty, turning to certain of His manifestations, forces, we call these forces by those names that, vibrating in space, most quickly and effectively saturate us with the necessary forces and bring what we want into our lives.

We call these forces, manifestations of the Almighty God, the Native Gods Lada and Svarog, Yaril and Leleya, Veles and Makosha, Dolya, Dana, Kolyada, etc. Only by pronouncing these Bright names of the Almighty God we already structure the space with the corresponding forces of love and tenderness, activity and creativity, wisdom and health. We receive these forces through our birth canal, strengthening it and strengthening it.

The three-fingered pattern with which modern Christians cross themselves is a position of the fingers that unites certain energy channels, causing a certain effect on a person and space. Such positions are called “mudras”, and this position is called in Hinduism, for example, Kubhaka mudra and creates the energy of materialization of desires, materialization of what a person with this position of hands thinks about. And it’s good if a person thinks about something positive and necessary, but if a person prays “forgive the slave,” “sin, guilt,” etc., then usually in the life of this person circumstances will materialize that will happen again and again contribute to this very slavery, sin, guilt, etc. In general, it is strange, declaring the nature of man “in the image and likeness” of God, to call ourselves “slaves.” Thus, people declare that God has a slave's likeness and image.

Everything has its place and time, its measure and purpose. The same applies to prayer. If you approach prayer thoughtlessly and unreasonably, you can get exactly the opposite consequences to the expected ones. And when we look at modern society, we will see that people want one thing, pray for one thing, but receive it and live in something completely different. Everything must be assessed based on the principle “judge by its fruits.” Those who promise the salvation of the soul after death are likened to swindlers who promise to return the money “tomorrow”. Because after death we will have a continuation of what we had here. If we had a bright life in love and prosperity, we go to the Bright, and if we have a life in suffering, resentment and pain, then we will go to where we will have the same thing again and again. He who dies a slave will be born a slave again.

True spiritual knowledge, teachers, mentors make it possible today to restore order in your soul and your life, which is manifested by the disappearance of problems, illnesses and misfortunes. And we see that people who return to their roots, to their customs, get rid of problems, live sober and happy lives, give birth to healthy and wise children. There are more and more such people every day. Every day I teach people to interact with the Spirit of the Most High God, who our people call Mother Living. And these people become independent from doctors and pharmacies, heal themselves and heal others. Every day more and more people understand that the natural state of the soul is a state of joy and peace, happiness and love, in which it is natural to constantly be, using prayer and other “tools” of native custom.

In the Indian Vedic tradition, which arose from the Slavic-Aryan Vedic tradition, it is said that whoever does not pray before eating will be born a crow in his next life. In our tradition, it is recommended to pray at least 5 times a day: after sleep, before bed and before meals (and we usually eat three times). One of the prayers before meals says: “We praise the Gods of the Family for our daily food, which gives us inspired work!” We ask the Native Gods to consecrate our food and treat the Sacred Ancestors with it, so that the Earthly Family will unite with the Heavenly Family, be filled with love and harmony, wealth and prosperity!” Here we see a whole “technological” process! “We praise the Gods of the Relatives for our daily food” unites us with the Gods of the Relatives, opens the channel of our ancestral power to the Almighty and declares “dailyness”, setting us up for the constant availability of the necessary food. “Which gives us inspired work” indicates that we are not shameless and lazy bread-gatherers, but consume food for work, thereby guaranteeing us the availability of this work today and tomorrow. “We ask the Native Gods to bless our food and treat the Sacred Ancestors with it” fills the food with the Light Forces of the Higher World and calls our relatives to the meal, strengthens our family, helps our ancestors in the Other World. “So that the Earthly Family unites with the Heavenly Family, is filled with love and harmony, wealth and prosperity!” unites both his own kind and his own kind with the World, with the Almighty God and fills his kind with love and harmony, wealth and prosperity. What deep wisdom, what a deep understanding of the world! And the more we study our tradition, delve deeper into our native custom, the more we are amazed at the depth of our worldview and the breadth of consciousness.

What happens when a person does not understand these mechanisms? A person comes to “confess” and begins to recount his imperfections, arousing in himself, on the advice of the priest, feelings of guilt, which leads to the creation and regular strengthening of an inferiority complex, a guilt complex that attracts circumstances that “punish” the person. In fact, “repentance” is a whole technological process of “I-NOT-ME.” This is immersion in the Sacred State of Silence, a detached analysis of your life and transformation of behavior patterns, replacing images, removing fears, etc. This is an ancient Magi procedure for healing the soul. Loss of understanding and conscious substitution of concepts leads to a change in the vector of action of practice to the opposite, from the constructive practice of establishing order in the soul and life, to the creation of complexes of guilt, fear and inferiority, which make a person a submissive and easily controlled entity.

The prayer practice of the koloslov on the vervitsa is a “means of mass revival” because it makes it possible to very quickly change your life, the surrounding space and revive the strength of your kind. Traditionally, the vervitsa has 64 beads (eight by eight). This is the number of our ancestors in the 7th generation, who are present in our blood even with a drop of blood, whom we constantly support in the Other World with every prayer on the rope. In this way we feed our roots and strengthen our ancestral strength. By reading together, the entire Ancestral Fire, the same prayers of the Koloslova, which change periodically (read about this on the Ancestral Fire’s website, the prayer receives a power that is several orders of magnitude stronger than the prayer of one person. Thus, we very quickly see real changes in our lives and in our country. So, while in Dnepropetrovsk on the holiday of the Intercession of the Autumn before last, I talked with the local community and was amazed that the ban on gambling took place after several months of prayers from the native believers of Dnepropetrovsk. Then I watched with joy the blocking of the beer hall - this is a clear understanding of the existence of the Universe. And the same principle of prayer practice. What we glorify, we unite with and increase those forces in ourselves. What kind of people we glorify, that’s what we strengthen, that’s what we see on TV and the media. Every people is chosen by God for a specific purpose. And we can see this goal in their actions. And today it is extremely necessary to remember the purpose and purpose of our people, to remember and comprehend the wisdom of our kind, given by the Almighty God, and begin to live with dignity and happiness. Now the Slavic Family stands with its eyes closed, led by strangers to the abyss. And those strangers promise that a good life on democratic principles awaits us there in the abyss. It's time to open your eyes. Open today because tomorrow there may be no one to open it, because today our lands and wealth are divided among foreigners, and we are “written off” as nonentities. And at the same time, our people stand and pray for the strengthening of their families and plans. So let's pray and act, wake up and be reborn, get up off our knees and walk. Forward, Slavs! Forward and upward!

Slavolub Bogach

Vedic psychologist, magician, healer

Rating: 3.58

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Read the section Healing by prayer on the esoteric portal

When do our prayers work?

In our life, 65% of events happen by the will of fate. Predetermined events are those events that we cannot control. Read more about this in the article – Fate and free will.

Predetermined events, both good and bad, will inevitably happen in our lives. A bad event may look like a serious illness or a bad marriage. An ordinary person begins to pray when such events happen in his life. He prays to God with hope and request for deliverance from them. However, our experience shows that our prayers in such cases are not always fulfilled. Please refer to the article “Fate as a spiritual cause of difficulties in life.”

So what is this rule? When do prayers cancel the effect of severe fatal events so that the event itself does not happen or we are at least protected from it?

This rule is as follows:

  • If a prayer is stronger and more decisive than a fatal event, then it will be heard.
  • If fate is stronger than prayer, then the prayer will be partially heard or will not be heard.

What determines the effectiveness of our prayer?

The following factors contribute to the effectiveness of prayer:

  • Spiritual level of the person praying. The higher the spiritual level, the more effective the prayer.
  • The quality of prayer. There is a difference when the prayer is purely mechanical, sincere, or it comes from the heart with spiritual emotion (bhav).
  • For whom is the person praying (for himself or for others). When we pray for others, we need much more spiritual strength. The more people who suffer from an event, the more spiritual power is needed to achieve the desired effect. Only Saints of high spiritual level can make changes in society.
  • Ego. A small ego enhances the effectiveness of prayer.
  • Prayer pose (mudra). This is one of the most important factors, since the other factors above are present to a lesser extent in most people.

4.1 Human spiritual level and prayer

The spiritual level of a praying person is one of the key criteria that determines the influence of prayer.

  • For seekers with a spiritual level above 60%, prayer is not required. They act according to the spiritual emotion/feeling - “Let everything happen according to the will of God.” Whatever happens in their life, they accept it as God's grace. Their mind and consciousness are constantly filled with gratitude to God. Once this stage is reached, there is no longer any need for prayer.
  • The prayers of people whose spiritual level is below 30% have weak power and, at best, bring them only psychological help. This is because their ego shell is so powerful that prayers cannot reach the God Principle.
  • Thus, we see that prayer is most effective in people with a spiritual level between 30% and 60%.

Please read the article - Overview of the spiritual level of the world's population.

Many times we have heard calls to come together and pray for important causes such as world peace, reducing global warming and the like. In terms of actual results, this is more of a psychological level. Great world events have a powerful spiritual basis and can only be overcome by the spiritual efforts of people with a high level of spirituality, such as Saints. Even if millions of people (of average spiritual level) get together and pray for a big global event, it will look like a large number of ants trying to lift a boulder.

Note: We might think: If the Saints can influence global change, then why don't they pray for world peace or to reduce global warming? The paradox is that although the Saints have the necessary spiritual power, they also have the spiritual emotion that God alone knows what is best. In addition, they are in the status of “Observer” (Sakshibhav) and it is natural for them not to interfere with God’s plan, they arrive in harmony with Him. They are fully aware that according to the Divine plan, everything happens in accordance with individual and collective destiny. (Predetermined events are those that were caused by our actions in this or a past life.)

What is prayer

Prayer is necessary for every soul, as it attunes it to communicate with God and brings it into unity with the spiritual invisible world. It is as important as air or food. To understand the place of prayer in the spiritual life of a Christian, it can be defined as a driving force (motor) on the path to God. The path is a struggle with passions. With the help of prayer, a Christian cleanses his soul, calling on the grace of God for help. And so, overcoming one obstacle (sin, passion) after another, kilometer after kilometer, he approaches Infinite Love.

Not every prayer pleases God and brings spiritual fruit, so you need to learn this. The Orthodox Church has clear, established rules, tested by the centuries-old experience of holy ascetics and church fathers. All Christians are required to perform daily prayers. This is the core of spiritual life and cannot be neglected.

The prayer rule of the laity includes morning and evening prayers, which, if possible, must be supplemented by reading the Gospel, the Apostle, the Psalter - a chapter (kathisma) from each book. You need to pray correctly in order to acquire the fruits of the Holy Spirit: humility, meekness, love... Prayer done contrary to Orthodox tradition leads a person into a state of spiritual delusion and destruction.

Rules for folding fingers during baptism and sequence

How to pray - the best posture during prayer

Through spiritual research, SSRF has identified the posture (or mudra) for prayer that is most effective for receiving Divine energy.

The following pictures, based on spiritual knowledge, show the two stages of this posture (mudra) and what happens on the spiritual level during our prayer.

5.1 First stage of prayer posture

First, you need to raise your hands and gently touch the Ajna chakra (the center of spiritual energy between the eyebrows) with your thumbs. It is best to begin prayer after taking this pose.

When we bow our heads in this posture, we awaken in us the spiritual emotion of devotion. This in turn activates the corresponding subtle vibrations of the Aspects of God in the Universe. This Divine vibration enters through the fingertips, which serve as an antenna, and then through the thumbs goes to the Ajna chakra and further into the body of the worshiper. As a result, the positive spiritual energy in us increases, which gives us a feeling of lightness and frees us from the symptoms of physical and mental illness/distress (suffering/stress whose causes are spiritual).

5.2 Explanation of 2nd stage

Having finished praying, you need to make the second mudra, as shown in the picture above. That is, instead of immediately lowering your hands down, you need to place them in the middle of your chest so that your wrists touch your chest. This helps to accept more Divine Consciousness (Chaitanya) corresponding to the God Principle. This is how Chaitanya is transmitted, coming through the fingertips, now to the Anahata chakra. The heart center, like the Ajna chakra, receives the Divine

vibrations. By touching the wrists to the chest, the heart chakra is activated, allowing it to receive more sattvic vibrations. If the Anahata chakra is activated, it awakens spiritual emotion (bhav) and devotion in the seeker.

At this stage, you need to look inside yourself and contemplate the experience of the Divine presence.

5.2.1 How to pray - the correct posture during prayer

Please pay your attention to the following points:

  • The body should be inclined, not straightened.
  • The fingers should be parallel to the forehead and relaxed, not tense.
  • The fingers should be brought together and touching each other (especially the tips).
  • The thumbs should gently touch the Ajna chakra.
  • The hands are easily pressed against each other - there is a small gap between the palms. For seekers with a spiritual level above 50%, a gap between the palms is not required.


  • A person's spiritual level usually determines whether he prays for spiritual growth or worldly prosperity. Depending on the type of prayer, they are answered by Deities of a higher or lower level.
  • Spiritual emotion during prayer has a positive effect on its effectiveness.
  • Depending on the type of mudra used, the effect of the prayer may vary.
  • If all other factors remain constant and the recommended prayer mudra (posture) is applied, the chance of being heard increases by 20%.
  • Prayers of people with a low spiritual level about global problems - such as world peace, reduction of global warming, etc. - have no effect.
  • If a person expresses gratitude along with prayer, then the effectiveness of such prayer increases.
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