What to do with the cross of a deceased person and is it possible to wear it?

Life is multifaceted and fleeting. Each of us has a moment when close relatives, friends, and colleagues pass away into another world. According to Orthodox canons, the pectoral cross goes on its final journey with its owner. But it also happens that parents, grandparents or grandparents leave a symbol of faith as an inheritance. What to do with the crosses of deceased people? Where and how should they be given or carried independently?

It is important to understand that a pectoral cross is not a beautiful and expensive decoration, but affiliation with a certain religious movement, personifying an inextricable connection with the Lord!

After the death of a believer, according to Orthodox canons, the symbol of faith must remain on the neck of its owner.

Gold pendant “Cross” with diamonds (go to the SUNLIGHT catalogue)

The meaning of the Orthodox cross, its energy

Previously, it was customary to wear a cross around your neck all the time - all believers did this without exception. This item means unity with the Savior, joining Christianity. At the same time, the cross is a symbol of Christ on Calvary. Often they wear not just a cross, but an item depicting the crucified Son of God. Today, this ritual attribute symbolizes the same dogmas of Christianity as before, but decorative items have also appeared. Such jewelry is not always worn, but only on occasion. Simpler ritual attributes are worn every day or not taken off at all.

However, such a free interpretation of Christian dogmas is a modern trend. Until some time, the rules of wearing a cross had to be strictly observed. The cross was placed on the body after the sacrament of Baptism. This is one of the most important rituals that allows a person to become a member of the Church and get closer to God. The ritual attribute must be worn constantly, and next to the heart. This explains why the only suitable place was chosen for such a purpose - the neck. After all, it is the laying of a cross on the chest that is a symbol of initiation into the Christian faith.

The energy of the cross is very pure and strong. The reason is not the metal or form itself, but the actions performed and words spoken during the baptismal ceremony. At the same time, the person plunges into the water three times, which symbolizes the sacred ablution. Then he puts on the cross. Psalm 31 is read at the same time. At the last stage, a person needs to put on white clothes - a symbol of purity. The pectoral cross absorbs the positive energy of this place, those present, and prayerful words. It serves as protection from evil spirits and ill-wishers.

Orthodox cross

What do they do with the pectoral cross of the deceased?

Orthodox Christians have their own traditions. Many doubt whether it is worth burying a deceased person without removing the religious attribute. At the same time, relatives are guided by concern for the shrine - it should not remain on the body, which is subject to destruction. But there is also the opposite opinion - the cross is left on the body, but there are some nuances. You need to know exactly what to do with the cross of a deceased person.

Burying the deceased with a cross

While still alive, the deceased became a member of the church and touched infinite divine love when he received the sacrament of Baptism. From then on he had to wear a cross. According to Orthodox canons, a person must be buried with a religious attribute, which is of great importance for every believer. You should not try to remove the cross.

But this position is explained by the need to maintain closeness to the Lord until the last: the body remains with the cross, and the soul finds the Kingdom of Heaven.

Replaced with a wooden analogue. Causes

There are certain rules for wearing a cross. The main rule involves the need to constantly wear a ritual attribute around the neck. But if it has a complex shape, unusual appearance - it is a centuries-old relic, then such a product does not need to be worn constantly. It would not be a sin to replace such a thing with a simpler one. There are other reasons for this.

Aspen cross

Cremation of the body

Under the influence of high temperatures in the crematorium, all things that the deceased was wearing are destroyed and deformed. Before the procedure, relatives change the crosses: they remove the body metal (precious) cross from the deceased, and put a wooden one on him. During cremation, it burns along with the coffin and the clothes of the deceased. If relatives have replaced the cross, they can not only preserve the ritual attribute, but also leave a memory of the deceased.

High value item or family heirloom

During their lifetime, many people try to demonstrate their status, for which they purchase gold and platinum jewelry, including those made in the shape of a cross. Relatives strive to please their loved ones and give expensive jewelry: husbands to their wives, fathers and mothers to their children.

There is another reason - the need to honor the Lord, for which expensive jewelry is purchased. But in none of the cases is there enough depth of feeling towards God, the symbol of faith - the cross. This is due to the fact that a person should not perceive love for God through the prism of high material values. You can also wear a simple cross.

But believers, by removing a religious attribute, unconsciously show disrespect for the shrine. The situation is aggravated by the fact that it has a high value. Another case: the cross has a long history, passed down from generation to generation for decades, centuries. Then it is not advisable to wear it all the time.

After the death of a relative, the pectoral cross must be removed and stored until better times, when the time comes to pass on the relic to the next generation.

Preventing grave vandalism

The answer to the question whether it is possible to wear the cross of a deceased person is positive. This is due to the risks associated with the possibility of theft of valuables from the grave. Interested parties can note the presence of a gold item on the body of a relative at the preparation stage, and when such an opportunity arises, pick it up. If relatives removed the religious attribute before the procedure of preparing the body and saying goodbye, they can keep the item dear to their hearts. It is left as a keepsake or kept for posterity.

Advice from clergy

The priests of the Russian Orthodox Church do not see anything terrible in the wearing of the cross of the deceased by his relatives. But at the same time they note that the pectoral cross should be buried along with the deceased person. If for some reason the cross was abandoned by relatives, you can wear it, it is not considered a sin. Orthodox clergy believe that such a cross does not carry negative energy.

Rather, in their opinion, superstitious fear can harm a person. People believe that along with the cross of the deceased, his fate can be transmitted. Few people dare to wear such jewelry without fear. Priests advise not to pay attention to superstitions and think more about how you feel when you put on the cross and what it means to you.

Is it possible to wear the cross of a deceased relative?

When there is no accurate information about what happens after a person’s death, those around them tend to feel or guess how they should behave. In the same way, the question of whether it is possible to wear the cross of a deceased person haunts everyone who is faced with a similar problem.

Christian cross and bible

Permission of the Church

When it comes to the pectoral cross, there are no prohibitions on wearing it. The clergy deny any connection between existing signs and religious attribute. The Church allows and even encourages wearing a cross, and it does not matter what its fate was. On the contrary, if such an object is found on the street, it needs to be picked up and put to use. As a last resort, such a cross must be taken to the nearest church. Father will tell you what to do with it.

The apparent carelessness on the part of the clergy is actually faith in the Lord. After all, the cross is a symbol of holiness, a sign that Christ suffered for the sins of mankind and gave his life. Such an object has absorbed positive energy; it cannot be the focus of the forces of evil.

This means that it is recommended to wear a cross after the death of a grandmother, son, or parents. Moreover, you don’t need to do anything, the object does not take on negative energy.

Orthodox Church

Superstitions and signs about someone else's cross

Despite the assurances of clergy, many people do not renounce their pagan beliefs. They believe that after death, absolutely all things absorb negative energy. This means that the pectoral cross will cause harm, and therefore it is better not to use it: not to wear it yourself, not to give it to relatives for use. Such thoughts are sinful. They are considered such not because they worry about the fate of things, but because they lack deep faith in God. After all, otherwise such questions would not have arisen.

Some people go even further in their ignorance: they try to throw away the cross they found or the one that was removed from the deceased. It is necessary to give it to the temple. Not a single shrine should end up in poor conditions, much less in the trash. If the cross of a deceased relative is not needed, it should be placed in a jewelry box. But in this case it is better to leave the ritual object on the body of the deceased. He will be buried with the things that were in the coffin.

Over the millennia of Christianity, a large number of rituals, traditions and customs have formed. The latter are often remembered at any time:

  • it is believed that wearing a found cross can lead to problems, the sign appeared by analogy with money found on the ground, in this case the troubles are caused by the negative energy of banknotes, but for ritual attributes it is positive, even when things are not consecrated;
  • if you raise a cross at a crossroads, they say that you should expect troubles and health problems, because this is where sorcerers perform their rituals;
  • when a person finds a ritual attribute on the road, folk wisdom predicts a trip;
  • if a chain with a cross is found in the grass by the side of the road or in a forested area, then changes in life will definitely occur.


Very often you can hear that the cross of the deceased should never be put on or worn. Various reasons are given. Here are a few of them:

    Is it possible to wear the cross of a deceased person? "In no case! It’s like taking his fate upon yourself, what are you talking about!” - this is what superstitious old women say, making “scary” eyes.

    Some grandmothers are firmly convinced that the cross of the deceased cannot be worn for the reason that the person died wearing it - this is a very bad omen. And that's it, no explanation is given.

    The cross of the deceased stores his lifetime energy. That's how it turns out. And there’s nothing that energy and Christianity are somehow not very compatible with, that’s all.

    Is it possible to wear a cross for someone who has died of cancer? No no and one more time no! In general, you cannot wear the cross of someone who has died of an illness—you will take the illness upon yourself. That's it, it turns out!

    The most merciless and frightening superstition. You cannot wear a dead person’s cross, otherwise he will come to take it away at night. Either stand or fall, as they say.

What to do with someone else's cross found?

The clergy recommend picking up the lost item and taking it to the temple. It is considered inappropriate to leave it by the roadside or throw it in the trash. But at the same time, there are special recommendations - you can contact the priest for the consecration ceremony. This will increase the positive energy of the item and also reassure its new owner. After the consecration ceremony, you can do whatever you want with a cross: give it as a gift, wear it yourself. However, first you should study all opinions. For example, esotericists think differently.

Occultists' Warning

Magicians say that you cannot raise a cross on the street. Anyone who places ritual paraphernalia in prominent places or throws it on the road expects that the item will be found. In this case, the new owner will take upon himself all the bad things that the object was charmed to do: illness, failure, loneliness, death. The transfer of negative energy occurs as soon as a person touches a thing. This explains why it is not recommended to pick up money, buttons and more valuable items, especially a cross.

You can consecrate the product, but you cannot take it in your hands - you need to use a scarf or other material for this purpose. However, the temple has a negative attitude towards superstitions and the occult.

For this reason, you just need to ask to consecrate the cross; you can clarify that it was picked up along the road.

Church recommendations for cleaning someone else's object

The clergy insist that the cross itself is a pure object. He cannot absorb negativity and harm people. However, sometimes the priest in the temple advises to conduct a consecration ceremony, for which you need to bring the product to the temple. The priest will read a prayer over the cross and sprinkle it with holy water. In addition, a sacred place will have a positive effect on the ritual attribute.

The Holy Father may recommend performing the following actions in several cases:

  • the cross was found at a crossroads;
  • the ritual object belonged to a person who committed suicide or died from a serious illness.

But such measures are not taken out of fear of negative impact.

The priest may recommend consecrating an item to enhance its positive effects.

Orthodox Church and church minister, priest

The cross in a person's life

One way or another, the cross is revered in any Christian denomination. This symbol was known long before the appearance of Jesus Christ in the world, but only after his martyrdom on it did it acquire its true meaning:

  • he reminds people of the suffering of Christ and his saving mission;
  • the cross symbolizes people's faith in the coming resurrection;
  • in the victory of good over evil;
  • the triumph of God's love, goodness and justice.

    The pectoral cross is a blessed symbol of the Holy Cross

We find an image of the cross in the Christian catacombs, dating back to the times when Christianity was persecuted. This indicates that the veneration of the cross dates back to the first centuries of Christianity.

Reasons for wearing a cross of a deceased relative

Before burial, relatives change the cross to a simpler one, and the one that the deceased was wearing is blessed and then worn. There is an explanation for this:

  • a bright memory of the deceased: when they bury a loved one, they try to leave something as a keepsake, for example, a piece of clothing, an accessory, as well as a cross, while relatives do not believe in a negative impact, they are convinced of a neutral or positive impact, because the deceased grandson or a granddaughter, uncle, aunt, mother or husband cannot cause harm, because these are the closest people; a dirty trick can be expected from acquaintances, former friends;
  • amulet against the evil eye: it is not necessary to use magical protective agents against damage; believers consider wearing a cross an effective way to protect against negative thoughts and feelings of other people, while there is an opinion that the deceased become guardian angels of the living, help in difficult situations, and protect.

Golden cross

How to properly store a valuable cross

Jewelry of any kind, including a cross, must be stored in a special way. To prevent the product from losing its shine or being scratched, it is recommended to follow simple rules:

  • keep the ritual attribute in a separate box, not stored together with other jewelry;
  • after burial, clean with a soft cloth, if necessary, take it to a jeweler for professional cleaning (when scratches appear on the cross);
  • Carry out periodic maintenance of the product: cleaning, polishing.

You can wash someone else’s cross with soap, and then think about where to put it: sell it, donate it, melt it down (but you can’t throw it away).

The Orthodox cross is not an amulet or a talisman

Situations arise when, after burial, the cross remains with relatives. This happens when it was removed some time before death, transferred for safekeeping by the deceased themselves, or removed by relatives after death due to the fact that it was made of precious metals. The question arises: where to put this personal item, how to store it, if there is no desire to carry it on yourself.

If you asked about this in any church or Orthodox literature, you would easily find many answers to your question.

The found cross must be carefully lifted from the ground with respect and humility, prayer, and used at your own discretion.

After all, crosses can often be used in various magical rituals. But believers consider such statements to be nothing more than superstition.

“Question-answer” section

Is it possible for a daughter to wear her dead mother’s cross?

Expert opinion

Remontnikov Vladimir Petrovich

Religious scholar, historian

There are 2 opinions. Esotericists claim that the things of the dead carry negative energy, especially those left after the funeral procession. Relatives cannot wear them; the ritual attribute is consecrated and placed in a separate box for storage. On the other hand, clergy deny the negative impact of such things. Everything that is placed in the coffin does not cause harm before the funeral. Children can exchange a valuable cross for a wooden one, and then wear it as a memory of the deceased.

Is it possible for a son to wear a cross from his deceased father?

Expert opinion

Father Pavel


For boys, the influence of a man (father) plays an important role. If a child expresses a desire to wear the cross of a loved one who recently died, there is nothing wrong with that. The boy will wear a ritual attribute that belonged to his father, which will serve as a reminder of his loved one's valor.

If the cross is consecrated and worn by a parent, it can and should be worn

Is it possible to wear a cross to the granddaughter of a deceased relative - grandmother?

Expert opinion

Father Pavel


Relatives treat each other with warmth and love, so after death, after 40 days, the granddaughter can wear her grandmother’s cross. The priests claim that there is no danger for a living person. They call to cast aside superstitious fears.

Are women buried with a cross or not?

Expert opinion

Father Pavel


When deciding whether to wear a cross, you should remember that there are no gender differences in this. A woman, like a man, can undergo the rite of baptism, which means that each of them has the right to be buried with a cross.

Funeral of the deceased

Where to put the cross of a deceased person?

Expert opinion

Father Pavel


Everyone present at the funeral could put a ritual attribute or someone’s photograph into the coffin to harm that person, as well as take something for the same purpose. The damage done in this way is quite strong. To prevent negative consequences, you need to take the cross from the coffin in advance; you can replace it with a simple wooden one, bought here at the temple. But also often, instead of a body item, a larger ritual attribute is placed in the hands; it is easier to monitor it so that the item does not fall into the hands of intruders.

Is it possible to wear the cross of a deceased husband?

Expert opinion

Father Pavel


When people live together for a long time, they become truly close. After death, they will not harm their loved ones. This means that it is acceptable to wear a cross left behind by your husband. Moreover, the ritual object is worn by both legal wives and women who lived with a man in a civil marriage.

Widow with children at her husband's funeral

Do they place a cross in a coffin during burial?

Expert opinion

Father Pavel


The clergy advise putting on the deceased the cross that was on him at baptism. This is the best option. A dead person should be buried with such a cross. But sometimes the crucifix given during the sacrament of Baptism is lost. Instead, another was purchased and consecrated. This ritual object can also be placed in a coffin, preferably placed on the body of the deceased. In addition, a larger cross - a ritual cross - is placed in the hands of the deceased. It is important for a believer to have such an attribute during a funeral.

Are they buried with a cross on their neck or placed in their hands?

Expert opinion

Father Pavel


Relatives are wondering if they did the right thing if they buried a loved one without a cross. In fact, according to the canons of Orthodoxy, the coffin with the body must be lowered without ritual attributes (only the aureole is left on the forehead). The icon lying on the chest during the funeral service, as well as the cross, are removed. These items cannot be buried with the body. They should be kept at home separately from other things.

Dead man in a coffin

Is it possible to wear two crosses?

The need or desire to wear two crosses at the same time may arise for various reasons:

  • One cross is given at baptism in infancy, the second, more beautiful and expensive, acquired independently in adulthood.
  • One cross is yours, the second is a gift from a loved one or a clergyman.
  • His own crucifix, the second one belonged to a very close deceased person.

There are diametrically opposed opinions on this matter. According to the first, wearing two crucifixes at once is a grave sin. By the way, some clergy with orthodox thinking also support him. They associate the loss of the cross with a huge tragedy: supposedly, this is the worst thing that can happen to a Christian.

Most of the servants of the Lord of the new school believe that you can wear as many crosses as you like - there will be no harm from it. True, there are also benefits: the degree of God’s blessing does not depend on the number of symbols. Faith is inside, in the soul and heart.

According to the patriarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church, the loss of a baptismal cross is a nuisance, because the shrine must be protected. However, its loss is not a tragedy: it is allowed to purchase and consecrate another symbol of faith - it will perform the same function.

What to do with the cross of a deceased person: answers from a priest

Father Vladimir


When a person passes by a cross on the road, steps over it, or throws it in the trash, these actions mean trampling on a shrine. A cross is a cross, which means maintaining its properties under any circumstances. Regardless of who previously put the crucifix around their neck, there will be no harm to the person. It is believed that when you pass on your cross to others, sins, character, habits, etc. are passed on along with it. However, no one thinks about the fact that virtue can be given away in this way. But people have concentrated too much on superstitions and forgotten about God, so they are afraid of what does not exist. But one must experience righteous fear of the wrath of the Lord for human ignorance.

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