Why things can get bad at a church service and how to prevent them

Quite often you can meet people who complain that they feel bad in the temple.

During service, for example. They feel dizzy and have a headache, their ears are stuffy and ringing, their vision is dark. They gasp and faint. Sometimes epileptic seizures even occur.

All of the above situations are not uncommon in churches. Some people attribute this to lack of preparation. For example, if a person visits a temple for the first time. Someone – with the sinfulness of man. Some priests claim that a person is driven by obsession. Someone says that they feel the strong energy of a prayer or an icon.

We propose to consider the question of why some people feel bad in church from two perspectives.

From the point of view of physiology and from the point of view of religious beliefs, let us consider the answers of the priests to the question of why it becomes bad in the church.

Reason 1: Large crowds of people

During services, many people gather in Orthodox churches.

Not all churches have large spaces, and there are many parishioners. Stuffy room, aroma of incense, a lot of candles, dim light. All these factors can cause a person’s well-being to deteriorate.

Most often, people complain of weakness, dizziness, lightheadedness, and tremors in the limbs. All these are signs of a lack of oxygen in the body. Which is quite logical when there are large crowds of people.

Crowds of people during a church service


People often encounter problems in church. This is usually due to lack of preparation. Most often, such symptoms occur in those who rarely visit the temple. At the same time, there are a number of physiological factors that cause malaise.

Large crowd of people

Church services are often attended by many people. The church may not have a large space for the congregation. That’s why the church can be cramped and stuffy. The situation is aggravated by the aroma of incense, dim lighting and an abundance of candles. This situation leads to weakness, fainting, and dizziness. All these symptoms are caused by a lack of oxygen in the body.


Deterioration in well-being is often associated with increased emotionality and sensitivity of a person. The insightful reading of prayers, icons, candle fire and the emotions of other people around have a very strong impact on the state of the parishioner. People with unstable psyches may feel unwell in church.

Legs ache

Traditionally in the Orthodox Church people are required to stand during worship. Therefore, even healthy people can have pain in their legs. However, older people and people with heart and vascular diseases, pathologies of the lower extremities or circulatory disorders are more susceptible to this problem.

My back hurts

Standing for long periods of time can lead to back pain. In such a situation, it is recommended to sit down and try to relax. Don't overexert yourself. Otherwise, the desire to go to church may disappear altogether.

Left hand hurts

It is believed that the antagonist of the angel lives on the left shoulder. As you know, the demon does not want a person to attend church and acts out on the left arm and shoulder. Sometimes there is also a tingling sensation under the shoulder blade. In such a situation, it is better not to pay attention. The more often a person visits the temple, the faster the unpleasant symptoms pass.

Short of breath

The feeling of shortness of breath can be caused by various factors. Some people associate this symptom with bows and jabs, others look at things more logically and explain the symptom by the external situation.

For example, not all people are able to tolerate the smell of incense. If a cheap substance is used, it has a not very pleasant aroma. In this case, the person has a sore throat and shortness of breath. Over time, this symptom goes away. When it appears, it is recommended to sit down and catch your breath.

If a strong heartbeat occurs during the service, a person begins to choke and his pulse quickens, one should not blame the demons for this.

Most likely, the reason lies in vegetative-vascular dystonia. A person may not even be aware of the presence of this problem. In such a situation, medical consultation may be required.

The temperature is rising

People who have not previously attended church may develop a fever after communion. This shouldn't be scary. The reason can also be the intervention of dark forces. You shouldn't pay attention to them. Lukashki tries to sow confusion in a person’s soul and thereby turn him away from the temple.

It's bad in an empty temple

Even if the temple is empty and there is enough oxygen in the room, a person may become ill. It is important to consider that this usually does not happen to those who regularly attend church. That’s why clergy advise going to church more often.

Jitters before confession

Such a symptom before confession is considered a temptation. The clergy are sure that evil spirits are trying to get a Christian out of the church in this way. There is no need to be afraid, because God will not allow demons to offend the person who came to him. These physiological manifestations should simply be ignored.

Bad for the child

Sometimes young parents are faced with the situation that they brought their baby to baptism, and he begins to scream and squirm. If the priest takes him in his arms, he completely starts screaming. The cause is the most common fear. The new environment and the absence of the mother in sight causes discomfort in the child.

Reason 3: Impressionability and emotionality

Among the visitors to the Orthodox Church there are many impressionable and emotional people.

Reading a prayer, the low, soulful voice of a priest, an echo, images on icons, the emotions of other people, twilight and light from a fire - all this can affect the psycho-emotional state. And depending on the stability or instability of a person’s psyche, he may feel bad in the temple.

See also the article Why renovation movements arose in the church

How to celebrate a wedding: what the bride and groom need to know

Young people who decide to get married should come to the Orthodox Church for a spiritual conversation. Father explains the meaning of tradition, the spiritual responsibilities of a wife and husband. Some churches require confession before the wedding.

The bride and groom must select witnesses for the ceremony. More often they become friends, but whether they are married or not does not matter.

Particular attention should be paid to the appearance of the newlyweds. If previously a man had to wear a black suit to get married, now there are no restrictions on color. Important: trousers (not shorts), shirt, sweatshirt.

A woman's wedding dress must meet strict requirements: the dress is modest, without cutouts on the back or chest. Its sleeve must be long or up to the elbow; bare shoulders and legs are unacceptable. It is advisable to do makeup unnoticeably and without lipstick, and the head should be covered with a veil.

It is not recommended to wear high heels because the entire procedure usually lasts more than an hour. Not every girl can survive that long.

Those getting married from midnight before the ceremony should not eat, drink, smoke or enter into intimate relationships.

Reason 5: Tears of tenderness and spiritual cleansing

Sometimes people feel like crying during prayer or church service.

It is described as a condition that cannot be contained. Their arms and legs are shaking, their bodies are covered with goosebumps. Some priests explain this phenomenon as tears of tenderness.

And if you want to cry, then you don’t need to avoid it and restrain yourself. Unless of course this borders on hysteria. If so, you should talk to the priest.

Other priests say that tears flow by themselves when the soul yearns for God and when it demands repentance. In this case, it is recommended to visit the temple as often as possible, take communion, attend services, pray and cleanse the soul.

Briefly about repentance

What it is? This is grief for one’s sins, the desire to get rid of them, to reconsider one’s life.

A person who wants to repent must understand that if he comes to confession, honestly tells everything to the priest, receives forgiveness and goes to sin again, there will be no point in such repentance. Do you want to repent? You must desire with all your heart to change your life. Hate sin, stop committing it.

Confessed? Don't commit the sin you repented of again.

Reason 6: Obsession

If it becomes bad while visiting church, the person is obsessed.

Many priests think so.

True, this does not mean that a person is hopeless. After all, every person is sinful and partly obsessed.

For example, fornication, drunkenness and pride are considered forms of obsession.

If a person is not ready to renounce them, they will control him and manifest themselves. In this case, you need to endure poor health and not stop visiting the temple.

Take communion, pray, think about God as often as possible. Then a piece of his grace will certainly settle in a person’s soul and deliver him from obsessions.

Communion is a way to get rid of obsessions and ill health in the church

Why doesn't God protect

If a person feels that God is not protecting him, it is important to prove the truth of his faith. In this case, sincere repentance is of particular importance. In this case, the Lord will forgive all sins, and things will no longer become bad in the temple.

Many people experience unpleasant feelings in church. There can be quite a few reasons for this phenomenon. They are divided into physiological and spiritual. To understand what the reason is, it is important to confess. If necessary, it is recommended to turn to medicine.

The desire to go to the temple is associated with the search for answers to questions

Often people of various qualities, professions, ages, levels of life and wealth have an irresistible desire to be in church.

Although, until now they may not have visited temples or been there very abruptly. For many, such sensations are new. Then they wonder why they are drawn to church.

There is no exact answer to this question. If only because each person is individual and everyone has a desire for their own reason.

But if you combine all the stories that accompany the question of why you are drawn to church, you will notice one similarity. Each of these people is in search of something important and fundamental.

Someone was prompted to this search by a shock in life, a tragedy, the loss of a loved one. Someone spent their whole life thinking about the main thing, but did not turn to the church. Some people feel loneliness and believe that they will find unity in the Orthodox Church.

Someone suddenly realized that until now he had been doing everything wrong, but he didn’t know how differently. For some, church is the only place where they feel safe and in harmony with themselves.

Church is a place where you can feel unity with yourself

There is no clear answer. But there is an explanation and proof that the church unites those who are in search, who are moving along the path of spiritual enlightenment and want to find answers to questions.

Jitters before confession

A man complains to the priest that things have become bad in the church. What should the priest's response to this be? Especially when the action takes place in confession.

Imagine a person is standing in line for confession. He is just starting to go to church, he doesn’t know anything yet. I am firmly convinced that life must be changed, and we no longer make friends with sins. And those who are committed will repent.

And then it makes him feel hot, then goosebumps run down his skin. Sweat appears on the forehead, it seems that there is not enough breath. Although the temple is quite cool and the oxygen supply is fine.

What it is? This action cannot be called anything other than temptation. The evil spirits are trying with all their might to get the new Christian out of the church. So they begin to provoke him with incomprehensible attacks. There is no need to be afraid, God will not allow onions to offend someone who has just come to Him. You just need to ignore these physiological manifestations, that’s all.

Why do troubles happen after going to church?

Among people who often attend church, there are also those who encounter troubles after visiting it.

Why troubles happen after visiting church is a fairly common question. But there is no definite answer to it yet. Let's look at a few of them.

Errors in worship.

Often people who are just beginning their journey of faith may do something wrong.

In order for a person to understand the lesson, God presents him with difficulties and some suffering. You can improve through repentance, fasting, and communication with the priest.

If there is a need, confess. Talk to the priest, ask what you might be doing wrong, what you’re doing wrong.

Strengthening the Spirit

The Lord hears everyone's prayers.

The Lord gives situations to strengthen a person’s spirit, so troubles after church are normal.

People do not always and do not immediately understand that what seems to them a misfortune and a nuisance is actually a good thing for them and for their loved ones.

Soul cleansing

Sometimes people complain that after going to church, they or their relatives start to get sick.

We are not talking about fatal diseases, but colds and similar severity. This is explained by the fact that the soul of the one who was in the temple and those for whom he prayed is cleansed of negativity.

Thus, through some suffering the soul moves towards goodness. If you notice that this is happening to you, do not hesitate and contact a priest.

Confess and everything will pass.

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What the priests say

The clergy name several main reasons that negatively affect the state of a person in the temple.


The cause of illness is often evil spirits. Demons do not want a person to go to church and be cleansed of sins, thereby communing with the Lord. Therefore, they make a lot of efforts to discourage parishioners from the temple. Priests recommend not paying attention to such signs and attending church more often.

Soul cleansing

Some people literally have tears in their eyes during the service. Many people can't even contain them. Some priests call this symptom tears of tenderness. At such moments, it is worth visiting the temple more often, taking communion and praying. This helps to cleanse the soul.


Many priests believe that discomfort in the temple is associated with human possession. This does not mean that he was possessed by demons. There are many other obsessions. Among them it is worth highlighting alcoholism, pride, and drug addiction. In this case, it is worth enduring the discomfort, reading prayers and receiving communion. God will hear the person and help him cope with addictions.

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