Akathist to the holy righteous Alexy Mechev, presbyter of Moscow

Life of Alexy of Moscow

Memorial Days:

  • September 2 (movable) - Cathedral of Moscow Saints
  • 22nd of June
  • September 29 – Transfer of relics

Alexy Mechev was born in 1859 into a Christian family. There was always a friendly atmosphere in the house; guests were welcome at any time. Everyone in Alexy’s family had love for God, and he dedicated his life to serving the Lord.

Alexy graduated from the Zaikonospasskoye School, and then from the Moscow Theological Seminary. In 1880, on October 14, Alexy Mechev was accepted as a psalm-reader at the Znamenskaya Church of the Prechistensky Forty. Father George was the rector of the psalm-reader for many years, which were very difficult for him. The abbot turned out to be a stern and even cruel person, he often found fault, insulted and even beat Alexy. And yet, seeing off Father Georgy to another world, Mechev was sad, and at the funeral he stood with tears in his eyes. He believed that the abbot was his best teacher, to whom he owed a lot.

In 1884, Mechev married the daughter of psalm-reader Pyotr Molchanov, Anna. Then he became a deacon in the Church of the Sretensky Forty. The couple lived together for many years. The deacon's marriage was successful and very happy: the wife sincerely loved her husband, and in return he saw in her a friend and helper sent to him by the Lord. Alexy and Anna had five children, but the third, a boy, died at the age of one. For a strong, long marriage, the saint is revered as an assistant in family affairs. The prayer to Alexy Moskovsky is read when there is discord in the house, it helps to restore the love and respect that the spouses so need.

In 1893, Alexy became a priest in the St. Nicholas Church of the Presentation of the Forty at the insistence of Bishop Nester. Then the Church of St. Nicholas in Klenniki came under the control of Mechev. As rector, Alexy was present at all services, and often conducted them himself. People came to him for advice and help, and he did not deprive anyone of his attention. But he advised only once, and left those who tried to argue with him in the middle of the conversation.

In 1917, while reading a prayer service, Alexy and all the parishioners witnessed a miracle - tears flowed from the eyes of the Mother of God on the Feodorovskaya icon. What he saw shocked the priest and he was unable to continue his service. But after that, more and more people came to the church.

On June 22, 1923, the world said goodbye to Alexy. Now June 22 and September 29 are celebrated as the saint’s memory days.

The Path of the Priest

In the fall of 1884, Mechev was appointed deacon of the St. George Church in Lubyanka, and 9 years later, in the early spring of 1893, he was ordained a priest of the St. Nicholas Church in Klenniki.

Righteous Alexy Mechev served in a small church, where sometimes there were no parishioners, but he honestly conducted all services, worshiping the Lord, being alone for almost 8 years. In small churches, services were usually held 2-3 times a week. The new rector rose every day at 5 a.m., opened the church, prayed at the icon of the Theodore Mother of God, reputed to be miraculous, and personally prepared everything for the Eucharist and Proskomedia.

At the appointed hour, Matins and Liturgy began. The ringing of bells was heard throughout the area, calling for services, and the church was often empty, but the priest believed and faithfully performed all services every day. At that time, according to established tradition, Muscovites came to confession before Easter during a fast; only in the St. Nicholas Church on Maroseyka the sacrament of Confession and Communion was performed daily.

One case was described when a desperate woman decided to drown herself early in the morning, but was stopped by a policeman and taken to the holy father in St. Nicholas Church, where she was saved.

Every person who entered the temple received not only spiritual help, but also practical advice and material support. The news about the good priest quickly spread throughout the area, and soon the small church became known throughout Moscow. The parishioners were touched by simple, sincere sermons that spoke the truth of life.

Holy Righteous Alexy Mechev, Moscow Elder

After the death of his beloved wife, who was unable to survive in the difficult conditions of semi-poverty, St. Alexy closed himself in solitude for a long time to pour out his grief before the Creator, and only after a visit to St. John of Kronstadt did the new life of the Monk Alexy begin.

Father Mechev always found a word of consolation and tried to do without imposing a heavy burden. He called for overcoming obstacles in life in love, treating family well, showing parishioners the only path to salvation - the path of love.

Important! The righteous priest emphasized every time that the feat of obedience, love and patience begins in the family, in oppressing oneself for the good of dear people, in rebuilding one’s soul and breaking one’s character.

Possessing the gift of insight, Father Alexy saw not only the life path of people who came to him with requests, but could also read their thoughts. Those who sincerely repented were helped with prayer and consolation. He stopped communicating with crafty people without explaining anything.

Father often went to the Khitrov market to talk with representatives of the very bottom of life, he began to be invited to services in all corners of Moscow. The good instruction of the wise priest restored more than one family, helped to avoid the mistakes of many of the guilty, who realized the prophetic instructions some time after the conversation.

Over time, a parochial school was opened at the church, and a shelter for homeless and abandoned children appeared. The graduates of the women's gymnasium recalled with a feeling of gratitude the teacher of the Law of God, who tried with all his might to sow the seeds of true Christian faith in the young hearts of the schoolgirls.

Alexy Mechev of Moscow became a spiritual mentor for many people, among them was his spiritual daughter Maria Sokolova, the future mother Juliana, who became a monk. Maria Sokolova was blessed by the holy archpriest to paint icons, for the priest was concerned with the revival of the icon painting of Ancient Rus'.

The modest and perspicacious Father Alexy Mechev received parishioners on all issues, orienting their views on the lives of the saints.

How do the prayers of Alexy of Moscow help?

All conflicts and quarrels in the family can be destructive, but prayer to Saint Alexy of Moscow can help with this misfortune. You can ask him for advice in matters of the heart or about happiness and prosperity for the family.

There are times when it seems that there is no way back, there is nothing good left, and the common past fades against the background of looming problems. But the request in prayer to Metropolitan Alexy of Moscow will definitely be heard. A saint can return lost peace and tranquility to a home and revive love. Faith teaches compassion and patience towards one's neighbor, which should become the basis of strong relationships.

It's not just family problems that are dealt with. A prayer to St. Alexis, Metropolitan of Moscow, is read by cancer patients who are addicted to alcohol. It cures many diseases, both body and soul.

Many troubles and problems of people are to blame for stress, which not only puts pressure mentally, but also affects human health. By reading a prayer to a saint, a person finds peace of mind and tranquility. It seems as if the abbot’s hand is still pointing the right path, as it was a hundred years ago.

Meaning and veneration in Orthodoxy

The flow of believers to Father Alexy increased every year. People came to him for help and blessings. The priest received people in church and at home, and queues formed to see the priest. He was revered by both parishioners and clergy. The elders of Optina also knew and spoke flatteringly about him.

The righteous man led many lost souls to God. After the priest’s sermons, people were inspired and felt the strength and grace of God. Moscow Archpriest Alexey deserved true popular love and veneration, which did not end even after his death.

The memory of the saint is venerated on the day of his death - June 22, September 5 in the Cathedral of Moscow Saints and on the date of transfer of the relics - September 29.

Prayers to Saint Alexy of Moscow (Mechev)

Troparion, tone 3

Like a miracle of God, you appeared,/ in the city of Moscow, Father Alexis,/ not in the desert, but in the midst of rumors, you flourished,/ in the time of fierce apostasy,/ you became like the ancients Thou art a seer, a man of prayer and an elder, and a comforter to the afflicted and the doctor,/ for this sake for the Russian flock,/ be an immutable intercessor now, // a prayer book for our souls.

Translation: Like a miracle of God, you appeared in the city of Moscow, Father Alexy, for you blossomed not in the desert, but in the midst of (worldly) bustle, in the cruel times of the Apostasy, but you became like the ancients (ascetics), being a seer, a man of prayer and an elder, a comforter to the suffering and a doctor, therefore for the Russian flock, be now an unchanging intercessor, a prayer book for our souls.

Troparion, tone 1

Help in troubles and comfort in sorrows, good shepherd, Father Alexis, through the feat of old age you shone upon the world, you confessed the faith and love of Christ in the darkness of lawlessness, more knowing in your heart about all those who flow to you. And now pray to God for us, who honor you with love.

Translation: Help in troubles and comfort in sorrows, good shepherd, Father Alexy, for in the feat of eldership you shone to the world, you confessed the faith and love of Christ in the darkness of iniquity, your heart aching for everyone who comes to you. And now pray to God for us, who lovingly honor you.

Troparion for the transfer of relics, tone 4

The day of a new celebration has come, / the city of Moscow rejoices, / and the whole Russian country rejoices / with new spiritual stumps, / today is a sacred celebration / in the offering of honest and multi-healing relics / of the righteous and miracles Rtsa Alexy, / as if the bright light shone upon us with blessed rays ,/ consuming the darkness of illness and passions/ from those who sing diligently,/ save us with your prayers// our righteous Alexis.

Translation: The day of a new celebration has come, the city of Moscow rejoices, and the entire Russian country sings new spiritual chants, for today is a sacred holiday in honor of the transfer of the revered and healing relics of the righteous and wonderworker Alexy, who, like a bright light, shone upon us with blessed rays, dispersing the darkness of illnesses and passions from those who persistently sing, save us with your prayers, righteous Alexy, our father.


You, the righteous elder than Alexie, have undertaken great works of love and mercy, from the holy shepherd of Kronstadt a blessing to help the suffering, having received, misfortune and sorrow of people, as you believe Place your legs on your frame. We, leading you boldly to the Lord as a prayer book, call to you with tenderness: pray to Christ God to save our souls.

Translation: You took on great feats of love and mercy, righteous elder Alexy, having received a blessing from the holy shepherd of Kronstadt to help the suffering, you placed the troubles and sorrows of people like chains on your shoulders. We, knowing you as a daring prayer book to the Lord, cry out in heartfelt contrition: “Pray to Christ God for the salvation of our souls.”

Greatness to the righteous Alexy of Moscow (Mechev)

We magnify you, holy and righteous Father Alexis, and honor your holy memory, for you pray for us, Christ our God.

Prayer to Righteous Alexy of Moscow (Mechev)

Oh, our all-honorable and blessed Father Alexis, the wondrous Elder of Moscow and praise and joy to the whole Russian Church! Having great love for the Lord, unfailingly fulfilling the covenants of the Gospel, you laid down your soul for your flock, grieving with a merciful heart for everyone who asked for your help. Accept this little prayer of ours, and as in your earthly life you wiped away every tear, eased every sorrow, so now, merciful prayer book and our intercessor, take away the burdens , our illnesses and sorrows, fill our suffering hearts with joy, beg God, the Lover of mankind, for forgiveness our countless sins, so that having cleansed our souls with repentance, let us begin to do good. To her, good elder, be a good shepherd for us too, guiding us on the path of salvation, so that through your prayers we will immaculately pass the path of our life and find the Heavenly Fatherland, where you are with the angels and holy to all Before us stand the Throne of the Holy Trinity, glorifying the Beginning Father with His Only Begotten Son and the Most Holy One , and the Good, and His Life-giving Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

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Saint icon

Among Christians, the icon of St. Alexis, the man of God, has long been revered and used in the most difficult situations. First of all, this is due to the fact that he abandoned all material values ​​and opened his soul to serve him. That is why it can be seen in many temples. For Tsar Alexy Mikhailovich, he was a heavenly patron. Nowadays it is also considered a very good gift.

Most often it depicts a saint with humility and meekness on his face. It is difficult to understand why he decided to leave home, knowing what suffering this would cause to his loved ones. Seeing the image, it immediately becomes clear that the main desire was the atonement for the sins of all the suffering and humiliated. Most often, a prayer is read before it, which is considered the most universal. This is what she looks like.

“Oh, great servant of Christ, holy man of God Alexie, with your soul in Heaven the Throne of the Lord stands, and on the earth given to you from above by grace, perform various miracles! Look mercifully at the people standing before your holy icon, tenderly praying and asking for your help and intercession. Stretch out your honest hand in prayer to the Lord God and ask Him for forgiveness of our sins, voluntary and involuntary, healing for the afflicted, intercession for the afflicted, consolation for the grieving, quick help for the needy, and for all who honor you, a peaceful and Christian death and a good answer to the terrible Judgment of Christ. To her, saint of God, do not disgrace our hope, which we place in you according to God and the Mother of God, but be our helper and protector for salvation, and, having received grace and mercy from the Lord with your prayers, let us glorify the love of mankind of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit in the Trinity glorified and worshiped God, and your holy intercession, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen."

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