As soon as I created a profile on Instagram, my mother immediately said: it’s not a good thing to brag, someone will definitely envy, and then it’s not far from damage. But out of young naivety, I didn’t listen to her, I took pictures and posted pictures from my vacation in Turkey, dance competitions where my children won, bouquets from my husband...

And suddenly our family was replaced - scandals began, illnesses began, and our considerable salary was no longer enough to live on. Well, as there is an evil eye, and maybe even stronger magic! I called my mother and, having repented, gave in: we need a reprimand from the damage, and quickly.

Features of using prayers to reprimand against damage and the evil eye

In church services, a special order has been compiled, based on the expulsion of demons from the soul in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is often called a reprimand, but in the church missal it has a different, more extensive name: “Prayer service for the weak, overwhelmed by unclean spirits.”

How do you understand that you need to reprimand against curses, the evil eye and damage?

  • You or someone in your household is suffering from an illness that is difficult to diagnose. Your soul hurts, your heart is heavy, the cats are scratching, and the medicines are not bringing relief.
  • Anger creeps into your soul as if out of nowhere, you argue with everyone, you swear, you hate the whole world.

There are many magical sites offering protection from damage by pouring wax and other rituals. But the official church does not approve of witchcraft, even for “medicinal” purposes. Therefore, reprimand is the only help from evil for true believers.

But it is important to remember: to make a “diagnosis” you should contact not only an Orthodox priest, but also a doctor, psychologist or psychiatrist.

No need to be shy! Sometimes we confuse damage with mental illness, and in this case, not a lecture, but correctly selected pills will help a person again feel the taste of life and begin to please others.

How to prepare for a reprimand with prayers

Christianity is a “medicine” in which the most important role is played by the patient’s faith that he will be heard and saved. Even in the case of a lecture, during which we entrust ourselves entirely to our heavenly patron.

Of course, a person who is suspected of possession can say terrible things about Orthodoxy. Don't argue with him! When preparing to reprimand, surround him with examples of virtue, and sincerely (you can secretly) pray for him.

Maternal prayer is considered the strongest, but even if you have no family ties with the person who has been damaged, ask the Lord to help him, this will definitely count. You need to create a friendly, quiet atmosphere around the “sick” person. Confess, attend services, receive communion.

Be prepared for the fact that your neighbor will not immediately be filled with virtuous thoughts after being reprimanded. He will be like an empty vessel that the demon has left, but the Lord has not yet filled. And it is through your actions that He will again attract this person to His kingdom.

Therefore, invite a cleansed relative to family prayer, to worship services, and do not allow bad habits. If you miss the moment, the “sick” may return to evil again, and the demons will take possession of him again.

Get ready for daily hard work. But the prize for it will be royal: the soul of the person you love will not go to Satan.


Before reading the prayer, you will need a white piece of paper to rewrite the prayer yourself. And then read from a piece of paper. Because when you rewrite a prayer against coronavirus with your own hand, it becomes stronger in protection.

In order to avoid getting sick from Coronavirus, there are certain foods that if you eat, 99% of the time you definitely won’t get sick. Especially if you chew ginger, then no coronavirus will take you... You can watch the video for more details ➡

The mechanism of reporting in the church

Many have seen spectacular films about exorcists. But Orthodox priests do not reprimand so spectacularly. Some of them don’t even want to hear about the rite of reprimand. However, you can get rid of damage yourself, relying on the power of holy places of prayer.

  • Sorokoust. It is ordered for seriously ill people, but spoilage is a disease that dries out and cannot be treated. If the damage is strong, go around 3 temples in one day, ordering Sorokoust in each. It is better to choose small churches - this way you will have a better chance that the prayer-reprimand will not be interrupted, say, because the priest is busy with weddings, baptisms and funerals. But it is also important that each holy father inspires your trust.
  • In six churches over three days, light candles for the health of a “damaged” person (you can also use your own). This is done like this: on the first day, visit one church, on the second - two, and on the third - three. Place the candle either in front of the icon of your “name” patron, or in front of the Mother of God/Christ (for women and men, respectively). In this case, you can read the prayers listed below for reprimand.

Important! When a person faces a big reprimand through prayers, to get rid of damage, he tries to find the strongest, most experienced and famous priest. But do not forget that only half of the success is in his hands. 50% of the “patient’s” cleansing depends on himself, as well as his environment!

By the way, not all clergy undertake reprimands. And those who are involved may not recognize the evil eye and damage, making only such “diagnoses” as demon possession. Recently, it has included alcoholism or drug addiction (in severe form), as well as very serious problems in personal life.

To cast out demons, the priest must obtain permission from the holy fathers higher in the church hierarchy. Demonic damage cannot be removed by ordinary prayers.

It is advisable for the possessed person to be personally present in the church. If he cannot be brought there, the priest can also give a lecture in absentia, but it does not work in every case.

Prayer (+VIDEO)

What is the universal spiritual meaning of a person’s prayer to God? How do we begin and end our prayers? What feelings should we not have before God?

Hello, dear brothers and sisters. The late Serbian Patriarch Paul, of blessed memory, spoke these simple words: “A bird is a bird because it flies. And a flower is a flower because it smells and blooms. And a man is a man because he prays.” Prayer is a birthmark of a person. In all other respects, man is similar to animals: he is a mammal, viviparous, bipedal, without feathers - this is how he could be defined in a biology course.

Prayer is a sign of a person. A man is a man because he prays

We give birth to living offspring, such as a cat and a dog, a dolphin or an elephant. Our mothers feed their young with milk, just as a cow feeds her calf, just as a mother elephant feeds her calf. And we worry about our children, we flock into the human herd, into society, we take care of the family, like, say, swans or the same dolphins, or monkeys, or wolves. We have a signaling system through which we communicate with people like us. And in all other respects, we are actually the same animals. How are we truly different from the animal world? For me, there is only one thing: the fact that we pray. Prayer is a sign of a person. A bird is a bird because it flies; a flower is a flower because it grows and smells, and a man is a man because he prays.

Let's talk briefly about prayer. This is great art, this is the science of sciences and the art of arts. You need to learn prayer all your life. Sometimes a person spends many decades trying to learn to call on the name of the Lord carefully and with fear and reverence. Sometimes the heart is drilled by God’s drill, and a fountain of prayer flows from there, as was the case, for example, with the drowning Peter, when there was no time and opportunity to pick up a book, kneel down, light a lamp - a man is drowning, and he shouts: “Save me, I’m dying!” This is the prayer of a dying man. So the thief on the cross prayed: “Remember me, Lord, in Your Kingdom!” Or the publican in the temple beating his chest: “God, be merciful to me, a sinner.” These are all short prayers that burst out of a person like protuberances, like a geyser, like hot boiling water gushing from the depths of the human soul. This is a request to God.

But it is better not to wait for trouble so that trouble will force us to pray. In general, the best teacher of prayer is trouble. When trouble comes, when illness comes, prayer for healing begins. Fear comes - prayer for salvation begins. Trouble comes with children - prayer for children begins. Some other need comes - prayer begins for such and such. But I would not praise this type of prayer, because you still need to pray until illness, until need, until trouble, until death, until danger, until the separation of the soul from the body. That is, you need to pray to God, because He exists, and you need to communicate with Him.

Saint Basil the Great defines several types of prayer, and the first he considers is the prayer of praise. God must be praised. You need to come to churches to praise God. “Praise the Lord from heaven, praise Him in the highest. Praise Him, all your angels; praise Him, all your might. Praise Him, the heavens of the heavens and the waters that are above the heavens” (Ps. 149: 1–4). The Psalter ends with psalms of praise: 148, 149, 150 - we read them at Matins. The Psalter begins with a revelation about how to live: “Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked... but his will is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he learns day and night. And it will be like a tree planted by the rising waters, which will yield its fruit in its season, and its leaf will not fall away” (Ps. 1: 1-3). This is the beginning of the Psalter. And at the end of the Psalter, what does it come to? To the fact that “if you praise the Lord, praise Him, serpents, fires, abysses, hail, snow, bareness, storms - all praise the Lord.” A man expands his soul so much that he wants the entire universe to turn into a temple, and he, a man, becomes a priest in this temple. This, in fact, is the purpose of human creation. The world is a temple, and man is a priest in it. And the first thing to do in relation to the Lord God is to praise Him. “We praise, we bless, we give thanks, we worship the Lord, singing and exalting Him forever.” So praise the Lord more than you ask for anything.

This is very important: you must always pray as a sinner. You cannot pray like a righteous person, because our righteousness is false, imaginary, full of holes. We must pray to God as a sinner: praise God, but do not forget that you are a sinner. Ask Him for forgiveness of your sins. “Have mercy on me, O God, according to Your great mercy.” And then ask God, ask what you want: for your daughter - a husband; to a married daughter - children and faithful living with her husband, so that they don’t get divorced, don’t fight, don’t swear; for my son to return safe and sound from the army; “help me pay off my mortgage, Lord,” “help me get well.” Ask God - we need to ask God, because He has everything we need: the words “wealth” and “God” have the same root, that is, God is rich in everything, He has everything, He does not feel sorry for anything. Only He gives in doses to those who need it, and on time.

And finally, when you receive what you ask for, you should give thanks. Who would you be if you ask God for help, God gives it to you, and then you don’t thank Him? You need to thank.

So, praise, repent, ask and give thanks after receiving what you asked - these are the four types of prayer that, if my memory serves me, Saint Basil the Great defines.

Now another very important thing: when you start praising, end with repentance, and when you start to repent, end with praise. I will illustrate this with a simple, but, it seems to me, very important example. Here is a penitential psalm: “Have mercy on me, O God, according to Your great mercy” (Ps. 50:1). David wrote this after he was wounded twice - by two arrows: adultery and murder - he killed and slept with another man's wife. Then he understood everything - Nathan told him, and he tried these accusatory words on himself and began to repent: “I wet my bed with tears” - I began to wash my bed with tears. Here is a psalm born out of repentance: “Have mercy on me, O God, according to Your great mercy, and according to the multitude of Your compassions, cleanse my iniquity.” He repents and repents, and then says: “I will teach the wicked in Your way, and the wicked will turn to You” (Ps. 51:15). Note: David, who killed and fornicated, says: “I will teach the wicked Your ways, and the wicked will turn to You.” I'm sorry, King David, who are you? Are you not the wicked one? You yourself are a murderer and an adulterer. Are you going to teach anyone else? Are you going to bring the wicked to God? What have you done yourself? It seems so. But in fact, great wisdom is revealed: David begins with repentance, and then gradually his heart flares up more and more, his heart reaches a fervent state, and he says: “I, Lord, will do everything for You.” What does the Lord need most? – Bring back sinners from sinful paths. “I will turn the wicked to You, I will teach the wicked Your ways” - he ends, in essence, with a promise to God to be a preacher and teacher of many. Do you understand?

So start with repentance and end differently - you will become a teacher. "Do you love me?" - "I love!" - “Feed My sheep.” So Peter hears three times from Christ in response to repentance the command to “feed My sheep” - this is very valuable for the Lord. King David begins with repentance, and ends with praise and already speaks about the “walls of Jerusalem”, “the sacrifice of righteousness: then they will lay bulls on Your altar” (Ps. 50: 20, 21).

This is the law: if you begin to repent, you will ascend to praise God; if you begin to praise the Lord, you will descend to repentance.

But in the Great Doxology, on the contrary, we first say: “Glory to God in the highest, on earth peace, good will toward men.” We praise, bless, thank You, Lord..." - we praise God. And then slowly - we sing, we sing - “Heal my soul, for those who have sinned against You.” Where is this from? It seems they started praising, and then - once again, they descended into repentance. Yes, this is the law: if you begin to repent, you will ascend to praise; if you begin to praise, you will descend to repentance.

If you attended Great Compline during Lent, you probably noticed that there are two songs that radically present these two positions to us. First: “God is with us - understand, O pagans, and submit, for God is with us. Hear to the last of the earth that God is with us. O ye that are mighty, submit, for God is with us.” God is with us, we are not afraid of anyone, “we will not be afraid of your fear, we will be confused, for God is with us,” “We will sanctify the Lord our God, and He will be our fear, for God is with us.” This is a song of the triumph of faith, that is, we are not afraid of anyone at all. Everything you are planning, scheming, sharpening your knives, collecting your weapons, cleaning them - it’s all nonsense - God is with us, hide, everyone. Then half of Compline passes and the song is sung: “Lord of hosts, be with us, for is there no other imam to help you in sorrow, Lord of hosts, have mercy on us” - this is a completely different tone: Lord, do not leave us. We just said: “God is with us! Well, that's it - chick! In the corners! We are the strongest, the Lord is with us!”, and then we say to God: “Please don’t leave us, just don’t leave us. Because if You leave us, we will all simply be destroyed. They don’t love us anyway, but here they will simply eat us alive: “If the Lord were not in us... they would have devoured us alive” (Ps. 123: 2) - this is how it is written in the psalms. And we are already praying: “Lord, do not leave us, wake up with us. Why don’t the imams help you in your sorrows?” This is how polar prayer is combined - repentance and praise. If you start with praise, you will end with repentance; if you start with repentance, you will rise to praise. Both are very necessary for a person.

Come to the temples of God to praise the Lord and be sure to repent of your sins. Come to the temples of God to repent of your sins and be sure to praise the Lord at the end.

You need to be extremely honest in prayer, not pretend to be anything before God, not put on a mask

And, perhaps, the last thing for today: a person, according to Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh (May the Kingdom of Heaven be upon him!), often puts on a mask to pray, and it is not I who pray, but my mask. I make eyes at God, pretend to be something that I really am not. At the same time, I still imagine God in some way, which is also a mask of God, some kind of doll instead of the Lord. Instead of a living God, Who needs to be feared, I imagine someone - either a kind grandfather, or someone else. It turns out that my mask is praying to the mask of God, that is, there is no dialogue. But for prayer there must be two personalities: He and I. I pray to Him - not my mask, but I. And I pray not to His mask, but to Him. You need to be extremely honest in prayer, prayer is a terribly honest activity: you can’t hide anything, you can’t deceive anyone, your soul is wide open, and whatever is there is there. “Here, look at me, I’m showing you.” How the lion came to Gerasim, remember, with a thorn, with tears? Like, I can’t get it out. An animal does not have fingers like a human to pull a splinter out of its own paw. He came and showed Gerasim: there’s a thorn in my paw. Gerasim pulled it out, wound up this paw for him, the poor thing, and the lion became his friend forever. This is how a person shows his soul wide open, honestly shows: look, what’s inside me, it’s actually some kind of nightmare, “heal me, as those who have sinned with You,” “heal my soul, as those who have sinned with You.”

Praise and repentance are the two poles of the prayer life. I repeat: if you start with praise, end with repentance, and if you start with repentance, end with praise. Praise God and repent before Him - this is the whole of human life, because no one except people on earth, in fact, prays. But the whole world is looking at us, waiting for us to pray. Every bird looks at a person and thinks: “I wish I had your tongue, and your heart, and your brains - yes, I would pray from morning to evening! You don't pray. I pray - I sing to God every morning as best I can, but you don’t pray.” Each toad looks from the swamp at a person and says: “Why don’t you pray? I croak to the glory of God from morning to evening, but you don’t pray.” Every tree creaks, makes noise with its branches, looks at a person and thinks so to itself: “I would like your lungs, your tongue, your teeth, lips, this whole system, your entire speech apparatus and your heart - yes, I would pray to God from morning to evening . Why don't you pray? All nature asks people: “Why don’t you pray? You are created for this. We must give you wool, bread, warmth, protection, fire, light, etc…. We are for this, for you. And for God, you must pray.”

A man is a man because he prays to God. And a bird is a bird because it can fly and sing.

With God, goodbye.

Basic prayers of reprimand

Lord's Prayer

Prayer to the Honest Cross

Jesus Prayer

Prayer to the Holy Spirit

Prayer to the Lord for healing

And here is what an experienced Orthodox priest says about reprimanding:

Is it possible to perform the ritual at home?

Yes! Only in this case, proofreading against damage is not carried out by the “patient” himself or his relatives. People turn to a strong psychic or parapsychologist, less often to a magician.

The ritual goes like this:

  1. All the lights in the room are turned off and the curtains are drawn. Only blessed (church) candles should illuminate the room.
  2. The “patient” removes jewelry (the cross does not count), sits comfortably in a chair and relaxes as much as possible.
  3. The psychic baptizes the person three times, then himself. He places a white napkin on the crown of the “patient” and circles his head three times with his index finger (from the middle of the forehead, clockwise). He places his hand in the center of the handkerchief, crosses the person again and begins to scold him.
  4. He must say a lot of long prayers, so the session will take a lot of time. The more prayers there are, the better the ritual is performed. When the “Our Father” is heard, the reprimand will be over, and your damage will be removed.

Video: prayer against coronavirus

Briefly about coronavirus

Coronavirus infection COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by a new coronavirus that has not previously been detected in humans. Exposure to this virus results in the development of a respiratory influenza-like illness with symptoms such as cough, fever and, in more severe cases, pneumonia. To protect against infection, wash your hands frequently and avoid touching your face.

The new coronavirus is transmitted primarily through contact with an infected person by coughing or sneezing, or by inhalation of droplets of saliva or nasal secretions from an infected person.

Symptoms of coronavirus:

Coronavirus infection COVID-19 is characterized by a mild course with symptoms such as sore throat, cough and fever. In some people, the disease may be more severe and lead to pneumonia or respiratory failure

Hygiene during coronavirus

1) Wash your hands whenever possible, use antiseptic, wet alcohol wipes. 2) Do not touch your eyes, mouth, nose and mucous membranes with dirty hands, 3) Sneeze and cough into the crook of your elbow or a tissue, 4) Ventilate the room, 5) Wash vegetables and fruits after shopping, 6) Avoid close contact with infected people, 7) Buy an alcohol spray to treat your hands if necessary, 8) Wet clean surfaces using disinfectants more often, 9) After coming home from the street, wash your face, hands and the inside of your nose with soap and water. 10) Be in the fresh air more often, walk, breathe. A lack of oxygen in an apartment leads to a lack of it, first of all, in brain cells and phenomena of drowsiness, increased fatigue, and impaired concentration. Exit to fresh air enriches the blood with oxygen and promotes its entry into cells and tissues. 11) And finally start doing exercises in the morning! Morning exercise awakens, heals and strengthens the body, improves blood circulation, which helps activate all body systems, has a hardening effect, disciplines a person, improves mood, and increases performance. —————————————————————————————-


I had to involve a strong priest in solving the problem (he once reprimanded my uncle and helped him get rid of his gambling addiction). We took both children to church, and, fortunately, after the first rite of reprimand, they stopped getting sick.

And for myself and my husband, I performed a ritual of cleansing from damage and curses as described above - with the help of Sorokoust in 3 temples. In one of them, by the way, the priest scolded me for my Instagram page (I told him everything), calling it a sin of pride.

So I deleted my account from this network, and now I feel much better. And if I want to brag about something, I call my mother - she will always be sincerely happy for our family.

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