The history of the origin of the Molchensk Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Molchenskaya Icon of the Mother of God in the Molchenskaya Nativity of the Virgin Mary Convent

Molchenskaya Icon of the Mother of God
Memory April 24, September 18

Appeared on September 18, 1405 in the Molche swamp near Putivl. Initially it was located in the Molchensk Sophronium Hermitage, and in 1605, probably on April 24, it was moved to the Putivl Molchensky Monastery.

A fire in the monastery destroyed the original icon, but “by the grace of God, the first copy of the Molchenskaya Icon of the Mother of God, written in 1724 under Abbot Moses, who became famous for many miracles and is miraculous, was preserved” [1].

In 1925, after the monastery was closed, the icon disappeared. For many years they tried to find the icon, but to no avail.

Rediscovery of an icon

Version 1

Molchenskaya Icon of the Mother of God in the Molchenskaya Mother of God-Nativity of Sophronius Hermitage

In the 1960s, Fr.
Georgy Kozachenko. Between deanery matters, he was especially interested in the issue of searching for the Molchenskaya Icon of the Mother of God. But neither the clergy nor the laity knew the location of the shrine. Father George often offered his prayers to the Mother of God so that She would reveal where one of her miraculous images was located. In 1969, the wife of the late headman Sekerin approached him so that Fr. George accepted the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos bequeathed to him by his late husband. But it was not the Molchensk Icon, but the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, a list from the 19th century. After a thorough examination of the inside of the repository, it turned out that under the Vladimir image of the Mother of God the miraculous ancient icon of Molchenskaya was kept. At first, the icon was kept as a family shrine at home (for obvious reasons - the communists were in power). On May 7, 1995, the icon was solemnly transferred to the Putivl Molchensky Monastery. During the religious procession, many people received healing.

Version 2

According to other information, Archimandrite German, rector of the Sofroniyevo-Molchensk Hermitage, in response to prayer, received a revelation according to which the Mochen icon was found in the village of Ugodichi with an unbelieving Tatar family, where the icon was used for grinding chalk. The icon was solemnly brought to the Sophronievo-Molchensky Monastery.

Version 3

The “disappeared” list did not disappear; it is kept in the Epiphany Church. Ugodich, Rostov region. Local historian, historian and writer “peasant of the village of Ugodich” Alexander Yakovlevich Artynov reports that Count Mikhail Vladimirovich Tolstoy, author of the book “Shrines and Antiquities of Rostov the Great,” visited Ugodich in 1866. Examining the revered Molchensky icon, he said that due to its antiquity and the nature of the writing, the Ugodich icon may well be the same icon from Putivl.


Troparion, tone 4

Today the glorious city of Moscow is shining brightly/ and in Putivl there is great rejoicing,/ as they honor, O Mother of God, Thy wondrous icon,// giving everyone the honey of grace.


Let us come to the people, / to our Lady, the Virgin Mother of God, / for she gave us Her Molchenskaya icon, / exuding currents of healing, / giving all sorts of help in mental and physical ailments, / and leading to eternal life.

We magnify Thee,/ Most Holy Mother of Christ our God,/ who has risen silently with Her icon from the crony/ and the people who honor Thy holy image// delivering from troubles.


Compiled from the praise words of the Holy Fathers

The Most Reverend Jonathan (Eletskikh), Archbishop of Glukhov and Konotop The Icon of the Mother of God of Molchensk is a miraculous image of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the main shrine of the Molchensky Nativity of the Mother of God Pechersk Monastery in the city of Putivl (Ukraine, Sumy region).
According to legend, two monks brought the icon with them from Kyiv at the beginning of the 14th century. They settled near Putivl in a swampy area called Molcha. In September 1405, a beekeeper (beekeeper) collecting wild honey in the forest saw this icon on a tree, surrounded by radiance. Having learned about the miraculous phenomenon, people hurried from Putivl to Molcha, and that day many sick people received healing from the icon. A monastery was built on this site, which was destroyed by the Poles in 1605. The monks took the miraculous icon to the Russian Moscow Kingdom - to Putivl, where they built another monastery, which became known as the Molchensky Pechersky monastery. In 1653, through the efforts of the monk Sophrony, the old Molchensky monastery was restored in its original place and received the name Sofronievsky.

At the beginning of the 18th century, the miraculous icon burned down, but its exact copy was preserved in the Sophronievsky Monastery, which became famous for its numerous miracles and rightfully took the place of the former shrine. After the revolution, both Molchensky monasteries were closed, and the miraculous icon was hidden by local residents.

In 1995, the miraculous image was found in the house of an elderly priest and transferred by the Archbishop of Glukhov and Konotop Jonathan (Eletsky) to the revived monastery in Putivl. Archbishop Jonathan, from the laudatory words of the Holy Fathers of the Church, composed an akathist to the Mother of God in memory of her second discovery, which is read there to this day by nuns.





Kontakion 1

To the Virgin Most Pure Mother of God, chosen from all generations, let us offer, faithfully, this small song of praise, before the honest icon revealed by Her, the land of Putivl, which has a source of healing, cries out with grateful faith: Rejoice, Most Holy Virgin, the monastery of Silence, joy and affirmation.

Ikos 1

Angels preceded the Most Holy One, when you deigned to enter into the Holy of Holies, angelic powers stood before the face of the Most Pure One, when Her icon appeared near the Molchensky blat to the reverent beekeeper, who heard the mysterious voice: “Let the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos be built in this place,” returning to the city of Putivl, crying out like this:

Rejoice, good fulfillment of the counsel of the Holy Trinity, Rejoice, most luminous ray of the human race, Rejoice, sweetest delight of weary souls, Rejoice, Love of Christ, desperate joy, Rejoice, valuable incense, fragrant with Christ, Rejoice, animated Temple, built by God, Rejoice , Holy Virgin, monastery of Molchensk joy and affirmation.

Kontakion 2

The great providence of God appeared when the monks of the Kiev-Pecherstia founded a monastery on Molche, which was named after the Sophronii. And such was the blessing of the monks Anthony and Theodosius to the city of Putiv, who cried out to God the song: Alleluia .

Ikos 2

The light of the hosea revealed the icon, when by God’s providence it appeared marvelously on the tree. Flowing from this faith, healing from mental and physical ailments is gained, singing with gratitude to the Mother of God as follows:

Rejoice, merciful healer of spiritual wounds, Rejoice, calm refuge, in the midst of vain thoughts, Rejoice, spacious refuge from the cold from demons, Rejoice, the strong one has taken away the true virginity, Rejoice, Chamber of salvation, who has received the Lord in the flesh, Rejoice, chaste branch, by Christ prosperous, Rejoice, Most Holy Virgin, the monastery of Molchensk brings joy and affirmation.

Kontakion 3

When people saw miracles from the revealed Icon of Molchensk abundantly flowing, then soon creating a church in the name of the Most Pure One, we cried out to God: Alleluia .

Ikos 3

Like a godly star, the monks carried the silence of the monks, with the blessing of Abbot Paphnutius, the icon revealed to the Pechersk-Putivl monastery, for the sake of the destruction of the Agarians, singing to the Mother of God like this:

Rejoice, Allower of obedience, Eve of disobedience; Rejoice, eternal trampling upon the death of Adam. Rejoice, Immaculate Bed, Divine Incarnation; Rejoice, Captured by the Holy Spirit by Your own will. Rejoice, O co-reign with Your Son, Christ our God; Rejoice, precious Stone, in the chambers of the Consubstantial Trinity. Rejoice, Most Holy Virgin, the monastery of Molchensk brings joy and affirmation .

Kontakion 4

The Molchenskaya icon truly appeared as a bridge to heaven: many flocking to her intercession and seeing the signs of the Lord’s mercy flowing from her, I found repentance and thus became an endless participant in life, singing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

The Virgin is rejoicing in heaven today, kissing the icon with Her love in vain. For this reason, the Most Pure Great Mercy generously bestows upon those who honor and cry out in faith:

Rejoice, knowledge of human nature, Rejoice, windy wing, through whom the Cloud Christ came, Rejoice, Apostolic Mouth, enlightening all the ends of the universe, Rejoice, chosen vessel and sanctified by the Holy Spirit, Rejoice, immaculate companion of the beginningless Word of God, Rejoice, The shining moon, following the coming Sun of Truth. Rejoice, Most Holy Virgin, the monastery of Molchensk brings joy and affirmation .

Kontakion 5

Foreign women sometimes gathered thistles and thorns for themselves, having come with Demetrius the Pretender to the Molchenskaya monastery, and plotted against the Russian Land, and were not ashamed of the icons that were revealed. For this sake, God destroy the council of the wicked, through the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos, and to Him we cry: Alleluia .

Ikos 5

The great glory of the Molchensky icon has spread to all the ends of the Russian earth. For this reason, the Orthodox Autocrats Theodore and John, Alexy, Sophia the ruler and Tsar Peter the Great established the Molchensk monastery in prosperity, gratefully crying out to the Mother of God as follows:

Rejoice, strong intercession, the Land of Russia, Rejoice, imminent destruction of the evil deeds of foreigners, Rejoice, Instruction from above, by the Orthodox Tsar, Rejoice, Bringing down demonic pride, Rejoice, bringing God's peace to the people of the country of Seversk, Rejoice, God - the blessed Lord who showed us, Rejoice, Most Holy Virgin, the monastery of Molchensk brings joy and affirmation.

Kontakion 6

Mercy arose from You, Lady, when with Your icon you delivered the city of Putivl and the surrounding villages from a deadly plague, instructing the faithful to always resort to Your intercession in troubles and illnesses, crying out to God: Alleluia .

Ikos 6

The angelic forces in heaven continually praise Thee, the Queen of the Angels: for you stand at the throne of God, adorned with a heavenly crown, begging Your Son for the salvation of our souls. In the same way, worshiping the icon that appears with fear, we call You, the Most Immaculate, the names are as follows:

Rejoice, animate tablet of the commandments of God, Rejoice, Throne of the Lamb, before whom angels stand, Rejoice, Icon of the holy, overshadowed by the Spirit, Rejoice, Law of grace, written by the finger of the Creator, Rejoice, Terror of sinners and wounding demons, Rejoice, Rejoicing of the martyrs and decoration of the Church . Rejoice, Most Holy Virgin, the monastery of Molchensk brings joy and affirmation.

Kontakion 7

The superstitious rhetoricians are perplexed: how can the Most Pure One, with Her revealed icon, give to the faithful everything they ask for? We, who are taught by Divine Tradition, that the honor given to the icon ascends to the Archetype, who knows in the same way, like the faithful shadow of Peter, we honor Her revealed Face, crying out to God: Alleluia .

Ikos 7

How can we honor the miraculous icon of Molchenskaya, whose most pure grace bestowed grace upon His people? What shall we call this source of healing in the land of Putivste? The tongue is speechless to sing heavenly words with earthly words. As we celebrate the second discovery of the revered image, we dare to cry out to the Mother of God as follows:

Rejoice, O mystical Horus, above worldly thoughts, Rejoice, Proclamation of the exiled, for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven, Rejoice, Spiritual Ladder, By which people rise to Heaven, Rejoice, God-bright lamp, from Him the Son rose, Rejoice, God-bearing Field, on the Neizhe Tree Grow life, Rejoice, Blessing of Christ, to the new priesthood. Rejoice, Most Holy Virgin, the monastery of Molchensk brings joy and affirmation.

Kontakion 8

An inexhaustible source of grace appeared to the venerated image of the Mother of God of Molchenskaya, from the presbyter of Putivl for many years it was preserved for the sake of the godless, who again fiercely destroyed the monastery of Molchenskaya. Now we remember the new martyrs of the Russian Land and the confessors of the monastery of Molchensk, with tenderness, kissing this icon, crying out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

Oh, new celebration, oh, bright celebration! Having gathered for the second discovery of the venerable image, the bishops and priests, monks and priests, who carried the icon revealed to the Molchenskaya monastery with singing, cried out to the Mother of God as follows:

Rejoice, Fleece of David, on whom the Glory of the Father descended, Rejoice, O golden one, from whom Christ came forth, Rejoice, for by You the darkness of idols was driven out of the universe, Rejoice, for by You the Light of Reason arose to the faithful, Rejoice, most honorable Governor of the cherubim and seraphim, Rejoice, having surpassed Elijah in Your ascension into heavenly Glory, Rejoice, Most Holy Virgin, the monastery of Molchensk brings joy and affirmation.

Kontakion 9

Let us pray, people, to the Bride of God the Lady: For the true Mother of the incarnate Son of God has appeared. For inexpressibly in Her bosom, like in a heavenly crucible, the two natures of Christ were united inseparably and inseparably, from Him the Church, fed with a new drink into eternal life, cries out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

Truly the monastery of Molchensk is a saving one, possessing the icon revealed by Your intercession, the Mother of God. In it, the monks, having left the vain world for the sake of Christ, labored through the feat of faith, fasting and prayer, and always brought songs of praise to the Immaculate One. With them we will also cry out to the Mother of God as follows:

Rejoice, the Key of Christ, through which the gates of Paradise have opened, Rejoice, Holy Crown of the Trinity, Rejoice, Morning Star, Who gave birth to the Timeless Light, Rejoice, Warm Lamp, shining in the darkness of this world, Rejoice, Rule of Faith, instructing in piety, Rejoice, wonderful Abbess angelic army, Rejoice, Most Holy Virgin, the monastery of Molchensk joy and affirmation.

Kontakion 10

Patriarchs and prophets, martyrs and unmercenaries, priests and saints sing praises to Thee, the Most Holy Virgin . If it weren’t for You, Lady, would you have avoided so many troubles? How many more tears have people shed in their grief? Having gone away, the human race pleases You, singing a song to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

Your birth is secret, O Virgin, from the barren Joachim and Anna. The secret appearance of Your Face on a tree near the Molchensky blat. There the barren become childbearers, and here deserted souls are prepared for spiritual fruitfulness, whose name is Ti:

Rejoice, New Eva, who gave birth to a new Adam, Rejoice, River of grace flowing in the paradise of God, Rejoice, Silence of the troubled and a refuge for the overwhelmed, Rejoice, Dew of God, irrigating the spiritual wastelands, Rejoice, Vigilant Intercessor who seeks salvation, Rejoice, Indestructible Fence, To the Orthodox Church, Rejoice, Most Holy Virgin, monastery of Molchensk, joy and affirmation.

Kontakion 11

O Divine condescension! Oh, Miracle of God's love! God made His servant the Matter of Light, and about Her the Holy Spirit says: “Beauty and rejoice, Daughter of Zion, for I am coming to You.” In the same way, worshiping Your Face in the Icon of Silences with faith, we all cry out a song to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

The Lord, the Most Pure One, established a new arc for Thee: for the merciful Mother in heaven and on earth appeared as the incarnation of the Son of God. For this reason, singing the incarnation of Christ our God, we cry out to the Mother of God as follows:

Rejoice, true Olivet, from Her Christ ascended, Rejoice, golden robe, woven from the Spirit, Rejoice, unfaithful Intercessor before the Righteous Judge, Rejoice, bright Hope of the eternal resurrection, Rejoice, life-giving Arcana, Words incarnate, Rejoice, new Peacekeeper, Inexhaustible peace, Rejoice, Most Holy Virgin, the monastery of Molchensk brings joy and affirmation.

Kontakion 12

Oh, wonderful miracle! For the Mother of God, in Her icon, deigned to come to the city of Putivl from the deserted clan Silently. In the same way, call our souls, O Most Pure One, from the cronyism of sin, so that we may bring all the songs about You to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

A great triumph was the discovery of the revered copy of the icon of the Mother of God of Molchensk, which, like an omophorion, covers the Immaculate city of Putivl in the country of Seversti, and the entire Russian Land. Let us appeal to Neyzha with tenderness:

Rejoice, living Vine, Divine Vertograd, Rejoice, Rose blooming, fragrant with virginity, Rejoice, final deliverance, idolatry's flattery, Rejoice, true firstfruits, Divine re-creation, Rejoice, eternal rejoicing, angelic choirs, Rejoice, everlasting blessing of the human race, Rejoice, Holy Virgin, the monastery of Molchensk brings joy and affirmation.

Kontakion 13

Oh, All-Merciful Lady, Mother of our Lord and God Jesus Christ and all-holy Abbess of the monastery of Molchensk, Protection of the city of Putivl and the country of Seversk and the entire Russian land! We accept this little prayer of ours today before Thy holy icon, free Thy servants, O Theotokos, from all troubles and misfortunes. Quickly lead our souls out of sinful cronyism and revive us through deeds of mercy and Thy love, so that we may always sing a song of gratitude to God about You: Alleluia .

This kontakion is said three times and then the 1st Ikos and the 1st Kontakion are read again.


Oh, Mother of Light, Most Blessed Virgin Mary, I cry to Thee in my repentance: there are no tears of repentance, no contrition of the heart, no cry from the soul about my iniquities. Now I stand before Your icon, revealed on the blat of Silence, and I humbly pray to You: enter into the blat of my sinful soul and turn it into a source of pure faith. Climb the old tree of my wisdom and enrich it with new shoots of good deeds, illuminate my spiritual blindness with the light of grace, crush the stone of my heart and change it into fragrant wax of a candle burning with love. Yes, like a good beekeeper, I will hear the command to create Your temple in myself, Most Pure One, praising You, Most Wonderful One, forever. Amen.

Troparion, tone 4.

The monastery of Molchensk is now rejoicing, / existing in the city of Putivl, / having again found an icon of the Mother of God, / giving healing to the souls and bodies of the faithful. / For this reason, with one mouth we now cry: / Rejoice, Most Holy Virgin, / the monastery of Molchensk has joy and affirmation.

Kontakion, tone 1.

In Blata, Your icon, Mother of God, appeared in Silence, / illuminating our hearts with the light of grace, / healing the souls and bodies of the faithful, / and ever-flowing grace. / Moreover, in tenderness we cry to You: / Rejoice, Most Holy Virgin, the monastery of Molchensk has joy and affirmation.


We magnify You, / the Mother of Christ our God, / who showed us from the blata of the Silent icons / and who always delivers from troubles .

Celebration on September 18/October 1 and April 24/May 7

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