Powerful conspiracies for breast enlargement: guaranteed results

To change breast size, you can decide on an expensive and sometimes unsafe operation. You can go on a special diet or “pump up” your bust with exercise. But not everyone and not everyone has enough willpower and time for this. But for those who believe in magic, who are accustomed to trusting wisdom tested over centuries, there is a simpler way - a spell on the chest .

A spell for breast growth is a magical rite.

The nuances of using breast growth magic

Despite its apparent simplicity and accessibility, the magical method of achieving curvy figures has its own nuances.

Most rituals for breast growth are strictly “tied” to the lunar phases. Some are held only on the waxing moon, others - on the full moon. To achieve the desired results, these nuances must be taken into account.

It is also important to choose the right day. Such rituals are held on “women’s” days of the week - Wednesday, Friday, Saturday. The best time is early morning (unless otherwise indicated in the description), when nature awakens and cosmic energies are most powerful.

Ritual with rose oil

Buy good rose oil at the pharmacy. Ideally, ancient instructions recommend making the oil yourself, but if you do not have the opportunity to follow ancient recipes, collect a huge amount of rose petals and wait a long time, you can buy ready-made oil, but do not skimp on high-quality and natural ones.

You can make your own oil from rose petals

The ritual must be carried out at night from Wednesday to Thursday, the phase of the moon should be taken into account - nights of full moons and a waxing moon are suitable, but it is strictly not recommended to perform the ritual on days when the moon is waning. In addition to oil for this plot you will need:

  • new mirror;
  • white new tablecloth;
  • two red candles.

When everything is ready, at the appointed hour, retire and undress. Take a mirror so that your chest is reflected in it. Light the candles and place rose oil between them. Continuing to look at your reflection, read the words of the conspiracy:

Wait a minute or two. During this time, the oil should warm up slightly from the heat of nearby candles.

Take a bottle of oil and bring it to the window so that the moonlight falls on it. Hold it in this light for a while.

The magic oil is ready. It should be used a drop at a time once a week, after taking water treatments. The result will please you after the lunar month. This ritual is intended both for girls whose bust is just beginning to grow, and for already adult girls and women to get beautiful, full breasts.

Features of the ritual for breast enlargement

The breast enlargement ritual is designed to launch the processes of restoration, healing and rejuvenation in a woman’s body.

Therefore, when carrying it out, the following are of great importance:

  1. Mood. During the series of rituals (a one-time event is unlikely to give the desired effect), you should forget about negative thoughts and self-criticism.
  2. Faith. This is one of the main components of magic. Without it, even the most powerful conspiracy will not work. If you doubt the benefits of the ritual from the very beginning, then you shouldn’t take it on.
  3. Formulation. It is important to carefully consider the choice of the desired plot. It must correspond to the desired goal. After all, some people want to have big breasts, while others just need to lift them up, give them elasticity and a beautiful shape. Therefore, in the chosen plot, the desire must be clearly formulated.
  4. Compliance with instructions. When performing the ritual, you must adhere to the algorithm of actions outlined in the description. It is undesirable to make changes to the text of the conspiracy, especially if magic is being used for the first time.

You need to believe in the ritual for breast enlargement.

The Importance of Visualization in Magic

If you want the breast enlargement spell to work especially well, then you need to master the skill of visualization. This is a skill that will be essential.

Visualization is when you imagine what you want to get very clearly before your eyes. If you do this directly during the conspiracy, the effect of the magical ritual will be much higher.

Moreover, during visualization it is very important not only to keep before your eyes a picture of what you want, but also to feel the emotions in your body that you will have in the future. Everything here is very closely tied to the emotional sphere. The fact is that if you manage to generate emotions of happiness in this way, then your body will remember them and in the future it will attract the fulfillment of what you want to you. Because it is from the fulfillment of desire that the body will again experience happiness.

So, if you use a spell for breast growth, then be sure to imagine your breasts of the desired size. And imagine that you already have it and you are very proud of it. Sincerely rejoice at your breasts and their enlargement. It is very important to experience emotions as if what you want has already happened. It is in this case that the breasts will slowly and surely grow to the desired size.

How conspiracies work and when will the result be?

Don't expect instant results. Working with conspiracies requires patience and consistency. And yet the desired effect can be achieved quite quickly. The conspiracy gives a certain energy charge, which triggers the processes of growth and healing in the body. The more often you repeat magic words, the faster what you want will come true.

You can speed up the process if you constantly talk to your breasts as if they were a living being, wishing them health, enlargement, elasticity and beauty.

Spell for girls read by mom

Sometimes people are looking for a conspiracy to enlarge their breasts not for themselves. It often happens that a mother worries about her daughter, wishes her happiness and, for this purpose, looks for ways to help. For such cases, in order to charm girls’ breasts, there is a special strong spell, which, in addition to its magical power, is supported by maternal love and care, and this is an incredibly powerful phenomenon in magical terms.

In order for daughters to have beautiful breasts in the future, their mother must read the plot

How the ritual is performed

To carry out any ritual, you need to retire, turn off your phone, computer, and TV for a while. It is worth removing pets from the room so that no one and nothing distracts from the process. You need to focus only on him and not think about extraneous things, no matter how important they may seem.

To perform the ceremony you need to turn off your phone.

Before starting the ritual, it is better to relax and stop the racing of thoughts. To do this, it is recommended to take several deep breaths and exhalations. Then, imagine your dream breast as clearly as possible, in the smallest detail (shape, size), and constantly keep its image in your head during the ritual. Otherwise, you can provoke the opposite effect - reduction, deformation of the bust and even the occurrence of diseases.

After this, you can begin the ritual in accordance with the instructions.

Simoronsky calculator. Characteristic

Recently, the Simoron calculator has been gaining great popularity, which acts not only as a way to enlarge the bust, but also for other vital purposes.
Simoron represents a whole system that practices magic and esotericism. She claims that every person has unlimited abilities and can influence their own destiny. Thanks to its action, you can find out the answer, whether your cherished desire will come true or whether it will not be realized. The Simoronsky calculator generates a code that has a certain power that affects breast size. The principle of operation is similar to Sytin’s attitude, because, first of all, you need to understand psychology and believe in the power of magic. This method influences breast size using the power of thought. At the same time, no one has canceled the magical influence, because women by their nature are very close to mysticism and believe in ancient and proven healing methods.

This algorithm clearly demonstrates how the Simoron calculator works:

  1. First you need to clearly formulate your desire and formulate a phrase that does not contain the words “I want”, “that”. A correctly composed phrase sounds like this: “for breast enlargement.”
  2. At the end of the phrase you must add your first name, last name and date of birth (write numbers without spaces or periods).
  3. In order for the execution code to be correct, you cannot write words that deny something - “not” or “no.”;
  4. The online Simoron calculator gives you a digital code that you need to write on paper and carry with you until your wish comes true.


Finally, you need to mentally thank the Higher Powers and the Simoron calculator for providing the opportunity to fulfill your desires.

In magic it does not matter which method was chosen. The most important thing is to believe in a positive result and not doubt the existence of Higher powers.

How to pronounce spell words correctly

The words of the conspiracy must be pronounced clearly and meaningfully. Without pathos, but with soul. Without stuttering or changing their order. Before starting the ritual, the text must be memorized. To do this, it is better to copy it onto a separate sheet of paper, always by hand. You can even do it several times - this will not only make it easier to memorize, but will also give the first impetus to launching the mechanism of the conspiracy.

Read with this material:

  • Weight loss conspiracies
  • Sexuality conspiracies
  • Spells for hair growth

When to read?

Girl and the moon

Any conspiracies are best read at a time when the moon is waxing in the sky. It rarely happens, extremely rarely, that a conspiracy is read during the day. Most often this is early in the morning, along with sunrise or midnight. All this is effective, but the main thing is to believe in what you are doing. Follow all the rules and you will be pleasantly surprised when you see the changes.

Types of conspiracies

There are various conspiracies in the arsenal of magical effects on breast enlargement. In some, they turn to the moon, the sun, the forces of nature or patron saints for help. Others read on food or drink, on linen, clothing and household items.

For apple seeds

At dawn, take 12 apples and cut each one in half. Without using sharp objects, remove all the seeds from them and wrap them in a handkerchief (preferably cambric).

To enlarge your breasts, you can use apple seeds.

Holding it in your left hand, read the spell: “Just as a juicy apple grows, fills up, is saturated with the light of the sun, the power of life arises in it and turns into sweet juice, so a girl’s breasts grow and develop, and are filled with vital force. As soon as the sun rises and crosses the sky, this conspiracy will begin its action. I, a girl, will show off my magnificent forms, my breasts as white as an apple, ripe. To the delight of the soul, heart and eye. Amen".

Use a charmed handkerchief with seeds to move over each breast in a circular motion clockwise.

Having finished the ritual, put the seeds under your pillow until next time, and eat the apples. The ritual is carried out every day at dawn and evening for 3 months. A noticeable result will appear in the first month.

For bread and oats

This ritual not only helps to enlarge the mammary glands, but also helps in the treatment of mastopathy. Suitable for both young girls and mature women.

The ritual with oatmeal helps to enlarge the mammary glands.

It is held on the waxing moon. At dawn, when it is just beginning to get light, you need to go to the kitchen without turning on the light (you can light a candle). Pour 3-5 tablespoons of oatmeal into a cup and pour boiling water over them. Until they swell and the mass thickens, add a few pieces of black bread. To cover with a lid. While the oatmeal and bread porridge is infused and swelling, you need to go to the bathroom and thoroughly wash your chest several times.

Then apply the prepared mixture to both breasts and wrap with cotton cloth, while reading the spell: “In a clean field, the King of Bread was born, his grains in the ear were filled with force. The sun sent him those strengths, nourished him with its light, and opened doors for growth for him. Those doors are open for cherished desires. Like ears of corn in a field, let your breasts grow and fill every day and hour until they become pleasing to the eye. Diseases and troubles are bypassed, but goodness and health come. My word is strong."

Leave the mixture for another 10-15 minutes, and then rinse with water.

Rituals for healing and improving forms

It is no secret that a sick person uses every opportunity for healing. The use of certain conspiracies for breast enlargement is no exception. They can not only increase size, but also heal mastopathy and increase shape. Such rituals consist of several parts:

  1. The first time should be read on Friday late at night in the dark (during the waning moon, 3-5 days before the new moon).
  2. The second night must be clear, without clouds, so that the stars and moon are clearly visible (with the waxing moon 3-5 days after the full moon).

For the ritual you will need a new skein of thread or yarn made from natural material. The day before the ceremony, in the evening you need to cook a decoction of St. John's wort, mint and chamomile (equal proportions) in an enamel pan. On the night of the ritual, you need to undress naked and wipe your bust with infusion, while saying special words:

Then you need to soak a skein of thread in the infusion and bury it in an open field or at least on a large lawn, saying:

After the procedure, you need to return home, go to bed and not get up until the morning.

The second part of the ritual is a procedure similar to the previous one. You just need to open the window, say special words and make catching movements. Then you need to use rubbing movements to imitate smearing what is caught on your chest. Required words:

Using rituals helps not only to feel more attractive, but also to heal from illnesses. The main condition is their correct use, since it is very easy to cause a negative effect, but it is almost impossible to correct it.

Ancient rituals

And in ancient times, women strived to be beautiful. And if nature deprived them of something, then to correct the shortcomings they resorted to the help of magic. Ancient spells for large breasts are time-tested and have great power.

I recommend reading:

  • Rules for reading magic spells

Spell while swimming

In the old days, this ritual was performed with every visit to the bathhouse for several months. It is still used by village beauties. City women can use it while taking a shower or bath.

The conspiracy can be carried out while taking a bath.

When bathing, gently, barely touching with your hands, stroke your breasts clockwise and read the spell:

“Just as a white flower grows into a ripe apple, just as a cow grows from a heifer, so from a little girl grows a maiden, and from a maiden a young woman. The Lord commanded the woman to give birth to a child and feed her milk. He gave her lush and firm breasts. Just as a mother-nurse has a breast full of milk, so a servant of God (name) has a breast that is strong and white and filled with health. Amen".

Depending on the phase of the moon

This ritual for lush, beautiful breasts is carried out strictly in accordance with the lunar phases. Repeat every night when the star is in the growing phase, until the full moon inclusive. As soon as the moon wanes, the ritual is stopped, and after the new moon, when the “sickle” begins to grow again, the practice is resumed. For the ritual you will need a candle and a mirror.

At midnight of the first lunar day, you need to light a candle, stand naked in front of the mirror, lightly touch your chest with your fingertips and read the spell: “According to the ancient covenant, she is dressed in moonlight. It shines, shimmers, the chest fills with light. As the moon grows, so do your breasts. Just as the moon is round and full, so my chest is round, full, and beautiful. It’s a joy to the soul, a wonder to people. Amen".

The ceremony on the chest is carried out in accordance with the lunar phases.

Then put on a fresh white long shirt and sit in it for a few minutes with a candle. When it burns down, go to bed. The same shirt should be worn after the ritual every night until the full moon.

For a specific size

This is a strong conspiracy to grow your breasts to the desired size. It should be read on Maslenitsa late at night through an open window:

“As snowdrifts grow with snow, so do breasts grow and grow. They plump up and blush like ripe apples. No more, no less, but to the extent that I keep in my thoughts, I won’t tell anyone. Only the clear sun, the red sun. At dawn it will rise, melt the snowdrift, and the apple breasts will grow and remain so. Be according to my word. Amen".

To restore elasticity after breastfeeding

If after giving birth and breastfeeding a child, the mammary glands have lost their former shape and elasticity, do not despair. A conspiracy intended for this purpose will help restore their beauty.

A conspiracy will help restore the beauty of your breasts.

You need to take an apple and, raising your hands at chest level, squeeze it tightly between your palms. Closing your eyes, without loosening your grip, read the plot:

“When Eve ate the forbidden fruit, her body was elastic and white. So the servant of God (name)’s body became elastic and white. Full breasts are feminine strength. She gave birth to children and breastfed them. May the body of God's servant (name) return to beauty and maidenhood. Amen".

After reading the plot, lower your hands freely. Rest for half a minute and perform the ritual again. Repeat in total 30 times in the morning and evening throughout the month.

Spell for large breasts “Ritual with honey”

A mysterious ancient ritual will help to correct the breasts and give them tone and fullness, to perform which you need to stock up on a jar of natural fresh honey. This ritual was often used by women who lost breast volume after childbirth and breastfeeding a baby, to restore youth and former breast shape.

In tandem with such an ancient and magical product as honey (it was found for the first time in the tomb of the pharaoh), any conspiracy will become effective and will help a woman restore her body to its former beauty.

It is better to choose honey that has not yet been candied and has a liquid consistency. For a month, starting from the moment the moon rises, the woman will need to lubricate her breasts with this honey and say the words of the spell to herself.

Having said the magic words three times, the honey must be removed from the body with warm water. There is no need to dry your breasts with a towel, just lightly blot it with it.

It is very important, when reciting the plot three times, to concentrate and imagine the desired results, thinking about what kind of breast the woman wants to get.

What needs to be done for the ritual to work

For the ritual to work, you need to take it seriously. It is important to realize that this is not a game, not entertainment, but a magical sacrament that requires careful preparation and attitude.

Therefore it is important:

  • choose the right time and place for the ritual;
  • purchase and prepare all necessary items or products in advance;
  • read the plot meaningfully, not automatically;
  • keep your actions secret from everyone until the final result is received and secured;
  • practice visualization.

For the ritual to work, you need to keep your actions secret.
To enhance the effect, you can use the appropriate stone or female rune.

Everything that can help you

You will need faith in yourself. In the same way as you used rose oil, you can use any body cream to apply it regularly. Visualize your impact:

  • When you massage your chest with a charmed cream, imagine a powerful radiance emanating from your hands, penetrating under the skin.
  • You will feel how your beauty grows - even if just a little, imperceptibly.
  • Use the energy of the Moon in the growth phase to improve the effect and accelerate a pleasant increase in volume.
  • White or pink candles are suitable for the ritual. They attract a lot of soft positive energy.

Whatever your breast size, remember: you are beautiful. These proven conspiracies will help improve the situation, and the ability to visualize will speed up the result. When starting the ritual, think that the wish has already begun to come true. Words of strength will only bolster your confidence.

How to Enlarge Breasts Using Visualization

Visualization should be used both before and after rituals. You can practice it at any convenient time and as often as possible. It serves as an energy generator that gives the conspiracy additional power, greatly increasing its effectiveness.

In your imagination, it is better to first imagine yourself naked, concentrating on your breasts, trying to see them as they should become after magical actions. We need to see its new shape and size.

Then you can imagine yourself in a new, larger bra, in different clothes. Think about how your underwear and outfit will highlight your firm, full breasts.

Next, lightly touching the mammary glands with your hands, you need to imagine tactile sensations, feel how the breasts are filled under your palms, acquiring increased volume and elasticity. Feel the warmth that the new large breasts radiate.

Powerful prayer for breasts to grow faster

If you want to increase your breast size without surgery, you can try turning to saints for help. It is believed that in this case it is necessary to pray to the Mother of God, who must understand the woman who is worried about her external imperfections and fulfill her desire.

First, you should light a candle near the icon of the Virgin Mary. If for some reason you cannot go to church, buy an icon and pray at home. You can read the prayer on the chest in your own words, simply stating your aspirations and dreams. If you wish, read the following text:

“Virgin Mary, all-merciful, you hear us all, you welcome us all. Forgive me for my request, but I have no happiness, no love and attention. Make my breasts grow, so that I become beautiful and find love. Amen"

You need to put maximum feelings into prayer: this way there is a greater chance that it will be heard. We also must not forget that saints come to the rescue only if the desire is sincere and you do not have any hidden motives, for example, you do not want to take away a man from your family who says that he loves ladies with impressive figures.

Are “breakdowns” dangerous?

We are all not perfect. A person is subject to vices and weaknesses, and the craving for smoking is just one of them. You need to fight your weaknesses, but you need to understand that the fight can be long, and defeat in one battle does not lead to defeat in the war. Only a small percentage of former smokers are people who were able to quit cigarettes the first time, while the rest took several attempts.

It is important not to stop and continue to move towards the goal. If you fail, then work on your mistakes. You need to understand what exactly prompted you to smoke again. Perhaps stress or lack of motivation is to blame. Go back to the beginning and work through each step again, and then try again. Everything will work out!

Important to know before starting rituals

You say your wish, perform a ritual, read a conspiracy

The Universe will definitely pay attention to you and consider your problems. But you definitely shouldn’t make such a conspiracy if:

  • You already have quite large breasts. The forces of justice will not understand why a woman with a size 4 needs to increase it.
  • There are some diseases of the mammary glands.
  • You are bleeding regularly.
  • If you have given birth to a child and are breastfeeding, you should not read these conspiracies. Wait until you finish breastfeeding.

These restrictions are important because you want to stay healthy. If your breasts are already large, then look at yourself in the mirror more often. Evaluate yourself from the outside, understand what exactly you don’t like. You have every opportunity to fix this. Exercising will help you get in shape.

These conspiracies only work to increase size. If there are diseases of the glands, along with the increase in size, your troubles will increase. But for women with small breasts, conspiracies will be an excellent solution. The positive energy of beauty, femininity, attractiveness will respond to your call.

Statistics on smoking in Russia

In Russia, the fight against smoking has been going on for several years. The government, seriously concerned about the health of citizens, began to pass laws that were supposed to reduce the number of smokers. Cigarettes have become more expensive, additional warnings about the dangers of smoking with scary pictures appeared on packs, and the number of places allowed for smoking has been significantly reduced.

Nevertheless, in our country approximately every fourth Russian smokes

, and
about 400 thousand people die from smoking every year
According to statistics, teenagers try smoking for the first time at the age of 13-15
, and by the age of 17, smoking becomes a habit. There are still more men among smokers, but the proportion of women who smoke is gradually increasing, and this is alarming, since women develop nicotine addiction faster and find it more difficult to get rid of it.

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