Powerful spells for reconciliation with loved ones, friends and loved ones

Conspiracies > Conspiracies for reconciliation

Unfortunately, even strong and sincere love cannot protect you from conflicts, quarrels and disagreements. Any bickering leaves a negative mark on the couple, forcing them to move away. And sometimes the situation becomes so tense that the question of separation is raised. If such a threat has arisen or you want to quickly make peace with your husband, girlfriend or relative, then you need to use special love spells. Therefore, we invite you to familiarize yourself with 10 Spells for reconciliation with a loved one that work at a distance. Find out how to read them at home.

  • Simple conspiracy
  • A conspiracy to make peace quickly
  • Scrambled eggs spell
  • Conspiracy for church incense
  • Icicle plot
  • Plot for reconciliation with your spouse
  • A conspiracy to make peace with a friend
  • Conspiracy to reconcile friends
  • Candle spell
  • Conspiracy for reconciliation with mother, daughter or son

Conspiracy for reconciliation: what is it?

Magic will help reconcile loved ones.
Rituals for the purpose of reconciliation belong to the category of white magic. The magic words that the performer pronounces during a mysterious action do no harm or negatively affect the aura.

Purpose of magical influence:

  • bringing people together;
  • resolution of contradictions;
  • forgiveness of mutual grievances;
  • finding a compromise solution that satisfies both sides of the conflict.

Rituals are aimed at completely eliminating the causes that led to a difficult situation, softening feelings and smoothing out the amplitude of emotional reactions.

Operating principle

During the ritual, the master establishes a sacred connection with otherworldly natural and divine forces and asks for help to influence an unfriendly person in order to humble him, calm him down and resolve the conflict.

To form a bioenergetic channel, the performer will need practical skills, strong will, powerful energy and a sincere desire to get what is planned.

The necessary ritual for soap

With frequent quarrels, spouses constantly have to forgive each other and make peace. To put an end to a tense situation and reconcile the warring parties, you will need a simple but quite powerful soap ritual.

To complete it, you need to purchase a new piece and read the words over it on Thursday after sunset:

“If soap sticks to the skin, then the husband would love his wife. He wouldn’t scold her, he wouldn’t offend her, he would cling to her and adore her! Like soap for a white body, so is a wife for a sweet heart! Amen, amen, amen."

After this, the enchanted object must be given to the husband so that he will certainly wash himself with it. This simple magic will help the family restore harmony in their relationships.

The ritual is performed on a new piece of soap

In what situations should you use magic?

It is better to solve the problem in a conservative way. You can make concessions yourself, realize your mistake, ask for forgiveness for what you have done, especially if you are wrong, find a constructive solution by listening to each other.

Confidential conversation is a life-saving means for building relationships and forgiving mutual grievances.

Magic is used in the following cases:

  • when it is impossible to establish contact between spouses, despite gifts and indulgences;
  • if the reason for the break in relations is a rival or another person interested in the conflict, complicating the reconciliation process;
  • with complete apathy and unwillingness of the conflict participant to make concessions;
  • if negotiations reach a dead end, the accusations do not stop.

Thanks to prayers and conspiracies, you can quickly restore peace, without losing your authority or changing your own principles.

Bringing together a disintegrating family

If resentment between husband and wife has become a frequent feature, they may have a desire to say goodbye to each other and never be together again. You can try to restore the couple, at least for the sake of the children, who are having a hard time with everything that happens between mom and dad.

In this case, a powerful ritual that needs to be performed by a close relative will help. This could be a grandmother, mother or sister of a woman whose family is falling apart. Early in the morning you need to stand in front of the icon of the Mother of God and read the following words:

Types of conspiracies for reconciliation

Rituals for reconciliation depend on various factors:

  1. Techniques and accessibility of the items used. They can be simple to use or complex.
  2. Ways to establish contact: through Orthodox prayer; healing words; spells; whispers.
  3. The nature of the origin of otherworldly forces: with the help of good deities; spirits of nature; 4 elements - wind, air, fire and water; angels; patron saints.
  4. Participants in the conflict. Conspiracies can be from a quarrel with: a loved one; close or distant relative; neighbor; friend; business partner or employee.

According to the principle of action, conspiracies are divided into universal (general) and targeted.

How long does it take for the ritual to take effect?

The reconciliation plot begins to work from the moment it is carried out. A short plot works immediately. For others, the result will come within 3 days to 2 weeks. The ritual also implies harmonization of relationships. Every day, communication in the couple will improve, becoming more positive and warm than before the quarrel. Further, the conspiracy part works as protection for the relationship. From now on, the forces will help maintain peace and tranquility in the house, between loving people.

Interesting read

Do you want the guy to be bored? More than 25 conspiracies and whispers for melancholy

The main rules for conducting and reading conspiracies

Basic rules that a reader of conspiracies needs to know:

  1. Exact execution of the actions described in the instructions.
  2. Focus on results.
  3. A sincere desire to make peace with a person.
  4. Belief in magic.

Before carrying out ritual actions, you need to think carefully about everything, forgive offenses, and tune in to goodness and positivity.

You need to pronounce conspiracies in a half-whisper, slowly, without hesitation or pauses.

You cannot read the text from a sheet of paper, get distracted, or think badly about the initiator of the quarrel. The ritual for the purpose of reconciliation is carried out in solitude and in a good mood.

For the guy's return

If a couple has quarreled so much that the young man has left and is thinking about breaking up, a very effective ritual can be performed. To restore relationships, you will need to get up early to catch the sunrise. As soon as the sun appears, you need to say 3 times, looking through the apartment window into the sky:

Sugar spell to bring your husband home

Preparing for the ceremony

Before performing the sacraments, they must be prepared.

Required Attributes

The performer selects items in accordance with the description of the ritual.

Most often used:

  1. Candles . They are taken from the church for major church holidays or bought in specialized stores.
  2. Photograph . If there is no photo of a neighbor, colleague or business partner, you are allowed to take a photo from the Internet, for example, from his personal page on social networks. The image must be of high quality. Photos older than 1 year are not suitable. In the photo the person must be at full height, alone, without friends or pets.
  3. Salt, sugar and other sorbent powders . A true master prepares raw materials in advance. For magical procedures, you can use Thursday salt made on Maundy Thursday. Sugar is bought in the form of cubes and used for its intended purpose.
  4. Food products , including fruits, sweets and other treats.
  5. Personal hygiene items - soap, towel, handkerchief, etc.
  6. Everyday things.

Items that are included in the list of paraphernalia used are prepared one day before the ritual.

To enhance the magical influence, you can use a talisman.

A pectoral cross is suitable for believers; atheists can take any decoration or item from everyday use, such as a button from their clothes, a hairpin, a pin, etc. The product is cleansed of negative energy by immersing it in a jar of holy water for 3 days.


Texts promoting quick reconciliation are read on the waxing moon. The best time to perform rituals is sunset or midnight. The most favorable days are Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. Magic is not practiced on Sunday, Monday and Orthodox holidays.

Other nuances

There is no need to perform the conciliatory sacraments immediately after a quarrel. Let the person go, give him the opportunity to come to his senses and weigh everything. Think about the action yourself.

A little time will pass, the intensity of passions will subside, negative emotions will diminish.

When the situation has stabilized, you can discuss what happened. If consensus is not found, magical actions begin.

How to do everything as quickly as possible?

A conspiracy for a speedy reconciliation with the family is a dream for many, and it is feasible. In order for harmony and calm to return to your home, the following ritual for quick reconciliation will be appropriate. To carry it out, you will need to find a photo that will show only family members who are in a quarrel. If it is not possible to find such a photograph, then separate single photographs of each person will do.

Collect the photographs in a fabric bag, wait until midnight and sit near an open window. Looking at the moon, start saying:

“I collected everyone in one bag, I took away your sadness and melancholy. I no longer want to quarrel forever, I remove discord from the house. Let anyone who harbors a grudge calm down and be filled with happiness and light. Just as a bag is full of love and tenderness, so our house is overflowing with grace.”

In the morning, put all the pictures in place so that none of the family members notice.

Family relationships need constant improvement and improvement. Very often, relatives are separated by a sense of pride and an inability to hear each other. Be the one who does not hesitate to be the first to reconcile and save peace in the family.

Features of rituals for reconciliation

Each ritual to suppress a quarrel has its own characteristics.

With wife or husband

Late in the evening you need to take the icon with the face of the Most Holy Theotokos. For peace in the family and prosperity, “Pokrov”, “Kazanskaya”, “Iverskaya” or “Semistrelnaya” are suitable.

Place 3 church candles around the image and light them with one match from a new box.

While the candles are burning, you need to imagine your beloved spouse, mentally talk to the person, then say the prayer text three times:

It is better to learn the text by heart.

At the end of the procedure, put out the candles, wrap the attributes in a clean white towel, hide them under the pillow and go to bed.

The method is fast-acting: family relationships will change for the better in a couple of days.

With a man

The plot is suitable for unmarried women who are dating a man or living with him in a civil marriage.

If you can’t make peace, 3 days after the quarrel you need to open the window wide at 00:00 and, looking at the stars and the growing moon, say the cherished phrase 3 times:

We repeat the words three times.

Upon completion of the sacrament, go to bed.

With a guy

A reconciliation plot will help resolve the crisis in relationships after a scandal. They read it all alone at sunset.

Detailed description of the execution technique:

  1. Place a new white tablecloth on the kitchen table.
  2. Place a porcelain dish in the center and 2 crystal glasses on the sides.
  3. Place a red juicy apple on a plate and cut it in half.
  4. While sitting, fill a glass with apple juice prepared in advance.
  5. Light a burgundy candle and place it in front of you.
  6. Cross yourself, eat 1 half of the fruit.
  7. Drink a little juice from the glass, pour the rest into an empty glass.
  8. Drink the liquid and say the spell:

Ritual for reconciliation with a guy.
This ritual can improve relationships and bring back a lover.

With a girlfriend or boyfriend

Conflicts can occur between true and devoted friends. If you are tormented by remorse for an action you have committed and you want to make peace with a friend, you need to sweep aside all negative emotions, wish him happiness and prosperity, and then read the spell:

Ritual for peace with a friend.

Perform actions every evening until final reconciliation.

With a colleague

The plot is suitable for people who have difficulty communicating in a team, as well as for the purpose of restoring business relationships between business partners.

Instructions for performing the ritual:

  1. Take 3 sheets of paper.
  2. Write: on the first sheet - your name; on the second - the name of the person with whom you quarreled; on the third - the meaning of what is happening in one phrase, for example: quarrel, resentment, hostility, enmity, etc.
  3. Place the third sheet between the first two.
  4. In a half-whisper, cast the spell three times:

The ceremony is carried out once a month.

With Mother

Sometimes a person does things that lead to conflict with his mother. A strong prayer word for liberation from grievances, read from the icon of the Mother of God “Softening Evil Hearts,” will help to appease the heart of a loved one and receive forgiveness.

With daughter or son

Adolescence crisis is a common phenomenon. During puberty, dramatic psychological changes in personality occur. The child has difficulties in behavior and communication with parents, stubbornness, self-will, and increased demands appear, leading to scandals out of nowhere.

To make peace with your son or daughter, you need to regularly say the cherished words.

The ritual uses the following attributes:

  • photo;
  • pink or blue candle depending on the gender of the child;
  • a strand of child's hair.


  1. At night, when everyone is sleeping, put the photo on the table, with hair on the photo.
  2. Light a candle
  3. Whisper a spell:

The ritual is repeated after a week.
Hair, wax residue and a photograph of the child are hidden in a secluded place.

With mother in law

A spell to end hostility will help quickly and effectively improve relations between daughter-in-law and mother-in-law:

We repeat the words three times.

Any family member is allowed to read the magical text. The sacrament is performed 2 times a day - early in the morning and at sunset. They do this until the women make peace.

With brother

You can restore brotherly friendship with the help of magic.

The ritual for the purpose of reconciliation is carried out as follows:

  1. At midnight the lights in the room are turned off.
  2. Light a church candle and place it on the table to your left.
  3. A photograph of his brother is placed near his right hand.
  4. The text of the plot is spoken 9 times:

We repeat the words by heart.
While the candles are burning down, you mentally need to ask for forgiveness, forget the insults and insults. The attributes are put into a bag and hidden in a secret place.

They act in the same way to end hostility with their sister.

Rules for performing conspiracies

The practice of conspiracies implies clear postulates:

  1. The text must be rewritten on a sheet of paper with your own hand. Reading from a smartphone or computer screen is not suitable. While reading the text, you need to think about the words and understand the vibrations of the words.
  2. It is best to learn words by heart in order to avoid making mistakes when reading and to avoid accidentally skipping to another line. If this happens, the magic will not have an effect, and you will have to start the action again.
  3. If a text is difficult to memorize, you need to read it many times, achieving automaticity.

Following these rules will help you avoid confusion in pronouncing the spell. Mistakes will invalidate the magical message or lead to negative results.

The plot is read as clearly as possible, in one breath, without long pauses.

Creating conditions

You should choose a quiet, secluded place in advance. There should be no distractions so as not to get confused while working. Paraffin or wax candles are used as lighting. A living fire will help you calm down and put you in the right mood.

Before the action itself, you need to relax, remove unnecessary thoughts from your head. Then you should prepare all the necessary items and read the plot for reconciliation.

Interesting read

50 love spells on a woman - simple rituals for the home

Definition of time

Traditionally, evening or night time is suitable for magical practice. Under the influence of the moon, intuition and the energy necessary to carry out the ritual are heightened. There are also certain rituals performed in the morning. But, if this condition is not specified, then you need to read the text in the dark.

The day for the ritual is chosen depending on the gender of the person. If they cast a spell to reconcile with a guy, then they work on men's days - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. For girls - Wednesday, Friday, Saturday.

Important! It is not recommended to practice on Saturday and Sunday. The energies of these days will conflict with the energy and strength of the practitioner.

The most powerful conspiracies for reconciliation

Universal rituals are performed using different paraphernalia.

To the photo

To restore friendships and partnerships, you will need:

  • snapshot of the affected object;
  • green matter;
  • wax candle.

A piece of fabric is spread on the attribute table, a photo of the initiator of the quarrel is placed in the middle, a lighted candle is passed over the image, and a spell is read for quick reconciliation:

Ritual with a photo.

They extinguish the flame, wrap the photograph and the remaining wax in green material, and store it until the end of the hostility.

On the water

The ritual is carried out to eliminate conflict between family members. Pour a glass of water, add 3 tbsp. l. natural honey, stir until smooth, say:

Ritual for family reconciliation.

During breakfast, a magical drink is poured into relatives' cups filled with fragrant tea.

For scrambled eggs

While preparing breakfast, take 2 fresh chicken eggs in your left hand, whisper the Lord’s Prayer on them, then break them and pour them into a hot frying pan, add a little salt and say the magic text:

Ritual for scrambled eggs.

Scrambled eggs should be fed to the person with whom you had a fight.

With ice

The ritual is complex in terms of technique. The effectiveness is high, because the sacrament is performed once and only in early spring or in winter, when icicles appear on the roofs of houses.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. They remove the large icicle and bring it home.
  2. Place it in a large flat bowl near the stove.
  3. Take out a kettle, fill it with water and boil it.
  4. Watch how the ice melts on the dish.
  5. They mentally think about reconciliation.
  6. Say the spell words:

We repeat the spell words 7 times.
When the icicle melts, collect the melt water and pour it into a kettle. The next day, tea or coffee is made from the charmed liquid and treated to a partner.

For salt

The ritual can be performed by both a man and a woman. To do this, you need to take a pinch of salt, speak on it, and throw it at the threshold of the victim’s house.


We repeat the ritual with salt three times.

For sugar

For the sacrament you will need sugar cubes. Refined sugar is placed on a white tablecloth or towel and wrapped.

They read the spell:

Spell for reconciliation on sugar.

While preparing a hot drink, they throw the charmed sugar into the cup of the quarrel initiator and give him a drink.

For fish

A ritual with jellied fish will help solve communication problems at work.

If the team perceives a person negatively and disagreements constantly arise, you can do the following:

  1. Prepare a delicious holiday fish dish at home. If you are busy or lack culinary skills, you can buy jellied fish in a restaurant or order it online and have it delivered to your home.
  2. At sunset, place the dish on the attribute table, place 2 lighted candles on the sides.
  3. Cast a spell for reconciliation:

Ritual with fish.
In the morning, take jellied fish with you to work and treat all employees during the lunch break.

To the apple

For the ritual you need to take a large apple, a sheet of paper, a pen and a needle.

Step by step guide:

  1. Cut the apple into 2 parts.
  2. On a piece of paper, write the name of the person with whom you want to establish a relationship.
  3. Tear the leaf in half so that there are inscriptions on each side and place it between the halves of the fruit.
  4. Attach the paper parts to each other with 2 needles.
  5. Concentrate on thoughts of reconciliation.
  6. Say the spell:

We repeat the ritual with the apple three times.
Hide the prepared magical attribute in a safe place.

The ritual promotes the rapid restoration of peace and harmony in the family.

For two glasses

If you want to make peace with your loved one after a disagreement, you need to take the first step and invite the man to a romantic dinner.

Before a date, buy a bottle of red wine, open it and say the drink:

We carry out the ritual for red wine and glasses once.

Serve and pour the wine into glasses. Drink with your lover.

With a plate

The ritual will help save the marriage and establish peace in the family.

To carry out the ceremony you will need a new large dish. They place it in the center of the bedroom and sit neatly on top. Having calmed down and taken a deep breath, they pronounce a mysterious phrase.

The dishes are hidden and not taken out until the spouses make peace. After this, the dinner table is set, and a delicious home-cooked treat is placed on the charmed dish. The husband must take at least 1 piece and eat it.

While eating, they whisper to themselves:

We perform the ritual once.

For candles

The ritual is suitable for believers. A day before the religious ritual, you need to go to church and buy 12 candles. You should pay in large bills. Don't take change. It is left with the seller or placed in a special box intended for charity.

At dawn, candles are placed in a circle on the floor and lit one at a time. After 5 minutes, they begin to extinguish the flame of each candle, moving clockwise and simultaneously saying the following words:

Ritual for 12 candles.

For a church icon

To reconcile the warring parties, they go to an Orthodox church, find an icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, and whisper a prayer to themselves:

Ritual for reconciliation near the icon.

On the way home they don't talk to anyone.

Using incense

A strong conspiracy can reconcile relatives who are filled with fierce hatred. Church incense is set on fire at home. As soon as smoke appears, whisper the text 9 times:

We repeat the words 9 times.

To the castle

A castle is an attribute often used by magicians, necessary for solving everyday problems. With its help, you can put a protection-amulet on yourself and your loved ones, bewitch a person, drive a mistress away from her husband, reconcile a mother-in-law with a daughter-in-law.

A small lock with a key is purchased at the market. The change is given to the poor and orphans. When they arrive home, they open it and place the metal object on the table in front of them. Cast a spell:

Castle ritual.

Close the lock with a key. The attribute is thrown into the river or buried in a park or garden far from home. The key is hidden securely.

To the cemetery ground

To get a quick and 100% result, mediums use a black magic spell.

You need to go to the nearest graveyard, find a grave with the name of the deceased, like the “victim”. Take a handful of earth from the grave, ask the deceased for forgiveness for the intrusion, thank you, and pay back with coins, treats or vodka. Leave without looking back.

Pour the earth onto the footprint of the person with whom you quarreled, and say the mystical words:

Black ritual on cemetery ground.

It is not recommended for beginners to use the cemetery plot. Actions must be performed in accordance with the rules of dark witchcraft and strictly according to instructions.

For soap

You can appease a man's heart with simple soap. At midnight from Wednesday to Thursday, they take a bar of soap (preferably a new one), cast a spell on it and place it in order to use it for its intended purpose.


We perform the ritual for soap three times.

With regular use, the spouse will become more flexible, soft and manageable.

On a broom

If, after a strong disagreement, the husband left home, a powerful ritual will help bring him back to the family.

Before the magical procedure, read the “Our Father”, cross yourself, take a broom and start sweeping from the entrance doors to the corner of the room at the threshold, as if sweeping a quarrel out of the house, then into the room. At the same time say a conciliatory phrase:

Ritual for a broom.

Under no circumstances should you sweep a person out of the apartment. You will live alone.

On Women's Day

You can improve your relationship after a disagreement with your lover or husband like this:

  1. Choose any women's day - Wednesday, Friday or Saturday - to implement plans to return your loved one.
  2. In the evening, lock yourself in your room.
  3. Cast a spell:

We perform the ritual three times.
The plot works instantly. A man will be the first to ask for forgiveness, regardless of who initiated the quarrel.

With a piece of paper

The ritual is quite simple to perform, so there will be no immediate results. The first observable changes in love relationships are possible after at least 10 days.

They take a blank sheet of paper and write with a marker the name of the guy they broke up with. The paper is folded in half and set on fire. Ashes are sprayed into the wind.

They whisper a spell to themselves:

Repeat the words three times.


The spell is suitable for people who want to restore a love relationship after a disagreement. Take out a button and sew it onto a white fabric or white handkerchief. While sewing, read the plot:

Ritual with a button.

Late at night they go to the victim’s house and bury the attribute nearby.

On the tablecloth

The ritual is suitable for married women who want to return love and peace to their family.

The performer must buy a beautiful tablecloth in advance, prepare a delicious lunch or dinner, and hold a fun celebration, inviting everyone at home. During a family feast, you cannot quarrel with your husband and sort things out.

After the event, the tablecloth is folded and hidden in a secret place. They only get it when a family quarrel is expected.

Girls who want to make peace with their lover and win his heart can also perform the ritual by inviting their loved one to a romantic dinner at their home.

Ritual on the tablecloth.

Using threads

2 lighted candles are placed on the table, and a thick red thread is pulled between them. They read the spell:

We perform the ritual with the thread three times.

Use scissors to cut the rope and throw the remaining wax and thread into the trash.

To the wind

For quick reconciliation, they use the power of the elements.

The performer must choose a day when a strong wind blows. To enhance the effect, you should go out into a wide field, stand against the wind and pronounce the magic text loudly:

We repeat the words three times.

At home, you can open the window wide and perform the sacrament without leaving the room.

With a bitten tongue

The ritual is powerful and fast-acting, because in white magic a bitten tongue is considered a sacrifice made to otherworldly forces in return for support and help in reconciling people.

Attributes used:

  • photo of the victim;
  • 2 red cups (without inscriptions or images);
  • 2 scarlet candles;
  • new towel;
  • a long piece of fabric made from natural material.


  1. Brew fragrant tea.
  2. Lay out a towel on the ritual table and arrange all the attributes.
  3. Spread a cloth on the floor from the bedroom to the front door.
  4. Sit down at the table, mentally imagine the image of your loved one sitting next to you.
  5. Pour tea into cups.
  6. Cast the spell:

Ritual with a bitten tongue.
Bite your tongue three times.

Effective ritual for candles

To restore peace and harmony in the family, there is an effective ritual with candles. The optimal time for this is the waning moon: it will take with it troubles.

To carry out the ceremony you will need 2 candles purchased at the church after the service. You need to wait until Wednesday or Friday evening, sit comfortably in a quiet room and read the words on pre-lit candles:

“The sun and the moon live peacefully, they don’t go to war with each other. Stone and water also always live in the world. Spirit and earth, trees and fields - all exist peacefully, never fight. So let the servant of God (name) and the servant of God (name) live peacefully, do not quarrel, and be filled with happiness and light! Amen".

After these words, you need to extinguish the candles with your fingers, and then wrap them in a white scarf and hide them in a secluded place.

When carrying out a conspiracy, a number of conditions must be met.

  1. Nothing in the room should distract you from the ritual.
  2. The room should be dark - the light comes only from candles.
  3. There should be no heaviness, sadness or worry in your thoughts.
  4. You must firmly believe that the ritual will be effective.

For the ceremony you will need two church candles

Orthodox prayers for reconciliation

Christian prayers are the surest way to resolve any problem in life. They help believers strengthen friendly relations, improve their business reputation, reassure ill-wishers, and return peace to the family.

Peter and Fevronia

To reconcile spouses and solve family problems, they turn to the saints of God Peter and Fevronia of Murom. The prince and princess are considered an example of an ideal couple who went through any adversity and hardship, while maintaining affection and love.

The text is read daily in the morning and evening in front of the icon of the saints:

We repeat the prayer to Peter and Fevronia 9 times.

Jesus Christ

To return a spouse and restore family relationships, they use a strong prayer-appeal to the Lord Jesus Christ.

The ritual is performed before bedtime with a lit candle in front of the images of the Lord, the Guardian Angel and the Kazan Mother of God. First read “Our Father”.

Prayer to Christ:

We learn the prayer to Jesus Christ by heart.

On the reconciliation of relatives

To stop hostility between close relatives, a powerful prayer is used:

Learn words by heart.

Higher powers incline people towards reconciliation and help them forget grievances and insults.


The video from the channel “Praying Together” shows the text of the prayer for reconciliation in front of the “Seven Arrow” icon of the Most Holy Theotokos.

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How to check whether the magic will work or not

Reconciliation can occur either on the 1st or 2nd day or after 40 days.

It depends on the:

  • the character and temperament of the quarreling people;
  • energy masters;
  • choosing a ritual performance technique.

You can check what the outcome of events will be in this way:

  1. Get new cards.
  2. At 00:00, place the full deck face down.
  3. Cover with the palm of your right hand.
  4. Close your eyes, concentrate and whether it will come true or not.
  5. Arrange the cards on the ritual table in any order, turning them over to the front side. The number of cards must be equal to the number of letters in the master's full name.

If most of the cards are red, the answer is satisfactory, if black, there will be no reconciliation. If the same number of cards of different colors are dropped, the answer is yes, but not soon, you should wait.

Conspiracies from Natalia Stepanova

Natalya Stepanova is considered a famous Siberian healer, who also developed a list of conspiracies for reconciliation in the family during a strong quarrel.

  1. A conspiracy for the well-being of loved ones. It will help correct the resentment of a mother against her father, a wife against her husband, a daughter or son against her parents. For the ritual, you need to wait until the new moon and knead the dough to make bread. Having placed it in the oven, you need to stand near it, lift your skirt up and say in a whisper: “The bread rises up, holy magic brings goodness into the house. Amen". Wait for it to cook and eat all the bread without giving it to strangers.
  2. Achieve agreement and peace with your ex, boyfriend, girlfriend. If your family suffers from constant hostility with each other, the following new moon ritual will help. Mix water with honey, while saying: “The servant of God (name) is locked up, his anger and hatred are drying up. Disputes are kept under seven locks, but there is peace and love in the house.” Let your husband or other offended person drink this water to the bottom.
  3. A conspiracy that quenches fierce enmity between spouses, girlfriend, child, mother, close friends. Before reading it, you need to stand near an open window and prepare to read it three times. After each time, spit over your left shoulder: “Holy Lord, hear my words. I ask you to save my family from hostility. I call on the Archangels, the righteous and saints for help. There is no point in watching how anger destroys us all and breaks our bright feelings. There is no more reason to quarrel with each other, return love to our intimate dinner. Let my word be heard and come true as soon as possible.”
  4. A powerful plot to achieve peace in the family. To read the plot, you need to wait until the first star appears in the sky. Then read the following words three times: “As the stars begin to count in the sky, it cannot be stopped. Just as I call love into my home, it cannot be destroyed. A strong word heals enmity, heals wounds, quenches pain. The family of (surname) no longer knows quarrels, does not remember hatred.”

Any of the conspiracies is strong and effective if read according to all the rules and recommendations. Remember that peace in the family depends on all its members. Do not allow the slightest discord in the relationship, so as not to lead to even more serious problems.

What to do if the magic spell doesn't work

Magic words may not work in the following cases:

  • the master made mistakes during the ritual (he chose the wrong place, time, neglected the words being read);
  • the performer was not confident in his own abilities;
  • third parties learned about the reading of the conspiracy, the performer did not observe the vow of silence;
  • the victim of a conspiracy has high life potential or powerful bioenergetic protection from other people's interference.

Often, novice sorcerers make the mistake of using several rituals for reconciliation to achieve their goal. It is better to choose one powerful plot with 100% return than to scatter your own strength on simpler, ineffective options.

To peace with your loved one

This conspiracy is considered the simplest, but effective and does not require special preparation. But if you read with all your heart and with great desire for reconciliation, then you can get the desired result. And peace of mind and positive energy will also come, which will be aimed at restoring peace and family happiness.

“Just as the red sun returns to the firmament early in the morning, so (name), the servant of God, will return to me (name), and not turn his gaze more towards others, and not turn to them. The lock is iron, with the spoken words I close it, like a forged key, I throw it into the depths of the sea, so that it will not be found by anyone, it will not be opened. Amen!"

Read the plot three times, quietly and go to bed. It is advisable not to talk to anyone or give anything to anyone after the ritual.

Things to remember

There is no shame in turning to God and Heavenly helpers for help when such a need arises. Prayers coming from the heart can do incredible things: loved ones make peace, family relationships are restored, and the cooled feelings of spouses for each other flare up with renewed vigor. The Lord will help everyone who asks him for Heavenly support.

In addition to God, Matrona of Moscow and the Holy Family can help in a difficult life situation.

Any believer can pray at the icon and receive support.

Prayers for the reconciliation of warring parties can be read in front of the icon of St. Matrona of Moscow.

Preparation process

In order for magic to bring the desired result, you need to carefully prepare for the ritual.

What you need

Each ritual requires its own set of attributes. You need to prepare everything you need for witchcraft a day before reading the plot.

To enhance the magical influence, you should make a personal talisman and cleanse it: to do this, lower the product into holy water and leave it there for 3 days.

A believer can use a pectoral cross as an amulet, while an atheist can use any small object that he often uses in everyday life.

To carry out the ceremony, you can use a pectoral cross.

How to choose the right time

Rituals aimed at reconciliation are performed during the waxing moon at sunset or at midnight. It is better to start the ritual on Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday. You should not practice witchcraft on Mondays and during Orthodox holidays.

Other Features

Magicians recommend strictly following the established sequence of actions, without changing or violating the technique.

Mistakes reduce the effectiveness of witchcraft or lead to the opposite effect: instead of reconciliation, people separate forever.

Other features:

  1. In the room where the magical action will take place, turn off the artificial lighting and open the curtains.
  2. After the ritual is completed, thank the higher powers for their help and make a donation to a charitable foundation.

Before using magic for reconciliation, you should try to achieve mutual understanding on your own. If you couldn’t get rid of grievances, read the plot.

Possible consequences

Despite the fact that white magic is considered safer (compared to black), the use of personal energy in rituals can lead to negative consequences for the performer:

  1. Mirror effect. Magic will aggravate the problematic situation, and people will never be able to reconcile.
  2. Health problems. Possible exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  3. Black line. Fortuneteller's table
  4. will be faced with problems and troubles at work, at home and in family relationships.
  5. Disagreements with others. Magic can punish a sorceress with a series of scandals and conflicts with loved ones.

You can avoid unwanted consequences by seeking help from a professional witch or psychic.

Conspiracy to make your ex ask for forgiveness

Breaking up a relationship with a lover sometimes causes disappointment, heartache and depression. An abandoned girl with a trampled sense of self-esteem most often chooses the help of otherworldly forces in order to take revenge on the offender and force her to apologize.

Advice ! If you are determined to use a spell to force your ex-man to ask for forgiveness, do not rush to carry out the spell. For any problems in a relationship, both parties are to blame, and if you blame your ex-lover for everything, then you need time to “cool down” a little and look at the situation soberly.

There are cases when a girl learns about the vile actions of her ex-lover after the breakup. The accumulated resentment in the heart due to the meanness and betrayal of a former loved one, filling the feminine nature, asks for retribution. In this case, magic comes to the aid of deceived and abandoned young ladies.

The most correct decision to deal with your ex is to let him go without causing harm. A little time will pass - a year, two, three - and he himself will realize that he was wrong. Try to start life from scratch, without desecrating the future by contact with evil spirits.

To make your ex-lover repent, you don’t need to resort to heavy, black spells. The best option would be prayer and sincere forgiveness of the offender.

  • Prayer to forgive and let go of your ex

Creative words will help you cope with negativity and resentment, forgive yourself and let go of the offender.

Repeat the prayer at least once a day, immediately after waking up.

  • Ritual on a rose

Buy one red rose and place it in plain sight until it withers. Tear off one thorn from the stem every day, reciting a spell.

These words of conspiracy are aimed at a former loved one who is reopening old wounds, gossiping and slandering you.

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