Saint Nicholas - who is he, basic biography facts, details of the icon and prayer

Among the many saints and martyrs who help people, Saint Nicholas is especially revered by the Orthodox. This quick-to-hear man has many names - the Wonderworker, the Pleasant, many turn to him for help in the most difficult matters, and the saint never leaves a sincere prayer unattended.

Who is Saint Nicholas?

Saint Nicholas is revered in Orthodoxy as one of the most powerful saints who help people. Nicholas of Myra is the patron of sailors, orphans, travelers and prisoners. The series of New Year holidays begins with St. Nicholas Day, which is celebrated on December 19. It is not for nothing that Nicholas is called the Wonderworker; during his earthly life he performed many amazing miracles, he healed people, pacified storms, helped to reconcile those at war and defended those who were unjustly condemned for their actions.

History of Saint Nicholas

Saint Nicholas was born back in 258, into a deeply religious family. Nikolai's father and mother prayed to God for a long time for the birth of a son, and he heard their prayers. The boy was given the name Nikolai, and from an early age he decided that he would faithfully serve the Lord all his life. Saint Nicholas is known as God's Pleasant; throughout his life he provided help to everyone who needed it, and raised the hopelessly sick to their feet. It is not known exactly when Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker died; Orthodox historians call the year 345.

Relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

After his death, Saint Nicholas the Pleasant continues to provide support to all believers. After his death, the elder’s body began to flow myrrh, and a real pilgrimage to his relics began. The miraculous myrrh, which has amazing properties, still stands out from the tomb to this day. Most of the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker are located in the town of Bari in Venice. Every year on May 9, myrrh is taken out of the coffin through a special hole, diluted with holy water and used to heal sick people around the world. Every believer can come to Bari and venerate the miraculous relics.

Miracles of St. Nicholas

In the description of the life of St. Nicholas, there is mention of helping sailors who, by the will of fate, found themselves in storms. One day, the ship on which Nikolai was sailing was caught in a strong storm, the ship was covered by a wave, under which one of the sailors died. Through the power of prayer, Nicholas the Wonderworker resurrected him. Another legend says that with his prayers the righteous man helped his family avoid shame. Nicholas met a man who did not have the means to support his daughters, Saint Nicholas threw him a bag of money, and soon all the daughters were successfully married.

Symbol of faith

Good afternoon. I'll tell you a story that happened to my wife. We got married in 2002 and loved each other very much, but over time, as it should be, feelings are killed by everyday life, we tried to go to church, but mostly sleep (Demon) always overcame us on Sunday to get up and go to service. So we lived for 5 years, a daughter was born, a smart girl, but our relationship still couldn’t improve because of our parents. The point is not that her parents or mine interfered in our lives, on the contrary, she slowly pushed them away from me. And it turned out that ALL of my relatives are bad, and her type is simply gold that has never seen the light of day. Well, we had a fight over this and I left her. Then she says that when I left, she prayed to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and at night she dreamed of him. I don’t remember what it was about, or not, I won’t lie, but I definitely dreamed about it. And a day later I returned home, feeling a burning sensation in my chest for my family, that is, that I miss it a lot...

Natalya Ledecker (Khozhainova)

Akathist to Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker! My grandmother fell (stroke) this year at the age of 80 and her right side is paralyzed. She didn't recognize anyone. I read the Akathist to St. Nicholas the Pleasant at her bedside, she opened her eyes and smiled! I started praying every day at home! When I visited her and prayed at her bedside, I lost consciousness from fatigue. 8 months have already passed and grandma gets out of bed and, with the help of her family, walks to the toilet on her own, and the doctors gave 2% that she would live at all! Glory to God and his saints!!!

Lilia Mormul

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker helps me with all my problems at work.

Natalia Ivanova-Nachvinova

My niece was supposed to have a very complicated operation (3rd!!!) on her eyes today for retinal detachment. The operation had to be urgent, delay threatened with blindness (and she is a composer!), we went to the Pyukhtitsa Assumption Convent, she went through confession, communion and had a conversation with the hieromonk from Athos, with his blessing she plunged into the font of the Holy Spring 3 times, and , of course, they prayed for her too. This morning, before the operation, the doctors fell into a stupor - the retina fell into place, only a small laser intervention was needed. They (doctors) cannot understand anything, but we know: a MIRACLE happened by the will of God!!! After venerating the relics of St. Nicholas in Irkutsk, my husband read an akathist and a prayer to the Saint. This was in the spring of 2008. After that, the computer store held a prize draw for its customers, he went there and his last name was called first. Although more than 50 people gathered there. My husband was surprised when he immediately heard his name. He won a DVD player.

What he really wanted was a video camera. I did not know about it. Some time later, on the street, I found a video camera with several tapes attached to it. Although the model is not digital, it is quite working. One of the rich people took it out (threw it away), leaving it in a box on the street. When I brought it home, he was very surprised and, embarrassed, said that he wanted to get a camera at the lottery. This is how the Saint helped us with both the DVD and the camera.

Commemoration at the Divine Liturgy (Church note)

Health is commemorated for those who have Christian names, and repose is remembered only for those baptized in the Orthodox Church.

Notes can be submitted at the liturgy:

For proskomedia - the first part of the liturgy, when for each name indicated in the note, particles are taken out of special prosphoras, which are subsequently dipped into the Blood of Christ with a prayer for the forgiveness of sins

Order from the monastery in Jerusalem

Good day to all ! How many times did St. Nicholas the Wonderworker help me, a sinner!!! I pray to Him and help always comes very quickly. My child, aged 7 months, choked on a piece of food and began to choke. In horror, I tried to help her, but nothing worked. The girl was wheezing and already turning blue, seconds were counting, the horror that I experienced at that moment cannot be conveyed. In despair, I mentally shouted: “Nicholas the Wonderworker, help!!!!” at that very second the piece jumped out, and the girl began to breathe. Thank God for everything ! Sainted Father Nicholas, pray to God for us!!! Amen. I want to tell you about an incident, as a result of which I was once again convinced of the intercession of Orthodox saints for us sinners. Please post my letter on the site! One day I went about my business and, having boarded a trolleybus, unexpectedly found a strange young man sitting next to me. He began to look intently at the folder that I was holding in my hands, trying to see what was written in the documents that were in this transparent folder. I turned the folder over so that nothing could be read. To this the guy replied: “What are you talking about!” A little later he began to wonder where I was going, who I was working for, and he seemed to start looking for something around him and moving very closely towards me, blocking the passage from me. I realized that this was a thief and he wanted to get into my jacket pocket. Then I noticed that he was exchanging glances with someone. I realized that this was his accomplice. I felt terrified, and I began to pray, frantically going through the names of all the saints I know: Matrona of Moscow, Nicholas the Wonderworker, Seraphim of Sarov, Ksenia of Petersburg, Guardian Angel - everyone I could remember. Suddenly, at one of the stops, two policemen of such impressive size as I had never seen entered the trolleybus. In our city, the police are mostly puny boys. And these are truly brave soldiers, I would even say generals. They entered and began talking loudly and confidently, immediately attracting everyone's attention. The thieves immediately calmed down, became quiet, and I, a little calmed down, continued to sit rooted to the spot, afraid to move. Then I noticed that we were approaching the stop where I needed to get off. I decided not to go out, I was afraid that the thieves would follow me and rob me at the bus stop. The doors open, and (what a miracle!) brave policemen get out at my stop. I internally regretted that my involuntary defenders were leaving, and I was again left in the company of thieves. But then something seemed to push me - after all, this is my stop, and next to the policemen no one will touch me! 2-3 seconds before the doors began to close, I literally jumped out of the seat so that the thief sitting next to me did not have time to react, letting me into the aisle between the rows of seats. I got off the trolleybus and then got home safely. So, through the prayers of our saints, the Lord sent me intercessors. Thank you, Lord, for everything! Olga, Kemerovo

December 3, 2008 Hello! I want to tell you my story about the wonderful help of Father Nicholas the Wonderworker! I studied at graduate school in Moscow, but lived in St. Petersburg. The defense of my PhD dissertation was approaching, and I had to look for a job. But all my attempts to find a teaching position at a university were unsuccessful. I read about the miraculous help of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. I prayed to him before. I decided that I would read the akathist to Nikolai 40 times and ask him for help. In the Akathist to Nicholas there are the following words: “A strange miracle appears to flow to you, Blessed Nicholas, your sacred church: in it even small prayers are brought, healing of great illnesses is acceptable, if only according to God we place our trust in you, truly crying out: Alleluia.” . I realized that I must completely rely on His help and intercession and not doubt it for a second. I did so. However, since I had to find a job by the beginning of the new school year, and it was the end of July (“off season” in the education system - everyone is on vacation), I began to read the akathist three times a day. Two or three days after I started reading the akathist, they called me and offered me a job. And it truly was a miracle! I promised that I would write about this. Dear brothers and sisters! Never doubt the intercession of Father Nicholas, His great mercy towards us sinners. May God bless you! Servant of God Julia. Servant of God Alexey

The events in this story are real.

The everlasting psalter

The indefatigable Psalter is read not only about health, but also about peace. Since ancient times, ordering a commemoration on the Everlasting Psalter has been considered a great alms for a departed soul.

It is also good to order the Indestructible Psalter for yourself; you will feel the support. And one more important point, but far from the least important, there is eternal remembrance on the Undying Psalter. It seems expensive, but the result is more than millions of times more than the money spent. If this is still not possible, then you can order for a shorter period. It's also good to read for yourself.

Order from the monastery in Jerusalem

By submitting this story, I am fulfilling my word to St. Nicholas, given to him on December 19, 2008. For all Orthodox Christians this is a special day.

Namely, on December 19, the Russian Orthodox Church celebrates the Day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Saint Nicholas is considered the patron saint of travelers and sailors. And he is one of the most revered saints in the entire Orthodox world. St. Nicholas has always played an important role in the sinful life of the author of this article. How many requests were addressed to him and not a single one was fulfilled, sometimes immediately, and sometimes after some time, but all my requests were fulfilled. There were times when I read the Akathist to St. Nicholas every day. There were many significant moments in my life that are also associated with the name of St. Nicholas.

Somehow, imperceptibly, my prayerful zeal diminished, I rarely read the Akathists, I prayed rather mechanically, often “without a heart.” I simply lit candles at the Service, continued to ask for something and, of course, forgot to thank me, and most unfortunately, did not attach importance to my prayers, nor to the answers to them, nor to the support of St. Nicholas.

I work as an engineer in a foreign company in the oil and gas sector. At the very beginning of December, I was sent on a business trip to the field, which was then at the stage of construction and development. The conditions, despite the fact that this is a foreign company, are army-field conditions. Its location is hundreds of kilometers away from the nearest regional center. The service is jeeps and off-road minibuses once a week. 12 hour workday, no days off. Accommodation in trailers. The trailer is an ordinary container, divided into rooms, converted into living quarters, insulated with special wool and lined with wooden decorative panels on the inside. There are 2 people in the room, living conditions leave much to be desired, and are not worth attention in this story. To be honest, the conditions for prayer are not ideal. At first, my roommate was a foreign engineer, so as not to attract special attention to myself, due to the impossibility of privacy, I read the prayer rule in the morning and evening while sitting on my bed on my laptop. A week later, his shift ended, he returned home, and someone else moved in with me. The work was hard, plus frost hit, and I was in a strange position. Sometimes I was so drawn to go home to my beloved bride that I wanted to drop everything and leave. And sometimes the fear of losing my job simply paralyzed me. There was a high probability of staying at the field for more than a month and for all holidays - New Year and Christmas. Psychologically, I did not break thanks to the prayers of my fiancée and people close to me. On the eve of the holiday, on the afternoon of December 18, I took a moment away from work and imagined how in our multimillion-dollar city, in St. Nicholas Cathedral, people gathered for the Service. I remembered how long it had been since I had been to the Service, but the despair that had already taken possession of me was great. I worked like a robot, relying only on myself and the company management. Of course, thoughts about spiritual life faded into the background. Work, drawings, contractors - this became the meaning of my whole life. Mentally I was counting my profits, even mentally spending money that I had not yet earned, but deep down I was not satisfied with the state of affairs. In the depths of my soul, I really missed my beloved girl, my native capital, my family and friends, I understood that happiness is not in money, but in harmony, and that separation is only a period of time, and professional experience will only be beneficial. And upon returning home - that is, to the trailer, I did not find my neighbor,

During my stay, I again realized how much my loved one means to me - my fiancée, how much I love her. I summed up the year I had lived and was grateful to God and the Saints for all Their blessings to me. I knew that my neighbor would most likely not be in the room until midnight, and I decided to download the Akathist of St. Nicholas to my laptop in the afternoon, and read it the evening before December 19 his. In search of Akathist I came to your website

And the first thing I started reading was the section New Wonders of Our Time. They also described real events, many of them incredible in their essence, that is, they can safely be called miracles. The feeling that this was happening to my contemporaries somehow warmed my heart. Despite the desire to read the Akathist on the eve of the holiday, I did not have a feeling of joy, a sense of celebration, and most importantly, a feeling of communication with St. Nicholas through prayer. I simply did not rely on Him, and, without getting to your site, I would simply have fulfilled my duty - I would have read the Akathist to myself, justified my unbelief and distrust of God and the Holy One by the difficult working conditions and gone to bed. Reading the stories, I gradually began to develop hope for the Will of God. Even the same construction project, despite the fact that it is the result of human labor, all the equipment, seemed to me such insignificant things that it became surprising how, when falling asleep, you can only think about work schedules, the supply and installation of equipment, and wake up with these thoughts. After all, all this also happens according to God’s Will. For some reason, I was especially impressed by the pilot’s story about help from St. Nicholas in difficult flight conditions.

Then I began to rely even more on St. Nicholas. I read the Akathist and the feeling of joy and even a little confidence no longer left me. I began to read the Akathist every day. Moreover, I gave my word that before my departure, and my departure was originally scheduled for December 23, I would read the Akathist every day and send this story to your website. Maybe this story, as well as the incident with the Pilot, gave me hope that it will lead someone to faith, to faith in the intercession of St. Nicholas. I sincerely asked the Saint to return me home for the New Year. I really wanted to go home. Miracles were not long in coming, I don’t remember the exact date now, but, in my opinion, it was exactly December 19, when they signed permission for me to leave the field on December 22. Moreover, already on the evening of December 20, I learned that on December 21 at lunchtime I was leaving the field. Perhaps for the reader this story will cause at least a smile and irony, but even one day’s stay was like imprisonment. Moreover, the neighbor was moved to another place and I was left alone. I had the opportunity to calmly pray and read the Akathist as I promised the Saint every day before my arrival home.

I was the happiest person that day - firstly, Saint Nicholas himself heard me, or rather, I realized that he always heard me and hears me, and the feeling that I received a transfer to the reserve after completing my mandatory period of military service earlier.

Sorokoust about repose

This type of commemoration of the dead can be ordered at any hour - there are no restrictions on this either. During Great Lent, when the full liturgy is celebrated much less frequently, a number of churches practice commemoration in this way - in the altar, during the entire fast, all the names in the notes are read and, if the liturgy is served, then parts are taken out. You just need to remember that people baptized in the Orthodox faith can participate in these commemorations, just as in the notes submitted to the proskomedia, it is allowed to include the names of only baptized deceased.

Order from the monastery in Jerusalem

It was an unexpected miracle! This was happiness for me!

A few days later I was flying to my native capital by plane, and our plane encountered a zone of turbulence.

I think that those passengers who fly even very often are unlikely to get used to this unpleasant condition.

After all, it’s not just shaking, and sometimes it happens that as a result of getting into turbulence, passengers can suffer minor injuries - ranging from burns from hot drinks to a slight sprain of the neck.

And God forbid, you end up in such a situation.

I was so tired that I simply didn’t pay any attention to it at first, especially since the crew warned us about entering an area of ​​increased turbulence. The plane began to shake. I thought that this was a completely normal phenomenon, especially in bad weather; after a while the shaking subsided. However, after some time, the plane's jerks turned out to be unexpectedly strong. Then I remembered again about St. Nicholas. Through my fatigue, I began to pray and remembered the incident I read on your website, it was called The Incident of the Airplane - a story told by civil aviation pilot Alexei and another Priest. I began to pray to Saint Nicholas, asking him to help us overcome this situation. I don’t remember the words of my prayer, but I won’t hide the fact that mistrust was also present in my thoughts. I am a sinner, I cited as an example the case I read on the site, and gave my word that upon arrival I would write about this case, too, if the shaking of the plane stopped. You won’t believe it, but after some moments, the jerking of the plane stopped and right up to the landing, the plane never rocked.

Of course, someone may object to me and say that the plane came out of the turbulence zone, and this was a coincidence. Someone may try to accuse me of pride, and the fact that I think a lot about myself, and can stop the elements with my prayers.

But I know that I am a sinful person, I am not a good man of prayer, I am far from an ascetic. I am an average young man. I have many weaknesses and earthly passions, but all this time it was none other than St. Nicholas.

I was really happy that Saint Nicholas heard me, a sinner, and sent such miracles. One miracle gave way to another. I just know there are many such miracles in my life, they are everyday. I just didn't notice them before. And any appeal to St. Nicholas does not go unheard.

Now I face much more serious tasks, but I believe that St. Nicholas will help me in everything.

I am truly grateful to Him for everything.

Servant of God Alexey

Help from the Holy Hierarch the Wonderworker.

I, the many-sinful Alexey, wanted to tell about the intercession of the Saint in my many-sinful life. I am a doctor myself - an anesthesiologist. I consider and profess myself to be a Christian, but in life I am worse than a pagan. And for such a careless life (and God wants to save everyone) he got what he deserved. In the morning I dreamed that something black fell on me, and in the afternoon, during an operation under normal anesthesia, a complication occurred that affected my entire future life. The patient was discharged in full health (also by the Great Grace of Our Creator), but two weeks later the “smart lawyers” taught him that he could make good money from me and the institution. And then my almost two-year wanderings through the courts and all kinds of authorities began. The process is certainly not pleasant, but for my sins it is very useful. But if only I had suffered for my many sinful deeds, but at that time I had a pregnant wife and “neither stake nor yard,” especially no cronyism, intercessors and at least advisers (since this happened for the first time in our history of the institution) . The complete insecurity of doctors, the incompetence of our lawyers, a well-planned and probably well-financed strategy for extracting money led me into terrible despondency and despair. “smart lawyers” realized that they were starting to win the case and raised the claim to 20 thousand dollars. And the judge, in order to quickly hush up the case, hinted that an unintentional complication that threatens life could result in up to 2 years in prison. Although our internal investigation showed that I am not guilty. A combination of factors complicating the course of anesthesia and improper postoperative management of the patient by surgeons led to complications. And the examination, which did not even include the anesthesiologist, believed that my actions were the cause and effect relationship. But I have no money for lawyers, no time wasted by our lawyers, no connections and a pregnant wife. How I asked God to forgive me, a great sinner, to help me in an unjust trial... I asked All Saints, and especially after reading in the brochure that St. Nicholas the Wonderworker helps in an unjust trial, I began to read and listen to the akathists of St. Nicholas. And the process is so long and unpleasant, as soon as Our Humane-loving God strengthened me, a great sinner, through the prayers of Our Mother of God, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, and All the Shining Saints. There was a feeling that this was not happening to me. And now, completely desperate, having turned to all the main specialists for help and to no avail, he continued to hope for a real miracle.

And a miracle happened... Once again telling his sad story in the corridor, an unfamiliar professor, passing along the corridor, heard through the prayers of St. Nicholas. And lo and behold, He gave me a smart young lawyer for free and told me what to do. And this lawyer, with the help of God, defeated a group of “smart lawyers”, brought down the claim for moral damages for our institution to 2 thousand dollars, and I, a great sinner, paid only the salary at the time of the incident. This is the miracle that happened to me on the day of remembrance of Alexei the Man of God through the prayers of the Great Intercessor. Tears of joy and gratitude flowed down my young, sinful cheeks. Glory to You, our warm intercessor!!! We live in Kaliningrad, surrounded on all sides by Europe. Therefore, to central Russia, we have to travel with foreign passports and obtain Lithuanian visas. Several years ago, my mother and I were planning to go on a pilgrimage to the Pskov-Pechersk Monastery and several other holy places. As expected, the visas were issued, but my mother forgot the citizenship insert (at that time there were still USSR passports, where the Russian citizenship insert was attached). Without the citizenship insert, neither the old passport nor the Lithuanian visa are valid. But my mother remembered about this only when we arrived at the border outpost... There was another woman on the bus who had forgotten the citizenship insert. We began to think with horror that we would now be dropped off at the border. My mother and I began to fervently pray to the Wonderworker Nicholas for help. They asked us and our neighbors on the bus to pray for us. And lo and behold!!! It was impossible not to notice the absence of the insert, but the border guard carefully looked at our passports, as expected, stamped them and went on to check the documents. We began to thank the Wonderworker Nicholas, who always helps travelers. And that woman with the same situation, without a liner from our bus, was thrown off the bus by the same border guard and sent back home. And we not only went on the pilgrimage safely, but also, when we crossed another Belarusian border and the border on the way back, we prayed again and again the border guards let us through without any problems!!!!! And only at our Kaliningrad outpost, when we were entering our region, our border guard asked, how did they let you through and put all the stamps without an insert in your passport????? Wonderful are the works of God!!!! Since then we have always prayed to St. Nicholas for help on the way!

servant of God Anastasia.

Save you, Lord! Hello. I am sending you a story that happened to me personally, God’s servant Joanna. I couldn’t find a good job for a long time. And I was already desperate. My previous job did not suit me, because I worked with relatives and they behaved dishonestly towards me and my family. It got to the point that I no longer felt like a person. I thought that I was living incorrectly and that I was nothing at all I can't imagine. So I worked with them for three years and in recent months I was very depressed due to the constant demands of relatives (the leaders of my organization) to increase and increase sales. I thought day and night how I could sell more products, but as soon as sales grew, they grew and requirements. And then one day, while walking in the park, I mentally shared with God that I would really like to work in an Orthodox company. Some time passed and I was constantly thinking about how to change my life. I quit my job with relatives, found a part-time job and took a breather. But I still felt discouraged. And then one day I really wanted to read an akathist to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. My husband and I got up every evening to read the Akathist in front of the icon of St. Nicholas. Within 5-7 days I saw an advertisement that a person was needed to work for an Orthodox organization. And two weeks later, through the prayers of Saint Father Nicholas, I started a new job. And even though a theological education is desirable in my work, and I don’t have it, I was received very warmly, allowed to get comfortable and taught everything I needed. Now I can calmly read the prayer in my free time time, they don’t give me endless conditions and don’t check me every 15 minutes. Thank God for my work! And Thanks to Holy Father Nicholas!!!

Anna's story.
My mother quarreled with her sister, and her husband came to us to “sort things out,” drunk. They started arguing with my mother, she looked like a madman, I prayed: “Nicholas the Wonderworker, take him away so as not to see him.” And then my cousin Nikolai comes and takes his father. Entering the room, I began to analyze what had happened. And I realized that Nicholas the Wonderworker reacted with lightning speed, and so as not to doubt me, he called Nicholas. Thank you, Nicholas the Wonderworker. On May 22, 2009, I defended my coursework for 10 (ten). And thanks to whom? Of course, Nicholas the Wonderworker. Preface. We were given coursework to do a month ago. But all the time I couldn’t get around to finishing the coursework. I also ate a lot and was lazy, I was so relaxed. On May 18 (Monday) I read in the book “Seraphim Vyretsky” about people who were sitting in the camp and had to sit for a long time, but they decided three days before the holiday of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker not to eat anything, since St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is a quick helper. Very many decided to abstain from food, but only a few managed to endure it. And imagine that on May 22, a notification comes to the camp about the release of those people who stood the fast. How sad were those who did not stand the fast. And I also decided not to eat anything for three days. But I asked Nicholas the Wonderworker, Seraphim Vyretsky and Blessed Matronushka to help me (I doubted that I could stand it), since on Friday I had to defend my coursework. Miracles began to happen right on Monday, I completed the practical part. On Tuesday (the first day of fasting) I was in class (I study at the university, then I go to work), and I started looking for the theoretical part on the Internet, and I found a lot of things that my eyes ran wild and I didn’t know what to choose. There were moments when my mouth went dry , I thought only about water, but I didn’t want to turn yellow later, I called on the Saints to help me. On Wednesday I didn’t have classes, I wanted to go to work first, but the Saints suggested that I go to the university and show the theoretical part to the teacher. She told me to redo the theoretical part again. I scanned what was needed in the book and went to work. There I began to correct mistakes. On Wednesday, when I came home, I lay down and realized that I had to force myself to get up and help my family. I got up and washed the dishes, swept the floor, took a bath and went to bed. On Thursday morning I came to work and completed the job until 14:00, then went to the city and registered the job. When I returned to work I made a presentation. On Friday I defended my work for 10 (ten). I am grateful to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, since all the girls in my group received good grades. All this week I felt his help. On Monday (next week) I received 10 (ten) for the exam, the ticket was very easy, and this also did not happen without the help of the Saint. Additional income appeared at work. Thank you Nicholas the Wonderworker. Pray to God for me and my family and friends. I am gradually coming out of a state of relaxation. Help. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen! I want to tell you about St. Nicholas’s help to us. My husband lost his car documents. The car belongs to a foreign company. Restoring these documents involves a lot of expense, both in terms of money and time, and the car is constantly needed. We visited all the places we visited during these 2 days. All in vain, there are no documents. My husband left for work, but he works in another city and comes only on weekends. I continue to search for these documents. And suddenly in the evening it dawned on me why I rely on myself and not on God’s help. I turned to Saint Nicholas in prayer, read the akathist, and asked him for help. And I had a feeling that everything would be fine. After 2 or 3 days the phone rings and they ask me if we lost the documents for the car. It was a miracle! The car's documents included insurance in my husband's name. The surname is very common, there were no initials. And here in a city with a population of 450 thousand people. they immediately call us, although there are dozens of numbers in the telephone directory for this name. This is how Nicholas the Wonderworker helped us. DIVINE LITURGY FROM JERUSALEM

Ordering requirements in the Holy Land

Commemoration at the Divine Liturgy Water Blessing Prayer Service Prayer for health Prayer for repose Prayer for health Candle for repose Candle for health Sorokoust for repose Sorokoust for health Requiem service


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Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker – icon

All his life, the Pleasant helped everyone who turned to him for help, without refusing anyone, and today Orthodox Christians come to the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker when necessary. The image of the Pleasant is difficult not to recognize: his left hand holds the Holy Gospel, the fingers of his right are raised in a blessing gesture. You can find an icon of Nicholas, on which the saint is depicted holding a sword, as if protecting all his admirers from his enemies. Another name for Nicholas is known - “quick to hear”, this is due to the fact that prayers addressed to his icon are fulfilled quickly.

Cross of St. Nicholas

On many church items you can find the image of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Pectoral crosses with the image of St. Nicholas are in great demand among believers. It is necessary for sailors, trade workers and children to wear items with the face of a saint. It is recommended to contact Nikolai in case of problems in business, education, or in the absence of a worthy husband. Nicholas the Wonderworker is considered a spiritual patron, human protector from sudden death and injustice.

How does Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker help?

The saint helps in many difficult matters, when it seems that there is nowhere to wait for help, and the situation is hopeless. People come to him with various questions and problems. Help from St. Nicholas the Wonderworker always comes quickly and on time.

  1. Before a long and difficult road, you need to say: “Nikolushka is with us,” and there will be no problems along the way, the road will pass easily and calmly, all worries will recede, the saint will help with this.
  2. Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker helps against all kinds of diseases; many people know the method in which a prayer should be said on a glass of ordinary water and given to someone in need of help. After this ritual, the intense fever subsides, the tormenting pain goes away, and the disease recedes.
  3. Saint Nicholas can also help in making your wishes come true. To do this, after sunset you need to place in front of you an icon of the Pleasant, 40 candles, light them, make a wish and pray until the candles burn out completely. A wish made in front of the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker will certainly come true.
  4. Those who have financial problems can turn to Nikolai for help. Surprisingly, after praying to the saint, the unemployed find paid work, while others receive career advancement.
  5. Prisoners and innocent convicts can pray to Nicholas asking for help in solving their problems.
  6. Nicholas the Wonderworker also decides issues related to marriage; after sincere prayers, girls get married, and in the event of a quarrel with a loved one, reconciliation occurs.
  7. Problems with studies are easily solved by the Pleaser; he is the main assistant of all students and pupils.

When to thank St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

In human society, it is customary to say “thank you” for good deeds.

Nikolai Ugodnik is thanked for his success in matters of which he is the patron:

  • with harmonious family relationships;
  • recovery from a serious illness;
  • resolving conflict situations with children;
  • good luck in trading matters;
  • favorable travels.

Prayers of gratitude are offered to the saint if believers feel a surge of moral strength and an influx of positive emotions after this. Constant positive appeal to the heavenly patron helps to establish spiritual contact with him and strengthen in faith.

Day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

All believers know what date St. Nicholas Day is celebrated by the church, so this celebration falls on December 19th. The feast of St. Nicholas falls on Filippov, or Nativity Fast. On this day you cannot eat meat and eggs. All believers attend services in churches, donate money and things to those in need. It is believed that by performing good deeds, Orthodox Christians commemorate the memory of the holy elder. December 19 should be spent with your family, at the festive table, with prayers for the well-being of all your loved ones. All believers know what can and cannot be done on such a big holiday.

  1. On the day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, which is celebrated everywhere on December 19, it is considered a sin to do hard work. People living on the ground do not go out into their gardens.
  2. You must not sew, knit, mend clothes, sew on buttons, or generally touch a needle and thread, knitting needles or a knitting hook.
  3. It is prohibited to swear, use foul language or quarrel with any people.
  4. You cannot clean the house, wash things, this work must be postponed for some other day.

St. Nicholas Day - traditions

The holiday of St. Nicholas is most loved by children. According to legend, on the day of St. Nicholas the Saint comes to earth and leaves gifts for obedient boys and girls. In the old days, adults also looked forward to this holiday; on this day it was customary to drink beer, walk and have fun. Traditional festivities on this holiday lasted until the morning, people rode horses, visited each other, cooked special dishes and treated their neighbors so that the next year would be fruitful. Pets were washed with holy water so that the animals would not get sick, and they prayed to Nicholas for the health of loved ones.

How to write a letter to Saint Nicholas?

Before the holiday of December 19, all children write letters to God's Pleasant Nicholas. On this magical night, according to legend, Grandfather Nikolai descends to earth and gives the children gifts, which all the children ask the good saint for in advance. So that Nikolai does not confuse anything, he needs to write a letter. In it, you should definitely say hello, talk about your family, your hobbies and dreams, and ultimately ask for what you dream of more than anything in the world. The letter must be placed on the windowsill and go to bed; Saint Nicholas’ assistants will definitely deliver the letter to the addressee.

How to order a prayer service to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker?

This can be done both in the chapel before the prayer service and in the temple.
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  • If you submit a note to the church in advance, then at the top of it you must write a Prayer Service to St. Nicholas.
  • Then write the names of those for whom this prayer service will be held.
  • Next, write your name if you give thanks for the grace for you.
  • Next, you give it to the church shop, and then it is transferred to the chapel, where the prayer service will take place.

This is very convenient when you cannot attend on your own. It is in these notes that the names of non-Orthodox people can be included, which is prohibited at the Eucharist. If you want to collect holy water at the end, then think about a container for it. It can be drunk at any time of the day with reverence.

It doesn’t matter how much of it was drunk, the most important thing is prayer. You can also wash your face with it. This water must be stored near the icon. It is not recommended to keep it near food or in the refrigerator.

Prayer service to Nicholas the Wonderworker, text:

Miracle Worker, Defender! I give you praise, Saint Nicholas. Save me from various troubles. I address my prayers to you! Rejoice, Nicholas, great wonderworker! (3 times at the end of each ikos)!

We cry to you: Rejoice (hereinafter R.), for you drive away crying; r., because you bring joy; r., image to the lambs and shepherds; r., purifying disposition. R., who gives light to everyone and is loved by everyone; r., radiating immaculate light. R., an equal interlocutor for the Angels; r., serving as a mentor to good people. R., an example of pious faith; r., an example of meekness of spirit. R., for you deliver us from bodily passions; r., for you fill us with spiritual pleasures.

R., deliverer from sorrow; r., giver of grace. R., saving from sudden troubles; r., the giver of desired goodness. R., comforting in trouble; r., dealing with offenders. R., lifting those who have fallen; r., supporting the fallen spirit. R., for you expose every lie; r., because you put the truth into minds.

R., exuding healing; r., helping the suffering. R., a giver to the needy; r., giving abundance to the suffering. R., who knows how to anticipate our requests; r., strengthening the health of the sick and old. R., returning the lost to the true path; r., a faithful servant of the mysteries of God. R., helping to trample envy; r., who helps to find a good life.

R., who delivers the poor from hardships; r., the giver of imperishable wealth. R., protecting from rebellion and warfare; r., bonds and captivity destroying. R., who intercedes in troubles; r., protecting from great misfortunes. R., saving many from death; r., who saved many from injury. R., for you save sinners from cruel death; r., for you give eternal life to those who repent.

R., the mirror of all virtues; r., for all those who come running to you, a strong wall. R., after God and the Mother of God, all our hope; r., the health of our bodies and souls is salvation. R., for through your intercessions we are freed from eternal death; r., for thanks to you we are preparing for endless life.

O most holy and wonderful Father Nicholas, comfort to all who mourn! Accept our present offering and implore the Lord to deliver us from Gehenna with your godly intercession, so that we may sing with you: Hallelujah.

Repeat the first paragraph.

This prayer is usually read for 40 days. In order to get the desired result, you must adhere to certain rules and carry out it regularly. If it is read once, it will not bring a positive effect. What you need to adhere to:

  • The duration of reading the prayer is 40 days. If at least one day is missed, then start all over again.
  • It is advisable to pray alone. This could be your apartment, at a time when everyone is away.
  • It is advisable to make a petition before the face of the Saint.
  • It is not recommended to tell anyone about your intentions. This should be an intimate and special event for you.
  • It is advisable to present what you are asking for.
  • If you cannot remember the prayer word for word, then this is not the main thing. The main thing is a pure heart and sincere words.

It is the observance of these rules and your sincere faith, together with the text of strong prayers, that will help you achieve what you want. Do not strive to achieve self-interest. Serve the Lord and do good deeds to those around you, and then God's grace will overtake you.

Prayer to Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker

Nicholas is one of the most revered saints in the Orthodox world. People turn to him for help in illness, travel, and business. Prisoners pray to the Miracle Worker for release. The prayer to St. Nicholas is wonderful; you need to read it for 40 days in a row, being alone and placing an icon in front of you. Saint Nicholas will definitely help in any difficult situations: after prayers addressed to him, infertile women carried and gave birth to healthy children, and hopelessly ill people recovered.

When and how is the prayer service held?

Prayers can be offered both during public services (during church holidays or at a predetermined time), and at the request of individuals. Also, a prayer service can be performed in the event of an unpredictable disaster - drought, war, disease, and so on. In some cases, it can be carried out simultaneously with the blessing of water.

The rite of prayer includes the 50th Psalm, passages of the Gospel, troparia canon, as well as prayers to specific Saints. The correct rites are contained in the Trebnik. In its internal structure, the prayer service is a shortened form of Matins, with the Gospel being read not before the beginning of the canon, but immediately after its sixth canon. During the prayer service, the canon should be read in honor of the one/those to whom it is served.

The Monk Ambrose of Optina described the prayer service as the need to pray about something “briefly, but fervently.” If you get sick, we offer a prayer for recovery. The sowing season is beginning - we pray for its success. We need to hit the road - we serve the rite of blessing for travelers. Finally, if the Lord has heeded our prayers, we warmly praise him in a prayer of thanks. Thus, the need for prayer services can arise very often, both in sorrows and in joys, but not every layman has the opportunity to visit church at the right time. Some are prevented by work, others by health, and still others by the remoteness of the temple. We are ready to come to the aid of all suffering people in order to give everyone the opportunity to realize their spiritual need at any moment.

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