How to clear the karma of the genus: 5 ways to get rid of ancestral problems

In the tradition of our ancestors, there was Rodolad - a science that tells what the purpose of the Rod is, how it is formed and according to what laws it is passed on from generation to generation. The knowledge collected in Rodolad made it possible to understand how the fate of one person affects the entire birth stream as a whole.

In turn, Rodolad is an integral part of Liubomudiya, the science of creating and preserving a family.

The key concepts in Rodolad are: Roda's Rock, the purification of Roda's karma and the ancestral curse.

First of all, Rodolad was owned by midwives and matchmakers, because their task included the need to understand what the wedding of the young would bring to both Clans or what path would develop for the newborn who came to this Clans.

Parents, when there was no longer a need to give birth and raise children, through their own grandchildren, through the creation of new young families, had the opportunity, with the help of Rodolad, to correct their Family Path.

You can get acquainted with the science of Rodolad at the seminar of the same name

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