10 effective ways to get rid of snoring

Snoring is a fairly common occurrence. In the UK, 20% of women and 26% of men under 24 years of age report snoring regularly [1]. In some situations, it is necessary to consult a doctor to treat snoring, but if this phenomenon does not bother you too often, you can try to get rid of it yourself.

The article was checked and commented by Oleg Abramov, head of the department of operative otorhinolaryngology at GMS Hospital, author of the blog @ent_expert

Reading rules

In the Russian tradition, it is not for nothing that all swearers were called blasphemers. By swearing, a person glorifies Satan and blasphemes God. This is a grave sin. The Holy Fathers say that a person who often resorts to foul language does not even dare to venerate the cross and icons until he repents. After all, his mouth uttered words with which demons communicate.

Important! Before you pray to the Lord and his saints for deliverance from your vice associated with warfare, you should take communion and confess.

  • You can read prayers both in church and at home. You need to understand that the habit of swearing has been formed in a person for years and you shouldn’t expect instant results. Working on yourself, your soul, always comes to the fore. And it takes time.
  • It is necessary to offer words of prayer in front of the icon of the saint, with a lit church candle. All thoughts at this moment should be turned to heaven; you cannot pray or think about something everyday. Every word must be filled with faith in the help of God and his saints.
  • You can ask not only for yourself, but also for a loved one.

The main thing is that the heart is filled with pure love for this person, then the heavenly patrons will definitely hear the prayer.

What is snoring

During sleep, the soft palate and uvula relax, the airways narrow, and the air flow through the nasopharynx decreases. Vibrations of soft tissues produce a growling or whistling sound called snoring [2]. It can vary in volume depending on how limited the air supply is. Snoring is more common in men than women, and the situation may worsen with age.

Sometimes, along with snoring, apnea syndrome is observed - breathing slows down significantly or completely disappears for more than ten seconds. At this point, the air flow decreases by 90% of normal [3]. Sleep apnea is a serious condition that requires surgical treatment.

How prayer reading helps

Prayer helps to gain peace and humility of the soul. A person in this state will never want to scold. The very thought of this will disgust him. If bad words deplete our protective field, making it vulnerable to the servants of darkness, then prayer, on the contrary, strengthens it.

Other Orthodox prayers:

Consequently, by reading prayers daily, a person protects himself from temptations, including the use of “strong” words. Prayers bring you closer to God and elevate your soul.

How to read prayers

The ritual of reading prayers against prodigal warfare is practically no different from the usual prayers said in the morning or evening hours.

  1. You need to free your consciousness from everything unnecessary and vain. The right reverent attitude must be present.
  2. If the prayer is read not in church, but at home, then it is better to choose a separate room where no one will disturb.
  3. They light a candle in front of the icons, cross themselves, ask for forgiveness for sins and offer their prayer. In the end, you need to thank the Lord and the saints for their help.
  4. A sincere desire to get rid of the habit of swearing, and faith in the powers of heaven will definitely help to achieve a positive result.

You can ask for help in getting rid of the vice of foul language with the following prayers:

Almighty God, who created all creation with wisdom, raise me up with Your hand, having fallen through many sins: grant me Your help, and grant me freedom from worldly temptations, from the devil’s snares, and from carnal lusts. Have mercy and forgive me all who have sinned all the days of my life; anoint my soul with the oil of grace and generosity of Your only begotten Son, the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ, with Him all glory befits You and the Holy Spirit forever. Amen. O Mother of the Lord my Creator, You are the root of virginity and the unfading color of purity. O Mother of God! Help me, who am weak through carnal passion and who am sick, for I have one intercession with You, Your Son and God. Amen.

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The worst thing is when children grow up amidst fighting. After all, their fragile minds will continue to perceive such behavior as the norm.

What is checkmate

The definition of “mat” refers to words and expressions that are unacceptable in society, usually having a negative assessment and perceived as an insult. The origin of the word itself is a mystery of the Russian language. According to one version, “mat” means voice, hence the expression “shout with good obscenities.” Another hypothesis comes down to its origin from the word “mother”.

The meaning of swear words is related to the sexual sphere, usually aimed at a specific addressee for the purpose of humiliation. Also, strong words are used in jokes and anecdotes.

Historical reference

One of the most common versions of the appearance of swear words in Rus' is the influence of the languages ​​of the Tatar and Turkic tribes. However, analysis of the vocabulary shows that this is incorrect. Russian swearing is of Slavic origin, and there are four well-known roots in both Macedonian and Slovenian languages.

There is an opinion that swear words were often used in pagan rituals, and later, demons and all kinds of evil spirits could be called such words. Most likely, obscene expressions became taboo with the advent of Christianity. This is why you cannot swear in Orthodoxy. Also, over time, the semantics of the language changed, and once harmless words, such as the name of the letter “X (dick),” took on obscene meanings.

How to get rid of snoring

There are several ways to combat snoring.

Normalize weight

This will help reduce the size of your throat, which can be a cause of snoring. It is better to choose a comfortable way to lose weight, after consulting with your doctor. It is important to reduce your overall calorie intake, eat healthier foods, and eat smaller portions. It is also necessary to exercise regularly.

Sleeping on your side

Sleeping on your back sometimes causes your tongue to retract to the back of your throat, partially blocking airflow. Sleeping on your side will allow air to flow freely into your nasopharynx and reduce or stop snoring.

Raise the head of the bed

If you use a higher pillow or raise the head of the bed by about 10 cm, air will enter the airways more freely.

Why do people swear

One curious incident is known that occurred between Leo Tolstoy and Maxim Gorky. Lev Nikolayevich swore a lot when Gorky came to visit him in Yasnaya Polyana. And Gorky then thought that the genius had decided to adapt to his proletarian origin, and he was very upset. However, Lev Nikolaevich, on the contrary, wanted to show by this that he accepted the guest “as one of his own.” As you can see, the reasons for using swear words can be completely different. Let's look at the most common situations.

Dominating a conversation

Most often, the interlocutor uses obscene language during an argument, when the arguments have already ended, but one must defend one’s position. Or a person shows that he is ready to break all prohibitions to defend his point of view. Also, many arguers hide their insecurities behind swear words and use them as a defense.

Adding age

As a rule, this is characteristic of teenagers who express their independence and adulthood. In addition, teenagers use obscenity in jokes and as a means of defense. Also, children often simply test the limits of their parents' patience.

Emotional outburst

It is known that the use of swearing increases the level of adrenaline in the blood, which helps to cope with stressful situations and reduces the pain threshold. Therefore, in some situations, the use of swear words can be justified by the fact that the person did not control himself, was experiencing severe pain or significant nervous shock.

Herd instinct

A person, finding himself in a foul-mouthed environment, eventually accepts swearing as a given, and involuntarily begins to swear. The use of swearing in such cases becomes a means of adaptation in the team.

Low level of development

The use of profanity in everyday life without stressful situations indicates low cultural development and disrespect for others. It can also be a sign of neurotic disorders and diseases.

For a bunch of words

Parasitic words can also be swear words, this indicates a small vocabulary. This often occurs among people who are not very educated or who drink heavily.

Energetic power of checkmate

Many experiments have been conducted that have proven the negative impact of swearing on living organisms. At one time in Japan, they conducted research on the influence of words on water, and found that words with different emotional connotations can affect the structure. Soviet scientists also conducted studies of the influence of swear words on plants. It is noteworthy that the seeds that were subjected to strong words during the study gave a low percentage of germination.

The effect of obscene words on the body

Russian scientist Pyotr Goryaev studied the negative effects of swearing at the genetic level. He believed that verbal so-called thought forms are capable of influencing human DNA, and excessive use of swear words contributes to various kinds of mutations. Therefore, you should not swear in front of girls and women.

The impact of swearing on expectant mothers

In support of the hypothesis of the influence of swearing on offspring, scientists have identified a tendency in countries where swearing exists to a large number of congenital childhood diseases. This relationship has not been conclusively confirmed, but it is better not to express it in the presence of pregnant women. Just in case.

The harm of obscene language for children and adolescents

Most adults understand that you should not swear in front of children, since the child, not yet understanding that swearing is bad, can reproduce indecent expressions, putting adults in an uncomfortable position. In addition, it is even more difficult for a child to get rid of a bad habit than for an adult. And a bad word can harm a fragile psyche. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct educational conversations in schools about the dangers of foul language and the inadmissibility of swearing for teenagers.

Causes of snoring

The reasons for this phenomenon can be dictated by both physiological characteristics and various pathologies [4]:

  • Colds and allergies. They cause nasal congestion and throat swelling, which interferes with the normal flow of air during breathing.
  • Anatomy of the pharynx. People with enlarged tonsils usually snore lightly.
  • Excess weight. Excess fat in the neck narrows the airways when lying down.
  • In children, snoring is often caused by enlarged tonsils and adenoids.
  • Deviation of the nasal septum.
  • Chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
  • Uncomfortable pillow.
  • The air in the bedroom is too dry.
  • Changes in hormonal levels.
  • Alcohol abuse, smoking.
  • Taking sleeping pills.
  • Uncontrolled use of hormonal contraceptives.
  • Pregnancy.

How to stop swearing

Getting rid of the habit of using foul language is a difficult process that requires effort and time. Follow our advice without retreating, and everything will definitely work out.

Awareness of the problem

Awareness of the need to get rid of the habit of swearing is already half the success. First of all, you need to observe yourself and determine how much and in what situations curses are uttered, and how others react. It is important to realize that swearing is a real problem in order to understand that it is time to watch your speech.

Stress Reduction

Pay attention to the situations in which obscene language is used. If most often these are stressful situations, then the right thing to do is not to get into them. If these are unavoidable (for example, driving a car), replace such expressions of emotions with singing, or say at least “damn” instead of censorship words. Also determine which emotion is most often expressed with obscene words in speech, and try to control it.

Self-control and self-analysis

You need to develop the habit of controlling your speech; at the very beginning it will be difficult to do this. Therefore, try to analyze every hour whether you swore or not. You can set a timer. Don’t be discouraged if it doesn’t work out, the main thing in this matter is not to give up.

Practical advice

There are effective ways to combat swearing.

The following recommendations will help you fight this bad habit:

  1. Set yourself specific deadlines, such as stopping swearing in a week. This will help you monitor your speech more persistently.
  2. Stop communicating with foul-mouthed people. If this is not possible, then stop speaking to them in their language.
  3. Make more new acquaintances. When meeting someone, a person will subconsciously control his speech, trying to present himself from the best side.
  4. Avoid obscene entertaining public pages. If swearing makes you smile, then it’s harder to give up a bad habit.
  5. Keep an anti-swearing piggy bank at home and at work. Start controlling your speech, knowing that you will have to pay for swearing.
  6. A common problem causing the use of unpleasant expressions is a small vocabulary. In this case, books will help. Any fiction will expand your vocabulary from the first ten pages.
  7. Oratory courses will help in the fight for purity of speech. You can find free training videos on the Internet.
  8. Place a tight rubber band around your wrist, and with every obscene expression, pull it back and release it.
  9. An Orthodox prayer against foul language will help a believer to give up swearing.

Help from friends

If it is customary to swear in your circle of friends, simply firmly state your intention to stop swearing and ask for help. Close friends will begin to swear less, which will benefit everyone. Also ask a close friend to reprimand you when using obscene language.

How the Lord Delivered Me from Foul Language

“Let no corrupt word come out of your mouth, but only that which is good for edification of the faith, that it may bring grace to those who hear.”

(Eph. 4:29)


This sad story happened to me quite a long time ago, in the spring of 1973. In those years, I grew up, an ordinary boy, in a completely cultured family: my mother was a medical worker, my father was a civil engineer. Behind him was a Moscow university, metropolitan culture, this and that... And outside the family, too, everything was fine. Anything, of course, happened, but in general neither the school, nor the music school, nor even the yard company were conducive to anything bad. At least I definitely never lived in the stinking atmosphere of swearing.

Sometimes, when I came with my father to his construction site, I caught some “expressions” around me, but at the same time I saw something else - they, these “expressions,” literally offended my father. And this continued until the seventh grade, when the desire to improve my physical fitness (I dreamed of becoming a military pilot) led me to the sports section of kayaking and canoeing.

Now on the site of our former rowing base of the Trud sports society there is the eastern corner of the huge Aquamol, a Ferris wheel, and a parking lot. And then here, on the deserted beach of Sviyaga, there was a spacious building with a semicircular roof, which was called a boathouse. In it, on neat shelves, racing boats were stored - kayaks and canoes, oars stood against the wall, outboard engines for the coach's motorboat, life jackets were piled on the floor, gas cans were piled up and much more. Here, somewhere between the shelves, we changed clothes.

There were many people who wanted to study then. Children came from different schools, from all over Ulyanovsk. Besides different ages.

And so, one day I came to training and went into the locker room. Besides me, there were two other guys in it, a couple of years older. My hearing was cut off by the copious flow of obscenities in which these two communicated. Moreover, obscenities “oozed” from their lips without any reason, just like that. His “concentration” was so great that it seemed as if they were talking in a foreign language that was difficult for me to understand. I was surprised and asked:

– Why do you actually swear like that, for what reason?

- What about you?! You don't swear at all, do you? – one of them asked me with surprise and a little challenge.

And here I said a phrase that probably unintentionally “ruined” the situation:

-What's good about it? I have never said a single word in my entire life.

It probably sounded a little proud.

An evil light flashed in the eyes of the “senior comrade,” like the blade of a knife:

“Oh, I didn’t swear,” he said quietly, slowly approaching me, “now you’ll swear!”

They grabbed my hands, twisted them back and began to demand that I swear

They both grabbed my hands, twisted them back and began to demand that I swear. I was silent. Then they wrung their hands as tightly as they once hung on the rack, and continued to demand. The moment came when I had to choose: either endure the pain further - and forget about training for at least six months (since for a rower, an injury to the muscles and ligaments in the shoulder joints is like a broken finger for a pianist), or give up.

And I lost heart! For the first time in my life I uttered the required word...

- Here you go. “Now don’t say again that you never swore,” my main tormentor said maliciously.

23 years of verbal stench

And what happened next to me...

There is such a thing - initiation (ritual, dedication). This is when a door opens or a certain sluice rises, and a multi-ton wall of water falls on you! She cannot be resisted, she crushes and sweeps away everything! Only in my case it was not a wall of water, but of a foul-smelling liquid. These were precisely the spiritual consequences of that “innocent joke” on the part of my “comrades” for me. I became possessed by the demon of foul language. Another problem was that in those years I was an exemplary Komsomol pioneer, and there could be no talk of any correct spiritual diagnosis. Everything went as it went... With their “kind” assistance, I jumped over some “red flags”, an invisible moral internal barrier, which until then, at least, existed in me. The "dam" was broken...

I became possessed by the demon of profanity

I can’t even remember now how many days or weeks later I began to utter swear words absolutely voluntarily, without anyone’s coercion. But they began to be pronounced by me! This was associated either with a flash of irritation (and in sports there are plenty of reasons for this), or with the desire to seem more mature, or simply to embellish your speech, make it more “bright”, “juicy” and “expressive”, not so “boring” " But this gradually became part of the system, the norm. Imperceptibly, gradually, “it doesn’t hurt”... It was as if a new, in its own way attractive horizon or layer of life had opened up in front of me - obscene language, and I began to master it with enthusiasm.

Childish stupidity, and I was 14–15 years old, knew no brakes. Everything - to the maximum! Everything is at the limit! Sometimes I used obscenities so “intensely” that the athletes around me, and among them there were masters of sports, experienced, strong men, sometimes even coaches, began to look sideways at me and ask: “Sergey, what are you really saying?” Are you swearing?!” Yes, they themselves were not a model in this either, but to such an extent?!.. And, interestingly, at that moment I did not even have the desire to part with swearing.

The only thing (and I was very proud of this) was that I did not express myself at home, in front of children and in front of girls. Somehow I kept an eye on this. Probably, the “fragments” of old family moral concepts were at work. As for the rest...

Three peak cases stick in my memory.

One day I was returning home late in the evening. It was already very dark. I went into the yard and saw my classmate. Word for word, we started talking, and sometimes so loudly that the whole house probably heard us (many slept on the balconies). Sometimes people passed by. A woman came out of the next door (to mine) to hang laundry on the clothesline. And I keep talking and talking. It is probably unnecessary to clarify that out of every five words, two were obscenities. In general, I spoke “from the heart.” We said goodbye to my classmate, and I went to my place. The woman, having hung her laundry, sat quietly on the bench and seemed to be waiting for someone. "Well? Have you talked enough? – a familiar voice rang out in the darkness to the point of tears. It was mom. My God, how ashamed I felt then!

"Well? Have you talked enough? – a familiar voice rang out in the darkness to the point of tears. It was mom

Another case. I study at the Polytechnic Institute. One spring, our group was removed from classes and instructed to clean under the windows of the educational building. The days were hot, and many offices had open windows. I was the eldest in the group, and the people were so lazy that I began to get a little nervous. And when I was nervous, even a little, I began to speak as I was used to... And loudly. So loud that after 5-10 minutes our headman ran towards us from the fourth floor and politely asked me to shut my mouth. “Seryoga, the teachers are shocked!” – he whispered confidentially in my ear.

And the third case. I run a fairly large company. I carry out the usual “operative”. The office is all men. My speech is normal, nothing has changed for me. The employees “first blush, then turn pale,” then shyly lower their eyes to the floor, but endure. A double door opened into the corridor from my office. The meeting ended, I dismissed the staff - and suddenly I saw that the outer door was open! Most likely throughout the meeting. And in the corridor, opposite the door, our two frightened female employees were sitting on chairs and looking at me strangely... To say that I was embarrassed is to say nothing!

Miraculous deliverance

I don’t know how long I would have been possessed by the sin of foul language if it had not been for the complete departure from materialism that began at that time. After all, foul language is only a special case, a “flower” in the bouquet of spiritual ailments of that time, from which the soul suffered and was sick.

February 1996 Diveevo. Monastery. I heard a lot about this amazing place, about the monastery, but especially about Elder Seraphim of Sarov. Mom even once gave me his icon. And here I am, in front of his holy relics.

The Divine Liturgy is underway. In my hands is a large sheet of paper, densely covered with sins. I remember there were more than 70 of them. Two weeks of work. On the right side of the Trinity Cathedral, despite it being a weekday, there is a long line for Confession. With an effort of will I force myself to stand in her tail - and with every step towards the priest’s lectern I feel that I am rising to the scaffold. Scary... Scraps of thoughts rush through my head like a whirlwind: “Where are you going! He has shoulder straps under his vestments!” - “There are probably microphones built into the lectern!” - “He’ll tell everyone everything!” - “And in general, look at this fat priest, how disgusting and smug he is!..”

“Well, never mind! Come what may. “Let him tell,” I told myself and decisively stepped towards the lectern. Like coming out of an airplane door without a parachute...

My Confession went on for quite a long time, and at one point I raised my head. The priest and I met our gazes. And then I absolutely felt that in front of me was my friend. Who sympathized with me with all my heart. His look seemed to say: “Well done, well done. Come on, come on, move on...”

When the priest removed the stole from my head and we exhaled a little, he quietly said:

– What do you think of doing next?

“I don’t know,” I answered him sincerely.

“Try to have church people around you,” said the priest. - Because Satan will not forgive you for raising your eyes to heaven. Like this.

I asked him for his blessing to swim in the Kazan spring, took a swim, and immediately set off on the way back home.


And then the following happened.

Late in the evening I took the train in Arzamas. Seating places, few people, I didn’t want to sleep. Scenes from the past day are in my head. And there was something to remember. But... something happened. In my. Inside...I can’t understand what exactly, but the fact that something has changed in me is certain. This thought crowded out everything else in my head and gave me no rest.

It was night outside the window, sleeping stops and bright lanterns rushed past, the twilight in the carriage was conducive to dozing, but this thought did not give me rest.

For the first time in 23 years of captivity, I completely lost the desire to utter these vile words out loud

And then I “groped” her! I stopped swearing! Suddenly, suddenly, unexpectedly!

For the first time in 23 years of captivity, I completely lost the desire to utter these vile words out loud. I stopped using them even in thoughts and dreams. And if someone nearby starts swearing, it just turns me over! I either move away or make a remark.

And all this happened without my slightest participation, by itself! It was as if the Lord took a “rag” and easily wiped this sin from my soul. As if he said: “Look! Nothing is impossible for Me! Just be with Me and be faithful to Me...”

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