Spells to restore good relations between mother and son

Conflicts and quarrels happen in every family. But sometimes quarrels and disagreements lead to the son leaving home in a fit of internal emotional anger. Moreover, he may not get in touch, ignore communication and not appear for a long time. And when the parents’ hearts are torn by melancholy and internal pain due to the inability to influence the situation, magic . With the help of a special home plot , it will be possible to return your son home and facilitate his early arrival.



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Prayers for the return of the child

With these prayers they turn to the saints asking for the child to return home.

Prayer to St. George the Victorious for the return of the child

Holy, glorious and all-praised Great Martyr George!

Gathered in your temple and worshiping people before your holy icon, we pray to you, known to our intercessor,

pray with us and for us, God who beseeches Him from His compassion, that He may mercifully hear us asking for His goodness, and not abandon all our needful petitions for salvation and life, and grant our country victory over the opposition;

and again, falling down, we pray to you, holy Victorious:

strengthen the Orthodox army in battles with the grace given to you, destroy the forces of the rising enemies, so that they will be ashamed and disgraced,

and let their insolence be crushed, and let them know that we have Divine help, and show your powerful intercession to everyone in sorrow and present circumstances.

Pray to the Lord God, the Creator of all creation, to deliver us from eternal torment, so that we glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and we confess your intercession now, and ever, and unto the ages of ages.

Prayer for the return of a child to Jesus Christ

Lord Jesus Christ our God, I humbly pray to You for my child (child’s name).

Save and deliver him today from every evil circumstance, visible and invisible enemies.

Help him reach his home safely and healthily.

Save and have mercy on him along the way.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, help, O God, Thy servant.

I pray to You, God, grant to me, who dared to ask You, the fulfillment of my request.

Prayer to the Lord God for the child to return home

First prayer

Dear Lord God, I turn to you in the name of Your Son Jesus Christ, and I ask You for my son (daughter) (name).

Heal his (her) wounds, anoint him with Your precious oil, and give Your Divine peace and Your love in the heart of my son (daughter), so that his heart does not harden,

keep him (her) in your hand and lead him along the roads of life, teaching and instructing how to behave in difficult situations, give Your Divine wisdom and fill your heart with love for the perishing world,

protect him from every destructive ulcer, anoint him with Your precious blood.

I believe with all my heart that You are always there and help you overcome difficulties.

Thank you, Father, for Your love and mercy.

Second prayer

Lord, Lover of Mankind, King of the ages and Giver of good things, who destroyed the enmities of the mediastinum and gave peace to the human race, grant now peace to Your servants (names):

Root Thy fear in them, and establish love for one another: quench all strife, remove all discord and temptations.

For You are our peace, and to You we send glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages.

Source of the article: https://mymolitva.ru/molitvy-za-detey/molitvy-o-vozvrashhenii-rebenka/

Prayer for my son to return home

St. George the Victorious

Holy, glorious and all-praised Great Martyr George!

Gathered in your temple and worshiping people before your holy icon, we pray to you, known to our intercessor,

pray with us and for us, God who beseeches Him from His compassion, that He may mercifully hear us asking for His goodness, and not abandon all our needful petitions for salvation and life, and grant our country victory over the opposition;

and again, falling down, we pray to you, holy Victorious:

strengthen the Orthodox army in battles with the grace given to you, destroy the forces of the rising enemies, so that they will be ashamed and disgraced,

and let their insolence be crushed, and let them know that we have Divine help, and show your powerful intercession to everyone in sorrow and present circumstances.

Pray to the Lord God, the Creator of all creation, to deliver us from eternal torment, so that we glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and we confess your intercession now, and ever, and unto the ages of ages.

Prayer for the son to return home to his mother

Jesus Christ

Lord Jesus Christ our God, I humbly pray to You for my child (child’s name).

Save and deliver him today from every evil circumstance, visible and invisible enemies.

Help him reach his home safely and healthily.

Save and have mercy on him along the way.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, help, O God, Thy servant.

I pray to You, God, grant to me, who dared to ask You, the fulfillment of my request.

Mother and child as one

There is a conspiracy that will help you ensure that your relationship with your children never “goes wrong.” For several days you need to pray to the icon every evening:

“Everyone loves precious metals. I ask that my children feel the same love for me. There has been no love in our family for a long time, but I can’t help but think that everything will work out. Children need a mother, even if they don’t understand it. A day without them is like an eternity. Their stepmothers will not love them the way I love them. In the name of the Father and the Son. Amen".

Herbs will help solve this problem. There should always be medicinal herbs in your yard, which are characterized by a positive effect on the human psyche. These herbs can be used to make tinctures, decoctions, and even add to tea. They have a positive effect on human behavior, because they have a calming effect. If you do not know what herbs should be used and where to look for them, you can seek help from a specialist. He will point you to the right options that will allow you to improve your family relationships.

Prayer for daughter's return home

Lord God

First prayer

Dear Lord God, I turn to you in the name of Your Son Jesus Christ, and I ask You for my son (daughter) (name).

Heal his (her) wounds, anoint him with Your precious oil, and give Your Divine peace and Your love in the heart of my son (daughter), so that his heart does not harden,

keep him (her) in your hand and lead him along the roads of life, teaching and instructing how to behave in difficult situations, give Your Divine wisdom and fill your heart with love for the perishing world,

protect him from every destructive ulcer, anoint him with Your precious blood.

I believe with all my heart that You are always there and help you overcome difficulties.

Thank you, Father, for Your love and mercy.

Second prayer

Lord, Lover of Mankind, King of the ages and Giver of good things, who destroyed the enmities of the mediastinum and gave peace to the human race, grant now peace to Your servants (names):

Root Thy fear in them, and establish love for one another: quench all strife, remove all discord and temptations.

For You are our peace, and to You we send glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages.

Reasons for children's disobedience

Descendants may be rude to their parents for several reasons.

  1. Transitional age. At this time, all children stop behaving normally, because it seems to them that the whole world is against them. This is rather a psychological problem than a physiological one, because it is at this age that children experience a change in character and the formation of themselves as individuals.
  2. Bad Company. Sometimes a child may get involved with bad company because he wants to express his opinion. He believes that new friends will help him become who he wants to see himself as.
  3. Different views on life. Of course, parents know better what is good and what is bad. But the children are not used to prohibitions. They want everything to be the way they want it. And every parental remark is taken as a challenge. Psychologists say that “the forbidden fruit is sweet,” so every prohibition is accepted as something desirable.

If you want your son and daughter to treat your words with understanding, you need to take their wishes into account too. To begin with, you should have a heart-to-heart talk with them and establish contact. If there is no progress, then you can use a spell for the love of your son and daughter. You must set an example for your son and daughter. There is no need to prohibit them from doing anything. This can lead to unpleasant consequences and the destruction of love for you. It is better to clearly explain to them why you are against this or that situation. The child will decide for himself what to do in the end.

How to bring back a baby runner with the prayers of the mother

A conspiracy to make children come home

If your child has gotten away with it and is running away from his father’s house, wash his shoes in the enchanted water and he will stop running away from you. The plot is like this:

There is an ant's mother in the forest anthill, There are sisters and brothers among the ants. And just as these creatures of God scatter in the morning and run into a heap of ants at night, so (so-and-so) would hurry home to himself, eat, but don’t get full, drink, but don’t get drunk, lie down in his crib, pray to the Lord God at night , I revered my mother and father, missed them, and grieved for them.

And be you, my words, strong, And be you, my deeds, sculpting. For now, for centuries, for all bright times. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now, forever, forever and ever.

The most powerful prayers

Find out what awaits you today - Horoscope for today for all zodiac signs

Using them, you will provide your child with reliable protection that will protect him on all roads of life. These prayers, becoming a talisman, will provide support and come to the rescue in the most difficult situations.

For my son's happiness

Do you want happiness to become your son’s constant companion? Then read this prayer as often as possible. Text:

For the well-being of the son (prayer-protection)

Regularly saying this prayer is a guarantee that your beloved son will always be under the reliable protection of the Lord. Text:

Due to numerous requests from readers, we have prepared an “Orthodox Calendar” application for smartphones. Every morning you will receive information about the current day: holidays, fasts, days of remembrance, prayers, parables. Download for free: Orthodox Calendar 2022 (available on Android)

About the health of the son and protection from all evil and enemies

Every person has ill-wishers. However, the evil emanating from them will not be terrible for your son if you say this prayer as often as possible. Text:

Prayers for missing people

Lord Almighty, Lord All-Good, on my knees I pray to You for a great miracle.

Grant, Lord, the return of the missing person, Your servant (name).

For You yourself said: “Whoever seeks in My name, My angel will come to him and reveal what everyone asks. Amen".

Lord, for the sake of the hands that swaddled You, for the sake of the hands that kissed Your feet, for the sake of Holy Baptism, for the sake of the holy icon of Tenderness, for the sake of Your mother, my Queen of Heaven.

I tearfully ask and pray: may the servant of God (name) be found and return to the threshold of his home.

Lord, accept my prayer, bless every word, and find the servant of God. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Rituals for building relationships

If you want to regain the favor of your son and daughter, then you need to read the following plot:

“I ask the Holy Light forces to help me in a difficult situation. My descendants have turned their backs on me, and I want to return the love of my son and daughter. I wish that we can become a family again and never be separated again. There will never be a stepmother in their lives. I just have to wash their heads and bodies.”

This text is read early in the morning.

To consolidate the result before going to bed, read:

“Saints, you always help those in need. Today I, the servant of God (name), ask for help. My son, the servant of God (name), and daughter, the servant of God (name), decided to erase me from their lives. But I am their mother, and I want only the best for them. I want to protect them from bad company, from envious people and from the darkest forces. I will become the children's most faithful friend, helper and the one they want to see in me. I don’t need anything more, as long as they give me back my confidence in our family. You want love from your own descendants. May we be happy again. We are Orthodox believers who have always believed in our God. We attend church and always say prayers. Prayer has never left our home and our souls. Please heaven help us. Don't turn your back on us. In the name of the Father and the Son. Amen".

Prayer to Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker for help on the road and for the preservation of a person on the road

O Saint Nicholas of Christ! Hear us, sinful servants of God (names), praying to you, and pray for us, unworthy, our Creator and Master, make our God merciful to us in this life and in the future, so that he does not reward us according to our deeds, but according to his own He will reward us with goodness.

Deliver us, saints of Christ, from the evils that come upon us, and tame the waves, passions and troubles that rise against us, so that for the sake of your holy prayers the attack will not overwhelm us and we will not wallow in the abyss of sin and in the mud of our passions.

Pray to Saint Nicholas, Christ our God, that he may grant us a peaceful life and remission of sins, and salvation and great mercy for our souls, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages.

Prayer for the missing in front of the image of the Mother of God, called Recovering the Lost

O zealous, compassionate intercessor of the Lord Mother! I come running to You, the accursed one, the most sinful man above all: listen to the voice of my prayer, and hear my cry and groaning.

For my iniquities have exceeded my head, and I, like a ship in the abyss, am plunging into the sea of ​​my sins. But You, all-good and merciful Lady, do not despise me, desperate and perishing in sins, have mercy on me, who repent of my evil deeds, and turn my lost, accursed soul to the right path.

On You, my Lady Theotokos, I place all my hope.

Thou, Mother of God, preserve and keep me under Thy roof, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer to the Monk Xenophon and his wife Mary when there is no news from the children

About Saints Xenophon and Mary with your children Arkady and John!

Behold, we, unworthy and sinful, diligently resort to you and with strong hope we pray: now mercifully hear our voice of prayer and strive for our help, and now show your love for us, the servants of God (names), by the grace-filled action of your God-pleasing prayers, send down to us great and the rich mercy of the Lord, may we sing and glorify the wondrous God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, in His saints, now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel of the missing

O holy Angel, my good guardian and patron! With a contrite heart and painful soul I stand before you, praying: hear me, your sinful servant (name), with a strong cry and a bitter cry;

do not remember my iniquities and untruths, in whose image I, the accursed one, anger you all the days and hours, and create abominations for myself before our Creator, the Lord;

Show yourself merciful to me and do not leave me, the vile one, even until my death; awaken me from the sleep of sin and with your prayers help me to pass through the rest of my life without blemish and create fruits worthy of repentance; moreover, protect me from the mortal falls of sin, so that I will not perish in despair and may the enemy not rejoice over my destruction.

I truly confess with my lips that no one is such a friend and intercessor, protector and champion, like you, holy Angel: for standing before the Throne of the Lord, pray for me, indecent, and more sinful than all, so that the Most Good One will not take away my soul on the day of my despair and on the day of creation of evil.

Do not cease to propitiate the most merciful Lord and my God, may he forgive me the sins that I have committed throughout my life, in deed, in word and with all my feelings, and, like the news of destinies, may he save me; may He punish me here according to His ineffable mercy, but may He not convict and punish me here according to His impartial justice; may he make me worthy to bring repentance, and with repentance may I be worthy of receiving Divine Communion, for this I pray more and I earnestly desire such a gift.

In the terrible hour of death, be persistent with me, my good guardian, driving away the dark demons that have the power to frighten my trembling soul: protect me from those traps, when the imam passes through the airy ordeals, may we protect you, I will safely reach paradise, which I desire, where the faces of the saints and The Heavenly Powers continually praise the all-honorable and magnificent name in the Trinity of the glorified God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, to whom honor and worship are due forever and ever. Amen.


In addition to home prayer for a missing person, it is necessary to submit for the liturgy, that is, you need to write notes with the name of the missing person, which will be read by the priest in preparation for Communion.

“God has no dead, He has everyone alive. And according to church rules, until the truth is established, they pray for five years for the missing person as if they were alive, only with the addition of the words: “missing person.” Speak about him more often during the liturgy, and the Lord will reveal the secret of his disappearance, but not to me, but to his mother.”

What is the power of parental prayer for a son?

If a boy is born into a family, then from early childhood every mother understands that male children may be in more serious danger. After all, almost from the cradle they diligently prove to the whole world how independent, strong, and mature they are.

To protect her child from adversity, a mother always asks the Lord to support her child in difficult times. There are many known cases when sincere and bright prayer for children performed a real miracle.

Church canons for reading a prayer appeal to the Lord so that He hears the prayer:

  • The parent herself must sincerely believe in the support of the Almighty.
  • Avoid negative emotions regarding your son, even if he has embarked on a slippery slope. Faith in correction must live in the heart.
  • The first request should be for forgiveness of the child’s sins, voluntary and involuntary.
  • Say the words of prayer thoughtfully, with soul.
  • You must definitely ask for heavenly mentors for your son.

Reasons for inappropriate behavior of sons

Relationships can be difficult not only with an adult son, but also with a teenager. A growing man gives his mother a lot of trouble. Naturally, both sides are guilty of misunderstanding. A father or mother who scolds their son does so with good intentions. The child, out of stubbornness, pride, or under the influence of others, becomes offended and stops communicating with them, considering them guilty of all his failures. The reasons for this behavior may be different:

Relationships can be difficult not only with an adult son, but also with a teenager

  • Adolescence. During puberty, not only the physical state changes, but also the psyche. Boys become more vulnerable, secretive, and easily susceptible to negative influence.
  • Bad Company. To assert themselves, teenagers gather in groups where they try to outdo each other in courage by committing unseemly acts. Considering themselves old enough, they stop listening to their parents. Not only a boy, but also a man can fall into bad company.
  • Different views on life. Not only parents, but also the media are involved in raising children. Boys and adult men develop priorities that are different from their parents. They cease to consider their mother as an authority in many areas of life.
  • Daughter-in-law's influence. Having married, the son turns all his attention to his wife. When he is in love, he is ready to fulfill her every whim. Daughters-in-law have their own understanding of family relationships. Some of them believe that the mother-in-law should silently stand aside and not interfere with her advice. Having fallen under such influence, the son forgets about his mother.
  • Love spell. The witchcraft charms of a woman in love can completely change the behavior of her son.

Sometimes it is incredibly difficult to mend damaged relationships, and then they turn to magical rituals.

How to determine a love spell

A powerful love spell cast by a professional or a girl in love to bind a guy gradually changes his behavior. A loving mother cannot help but notice this. Signs of a love spell on an unmarried son:

Signs of a love spell on an unmarried son: moodiness, absent-mindedness, nervousness, alcohol or drugs

  • Sullenness. Less and less often the child is in a good mood, troubles arise at work and in relationships with loved ones.
  • Thoughtfulness and absent-mindedness. The guy answers inappropriately, forgets to eat, and has trouble sleeping at night.
  • Nervousness. The son becomes irritable, rude, rude and hates everyone. Night delirium may occur with the mention of the girl's name. The condition may end in neurosis with a forced visit to the doctor.
  • Frequent absences from home. He came home and immediately left without explanation. May not sleep at home for several days. He is nervous, freaks out over trifles and cannot cope with the attraction of a woman he does not love.
  • Alcohol or drugs. The guy is trying to balance his psyche with drink or drugs. Not understanding the reasons for his condition, he seeks salvation, trying to forget.

If all of the above signs are present, you need to urgently remove the love spell, which can lead to suicide.

Prayer for my son, pray with me

God! Keep them in a state of grace until the end of their lives; grant them to be partakers of the sacraments of Your Covenant; sanctify by Thy truth; may Thy holy name be sanctified in them and through them!

Send me Your gracious help in raising them for the glory of Your name and the benefit of your neighbor! Give me methods, patience and strength for this purpose! Teach me to plant in their hearts the root of true wisdom - Thy fear!

Illuminate them with the light of Your wisdom that rules the universe! May they love You with all their souls and thoughts; may they cleave to You with all their hearts and throughout their entire life may they tremble at Your words!

Grant me the understanding to convince them that true life consists in keeping Your commandments; that work, strengthened by piety, brings serene contentment in this life, and in eternity - inexpressible bliss.

When you need magic help

Generation conflict occurs in almost every family. Children grow up and become independent, but not all parents are ready to easily let them go on their own. Conflicts, quarrels and scandals arise due to disagreements.

If you cannot establish contact in a constructive way and return your son or daughter home, you can use simple magical actions.

Turning to magic is advisable in the following situations:

  • if the child falls into bad company;
  • if your daughter or son constantly sounds rude;
  • if children leave home after a scandal;
  • If the relationship between parents and children is bad, there is no way to improve it in accessible ways.

In such difficult situations, a plot on how to bring your daughter home or how to bring your son home will be an assistant. In order for magical actions to bring the desired result, it is important to perform them with a sincere heart, with pure motives, with the intention of helping your child, setting him on the right path, and not gaining the upper hand, taking revenge, or trying to establish total control over his life.

Who can help with the ceremony so that the son definitely comes?

to read the plot in accordance with all the recommendations. In this case, it is better for the mother to immediately seek magical assistance from experienced mediums. It can be:

  1. prayer books and clairvoyants;
  2. sorcerers and healers;
  3. psychics and witches;
  4. magicians and whisperers;
  5. spell casters and hereditary grandmothers;
  6. fortune tellers and sorcerers .

In their work they use both white and black magic. At the same time, they strive to carry out the ritual effectively and efficiently, while minimizing possible consequences. Even if, to achieve what they want, they resort to the assistance of dark forces, they themselves then pay for disturbing the spirits.

You can find such a medium on our website. We employ parapsychologists who delve into any human problem. They will be able to return the prodigal son or daughter, bring harmony to the family and establish and restore relationships. For them, there is no situation that cannot be resolved through witchcraft. You can contact them for help right now.



Read further:

What kind of conspiracy is needed for a man to return?

What strong conspiracies are there to make your loved one come? Prayer conspiracy for your loved one to come

How to cast a love spell to make your loved one come back? Get your husband back forever

What can you do to stop your boss from finding fault, what kind of conspiracy?

What is a strong, quick-acting spell to get your loved one to call?

What kind of spell can you make for men's underpants?

What to do if there is a bad streak in life, what is the conspiracy?

What spell to cast on a man?

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    Effective rituals

    For the return of my son

    In order for the son to return home, there is a quick ritual that the mother performs. You need to wait until the moon enters its waning phase. In the evening, open the window, go up to it, looking at the moon, and say these words:

    “Lord Almighty, hear my requests and prayers. Let the anger and malice of my son depart from me, the servant of God (name). Let my son, the servant of God (name) never offend me, never say a bad word, be rude or insult me.

    Just let it help. Like a fish in water, it doesn’t open its mouth, doesn’t scold, doesn’t splash with anger. So let my son, my little blood, turn to me and not say a bad word. Let his heart be filled with goodness, his soul become pure.

    Help me, higher powers, help me bring the child home. These words are strong, the prayer comes from a pure heart. Let my prodigal child return home, and I will pity him with all my heart, I will warm him with my mother’s love. Send, Lord, filial love to me. Amen."

    It is recommended to read such words every evening. Gradually the child should return home. Now you must do everything possible to restore the lost contact.

    Return the love of a daughter or son to her mother

    To regain the children's affection, you need to wait until evening. Sit at the table, light a church candle. Place a photo of the child in front of you. Looking at the candle flame, say:

    “Light forces, higher forces, I call you to my aid. My child has turned away from me, doesn’t show up at home, doesn’t want to communicate, doesn’t want to talk to me. My heart is tormented with melancholy.

    Let the daughter return home, let the son return home. My soul is sad, my eyes are washed with tears. Only let me be the main thing in their life. Once again the family is reunited, never separated again. Only their bodies, souls and hearts are with me. Let it be so".

    The photograph flashes three times over the candle flame. Let the candle burn out completely. This ritual is very effective; it helps to establish an energetic connection between mother and child.

    And early in the morning after waking up say three times:

    “Holy powers, angels, archangels of God. You see everything, you help everyone. I ask you for mercy and leniency. May my children never erase me from their lives.

    Let them not get lost in bad company, let only their mother be the most important thing in life. I will protect, love and cherish them. If they come running to me, I will regret it, like in childhood. Just as believers honor the holy church, let my children honor, respect and love me, and never offend me with a bad word. Let it be so".

    To build relationships with children

    To restore relationships with children, you can perform the following ritual. Wait until evening. Light three church candles. Take a child's item that he uses constantly. Take the item in your left hand and imagine how you become close to your children again. Say:

    “Near the face of the saint I will sit down. I will quietly say the words of prayer. I give praise to the Lord God, our Creator, the Virgin Mary, Jesus Christ. I’ll read the prayer and baptize myself with the cross. In the icon I see the Mother of God, in her arms there is a holy child.

    In her eyes one can read the strongest love that is possible in all worlds. The child trusts her and allows herself to be touched. I ask the Mother of God to make sure that my children stop quarreling with me, so that our relationship gets better. They will never have a stepmother.

    Magical rules of mother spells

    to return soon on her own in her usual conditions. But it is important to follow the basic recommendations. Then the witchcraft will be able to start on its own. These main rules include:

    • the plot is prohibited from reading on religious holidays and on Sundays;
    • It is best to first learn the spell by heart, but it is also allowed to read it from a piece of paper, having previously written it;
    • the magical text should be pronounced calmly, in a whisper or half-whisper;
    • You cannot read the plot from the screen of a mobile phone, tablet or computer;
    • in a spell, phrases are not allowed to be rearranged, parts of them to be omitted, or attempts to distort the main meaning;
    • the spell is pronounced one, three or nine times, unless otherwise stated in the description of the ritual;
    • if the ritual for the return of a son is carried out by the mother, then days such as Saturday, Friday, and Wednesday are chosen to perform witchcraft;
    • it is necessary to read the spell with an open window or window, and the face at this moment should be looking exactly to the east;
    • a ritual that helps show your son the way home should be performed at the moment of sunrise or sunset, as well as exactly at midnight;
    • It is recommended to perform a magical effect on an empty stomach, and five days before it is better to fast altogether;
    • the ritual is carried out in complete silence and solitude, there should be no pets nearby;
    • before starting the witchcraft ritual, you need to wash your hands and face, and also change into clean, loose-fitting clothes;
    • there should be no precious jewelry or belts at the time of reading the plot;
    • You cannot tell anyone about the induced magical effect.

    It is strictly forbidden to engage in witchcraft out of curiosity, anger, entertainment or resentment. It is important to focus on the current and exciting issue during the ceremony. Don't be distracted by outside activities or noises. You have to be completely imbued with every word you say.

    Home plot to return a child to the home:

    In case of maternal despair caused by the departure of her own son from home, it is worth using an effective conspiracy. It will be possible to carry out it under familiar conditions. It is important to wait until the moon begins to wane.

    When midnight approaches, you need to take off your jewelry, let your hair down and go to the window. Having opened it, you should look at the night star and pronounce confidently, but in a whisper, the following spell:

    “Higher powers, I turn to you, I ask for your help and assistance. You will hear my maternal prayer, you will be imbued with it, show the way to my prodigal son. Let the servant of God (name of the child) no longer be offended and do not offend me. Let him not say a bad word, let him not bring pain with an insult. Let no anger be hidden in your heart. My little blood will be filled with kindness and will rush to its home. He will stand on the threshold, knock on the door, and hug me when I meet. Let the prodigal child return to me. I will warm him with motherly love, forgive him for everything, give him comfort. The moonlight will help him, he will show the way. Amen!"

    The plot is read for three days in a row. In this case, there is no need to close the window at night. It should remain open until the morning. And if the ritual was carried out correctly, soon the son who left home will return back.

    Bring my daughter home

    For your daughter to return home, for peace to reign between you, use the following prayers and rituals. Seclude yourself in a room, mentally imagine how your daughter returns home.

    Then say these words:

    “My dear daughter, I call upon you, I conjure you. Come home. I'm calling you. If you are with a guy, take your mind off him and rush to your home. If you are with your friends, leave them, come to me, I am your best friend. Higher powers, the Universe, the forces of nature, the forces of the elements, help me in my difficult task.

    Let my little blood come back to me, urge her, push her, bring her.

    So that she comes back to me and stays near me at home. Bring my calls to her, show her my tears, let her let me into her heart. Let my child yearn for me, suffer for me, and wish to meet me as soon as possible.

    Let her be sad and reject the one who is next to her. He will call me, return to me, and will not stumble on the road. So let it be as I wish with all my heart.”

    Read this maternal plot three times in a row. Sign yourself with the cross. You can repeat this ritual every day, the result will not be long in coming. This conspiracy will not only help you bring your daughter home, but will also become her invisible amulet, since a mother’s prayer for a child is very strong and endowed with powerful energy.


    Prayer is an effective helper. A mother can pray to Panteleimon the Healer for the welfare and health of her children. It is better if you have an icon of this saint. Light a church candle in front of her and say the words of the prayer three times:

    “Servant of the Lord, I hope for your help, I hope for your intercession.

    Grant me your mercy, let my requests reach you, hear my prayers, send a petition to the Lord for me. Saint Panteleimon, grant healing to the soul and body of my child.

    Bring into life his beneficence, mercy, health, happiness. Let there be no torment and torment, let the heart and soul be cleansed of filth.

    With the grace of the Lord, may peace reign in my family. May my child not know bitterness, illness, torment, or any illness. Save his soul. Illuminate our lives with your miraculous help. Complain to our Creator about the health of my child, about the clarity of mind.

    Bring to him the holiness of honoring a parent. Holy Pleasant, I pray to you for help. Yes, hear me. Amen".

    This ritual can be performed throughout the week in a row. Prayerful words are a very powerful protection for your children; maternal love, combined with higher powers, will protect them from all evil.

    Who should I pray for my daughter to return home?

    By carrying a child in her womb, a woman protects him from evil. She cares for him and looks forward to his arrival. And now the child, the long-awaited daughter, reveals herself to the world, which is filled not only with joy, but also with difficult trials. And her mother’s womb, in which it was quiet and warm, like in the Garden of Eden, can no longer protect her.

    But in mother’s hands there remains one more huge force, a powerful weapon, like a sword, protecting a beloved child - this is mother’s prayer. A sincere prayer to the higher powers that gave a woman a beautiful little princess, her precious flower, really helps to protect her loved one from evil, to pray for her happiness and good luck, and healing from illnesses.

    And also - the betrothed, who will replace the mother, having made a commitment to God, to be in joy and sorrow with her daughter. Having given birth to a child, a woman gives him not only life, but also a fateful message. The message is a divine blessing if a daughter is desired.

    Watch the video of a mother's prayer for her daughter:

    A mother's words are always very strong and effective, and especially when it comes to selfless prayer for the good of her child. Daughters especially need their mother’s appeals to God, because by nature they are more sensitive, vulnerable and require protection.

    Important! A mother’s prayers for her daughter, addressed to higher powers, can be pronounced in the texts of the prayer book or in her own words.

    Prayer books help those women who find it difficult to express their aspirations in ordinary speech. But there is no need to be afraid of this - the main thing is to ask God for what is on your heart. And the Lord will respond.

    Prayer for a daughter to protect her is an important parental amulet with which you can show care for the child. In her appeals, the mother can turn to the Lord, to all the Saints, for example, Nicholas the Wonderworker.

    You can receive protection from Nikolai the Pleasant for your daughter by turning to him with the words:

    Prayer to the Holy Mother of God, the mother of Jesus, is very helpful.

    Like no one else, she sees and knows women’s aspirations, so she will definitely help the mother and her daughter, support them on the path of life and help them find joy. Prayer to the Mother of God must come from the motives of the heart. The words are as follows:

    There are times when even medicine is powerless, but a loving mother manages to perform a miracle by begging her daughter from God sincerely and with tears in her eyes.

    The prayer should be read 12 times.

    A helping prayer for health is an appeal to Saint Panteleimon.

    The way a daughter’s personal life develops is often the mother’s pain and anxiety. For a daughter, a family can become both a source of joy and happiness, and it can also become a heavy burden, bringing violence, troubles and unbearable worries. Every mother wants the best for her daughter, but in choosing a mate for her child you need to rely on the will of the Lord.

    When turning to the Lord about the female happiness of your daughter, you can ask for the intercession of the Holy Great Martyr Matrona of Moscow.

    You can ask another saint for a successful marriage for your daughter - Ksenia of Petersburg.

    How to say a prayer so that it has the greatest power.

    A prayer for a daughter from the mother’s lips should be:

    1. Sincere. A prayer that comes from a pure heart and uttered with pure thoughts is the most powerful.
    2. Spoken with faith. There is no point in talking to God if you are far from her and have doubts. When making a prayer speech, you must believe in the help of higher powers, the support of the Lord and the saints.
    3. Completed in sacrament. When praying for your daughter, go to privacy. The words of prayer are not for the ears of others - they are intended for God. You can pray at home, in nature, in church - it doesn’t matter, the main thing is your concentration on performing the sacrament. If being alone is not possible, create solitude in your imagination.
    4. Peaceful. Before turning to the Lord and the holy great martyrs and asking for your girl. moderate your anger, irritation, annoyance, hatred, envy, slander. Ask God for forgiveness if your emotions have been like this recently. Fill your soul with joy, kindness, tenderness, mercy, forgiveness, understanding, patience, humility, calmness. Only in this state will mother’s prayer be beneficial and be heard.

    Do not forget that parental help can be both material and supportive (especially in raising grandchildren), but the spiritual word addressed to God for a daughter is invaluable. Mothers must remember that our earthly life is not eternal, and trust in the Lord. And to believe that he will protect his daughter from harm with a sacred veil both during our lifetime and when we leave this world.

    Therefore, today's mother's prayer should be said with a smile and hope. It is in the power and mercy of the Lord to take care of our children, because they are also children of God. It is for this reason that he will give them better than what we ask in sincere prayers.

    You are exhausted waiting for your daughter. Where did she go? It's time to return home, but she's still not there. She probably went on a spree again. A magical spell will help you.

    If I were you, I would first contact law enforcement agencies.

    But this is the case if the daughter has been gone for many days.

    You don't need church candles.

    We will turn to the power of the Universe.

    Lock yourself in an isolated room.

    Mentally imagine your daughter walking peacefully on the way home. Kisses and unharmed.

    Start reading the most powerful magic spell over and over again.

    Oh, daughter, I call on you, come back, I conjure. If you're with a guy, break away for a moment and rush to your home. Universe, forces of nature, reject dashing adversity. You convey my thoughts and enter my dear heart. Let my daughter miss me and reject the one who kisses me. He will make the call and return; on the road, in a hurry, he will not stumble. Let it be so! Amen! Amen! Amen!

    As you can see, no black magic or witchcraft.

    Periodically turn to your mother’s plot, mercilessly believing that your daughter will return to her father’s house.

    The power of a mother's prayer is amazing. She can save, heal, and guide you on the right path. A word of prayer from a mother’s lips can work real miracles. Knowing this, many women begin to sincerely pray for their children in order to receive grace-filled help from the Higher Powers for them.

    Prayer for your daughter and protection over her is very important. Girls are weaker, so they need intercession. As a rule, saints are asked for health; a mother’s prayer for her daughter for good luck and happiness is also considered popular.

    A mother's prayer for her daughter will definitely be heard if she is directed to the Lord God. You can pray in church, or at home, the main thing is to light church candles while turning to the Almighty.

    In most cases, a prayer for a daughter is read:

    • about the birth of a daughter (prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos, Matrona of Moscow, Xenia of Petersburg, righteous Anna and Joachim)
    • about my daughter’s health;
    • about the daughter’s family happiness;
    • about giving children to a daughter;
    • about successful studies;
    • to be obedient.

    Our Father, I turn to you and put my trust in you. I thank you for every day you have lived, the health, love and understanding of your entire family, and I ask for guidance on the right path for your daughter. Don’t let her stray from the right path, protect her from dark, evil people, give her clear meetings, wonderful friendship. Amen.

    “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, for the sake of Your Most Pure Mother, hear me, unworthy of a servant (name). Lord, in Your merciful power are my children, Your servants (names). Have mercy and save them, for Thy name's sake. Lord, forgive them all the sins, voluntary and involuntary, that they committed before You. Lord, guide them on the true path of Your commandments and enlighten their minds with the light of Christ for the salvation of the soul and the healing of the body. Lord, bless them at home, at school, on the road, and in every place of Your dominion. Lord, protect them under Your holy shelter from a flying bullet, poison, fire, from a deadly ulcer and vain death. Lord, protect them from all visible and invisible enemies, from all illness, cleanse them from all filth and ease their mental suffering. Lord, grant them the grace of Your Holy Spirit for many years of life, health, chastity. Lord, increase and strengthen their mental abilities and physical strength, which You have given them, Your blessing for a pious and, if You wish, family life and shameless childbearing. Lord, grant to me, Thy unworthy and sinful servant (name), a parental blessing on my children and Thy servant at this time of morning, day, night for the sake of Thy name, for Thy Kingdom is eternal. Amen".

    Lord Jesus Christ, let Your mercy be on my children (names), keep them under Your roof, cover them from all evil, take away every enemy from them, open their ears and eyes, grant tenderness and humility to their hearts. Lord, we are all Your creatures, have pity on my children (names) and turn them to repentance. Save, O Lord, and have mercy on my children (names), and enlighten their minds with the light of the mind of Your Gospel, and guide them on the path of Your commandments, and teach them, Father, to do Your will, for You are our God. Amen.

    A prayer for a daughter will definitely be heard if you direct it to the Lord God

    A mother's prayer for her daughter is very strong, and if it is addressed to a miraculous icon, one can hope that all requests will be heard and fulfilled. Thus, the icon of the Kazan Mother of God is considered a Russian shrine and enjoys special honor among believers.

    “Oh, Most Holy Lady Theotokos! With fear, faith and love, falling before Your honorable icon, we pray to You: do not turn Your face away from those who come running to You. Pray, merciful Mother, to Thy Son and our God, the Lord Jesus Christ, to preserve our country peacefully and to keep His holy Church unshakable from unbelief, heresies and schism. There are no imams of any other help, no imams of other hope, unless You, Most Pure Virgin, are You the all-powerful Helper and Intercessor of Christians. Deliver all who pray to You with faith from the falls of sin, from the slander of evil people, from all temptations, sorrows, troubles and from vain death. Grant us the spirit of contrition, humility of heart, purity of thoughts, correction of sinful lives and the remission of sins, so that we all sing gratefully of Your greatness, we will be worthy of the Heavenly Kingdom, and there with all the saints we will glorify the Most Honorable and Magnificent Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

    The Icon of the Kazan Mother of God is considered a Russian shrine and enjoys special honor among believers

    People turn to her in many life situations, including asking for the protection of children.

    You can pray for your daughter at the icon (it is important that the face of the Mother of God is before your eyes) in your own words, describing the problem, after you have read the main text of the prayer.

    A guardian angel will always protect your child if you enlist his support. He will come to the rescue when you are away from your daughter. With his wing he will protect her from misfortunes.

    Just read a mother’s strong prayer for her daughter every day and believe that your girl will be under reliable protection.

    A guardian angel will always protect your child

    This prayer for a daughter is very powerful. You need to read it, like other prayers, out loud or in a half-whisper. Mental prayers are less effective.

    Just as mothers take care of their daughters, grown-up daughters should surround their mothers with care and attention. You can ask saints for the health of mothers, to protect them from evil and misfortune. Here is one of the daughter’s prayers for her mother, strong, and at the same time easy to remember:

    Life itself and numerous examples of other people confirm that maternal prayer, which comes from the heart, can help children in the most intractable situations. This is no wonder, because from birth an inextricable spiritual connection is established between the child and his mother.

    Therefore, with her words and thoughts, a woman can influence her own child and even become his personal Guardian Angel, protecting him from evil forces and misfortunes. And strong Orthodox sacred texts will help her in this.

    From birth, an inextricable spiritual connection is established between the child and his mother.

    It is interesting that prayer can help the mother herself. It is rare that a woman does not worry about trifles about her children and can cope with bad thoughts on her own.

    Prayer can help the mother herself

    Prayer will come to the rescue, which can calm the mind and instill confidence that everything will definitely be fine, the Lord and the Higher powers will help and protect.

    It would be good if the same prayer of a mother for her daughter becomes a good daily tradition and is not remembered from time to time. After all, there are always plenty of reasons to create a real parental amulet for a girl.

    First, the mother prays for the baby’s health, over time asks for success in school and good friends for the girl, then she dreams that God will send her a worthy gentleman, and after marriage, prayers for pregnancy and easy childbirth become relevant.

    It is advisable to read prayer requests alone with yourself, thoughtfully, with humility, throwing extraneous thoughts out of your head.

    Repent of your sins and try to get rid of the negativity accumulated in your soul and overcome all your vices. And a mother’s prayer for her daughter for good luck and happiness (women ask for this most often) will certainly have an effect. Moreover, every mother puts all her selfless love and tenderness into her prayer word, which helps to achieve what she wants much faster.

    With strong prayer for a daughter, they usually turn to the Virgin Mary, Jesus Christ, and Guardian Angel. Heavenly protection is also expected from Matrona of Moscow, Mitrofan of Voronezh, and Nikolai Ugodnik. Mother's prayers for her daughter for good luck and happiness are most often addressed to them.

    With a strong prayer for a daughter, they usually turn to the Virgin Mary

    They usually ask the healer Panteleimon about health. In case of any troubles with children, they turn to Mother Sophia, the holy martyr, for help.

    It is interesting that in the Orthodox Prayer Book you can find many universal prayers that are used for both daughters and sons.

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