How to cast out a demon from yourself or another person at home and in church

Many people know what exorcism is from the many films that have been made on this topic. They are distinguished by their quality, good and not so good acting, but almost all, according to the creators, are based on real events. In almost all religions there is a devil, appearing in different forms. He tempts and encourages people to do bad things. In some cases, the devil enters a person and takes over his thoughts. To combat an evil spirit, an exorcism ritual is performed. But only a select few can compete with the fiend of hell.

What is exorcism

What is exorcism

Exorcism is the act of expelling a demon or evil spirits from people, places or things that have been taken over by evil or have become instruments of their deeds. Simply put, it is a ritual performed by a Catholic priest to exorcise the devil from a person, place or thing.

It is believed that there are several types of exorcism:

  • Before baptism, the baby is blessed to cleanse him of the evil caused by original sin.
  • Simple - applies to places or objects that need to be rid of evil influence.
  • Real exorcism is the expulsion of an evil essence from a person, getting rid of obsession with the help of a special one.

“Real exorcism” is exactly what films are made about. In this case, the exorcist priest is dealing with a person whose thoughts and body are captured by the devil.

They mistakenly think that they began to cast out demons during the witch hunts. Evil entities that took over people were fought long before the advent of Christianity. But the name of this ritual was given only in the Middle Ages.

Features of rituals used on different occasions

The ritual varies depending on how possessed the sufferer is. In mild cases, for example, when it comes to an illness that is attributed to a demon, a blessing is sufficient. Exorcism in this case is practically identified with Christian prayer for recovery. A ritual in the proper sense of the word is resorted to if an unclean spirit completely takes possession of the sufferer’s body, including his tongue. An exorcist, conducting a conversation with a person’s body, believes that he is talking with a demon. This ritual is applied not only to the possessed. Exorcism in the Western Church (and later also in the Roman Catholic Church) was a necessary part of the baptismal rite. It was believed that the latter not only brings a person into the church, but also expels the devil from his soul, replacing him with Christ.

Signs of Devil Possession

Before you begin to expel the fiend of hell, you need to make sure that he has really taken possession of the person. According to statistics, only 1 in 5,000 thousand who turned to priests were actually influenced by the devil.

In films, someone possessed by the devil is immediately visible: a greenish complexion, bulging, crazy, evil eyes, in some places on the body specific wounds and scratches are visible. They speak in the voice of the devil, often incomprehensible to the language itself.

Signs of obsession

Only a specialist in this field can determine obsession. There are some signs that make you take a closer look at a person:

  1. Any symbols of Christianity cause anger and aggression.
  2. The possessed cannot enter the temple; they feel bad even in the courtyard of the house of God.
  3. Possessed people cannot stand priests.
  4. A person possessed by the devil cannot cross himself.
  5. Even the sight and smell of holy water frightens the possessed. If you force him to drink, he will begin to convulse.
  6. Indecent acts.
  7. Levitation.
  8. Sudden weight loss or the appearance of a large belly.
  9. Deepening of the voice.
  10. Incredibly great power.
  11. Knowledge of hitherto unknown languages.

You should not blame yourself for obsession, look for the reason in your actions and actions. The problem cannot be ignored either. After all, the devil is very cunning. A person who has been possessed by a demon is called a “transport”; the devil uses him as long as it is beneficial to him. Those who are possessed often become apathetic, without any special desires or aspirations, but at one moment they turn into an aggressive person who calls names, grimaces, and spits. Those possessed by a fit of anger can convulse and become incredibly strong physically. Sexual desire increases.

Epidemics of obsession

In the history of mankind, many facts have been described when it was not individuals who suffered from obsession, but groups of people of different ages. The largest number of cases was recorded in the Middle Ages. So in Spain, in Madrid, one of the nuns began to have convulsions and foam came out of her mouth. She screamed, howled, barked, desecrated the name of the Lord in every possible way, shouted that an evil spirit had entered her.

Epidemics of obsession

After some time, the same symptoms appeared in other nuns. They suffered, suffered, experienced physical pain. The monastery constantly prayed for their healing, but when this did not help, they had to be sent to a distant monastery. Such actions helped bring the epidemic under control and prevent its further spread.

And in one of the schools in England, three children were convulsing, shouting in rude voices that they were possessed by demons. Then they started vomiting, pins, buttons, and various small metal objects came out of them. After some time, the epidemic spread to at least five more children, and they began to suffer in the same way. The priest of the local church isolated them and read prayers over the possessed children for 10 days. They began to feel better, and after another week, they were completely cured.

Ritual of exorcism

How to cast a demon out of a person

Not everyone knows that the cause of many troubles and diseases are entities, inhabitants of the subtle world, evil spirits. So, alcoholism, drug addiction and much more (even tinnitus) can be their manifestations.

For example, everything is outwardly fine in the family. The man is married and has two children. He doesn’t drink or smoke, but if something happens to him, he can cause a scandal and beat his wife. At these moments he hates everyone.

This is called possession - a demon has possessed a person and needs to be cast out. First, you need to go to church and, after confessing, order a prayer service for your son’s health. Take home holy water and 3 candles.

During the ritual, the possessed person must be in the next room. You should read the “Our Father” prayer 7 times and sprinkle the door or wall behind which it is located with holy water, then light a candle and say (quietly, but clearly and firmly):

“In the name of my Lord Jesus Christ and all His apostles and saints equal to the apostles, I conjure and command you, unclean spirit that has settled in my (son/husband/daughter/wife/father/mother) (name): go away, go away now! »

Then put out the candle. Sprinkle the wall or door with holy water again, light the next candle, and repeat the words. Put out the candle. Repeat the ritual with water, light the third candle and continue:

“Lord, have mercy on my (son/husband/daughter/wife/father/mother), help him/her in his/her endeavors, do not leave him/her on the way! Amen, amen, amen!

Put out the last candle, cross yourself three times, and read the “Our Father.” Take the candle stubs to the cemetery and bury them there. This way you can overcome obsession.

Exorcism ritual

The ritual should be performed by a person who has strong faith in God. Often these are clergy who have undergone special training. They must also know Latin, because the exorcism ritual is performed in this dead language. It’s good if the clergyman has knowledge of medicine and psychology. He must also be an emotionally stable, resilient person.

The devilish cunning, cunning, thirst to linger longer in his victim is amazing. He is able to penetrate the mind and give any commands that a person will carry out.

The ritual of exorcism can be quite dangerous, and not everyone can survive it. So in the 70s, the world was shocked by the story of the girl Anneliese Michel from Germany. Her parents realized the cause of her illness too late (she hurt herself, did not eat for a long time), and tried to cure her with traditional medicine. Therefore, when the clergyman conducted a session of expelling evil spirits, her physical body could not stand it and the girl died.

Preparation for the ceremony

Exorcism is carried out in accordance with religious guidelines. It is conducted by an experienced clergyman who fully believes in everything that is happening and has a strong faith in God in his heart.

Important! Before you begin to exorcise the devil from a person, it is recommended to consult a psychiatrist. After all, many mental disorders have similar symptoms. Any mental illness cannot be cured by exorcism rituals.

Exorcism of the devil
To carry out the ritual, it is recommended to choose a place familiar to the possessed person; you can use a personal room. The clergy insist that the ceremony must be carried out in front of witnesses, most often they are physically strong, stress-resistant relatives. The minister of the church and the witness of the ritual must cleanse themselves spiritually. They fast and confess. Often everything that happens is filmed or an audio recording device is turned on.

The furniture from the room will have to be completely removed, leaving only the bed to which the possessed person can be secured. Windows should be curtained or covered with thick dark fabric.

Carrying out the ritual

Not all clergy are able to cope with a strong, powerful enemy. Only truly righteous church servants are able to overcome the devil. So Pope John Paul II freed the girl from obsession with a simple touch and blessing.

The very first thing an exorcist must do is to establish the name of the demon who has taken possession of the person. Only by addressing him by name will it be possible to get rid of his influence. Next, the church minister reads a special spell, strong prayers. The demoniac is generously sprinkled with holy water. Finally, holy scripture is attached to it, which in this case serves as a kind of indicator whether there is an evil essence in the body.

Demons happily give their names, although sometimes they try to confuse the priest. The fiend of hell insults the name of the Lord and mocks the exorcist. The minister of the church should not listen or answer him, he should again and again order him to leave the body. As soon as the evil spirits leave their “transport,” the possessed person immediately feels better.

Important! Experienced exorcists insist that it is not enough to drive out the devil, because most often he fills an existing void. You need to fill your heart with love for God, then no demons are scary.

No matter how much the possessed person suffers, under no circumstances should he be given any medicine.

Negotiations between a demon and an exorcist

Often, expelling demons turns into a dialogue with them. Communication between an exorcist and an unclean spirit can sometimes be very long. During the dialogue, an agreement is concluded on mutually acceptable terms. In this case, the spirits of demons often bargain pettyly, and the exorcist sometimes (in naive legends) tries to use the knowledge of the devil for his own purposes. For example, he can find out about the afterlife fate of a deceased person by performing an exorcism. The words of the devil are, of course, not something that should be blindly believed, however, some manage to extract the truth from the evil one.

During the dialogue, it is important to stipulate under what circumstances, when and where it will come out. For example, a certain medieval exorcist, before exorcising an evil spirit, found out from him where and when he intended to leave the body of the possessed person. He told him that this would happen today in the house of St. Margaritas.

Particularly important is the question of where exactly the demon will come out. Indeed, under incorrectly set conditions, it can leave only part of the victim’s body and settle, for example, in the throat, hand, etc. Subsequently, it can again occupy the abandoned place. It is believed that an ideally performed ritual is one in which the demon is sent straight to hell, from where he can no longer return to earth, since hell, according to the Apostle Peter, is the place where evil spirits are imprisoned, where they await their final judgment. However, getting him to go there is especially difficult. The contractual process in this place often stalls. The demons even bargain with Christ himself about where to go. In the Gospel they ask permission to move into a herd of pigs, which Jesus allows them.

Banished St. Francis of Paulana, the demon intended to exit through the eyes of the possessed woman. However, he was forced to take a different path. As a result of the skillful actions of the saint, the demon found himself captured in a prudently prepared vessel. Thus another exorcism was carried out.

Sometimes dialogue may lack strong emotional overtones. The unclean spirit refrains from lamenting, but sets a condition for exit or asks the exorcist an insidious question that must be answered correctly. For example, when Abba Apollonius was performing an exorcism, the demon told him that he would come out, but only if he told him who the sheep were and who were the goats spoken of in the Gospel. This question is a trap, which, however, Apollonius successfully avoided. He answered him that goats are unrighteous (including Abba himself, since he is subject to many sins), and who sheep are, only God knows about this. It is clear that in this case the demon was testing Apollonius with pride. However, the latter's answer was perfect. He demonstrated complete humility - the best weapon against evil spirits.

Spell to exorcise a demon

The spells cast by the priest are called "reading". All of them are addressed to God so that he can help defeat the devil and expel him from the body. Only by adhering to the expulsion procedure and following the instructions can you overcome the evil spirit. At least in some cases, the clergyman can act at his own discretion.

Ritual in Latin

The clergyman must monitor the state of the possessed person, because the preservation of the soul of a person dispossessed by a demon, his well-being and future fate (after exorcism) are very important. The stronger the demon, the stronger the spell should be used.

In Latin

A truly strong demon can be defeated with a spell in Latin. The real rite of exorcism from a possessed person is much more extensive than described in books and films. Often 30-40 sessions are required, which can last for many months.

Spell in Latin

All words must be pronounced correctly, making short pauses between words, placing emphasis in the right places. Therefore, it is better for someone who knows Latin to read the spell. This is the only text used by Catholic priests. The “+” sign in some places reminds you when you need to cross someone possessed.


Some church ministers argue that the language of the spell is not important, what is important is the power of words and faith. The rite of exorcism, an approximate translation of the text, looks something like this.

Translation of the spell

Is it necessary to say the text out loud?

Reprimands with prayers are not always pronounced out loud and require ritual accompaniment. In ancient times there was a belief that written rituals were also effective. In this case, the corresponding text was simply tied around the neck of the possessed person, and thus the demons were expelled. However, this method, apparently, was not considered reliable. This is confirmed by the Gallic “Life of St.,” written around 520. Eugenda." It says that a girl possessed by a ferocious demon has a large number of exorcism texts tied around her neck. However, the devil does not want to come out of it. On the contrary, he mockingly remarks to the participant in the action that he will not be expelled even if he hangs all the Alexandrian manuscripts on the “vessel” that he took possession of. An order is needed from the monk Yura Evgend. After Evgend writes an exorcism letter, the demon-possessed girl is freed from the power of the evil spirit.

Rules for reading prayers and spells

All spells are cast while standing. You cannot be interrupted or distracted. You should curtain the windows and close the doors, turn off the phone. The fiends of hell will try to interrupt the reader, he will use words to press on the most painful calluses, to cast doubt on faith in God. The possessed person may have seizures, convulsions, vomiting, he may scream, squeak, and bark. He may have hysterics, an attack of aggression. In this state, the person becomes incredibly strong. That is why it needs to be fixed on the bed and all unnecessary furniture taken out.

The clergyman may need physical help, so the observer is chosen from physically strong relatives. They read the prayer at dawn clearly, loudly and legibly. Evil spirits will offer to make a deal with the devil. The reader should not answer or react in any way. He must finish what he started.

How to cast a demon out of yourself

Sometimes you can hear people say about a person: “He’s unrecognizable, he’s just gone berserk!” And he was always so balanced.” The words spoken in passing speak for themselves - a demon has possessed the person.

It’s quite easy to pick it up - just give free rein to dark thoughts and bad deeds, not follow the rules when doing fortune-telling or performing a magical ritual, or fall into despondency or anger.

And now the person is no longer recognizable. He himself suffers: he suffers from headaches, mood swings, and attacks of aggression. An ancient conspiracy will help you protect yourself from evil spirits and prevent them from taking over your soul and body.

You can read it every Thursday at dawn, looking east:

“Heavenly powers, overshadow me, God’s servant (name). With your grace, do not allow the accursed demon to reach my body and soul. Take the Unclean Spirit, cursed neither moss nor swamp, beyond the gates of hell, into the barren desert, into a hole, into thistles, wormwood, to die, he will live forever, but he will not come close to me. To my words, the lock and the key, now and forever. Amen".

This conspiracy blocks the channels through which the demon can penetrate the body and soul of a person.

Exorcism and the Church

Important! To believe in exorcism, you must first believe in the devil.

Exorcism sessions were most often performed in the Middle Ages. In recent years, the Catholic Church has given a special place to this issue. The Vatican has organized courses for representatives of 50 countries around the world to teach them how to identify possession and how to defeat the devil.

There have been many recorded cases where the incorrect actions of an exorcist led to the death of a patient. A woman in Romania was tied to a cross and was not fed or given water for several days, after which she died. In Italy, a boy drowned, whom they wanted to cure from the influence of an evil spirit. There are more cases of obsession every year, so the question of specialists who can solve the problem is urgent.

Exorcism and the Church

Duration of the ritual

The duration of the ritual may vary. The demon sometimes immediately leaves the possessed. However, a case is described when his exile lasted for two whole years. The possessed person, as a rule, “falls dead” after performing the ritual, and sometimes actually dies. In the 10th century Irish text The Voyage of Saint Brendan, one of the saint's companions, at the instigation of a demon, commits a theft. The saint drives out the unclean spirit. He appears to those present. After this, the monk dies, and the angels take his soul to heaven.

Exorcism and psychiatry

Not only church ministers believe in exorcism; some professors have defended their dissertations on diabolical issues. They found in the culture of different countries a huge amount of evidence that possession, demon possession exists.

But before carrying out the ritual of exorcism, it is imperative to exclude any mental disorders of the person. With schizophrenia, patients may also hear voices that order them to follow their instructions.

Impressive and hysterical individuals, under the influence of information received about the influence of demons on a person, can be convinced that they are controlled by the devil. The ritual of expulsion will not help them; only a psychiatrist can influence their condition.

Mental illness

How can you know if a person is possessed by demons?

He can speak ancient languages ​​or modern foreign languages ​​that he did not know before. In addition, he may have supernatural strength or abilities. Sometimes a person knows something that he should not know. An important sign is that the possessed person is afraid of everything sacred: church symbols, the cross. He may also engage in sacrilege and blasphemy. Note that symptoms of obsession are often just signs of diseases such as schizophrenia, epilepsy, Tourette's syndrome, hysteria, or other mental disorders. However, the opposite is also possible. Real exorcism, which has a powerful spiritual basis, is capable of expelling demons masquerading as split personality, psychosis, hysteria, manic syndrome, paranoia, and aggressive schizophrenia.

Why is exorcism dangerous?

If you carry out the ritual correctly, following all the instructions, then there is practically no harm from it. In advanced forms, when the patient is exhausted morally and physically, irreparable consequences may develop:

  • It is quite difficult to predict the reaction of mentally ill people; the harm to the body can be very great.
  • Conducting the ceremony by a non-specialist can aggravate the presence of neurosis.
  • Previously, rituals of exorcism were carried out under physical and emotional influence, the sick were beaten, thirsty, and starved. The Church strictly prohibits the use of such methods.

Exorcism of a demon should only be carried out by a specialist.

Protection from evil spirits

Silver is a metal that is perfect for protective amulets. Our Slavic ancestors also used it as a talisman against evil spirits. You will need a flat piece of silver, preferably in the shape of a circle.

A silver coin is also suitable for this, only all the bulges on it are the denomination, etc. - will need to be sanded. On a clean surface, you need to apply certain marks with paint created specifically for metal, or scratch them out.

First, the sign of your horoscope is applied to the plaque, and then the symbol of its element - earth, water, fire or air. Then the animal of the year of your birth (according to the Eastern calendar) is depicted. All these signs are easy to find in specialized literature.

After - your date of birth and name. The list is completed by your lucky number - for example, the day of your first date with your spouse or the purchase of a new apartment, or in general any number that you like, which is associated with any successful events in your life.

It doesn’t matter whether you paint your talisman on one or both sides - do it the way you feel comfortable. If you cut out the inscriptions, they are unlikely to be erased soon.

And if you used special paints, you can top coat them with varnish intended for metal. You can wear this talisman either on your body - on a chain or cord - or simply store it at home among your personal belongings.

Who can perform exorcism

Ilona Novoselova, a participant in the TV show “Battle of Psychics,” often communicated with otherworldly spirits in her practices. She recently jumped out of an apartment window on the 6th floor. In narrow circles they are discussing the possibility that she was possessed by an evil entity, which subsequently killed the woman.

Exorcism must be performed by a trained person who has undergone special training. The Catholic Church has given the go-ahead to build a center for people possessed by the devil in the Polish town of Pochernin, where those possessed will be provided with professional help and support.

Not every church minister is suitable for the role of an exorcist. In the ancient Church there was a special ministry that corresponded to one of the lower levels of the church hierarchy.

How to cast out a demon from yourself

A person can perfectly understand that someone has moved into him. He feels that a feeling of aggression awakens in him, then he is very strongly drawn to alcohol, and when he drinks, he becomes doubly aggressive. It's like someone is directing from the outside.

It’s not for nothing that they say that it’s like a demon has taken over. This doesn't have to be taken literally. A demon is a kind of energetic substance that can penetrate a very susceptible person. You can get rid of it like this. When you meet a flock of crows on the street and hear them cawing, immediately say:

“The little demon played with me and got down.

Get away from me, from my liver,

From my spleen to a flock of crows.

Don't bother me anymore. Truly!

Prayers of exorcists in Orthodoxy

In addition to the traditional words of exile, it is recommended to say the most powerful prayers that exist in all faiths.
For example, in Orthodoxy it is “Our Father”, and in Catholicism it is “Ave Maria”. There is also a single prayer for all beliefs and religions, which will help free a person from essence. Here it is in Russian: Important! Only an exorcist who professes the same religion as the patient can exorcise the devil. Remember that all conspiracies and prayers must be pronounced in the same language and belong to the same religion as the possessed person.

What threatens the larva?

The demon of alcohol is hungry and pushes its owner to drink more and more each time. The evil spirits have a good appetite, and they feel little of the emotions that arise when drinking. The longer the larva stays in the “master”, the faster the person loses his personal characteristics. Over time, you can expect the most unfavorable consequences if you do not get rid of the parasite.

It will be possible to expel the dark force on your own only in the initial stages of alcoholism, until the devil (due to the fact that he began to starve) forces a person to drink in huge quantities. If the patient cannot completely give up alcohol, he will die. The demon begins to feed on the physical shell, thereby provoking various diseases. As soon as the carrier of the parasite dies, it begins to look for a new victim.

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