Who is Archangel Raphael, his life, who does he patronize, prayers to him

Who is Archangel Raphael?

The name of the Archangel Raphael means “healer” in Hebrew. The angel of the same name is found in other religions and his scope of responsibility also includes healing people, helping to heal not only the body, but also the soul.

He is asked for various help:

  • on resolving difficult issues;
  • about relieving mental pain after the loss of family and friends;
  • about relieving heartache in unrequited love;
  • about curing diseases and much more.

Angel Raphael is a great opponent of any evil. He deals with all demons who intend to hurt a person or turn him away from the true path.

Enoch describes meeting Raphael. The heavenly messenger gave Enoch a tour of the Garden of Eden and showed him the tree from which the forbidden fruit was plucked by the first woman on Earth. The angel said that besides the Garden of Eden and the dungeon of hell, there are other places where human souls live.

There is little information about Raphael on Wikipedia, but you can learn more about this angel from the book of Tobit. The archangel is also mentioned in the Koran as the messenger of the Last Judgment. The first time he will trumpet the beginning of the Apocalypse, and the second time - at the hour when all souls will gather for the Last Judgment.

Archangel Raphael in Orthodoxy is the patron of doctors, helps healers, healers, travelers, defenders of nature and wildlife. He is asked to find lost animals and save nature reserves from development. Travelers pray for an easy road.

In ancient times, when raids on caravans were common, the leader asked Raphael for protection along the way. The captains of merchant ships did the same to protect themselves from pirates. Often, troubles bypassed those asking, the goods were delivered to the place safe and sound.

Images of the saint

One of the Gnostic sects began to depict Raphael as a demon in the guise of a beast. He is accompanied by two other angels - Michael and Gabriel.

He is often depicted as a wanderer, with a flask slung over his shoulder. In this image, Raphael looks more like a simple person and not an angel. It is believed that the saint protects travelers on the road. Most likely, this image was formed due to the fact that Raphael was a guide for his father and often walked in the guise of a wanderer.

Also, the archangel was often depicted with Adam and Eve at dinner.

He often appears in the form of a snake.

Basically he is depicted as in the photo: Archangel Raphael with Michael and Gabriel.

Prayers for appealing to Archangel Raphael

You can only ask an angel for help for yourself or for your loved one. Help will come only if a person sincerely believes in it. There are situations when a loved one needs healing, but he does not want it and resists. The angel Uriel will help guide such skeptics to the true path. People turn to him with requests to bring some sense to those who have deviated from a righteous life, who have been overcome by vices. Only after Uriel’s request is heard and fulfilled can one begin to ask Raphael for healing.

This is not all that Archangel Raphael helps with - he helps not only sick people. A person who has embarked on the path of learning extrasensory perception can hope for Raphael’s support only when this person’s thoughts are pure and he intends to use his gift to help people. Black and gray magicians cannot count on his support. By turning to a sorcerer, you can determine whether he is who he claims to be or whether he is just an ordinary charlatan. You can check this by carefully observing who the magician is asking. If “black” rituals include an appeal to heavenly entities, in particular to Raphael, such a sorcerer is most likely an impostor.

Healing Stories

American writer Doreen Virtue published the book “The Miracles of the Healing of Archangel Raphael” in 2010. In the introduction, the author indicated that this work is not intended for readers of a particular religion. It touches exclusively on the image of Raphael and describes incredible stories of recovery from chronic and acute diseases.

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Those who have felt the influence of this divine messenger note similar symptoms - tingling throughout the body, a feeling of warmth and fresh air. The place that hurts seems to be illuminated with emerald light. Some say that they saw an angel with their own eyes or physically felt his presence.

There are hundreds of such stories all over the world. Those who encountered the energy that relieves suffering professed different religions and despaired of finding recovery in drugs. But in order to accept help from Raphael, you need to sincerely believe in him, and also read prayers to him.

Prayer to Raphael

You can turn to a heavenly healer yourself; for this you need to know prayers aimed at the necessary areas of life. It is not necessary to perform the accompanying rituals; it is enough to retire to your thoughts, focus on the problem and fill your heart with good intentions. It is advisable to know the prayers by heart, but in emergency situations, you can turn to the archangel in your own words and share what is bothering you. For more correct conversion, it is better to read the existing prayer services, in which every word is filled with holiness, which are heard from the lips of millions of people.

It is recommended to repeat the words of the prayer in case of anxiety or worry. Prayer will calm you down, give you strength and prompt you with the necessary thoughts to overcome difficulties. The text can be read aloud, or spoken mentally.

If a loved one needs health support, then you need to read the following text with your eyes closed, imagining a green healing haze around the person you need. It envelops the body, gradually penetrates inside, freeing the sufferer from the disease. Text of the prayer to Archangel Raphael for a loved one:

A prayer for the cure of a serious illness or for the reduction of the pain of a sick person must be read in complete silence and concentration, wishing with all my heart relief and recovery. The healing prayer goes like this:

In order not to get confused while reading, at first you can read the text from the sheet, but for better results, it is better to know the words by heart. This is necessary in order to seek help at any time and anywhere.

Interesting Facts

  • According to Jewish legend, an archangel told Noah how to build an ark. And then, when the water subsided, he gave him a medicine.
  • The Seal of Solomon, bestowed by Raphael, became a medical symbol in those days. Today, the pentagram is the most important attribute in ceremonial magic.
  • The artist Raphael, named after the healing archangel, used his image twice in his work. In one of the paintings he wrote the story of Tobias.
  • Joy Snell, an English nurse, often saw Raphael near seriously ill patients. Each time, Joy understood that this was a sign of a speedy recovery. In 1918, a woman wrote a book about this - The Ministry of Angels.

Prayer to Archangel Raphael for marriage

Archangel Raphael can help you find your beloved. This prayer applies only to men. To meet a decent woman who will raise children with dignity, run a household with pleasure and treat her husband with respect, you need to say the following words:

You should only wait for help if you sincerely want to get married. If a man does not want this in his soul, but his parents or relatives put pressure on him, then this prayer will not be heard.


I am Raphael, one of the seven holy Angels who offer the prayers of the saints and ascend before the glory of the Holy One.

Take this fish. Cut the fish, take the heart, liver and gall, and save them.

Bless God, glorify Him, acknowledge His greatness and confess before all living what He has done for you. A good deed is to bless God, exalt His name and reverently preach about the works of God; and you are not lazy in glorifying Him.

Icon of the Archangel Raphael

The icon of the Archangel Raphael is capable of performing real miracles. It helps when traveling long distances. The icon protects against accidents, diseases and the negative influence of dark entities. If the face of Raphael is in a room, it is protected from anyone who wants to enter it with the purpose of deceiving, robbing or causing pain. The holy energy spreads over such a distance that any robber either will not be interested in the place where the icon is located, or will not be able to get into the room. There are frequent cases when thieves get stuck in windows or are detained by neighbors - this is how the power of the Raphael icon works.

The image of the archangel can be seen in temples and religious paintings.


Often, capital symbolic letters are depicted on the pentacle of Archangel Raphael. It is believed to be a very powerful amulet.

There are several areas in which it can be effective:

  • it is this amulet that can tell a person that he needs treatment without knowing it;
  • it is often used to drive out demons and evil spirits.
  • the pentacle can protect you from various types of conspiracies;
  • This amulet is indispensable for travelers.

Now you know much more about the world of archangels, especially about Raphael.

Raphael's amulet

A talisman that has powerful powers is called the “Pentacle of Raphael.” First of all, the amulet protects against diseases and negative influences, whether unconscious or intentional. Having such a talisman, a person need not be afraid of being damaged, cursed, or unknowingly jinxed. The pentacle is a favorite attribute of healers and healers. It not only protects and restores energy, but also activates and enhances the healing properties of herbal tinctures.

Many people feel strength and support just from having a photo of the Pentacle with them. If it is not yet possible to purchase an amulet, then you can use this method - carry with you a photograph or drawing that depicts the figures of the archangel’s seal.

Even inveterate skeptics begin to believe in the power of the amulet when the supernatural begins to happen in their lives. The main thing is to adhere to the rule: the request must come from a pure heart. It should be filled with good intentions, a sincere desire to help, without expecting anything in return. Only a selfless appeal to the saints can work miracles.

If you turn to heavenly entities, expecting benefits, then the person asking will not be heard. Market relations, in such cases, are not appropriate. Also, you should not expect instant healing and blame heaven if the miracle did not appear immediately. Everything has its time! Man is only an instrument in the hands of God.

Angel Raphael is a loving being who wishes humanity happiness and health. You should treat the archangels with reverence and respect, only in this case will they respond with their help.

Day of Remembrance

Since 1921, it was decided to celebrate the holiday in honor of the Holy Archangel on October 24 annually. But when the calendar reform was carried out in 1969, the day of memory of Raphael moved to September 29, uniting with the holiday of the Archangel Michael and the Archangel Gabriel. But many believers (especially Catholics) still celebrate the holiday according to the old date.

Healer of human ailments

Archangel Raphael is a healer of human ailments, a guide, and a doctor of God.

According to the teachings of the Orthodox Church, along with the material world, there is an immaterial world - the world of Angels, disembodied spirits. They are intermediaries between the Lord and people, called upon to convey our prayers to the Throne of the Most High and, if His will pleases, to protect us.

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