The conspiracy for a missing animal is the most powerful (text)

Since ancient times, many people have lost their four-legged charges. Therefore, a strong tradition has developed of using special spells in this case. They did not always fully help, but their use is a much better solution than just useless despair. In addition, you need to think about the fact that a pet most likely will not be able to survive without human help in the wild.

Even convinced atheists and doubting skeptics, having gone through long fruitless searches and severe grief for their loved ones, tend to resort to old, proven methods.

Then special spells for the missing animal come to their aid. Recognized esotericism experts strongly recommend trying them in any case.

An effective ritual for finding a pet

There is a fairly strong ritual that helps any desperate animal owners. It applies to any animal that has a permanent owner.

These include:

  • cat;
  • dog;
  • geese;
  • cow;
  • pig;
  • calf;
  • chickens.

The ritual usually does not give an immediate effect. You need to pronounce his words twice a day for a week.

Usually the spell is said where the missing pet was the last time its owners saw it:

“Get ready, my dear animal (nickname), for every night to your home, just as the Orthodox world gathers for the ringing of bells and church singing. How Ant's children serve and obey their ant king, and how honey bees flock to their nests and do not forget their children and do not leave them. And just as fast rivers, both small and large, flow into the glorious ocean-sea, so would you, my animal (name and name of cat, dog, other type of animal), flow towards my voice from all sides: from behind the lakes, from shifting mosses, from black swamps, from behind rivers, from behind streams, from behind forests, flowed into my house to spend the night, forever. Amen".

This ritual always helps to find a lost animal. It also restores hope to a person and gives strength to new, thorough searches.

In cases where the pet, unfortunately, is no longer alive, the ritual allows the owner to endure grief with the least emotional loss.

However, it helps only those people who firmly believe in its fulfillment. Therefore, you must first tune in to carry out a conspiracy, and then try to invest the maximum amount of internal energy into it.

When the pet is found, the result of its long-awaited discovery will seem twice as joyful to the owner.

Prayers for the return of the cat

Prayer for the return of the animal

When a pet is lost, children and the elderly are the most upset. When trying to find missing animals, they usually post advertisements in public places and write requests for help in the search in the newspaper.

It’s also a good prayer for the cat to return home as soon as possible. This is already the last hope, but still, you can try another way - read the conspiracy to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

In order for the animal to be found, you need to tie the table legs with threads.

When the prayer is read for the cat to return home, you can try to perform a small ritual. The legs of a kitchen or some other table should be tied with threads. This is a kind of magnet that will attract a lost animal home. And soon the cat will come home, safe and sound.

Prayer to Modest of Jerusalem

This saint was the patron saint of all pets: cats, dogs, birds. One man's ill-wishers poisoned his pets. He was very sad; he did not know how to survive and how to feed his large family.

He was told to seek help from Modest of Jerusalem for the healing of his cattle. There was no need to ask for a long time; the elder came to the saddened man. He turned to the Almighty and proclaimed a prayer for the healing of the smaller brothers.

Modest of Jerusalem, patron saint of all domestic animals

Before turning to Modest of Jerusalem, you need to turn to the holy icons and ask for forgiveness for the sins you have committed, health for yourself and your loved ones, and then ask for help for the dogs, the return of the cat home, and other things. It is also customary to pray to this saint for the death of livestock.

Prayer to Elder Nektarios

You can still turn to this saint when you need to find missing animals or heal the sick. Cats are allowed to enter Orthodox churches; they are a clean animal. Believers can tell a couple of parables related to a cat, they can pray to Elder Nektarios for the sick cat to recover, and non-believers will just laugh.

They said that one day a cat ran into the cell of the Optina elder Nektary and began to catch mice, clearing his space. Then he thought about saving Noah's ark. It was no different that the cat saved him when she caught a mouse trying to dig through the bottom of the building. By this act, the cats deserved eternal paradise after death.

Spell on pets

The following ritual is provided for residents of city apartments. He is very strong. It can equally effectively return a cat, dog, pet rat, ferret or turtle to its owner.

You need to wait for the sun to rise and stand near an open window in its rays. You need to remember the animal very clearly and say three times:

“Lord of the forest, drive my cattle home to a warm barn.”

The conspiracy resonates with the forces of nature and is heard by absolutely all representatives of flora and fauna. Moreover, with its help it is possible to attract a disappeared person, if he is still alive.

The ritual should be resumed until news of the lost pet appears. It is best to cast the spell until the animal is back in its usual place in the house.

  • A conspiracy to quarrel 2 people quickly and forever;
  • Conducting rituals with a green candle is especially important;
  • - a spell for a guy’s melancholy.

Requests to the Saints

You don't have to resort to magic. There are very effective prayers for finding lost animals.

You should turn to the Lord first. The request to him applies not only to missing pets, but to all domestic animals in general:

If the animal is missing, then the prayer must be said first. You should not wait until it becomes clear that the cow, cat or dog is lost. It is advisable to read it as soon as the first alarm about his absence appears.

There are other ways to find a missing pet without resorting to magical rituals.

There is a prayer to Saint Tryphon regarding the loss of animals. People say that he never refuses a request made to him.

He also responds to pleas for:

  • missing;
  • searching for the lost;
  • undergoing an interview for a vacancy;
  • obtaining housing, etc.

If you address him with special words, he will never leave them unattended:

To help in the search for the missing animal, they offer prayers to Nicholas the Wonderworker, St. George the Victorious, the martyrs Florus and Laurus, who help catch the runaway horse, as well as Blasius for the well-being of the cow and other farm livestock.

Saints never ignore the pleas of a desperate animal owner.

It is best to contact them in the temple. You need to light a candle near the required icon and turn to it with all your heart. You should ask with ardent faith, sincere love and selflessness.

Sometimes the animal does not return on its own, but a person is given a signal from above about where to look for it or he is visited by a guess about its whereabouts.

Therefore, if an animal goes missing, you should definitely contact a higher power.

You need to think not only about your loss, losses or inconveniences, but also about what it’s like for your pet now. In this case, all means are good.

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Searching for a dog

There is a ritual that people perform if their beloved dog is lost.

It can disappear while walking on the street, can be stolen by criminals, or left by mistake while traveling in public transport.

You need to take a piece of paper from a notebook and write down the dog’s name on it. Then it should become part of the words of the conspiracy.

They pronounce it where the domestic animal was last seen. It is advisable to read the text twice a day during the lunar month. The ideal option is to carry out the ceremony until the dog returns to the owner’s house:

Let's go home, my dear dog, my (dog's name, color, breed). You took a walk with the air, let the wind blow in the direction where the house is. Let the road to your home ring like a bell, may you be safe and sound.

The ritual is very simple and it is necessary to carry it out, even if all hope is already lost.

When the cow goes missing

If your cow disappeared, did not return home with the herd, and the search did not produce results, then you can do the following. Early in the morning they light the stove, and as soon as the first smoke comes out of the chimney, they immediately call their little cow, clearly stating her name, then you need to read the spell and spit over your left shoulder three times. The words of the conspiracy are as follows:

How to return a brown cow?

Conspiracy for a missing cat

To search for a lost cat, a different ritual is used. It is very effective.

The more they worry about the animal, the more effectively it works.

After posting notices, searching through neighboring gateways and combing the neighboring park, a person begins to think about more effective methods.

As in previous cases, you need to stand where the cat last devotedly caressed his beloved owner and say:

“Get ready, my dear animal (name, color of the animal’s fur, breed, cat, dog, other type of animal), to your home every night, just as the Orthodox world gathers for the ringing of bells and church singing. How Ant's children serve and obey their ant king, and how honey bees flock to their nests and do not forget their children and do not leave them. And just as fast rivers, small and large, flow into the glorious ocean-sea, so would you, my animal (name, color of the animal’s fur, breed, name a cat, dog, other type of animal), flow to my voice from all sides: from behind the lakes, from the shifting mosses, from the black swamps, from behind the rivers, from behind the streams, from behind the forests, the night flowed into my house to spend the night, forever. Amen".

The spell is cast only during the new moon in the morning, looking at the sun rising from the horizon.

Almost a fairy tale way

If some livestock has disappeared, a goat or cow has not returned home from pasture, and the shepherds cannot explain this in any way. Then you can try the old method, which is very similar to a fairy tale. We need to write a letter to the King of the Forest, or as the old people say, contact the devil. After all, all forest possessions are subject to him and he is the owner there.

It was previously believed that only he would help return lost pets. The main thing is that an important condition must be met: no more than three days should pass from the day the cattle went missing. It's better to do it right away. Using a pen with red ink or paste, write the following on a blank piece of paper:

The text could be like this:

Remuneration to the owner of the forest

The letter must be taken to the forest, read out loud, left on a tree (hanged on a branch) or placed on a stump. You should put a “reward” next to it for the owner of the forest. This could be a crust of bread sprinkled with salt and a small mug of milk. Sometimes they leave a glass of beer or wine.

If the goblin doesn’t return the cattle, it will definitely let you know in some way where your lost animal is. This is exactly what our ancestors did before, and you can try it now. Ask the saints to return the animals

Return the animal using a spell prayer

Some grandmothers recommend that in order to return a pet, contact Nicholas the Ugodnik, St. George the Victorious, who fulfill requests for missing animals. Go to church, light a candle and ask the Saints to return your furry pet home to you. Just ask sincerely and in faith. And then the Higher Powers will help you or let you know about your pet in some way.

Listen and be attentive to all the signs that the Universe may send after you turn to it for help. This could be an overheard conversation on the street, a television program about missing animals, about kennels for the homeless, an advertisement in the newspaper about found dogs or cats. You never know.

And there is also such a prayer-conspiracy about animals. It is not only for bringing the animal home, but for animals in general, so that they always feel good. Here are the words of this prayer:

It can also be read if your pets are lost and do not return home for a long time.

The dog got lost

Search for a runaway animal

In cases where the animal not only disappeared, but ran away during a walk or jumped out of the door, a special ritual is performed.

It should be done twice a day for seven days.

If the owner does not know exactly how the pet left the home, then you need to stand near its bed.

If the owner knows the way he escaped, then they stand there.

The ritual has a strong effect on practically all urban animals

“Get ready, my dear animal (name, color of the animal’s fur, breed, cat, dog, other type of animal), to your home every night, just as the Orthodox world gathers for the ringing of bells and church singing. How Ant's children serve and obey their ant king, and how honey bees flock to their nests and do not forget their children and do not leave them. And just as fast rivers, small and large, flow into the glorious ocean-sea, so would you, my animal (name, color of the animal’s fur, breed, name a cat, dog, other type of animal), flow to my voice from all sides: from behind the lakes, from the shifting mosses, from the black swamps, from behind the rivers, from behind the streams, from behind the forests, the night flowed into my house to spend the night, forever. Amen".

It is carried out on your own, at home, so you should not neglect it.

Great alternative

Using this method, our ancestors looked for their domestic animals. It’s easier now, because there is a large amount of technology. Previously, only written methods or methods related to magical rituals were used.

You, of course, may be a skeptic and not believe in the possibilities of magical rituals. But, you must agree that if things have taken a turn for the worse, then you should turn to any possibilities. The main thing is to find your beloved friend.

It has become common for us to lose vital items. We can easily lose office supplies, small equipment or a piece of clothing. Losing a wallet has become a regular occurrence for some people. But when it comes to the loss of a pet, then everything is much more complicated.

If we can buy material objects in the future, then nothing can replace our most devoted friend. The easiest animals to lose are cats, dogs, lizards, hamsters, turtles and other small animals. In rural areas, people are losing poultry and cattle. Conspiracies for the loss of an animal can be divided into several types.

  1. A conspiracy that applies to pets.
  2. Universal spells with which you can even find cattle.

Ritual for a village pet

The way to find a cat or dog in the countryside is different from the city. You need to tie twine around all the legs of the dining table.

Then, silently, they constantly begin to call out to their animal, calling its exact name.

It is also worth offering a bowl of milk and pies to the Brownie, who makes sure that happiness does not leave the home.

He usually favors cats and dogs as guardians of the hearth. They put the bowl away from prying eyes and try to look into a secluded place less often.

If the owner discovers that the offering has not been accepted, then it is necessary to freely ask the Brownie for help in finding the pet. It is also necessary to make the treat for him more tasty and plentiful.

The ritual is carried out for seven days, then an interval is made and the result is awaited. If it is not there, then after an equal amount of time the ritual is resumed.

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