10 proven conspiracies and methods to dream about your loved one

Even in the happiest relationships, partners may not always be together. Sometimes lovers are separated by urgent matters, business trips, minor disagreements or major quarrels. But every girl wants her chosen one to remember her under any circumstances. In this case it will help plot to dream about your beloved man, on distance. Psychologists have long argued that dreams represent our hidden desires. So the next morning the man will not have to study the dream book - all his thoughts will be occupied with his beloved girl.

A simple meditation to dream about your loved one

A common way to dream about a guy or girl is meditation.

The magic will work when a number of conditions are met:

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  • no one should know about your intention to dream about your loved one, so as not to ruin your plans;
  • the room where the meditation will take place should be dark;
  • try to be alone at home or conduct meditation at the appropriate time so that none of your relatives or residents can interfere;
  • it is necessary that the person to whom the dream is addressed sleeps, otherwise meditation is simply meaningless;
  • select in advance the quiet meditative music that you will use, it will help you relax and concentrate on the result;
  • a directed dream must have meaning and be interpreted according to the dream book, so that the recipient can not only see it, but also decipher it.

For the meditation ritual you will need to prepare several items:

  • regular white candle;
  • aroma oils;
  • a photograph of a loved one (the addressee should be depicted as he or she looks now - group and children's photos are not suitable).

The correct sequence of actions for meditation:

  1. Darken the room.
  2. Turn on relaxing music.
  3. Rub the candle with aroma oil, drop a few drops into a special aroma lamp. When choosing an oil, it is preferable to opt for light citrus or floral aromas. Lavender will help you relax faster, rose oil will awaken your imagination, orange and lemon oils will make it easier to maintain concentration, peppermint oil will help you get rid of extraneous thoughts during the ritual.
  4. Let your hair down - it’s easier to concentrate your internal energy.
  5. Lie down on the sofa, sit half-sitting in a chair to make it comfortable. Place the photo next to it.
  6. Close your eyes and concentrate on visualizing your loved one.
  7. Breathe slowly, feel how your body becomes weightless and does not restrict your mind from moving.
  8. You need to let go of your thoughts and ask yourself what kind of dream you want to get into.
  9. Imagine that you are standing behind your lover.
  10. Concentrate on an invented dream plot with you in the lead role.
  11. Meditation should take at least an hour.
  12. Be as focused as possible on the goal and try not to fall asleep, despite the darkness and comfortable position.
  13. Don't put out the candle. It should burn out to the end.

Meditation is suitable for purposeful people with sustained concentration and a rich imagination.

If you get distracted and lose touch with the person you are directing the dream to, meditation will not work.

When to cast a spell to sleep

You can dream about a guy or a man using magic in the following life situations:

  • You might dream of a guy with whom a girl had a quarrel and now doesn’t know how to make peace. Perhaps there is not enough willpower to come up first and start a conversation, or maybe the guy is very proud and himself rejects all her attempts to make peace;
  • A conspiracy to dream about a beloved man from a distance can be used if a girl is unrequitedly in love with a guy. This option is especially relevant when the girl tried to attract the guy’s attention using conventional methods, but nothing worked. Then, having dreamed about it, his beloved will definitely pay attention to her, see in her an interesting young lady;
  • You can dream about a guy even if he is your ex-boyfriend. For example, if you just broke up, but almost immediately realized that you made a mistake and want to make peace. When your loved one sees you in a dream, the best memories of you will emerge in his mind and he will want to return to the good old times;
  • If a woman wants to fight off a married man with the help of a sleep spell, then this is also possible. But in this case there may be unpleasant consequences for the customer herself;
  • It’s good to dream about your loved one if you are at a distance from him. When lovers are at a distance, it is not so easy to maintain a high degree of love in a relationship. As a result, your boyfriend's interest may be turned towards other girls. A spell to appear to him in a dream will keep his interest in you;
  • If you notice that your beloved man has begun to be interested in other girls or you know for sure that he has a mistress, then you can also appear to him in a dream. Then, on a subconscious level, he will turn to you again, and the other woman will simply cease to interest him.

These are exemplary situations in which you can safely cast a spell to appear to a man in a dream. These spells can be used in other cases. A professional magician - a psychic - will tell you exactly which ones. Since the scope of magic is very wide. Just as extensive are the consequences of carrying out conspiracies, which no one will tell you about except a professional who daily solves the love problems of people who seek help. It’s up to you to decide whether to carry out a spell ritual yourself or with the help of qualified help. Don't be discouraged if you don't succeed. Not all of us have strong abilities. In any case, we advise you to familiarize yourself with a number of rules that must be followed in magical rituals.

What needs to be done to make your loved one dream?

If you have the opportunity to talk with a loved one before going to bed, talk. While lying in bed, visualize the image of your loved one, remembering happy moments of meetings in reality. You can't think about bad things. It is advisable that this person, lying in bed, falling asleep, thinks about you. The subconscious will help in this undertaking. It is important to agree on a bedtime in advance. Meeting in a dream with will happen provided that both fall asleep at the same time.

It will be an additional advantage if you agree on a meeting place. A dream works according to the same laws as real life. The more clearly the conditions are formulated, the higher the percentage of wish fulfillment.

Why does the man you love dream about?

Girls most often resort to sleep spells. The motives may be different.

Attract attention

It happens that attempts to attract the attention of a nice guy are unsuccessful. Beautiful, well dressed, interesting conversationalist. And the guy smiles politely at her and looks through her. Sometimes he even makes friends while meeting others. It's worth trying to change the situation.

Reference! Since ancient times, scientists have noted the increased suggestibility of a person in a dream. During these hours, consciousness fades into the background, giving way to the subconscious.

I couldn't think of a better time to get closer.

Make amends for a quarrel

Everyone quarrels, even very loving couples:

  • In real life, the pride of young lovers often interferes with communication, feelings are on edge, nerves are strained, and a misunderstood word can cause a whole storm of emotions.
  • And then approaching each other can be oh so difficult, even if both partners have long wanted reconciliation.
  • And it’s not customary for a girl to be the first to reconcile, but in a dream there are no conventions.

In a dream, pride will recede, only tender feelings will remain, after such a dream it will become easier to make peace in reality.

Brighten up a long separation

Partings are a part of our lives; sometimes lovers do not see each other for months. It is so important to know that you are remembered and loved!

But knowledge is one thing, and feelings are another. It’s not for nothing that there is a sign that the person in your dream was thinking about you before going to bed.

Attention! If a guy is in the army, on a long business trip, or has gone to study in another city, it’s worth reminding him of yourself with pleasant, light dreams.


The video will tell you how another person will appear in a dream. Filmed by the Astral Pilgrim channel.

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How do spells work at a distance?

The mechanism of action of a dream spell is directly related to a person’s personal energy.

Attention! The stronger the love, the stronger the mental connection between two people and the more often they appear to each other in dreams. Sometimes only one person experiences tender feelings, then a read conspiracy can push the chosen one towards him and attract attention.

Meanwhile, do not forget about some rules for conducting a magical ritual:

  1. Maintain moderation. You should not cast a dream spell too often, especially if the chosen one’s feelings for you are not yet too strong. Obsessive dreams will do a disservice and will turn your loved one away from you.
  2. The chosen one must be free. Although the dream spell is not related to black magic, interfering in the personal space of a married person is unacceptable, except in cases where the married person is unhappy and suffers from loneliness.
  3. Choose the right time for the ritual. The ritual should not be performed on Sundays and on church holidays; on these days thoughts should be turned to God.

Each of these simple rituals will help to penetrate the subconscious of your loved one, get closer to his energy field and, thus, attract his attention.

If you have tried any conspiracy to dream about your loved one, leave comments and share your experience!

Effective rituals

There are many conspiracies that help you dream about your loved one. Some rituals require special preparation.

Spell on a round mirror

This ritual is suitable for married people to remind them of themselves when their spouse leaves home for a long time. To do this, you need to take a round cosmetic mirror and say 3 times:

We recite the ritual on the mirror 3 times.

Then the mirror is placed under the mattress with the reflective side up.

The second mirror spell is suitable for all girls. You need to take a small mirror and write the name of your chosen one on it. This can be done using a felt-tip pen, cosmetic pencil or lipstick. Look at your reflection through the inscription, bring the mirror to your lips and say:

Ritual with a mirror.

After this, put the mirror under the pillow, do not leave it in visible place. It is recommended to repeat this plot for several days in a row.

Moon conspiracy

this prayer must be read outside under the full moon. Making the sign of the cross on your lips, you must say:

Full moon spell.

The second method involves more thorough preparation: you need to find a sheet of paper in dark shades - blue, green or purple.

Write on the piece of paper:

We perform the ritual three times.

Read 3 times, looking at the moon, then crumple the paper and throw it out the window.

Smoke plot

In this case, the wind carries the prayer to the addressee. Such a ritual also requires preparation: it is necessary to pick a bunch of green grass and dry it.

Then take the longest blade of grass from the bunch and put it under your pillow. Carefully burn the remaining straw in a suitable container near an open window, reading the plot:

Smoke ritual.

Throw the ashes into the wind.

Bird feather spell

Another conspiracy to dream about your loved one requires a little preparation. The girl must find a beautiful feather from any bird and wait for a windy day.

Raising the pen to your mouth, say:

Bird feather ritual.

At night, place the feather under the mattress.

Conspiracy in the photo

For the first method, you will need 2 photographs - yours and your beloved man. They need to be folded with their right sides facing each other, wrapped in white fabric made of natural material. Linen or cotton are perfect for this, as long as there are no seams on the flap. Place the photographs under your pillow and say:

Photo ritual.

This plot must be read every evening.

The second way to make a photograph speak involves longer preparation. Before the ceremony, you need to visit the church and purchase 13 thin candles there. At night, light them and place them next to a photo of your loved one.

Looking at a photograph of a man, imagine the dream he should have. You need to present it brightly, in colorful details. And after that read the plot:

Magic 13 nights.

This magical ritual must be repeated 13 nights in a row. During this time, all candles must be burned completely.

Spell for rain

This conspiracy, like a person dreams of in a dream , is read during a thunderstorm and downpour. You need to open your palms towards the drops and say:

Ritual for the rain.

Sweets spell

This effective method is suitable for those with a sweet tooth. To make a guy dream, you have to treat him with something sweet. First, you need to say the following conspiracy over the delicacy:

Ritual with sweets.

Broom twigs spell

A simple plot to perform will easily make your beloved guy see the performer of the ritual in a dream.

Remove 3 twigs from the broom, burn them and direct the smoke towards the chosen one’s house. At this time read the text:

Learn the text of the conspiracy by heart.

Candle spell

A candle spell is indispensable if you want a man to get in touch himself.

In the evening, under the moonlight, light a candle and say over the flame:

We pronounce the words of the conspiracy three times.

Simple words before you fall asleep yourself

The easiest and no less useful method for dreaming about a man is to imagine him before going to bed. You can dream about your lover, fantasize about shared moments and, falling asleep, say the phrase “Dream about me, only for you. God's servant (name). Amen!"

Precautionary measures

All these simple rituals belong to white magic and cannot harm. However, any witchcraft must be treated responsibly; rituals must be performed correctly and clearly.

It is impossible, out of curiosity to check whether magic works on a man for whom there are no feelings. Such antics are unacceptable, and punishment from Higher powers will not be long in coming. The ritual should be performed only with sincere intentions.
Also, magicians do not recommend repeating rituals more than 3 times a month. Alena Golovina - white witch, master of Cosmoenergetics, author of the MAGiYA website

Ways to enter another person's dream

A sleeping person is much more susceptible to magical rituals.
Many girls dream of dreaming about a guy they like, with whom they are in a relationship. To remind yourself in a dream means to capture a man’s attention, make peace with your lover, and improve your relationship.

A conspiracy is a good way to influence the subconscious of another person in a dream. Such rituals can be performed at a distance, with or without the use of the subject's personal belongings.

What consequences may there be

Such rituals are considered safe, since they only push a person to think about a woman. But if we are talking about long-term exposure (you repeat the ritual periodically), then at the subconscious level a man can develop a strong emotional connection with a girl - often seeing her in a dream in a romantic atmosphere, he becomes attached and falls in love.

A young man may resist his feelings, which is accompanied by headaches, weakness, apathy, and impotence. A person’s character changes - he becomes more irritable, suffers from sudden mood swings.

Abuse of such conspiracies is associated with other risks. Often girls do this out of curiosity, to have fun. And as soon as they get tired of the fan, they break off the relationship. But destroying love is not so easy - a man’s feelings can develop into paranoia or obsession, which is dangerous for both him and his chosen one. Therefore, you should not resort to magic for fun.

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