Contact one for help. Prayers alone. Visa frigg asking for the birth of a child

About gifts

In runic magic there is the concept of Gifts. The question is often asked at webinars: why do the Gods need some insignificant gifts from humans, if the Gods already own everything and can take it from a person at any moment themselves? Any objects of gifts (wine, beer, knives, rings, jewelry, millet, etc.) are a physical embodiment of the energy that the beggar transfers for his request. The gods, of course, do not need anything material. The gifts that the Magician brings are what attune a person to certain emotions and awareness of the specifics of his request and awareness of his actions. It is this energy that a person releases in the process of offering the Gift, the person’s emotions at this moment, the energy of his intention is that “sacrificial material”, which the Gods accept in exchange for satisfying a person’s request through runic magic. I hope the answer to the question is now clear for those who ask why nothing happened in response to the gifts. Because there was no real emotion, real awareness, and perhaps even awareness of one’s actions at all, there was no goal-setting Intention - that is, there was no energy that is a product of exchange.
Do you know how to pray and prepare sacrifices? Can you give it away? Can you pawn? Even if you don’t pray at all, But don’t sacrifice without measure, They are waiting for an answer to the gift...

Gifts that are accompanied by strong emotions are true sacrifices that are accepted by Higher powers with corresponding consequences. Everything else... the physical cycle of things in nature. The person asking must feel and realize what is being given in order to receive what he wants. If the Gifts were brought consciously, with emotions and corresponding correct actions, then they will be accepted by the Gods and there will be a response to them. Sometimes the Gods respond to our requests and realized Gifts differently than we expect, because there are more effective solutions to our requests, and the runes provide more relevant answers to solve our problems than we asked for. Those. not the result we planned, but different, but sometimes more luxurious than we expected. Be careful with wishes and sacrifices. Option “I blurted it out in my heart, but I really didn’t mean to”: as a result of such rash actions, all participants in the process will receive “gifts” - both those who wished bad things, and you yourself will receive change. There is always an opportunity to solve the problem more wisely than handing out “magic blows” right and left. Gifts are a sacred act, for one magician it is enough to give away a very expensive thing, for another something else may be the norm. Excessive gifts and sacrifices can have the completely opposite effect desired effect. And gifts “at the wrong time and at the wrong place” will only cause irritation to the Higher Powers. For the ritual of offering Gifts, let me remind you once again, you need an appropriate mood, internal state, awareness and faith...

Spells and conspiracies using runes

Since ancient times, people have used secret magical runic spells and runic spells to achieve certain goals. If a person knows how to correctly interpret the meaning of runes and use them correctly in everyday life, many roads will open before him. But mastering the art of runic ritual is quite difficult. Some magicians devote their entire lives to this, improving their skills every day. When working with runes, certain nuances must be observed; the result will depend on the skill, experience and potential of the person using the runes.

Runic magic

Runes are unique symbols that will work even in the hands of non-professionals. What is important here is the ability to concentrate and believe in the power of magic. It is important not to stop there, constantly improving your knowledge and skills; this is the only way to learn the secrets of the universe and contact cosmic forces. If such spells are used by an experienced person, good luck, financial well-being, and love quickly and easily come into his life.

Also, with the help of runes, you can ward off damage, the evil eye, envy, and the negative energy influence of ill-wishers. With the help of runes, you can punish the offender, teach the enemy a lesson, or bring trouble and misfortune to another person.

This is the oldest magical tradition. The complex of runic magic contains witchcraft, mantika, magical actions, and philosophy.

There are 2 ways to magically use runes:

  1. The first is the inscription of certain runes that have a specific purpose on objects or things, for example, on doors, weapons, dishes, wallets, mirrors.
  2. The second type of rune magic is the making of amulets or talismans with runic signs that will help you achieve your goals in a magical way. The most difficult and important thing in rune magic is composing a rune spell, that is, a special magic word that will be written from several characters.

Everyone chooses for themselves the most optimal type of use of mysterious symbols, creates combinations to achieve a specific goal.

Rules for working with runes and tips for beginners

Rune magic is a multi-level system. The main thing is to learn to use fairly effective rituals, while maintaining safety and not disturbing too subtle matters. Among the main rules for working with such magic are:

  1. It is important to always understand what you are doing.
  2. It is important to always determine how much you want to receive.
  3. Before turning to runes for help, you need to study in detail the meaning of each of them. You cannot use secret signs without understanding anything about them.
  4. You can’t just draw these symbols for the sake of curiosity.
  5. They cannot be depicted in an inverted position; this is fraught with failures, troubles and dangers not only for the performer himself, but also for his family members.
  6. You cannot create formulas without specific goals and objectives.
  7. When working with runes, it is important to have firm intentions to obtain the necessary results; your goal must be pronounced demandingly, but with respect.
  8. When working with magical symbols, a person must be healthy, confident and calm. Otherwise, there is a danger of distortion of the energy field and harm to the performer.
  9. During work, no one should disturb a person or distract him. If there are other people or pets nearby, this distorts the energy of the space. A person must clearly concentrate his attention and direct it in the right direction.
  10. Remember that runes always work. But not always exactly the way you want. The reason is an incorrectly formed goal, an incorrectly set task.
  11. Remember that once a mark is applied, it always works until it is destroyed.
  12. The simpler the runic formula, the better, especially for beginners. When there are many runes in a formula, there is a danger of encountering unaccounted aspects of the interaction of such symbols.
  13. Formulas can work in different ways. Long forms create a closed system, while simple forms work sequentially.
  14. Remember that every runic spell is a sacrament, so you cannot initiate strangers into your actions.

Runic spells

For love

Runic formulas, which are designed to strengthen relationships between lovers, are very powerful, bring love well-being into people’s lives, and make the union strong. This reduces the risk of quarrels, disagreements, divorces and scandals. To prevent wrong actions and bring harmony to relationships, use the following runic formula:

The meaning of the signs is as follows:

  • ansuz - makes it possible to comprehend wisdom;
  • Gebo – helps to reveal to a person the truth of the concept of “marriage”, “family”;
  • odal - bestows awareness of the importance of family values, understanding each other, concessions, mutual compromise, close connections.

This magical combination helps a woman and a man achieve mutual respect, understanding, and acceptance of each other’s opinions. This formula teaches you to consult, be interested, and show concern. It can be applied in any convenient way. Some people, trying to maintain a connection with a person for life, get magical tattoos.

For money

With the help of ancient magical symbols, you can radically change your well-being, improve your financial situation, and reach a new level of income. The formula assumes material support for cosmic forces. Also, the entire clan becomes a wall next to the person using magic. To draw the formula, it is recommended to choose the period of the waxing moon or the period of the new moon, this will open endless cash flows.

The spell is created using the following runes:

  • Dagaz is a symbol of development, growth, overcoming obstacles;
  • Ansuz is a symbol that bestows new knowledge and helps a person to comprehend it;
  • odal is a link between deceased and living relatives.

For good luck

In magical practices there are rune regulations, with the help of which good luck, luck, and positive energy come into a person’s life. This is a kind of breakthrough from the world of the past to the world of the future - brighter, warmer and more beautiful.

The magic combination consists of the following symbols:

  • dagaz – finding inner harmony, improving the condition of the body;
  • Eyvaz - change for the better, complete rebirth;
  • feu – attracting wealth;
  • vunyo – a change in attitude towards life, the ability to enjoy every day, the desire for harmony in the external and internal world.

The power of the runic formula can not only completely transform a person’s life path, it also helps to prepare mentally and physically for new opportunities. Such magical symbols will fill you with internal energy, encourage you to act and achieve your goals. The main task of the formula is to move a person’s consciousness from a phase of stagnation to a phase of activity.

Such special signs are seals of power. If you apply them in your home, wear them on clothes or draw them on your body, this will constantly attract the corresponding energy into your life. You can also make an amulet with a runic formula or draw a picture. When you apply the formula, it is recommended to say the following words that will enhance the effect of the secret signs:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen! My house is made of stone (name what). Strong and reliable, blessed by the Lord. Filled with happiness, strengthened with love. Protects from enemies, gives joy, peace, and peace. May it be so forever and ever. Amen".

The optimal time period for performing a runic ritual for well-being is early dawn, when the sun is just rising in the heavens. It was during this period that runic magic was endowed with special power.

Gifts and offerings to the northern gods


Names: Scandinavian - Odin, English - Woden, Dutch - Wodan, Germanic - Wotan Main element: air Additional element: water Colors: blue-violet, dark blue, woad Numbers: nine, three Totem animals: horse, raven, wolf, eagle, snake Personal “seals”: ​​valknut, tridiskil Hypostases: Odin, Vili and Ve; warrior, shaman, wanderer Magical weapons: spear, staff, ring Purposes of invocation: wisdom, occult knowledge, occult power, deceit, invisibility, war, healing, vengeance, curse Runes for work: Ansuz, Gebo, Vunyo, Eyvaz, Othila (Odal ), Dagaz, Algiz Usually, to appeal to Odin, you should face north, although in some operations Odin is compared with other cardinal points. Gifts: dark and light beer, honey, sword-shaped objects, rings, game, blood (in consecration rituals), strong alcoholic drinks.


Names: Scandinavian - Tyr, English - Tiw, Dutch - Zio, German - Ziu. Main element: fire Additional element: air Colors: purple, dark red Numbers: one Personal seals: Teyvaz rune Magic tools: shield, helmet, sword Purposes of appeal: justice, battle, consolidation of oaths Runes for work: Teyvaz, Raido, Dagaz, Sovulo, Mannaz Gifts: dark and light beer, bread, game, etc.


Names: Scandinavian - Thor, English - Thunor, Dutch - Donar, German - Donner. Main element: fire Additional element: earth Color: red Number: four Totem animals: goat, bull Personal seals: swastika, sun wheel, shield knot Magic weapons: hammer, belt, gauntlets, chariot, peruns, oath ring Purposes of the appeal: protection of fertility earth, good weather, power Runes for work: Uruz, Thurisaz, Raido, Sovulo When calling on Thor, you should turn your face to the south. The Torah is often called upon to witness oaths. His wives are Yarnsaksa and Siv. Gifts: beer, bread, blood, metal objects, strong alcoholic drinks


Names: Scandinavian - Frey, English - Frea, German - Froh, Danish - Frodi, Swedish - Fricco. Main element: earth Additional elements: water, air Color: reddish-brown Totem animals: bear, horse, bee Hypostases: “horned god” Magic weapons: sword, antlers, ship Skidbladnir Goals of invocation: peace and prosperity, abundance, removal of shackles Runes for work: Fehu, Yera, Evaz, Inguz, Ansuz Gifts: bread, wheat, low-alcohol drinks, honey, fruits.


Name: Niord Main element: water Colors: blue, light blue, gray, green Magic weapon: ax Goals of invocation: prosperity Runes for work: Fehu, Laguz Gifts: bowls filled with salt water, wine, bread, fruits, herbs.


Names: Heimdal, as well as Rig in one of the songs of the Elder Edda Main element: water Additional element: fire Color: bright white Totem animals: ram, seal Magic weapon: horn Purposes of invocation: protection, training Runes for work: Kenaz, Mannaz, Dagaz, Soul Gifts: beer, spirits, game, honey.


Names: Scandinavian - Uller, English - Wulder. Main element: snow. Hypostases: northern lights Magical weapons: bow, “glorious branches” (wuldortanas), oath ring Purposes of invocation: hunting, oaths, fights Runes for work: Eyvaz, Vunyo Gifts: beer, honey, bread, wool, rings and other metal products


Names: Scandinavian - Loki, Germanic - Loge Main element: raging flame Color: red Totem animals: salmon, seal, fox Appeal goals: deception, destruction Runes for work: Dagaz Gifts: beer, honey, sacrificial fire .


Names: Scandinavian - Frigg, English - Frigg, Dutch - Frigga, German - Fricka Main element: air Additional element: water Color: silver-gray Totem animals: falcon, ram, spider Magical tools: spinning wheel Invocation goals: marital fidelity, childbirth Runes for work: Fehu, Perto, Berkana Gifts: sweet low-alcohol drinks, jewelry, fruits, sweets, fabric.


Names: Scandinavian - Freyja, Dutch - Frija, German - Freia, English - Freo. Main element: fire Additional element: water Color: gold Totem animal: cat Magical tools: falcon plumage, cat fur mittens, Brisingamen necklace Purposes of appeal: love, war, witchcraft (seit) Runes for work: Fehu, Perto, Inguz, Hagalaz , Berkana, Laguz Gifts: sweet low-alcohol drinks, jewelry, fruits, sweets, necklace, fur.


Names: Scandinavian - Idunn, Iduna Main element: earth Color: green Magic items: apples Appeal goals: longevity, health Runes for work: Yera, Berkana, Inguz Gifts: apples, fruits, sweet drinks, bread, textile.


Skuld, the goddess of the future, patronizes the Nautiz rune Gifts: jewelry, coins, flowers


" - the god of spring, light... and beauty) Like the sun god, he dies every autumn and is reborn every spring. You can turn to him with requests for changes for the better, transformation, a clear understanding of something. “Gifts: fruits, honey, wine... it seems to me that he will be happy with flowers too.


- the god of eternal light, known for avenging the death of his brother Balder, for this purpose he was born. He is distinguished by his courage and is an excellent archer. I think you can turn to him for fair revenge, as well as a request for victory in a fair fight. As an offering - meat of wild animals, beer.

Willy and Ve

- one of the first aces, created the earth and the first people. Since they are involved in the process of creation, you can probably turn to them with requests of a creative nature - ask for inspiration, strength and luck to realize your ideas. Gifts: honey, apples, wine.


- the god of darkness, the blind ace, killed his brother Balder, deceived by the treacherous Loki. For this he was killed by the Asami, after which he ended up in the kingdom of Hel. “Probably you can only contact him as an intermediary with requests for Hel. Or ask to hide something, hide it in the dark. You can ask for help if you have been treacherously deceived, remind him in the process of offering Gifts about such a situation that happened to him and say your request." Gifts - probably wine and something stronger)


- the god of silence, endowed man with reason and understanding. This is why you can turn to him - when you need to understand something, calm your thoughts. When creating training courses, when studying knowledge - everything that requires concentration and understanding the essence of things. Gifts - honey, apples.


- god of music and poetry. When he plays his magic harp, flowers bloom and trees become covered with leaves. You can ask him to reveal creative talents and help in creating works of art. And about creative inspiration in times of crisis). Gifts - apples, honey, wine


- the son of Odin and the giantess Grid, he is distinguished by enormous strength and silence, personifying the inexhaustible power of wild nature. In the final battle, he is destined to defeat the Fenrir wolf, tearing him in half. You can turn to him with a request to grant strength and health, the ability to feel and understand wild nature, and also to cope with obstacles and enemies. Gifts - beer, wine, wild meat


- one of Frigga's maids, her sister. She was entrusted with keeping Frigga's treasure chest, taking care of her wardrobe, and putting on her golden shoes. You can probably turn to her with requests for the safety of personal belongings and for advice in choosing clothes)) Gifts - apples, honey, jewelry.


- another servant of Frigga, a mediator between the gods and mortals. You can turn to her with your problem if you don’t know which god to address it to. Gifts - fruits, wine.


- goddess of peace and harmony, helps people live in love and harmony. You can turn to it for reconciliation to avoid conflicts. Gifts - milk, flowers, honey.


Shun - protects the house from thieves.


- goddess of truth, writes down people’s oaths. You can call her as a witness)


- wife of Thor, goddess of fertility, owner of beautiful golden hair, which Loki once stole. “We can turn to her with requests for the fruitfulness of any endeavors, so that our efforts bear the desired fruits. Hair is our Strength and level of intuition. You can contact Sif with requests for a speedy recovery of hair and its growth." Gifts - wine, honey, apples, flowers, jewelry

Appealing to the gods is one of the ancient ways of magical work. This is one of the highest levels of magic, which was available only to priests who devoted their entire lives to serving this power. Ordinary people also brought gifts to churches, temples, turning to the arbiters of destinies. But a greater effect was achieved when the conversion and gifts were carried out by priests, witches, shamans, and magicians.

Calling upon the gods is a powerful ritual. But making a request, getting what you want and forgetting about everything doesn’t work that way. For magic to work, you need to constantly turn to the gods and interact with them, you need to take on responsibilities and fulfill them. In order to turn to a deity for the first time, you need to learn as much as possible about him, about the gifts that need to be offered to him. The first ritual is usually not a request - it is an introduction.

The most important and revered God in the runic tradition is Odin. Let us give an example of the ritual of offering gifts to Odin.

The algorithm for making offerings to other Gods is similar. First, you need to find out more about those gods to whom you come with gifts. Only having thoroughly studied everything in articles, observations of spirit seers - prepared informationally, you begin the ritual of conversion.

Thanks to God Almighty

Creator of the Universe, God Almighty, Love is the source of Strength and Life! Hear the people of Your Earth and bless our Holiday! We thank You, Almighty, for giving us Odin - God Alone knows the truth of Life. For us He is a bright Ideal. He is a Faithful, Honest, Wise Warrior! He showed us a clear Path! The God of Warriors and the God of Heroes reveals the Essence of Life to us! Under the guidance of His Powers, We will transform Mother Earth!.. And we swear, our Creator, She will decorate Your crown! Almighty, we ask You very much, And we raise the Call for Odin. We pray: Show mercy and show Help to Odin!

Happy Hail, One!

Summoning the Great God Odin to Rus'

Mighty God, Great One! Please come here! Enter this territory and rule now and forever! Let both the Earth and people be under the shadow of Your shield! Let justice triumph from now on, forever and always! Let the Spirit of Russia be reborn! Laws incarnate, Father! Your retribution will be accomplished, the end of evil will come! We call and praise Your Power! We are ready to receive your crown! We are your faithful squad! Shine, shine, our Father God!

Oath of dedication to the Great God Odin

I swear, joining Your Army, to defeat all scum and evil spirits! I swear to be Faithful and Serve! Treasure the Breath of Life! I swear to stand before the enemy with a sword, knife or spear! And if only the shield remains, the enemy will still be defeated! As long as I am alive, the enemy will not pass! If I die, he will go after me! I will cleanse the space with blood! For Life, my blood is medicine! I swear, Russia will flourish! Our holy people will rise! I swear to serve Odin! Live for the Happiness of the Planet!..


I am Your Warrior, Great One! I meet you at sunrise... Come into me! Burn in me! Reveal Yourself through me! I serve You, Love and Life! And may the Almighty help us! Peace and tranquility to the Planet...

Morning prayer

Great One, our Wise God! I pray to you this morning... Blessed One, rule me! Guide me on a clear Path, So that I can walk easily and boldly And be able to do a Good Deed, So that I know my Purpose, Fulfill Your Assignment, Overcome all obstacles And manage to complete the job (I managed to do everything on time)! Please bless me! Strengthen my Spirit in the radiance of the Day!..

Daytime prayer

Hear me, Great One! Manifest yourself in the radiance of the Spirit, Bless me for the feat, With which I will strengthen Life. Give me Sight to see everything, Give Me Reason to comprehend, Give me Hearing to hear the truth, Give the Spirit Strength to stand!

Thank you note

Thank you, Great One, for the Work of the day, for the Strength, Knowledge and Experience, for Your Spirit that entered into me. I greet the night and the shining of the stars. The earth is going to rest. The Almighty is building the World Building with His powerful Hand. Your Spirit will descend to Earth, And the Motherland will rise, And Your Circle of loyal Warriors will become even stronger. Give Peace and Peace to the Earth, Burn all evil spirits with Light. And may the Almighty God help you in this.

Invitation to the house

Mighty God, Great One! I ask you to enter my House! Bless me for my feat and settle in it forever!

Before the meal

My God! Great Light One! I am Your Warrior! I serve my Motherland! I pray for light indulgence: Please, send a Blessing and make food light with Strength, so that the body can be resurrected to Life, so that Joy and Power flow into me and strengthen my Will. May we always be with Victory! And you can taste it with me!

After the meal

I thank Mother Earth For the fact that I can accept the Gift, And feed the body with Life, And again serve Odin!

About business

Great God, our Light One! I pray for a Glorious outcome! Send Good Luck and Success, So that there is no interference in Business. Give me wisdom and strength to master important matters. You also need intelligence, and with it - lightness and determination. A little more intuition to choose the right positions. Also patience, accuracy, luck, sensitivity, adequacy. God is one! I dedicate the Cause to you, Make me reasonable and courageous, So that I can work fruitfully, Quickly and easily achieve my goal. So that things go quickly, send me a positive attitude. My gratitude to You and respect for Your attention and patience. Please send me a result that will make you happy. So that he is for the benefit of the Earth, and You bless him.

On the road

Getting ready for the Path-Road, I bow low to God: Fill the Path with lightness and be with me! So that I can Live with Strength, Serve Faithfully One...

For your own health (men's prayer)

My God, Great Light One! I pray for my Nature, For the Body given from birth - You save it from decay. You give him health, rational thought, pure blood. I pray, send a blessing, Strengthen my sex, my hearing and sight. So that I become a strong man, So that I perceive everything clearly, So that I remain active for a long time And I show effectiveness. So that I can live productively, Be a Warrior, Serve the Earth!

Prayer for health (women's)

I pray to You, Great One! Hear my quiet, humble moan. Send me more health, Love and Beauty... Moreover, I don’t pray for gems And I don’t ask for money, And although all this is not superfluous, But without health - trash and dust. More important than the important thing is Health, And with it Life, and Beauty, Luck, Happiness, Full-bloodedness, Charm, Purity... When I am healthy, Great One, - Healthy children, husband, family, Healthy my whole Planet, Healthy my Motherland... My illness, her reasons, with Nature are introduced into dissonance. Such a sad picture - Pathological Alliance Give awareness of the disease, To fix everything quickly, I want to be useful to You! My One! Be kind to me!

Prayer for the other half (male)

Great God! Wise One! I serve You, the country, nature, I fulfill my sacred duty and embody the Laws in Life. I, the Great One, need Strength, the Sword for which I forge, To be more effective in my actions And to win in any battle. I need Strength, my Odin! What anchors the Spirit in the body, what elevates, inspires, and holds a protective circle. I pray for a woman, Great, Dear, in tune only with me, With Love in the heart, with a clear face and completely charming... I ask, Father, hear the prayer, Show me Your grace, Give me a woman - the basis of Life, So that I can become a whole Man!

Prayer for the other half (women's)

One Great One! I pray for dear! I respect him and love him very much! Help him in a useful matter, bring him good luck, save him from adversity. So that he behaves with dignity and well, so that everything turns out as it should and smoothly. Let honor and nobility flourish in him, Courage and will know no limits. So that he is brave, decisive, Reasonable, healthy... so that he loves me... May he serve You both honestly and strictly. May the road be straight and easy.

Prayer for family

Great God, our Wise One! Father of people and all Nature! I pray, bless the family and bind us together with harmony! So that our union is whole and strong, so that the children grow up healthy. So that we love each other - Warrior Husband and Friend Wife... Bless our reciprocity, So that the Cup is full in the house, So that respect grows. Take us under Your Wing. So that together we go through adversity and become tempered in bad weather. So that reason does not leave us, Be with us, Bright Ideal... Let our spirituality grow, So that we can move forward faithfully, Serve our Motherland well and be useful to You. Let there be Happiness in the World, and let there be Harmony in the family!..

About the extension of the Family

Mighty God, Great Alone! I serve You, Love, Nature! I pray you, bless! For the Joy of Life, extend the Rod!.. Let the Children Warriors go to Reality! They bring harmony and happiness with them! Your armies will come to life on Earth - My family will serve You forever (faithfully)!..

For a safe birth

I pray to God Odin and my Mother Earth to help me give birth to a Warrior and to accept a child into Life!

Prayer for children

One-Father! I pray for children! I give their Fate into your hands!.. You have endowed them with Mind and Spirit. O Light One, put your will into them. Place them firmly on the Divine Path and reveal the Spiritual Essence in them! Give them valor, courage and nobility, joy, luck, and take out all the ugliness. Envelop them with your light, Great One, Unravel all delusions, I pray. Let them become people of Word and Honor and be known for Humanity. May Nobility and Respect faithfully accompany them in their advancement. Bless them for feat and Life! Accept them to serve in Your army!

Warrior's Oath to the Great God Odin

To the Lord of Victories, Leader of the Warriors, I take an oath to defend my Motherland, to protect the Earth from enemies and misfortunes, to protect the World from harmful misfortunes. Great God One, accept him into your Army. I swear to embody Your Will within myself. It is worthy and honest to go to battle, There is no place for the undead within the Earth. In battle it is valiant to defend Life. Destroy the enemy without mercy. And if I fall in that severe battle, I ask, God the Father, accept my Soul. So that once again embodied within the Earth, Under the banner of God, go into battle. Let the scum rush about, there will be no mercy for it. Thunder retribution is better than any delight. Victory is a reward for courage and bravery. To be a Warrior of God is a Great Thing.

Odin is a warrior, poet and sage

Appealing to the gods and the ability to correctly present gifts in gratitude is an important aspect in working with runic magic. Therefore, let us dwell more specifically, paying attention to each deity.

Basically, of course, gifts are in more traditional forms - beer, mead, bread, meat, onions, etc. Female deities quite willingly accept sweets and not too rough drinks. In general, nothing here is an axiom. The people carried what they could, what was available, although, of course, they took into account the characteristics of this or that deity. Such features, for example, were animals associated with the deity, which in honor of him could be presented as a gift, or rather their meat.

Memo of Gifts to the Gods

One is dark and light beer, honey, sword-shaped objects, rings, game, blood (in consecration rituals), strong alcoholic drinks.

Thor - beer, bread, blood, metal objects, strong alcoholic drinks.

Tyr – dark and light beer, bread, game, etc.

Hel - Meat, strong drinks, coins, fresh bread, cloth.

Njord - bowls filled with salt water, wine, bread, fruits, herbs.

Heimdall – beer, spirits, game, honey.

Freya – sweet low-alcohol drinks, jewelry, fruits, sweets, necklace, fur.

Freyr - bread, wheat, low-alcohol drinks, honey, fruits.

Frigg - sweet low-alcohol drinks, jewelry, fruits, sweets, fabric.

Ull – beer, honey, bread, wool, rings and other metal products.

Loki - beer, honey, sacrificial fire.

Idunn – apples, fruits, sweet drinks, bread, cloth.

Bragi - honey, beer, wine.

Skadi - grog, vodka with ice, forest and mountain food of animal origin.

Air - spring water, water porridge, wild berries, honey.

Siv – barley flatbreads with malo and honey, berry strudel.

Xiong – brewed apple pieces with a pinch of wormwood.

Labor is beer.

Where should I take the gifts?

Odin – ash, yew. Toru – oak, rowan. Freyr – fruit trees, shrubs (hazel, juniper, gooseberry). Tyr - you can go to the ash tree. Heimdall – ash, yew. Balder is a linden tree. Loki - can also be used for ash. Ull – yew, juniper. Freya - elderberry. Frigg - birch, linden. Skadi - spruce, dwarf birch. Air - birch. Indunn - suitable for ash or apple trees. Siv - rowan. Salt (Sunnah) – ash. Xiong – ash. Labor is ash.

In general, the most versatile tree is ash. Therefore, if you don’t know or aren’t sure where to take it, take it to the ash tree. Also, if you make a general offering addressed to the entire pantheon at once, then also to the ash tree. For male deities, you can choose “male” trees, for female deities, respectively, more feminine ones. Trees that bloom and bear sweet fruits are suitable for the same female deities. Although with its exceptions. Sometimes you don’t have to experiment too much with gifts. Just take some apples (preferably yellow ones) and present them as a wish to the deity for health and longevity. There is nothing unexpected in such a thought. According to German-Scandinavian mythology, their gods are mortal. To prolong their longevity and health, they have to eat golden apples, the keeper of which is Indunn. Therefore, such a gesture will be fully consistent with the northern tradition.

Who are the Vikings?

Song title: Before the Fight
Date added: 11/29/2016 | 01:43:50

1 person think the lyrics of the song are correct

1 person think the lyrics are wrong

Oh, I see my mother and sisters and brothers

Oh, I see in reality every single one of my ancestors

They call me

And they call me to take my place next to them

In the halls of Valhalla

Where the brave live forever

Oh, I see your father

Oh, I see, and mother and sisters with brothers

Oh, I see how my ancestors are awake every single

Few people have not at least once heard of the great, wild and powerful Viking warriors, whose culture and religion served as an excellent source of inspiration for writers, artists and screenwriters. The Vikings knew no fear; they worshiped their gods, in whose honor they captured many countries. The warriors of the Scandinavian Peninsula were known to the inhabitants of Western Europe as the Normans, and it is this name of their people that is found in modern history textbooks.

The Normans themselves preferred to call themselves Vikings, although several ancient Scandinavian peoples lived on the peninsula itself: Goths, Germans, Swedes, etc. Unlike other neighboring peoples who were constantly at war with each other, the Scandinavian tribes united their troops into military-political alliances, and it was thanks to this power that they were able to capture territories such as France, England, Scotland, Ireland and several Mediterranean islands.

Scandinavian religion

One of the main unifying factors was the religion of the Normans. All Scandinavian tribes had the same gods, the same beliefs, and the same traditions and rituals. Viking paganism was a complex polytheistic system, which was based on the worship of the gods, the veneration of the spirits of nature and the elements, as well as ancestors and many mythical creatures - Valkyries, gnomes, giants, etc.

The Scandinavian gods, according to beliefs, were similar to people, had their own families and belonged to one of two main clans: the Vanir and the Aesir. A separate caste of gods were the norns, the goddesses of fate, who had both people and other gods under their subordination. According to ancient legends, the Aesir and the Vanir were at enmity with each other for a long time, but several centuries later they finally came to a compromise and made peace, after which they jointly ruled humanity and some mythical creatures.

The genus of the Aesir was larger than the Vanir, since most of the Norman gods belonged to it. The Æsir gods lived in Asgard, a fortified city that was built during the long war with the Vanir. The Aesir family is considered the deities of order, and for this reason, each inhabitant of Asgard was assigned a certain place - a palace in which stood the palace of one or another god of the family.

In Asgard, in addition to the palaces, Valhalla was also located - a world in which brave fighters who died with honor in battle found their peace after death. They got there with the help of Valkyries - warlike maidens who watch every battle and collect the souls of the dead from the battlefield. Valkyries also lived in Asgard as aesir gods. Among the aesir gods, the most revered (and widely known) are such gods as:

  • Odin is the god of warriors, the sky and the lord of the dead, the supreme god of all aces;
  • Thor - son of Odin, lord of thunder;
  • Tyr - deity of war;
  • Frigg is the goddess of marriage and patroness of procreation;
  • Yord is the patroness of the earth;
  • Idunn is the patroness of eternal youth;
  • Balder – god of wisdom and spring;
  • Var is the keeper of human oaths, the patroness of truth;
  • Bragi is the patron saint of poets;
  • Snotra, like Balder, was the goddess of wisdom, as well as politeness and decency.

More about Thor: Norse mythology: Thor - the god of thunder

The city of the Vanir clan is called Vanaheim. It was the complete opposite of the city of the Aesir, Asgard. All the deities of the Vanir, the ancient gods of nature and fertility, lived in Vanaheim, but after the war with the Aesir, some deities from another family were allowed into the city of the Vanir. According to Scandinavian paganism, the city was located on the seashore in the lap of nature.

  • Ren is the goddess of nature, patroness of storms;
  • Freya – goddess of love and fertility;
  • Frey – god of fertility and summer;
  • Aegir – patron of the sea;
  • Upl is the patron saint of fertility, sky and sea;
  • Guplweig is a witch goddess.

According to the ancient Scandinavian chronicles, in addition to the main two cities of the gods (Asgard and Vanaheim), there were 7 more worlds:

  1. Alfheim - the world of elves (light elves);
  2. Jotunheim - the world of giants;
  3. Midgard is the world of people;
  4. Muspelheim - the world of fire giants;
  5. Niblheim - the world of the frost giants;
  6. Svartalfheim - the world of the gnomes;
  7. Helheim is the world of the dead, where the goddess of death and rebirth, Hel, rules.

Oh I see my father

Oh, I see my mother and sisters and brothers

They call me

In the halls of Valhalla

  • Viking Oath

The Viking Oath from the movie “The 13th Warrior”. faith in the Viking prayer, can partially identify the familiar.

  • 13th warrior Prayer of the Vikings Tufts
    13th warrior Prayer of the Vikings Tufts. Admiral Kolchak battle with the German Flagship and a warrior’s prayer – Duration: 9:46. by Put Nik 11,217 .
  • Rights to the lyrics, translations belong to their authors. All texts and translations are provided for reference.

    The Path of the Abyss is One Road,

    Connected us - people, with the fate of the Earth,

    Heavenly Father - One - Our God - Glory to the Family!

    Through You we offer a prayer to the Almighty,

    And we fill the Cup of life, making our dreams come true with love...

    Lead us forward, O One, we will fulfill our duty!

    We all accept both the Cup of life and our fate as a priceless gift,

    Direct to the right path: Father Almighty, Almighty*, First!

    Certificate of publication No. 108121402530

    SVA (RO(ZH)ECHI) – Spirit Birthing Fiery / Spirit born Fiery / Spirit born to burn /

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