Damage to divorce and family discord - what to do about it?

» Damage and the evil eye » How to identify and remove damage to a divorce



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Mutual love between spouses, peace and harmony in the family are the fundamental components of a happy marriage. But what to do when a relationship breaks down, quite suddenly, without obvious preconditions? There lived a wonderful family, all of whose members suddenly doted on each other - and suddenly their relationship began to rapidly deteriorate, scandals began, betrayals began, people became nervous. In this case, there is a high probability that someone’s malicious craft has intervened in their lives. But how to remove damage to a divorce?

Damage to divorce

There are several effective ways by which such black slander is identified and removed. We will talk about them in this article.

Damage to divorce and its signs

A sure sign of any damage is the appearance of anxiety and aggression. The person or people it targets may be haunted by nightmares and a sense of resentment towards the world. If the target of negative magical influence is marriage, both spouses will feel its disastrous consequences. Their attitude towards each other changes, it seems that it becomes cramped for them to live under the same roof, they are unhappy and embittered. If you notice at least a few of the signs listed below in yourself and your significant other, someone could have spoiled you for divorce.

How to determine damage to divorce or its possible presence by changes in behavior characteristic of the husband:

  • He becomes unable to satisfy his wife in bed
  • Expresses hostility towards his wife, and in the most difficult cases, towards his children
  • Becomes aggressive and regularly provokes scandals
  • Actively looks at other women, openly cheats
  • The degree of attention to this man from other women increases sharply
  • My husband wants to visit places full of negativity - a garbage dump, a cemetery

Examples of alarming signs of damage to divorce in the behavior of a wife:

  • She may cry for no apparent reason
  • Irritable, prefers to be completely alone
  • She noticeably cools off towards her husband; any man seems more attractive to her than her legal spouse
  • She loses her appetite and suddenly loses weight
  • Other men surround her with unusual attention and compliment her in the presence of her husband.

If an attacker has entered your family with the goal of destroying your marriage through magic, you will probably find at least one strange object in your home that has come from nowhere. It could be a broken sewing needle, a clump of tangled hair, a knotted handkerchief, or a dried rat's tail. If you find any of the above in yourself, don’t doubt it, it’s magic.

In what cases is a psychologist needed to save a marriage?

You should start sounding the alarm when the spouses cause very strong irritation to each other and can no longer be in the same space. They are irritated by everything - smells, sounds, no matter what one says to the other. Here you need to understand the root cause, why is this so annoying? Most of the complaints in marital relationships stem from childhood - unspoken complaints against parents result in complaints against the spouse. As a rule, the main motive for getting married for such a person is a longing for intimacy, a longing for love, it seems to him that he is lonely, and he wants to fill his gaping emptiness with another person. When getting married, people with such internal needs initially experience euphoria from a new relationship, indulge themselves with illusions and hopes, make plans - we’ll make repairs, buy a car, give birth to a child, and life will get better. But it is not getting better, because initially the internal request to your partner to save you from loneliness was impossible, since a person can fill his emptiness only with his inner world. And when suddenly one of the spouses realizes that, despite the harmony of plans, he is still unhappy and nothing makes him happy, he becomes terribly disappointed in this relationship and shifts the blame from himself to the other. In such a situation, in order to understand yourself, you should seek help from a specialist whom you could trust to resolve your problems.

Who and how can cause damage

Unfortunately, not everyone in this world wishes each other happiness. The author of the damage that brought discord into the bosom of your family, in fact, can be anyone. But, of course, this person does not wish you well.

Practice shows that magic is most subject to women. Damage can be caused, for example, by either a mother-in-law who does not love her daughter-in-law, or an envious woman who is not indifferent to her friend’s husband, or a mother-in-law who believes that the man she is pursuing is not worthy of her daughter’s hand. In any case, this is the person who enters your home.

You can spoil divorce and family discord in different ways:

  • A lining for food. A hair or a drop of the blood of the one who causes the damage is quietly placed in the food of one of the spouses.
  • With the help of enchanted objects. Most often, these are needles or nodules. In more rare cases, gifts that were given to you with malicious intent.
  • A direct curse. One of the spouses, for example, the husband, is wished for family misfortune openly, in words.

Cleaning the house with aspen branches

This ritual should begin on the first Sunday of the month - collect several aspen branches. Before breaking a branch, you need to ask the tree for forgiveness for the disturbance and permission. Leave something under the roots - coins, bread, honey, milk.

On Monday you need to steam the branches with boiling water in an enamel bucket. When steam comes out, read the plot 12 times:

When the water has cooled, begin the magical cleaning of the house. Wash the windows first with water and a new rag, then the doors, and then the floors and threshold of the house. The water must be poured out at an intersection while wearing plain clothes. It is important not to greet anyone on the way to or from the intersection. Choose a time when there are few people on the street - early morning. When you return home, wash your hands under the tap. It’s better to take a shower and wash off the energetic dirt.

Special conditions. There should be an icon of the Mother of God in your home. Before the ceremony, you should pray to her and read the akathist. Only after this steam the branches and wash the house. You should also carry out routine house cleaning the day before, clearing the room of physical dirt.

Methods for detecting the presence of slander for family discord

If the damage was not based in verbal form, it is quite difficult to detect it without additional actions. After all, danger can be fraught not only with strange and unusual objects, but also with things donated with bad intentions or evil people. Mirrors and watches are especially dangerous in this regard, as they tend to accumulate negative energy. It is better not to accept such things as gifts at all, but if there is something suspicious already in your family, use a test with holy water. Spill a little on the mirror - if it darkens after a while, it means that your family has been damaged through it. Suspicious watches must be fumigated with incense. If the hands on the dial soon stop, it means that there is an evil conspiracy on them too.

It is important to remember that even destroying and throwing away cursed things must be done with caution, without touching them with your bare hands. It is best to take them with a piece of thick black fabric, reading “Our Father”.

Damage to divorce and family discord is probably determined in the following three ways.

Method 1

You need to take a bunch of old keys, read the “Our Father”, then read the following spell:

“Whoever brought evil into the family of God’s Servants (name of spouse) was brought by the devil the next morning.”

The keys need to be buried in a secret place where no one can go. The next morning, the one who decided to destroy your family will appear - be it a mother-in-law or mother-in-law, a so-called girlfriend or a treacherous friend.

Method 2

At midnight, the wife should take a fresh egg in her hands and place it above the pillow that belongs to her husband. Speak:

“Chicken, mother, tell me everything, if there is anger against my love, show me.”

The egg is left in this position for a day, then it should be broken and carefully examined. If there are white specks on the yolk, then spoilage for divorce is a direct threat to the well-being of your family.

Method 3

In the old days, girls melted wax, always natural, over a small cauldron. The injunctions are as follows:

“I drown the wax and look at the enemy.”

If the resulting wax figurine is square or rectangular in shape, the enemy is a man, but if it is triangular, round or irregular in shape, the enemy is a woman.

Why doesn't my husband understand me?

The main reason for misunderstanding between people is omissions, hushing up discontent, and concealing emotions. Are you sure that you speak clearly, clearly, openly? If your communication style is “could have guessed”, then you should not expect understanding:

  • Firstly, telepathy has not yet been recognized by science - it is unlikely that your husband has this ability.
  • Secondly, a man’s thinking works in such a way that it expects direct phrases and specifics. Moreover, first you should say the fact, and then your opinion, arguments and other clarifying data. It is not recommended to overuse abstractions, epithets, and comparisons.

Example: a man helps you around the house as much as possible, but yesterday he was so tired that he forgot to wash the dishes. You come and say: you never help me. Is it never? Or your husband did something, for example, nailed a shelf, but did not wash the dishes, and you expected him to wash them. The result is the same: you never help me, you don’t do anything around the house. Clarify, be more specific about what you are dissatisfied with. But present this not as an order or accusation, but as a request, an expression of your desire, a calm description of your emotions.

Another example: you crave a romantic breakfast in bed on weekends, but the man stubbornly refuses to do it. You already sighed languidly while watching such a scene in the film, and talked about your friend Lenka, and made a sea of ​​other hints, but you never received breakfast. Gradually, dissatisfaction accumulated, and you made a scandal: you are not caring for me. Again, is this true? Is it true that he doesn’t take care of you at all or just couldn’t guess about breakfast? If the latter, then say directly that you are waiting for a specific sign of attention in the form of breakfast in bed.

How to remove damage for divorce

You need to fight for the well-being of the family to the last, especially when magical intervention is to blame for all internal problems. But, unfortunately, such damage cannot be removed by desire alone. To save the family, it is necessary to carry out a whole ritual necessary in order to expel dark forces from your personal life.

Often only the wife can remove a spell for divorce, because men are often too distrustful and skeptical. It is not at all necessary for the husband to take part in the ceremony - his personal belongings will be enough. For the sake of the happiness of her family, a woman must sacrifice time, not succumb to the aggressive provocations of her husband, give up sweets and observe strict fasting during preparation for the ceremony. For 13 days, you need to start the day with the prayer “Our Father at Dawn”, then drink holy water - at least one glass. At this time, you should not quarrel, especially with your husband. After preparation, you need to go out into the field. It is necessary that it is windy and there are a large number of crows in the sky. Conspiracy words:

“There is a terrible storm at sea, and a strong wind in the field. And the Lord God our Savior suffered, and John the Baptist was with him. The crows screamed, the damage was removed from the family. And those who caused this discord will be pecked by the black raven. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen."

The ritual must be repeated for three days.

Precautionary measures

A reprimand does not provide a complete guarantee of a further quiet life. The enemy can repeat his black attack. Don't wait for the disaster to happen again. Build a protective wall, protect your loved ones. Various types of amulets are intended for this:

  • Icons;
  • amulets;
  • talismans;
  • prayers;
  • conspiracies.

It would also be nice to take advantage of magical holidays. For example, make your own Thursday salt. An excellent turnaround from overly active witchers.

The amulets are created with your own hands at home. These are the most powerful helpers in the fight against evil. Try it yourself. And write about the results in the comments. You can also ask questions and describe difficult situations. Together we will definitely figure it out and cope with our enemies.

Other rituals

There are also simpler options for removing damage from a family that do not require such serious preparation. In terms of impact, they are not inferior to those described above, but the presence of all family members is desirable.

Ritual with a castle

For the action itself, you need two church candles, holy water and a lock. On any day of the week, except Monday, when the sun has just risen, you need to face it, light the candles and put an open lock between them. Put something belonging to your husband on the lock.

Wash with holy water, read the Our Father, and say the following:

“I will get up in the morning, Servant of God (wife’s name), pray to the Father our Lord, sign myself with the sign of the cross, and go to the Servant of God (husband’s name). While the castle is open, our hearts are open to everything in the world. As soon as I close the lock, the Lord will protect His Servants (names) from the evil one and the evil of everything that has been done to us, Amen.”

After this, you need to extinguish the candles, reading a prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, then close the lock and throw it where no one will find it - into the forest or a fairly deep reservoir.

Ritual on Sunday

The day of the month must be even. On this day, refuse visits from friends, stay at home from dawn to dusk. Crosswise go around all the corners, reading the plot:

“I, the Servant of God (name), who was created from the rib of Adam, drive away unclean deeds with the cross. Not for myself, a sinner, but for faith in our Savior Jesus Christ. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen, Amen, Amen."

You need to repeat these words 40 times.

Removing damage for the whole family

Everyone needs to drink a glass of holy water. Then each family member must remove one piece of clothing. All things are twisted into one knot, the relatives stand in a circle and say:

“If we were able to bring the whole family together now, then no one can separate us. Let us hold on to this bundle, just as we are holding hands tightly now, for each of us values ​​our family. And whoever decides to create discord between us will suffer from it himself. No matter what we have done before, we will not allow our relatives to be offended. Amen!"

The bundle of things is passed down according to seniority - from parents to children.

Cleansing the house with cereals on the full moon

A porridge of seven cereals will help clean the room from spoilage:

  • oatmeal;
  • pearl barley;
  • rice;
  • millet;
  • buckwheat;
  • pea

Peas must be soaked first. The porridge should be cooked during the full moon at sunrise, taking a tablespoon of each cereal. Add salt and butter to the porridge. Walk around the whole house with the porridge, stopping in front of the windows and doors. Cross the porridge and read the plot:

Afterwards, you need to leave the house with the porridge and bury it along with the bowl in a vacant lot or in a place where people do not go. Bury it deep into the ground, and stick a branch of poplar or aspen on top. At the same time say:

You need to return home in silence, you can’t look back. At home, wash your hands under the tap and do not utter a single word for up to 12 o’clock. This cleaning should be done monthly if your home is visited by a large number of people.

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