Damage and the evil eye in Islam: definition and removal of black magic

Each person has either personally encountered or heard out of the corner of his ear about such a phenomenon as the evil eye. This word usually refers to the intentional or unintentional infliction of harm by an unkind glance.

It should be noted that the evil eye can be either intentional (if one person feels malice towards another) or unintentional (when a person admires someone’s beauty, skill or talent). That is, causing harm through the evil eye does not necessarily occur due to someone’s bad intentions, and therefore one should beware of excessively strong emotions towards other people.

However, not all people believe in this kind of phenomenon, since there is no clear evidence of the existence of the evil eye, but still some believe in its existence. How should Muslims feel about this?

In general, Islam does not deny the existence of the evil eye. As confirmation of this, we can cite the words of the Prophet Muhammad (s.g.w.), who said: “The evil eye is the truth” (hadiths from al-Bukhari and Muslim). At the same time, another hadith tells us about the need to beware of its manifestations: “Beware of the evil eye by resorting to Allah” (Ibn Majah).

What kind of people have an evil eye?

In Muslim society there have always been people inclined to cast the evil eye. A negative impulse is imposed during a conversation with an unkind person who is jealous of the well-being of others. It is believed that with excessive admiration or anger, an envious person can destroy a profitable business or cause discord in a family. They try to hide everything from such people and not discuss matters with them. In Islamic society, it is often believed that the death of a pet or person is a consequence of the evil eye.

But not only a bad person can cast the evil eye, but also anyone who is overly admired by something or someone. So, for example, a father can involuntarily put the evil eye on his children or his husband’s wife; there are often cases when a person jinxes himself. Therefore, in order to avoid the evil eye, you need to constantly praise Allah and ask him for grace.

In conclusion

Now you know some of the features of removing damage with the help of Muslim prayers. I would like to note that Muslims are of the opinion that you can try to remove the evil eye and light damage on your own. If a person has serious problems with physical or psychological health, then he should contact a specialist.

I completely agree with this opinion and strongly recommend that you adhere to it. After all, when your strength is running out, you need to quickly eliminate the root cause of this condition. But only a specialist has enough strength to do this.

Contact me at the coordinates indicated on the site and I will help solve your problem related to magic.

Signs that determine the presence of the evil eye in Islam

In Islam, the following signs of the evil eye are called: apathy, sadness, weakness, nervousness and pessimism.

A person exposed to an unkind gaze is considered seriously ill, but the disease cannot be diagnosed. All tests and studies will not show a clear picture; no doctor can tell what a person is sick with. There is no suitable treatment in medicine.

Damage is determined by simple observation. If you look closely, the patient’s behavior will immediately give away the evil eye. In this case, you need to watch how a person sleeps and how he is awake. If you notice a manifestation of negative influence in yourself, then there is nothing left to do but get rid of the evil eye.

During sleep

Severe psychological distress is another symptom of the evil eye. In Islam, they believe that the culprit for this condition is a genie who penetrates the body of the damned. From the outside, you can assess the seriousness of the damage; you just need to pay attention to the following:

  • Do you have problems falling asleep, anxiety, restless sleep?
  • the conversations of the sleeping person can more accurately establish the evil eye, the person groans, cries or laughs;
  • disturbing dreams are considered a bad sign, especially if you dream of lizards, hostile snakes, or attacking dogs.

Sleepwalking or other incomprehensible actions of a sleeping person are also considered a sign of the evil eye in Islam. When he wakes up, he forgets what he did in the dream.

Methods of casting curses

Dark magic is induced using various objects:

  • needles;
  • feathers;
  • earth from the grave.

If a strange object is found in your home, you should not pick it up. This thing must be buried in the ground or burned in a deserted place.

If there is definitely damage or the evil eye, it is necessary to begin treatment as quickly as possible. Delay can cause a deterioration in well-being and quality of life. In more serious cases, death can occur.

Islamic rituals and methods of treating the evil eye

The sacred scriptures cleanse the soul and body of the negative impulses transmitted by the evil eye. Therefore, to get rid of the evil eye, you need to read the Koran. To eliminate all signs of a curse, Muslims perform the correct rituals. First you need to repent of all sins. Next, it is important to reconcile with the will of Allah, to trust in his mercy, for deliverance from the evil eye is only his will. Only a deeply religious person is allowed to read surahs and duas against the evil eye.

Use of surahs

In Islam, it is customary to begin treatment by reading the last part of the Holy Scripture. Afterwards, all that remains is to pray and rely on the help of the verses. You need to memorize the following texts of the Koran:

  • 112 sura of four verses for the purification of faith;
  • the first sura of seven verses is the one that opens the heart;
  • 113 surah dawn, including 5 verses;
  • last sura of the Koran 114, morning.

The sequence is important, you should read Al-Fatihah first, and end with An-Nas. Rituals against the evil eye are carried out after midnight and before dawn, since in the morning various evil spirits come to light.

Application of dua

In order for prayers to be heard and help remove the curse during prayer, you must follow the rules. The main requirement is to observe the time for reading the dua.

Dua is a person’s prayers and requests to Allah, which can be pronounced in any form. In such prayers, people ask Allah for help in various areas of their lives, including protection from witchcraft. Prayers are read at night before sunrise. Words will be more likely to be heard by Allah if you address him on Friday.

Getting rid of damage through sabab

For greater effectiveness and quick relief, Muslims use the Sabab, a special text in the Qur'an. It is written out on sheets and always kept with you. Sabab is taken only from the Koran. It is impossible to recover from bad influences without a correctly chosen dua; the text is taken from hadiths. Sabab is written on white paper with a black pen. Each phrase in the written text must be understandable to the person performing the ritual, even if the language is not familiar to him.

You can use the following text against the evil eye:

Kulhu in Allahu Ahad. Allahu samad. Lam yalid wa lam yulad. Wa lam yakun allahu, kufuwan ahad.

Faith in the sabab helps remove damage. While the conspirator writes down his text, he must say: “I will get rid of the curse, because I deserve to live well and happily.” Before the ritual, you need to carry out an energetic cleansing of the space, wipe the furniture and floors in the house with a water-salt solution.

The main thing is to do everything correctly and trust the ancient book, then the subab will work at full strength. It is not the text itself that eliminates negativity, but Allah, and faith in him is extremely important. In Islam, believing in something other than Allah is considered a terrible sin; polytheism is impossible and is severely punished. Only a believer with bright thoughts can be trusted to carry out a ritual against the evil eye.

Muslim rituals for removing damage

As in Christianity, in Islam there are rituals that allow you to get rid of damage with minimal time and effort. The only thing that matters to them is to believe in the power of their God.

Lead casting

  • Find a small piece of lead and hold it in your right hand.
  • Bring your right hand to the top of your head and twist the lead counterclockwise seven times. At this time, you need to recite lines from Surah Al-Fatiha.
  • This action must be repeated on every part of the body: arms, legs, forehead, solar plexus and area below the navel.
  • When these manipulations are completed, spit on the lead 7 times.
  • Now you should wrap this piece of metal in the clothes worn by the spoiled one. The finished bundle is placed under the pillow or mattress of the victim of witchcraft for 7 days.
  • After the allotted time has passed, you need to take out the package, remove the lead from it and melt the metal. It is best to do this on Wednesday, Thursday or Saturday.
  • Next, you should lay on the floor the thing in which the lead was wrapped. Place a bowl of water on it. You need to stand above the water in such a way that it is convenient to pour out the molten lead, but at the same time protect yourself from splashes.

Evaluate the result. A flat and smooth surface indicates that there is no witchcraft influence on a person. Any defects on the surface of the cast metal indicate the presence of magical intervention.

In this case, it is necessary to repeat this ritual 7 more times to get rid of damage, as evidenced by the acquired smoothness and evenness of the cast lead.

Each time to perform this ritual, a new piece of lead should be used, and the old one should be thrown away. It is advisable to do this away from home, throwing the casting into a deep body of water.

Rolling out with a bow

This method is essentially very similar to rolling out damage with an egg, which I have talked about several times. This ritual should not be performed by the victim of witchcraft, but by a person in whom there is strong trust. It’s good if a blood relative does the cleansing from damage.

  • The victim of magical intervention must give his healer 3 onions of any size.
  • Having peeled the vegetables, the healer begins to move each of them in turn over the patient’s body. You should start from the top of the head and move down the spine in a circular motion. The rolling out process should be accompanied by the words:

    “Bismillahi rahmanir rahim wa hual aliil azim”

    . At the same time, the healer and his patient must clearly imagine how the onion absorbs all the negativity that the victim of witchcraft emits.

  • The used vegetable is placed in a jar of water and covered with a lid.

Depending on the severity of the damage, the ritual should be carried out for 2-3 days, after which the used bulbs should be thrown away.

Protective Muslim amulets and charms

Magical items for protection from evil influences are typical for many nations and religions (for example, a thread against the evil eye). But the customs of Islam prohibit the use of amulets, amulets and other decorations. Attributes endowed with healing powers, even if for the protection of the owner, are not approved.

The Prophet Muhammad equated wearing amulets with the manifestation of polytheism. Forbidden items can turn Allah away from a person. It is prohibited to make such products, put spells on them and openly display them. Witchcraft and magic in Islam are a serious crime equated to murder.

Muslim Witchcraft

For any person, the features of someone else's religion are perceived as something incomprehensible, causing fear, which can paralyze the ability to think sensibly. Therefore, I want to talk about some of the features of Islam regarding witchcraft:

  • Islam, like the Christian religion, is categorically against magicians and sorcerers. Muslims are very pious people. They still live according to the rules and customs of their ancestors, and they look for solutions to their problems in the pages of the Koran.
  • Like the Slavs, people of the Muslim faith are sure that to cast the evil eye, it is enough to look at a person with evil or envious thoughts, and to damage it, special rituals must be carried out.
  • To get rid of the influence of witchcraft and protect against it, Muslims use prayers from the holy scriptures and various rituals.

As you can see, there are practically no differences between us when it comes to magic. But I want to warn you that the induced Muslim witchcraft must be removed by a Muslim magician.

Is there a possibility of repentance for a sorcerer?

For a sorcerer in Islam, there is the possibility of repentance, because Allah forgives a person’s sins if he repents before death. Allah said in Surah al-Zumar: “ Say: “O My servants, who have transgressed the limit to harm themselves, do not despair of the mercy of Allah! Verily, Allah forgives all sins; verily, He is Forgiving, Merciful! Turn to your Lord with repentance and submit to Him ” (Surah 39. Crowds, verse 53). According to Hafiz Ibn Kathir, this good verse contains a call to all sinners for repentance, it says that if a person renounced his disbelief and repented, then the Almighty will forgive him his sins, even if his sins are as many as sea foam .

Rules for reading Muslim prayers

In order for the cleansing process to bring benefit and not harm, it is necessary to follow certain rules:

  • Prayers are read only by Muslims; it is not recommended for a person of another religion to use surahs.
  • It is advisable to pray in the evenings or at night, until the sun appears on the horizon. Muslims explain this by saying that Allah is not so busy at this time than during the day, when he listens to everyone.
  • The best day for reading texts from the holy book against the evil eye and damage is Friday, since it is on this day that desires come true and the action of any ritual is accelerated.
  • To enhance the effect of praise, you need to fall into a trance.

Getting rid of the evil eye in Mohammedan style

Removing the evil eye according to Muslim requires preparation.

First, clean up the house. Ask all relatives to leave the premises, you also send animals away, only the one who needs help remains.

Remove from the house all photographs that depict living people or animals. Take off all your jewelry and take a shower. No drinking or smoking is allowed before the event.

If a woman is being treated, her husband or a male blood relative should be nearby.

Then the victim is seated and Al-Ikhlyas and Al-Muauwizatain are read over her - these are suras against the evil eye from the Koran. They are very ancient and prayed for, so a person will feel the effect of them immediately after the end of the process.

What does the Koran say about witchcraft, corruption and the evil eye?

The well-known theologian Ibn Qudara defines the term “witchcraft” in the following words: “it can be knots that are knitted on a thread, ritual words and spells that can be spoken out loud or written. Witchcraft exists and influences the minds and hearts of people. There is witchcraft that can cause illness, make people angry at each other, lead to death, separate spouses or loving people, bewitch or make lapels.” It is precisely these things that constitute witchcraft, that is, a magical action aimed at causing harm and damage to people. And for all believers there is only the Holy Koran, protection from damage and the evil eye.

  • In the Koran, witchcraft is described in Surah al-Bakara, verse 102: “The righteous prophet Suleiman, resorting to magic, did not become an infidel, but the devils became infidels and began to teach magic to people.”
  • Surah Yunus 77th verse reads: “And the sorcerers fell to their knees”
  • Another verse from Surah al-Falyak says: “O Muhammad! Protect from the evil that is done by those who blow on knots (from evil sorcerers who cause damage when they blow on threads on knots).

Many true believers know the story in which one Jew, Labid al Asan, belonging to the Banu Zuraik tribe, managed to spoil even the Prophet Muhammad, and the prophet suffered from a severe illness.

After this, the angel Jebrail appeared to the Prophet and told Muhammad that the source of corruption would be found at the bottom of a well, which belonged to the Jews from the Banu Zuraik tribe. Then the Prophet sent his companions to this well so that they would find and bring the ill-fated object, the source of damage.

They found a comb at the bottom of the well and brought it to the Messenger of Allah. The Prophet's hair was found on the comb. This became the reason for writing surahs “An-Nas” and “al-Falyak” in both surahs, there are 11 verses. This is exactly how many knots were tied on the hair of the Prophet, which were found on a comb enchanted by a Jew. The Prophet Muhammad read these suras and unraveled the knots in his hair, and after each reading and each unraveled knot, the Messenger of Allah felt better. And since then, the Koran has been protection from corruption in Islam for all sincere believers and righteous Muslims.

Signs of sorcerers

Soothsayers, soothsayers and sorcerers can be identified by common characteristics. They ask questions about the name of the patient, what the name of his father or mother is. Once Sheikh Ibn Baz was asked a question about those healers who first ask the patient about the name of his mother or father, and then invite him to come again the next day, and after the patient returns the next day, they inform the patient that with him. According to some, such healers performed this treatment with the name of Allah on their lips and using the words of Allah in treatment.

Sheikh Imam Ibn Baz's answer was unequivocal: if treatment is accompanied by such methods and actions, then in Islam this is a sign that a person is acting with the help of jinn, claiming to have secret knowledge. According to Imam Ibn Baz, such people should not be treated, and it is not permissible to ask them or go to them.

A piece of paper with incomprehensible inscriptions similar to witchcraft

Another sign of such people was identified by scientists from the Standing Committee of al-Lajnatu-ddayim: they stated, speaking about people who ask to bring some of the patient’s things for treatment, his hair or clothes, or his photograph, that it is forbidden to go to them , as well as to any person who makes statements and claims to have secret, intimate knowledge. According to Islam, it is not allowed to go to such people and bring them something from the patient’s belongings, his hair or his photographs.

Also, such people may read or write incomprehensible spells and prayers that are not related to Islam or mixed with Islamic prayers, they may ask to bring with them some kind of animal that they will need to perform a sacrifice, so that the devils are satisfied. Such healers may hand their patients a piece of paper on which certain unfamiliar letters are written, then they may burn the paper, mix the ashes with water, and force the patients to drink the water.

If a healer tells you to take a certain thing and bury it, then you are dealing with a sorcerer who is causing damage. Such people who practice witchcraft prefer to be in twilight; they spend almost all the time in a dark room and avoid sunlight.

They can give their patients strange tasks: burn a certain piece of paper and then dispel the smoke on themselves, they can tell the patient information about himself that they cannot possibly know, and they receive this information from the genies. They can accurately name the names of the patient’s parents, where he lives, and name his illness.

There are many more signs by which you can recognize sorcerers, and these are the most common.

Some Muslims claim that fortune tellers and sorcerers can perform prayers, read the Koran and perform Hajj, and this can indeed be observed, but this is done only so that people consider them knowledgeable about Islam and believe that their craft is a gift that they have received from Allah, and they receive their secret knowledge from the angels.

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