Damage to failure - how to fix, remove and diagnose

» Damage and the evil eye » Removing damage to bad luck and failure



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People who are very trusting and open by nature may think that all other people around, as well as the world, are, in principle, just as good. It may be very difficult for such a person to encounter negative manifestations of people for the first time. And it must be said that it is easiest to cast a spell or evil eye on gullible and open people. Therefore, such people especially need to be able to protect themselves from black magic. If you have been put under the evil eye of bad luck, how can you remove it?

How to remove the evil eye of failure and bad luck

How to remove damage to bad luck

If bad luck suddenly begins to haunt you, it means that someone has cast a spell on you, and it needs to be removed urgently, otherwise bad luck will continue to haunt you. There are several ways to remove the negative impact of others.

With the help of the Sun

The ritual and conspiracy on how to independently remove severe damage and bad luck can be carried out as follows. Every morning, after sleep, open the window towards the sunrise and say out loud the following words:

“Daylight, I cry to You! I urge you to cleanse from black evil! Wash away the bad luck, give me back my luck! Let the dark forces not interfere! Let the bright ones help me! Amen!".

You need to repeat the ritual until you notice improvement.


Take a fresh chicken egg and carefully break it into a glass of water so as not to damage the yolk. Now place the glass near the bed all night on the side where your head is. The next morning you need to pour the contents into the toilet with the following words:

“Everything is washed away, failure is washed away!”

Matches and water

You will need nine matches and a glass of water. Light matches and throw them burning into the water with the following words:

“Not the ninth... not the eighth... not the seventh... not the sixth... not the fifth... not the fourth... not the third... not the second... not the first.”

Wait a minute and watch how the matches are positioned; if they sank, it means that you are still under a strong spell of bad luck and the ritual should be repeated several times. Now you need to read the following plot over the container with matches:

“Good is at the gate, evil is gone forever!”

Now soak the pale in water and draw crosses on the forehead, chest, solar plexus, elbows, shoulders and wrist. Then drink three large sips and throw away the rest of the water.

Also read: How to protect yourself from the evil eye and damage

Effective rituals

On the picture

In addition to the photograph, you will need six black candles

There is an effective ritual for photography to bring bad luck to the enemy. You will need a photo of the offender and six black candles. You also need black ink or tar and three pens. The algorithm for performing the ritual at home is as follows:

  1. Light all the candles and place them in a row in front of the mirror next to each other.
  2. Place an image of the enemy behind the candles.
  3. Windows and doors should be tightly closed and the lights should be turned off.
  4. Read the words of the conspiracy.

The text is:

“In the black land there is only hunger and unkindness. So may you (name) fall into a net, get entangled in it, entangled in it from head to toe. If you only make friends with devils, from now on you will only live in sorrows and sorrows.”

Next, take the photo card in your hands and smear the face of the ill-wisher with tar. Stick each feather into the image of the enemy, while reading the above words. Next, put out the candles and hide the photo under the table or under the sofa. But only so that no one sees or finds him.

On the waning moon

Rituals for the waning moon are very common.

During the period of the waning moon, say the following words to your ill-wisher’s back:

“Just as a snake cannot fly, so you cannot see ups, only downs. Just as a fish cannot walk on the ground with its feet, so you will not be able to walk with luck. You will always be in grief and sadness, but you won’t be able to find out why. Whoever my spit is intended for will suffer. And whoever can remove my curse will take your (name) grief for himself.”

The words need to be quickly whispered, or you can also say them mentally, and then spit towards the enemy three times.

With ash and salt

Salt and ash must be thrown into a heated frying pan.

If an enemy appears at work, you can perform the following ritual. To perform it you need salt and ash. Heat a frying pan over high heat, take a handful of salt and a handful of ash, throw them into the frying pan. While stirring with a wooden spatula, say:

“Devils come running, devils come, crawl and get into (name’s) feet, hands, head, body, into any of his business. Dominate there, rule, throw yourself at your feet. Break all his affairs, he will have no luck and luck. All his undertakings will be unhappy, unlucky. I send poverty and lack of money.”

Carefully pour the mixture into the envelope, trying not to touch it. Scatter in the place where the enemy sits, walks, or works. But add just a little bit so that no one notices anything. The first person to touch the charmed mixture (or step on it) is the one against whom the ritual is directed.

Other ritual options

Looking straight into the eyes of an ill-wisher, think:

“I will take away your happiness, and I will give you all my troubles and poverty. You will stay with them. There will be no victory for you."

Then quickly walk away. Do not talk to your enemy on this day. And on the way home, leave a ransom for evil spirits at the crossroads. By transferring coins, you pay off possible negative consequences after using black magic.

To bring bad luck to a competitor in business, you need to purchase a new wooden horseshoe. Wait until night falls, light three black candles, drip wax from one candle onto a horseshoe and say:

“I’ll put a heavy burden on (name). Let the money flow past him, there will be no more clients, successful businesses are abandoned, friends in life do not help, household chores overwhelm him and problems arise. Horned horseshoe, make life hunchbacked. Let it be so".

Slip a horseshoe under a competitor's door.

Prayers and conspiracies against damage to failure

In order to protect yourself from the negativity of others, you can read certain prayers and conspiracies that will act as a shield.


When you feel that you are in danger, read the following plot to yourself:

“Leave all that is yours, in black eyebrows,

gray beard, evil eyes, black veins,

Let them not be able to touch me! God help me!"

Remember the words of this conspiracy so that in case of danger you can read it immediately.


With the help of prayer, you can also protect yourself from the negativity of others. There are many prayers against damage and the evil eye, now we will present to your attention some of them

Guardian Angel

He always and everywhere protects us from evil, failures and dangers.

“In my prayer I turn to you, the holy Angel of Christ (name) who brings me good. You are also a hasty servant of the Almighty Creator, who reigns over all living things and all undead creatures too. Therefore, by the will of the Almighty, deliver me, weak and infirm, from various misfortunes in the form of an unclean beast and other undead. And let neither the brownie, nor the goblin, nor the wood-grower, nor the rest destroy my soul or touch my body. I pray to you, Holy Angel, for protection from evil spirits and all its servants. Save and preserve according to the will of the Lord God. Amen".

The prayer needs to be memorized; there is no need to do any additional steps before reading it.

Jesus Christ

You are sure that you have been spoiled for failure, do not be upset. Sit at home, relax, light a candle and read the words of the prayer:

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Help me cleanse myself of the enemy’s evil envy and do not allow me to experience sorrowful days. I believe in you sacredly and earnestly pray for forgiveness. In sinful thoughts and vicious deeds, I forget about the Orthodox faith. Forgive me, Lord, for these sins and do not punish me too much. Do not be angry with my enemies, but return to them the envious soot thrown by evil people. Thy will be done. Amen."

This prayer has great power, and the more you pray, the sooner the negative will leave you and return to its creator.

Also read: Mirror protection from damage and the evil eye

Nicholas the Wonderworker

This is a strong prayer against the evil eye and damage from failure. Nicholas the Wonderworker never leaves those who pray to him for help in trouble. Before going to bed, read the prayer:

“The Wonderworker Nicholas, Defender and Savior. Without blaming anyone in my soul, I ask only one thing from you. Help all my family members, and if there is, then take away the damage from us. All illnesses, squabbles, quarrels and heat, you are the holy water of this mind. Let the sorcerer not suffer from damage, but the sorcerer will not die from it. Let there be no discord in my family, I beg you a hundredfold. Thy will be done. Amen."

In the morning, when you wake up, about

Rules for conducting rituals

For rituals to be effective, it is necessary to follow the rules for their implementation.

For rituals to be effective, you should adhere to certain rules and recommendations:

  1. Cleanse body and soul. To do this, take a bath or shower and read a well-known prayer.
  2. Keep all actions secret, do not tell anyone. Magic doesn't like publicity.
  3. All rituals are performed using church candles.
  4. To minimize the negative consequences after performing rituals on the enemy, it is recommended to immediately take a shower, wash with holy water, and leave three coins at the crossroads as a ransom to the evil spirits.

What consequences await the magician himself?

After carrying out a magical effect in the form of damage, negative energy has a detrimental effect not only on the offender, but also on the magician himself.

Before bringing negativity to a person, it is important to understand that the person who will suffer first of all is the customer of the ritual, who, in addition to everything else, burns his soul with hatred and malice. The destructive forces at this moment are simply off scale and are capable of destroying not only the enemy, but also the magician himself

Inducing negativity is extremely dangerous. Those who are interested in how to do damage need to know that this is a great sin and it will invariably affect the fate of all those involved. Forgiving and forgetting is, of course, more difficult, but it will quickly lead to a feeling of happiness and lightness than magic and other dubious rites and rituals.

Doing evil in response to evil is inherently a wrong act. It’s quite easy to let go of negativity, but it will be much more difficult to get rid of the consequences of this action. Those at home will be the first to suffer.


Prayer will help you cleanse yourself spiritually and get rid of everything bad. Turn to the Lord, ask for forgiveness for your actions and dark thoughts, ask for help. The most important thing is that your words must be sincere, from the bottom of your heart. Both home prayer and church prayer are equally effective.

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Place Buddha and elephant statues

In the east, these items are both powerful talismans for good luck and amulets. Such figurines should be placed in the hallway, not far from the front door. They should be visible as soon as you cross the threshold of your home.

It is very important to keep the hallway clean, to prevent dust, dirt, and cobwebs from accumulating on the front door. Otherwise, money channels are blocked, which leads to financial difficulties. Other energy channels responsible for well-being and abundance in the family are also blocked. Therefore, try to clean the hallway as often as possible in order to attract positivity into your life and leave behind a streak of failures.

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Signs of a black stripe

A black streak is usually called a series of unpleasant events, troubles and problems that can replace each other or simultaneously fall on a person. The main thing is not to confuse this concept with routine, ordinary problems.

Some people like to overdramatize the situation, and even a ruined manicure or torn tights are perceived by them as an endless streak of misfortunes.

To understand that you have truly entered a “dark period,” you need to impartially assess the situation and ask yourself the question: “What areas of my life are affected by the problems that have arisen?” Here is a sample list of such areas:

  • Personal life.
  • Self-realization.
  • Health.
  • Career.

You can add items to this list that are important to you. If during the analysis you understand that the problems affect only one of the designated areas, then you can calm down, since this is not a “dark period”, but ordinary, current and fairly easily solved problems. But if troubles affect three or more areas at once, you should think about it and realize that you are really not in the best period of your life right now.

The main thing is not to panic, since the problem streak is not endless, and you yourself can influence its duration if you wish.

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