Read the Dream of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Wednesday. Golden prayer “Dream” of the Blessed Virgin Mary

History and meaning of prayer

The “Dream” complex of the Blessed Virgin Mary includes 77 prayers, the author of which is unknown, as is the time of writing. It is only known that they were compiled in ancient times, in the first centuries of the birth of Christianity. Prayer was an extremely important thing back then, because asking Jesus Christ was the only salvation for a person amid constant wars, epidemics and natural disasters.

Prayers addressed to the Mother of God have great power

The petition is sent to the Mother of God, because she acts as an intercessor and intercessor for all people. Mother Mary has love for every person as for her child and therefore people prefer to turn to her.

Reading the “Dream” of the Most Holy Theotokos was then considered a kind of amulet, which was necessary for warriors, travelers and ordinary people. They read it in case of temptation from Satan, in illness, during an attack by enemies or an active war in the country, as well as to protect themselves and their family from attacks and disasters.

Prayers were transmitted by Christians orally, without writing, until they were collected and included in one book of prayers by an unknown author. Later, a collection of these prayers was published as a separate collection, which is still popular today.

“Dreams” of the Most Holy Theotokos are often used as a talisman, but it is worth remembering that, first of all, this is a request to the Lord, and He can act differently with His children. Therefore, you should not expect miracles; it is best to stock up on humility and patience and wait for the mercy of the Lord. It is worth remembering that God's will is best for man, whatever it may be.

In Dreams there are a total of 77 separate short prayers, which are called dreams. They are similar in content, however, each has its own reasons for reading. Among them is a prayer for troubles:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen. — Beloved Blessed Mother, My Most Holy Virgin Theotokos, Are You sleeping or not sleeping, And what terrible things do you see in Your sleep? Rise, My Mother, from Your sleep! - Oh, My beloved Child. Sweetest, most beautiful, Jesus Christ, Son of God! I slept in Your holy city and saw a very terrible and terrible dream about you, which is why my soul trembles. I saw Peter, Paul, and you, My Child, I saw in Jerusalem, sold, caught, bound for thirty pieces of silver. Brought before the high priest, innocently condemned to death.

Oh, My beloved Child, I ask what will happen to a person who writes My Mother of God’s dream six times from a pure heart in his book and keeps it in his house, or carries it with him in purity on his journey - Oh, My Mother Theotokos. I will say truly, as I am the True Christ Myself: No one will ever touch this man’s house, grief and misfortune will be washed away from that man, I will deliver him forever from eternal torment, I will stretch out My hands to help him.

I will also provide his house with every good thing: bread, gifts, livestock, belly. He will be pardoned by the court, he will be forgiven by the master, and he will not be condemned by the court. The servants of the devil will not approach you, the cunning ones will not deceive you. The Lord loves His children. It won't kill anyone.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

The prayer “Dream of the Blessed Virgin Mary” is intended for home readings

As protection from enemies and troubles:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. May the Most Holy Theotokos be my mother. You slept in the mountains, spent the night. She had a dream, scary and creepy. That Jesus was crucified on three trees. They gave us vitriol and placed a crown of thorns on our heads. And I bring this dream to Christ on the throne. Here Jesus Christ walked through distant lands. He carried the life-giving cross. Jesus Christ, save and preserve. Bless me with your cross. Mother, Most Holy Theotokos, cover me with your veil.

Deliver me, God's servant (name), from all bad weather, misfortunes and illnesses. From a creeping serpent, from a running beast. From thunderstorms, from drought, from floods. From all enemies visible and invisible. From scrip, from prison, from courts. Here Nicholas the Wonderworker walked, bearing a salutary bow to save me, the servant of God (name), from all bad weather, misfortunes and diseases, from a creeping serpent, from a running beast, from a thunderstorm, from a drought, from a flood.

From all enemies visible and invisible. From scrip, from prison, from courts. Jesus Christ, Mother Most Holy Theotokos, Nicholas the Wonderworker, I ask you... (state your request here in your own words) Amen. Amen. Amen.

As a prayer-request for the fulfillment of the expected:

In the city of Jerusalem, in the holy cathedral, Mother Mary slept on her right hand on the throne. Jesus Christ asks her: “Mother Mary, are you sleeping or not sleeping?” - “I can’t sleep, but I see a dream about you, Jesus Christ. As if the Jews crucified you, Jesus Christ, into three trees, into three mindras, into three dinarites, and chained your hands and feet with nails.” The torment of the Holy Spirit lay on my heart. The golden cross on the chest spills out, Jesus Christ rises to heaven. - “Mother Mary, your dream is complicated - isn’t it complicated?

We need to write a letter and give it to all believing slaves. Let that slave read three times a day. That slave will be saved, preserved and pardoned from all troubles, from all misfortunes: from thunder, from a flying arrow, from a lost forest, from a devouring beast, from a burning fire, from drowning water. If he goes to court, he won’t be judged. Standing in the ranks means you won’t be killed.” Amen. Amen. Amen.

For every salvation:

Lord, help, Lord, bless. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen! The spirit stands on the mountain, Mother Mary slept on the rock, saw the same thing six times, suffered six times in her sleep during the night. As if the Pharisees took her son Christ, crucified him on a huge cross, nailed his legs and arms to the cross, put on a crown of thorns, and spilled hot blood on the ground. Angels flew from heaven, offered golden cups, and did not allow drops of the saint’s blood to fall. Whoever puts his hand to the cross of Christ will truly never know torment.

Whoever reads the sixth six times a day, the Lord Himself saves him from trouble, earthly judgment will not take that person, not a single hair will fall from him without the Lord God, he will not burn in fire, he will not drown in water, drops of blood will fall from the hands of villains won't drop. It’s not me who says, it’s not me who affirms, it’s not me who frees you from troubles - the sixth dream will help you in all matters. Whoever has the sixth dream, God will not forget him. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen!

In addition to them, you can also find prayers:

  • from melancholy and illness;
  • as protection of angels;
  • assistance in various endeavors;
  • relief from suffering;
  • from the evil eye;
  • in case of divorce;
  • for pregnant women;
  • for the forgiveness of sins;
  • for good luck;
  • from fire.

Important! It should be remembered that reading a prayer text does not automatically fulfill all desires and does not bring into life what the reader passionately desires. It is only the source of words that constitute a request to the Almighty Creator.

Dreams of the Blessed Virgin Mary

In ancient times, despite the lack of modern conveniences, people lived to a ripe old age, laughed in the face of difficulties, and did not complain about loneliness and lack of work, housing, and children. We lived cheerfully, joyfully, happily, in love and understanding. Today, modernity spoils us with all sorts of benefits, but people are unhappy and angry. Life has turned into a meaningless existence with many unsolvable problems. What went wrong? Everything is explained by the fact that people stopped believing in God, praying, asking for forgiveness, mercy and blessings. The Almighty is turned to only when innovations are powerless.

Our ancestors were born, lived and died in prayers; there were a huge number of different amulets and conspiracies that served for good. The most powerful prayer-amulet among the ancestors was considered to be the “Dreams” of the Blessed Virgin Mary. There are 77 texts in total. Each “Dream” is intended to solve a specific problem: protection from damage and the evil eye, diseases, enemies, attacks, fires. The amulets are very strong. Each text was carefully preserved and passed down from one generation to another orally. A little later, “Dreams” began to be recorded, which helped carry great wisdom through millennia to our days.

You can download all the texts of “Dreams” (the exact number is not 77, but more than 100 pieces) from our website:

Powerful prayers and amulets of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The difference between the Dreams of the Blessed Virgin Mary is that the text is never spoken in God's house. Someone may mistakenly think that these words are sinful, otherwise why should they not be spoken in church, but this is not so, because prayer brings God’s light. The “Dreams” of the Virgin Mary are very ancient and powerful texts, the purpose of which is to protect a person from troubles and misfortunes.

There is a belief, the essence of which is that a person who has collected 77 “Dreams” of the Blessed Virgin Mary will rule over fate. God grants him a long, happy, prosperous life. And after death, his soul will be carried by golden-haired angels on wings to the Almighty Lord and the merciful Mother of God.

The most popular prayer-amulet is “Dream” to protect family and home from the misfortunes of black power and enemies.

The Mother of God saw a dream - to the sound of bells, Christ approached her and asked - Did you sleep well - what did you see in your dream? - They nailed you on the cross - they broke your ribs with a spear, water flowed out of the right one, blood poured out from the left one, Login the centurion washed himself, he was enlisted among the saints. “My mother, don’t cry, don’t suffer, destruction won’t take me, the Lord will take me to heaven on the third day.” Whoever keeps the seventy-seventh dream in his home will not be touched by the evil devil. Angels fly in and save him from any evil. They deliver from seventy ailments and troubles. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Often people resort to effective and strong “Sleep” to protect themselves from all problems and all sorts of troubles.

I will stand, blessing myself, crossing myself. I go from door to door, from gate to gate, into an open field. There are three roads in an open field. We went not along the first, not the second, but through the castle itself. Along that road stands the city of Jerusalem, in that city the Holy, Apostolic Church, in that church the table of the Lord, on that throne the Mother of God slept, rested, did not see or hear anyone. Jesus Christ came, he asks his Mother, the Most Holy Theotokos: “My dear Mother, are you writing me off or are you seeing Me?” - Dear son, I am sleeping, and in My dream I clearly see You, as if the Jews caught You, beat You, then took the golden crown from Your head, and put on a thorny one instead, They didn’t draw blood from your heart, They nailed your arms and legs, - Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, this was not a dream, but the truth Was, and whoever reads Your dream three times and whoever learns about Your dream from this page will be saved and protected from a terrible judgment, from an ardent and angry beast, from water boiling, from a flying arrow. If he goes into the forest, he won’t get lost; if he goes on the water, he won’t drown; if he goes to trial, he won’t be condemned. With this dream it will be behind seven locks, behind seven God's keys. Angels-archangels locks, keys are unlocked, the door will open for help. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The text “For all healing” is relevant today. It is read for illnesses. There are situations in life when a loved one is forced to lie under the surgeon’s scalpel, in order for the operation to be successful, without complications, one should read the amulet prayer “Dream” of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Mother of God saw a dream: They are chasing after her son, they want to take him, Crucify him, tie him by the arms and legs, nail him to the cross, shed holy blood on the ground. The Mother of God groans in her sleep and opens her eyes from sleep. Her son came to her: “My mother, are you sleeping?” - I am not sleeping. I see you, my son, standing on the mountain. You walk among the robbers, carrying a huge, heavy cross. You walk between the mountains, between the Jews. They crucified your hands. They hammered nails into your legs. On Sunday the sun sets early. The Mother of God walks among the stars in the sky, leading the Son of Christ by the hand. She went to the morning and from the morning, went to mass from mass, from evening to evening, to the blue sea. But in that blue sea the stone lies lying. And on that stone there is a three-domed church. In that three-domed church there is a Throne, and where the Throne stands, there Christ sits. He sits with his legs down, his head bowed, and reads a prayer. He sees Peter and Paul and calls them over. Paul asks Jesus Christ: “Lord, there are wounds from the nails in your hands and on your feet.” You read prayers for everyone and accepted torment for everyone. And the Lord said to him: “Don’t look at my feet, don’t look at my hands, but take the prayer into your hands, go and carry it, let anyone who knows how to read this prayer.” And whoever reads it and repeats it will not know torment and will not burn in fire. And whoever is sick will get up, walk, and no more trouble will take him. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer-request is also in demand.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. May the Most Holy Theotokos be my mother. You slept in the mountains, spent the night. She had a dream, scary and creepy. That Jesus was crucified on three trees. They gave us vitriol and placed a crown of thorns on our heads. And I bring this dream to Christ on the throne. Here Jesus Christ walked through distant lands. He carried the life-giving cross. Jesus Christ, save and preserve. Bless me with your cross. Mother, Most Holy Theotokos, cover me with your veil. Deliver me, God's servant (name), from all bad weather, misfortunes and illnesses. From a creeping serpent, from a running beast. From thunderstorms, from drought, from floods. From all enemies visible and invisible. From scrip, from prison, from courts. Here Nicholas the Wonderworker walked, bearing a salutary bow to save me, the servant of God (name), from all bad weather, misfortunes and diseases, from a creeping serpent, from a running beast, from a thunderstorm, from a drought, from a flood. From all enemies visible and invisible. From scrip, from prison, from courts. Jesus Christ, Mother Most Holy Theotokos, Nicholas the Wonderworker, I ask you... (request in your own words). Amen. Amen. Amen.

Lyrics are incredibly powerful. The magical power of “Dreams” heals, protects, protects. After all, the Mother of God herself saw them. If a person believes in the power of golden prayers, he will definitely receive what he asks for, but skeptics are unlikely to achieve what they want. In addition, people who spoke negatively about the amulets were punished by the Higher Powers, and those who dared to burn or tear the manuscripts on which the golden prayer was imprinted were cruelly punished by fate: someone soon died, and someone was seriously ill all their lives . Whether this is magic, faith or fiction is unknown. It’s not worth checking, if you don’t believe it, don’t read it. But the people who asked sincerely, openly, heartily, received everything they wanted.

Correct rewriting of "Dreams"

If you still decide to experience the miraculous power of the “Dreams” of the Blessed Virgin Mary on yourself or your loved ones, you need to rewrite them correctly; learning them is problematic, since they are voluminous.

You must capture the texts yourself.
You will need: When you buy everything you need, do not take change.
Get ready for the hard work ahead. The text must be perfect. No flaws or blots, otherwise you will have to rewrite everything again. Don’t be discouraged when you don’t succeed in writing the “Dreams” of the Virgin Mary the first time. Some finish their work after months or even years.

Remember, if you have hidden negativity in your soul, writing will not be easy.

But with every damaged leaf, the heart and soul are cleansed of sins. People often noticed that after the work done, they felt light and carefree.

Damaged sheets must not be thrown away; they must be torn “along the cross” and burned over a candle flame, and the ashes scattered to the wind.

Follow the direction of the ash:

  • Flying upward - you are on the right path, you are doing the work correctly;
  • Fell down - pay attention to your lifestyle, change your attitude towards prayers, you are doing something wrong;
  • I came back to you - you chose the wrong “Dream” that you need.

Pay attention to the signs and get back to work.

Place a blank sheet of paper, a fountain pen, and ink in front of you. Before refilling the pen, add 3 drops of your blood and saliva into the ink bottle. Mix thoroughly. Light a wax candle purchased from church and smoke fragrant incense. You should start working at dawn from 5 am to 12. When you write, do not say the words out loud or whisper, move your lips slightly. Pay attention to the color of the ink. If the “Dream” of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a love one, the tone is red, capture everything else with a black tint. When you manage to rewrite the text, do not re-read it immediately, give time for the words to merge with the paper.

Draw Orthodox crosses on the sheet for greater effect.

Always carry the “Dream” of the Mother of God with you, but there is no need to put it on public display. Hide the amulet from prying eyes, do not tell anyone about it. For the first 40 days, read your prayer daily.

You need to pronounce “Dreams” correctly; under no circumstances do this in a noisy room.

, disrespectfully, out of boredom or just like that “Maybe it will help.” The process must be taken extremely seriously and responsibly.

While texting, unexplained events may happen to you. For no reason at all, the temperature may rise, cold sweat, tears, nausea, dizziness, trembling, and hysteria may appear. But you should not stop working, since, most likely, the enemies caused damage, which you get rid of while writing the words. The more negativity accumulated in the soul, the harder it will be to copy the text. The main thing is to endure and complete the work.

Correct reading of "Dreams"

Seclude yourself in the room, close the door, turn off the TV and phone. Ask members of your household to be quiet or choose a time when no one will be home. Light the candles, close your eyes, concentrate, imagine your desire and emotions that accompany the request.

You should be calm, relaxed, peaceful.

When you feel peace in your soul, open your eyes and bow before the icon of the Mother of God. Ask for forgiveness for your sins, repent. Then start reading.

It is important to understand what we are talking about. Often, when people pray, they do not think about the words they say, and this is wrong. You must clearly understand what you are talking about. Say the text in a whisper. Read the “Dreams” of the Mother of God three times in a row. If you want to cry during pronunciation, do not be shy about your emotions, let them out.

After prayer you will feel lightness, freedom and peace.

Get rid of sadness, melancholy, despondency, hanging like a heavy burden on your fragile shoulders.

After reading the prayer, do not talk to anyone, do not eat, do not drink, and immediately go to bed. Trust Our Lady, she will definitely help.

Don't doubt what you are doing, otherwise there will be no result.

Who do amulets help?

“Dreams” of the Mother of God are miraculous prayers that are known to all healers. With the help of 77 texts, thousands of lives were saved. People found the meaning of existence and peace of mind.

But where did they come from? The guardian of the “Dreams” of the Mother of God is considered to be a hereditary healer from Siberia, Natalya Stepanova.

Prayers and amulets have been collected bit by bit by her ancestors since 1613.
The texts were carefully preserved and passed on from one generation to another. And Natalya Stepanova was given ancient papers by her grandmother as salvation for all humanity. In order to preserve and convey powerful words, Natalya had to decipher each letter, since the sheets were dilapidated and practically crumbled in her hands.
Every person would like to put the texts together and be happy, not know troubles, and protect subsequent generations, but this is quite difficult to do.

According to healers, one text of the “Dream” of the Mother of God is enough in the house to protect the family from dark forces, envy, grief and troubles.

The Golden Prayer of the Mother of God saves a person from many problems:

  • Demonic spells;
  • Crown of celibacy;
  • Mental suffering;
  • Deadly diseases;
  • Infertility;
  • Curses;
  • Lack of money;
  • Enemies, envious people;
  • Natural Disasters.

There are many people for whom “Dreams” have helped improve all areas of their lives.

The amulets heal both children and adults. Both women and men can read the “Dreams” of the Most Holy Theotokos. But since from time immemorial women have been the guardians of the family hearth, it is advisable for the fair sex to pray to the Mother of God to grant prosperity, love, prosperity, health, and longevity to the household.

The “dreams” of the Mother of God are very powerful. Many people believe that there are no more powerful texts. If a terrible, hopeless situation happens in life, then thanks to magic words there will definitely be a way out.

Today, from various sources, you can find more than one hundred “Dreams” of the Blessed Virgin Mary, there are about 200 versions, but in fact there are 77 of them. Where did the rest come from then?

Everything is quite simple. Over the centuries, words have been rewritten, retold, and secretly passed from hand to hand. It was not possible to compare the texts due to the massive repression of the clergy. Therefore, various editions of the “Dreams” of the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared. But, despite this nuance, a powerful core remained in the amulets. Even if some words are different or phrases have been rearranged, the meaning remains the same. The amulets have been prayed for by Orthodox Christians for many centuries, therefore they have enormous miraculous power, which can, as if by magic, change lives and turn consciousness around.

Do not doubt the power of ancient texts, pray, carry the rewritten words with you and you will be able to enjoy a full, rosy life!

And the Psalms of David are also spells and spells

  • List item

December 19, 2022 2nd lunar day - New Moon. It's time to bring good things into life.

How and when to read a prayer

The “dreams” of the Mother of God are not read in church during services. They are intended for home readings, so it is recommended to follow some order when reading:

  • light a candle in front of the icon of the Virgin Mary;
  • close the doors to the room;
  • dim the lights;
  • turn off all sources of noise: computer, TV, radio. If desired, you can also turn off your mobile phone;
  • spend a little time in silence to clear your head of empty thoughts;
  • repent before the Lord for the sins committed, glorify His mercy;
  • cross;
  • read the text of the prayer quietly out loud three times, crossing yourself each time when finished;
  • think about the words that were spoken. Live them, and not just shout them;
  • thank the Lord for everything He gives and for His mercy.

It should be remembered that prayers are not spells and there will not be an immediate 100% desired result. Humility and submission to the will of God is the most important quality of a Christian that should be cultivated in oneself. Therefore, you can read the prayer in the name of the Father several more times in this way, and then accept from the Lord what He sends, giving thanks.

Our reader contacted me:

"Can i ask you? The Church is very critical of the Dreams of the Mother of God, and does not consider them prayers, and warns people who use them. What to do and what to do about it? I believe in God and prayers are sacred to me. Explain if it's not difficult. Thank you!"

I did not claim that the Dreams of the Virgin Mary are canonical prayers. And indeed, the Dreams of the Virgin Mary do not relate to canonical prayers or, in general, to prayers in the traditional sense. And the priests’ attitude towards these texts is not that sharply negative, but they call for replacing them with the canonical Prayers to the Mother of God. And indeed, by their nature, they are closer to conspiracies.

Nevertheless, these “Dreams” gained wide popularity among the people. And by the way, they really work.

What are “Dreams of the Virgin Mary”?

From the point of view of science and religion, they belong to the so-called “apocryphal texts” - folk retellings of the Holy Scriptures not officially recognized by the Church.

Let's remember the history of the Russian state. Now everyone is smart and literate... And it’s hard to imagine an adult who can’t read or write. But just some 300 - 400 years ago in villages (and even in cities) there were negligibly few literate people capable of reading the complex text of church books. And basically only clergy and “sovereign people” were literate.

Why, in 1964 it was 400 years since the beginning of Russian book printing. What kind of books are there... But Christianity already existed in Rus' and people believed in Christ and in the Mother of God and in the Holy Spirit... People were drawn to God with all their souls, I feel the enormous power of Christian Prayer. But not being able to understand the complex canonical texts, the common people “retold” the Holy Scriptures in their own way, in an understandable language and in close, everyday images. This is how these rustic-naive texts were born, possessing enormous, truly hypnotic power. These texts contain the Soul of the Russian people, connected with a deep, sacred faith in God.

The texts of Dreams played a huge role in the real, living continuity of the Faith - they were retold by grandmothers to their children and grandchildren as fairy tales, they were whispered by mothers at the cradle, believing in the miraculous protective power of these words, they were repeated by warriors in moments of mortal danger, they were thanked with them after how the trouble is over. The offended and unfortunate found consolation in them, those in trouble found strength in them... And it would be fair to note that to some extent, these Dreams did more to spread and preserve the Faith among the people than canonical prayers.

Then, when “literate” people began to appear in the villages, and mostly these were children who had been trained in parochial schools, people came to them and asked them to write these texts on paper, as a talisman against misfortune and a talisman for good luck. My great-grandfather told how, as a boy, in the evenings, under a torch, he carefully copied them for his illiterate grandmother. And he did it with great pleasure - she always gave something tasty for such “work”... And such fairy tales were much more understandable to small children than the complex texts of canonical prayers.

There is an opinion that this is a “remake”, a fake. This is fundamentally incorrect - my grandmother gave me these texts, told me how they were passed down from generation to generation, carefully stored, and copied from memory in case of loss. And to this day, when I read them in her notebooks, I am filled with a wave of love and tenderness and great gratitude to all generations of my ancestors.

Some of the texts are mine, some I have carefully collected over the years. There are many more than 77 dreams in my collection, but 77 dreams is a legend. In fact, there are a huge number of these dreams, because each one was reproduced from memory and if you notice, sometimes the difference in them is one or two phrases.

Here is an example - the words of the ancient village healer Agrafena about “Dreams”.

“The Ever-Virgin Mary is a mother herself, she cares for her child and for all her children, we are all her children. This is why the legends about the dreams of her, the Mother of God, have special protection. If you copy the Bogoroditsyn’s dream onto paper in your own hand and carry it with you everywhere, then you will be protected. If you put this paper in your home, your home will be protected. And to whomever you copy and give the paper or slip it discreetly, the person will also be protected from all sorts of misfortunes. There are many dreams of the Mother of God. Old people said that every third day She saw dreams. But there’s just so much we don’t know. And what we know, we will say. .. You can rewrite everything at once, and use the amulet that is needed that month. And the fact that there are very long dreams for correspondence is good. While you are writing, you will feel everything that is written, you will be imbued with grace, it will surround you.”

“The Dream of the Most Holy Theotokos,” according to the official church, is “tares” in contrast to “wheat” - the Word of God. Translated from the church into the language of everyday communication, “tares” are an evil fiction that defames the Most Holy Mother of God.

“The Dream of the Most Holy Theotokos” is a heresy prohibited from publication. There is no mention of him anywhere in any church book. Who wrote them and when is unknown. Specifically, we can only talk about the purpose of their creation, which is to replace the postulates of Orthodoxy, to fight the official religion, in which there are no forbidden methods.

The history of the “dreams” of the Holy Mother of God

Around these writings (and they must only be handwritten) there are a lot of “experts” interpreting (each in their own way) the correct reading of “Dreams”.

This is explained by the fact that “The Dream of the Blessed Virgin Mary” is in great demand. This has always been the case - along with the official religion, there were dozens of “teachings,” sects, “grandmothers,” sorcerers, and psychics.

Nowadays, legends have already emerged that claim that the “Dream of the Most Holy Theotokos” (77 prayers are taken as the basis) is the most powerful amulet. And for the person who owns them all, there are no barriers or threats. The number of “dreams” varies, up to one hundred. Some sources report the presence of “sub-dreams”. That is, a certain science is emerging. They argue about which prayer helps in a particular case.

It is believed that “Dreams” are prayers, although even in their form of construction and essence they do not correspond to prayer - a conversation with God. In “Dreams” there are narrative elements: where the Mother of God came, where the dream overtook her, in what locality.

However, according to hundreds of adherents, these prayers are very effective. They are rewritten and rewritten. On many sites “Dreams of the Blessed Virgin Mary” the reviews are not only positive, but also enthusiastic.

How to create amulets

And in one of them, the ritual of creating your own amulet is described in a very “peculiar” language. It is recommended to add three drops of your blood to ink, only black and freshly purchased, take very white paper, light candles and concentrate. When you start writing, you must remember that you are supposed to rewrite it many times, since you can create a talisman only by writing it in one spirit, without a single blot. When performing this ritual, profuse sweat is also expected, which is wiped off with a special handkerchief. Then the scarf is burned for candles. Ashes scatter in the wind. But its flight must be monitored. And if it gets in your face, that is, it returns, you must immediately begin writing another prayer.

In "Dreams"

Even a dense person cannot see elements of sectarianism here. And blood is generally from the evil one. But increased demand is always met, especially in our time thanks to the Internet. Here the texts are printed, which would seem to be fundamentally unacceptable. Dozens of recommendations and stories from personal experience. And then, the statement “well, it helps” is completely disarming. A person seeks help based on the recommendations of friends and believes that he has found it.

Believers know and understand that there is nothing stronger than prayers. is an indispensable part of the spiritual life of an Orthodox person. Appeal to God, the Mother of God, saints and martyrs determines the presence of faith in the existence of the Almighty and takes different forms:

  • Gratitude;
  • repentance;
  • requests and praise.

The power of reading sacred texts lies in the fact that in any incomprehensible, terrible and hopeless situation, you can always find a way to solve it. Strong prayers-amulets

, called Dreams of the Blessed Virgin Mary, are extremely powerful. People always turn to the Mother of God only in emergency situations, when it would seem that nothing will help and the whole world has collapsed. However, starting to read the Dreams of the Most Holy Theotokos with faith in the soul, a person notices that problems are gradually going away, life is changing for the better.

How to read the Dreams of the Virgin Mary correctly

A believer who reads the Dream of the Mother of God must independently rewrite it in black ink, with the addition of saliva or a drop of blood, on a clean, snow-white sheet of paper. Under no circumstances should mistakes or blots be made when writing. In this case, you need to start rewriting the text again. It is imperative to light a church candle and tune in with thoughts of faith. Damaged sheets are torn by a cross

, are burned on a candle, and the ashes are thrown out the window.

It is important to see where the ashes will fly: if up, this is a good sign, if it falls down, a person needs to reconsider his attitude towards others, towards life, change behavior and clear his thoughts. If the ashes returned back to the house, then you need to choose another Dream of the Virgin. The prayer written out in neat calligraphic handwriting should always be carried with you and read as often as possible.

You need to read prayers for 40 days every day in the evening before going to bed. This must be done in peace and quiet, in complete solitude. They light a candle near the icon and concentrate entirely on their request or desire. It is necessary to read the prayer meaningfully, delving into every word spoken, speaking in a quiet whisper. After reading the prayer, you need to immediately go to bed, not eat anything and not communicate with anyone.


Dreams of the Blessed Virgin Mary are considered an omnipotent talisman. There are 77 prayer dreams in total. They are very similar in content

, but have completely different effects:

Real case

On the Internet you can find many positive reviews of this conspiracy. People who sincerely believe in their miraculous power definitely get positive results.

Let's quote Larisa's review:

“I had heard a lot about the power of the “Dreams” prayers of the Blessed Virgin Mary, but I had never seriously thought about the practice of using them.

Suddenly, a very difficult financial stage came in my life. Before that, my husband and I lived in abundance. I worked in the civil service, my husband had a small stable business. We took out a loan for repairs, always paid on time, no late payments or debts, the presence of a loan did not bother us at all. They could afford to vacation abroad twice a year. In general, everything was fine.

Suddenly everything began to fall apart. First I was laid off from my job. Almost immediately, my husband began litigation with the tax office over mythical debts, although everything was in order with the accounting department. There are also monthly loan payments. We are late on two payments. Collectors came to visit us. Depression set in and the relationship between us began to deteriorate. The rent debt began to grow. To be honest, I didn’t see a way out. I tried to find a job, but to no avail, I was approaching retirement age.

One day on the Internet, while searching for a job, I came across an article about “Dreams”. I started reading and found out that there is a “Dream” that helps in difficult financial situations - “Dream for an endless cash flow.” I decided to try it. Moreover, there was no place to wait for help anyway.

I read “The Dream” according to all the rules. After reading it, I didn’t talk to my husband at night and went straight to bed. Three days later, he asked me what happened, my behavior seemed strange to him, because everything was fine all day, I talked to him, and by the evening I was offended by something. He admitted that he thought I was offended by him because of the current situation. Then I explained to him that I had learned about a special prayer-amulet and now I read it every evening, and after reading it you cannot talk, you must immediately go to bed. To this he shrugged his shoulders and said that no matter what I did, it was unlikely to help us.

But I sincerely believed and every day my prayers became more and more emotional. I don’t know if you will believe it, but literally 10 days later, all at the preliminary court hearing, the case was closed, the husband paid only a small amount to the lawyer who represented the case in court.

A few days later, a distant friend called me, she found out that I was unemployed, and invited me to her organization: a decent salary, a voluntary health insurance policy, additional paid leave - in general, wonderful working conditions and a social package.

In the evening, my husband came up to me and asked me to explain how to read the prayer and what rituals to perform before and after. I explained everything to him in detail. We started practice together. Since then, everything has worked out for us. The loan was paid off quickly. The husband's company began to generate income 1.5 times more than before. I never cease to rejoice at the unearthly blessing that has descended on us thanks to the “DREAM” prayer!”

Larisa, author of the review
I would like to hear the opinion of those who have ever used the prayer-amulet “Dream” of the Blessed Virgin Mary for an endless cash flow. What feelings did you experience directly during the ritual and after it? Have you achieved the desired financial well-being and how quickly did it come?

The Mother of God's dream for the fulfillment of desires

The main prayers are Dream of the Blessed Virgin Mary 22 and 77

The Virgin's Dream 22 represents a petition for

to make your wish come true. After reading the prayer, you must say your request, putting all the strength of your faith into it. The amulet helps to ward off trouble, protects from major misfortunes, and fulfills a wish. This is truly a miracle.

In the 22nd Dream of the Most Holy Theotokos it is told that

how she dreamed of Jesus Christ wearing a crown of thorns and carrying a cross. The Mother of God asks the Lord to deliver God's servant from torment. Nicholas the Wonderworker comes along the road to save those praying from troubles and misfortunes.

A person who believes in the power of prayer will certainly receive what he asked for. His wish will definitely come true. Dream 22 of the Blessed Virgin Mary is an incredibly powerful prayer and it has been tested for centuries.

General information

The “Dream” prayer of the Most Holy Theotokos, according to clergy, is a widespread prayer talisman among Orthodox Christian believers, protecting against troubles and troubles, helping to restore faith and believe in one’s own strength. In this context, the word “dream” means “request”, “petition”, “appeal to the Almighty”, “plea for protection and patronage”.

There are 77 prayer amulets to the Mother of God. Despite the similarity of content, each sacred text has a special meaning:

  • preservation from harm;
  • assistance in various endeavors;
  • protection from abusers;
  • triumph of justice;
  • the gift of female happiness to become a mother;
  • healing from all diseases;
  • protection of pregnant women;
  • asking for good luck for each month;
  • protection from enemies and their revenge;
  • salvation from sorcerers and magic;
  • asking for the blessing of the Virgin Mary;
  • protection of happiness and well-being;
  • deliverance from sins.

The main prayers that have powerful power are the “Dreams” of the Most Holy Theotokos 22 and 77.

The twenty-second “Dream” of the Mother of God, or bowed request, is a petition to the Virgin Mary for the fulfillment of a cherished desire. You should read the sacred text only when absolutely necessary and in sincere faith. An Orthodox Christian who believes in the power of a prayer amulet will certainly be heard by the Mother of God.

When turning to Higher powers, a person’s thoughts must be pure and sincere. You cannot turn to God and the Mother of God with requests to cause harm and trouble to other people.

The universal petition, called 77 “Dream” of the Most Holy Theotokos, has incredible power and helps to cleanse oneself of damage and the evil eye, and to recover from serious psychological and physiological ailments. After reading the sacred text, the spell of black magic cannot be cast on a person; he is under the protection of the Savior Jesus Christ.

There are certain rules for reading prayer amulets. The “dreams” of the Most Holy Theotokos are not read during services in churches. However, one should not think that the words of sacred texts are sinful. According to legend, a person who believes in a Higher Power, having studied all 77 prayer amulets, is able to acquire incredible power that helps to control his own destiny.

In order for your request to be heard, you need to turn to the Mother of God in a calm, relaxed and peaceful state. Having retired to the room, withdrawn from worldly affairs and leaving mortal thoughts, you need to turn on the light, put up an image with the face of the Most Holy Theotokos, close your eyes and concentrate on your desire or request.

The sacred text is pronounced in a whisper, measuredly and thoughtfully. You cannot rush in prayers to the Higher powers; every word of the prayer amulet must come from within, penetrating the soul and heart of the person praying. The prayer “Dream” of the Blessed Virgin Mary is repeated three times. After completing the prayer ritual, it is not recommended to talk to your neighbors; it is better to go to bed immediately.

Having trusted the Mother of God, a Christian believer experiences lightness, tranquility and spiritual freedom. Dejection, confusion and sad thoughts disappear, replaced by peace of mind and tranquility.

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