Effective spells on cattle and rules for reading them

» Conspiracies » What are the conspiracies for a cow?



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Who, if not the residents of villages and towns, should know what problems with the household are? Sometimes they can wait for you in any unexpected place. Thus, only after dealing with pests of vegetables and other seedlings does the cow stop giving milk, although, at first glance, there was no reason for this. In such cases, you can only rely on yourself and try to use a spell on a cow.

Conspiracies for a cow

Difficulties with livestock are common, so do not despair if such a misfortune hits your family. Skillful use of white magic can help get rid of any problem quickly and unnoticeably.

Why do we need cow spells?

Conspiracies for cows are a universal method of combating not only milk spoilage and low-quality dairy products, but also real help in such cases:

  • when buying new cattle;
  • against diseases and problems with functioning;
  • when choosing food for an animal;
  • against damage sent by ill-wishers;
  • to improve the quality of milk;
  • for high-quality milk yield;
  • during severe contractions;
  • for good calf-cow interaction.

This is not a complete list of when conspiracies are used. Any problem that arises can be solved by choosing skillful words or reading appropriate prayers. You must be open in heart and soul for the spells to work. The well-being and vital activity of the cow depends only on how pure your thoughts are.

Rules for conducting rituals

For rituals to be effective, certain rules must be followed.

In order for rituals to work, certain rules must be followed during their implementation:

  1. It is important to read conspiracies for cattle during a certain period of the moon. It depends on the purpose of the ritual. If you want to sell animals, conspiracies to quickly sell livestock are carried out during the waning moon. To get rid of diseases and for protection, magical actions must be performed on the new moon, full moon or during the waning moon phase. Usually this point is indicated in the instructions.
  2. The words must be read in one breath, first taking a deep breath and saying a spell or prayer as you exhale.
  3. Rituals are performed standing.
  4. The text must be learned by heart.
  5. Pronounce words clearly, without getting confused, without changing anything on your own, without adding or subtracting.
  6. Rituals are held early in the morning or late in the evening.
  7. You need to be alone in the room, without strangers. No one should disturb or distract, this includes pets and noise from electrical appliances.
  8. You can’t let anyone in on your actions. Otherwise, the ritual will not only not be effective, but there may also be certain negative consequences for you, since magic does not like publicity or boasting.

When performing magical rituals in order to sell a farm, you need to mentally imagine how the animals leave you, how they fall into the hands of good owners. You should never regret selling.

Conspiracies when buying and selling

In order for the purchase of new livestock to be a success, it will not be amiss to read the following conspiracies (it is better to do this at dawn or when giving money for the cow):

“I ask the Holy Lord to bless all the gifts of God: let our house be full of milk, cheese and meat. Amen".

After the deal has been completed and you have brought the cow home, do not rush to immediately bring it into the barn. First go over it with a broom, sweep all the corners. Then go up to the cow with a broom and, fanning her, say:

“Let your meat be smooth, your milk white and sweet, and your sour cream fatty and tasty. I ask the brownie father, take the cow home to the barn. Watch her day and night, don’t let the evil eye fall, let all troubles pass. Amen".

You should be no less attentive and careful when buying feed for livestock. In order for the food to ensure longevity and well-being, say before purchasing:

“The name of Christ blesses the purchase, the cow has health. Amen".

Sale spells are popular with all types of livestock. This method is suitable for the first sale, and in cases where it has not been possible to sell for a long time. Before reading, you need to speak water:

“As soon as the month is born, my wish and strong word will finally come true. God's flock has no number. So let the merchants come and count my herd and (cow’s name) take it away. Amen (three times).”

Rituals against damage and amulets

If you are faced with the fact that a cow’s health and mood have changed dramatically, she is behaving unusually, and is reacting negatively to you and your family, then perhaps this is due to damage. In order to get rid of it, you will need the following plot. The spell is suitable for both cows and other livestock. It is enough to take a container filled with salt water, walk around the cattle several times, splashing water, and say:

“I don’t allow cutting and salting. I don’t let anyone spoil my cattle: neither my own, nor strangers, nor stupid ones. Not because of stupidity, not because of stinginess, not because of envy. Damage dies as my hand drenches a cow. Amen".

Strong methods for preserving the health of an animal are amulets and prayers.

  1. To keep the cow safe. After waiting for Maundy Thursday, put on a sheepskin coat. Then begin to approach all the animals, saying: “In a certain wide country, in a distant part, Vasily and Theodosius live and walk, holding golden keys in their hands. Saints, oh, dear ones, I ask you to close my meat trucks. I gave all my strength to the cattle, now there is little benefit. Let no one come near my milk rivers and let no one destroy the farm. The milk runs straight into the milk pan. I ask all the Saints for help. My word is strong and eternal. Amen (three times)." Another effective and powerful energy period is Holy Week. Wait until Wednesday, grab a nail and a hammer. Having walked around your entire household 3 times, go to the porch and hammer in a nail, saying: “The hammer is over the nail, and I am over all the sorcerers. Nails submit to hammers, all the unclean worship me. The carnation goes into the board, but the goods do not leave the house. Nobody will disturb my cattle. Amen (three times)."
  2. Against livestock theft. Wait for the cow to come into the pen and repeat several times: “The thief stands in a column, neither seeing nor hearing. Anyone who wants to steal a cow will become deaf and blind, but will not steal the cow. Help, holy powers. Amen".
  3. From spoiling a cow. If your cow has stopped giving milk or it is constantly leaking, reading the following prayer will help, read it only at sunset, sprinkling the cow with salt: “I forbid the damned demons, unclean spirits to be near my cattle and interfere with her health. The unclean spirit belongs in hell. Amen". Another version of the amulet is read when driving cattle into the field: “No one will take away my cow’s milk. All the witches and vipers walk away, heading into the night. No one will bite the cow. Amen".
  4. Prayers for the evil eye. To cast a spell, you need to take a small piece of hay out of the cattle’s mouth and start slandering it: “No one can take away my cow’s milk and the evil eye cannot linger on her. My word is strong and endless, just like my health (nickname). Amen (three times)."

How to remove damage or the evil eye from cattle

You can remove damage from a cow on your own, just choose the appropriate ritual and carry it out in accordance with all the recommendations.

Since ancient times, people have practiced protective magic for livestock

The first way to remove damage is simple - spend it on the full moon, at dawn. Just wash the front door of the barn where the cow is standing, and bury the rag away from people. When you bury it, just say to yourself:

“Where the river runs, that’s where my trouble goes.”

Mark this place and after 7 weeks, come to it again and dig up a rag and burn it.

After this, you should give the cow the charmed water to drink. To do this, collect clean water from a well or spring and read the Orthodox prayer “Our Father” over it 9 times and then throw a pinch of salt into it. While throwing salt, say:

“Like salt and water, so God be with you, be gone sorcerer - you will burn in hell, go away witch - take your conspiracy for yourself.”

Not only do they feed the animal with this water, but they also wash the entrance doors again, first from the inside of the barn, then from the outside, and use the rest of the water to water the tree closest to the outbuilding.

Help from a magician is invaluable

Also, in the event of an accidental evil eye and damage to a house nurse, or in the transfer of an illness, there are several other ways to remove the negativity. First of all, take some hay and say to it:

“Most Holy Mother of God, save and preserve my cow with your mercy - give her medicine, take her away from grief. Help me get rid of the evil person and the black eye, the damage caused by flame and burning evil, cold water and epilepsy.”

Then mix it with all the other hay you feed the animal - the main thing is that the cow eats it on the same day. In addition to holy water or a salty, charmed drink, you can also give the animal a special herbal decoction to drink. To prepare the decoction, you will need to take equal proportions of thistle and wormwood, and juniper - it is steamed with boiling water in a ratio of 2 tbsp. per liter of water. Boil over low heat for 10 minutes and let it brew for 2 hours - after this time, express the water and wash the cow with it, while saying the following words:

“Whatever good I want will come true, everything bad will be forgotten by me, what was washed with this water will be cleansed.”

It is enough to carry out 1-2 such washings and the spoilage will disappear from the cow. Alternatively, you can perform a ritual with salt. Take 300 grams of salt and stir it clockwise, say the following words:

“It is not earthly power, but heavenly power that has spread over the earth, but dark illness and unclean power are buried underground, it’s not I who speak - God speaks for me.”

After this, take the charmed salt in your hands and walk around the cow three times in a circle, clockwise, sprinkling it on the animal. At this very moment it is worth saying:

“Holy salt - I drive out evil spirits, I save from the evil eye and damage, as evil departs, so does the power of light. My word is strong and unshakable.”

At this very moment, you should turn the cow’s muzzle towards you and turn it behind you in a circle - just grab it by the rope, leading it behind you.

Help if you feel unwell

Conspiracies, first of all, are aimed at ensuring that cattle remain healthy for a long time and produce good milk.

If a cow’s eyes are festering, then just look into her eyes and repeat three times:

“Diseases are washed away with the purest water, wiped away with tears. The eyes are clean, the health is strong. Amen".

If the cattle begin to roar, then reading the following prayer will help (read over the ashpit 7 times before the first roosters crow):

“On Mondays she screamed, on Tuesdays she screamed, on Wednesdays she screamed, and then, suddenly, she fell silent. Amen (three times)."

To get rid of mastitis, you need to use a purchased linen towel and then wipe the cow with it:

“The cow’s udder hurts, the milk there burns with red fire. It burns and burns so much that my little beast suffers endlessly. I give Father Abram a holy towel, wipe his udders, free him from illnesses. The cow won't get sick anymore, and I'll have to keep my eyes open. Amen".

A couple of days are enough for the cow to begin to recover.

If your livestock suddenly begins to die, you will need an egg that has been kept near the icon since Easter. He should be thrown over the fence with the words:

“Mother Pestrushka (insert the name of the livestock here) was invited to visit, so she took the disease with her. I redeem my sick animal with the holy egg, and at the same time I baptize it with a mighty cross. Just as the egg flew out of the gate, so health came to you. You are as clean as water and healthy forever. Red will, mighty power. Help me, holy spirits. Amen".

3beekeepers' conspiracies

  • “Bees swarm, bees breed, bees humble themselves. I stand to the east against the far side and hear the noise and hum of bees. I take a bee from the swarm, okarai, and put it in the hive. It’s not I who plant you, the white stars, the horned moon, the red sun plant you; they sit you down and shorten you. You, bee, swarm around (such and such), sit in the area. I close all the roads for you, mother, with a key, a lock; and I throw my keys into the Okiyan Sea, under a green bush; and in a green bush sits a queen, the eldest of all queens, sitting and holding seventy-seven stingers, and she stings disobedient bees. And if you, bees, do not obey my words, I will send you to the Okiyan Sea, under the green bush, where the queen sits, the eldest of all queens, and for your disobedience the queen will sting you with seventy-seven stings. My word is strong!”
  • “Fly, my bee, to all four directions for yellow wax, for sweet honey, bring honey to your hives. Just as a sturgeon fish runs into the sea, so my bee would fly to me, God’s servant (name), to the apiary. Just as strong fish run into the sea from pillar rivers and channels, so my bee would fly to me, the servant of God (name), from all the circles, from dark forests, from meadows, from swamps, from swamps, from black mud, from open fields , getting drunk, getting drunk with yellow waxes; would sit in her hives with all humility, with fruit and with carts, for the glory of the Lord God, and for me, the servant of God (name), for wealth, forever and ever. Amen".
  • “Zosima and Savvaty Solovetsky, who, according to legend, were the first to introduce beekeeping, were recognized even on Solovetsky Island as the distributors and patrons of bees and bees throughout the Russian land. The people compiled a special prayer book, like a whole prayer service, for the abundance and preservation of bees in the beekeeper’s hives. The instructions for reading this prayer book are as follows: “Read this prayer book and scroll on the feast of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos, on Palm and Holy Resurrection of Christ, between matins and masses, in a monastery or in an apiary. And cut fire from a thunder arrow, and put it in a clean vessel, and put dewy incense in that vessel, and surround it in a bee garden or in a moss garden, and put a candle on Zosima and Savvaty, the Solovetsky wonderworkers, and pray to them with faith and keep this scroll in the very purity, three times amen.”

Conspiracies for diseases

Conspiracies to cure a sick cow are also effective and popular.

  1. From diarrhea. To rid livestock of diarrhea, you need to speak water and give it to the animal. The words are as follows: “Just as a bright river stood like a stone wall in a clean field, so the interior river will stand by my little cow. Honey water, silk grass, you will drink sweetly and eat very smoothly. No damage, no cramps, no diarrhea. We have experienced many troubles, it is time to live in peace. Amen".
  2. Free livestock from thinness. They don’t always buy a cow when there is a need for it. Sometimes you have to live with thin and weak cattle. For the spell, take a new towel and make many knots out of it. They wipe the cattle with it 12 times, saying: “I wipe my beloved cow with a new rag, make it beautiful and plump. My cow is a pouring apple. The skin is smooth and the appearance is sweet, the udder is clean. Amen". Then throw the towel on the very top of the shed roof. In less than a week, the cattle will again become healthy and well-fed.
  3. Rid the animal of lichen. To do this, you need to wipe the cow with the apron in which she was milked. Say: “Deprive, deprive, don’t forget about your place. Be on the apron and get off the cow. Get away from the cattle and live on an apron. Amen (three times)." Burn the apron immediately after sunset.

Alternative methods

In case of accidental damage to a cow (diverting magic or transfer of disease), you can remove the damage in several ways. The first way is to take some hay and speak to it:

“Most Holy Mother of God, save and preserve my cow. Give me medicine, take me away from grief, I pray. Deliver from the evil man, the bad eye, the burning flame, the cold water. Protect from diseases, remove damage. In the name of the Father and the Son, the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Mix the charmed hay with the rest. The cow should eat it the same day.

Another option: you need to walk around the house three times with a cow and a cup in your left hand, in which the milk of this cow is poured. Say the Lord's Prayer until the end of the third circle. In case of special damage to a cow, you need to turn to magicians, or do the following - wash the animal with a special decoction. Ingredients: thistle, wormwood, juniper, in a ratio of 3:1:1. The herb must be crushed in a mortar, pour boiling water - 2:1, cook over low heat for 15 minutes. Let sit for 2 hours until the mixture becomes warm. Next, strain the resulting broth. And wash the cow with this decoction, saying:

“Whatever you want will come true, everything bad will be forgotten, what is washed will be cleansed.”

In the third option, you need to say salt. Take 250-300 ml of salt and whisper a prayer, stirring with a spoon counterclockwise:

“Unearthly power will spread over the earth, and underground illness will be buried in place. It’s not I who speak, but the Most Holy Theotokos.”

Then walk around the cow three times in the direction of the sun, sprinkle the animal with salt, and say:

“With salt I destroy evil spirits and save them from the evil eye. Evil go away, strength come. My words are strong, all evil spirits perish.”

During this ritual, turn the cow to face you, and it should turn behind the owner. To do this, you just need to lead her by the rope.

Conspiracies for good milk yield

To ensure that a cow gives milk, other conspiracies are also suitable, which we will consider below.

  1. Wait until Thursday, drive the cattle out to graze and keep saying: “I ask the spring waters to bring me thick milk, delicious sour cream, fatty butter, and delicious cheese. We eliminate enemies with our hooves, and we get benefits. Lots of milk, lots of happiness. I want the cow to give all her milk and never have enough of it. Amen (three times).”
  2. In order for cattle to produce a lot of milk, you need to buy a milking box during the full moon. It should be beautiful and not cheap. Look into it and say: “Give my little cow more milk. I bow before the saints and appeal for help. I can't stand it anymore. Amen".
  3. If the milk is lost, it must be filled with holy water in the temple and boiled on Palm Sunday. When it boils, say: “Pure milk, healthy milk for my bright little cow.”

February 19, 2022 - what is the Orthodox holiday today?

In Orthodoxy today the Venerable Vukol, Bishop of Smyrna, is revered.

From childhood, God's saint Vukol was distinguished by his chastity and gentleness. John the Theologian was his spiritual confidant. He highly valued Vukol's educational abilities, for which he appointed him bishop of the city of Smyrna, located in Asia Minor.

Saint Vukol died around the year 100. At the site of his burial a myrtle tree grew, which was famous for healing the sick.

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