Effective spells for good memory and increased intelligence

The modern world is oversaturated with information. You have to remember a huge amount of data that relates to various areas of life. With such a rhythm, temporary memory fog may occur and urgent measures will have to be taken to restore it. Prayer for increased intelligence and memory will help improve the quality of life and work.

Prayer for increased intelligence and memory will help improve the quality of life and work

What can cause memory impairment

Before turning to higher powers for help, you need to make sure that the problems that arise are not caused by physiological abnormalities in the body. So, the causes of memory problems can be:

  • Trauma to the skull - bruises, concussions, hemorrhages, cracks that can disrupt the normal functioning of the nerve endings of the brain.
  • Depression . A severe form of the disease affects concentration: a person cannot concentrate on one thing, has difficulty remembering information or events that happen to him.
  • Poor nutrition. Mental activity can be greatly impaired if the body does not receive sufficient quantities of carbohydrates, nutrients and minerals. Mono-diets are especially harmful if carried out for a long time.
  • Stress . The rigid rhythm of life, lack of time for proper rest, poor sleep, unstable financial situation, frequent problems in the family or at work make people irritable. These factors create favorable conditions for the occurrence of stressful situations: a person withdraws into his thoughts, constantly thinks about how to solve this or that problem and gradually loses the ability to think logically or remember anything.
  • Age . Over the years, problems begin for almost everyone. Especially for those who lead a secluded lifestyle, do not communicate, do not read books - in other words, do not allow themselves to develop.

If your memory suddenly deteriorates, you need to seek help from a specialist - a psychiatrist or neurologist. He will carefully study the problem, make a diagnosis, and in some cases prescribe medication.

Reading conspiracies and prayers to improve memory will help enhance the effect of the drugs.

There are cases when a person has lost his memory forever. In this case, you also need to try to seek help from higher powers. The Orthodox prayer to the Mother of God has a good effect to improve memory.

Prevention and treatment

There is no special prevention for the “non-occurrence” of memory impairment. You need to protect yourself from various injuries, road accidents, and so on. You should not fall into depression, and if such a situation does occur, you should immediately contact a psychotherapist for help. Depression, in addition to deterioration of consciousness, entails many negative consequences. If you want to lose weight, then you should not resort to strict diets, they bring strong negative energy: it is better to go in for sports and start eating right. And the last thing - don’t bother your head with various nonsense, and then it will be fine, and finding solutions to your problems will become simpler, easier and faster.

First of all, if you notice a deterioration in your condition, turn to traditional medicine. It is important to immediately visit a doctor, undergo several tests, and if you have serious causes for your problem, then you cannot avoid long and painful treatments. Magic copes with frivolous reasons that affect the state of memory, but if you have problems with the brain, then conspiracies are powerless. And only traditional medicine using drugs can return it to you.

The effectiveness of conspiracies

Before you start reading the plot, you need to temporarily abandon all problems, tune in to a positive mood and believe in a positive result. It is very important to calm down, not to be afraid, not to be nervous. This magic is harmless and will only bring benefits, it will help you enjoy life and not forget anything.

You can perform the ritual for yourself or for one of your family members

You can perform the ritual for yourself or for one of your family members. A good memory prayer for a husband will help him feel more confident in difficult negotiations with partners. It would be good to carry out a spell for a good memory, aimed at strengthening the memory of a schoolchild or student.

To improve the memory of your elderly parents, you need to be patient. Nothing may work out the first time. Try to attract them to your magical actions. Sometimes it is useful for old people to know that magic spells are being cast on them. This makes them believe in their own strengths even more and become more open to the influence of higher powers on them.


It is difficult to argue with the fact that various magical rituals can be an excellent help in a variety of life situations. But when it comes to memory deterioration, it is extremely important to initially determine the very cause of such changes in brain function.

Conspiracies and various kinds of magical rituals are only an addition to traditional medical methods. It is for this reason that before turning to magic for help, it is necessary to seek the help of a doctor who will conduct an in-depth procedure for diagnosing the state of the body to determine the primary cause of memory deterioration.

If medicine turns out to be powerless and no positive effects could be obtained from traditional methods, then magic can be used as a last resort.

Conspiracy from a Siberian healer

The memory spell from Natalya Stepanova is very popular among the people. This is explained by the fact that the hereditary healer helped so many people. Her spell for a strong memory carries enormous positive energy potential, helps erase negativity, strengthen the mind and memory.

As soon as a new moon is born in the sky, at midnight you need to go under the open sky. Try to arrange it so that the lights of the metropolis do not interfere with your ability to look at the stars. Turn your gaze to the night sky and count one hundred stars in it. Then read the following plot:

After you return home, read the Lord's Prayer before going to bed.

Existing forms of spells

The following steps will serve as preparation for the implementation of the conspiracy process for a good memory:

  • It is necessary to light a white candle at night during the full moon;
  • Next, you should stand in front of the window so that the moonlight completely illuminates the figure of the caster;
  • After this, the words of the conspiracy should be read at least seven times.

There are several types of similar rituals that prevent memory loss, which are performed directly over food or some drinks.

The most common form of conspiracy is:

“Lord, how the people always remember You,

And how do YOU, Lord, remember me?

And about all the people

So it is necessary that I, Your servant (Name of the healer), always remember everything,

And my memory has not forgotten:

About everything that exists, what has happened and what will happen.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

The food that was at the center of the ritual should be divided into three equal portions. After which it is consumed immediately before each full meal.

In a situation where there is an urgent need to remember some detail, you can perform a fairly simple magical ritual, which is recommended by the famous healer Natalya Stepanova. You need to stand with a lit church candle in the center of the room and read the “Our Father” prayer. The readable text of the prayer is pronounced calmly before the first words of the conspiracy begin:

“There are three stars beyond the distant ocean, what is the name of the first star,

I don't remember the name of the second star, I forgot

Well, what is the name of the third - the Mother of God told me.

Amen. Amen. Amen."

The main condition of the ritual is that the plot is read three times, after which it is imperative to wait until the candle finally burns out.

How to use magic to improve a child's memory

Children grasp everything on the fly and memorize huge layers of information. Complications can arise during learning if the child is too overloaded with additional circles and sections. Parents often send their child to study music, drawing, or hire foreign language tutors to occupy all his free time. They pursue one goal - “so that the child does not hang out on the street, but rather gets to work . But few people understand that this can only dull the child’s memory.

A conspiracy will be necessary if, while studying, the child cannot concentrate on one thing, he lacks perseverance and attentiveness. They say sugar, which is then put into the child’s tea, so that he begins to remember the necessary information well and his memory improves. The ritual on a lump of sugar is considered effective:

They cast a spell on sugar, which is then put into the child’s tea, so that he begins to remember the necessary information well.

Effective ritual for the moon

This spell, recited from memory, is carried out on the full moon. Anyone who needs to improve their memory reads a spell on their mind. It is positioned in front of the window so that you can see the night light. A white candle should be burning in his hands.

The conspiracy is carried out on the full moon: the person must see the night luminary, a white candle must burn in his hands

A person should look at the moon and imagine how its light illuminates all the secluded places on Earth. He needs to imagine that its rays will also touch his memory and illuminate all the hidden corners where “lost” information is stored. Then they read the spell for good memory, and the next day the ritual is repeated:

You need to read the spell on your mind every full moon for three months.

Rituals that improve memory

To achieve the best effect from conspiracies and prayers, they must be pronounced with all sincerity, having first immersed oneself in a special peaceful state. Simply repeating these magic words may not have any effect. To practice magic, it is extremely important to find a secluded and quiet place where no one can distract or disturb you. It will contribute especially well to achieving the result if the room is in twilight. The conspiracy is pronounced in a calm voice, literally in a half whisper.

Moon conspiracy

Full moon spell using a white candle

You need to wait for the full moon to arrive. At night, a white candle is lit. Next, you should go to the window so that the figure of the healer is illuminated by moonlight, after which the following words are pronounced seven times:

“As the full moon shines in the sky, so my memory strengthens, just as the moon’s gaze falls on the earth, and the moon remembers everything, so I will be able to be very attentive and extremely observant. Let it be so. Amen".

In addition, during the full moon you can say the following words with a lit candle:

“Lord remember my memory. Let it not deceive my head, just as I do not forget the name of Christ, so may my memory not forget anything. Amen".

Next, you should extinguish the candle

Prayers over food

This prayer is read over food. For this reason, you should prepare a light snack in advance.

After the prayer over food is said, it is divided into three equal parts for subsequent consumption before main meals.

“Lord, people always remember you, please don’t forget me and all the people around, help your servant not to lose or forget anything. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Conspiracy on a child

Most often, children do not have memory problems. But in some situations, for example, when the school curriculum turns out to be too difficult, improving the child’s memory will become a really necessary procedure.

You need to buy a bar of chocolate and give your child one piece every day for a whole week, while repeating the following words:

“Sweet, but bitter, bitter, but sweet, sweet, but soiled. For my child, for his head, these are gifts. Amen".

Night plot

A starry night is chosen when there is no strong wind. Then you should turn your gaze to the sky:

“As all people remember Christ, so may the Lord grant me a strong memory. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Conspiracy that is read on holidays

Although it is permissible to carry out such rituals on ordinary days, for their effectiveness it is still recommended to perform them during some major Orthodox holidays. This prayer is read over blessed water. After which you need to take three sips of this water.

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. The twelve apostles are walking, carrying the holy plates: Andrew the First-Called, Peter Ionin, James the Zebedee, his Brother John, Philip of Bethsaida, Bartholomew, Thomas, Levi Matthew, James the Righteous, Thaddeus, Simon the Canaanite, Judas Iscariot. Just as all the apostles remembered all the covenants of the Son of God, Jesus Christ, spread them among people, magnified and blessed Christ, so may my memory be strengthened for all time and all years. I peck. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen".

A powerful prayer to help regain memory

This prayer for increased memory should be read to yourself every evening before going to bed. First, read “Our Father.” Then the following text:

Gradually you need to get rid of the cheat sheets with the text and start reading both prayers by heart. After the reading goes smoothly, add another short prayer for health, at your discretion. After this, they read in this order: first, “Our Father,” then they say a prayer for health. After this, a prayer is read for increased memory.

Epiphany water ritual

The prayer said for Epiphany water is very effective. On the first day of spring, they take some water stored for Epiphany and read the “Our Father” over it.

Water is added every time to tea, coffee or soup. When it ends, the ritual is performed over another portion of water. The ceremony is carried out for one month. This conspiracy to improve memory can be carried out any day. But it gains special power when it is read on major church holidays, such as the Annunciation, Easter, Trinity, Epiphany and others.

On the first day of spring, take some water prepared for Epiphany, read the “Our Father” and add it to tea, coffee or soup each time

It is necessary to defend the service in the church. Then come home and speak water. After this, drink half a glass at once, and add the rest to drinks and food.

Basic rules for reading conspiracies

The mechanics of how a conspiracy formula works is based on its structure, as well as the correct manner of reading it. Many specialists in the magical field believe that a conspiracy to improve memory is not easy to read, but is actually done. This ancient folk art, when used with the correct reading technique, makes it possible to awaken special powers that can heal a variety of diseases. Conspiracies are even more powerful if you begin to say the “Our Father” prayer before reading them.

Most often, a typical type of memory plot has the following structural structure:

  • First, the healer appeals to representatives of higher powers with a request for help;
  • In the main part, a cyclic type rhythm is formed in the process of pronouncing a conspiracy when speaking words to each other. Words may be repeated at times, which is due to the creation of a special program to activate the work of higher forces;
  • In the final part, conspiracies are secured by special actions that act as a special energy lock to prevent negative impacts from harmful entities and negative energies.

Magical practice involves imposing a strict ban on uttering any type of conspiracies out loud while under stress, because a person may not control himself, and the words he utters carry enormous power. To organize the conspiracy procedure, a special place and time are selected. You need to read conspiracies in complete solitude in complete silence and a state of peace. It is also recommended to carry out this procedure in semi-darkness, but under no circumstances in complete darkness. In the room where the ritual is performed, you need to light candles or install a dim night light. In addition to the spell words themselves, a prayer will be read, which will help strengthen the effect of the magical ritual.

All words occur at a moderate pace in a calm, peaceful voice, which contributes to the formation of a vivid visual image of the conspiracy formula. All the power of the spoken words in the process of casting the spell begins to work for the benefit of the person.

Prayer to the Mother of God

To improve memory, this good Orthodox prayer to the Mother of God is read in the morning in the following cases:

  • when students are in a busy session;
  • when a person is busy with some project and has to work a lot;
  • if the memory has become not so good.

A prayer to the Mother of God to improve memory is read in the morning

For better effect, you can also read a prayer to the Mother of God at night.

Ritual for loss of ability to remember

Restoring the lost ability to remember and memorize is considered a complex ritual. It takes a long time to prepare for it. We need 3 sheets stained with the blood of women in labor. To receive them, pregnant women must be asked for the service in advance. The ritual for memory loss is carried out outside the city, on arable land. The sequence of the ritual is as follows:

  • A sheet is wrapped around the patient's head.
  • The man sits down in the furrow.
  • The patient's face is turned to the east.

They begin to read a conspiracy to improve memory when a person is ready to be treated for erasing it:

“Mother Earth endures, gives birth, Helps and does not harm. Do you remember, Mother Earth, how the Mother of God herself walked over you? How did She walk on you, carrying Jesus Christ in Her arms? Mother of God, do you remember where you were born, where you lived? Where did she eat and drink, where did she sleep and spend the night, did she get up with prayer in the clear dawn, where did she wait for a sign from God the Father? Is your memory strong, my Mother of God? In the name of God Christ, She is strong! So would the servant of God (name) have a reborn memory, day by day, night by night, strengthened. My word, my work, Lord, is Yours. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen."

This is the most reliable, effective method of restoring such an important ability of the human body as the ability to remember.

It is advisable to use magical means to improve various abilities of the body only when there is complete confidence that there is no serious disease. If the condition has changed abruptly or unexpectedly worsened. First, consult doctors for advice. It is necessary to be examined to exclude pathological changes in the brain, nervous system, and blood vessels.

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