Blessed Mother Matrona of Moscow and her predictions

Man strives to look into the future. Some are driven by idle curiosity, others by fear of the unknown. Most people are interested in how the fate of their loved ones will turn out, so that at the right time they can take some measures and protect them from impending disaster. Some are concerned about much larger issues related to the future of the world. It is difficult to judge whether it is right to know about the future. But, be that as it may, at all times there have been prophets and seers who lifted the veil of secrets of the future.

Predictions that came true

They say that those who are blind discover the unknown. The prophetic gift of Matrona of Moscow, who was born completely blind, manifested itself when she was still just a child. The first prediction happened when the little girl, taking bird feathers in her hands, chose the largest of them and said: “In the same way they will rip off our Tsar-Father.”

Nine years later, as a result of the loss in the Russo-Japanese War, the Russian Empire lost its right to own the Far Eastern lands.

Time of Troubles

On the eve of the 20th century, Matrona very emotionally said that the time would come when churches would be boarded up or looted, and God’s people would be expelled. “ Everyone will run in all directions, no one will need the land ,” Matronushka said repeatedly. In 1917 it became clear what was going on. The bloody events that engulfed the Russian Empire forced hundreds of thousands of people to abandon their lands and flee from the Red Terror.

Matronushka treated the Church of the Assumption in her home village of Sebino with trepidation. With regard to the Sebinskaya Church, the gloomy predictions of God's seer came true in full - the icons were torn off and broken, the temple decoration was mercilessly destroyed, church utensils were stolen, the bells were broken. Despite this, Matronushka also predicted the revival of the temple: “The church will open... It will open... Where will it go?” . And so it happened. Immediately after the war, the temple was restored with God's help and, to the joy of the parishioners, services were allowed to be held.

We recommend that you read the article: “Instructions from Saint Matronushka.”

"The red rooster will defeat the black rooster"

Mother Matronushka also knew about the impending war in Russia. About a year before the invasion of Nazi troops into the territory of the USSR, the holy seer said that war could not be avoided. Of course, it was hard to believe, but the fact remains a fact. At 4 o'clock in the morning on June 22, 1941, the enemy treacherously set foot on Russian soil. It was hard for everyone. But even when there seemed to be no hope, and Moscow was the enemy, Matrona never tired of repeating that the Russians would win: “The black rooster will fall under the onslaught of the red rooster .

There is a story that Matrona met with Stalin at the moment when the issue of evacuating enterprises and archives from the capital was being decided. Having received Matronushka’s blessing, Stalin canceled the evacuation, and enemy troops were driven back many kilometers from Moscow. Whether this is a legend or not is not known for certain. However, there is an icon called “Matrona and Stalin,” which allows us to think of this event as a fait accompli.

Often believers and simply close people asked Blessed Matrona whether there would be another war. The emotional wounds were too deep. On this score, Matrona was confidently adamant: “Don’t be afraid... There will be no more war...” - and, thereby, reassured the people.

Thaw, on the eve of change

Matrona was keenly interested in what was happening in the country. So, with pain and compassion for those innocently killed, she said that many people would perish from the evil thoughts of dirty people who traded in denunciations and slander. The holy seer also had an opinion on this matter: “There will be no Article 58, and therefore no “enemies of the people .” Life will go differently then . And so it happened. In the 50s, Stalin's cult of personality was debunked, and the terrible article was abolished. The country exhaled on the eve of the thaw.

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Matronushka's predictions were not always optimistic. She foreshadowed that after Stalin, leaders would come - one worse than the other. And so Russia will gradually begin to be pulled apart. The old woman spoke in particular detail about how Mikhail would come and start big changes. But nothing will come of this, it will only get worse. Strife, massacre, “wall to wall” . “For a little while... It will be like this for a little while ,” said the holy Matronushka when she spoke about the future.

It is quite obvious who Mother Matrona meant by the name Mikhail. There is evidence that at every mention of him, the saint raised her hands and then put her palms to her heart and forehead.

The reign of Mikhail Gorbachev, as we know, did not last long, but with dire consequences for the country. The holy old woman always pitied those who would have to live in those turbulent times. “Oh, you will live to see bad times. Life will get worse and worse. It’s hard... They will put bread and a cross in front of you - and you will have to choose . Obviously, we are talking about spiritual values ​​and temptations, which will be a personal test for everyone. Matrona always found the right words to explain complex things simply, without shocking loved ones, but as if giving a reason for reflection and the opportunity to talk with oneself.

Life of Blessed Matronushka

November 22, 1881 In the village of Sebino, Epifansky district (now Kimovsky district) of the Tula province, a child was born into the family of Christians Dmitry and Natalya Nikonov who had no eyes at all. At first, the father and mother thought of leaving their daughter in an orphanage, fearing that they would not be able to feed a large family with a disabled child.

But the mother of the future old woman saw in a dream a beautiful white bird that was blind. The mother realized that this dream was about her daughter and left Matrona. From birth, a cross-shaped dent was visible on the girl’s chest - a sign of her being chosen by God.

Useful materials

From the age of seven, Matrona developed unusual abilities. Through her fervent prayers, the sick recovered unusually quickly, the grieving received consolation, the despondent regained the desire to live, and sometimes even unbelievers became Christians.

Having learned about this, endless crowds of sick, unfortunate, and disadvantaged people flocked to Sebino. The blind girl prayed to God for them, and the people left comforted, encouraged and healed. People generously thanked the saint, who thus turned from a punishment and burden into the breadwinner of her entire family, beyond her years

Matrona ordered one paralyzed man who lived 4 kilometers from Sebino to convey:

“Let him come to me in the morning, crawl. He’ll crawl by three o’clock.”

The sick man, with faith in the supernatural abilities of the blessed one, crawled to Sebino, and went home on his own feet, completely healed.

The holy righteous John of Kronstadt spoke about the fourteen-year-old Matrona, who came to Kronstadt and approached him with a blessing: “Here comes my shift - the eighth pillar of Russia.”

icon of the saint Matrona of Moscow, in which she is depicted as sighted, which symbolically reflects the gift of spiritual insight of the old woman.

At the age of seventeen, the saint was overtaken by another illness - she stopped walking and was sedentary for all the years until her death. The saint accepted this test with meekness and humility and never grumbled about her unfortunate lot.

From 1925 until her death, Saint Matrona lived in Moscow: in different apartments with friends and relatives. In conditions of state atheism and open persecution of the Church, the saint had to frequently move from place to place, often miraculously avoiding arrest.

The blessed one constantly received people coming to her (up to forty people a day). She listened, talked, prayed, and instructed. And then, at night, she prayed for everyone, asking God for forgiveness of sins, healing and grace-filled help.

I never took payment for help. She always called human sins and godless life the cause of all troubles and misfortunes. After communicating with the blessed one, many people began to believe in God and go to church.

Communicating with people who came to her, Saint Matrona quite often revealed the gift of insight and knowledge. Sitting in her room, the blind saint described in detail many things and places, talked about people she had never seen, predicted the future down to the smallest detail, and foresaw what was about to happen in the near future.

What awaits Russia in 2021

Eyewitnesses close to Matronushka said that looking into the future of Russia always caused blissful torment and suffering. Since the seer’s words were often metaphorical, “encrypted” in nature, it is not known for certain what was meant by the number “21” - the 21st century or 2022. In order not to tire my mother with idle curiosity, it never occurred to anyone to demand clarification. Nevertheless, summarizing what the saint said, we can draw the following conclusions:

  • The revival of Russia will begin in 2022. For a whole decade, the country lived under reforms that did not always go smoothly. There comes a time when change comes to an end. Ahead lies harmony and peace.
  • Mother did not foresee military conflicts either . And those that are smoldering at the very borders of Russia will gradually subside. The strengthened positions of the ruling power will only contribute to this.
  • Russia's authority and influence in the international arena will strengthen . Sanctions will not have any significant impact on the development of the country.
  • Good results will also be achieved in the fight against corruption . Society will be shaken by corruption scandals, but all criminals will be punished.
  • Partnerships with China, India, Brazil, Mexico will be strengthened, while Europe will be “a desert, enveloped in the cold of the grave.”

Russia's path to prosperity is not easy. People have a lot to overcome. “The people are blind, vegetating in dirt and lies, but when their eyes open, they will instantly rise up and begin to commit outrages. No one can stop him. People will not get rid of darkness for a long time, and will reap the fruits of their sins for a long time, but everything will end well.”

Speaking about Russia, Saint Matrona of Moscow has repeatedly emphasized its special role in civilizational development. Orthodoxy, spiritual values ​​and reverence for traditions are the three pillars on which the greatness of Russia is based.

Why do people trust Matrona's forecasts?

Mother did not foresee any particular joy in the future. On the contrary, she warned of troubles. But people still believe and listen. Matryona - that is her worldly name - was born blind. From early childhood I was drawn to the Lord and sought solace in prayer. And with age I realized that there is no greater goodness than to look after your neighbor.

Believers know who Saint Matrona is. This is a refuge for a suffering, tossing soul. She will send peace from heaven and tell you the answer to a painful question.

Just as during her life she took care of everyone who was sick in spirit or body, so now she looks after people. She said this shortly before her death:

I will see you, and hear you, and help you

Mother Matrona about Ukraine

During the life of the saint, few people paid attention to her prophecies concerning Ukraine. It never occurred to anyone that two fraternal peoples would find themselves on opposite sides of the ideological, national, and spiritual “barricades.” However, the events of recent years have forced us to rethink the words of the seer about the future of this once prosperous country. Having analyzed the notes made by people close to Matronushka, we can state the following:

  1. People inhabiting Ukraine will despise their roots and try to disown Orthodoxy . Anger and bloodlust will overwhelm an entire generation. Grief and loss will come to almost every Ukrainian family.
  2. In 2020-2021, a new wise leader will come to the lands of Krajina, who will force the people to find new meanings and cleanse themselves of the filth of nationalism. By the way, this will be a deeply religious person.
  3. Relations with our northern neighbor will continue to be tense . Unfortunately, they will remain so until the end of the decade. Despite this, the conflict in eastern Ukraine will gradually fade away, although, as such, it will continue to make itself felt for a long time.
  4. After overcoming the conflicts tearing the country apart from the inside, an era of prosperity and general well-being will begin. But everything depends on the Ukrainians themselves.

Prophecies for 2022 for Russia verbatim

The daughter of the lost Empire cared about these spaces with her heart. Fellow citizens were and remain her main concern.


Mother Russia is great, in spirit, in face and in strength... and the Tsar has no reason to look to the West, the power of the world lies in the East... We need to increase our troops and strengthen our friendship with neighboring powers...

It should be noted that mother did not indicate exact dates. She talked about the future as if it had already happened. A specific period can be judged by what has not yet come true.

She foreshadowed a lot for the Motherland:

  1. Greatness awaits a power that boldly opposes external and internal enemies. She believed in the strength of the spirit of the victorious people. Each tragedy only strengthens the community, making it stronger and wiser.
  2. A glorious, comfortable working future. This will happen when the human mind is strengthened by Orthodoxy. Until then, a whole era of unbelief and suffering will pass (it is already in full swing).
  3. Spiritual flourishing and unification of nations. The value range will now begin to gradually shift from hypocrisy, meanness, criticism to goodness and justice. The underlying changes are not yet noticeable. But soon everyone will feel them in everyday realities.
  4. Critical stratification of society. Not just the very rich and the very poor. Happened. And the fact is undeniable. The soothsayer realized that the stratification itself would reveal consequences that would be completely unpleasant for the rich. The common people will become stronger in the spirit of unity and will break out of the world of inequality.
  5. Economic independence is inevitable in the fate of the Russian Federation. The country does not want to be dependent on its neighbors who are unable to negotiate. It will develop its production.
  6. Foreign policy triumph. The Russian authorities will put forward a different way of behavior on the world stage. They will support those who suffer more than others from the crisis and help the affected republics. And those, having grown stronger, will become devoted followers and friends.

The mother saw bribe takers as the main problem. Now we brand them as corrupt officials. The eternal Russian problem can lead to the loss of the country's status. This is what the blessed one warned.

Will there be a new revolution

Some of Matronushka’s statements are interpreted as a hint of a repetition of the civil confrontation. The common people are hostile to the “tricks of bribe takers.” Corruption is rampant, which pushes society towards conflict.

Mother predicted a collapse if the ruling elite did not come to their senses and would not abandon the provocation. Laws go against justice. The people's spirit is patient, but will not tolerate a complete denial of its freedom.

The revolutionary spirit will continue. But the explosion will occur when the authorities cross the line of what is permitted and completely break the invisible agreement of the parties.

When will the lot of ordinary people be easier?

Mother advised not to look around with envy. Labor is valued at all times. Give yourself completely to your favorite profession with prayer on your lips. Then you won’t even notice how life turns out to be a happy side.

The future of European countries

Some of Matrona’s last prophetic words concerned the Old World. For a long time, the seer’s inner circle could not see the meaning of what was said. But as events began to develop in Europe, much became clearer.

Blessed Mother Matronushka's forecasts regarding European states are disappointing. The “Black River,” likely symbolizing the flow of migrants from the African continent, will not dry up for a long time. This will seriously undermine the economies of EU member states.

In addition, it will be increasingly difficult for the Old World to resist increasing pressure from the United States of America. Only righteousness, humility and caring attitude towards each other will allow European sisters to maintain peace and harmony in their common home. But this is still oh so far away...

The last words of the seer

According to legend, Matrona predicted her own death. The woman was preparing to leave the world of the living and calmed her loved ones. They said that death did not frighten Matrona: she knew what awaited her after the end of her worldly life. She made a forecast for the future, when they would remember her again. Three days after the prophecy, the woman died.

The predictions from Matrona on her deathbed came true many years later. Immediately after her death, the blind soothsayer was forgotten. They remembered the saint only after the book was published. The author of the unusual work was a neighbor of Matrona’s daughter. She described the life of the seer, the burden of her difficult existence - the price for the gift was paid with interest.

The last prophecy of the dying Saint Matrona became her testament. She knew how difficult it would be for the common people, and that her help would still be needed. Therefore, Matrona allowed her powers to be used to appeal to higher powers. The last prediction came true decades later, after the death of the saint.

The last prophecy of Matrona of Moscow about global changes was deciphered decades later. The woman saw the image of a bright man, Mikhail. She said: he will come and try to help the Russian people. All good deeds will turn into dust, and efforts will not be crowned with success. The latter prophecy is attributed to Gorbachev's rise to power.

About Belarus

The old lady was also worried about Belarus. Only under the leadership of a strong leader will the country be able to avoid armed conflicts unleashed near the borders by the intelligence services of foreign hostile states. Malicious attempts to tear the state apart will succeed only if Belarus follows the lead of unkind neighbors and overseas well-wishers. Today the whole world is watching Matronino’s prediction come true.

For America

The blessed one foresaw a negative scenario for the hegemon. Intervention in the affairs of neighbors on the planet will not be in vain. Numerous bloody conflicts unleashed by the states in the past will return as public confrontation to the territory of the United States.

Tension in society will increase. Economic measures can no longer extinguish it. The people will have to understand themselves within themselves and learn true respect for other people’s views and beliefs. The path is difficult and long. Along the way, some states will probably fall away and declare independence.

America will be hit by natural disasters in the coming months. Stopping fires, tornadoes, storms and rainstorms will require a lot of effort and resources.

Will there be a third world war?

Blessed Matrona of Moscow did not speak directly about the onset of the third world war. However, she often uttered the terrible words “great evil” and “secret enemy” . The turning point is precisely the 21st century.

Mother Matrona has repeatedly noted that it is not territories, but resources - clean water and food - that will be the subject of contention between states. Only heads of state can put an end to the senseless opposition between nations and peoples by renouncing their own ambitions, imperial ambitions and encroachments on other people's property.

We recommend reading the article: “How to correctly ask Saint Matrona for help.”

Analysis and interpretation of Saint Matrona's forecasts

Blessed Saint Matryona of Moscow during her lifetime.

All the predictions that great predictors make cannot be taken literally. Matrona spoke only about what the Lord showed her. As an example, here is a verbatim analysis of one of the predictions for 2022:

“It won’t be a war, without a war people will die. Many victims are prepared for this time - the entire people will lie dead underground! You will all be on the ground in the evening, and in the morning all your strength will go underground...”

There are several decodings of these words:

  • Religious interpretation. When there is no morality left at all, and there is nowhere to fall lower, then people will only have to believe in God. And then people will forget about what they have done and repent of godlessness.
  • World War. Another version speaks of the physical death of humanity as a result of the use of some kind of weapon of mass destruction, which will undoubtedly lead to the Third World War. And even if there is no war in Russia, the Russian people will still suffer during the military conflict of other countries. And if you simultaneously listen to Vanga’s predictions, such an outcome is quite likely.
  • Natural disaster. The next version is based on the fact that nature itself will punish a person. These could be various natural disasters, anomalies, or even the fall of an asteroid or meteorite. We use the planet's resources too aggressively and hardly replenish them, and this can lead to irreversible consequences. Those who survive will learn from humanity's past mistakes and build a new world for themselves.
  • Epidemics. Every year the number of epidemics and incurable diseases is constantly growing. It can also cause the death of many people on our planet. Year after year, scientists discover new viruses, new diseases that we didn’t even know about before. Only time during which humanity will find treatment methods and create new drugs can help in such a situation.

As you can see, there are many different versions of Matrona's predictions. From all of the above, one thing is clear: in order for people to build a new world, they will first need to destroy the old one. And many people will have to die in the old world so that others can be reborn in the new. What is known is that people will have to die in order to be reborn in a new world.


Disputes about whether Matrona predicted the onset of the apocalypse are ongoing. Conspiracy theorists (those who hide the truth) and people confused by demons claim that yes, and even name some dates. However, Archpriest Maxim, rector of the Church of the Holy Martyr Tatiana, put an end to idle speculation, reasonably noting that a person in faith cannot say such a thing, for the Holy Scripture says: “ This is given to only the Creator to know .

Prophecies about the end of the world and cataclysms

Matrona of Moscow was one of the seers who predicted a global world conflict. The woman spoke about the diseases of the planet, when the earth and the sources of life rebel against man. The seer predicted serious cataclysms.

The mystical part of Matrona’s prophecy describes human transformations. He will walk on the ground, but with fog in his eyes. The plunge into unconsciousness will happen in an instant - most of the planet's population will be forced to plunge into a trance.

The holy Moscow Matrona has many prophecies about changes in things familiar to people. Transformations await nature, bodies, minds. The beauty of nature will be the first to disappear, and then people will forget their true purpose. Negative energy will cover the world with an impenetrable dome. The threat will emerge from dense forests and swamps, and, like a poisonous fog, will penetrate all life on Earth.

Wartime Predictions

Matrona knew everything in advance, foresaw natural and social disasters. In 1939 or 1940, she said: “Now you are all arguing, dividing, but the war is about to begin. Of course, many people will die, but our Russian people will win.”

The blessed one loved the capital very much, calling it the holy city and the heart of Russia. During the war, mother was in Moscow and warned others not to leave anywhere, because the center would not be captured. She told her fellow countrymen that Tula would remain free from the Germans.

Matrona told fellow villagers in the capital not to return to the village, warning of great torment.

The prediction was not destined to come true, although punitive forces came to her native Sebino, despite the fact that the settlement was far from the road. The Nazis herded the village children into the cellar and lit a fire, and forced their mothers to stand and watch. Suddenly another German arrived and gave some order, after which the enemies hurried up and left. The kids were saved. Village residents still believe that the miraculous deliverance occurred thanks to Matrona’s prayers.

Prophecies of Matrona of Moscow that came true

Matryona of Moscow spent most of her life as a healer, helping those in need, but often she had visions of the future, and she passed them on to loved ones. Matrona is often compared to Vanga, partly because she was blind, and partly because she was a seer.

The countries in which the fortune tellers lived were different. Although they lived in different countries, both left their mark not only on history, but also on the future. Saint Matrona's health deteriorated over the years, but as her body lost strength, she began to see the future clearly and accurately.

According to her relatives, she seemed to fall into a trance and lose control of herself. In this state, she predicted many things, and some of her words were recorded and preserved to this day. Of the events predicted by Matrona, the following came true:

  1. Overthrow of the Tsar: One of the first predictions made by Matrona. The girl asked her mother to bring her some chicken feathers, chose the largest and most beautiful and began to tear it off with the words: “Then our father, the king, will be torn off.” After this, Nicholas II lost all power, was overthrown and subsequently executed.
  2. Revolution: Another important prediction made by Matrona was the revolution and civil war of 1917. The saint saw all the pain of the people, the suffering that everyone experienced, the loss of faith, the decline of morality, the devastation of the earth. This vision terrified her, and less than a year later it became a reality.
  3. World War II, Great Patriotic War: Blessed Matrona predicted the Second World War many years before it began. One day she told the villagers the following: “We are all fighting and sharing something, but a terrible war will soon begin!” And many people will die, but we will win.”
  4. Death of Stalin: Around 1950, Matrona of Moscow spoke about the following situation in Russia." Joseph" will soon leave, and the new one will be even worse. They will suck everything out of Russia, tear it to the bones, and those who go abroad will be disappointed... And chaos will follow... People will remember the emperor... I feel sorry for you all.”
  5. Her own death: Matronushka is believed to have predicted her death three days before it occurred. She consoled and supported her relatives, urging them to accept their loss in order to move on to a better world. For decades, no one remembered her life or her contribution to people's lives, but then people started talking about her again. She bequeathed her relics to the Russian Orthodox Church so that those who wish could touch them and receive healing.

Despite her righteous life and helping thousands of people, there are those who dispute her ecclesiastical status. It’s up to you to believe her prophecies or not, but don’t doubt it too much and remember that there is always a place for miracles in life.

Prayer to Matrona for help in money matters

“I trust in you, O Matrona of Moscow, and I pray for help in difficult days. You stand up for the righteous and punish the sinners. Grant me monetary abundance and cleanse my soul from anger and greed. Let money arrive for food and essential expenses. Ask the Lord God for mercy and do not be angry with me for the poverty of my soul. Let it be so. Amen".

Prophecies for Europe

Matrona predicted the invasion of infidels and the growth of religious conflict to the Old World. Now it becomes clear that she was talking about the massive resettlement of refugees from Syria and the countries of the Middle East.

Constant clashes between the warring parties will seriously undermine the social and economic well-being of European states. They will become vulnerable to outside threats.

According to the predictor, the military will come to power in Europe and will try to restore stability by force, but will only cause an even greater wave of discontent within society.

After this, the political elite will have to turn to Russia for help. Our country will provide support and help overcome the crisis.

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