7 deadly sins for zodiac signs - birth defects

» Astrology » 7 deadly sins for zodiac signs - birth defects



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The 7 deadly sins have been known to people since ancient times. Religion calls them the roots from which all other human vices grow. Astrologers believe that each of the 12 signs of the Zodiac is most susceptible to one specific sin (or several), according to the main qualities of character.

Seven cardinal sins

In Christianity, there is a list of major (deadly) sins that underlie all other vices and passions. It is presented in two versions - septenary and octal.

The first is characteristic of Western religion and includes:

  1. Pride or vanity - complacency and arrogance, intoxication with one's own merits, contempt for people and rejection of God.
  2. Envy is annoyance at the well-being of one's neighbor and pleasure at his misfortunes.
  3. Gluttony is gluttony and excessive selectivity in food, an addiction to food that obscures all higher needs.
  4. Fornication or lust are carnal passions and lusts that take possession of a person and lead him away from spiritual values.
  5. Anger is extreme resentment and loss of control that causes people to harm others and themselves.
  6. Greed or greed is possessiveness, too strong a desire for earthly goods.
  7. Dejection or laziness is being idle, dissatisfied with the present and longing for what has not come true, which creates apathy, lack of will and inactivity.

Each zodiac sign is characterized by a set of certain qualities - positive and negative, on the basis of which one can judge susceptibility to major sins.



The devil of lust, jealousy and revenge, the entire incubate and succubus, that is, incubi and succubi, are subordinate to him.

One of the greatest personifications of fornication and debauchery, to which all demons of debauchery submit. It is a gigantic creature beyond our reality, capable of transforming even the most devout nuns into harlots, ready for any perversion, with one glance. Also, that devil can give people artifacts and even books containing rituals, recipes and other sacraments of demonology. There is a version that Asmodeus is the offspring of Adam and Lilith. Yes, it Lilith who was the first woman that God created for Adam, and not Eve, who is only his rib. Subsequently, Lilith became a devil and gave birth to many demons.

So there are references that Asmodeus was summoned and appeared to King Solomon and, after feigned submission, eventually took the throne of the kingdom of Israel.

For fire signs

Fire signs embody active, creative, active energy. They are brave, inspired and enterprising, but at the same time impulsive, unyielding, and aggressive. Their main vices are anger, vanity and lust.


Aries is impulsive and hot-tempered. Accordingly, this sign is characterized by anger. He easily loses his temper, loses control over his emotions, and later regrets it. It is important to be aware of this character trait and moderate aggression in a timely manner, not to bring it to an uncontrollable state.

a lion

This sign is prone to vanity and selfishness. He is endowed with many talents, which is why he is too fixated on himself. Such a Leo becomes susceptible to flattery, which allows cunning people to successfully manipulate him. It is important to acknowledge this shortcoming and not consider yourself superior to other people. A leader's strength increases with noble intentions and decreases with complacency.


This sign is charged with lust and, to a certain extent, greed. Sexual relationships for Sagittarius are a gambling sport, hunting and obtaining trophies, the best way to assert oneself. Despite the psychological prerequisites, lust ceases to be a physiological dependence. A person becomes insatiable and demands more and more new experiences. He should observe moderation and satisfy his hunger not in the carnal, but in the spiritual realm.

For air signs

Air signs are agile, intellectual, receptive and independent. At the same time, they are unreliable, superficial, and unfounded. As for the main vice - pride and vanity, they are unanimous on this.


Geminis are often accused of duplicity and the desire to show off. However, the root of the problem is deeper - it is pride. This sign tends to consider itself better than others or strive to surpass everyone. Therefore, he embellishes his own achievements, talents and results of work. This leads to isolation, superficiality, and inability to build real relationships. Gemini should think about the philosophical meaning of universal equality.


The mortal sin is the same as for Gemini. This sign is subject to pride, since it considers itself chosen, incomparable, completely different from the others. Associated with this are communication difficulties and an inability to experience true intimacy.

Aquarius has unconventional thinking, originality and many talents, but he needs to realize that each person is unique in his own way, and no one is better than another.


Libra men and women are also susceptible to pride. Their vanity often translates into narcissism. They look over their virtues and achievements and enjoy a sense of self-importance. But when narcissism crosses a critical line, there is neither strength nor time left for anything else (they fall into the trap of despondency or laziness). Libra needs to switch from contemplating past achievements to the present moment, new goals and actions.

For watermarks

Water signs are sensitive, receptive, deep, and imaginative. At the same time, they are biased, vulnerable, and subject to mood swings. Their main sins are despondency and laziness, as well as greed.


This sign tends to give up and become despondent if something doesn’t go according to plan. Disappointment knocks him out of the saddle for a long time and plunges him into the abyss of apathy or soul-searching. One reason is too much attachment to desired ideas, people and goals.

For Cancer, they are so important that he regards any discrepancy with expectations as a blood offense (even if no one intended to offend). Forgive the world for imperfections and life will become much easier - energy, interest and new strength will appear.


This sign is subject to lust and greed - these are its only shortcomings, and if others arise, the roots are still here.

It would be more correct to call this vice lust—not even desire, but an enduring thirst. It can concern anything: power, money, recognition, sex, etc.

If Scorpio achieves what he wants, he is invariably disappointed, since his hunger is still not satisfied. He must realize the true needs - those that are in the highest spiritual sphere.


This sign is often attributed to laziness and despondency, the inability to cope with real problems and the habit of having one's head in the clouds. However, at the root of these apparent shortcomings is envy.

Pisces react painfully if other people are doing better than them: against the backdrop of other people's successes, their own failures seem catastrophic.

They will never show that they are jealous, but will suffer in silence, become sad, fall into apathy and melancholy. It is important for them to remember a simple rule: if someone managed to achieve something, then they certainly can too.

Liberation from this world

As stated in this ancient treatise, during ascension, the spiritual body (lat. spiritus) of a person, and in other words, the true (inner) Man, having first freed himself from the physical body (lat. corpus), begins to successively “remove” parts of himself “clothes” of the astral body (lat. animus).

What kind of “clothing” is this that you need to know how to “cleanse yourself from” in order to ascend to the Eighth Heaven, i.e. the sphere of the fixed stars? Compare with the parable of the dirty clothes from Matthew 22:2-14.

The kingdom of heaven is like a man king, who held a wedding feast for his son and sent his servants to call those who were invited to the wedding feast;
and didn't want to come. Again he sent other servants, saying: Tell those who are invited: behold, I have prepared my dinner, my bullocks and what is fattened, slaughtered, and everything is ready; come to the wedding feast.

But they despised and went, some to their field, and some to their trade; the others, seizing his slaves, insulted and killed them. Hearing about this, the king became angry, and, sending his troops, destroyed their killers and burned their city.

Then he says to his servants: The wedding feast is ready, but those who were invited were not worthy; So go to the crossroads and invite everyone you find to the wedding feast. And those slaves, going out onto the roads, gathered everyone they found, both evil and good; and the wedding feast was filled with those reclining.

The king, entering to look at those reclining, saw a man there, not dressed in wedding clothes, and said to him: friend! How did you come here not wearing wedding clothes? He was silent. Then the king said to the servants: Having tied his hands and feet, take him and throw him into outer darkness; there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth; For many are called, but few are chosen.

Astral body, i.e. “dirty, or not wedding clothes” in which the human spirit is “dressed” consists of 7 parts, which corresponds to the 7 lower spheres of the universe. It is from 7 chakra centers that the human astral body consists, i.e. soul. The previous article described each such center through which each of the 7 planetary geniuses exerts influence.

According to astrological science Horoscope, i.e. The ascending zodiac sign of a born person is responsible for his temperament, and the location of the wandering stars (planets) in the genital (astrological birth chart) is responsible for his preferences and “values”. However, if a person cannot change his temperament (it can only be controlled), then it is possible and necessary to work on his vices. Being “in outer darkness,” i.e. here on Earth, it is in working on oneself that the practical application of Gnosis consists of all those “invited to the royal feast,” to use the symbolic language of the above parable.

For earth signs

Earth signs are concrete, reliable, practical, and have an enviable sense of purpose. However, they are overly attached to material values, calculating and selfish. Accordingly, their main sins are greed, envy and selfishness.


The sins inherent in this sign are greed and selfishness. Taurus can be immoderate in food, sex and other pleasures.

They demand special treatment from those around them, preferably admiration. The difficulty of each of them is the reluctance to notice shortcomings and excessive confidence in one’s own rightness. It is important for them to look at themselves objectively and clearly determine which character traits interfere with true success.


People of this sign are prone to envy, which often translates into criticism. If another person has something that Virgo lacks, this is seen as world injustice.

She will make every conceivable effort to catch up, but if it doesn’t work out, she will criticize her successful friend and devalue his success. Sometimes this happens on an unconscious level.

It is important to understand that criticism is not a solution, but it is even more important to realize the true goals, and not covet those that your neighbor has.


This sign is associated with greed, and in a non-standard form. He sins with hoarding and a passionate love of money, but at the same time he has an ascetic nature. Not seeking pleasure through wealth, he thus craves recognition, fame and power. Therefore, pride is mixed with Capricorn’s greed. He should understand that by focusing on accumulation and achieving high status, he loses more valuable things in life.

Style and size

“The 7 Deadly Sins” is a tattoo that artists perform in different styles and colors. Some people like classic monochromatic pictures, while others want to make permanent “flaws” in color. At the same time, the size of the image can also change: from small on the wrist to large, on the entire shoulder or back.

Most often, 6 techniques are used to apply pictures of sins to the skin:

NameDistinctive features
ClassicalThe tattoo is applied with black ink, and there are no sharp lines.
GeometryA black and white picture smoothly transitions from an image into a geometric figure and vice versa.
MinimalismA small drawing in dark ink using a minimum of detail.
old schoolA colorful tattoo, the contours of which are drawn with thick black lines, and the picture itself is carefully filled with bright shades of paint.
Neo-traditionalMost of the elements of the tattoo are drawn in dark shades of ink, and the necessary details are shaded with the chosen bright color.
Trash polkaThe pictures occupy a large area, and when applying them, black, red and orange or green paint are used.

The artist will offer everyone in the tattoo parlor several sketches of a thematic design. At the same time, they recommend trying on all the ones you like and trying to feel them on a subconscious level. In the case where the picture causes at least minimal discomfort and internal tension, it should be abandoned, since further wearing it will only aggravate the situation.

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