The name of God in Judaism. Why can't it be pronounced?

Religion Judaism - what is the essence of Judaism and what Jews believe. There are many different religions inherent in individual nations and peoples. The religion of Judaism has its own characteristics that qualitatively distinguish it from the rest. For example, the components of Christianity - Orthodoxy and Catholicism - have gathered in their faith a variety of people who live in the territories of many states and continents. In contrast, Judaism is exclusively the national faith of the Jews.

Who is considered Jewish and who is not?

Here we need to consider for whom it is counted and for whom it is not counted. If we are talking about religious law, halakha, halakha (alakha) is traditional Jewish law. Regulates the religious, family and social life of Jewish believers, it is clearly written there that a Jew is considered to be someone who was either born of a Jewish mother or accepted the Jew to Judaism, that is, became a Jew. At the same time, there is the State of Israel with its Law of Return, which determines who has the right to obtain Israeli citizenship. The Law of Return arose from the Nuremberg Laws, laws passed in Nuremberg in 1935 by the Nazis. This is the definition of a Jew up to the third generation - through one's grandparents. These laws clearly stated who was considered a Jew, limited in rights and then destroyed. By the same principle - the third generation - if you have documents that say that, for example, your grandfather is Jewish (no matter on your father’s or mother’s side), you can obtain Israeli citizenship.

Of course, we can talk about this endlessly, that, for example, there is the case of Brother Daniel Brother Daniel (1922–1988) is a Catholic monk of Jewish origin, a Jew, he was born from a Jewish mother in a Jewish family and at some point during Holocaust, he was baptized, and then, after the war, he asked Israel for citizenship, and Israel refused him. That is, Israel does not allow Jews who have converted to Christianity.

God Yahweh

In Judaism, there is not a single authoritative religious source confirming the pronunciation of the four-letter name of God Yahweh.

In addition, missing a vowel in the middle of any word after the letter "Heh" (Yah?ve) is a violation of Hebrew grammar.

Orthodox Rabbi Yisroel Zelman believes that the pronunciation of Jehovah is "more or less similar (to the pronunciation of the present)." And if spoken correctly, the name will be pronounced in Russian as Yehovah, with an emphasis on the last letter “A”. It should be noted that the Christian world organization - Jehovah's Witnesses, with all their zeal for the name of the Jewish God, do not pronounce it entirely correctly, placing emphasis on the middle of the word, namely on the letter “O”, and sometimes on the letter “E”.

Why are there so many famous scientists and musicians who are Jewish?

This is a great question. In principle, a lot is determined by religion itself. Judaism is a religion of observance and a religion of knowledge and teaching. When you're a lifelong learner, you become pretty good at understanding things. The same Talmud The Talmud, or Oral Torah, is a set of legal and religious-ethical provisions of Judaism. teaches not only the law - it teaches how to think. The Talmud trains the brain in the same way as, for example, mathematics. This is why there are so many mathematicians and scientists in general among Jews, if we are talking about science. Not to mention persecution: we need to constantly prove that we are better. There is also an interesting point with musicians: the prayer is usually sung like a song. Weddings and funerals also take place with music - with folk music klezmer Klezmer is a genre of Jewish ethnic music...

But there are not only many scientists and musicians - there are many businessmen. For example, in the Pale of Settlement the Pale of Settlement is the territory within which the legislation of the Russian Empire allowed Jews to live from 1791 to 1917. Jews were forbidden to own land and buy land, but no one forbade usury - lending money, storing money, and this was a way to survive, to make some kind of gesheft Gesheft - a profitable deal, a commercial deal, to have a business. Of course, there are athletes among Jews, but fewer.

What do Jews believe?

The basis of all Jewish beliefs is monotheism. These beliefs are outlined in the Torah, which according to legend was received by Moses from God on Mount Sinai. Since the Pentateuch of Moses shows some correspondence with the books of the Old Testament, it is often called the Hebrew Bible. In addition to the Torah, the Holy Scriptures of the Jews also include such books as “Ketuvim” and “Nevim”, which together with the Pentateuch are called “Tanakh”.

According to the 13 articles of faith that the Jews have, God is perfect and one. He is not only the Creator of people, but also their Father, the source of kindness, love and righteousness. Since people are God's creations, they are all equal before God. But the Jewish people have a great Mission, the task of which is to convey Divine truths to people. Jews sincerely believe that someday the resurrection of the dead will occur, and they will continue their lives on earth.

Is Hitler a Jew?

Hitler was not a Jew. This is a conspiracy theory: a Jew killed a bunch of Jews. Well guys, kamon. And they say about the name Hitler that it is supposedly derived from the Hebrew name Gitel. But then this surname would be written with a G, and not with an H - but it is also spelled Hitler, with an N. So no, Hitler is not a Jew.


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El, Shaddai and Shalom

The Jewish god has many names. For example, the oldest Semitic designation for god was the “name” El. It corresponds to Arabic El, Akkadian Il, Canaanite Il (El). The term most likely originated from the root yl or wl, which means "to be omnipotent." In the Canaanite pantheon, El is the head of all gods. In the Bible, El often appears as a common noun and is often preceded by some definite article, for example ha-El “this God.” Sometimes some epithet is added to El, for example: El elion - the Most High or El olam - the Eternal God. El-Shaddai, or the simpler form Shaddai, means "God Almighty."

The greeting word "Shalom", which means "Peace", is one of the existing epithets of God. The Talmud states that the name of God is “Peace.”


  1. James Kugel, The Ancient God in the Lost World of the Bible (New York: Simon and Schuster, 2003)
  3. ^ a b c
    Miller, Patrick D. (2000).
    "God and the Gods: Divinity and the Divine World in Ancient Israel." Religion of Ancient Israel
    . Westminster Press by John Knox. pp. 1–4. ISBN 978-0-664-22145-4.
  4. Smith, Mark S. (2010). God in Translation: Deities in Cross-Cultural Discourse in the Biblical World
    . Eerdmans. pp. 96–98. ISBN 978-0-8028-6433-8.
  5. Roemer, Thomas (2015). "Between Egypt and Seir." The Invention of God
    . Cambridge: Harvard University Press. pp. 38–42. ISBN 978-0-674-50497-4.
  6. John M. Duffy (2013). Science and Religion: A Contemporary Perspective
    . Wipf and Stock.
  7. Smith, Mark S.; Miller, Patrick D. (2002). The Early History of God: Yahweh and Other Deities in Ancient Israel
    (2nd ed.). Eerdmans. clause 10. ISBN 0-8028-3972-X.
  8. Maimonides, 13 Principles of Faith, Second Principle
  9. Wainwright, William. Edward N. Zalta (ed.). "Monotheism, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy" (Fall 2013 Edition).
  10. Maimonides, 13 Principles of Faith, Fifth Principle
  11. Mishneh Torah, book of HaMadda', section Yesodei HaTorah, chapter 1:1 (original Hebrew/English translation)
  12. ^ a b
    "Jewish Conceptions of God" in
    Curriculum Guide C/JEEP
    American Jewish Committee
  13. Jacobs, Louis (1990). God, Torah, Israel: Traditionalism without Fundamentalism
    Cincinnati: Hebrew Union College Press. ISBN 0-87820-052-5. OCLC 21039224.[ page needed
  14. Guttmann, Julius (1964). The Philosophy of Judaism: A History of Jewish Philosophy from Biblical Times to Franz Rosenzweig
    . New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. pp. 150–151. OCLC 1497829.
  15. Jeffrey Claussen, "God and Suffering in the Torah of Heshel Min HaShamayim." Conservative Judaism 61, no. 4 (2010), p. 17
  16. “God has neither body nor genitals; therefore the very idea that G-d is male or female is clearly absurd. We talk about G‑d using masculine terms simply for convenience, because Hebrew does not have a neutral gender; G-d is no more a man than a man. there is a table. " Judaism 101. "The fact that we always call God "He" also does not mean that the concept of sex or gender applies to God." Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan, The Aryeh Kaplan Reader
    , Mesorah Publications (1983), page 144
  17. Julia Watts-Belser, “Transing God/dess: Notes from the Borderlands,” in Balancing on the Mechitza: Transgender People in the Jewish Community
    , ed. Noah Dzmura (Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 2010)
  18. ^ a b
    Samuel S. Cohon.
    What We Jews Believe
    (1931). Union of American Jewish Congregations.
  19. ^ a b c d
    Edward Kessler,
    What Do Jews Believe?: The Customs and Culture of Modern Judaism
    (2007). Bloomsbury Publishing: pp. 42-44.
  20. Abraham Joshua Heschel, God in Search of Man: The Philosophy of Judaism
    (New York: Farrar, Straus and Cudahy, 1955).
  21. Benedict de Spinoza, Ethics;
    Treatise on the Correction of the Intellect; Selected Letters , trans. Samuel Shirley, 2nd ed. (Indianapolis: Hackett, 1992), 40.
  22. Daniel B. Schwartz, The First Modern Jew: Spinoza and the History of the Image (Princeton University Press, 2012), ch. 5.
  23. ^ a b c d
    Herman Cohen,
    Reason and Hope: Selections from the Jewish Writings of Herman Cohen
    , trans. Eva Jospeh (New York: Norton, 1971), 223.
  24. Emmanuel Levinas, Difficult Freedom: Essays on Judaism
    , trans. Shawn Hand (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1990), 223.
  25. Alan Levenson, Meeting Modern Jewish Thinkers: From Spinoza to Soloveitchik
    , 137.
  26. Alan Levenson, Meeting Modern Jewish Thinkers: From Spinoza to Soloveitchik
    , 138.
  27. Mordechai Menachem Kaplan, The Meaning of God in Modern Jewish Religion
    (Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1994), 29.
  28. Zalman Schachter-Shalomi and Joel Segel, Jew with Feeling: A Guide to Meaningful Jewish Practice
    (New York: Riverhead Books, 2005), 20.
  29. Zalman Schachter-Shalomi and Joel Segel, Jew with Feeling: A Guide to Meaningful Jewish Practice
    (New York: Riverhead Books, 2005), 8.
  30., paragraph 164

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Who is the biblical god, Yahweh?

After reading the Old Testament, I became convinced that the Old Testament god Yahweh was not a figment of the imagination of the ancient Jews. Indeed, about three thousand years ago, a certain, very extraordinary type appeared in the Middle East. And not alone, but with a team of people just like him, but subordinate to him. I would like to immediately warn the reader not to look at my research through the prism of religiosity or anything like that. I am impartial in the sense of believing in God. I conduct a dry, unbiased analysis of the text and the psychological component of Scripture.

So, first, the god Yahweh and his team are not earthlings. That is, they are aliens from another world. Don't be surprised by these findings. Pay attention to the manner in which both Yahweh himself and the members of his team address people. The expression “Son of Man”, used by them, in the language of psychologists is a well-known distancing. Neither Yahweh nor any of his companions, as they are described, relates himself to people. That is, they themselves are not sons of men.

Secondly, doesn’t it seem strange to you that Yahweh in those distant times had knowledge and abilities of a modern level. Anyone familiar with the text of the Old Testament should know this. Yahweh is familiar with virology, bacteriology, medicine, and gene research. Knows about the influence of nutrition on the human body. He is also strong in sociology and military affairs. Requires compliance with the norms of behavior inherent in modern society, although with some nuance, which will be discussed later...

Moreover, he has at his disposal a rather impressive-sized aircraft and several smaller ones. Moreover, he does not fly in a hot air balloon, but in a disk-like device made of metal, the size of a movie theater, and even with a beam weapon on board. The device can fly either independently, using the jet principle, or move with the help of four carriers equipped with propellers, like a helicopter, and also foldable.

The carriers have landing legs like modern spacecraft and are equipped with original sector wheels. They are equipped with manipulators under screws, which in the Testament the prophet Ezekiel called the likeness of a human hand. And I didn’t come up with anything, and I wasn’t the one who noticed it. A lot of people have been doing this for a long time. Around the middle of the last century. And at a fairly high level. Read the book of the prophet Ezekiel in the Old Testament, just carefully! You will be surprised by the plot. The book describes a certain “Glory of the Lord” that is found earlier in Scripture. For the first time - in the chapter Exodus. However, only after reading Ezekiel can you figure out what it is.

Few people know that the leading specialist, NASA engineer Jozsef Blumrich, dealt with the Old Testament “glory of the Lord.” He quite accurately reproduced the “glory of God” in the drawing. And I figured out the structure of the sector wheels of this flying glory, gentlemen. He also patented the invention. Anyone who sees it during the reconstruction immediately exclaims: “Oh... a flying saucer!” Although you don’t have to be a NASA specialist to spot a discus with weapons in the “Glory to God.” Just read the Bible text carefully and imagine what the prophet is describing.

The modern reader has one advantage over the reader of the past - knowledge and the ability to compare with modern aerospace technologies. It is clear that for the ancient Jews such a phenomenon as a spaceship and the one who controls it is nothing other than God who has arrived. An unprecedented weapon with which Yahweh destroys tens of thousands of people in a matter of minutes. It flies and flies away with noise and roar, raising a cloud filled with the light of flame. Sometimes, while reading, you are amazed at how this can even be described in the Bible. But the theme of the disc plane runs through the entire Old Testament.

It is for this reason that Yahweh terrifies all the peoples of the Middle East. And everyone they attack is afraid of the Jews. He burns the sacrifices with fire that comes out of nowhere. Splits the rock and opens up the earth. It affects people with ulcers and other diseases - all this was unknown to the people of that time. Of course in their eyes he is God!

But what surprised me was his “earthly nature.” Moreover, he has a very nasty character! Despite all his differences from people, he behaves somehow in an earthly, human way! This is a mystery. The aliens speak a language that people understand. They look like people, which is also perfectly described in the Testament. They eat and drink like human beings. They wear clothes, although not the same as those of ancient people. The Prophet Ezekiel was met near the entrance to the discus hangar by a certain man who looked like shiny copper... (Ezekiel ch. 40)

It is difficult to think of a reason for such a difference from other people. Apparently, a metallic jumpsuit. In his hands he had a measuring stick and a rope. He introduces Ezekiel at length and in detail to the structure of the hangar and the entire complex of buildings around it. The Prophet was ordered to document everything in detail and convey it to the people. Pay attention - people! Here we go again. Who are they then?

However, the punishers of the city with destructive weapons in their hands differ in their attire. They were sent by Yahweh to destroy the inhabitants of the city of Jerusalem for worshiping other gods. But here we see the exclusion method in the description. There were six of them, but one was in linen clothing with a scribe's equipment. The clothing of the others with weapons is not described. But they were clearly not wrapped in linen if they silently and effectively destroyed most of the inhabitants of Jerusalem. This is what the man in linen clothes reported to Yahweh himself at the end of the operation.

Who are they? The weapon is obviously small in size, since it is said that everyone has it in their hand. Residents did not run away from the noise and screams. Personally, I have the opinion that Yahweh is some kind of alien military rank who hid on Earth from more powerful forces. Perhaps after the war of the gods, which is described in the chronicles and legends of antiquity. He knows the place well. People of Earth too. And, apparently, waiting for help from his own people, he and his team were waiting for the ship that would pick them up. And in order not to waste time, he “tamed” a small number of people for personal gain.

An interesting fact is the primitiveness of some of Yahweh’s demands. For example, the ritual of sacrifice, obligatory for Jews. High technologies and sacrifices somehow do not fit together. Yahweh burns the sacrificial meat with a laser, causing awe in people. But here it is clear - you need to surprise and force people to believe in themselves as great. But why would he even get involved with such a primitive at his level? Did the needs of the team and the entire complex really require the participation of an entire people?

Yahweh robs the Jews very greedily. The best provisions, hides and fabrics, oil and precious metals. Lead was also required, which is very interesting! Apparently, Yahweh did not accumulate all this for the sake of profit... Most likely, there was a need to exchange gold and silver for consumables for the maintenance of an entire fleet of aircraft. But with whom did He change? It can be assumed that the necessary equipment was at the base. Then Yahweh bought only raw materials from someone for gold and silver. For example, metal. But fuel production, steel smelting, and other high-tech work is already a whole enterprise. And, apparently, all this was at the base. And the workers need to be trained and fed. Provide housing. This explains his greed.

The staff serving the base was quite numerous. Apparently, these were Levites trained by aliens. We see similar learning during the construction of the Ark of the Covenant. Yahweh himself tells Moses that he put wisdom and skill into the Jewish craftsmen. The area around the complex covered tens of square kilometers. And on Passover, the Jews brought fifty carcasses of calves to the base, not counting smaller livestock for slaughter, wine, bread, etc. In general, all this is best described in the book of the prophet Ezekiel.

Here is your answer - Yahweh contacted a primitive and generally small people solely for utilitarian reasons. They provided for him. And since there were relatively few Jews, and there was no escape in the desert, Yahweh could easily control his slaves and punish them in case of rebellion. Which he periodically did with the help of weapons on his discus. Fifteen thousand Jews were cut with a laser in a matter of minutes... They rebelled and began to put pressure on Moses. In addition, Yahweh freed the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt. Now they seem to owe him...

But where did Yahweh and his retinue come from in the first place? What are they? They live for centuries without dying, at least Yahweh himself. His words: “I swore an oath to your forefathers - Abraham, Isaac, Jacob of allegiance to you.” But this is three generations, at least. There were no such highly developed civilizations on Earth during this period. And, judging by the text of the Old Testament, Yahweh has been hanging around the Earth for a long time. And they look like people. How to link together high technology with a time of two to three thousand years ago?

There remains one version - aliens from outer space who know the Earth and its inhabitants well. But they are not like us, but we are like them! Apparently, there is a more advanced civilization not so far from the solar system. Its representatives periodically fly to us and behave like owners. Only sometimes they are good and kind, and sometimes they are crazy paranoid like Yahweh. And earthlings then play at religion for thousands of years. It’s good that now you can figure everything out so calmly. The time has come for conclusions without God. Ripe!

What else is interesting about the psychology of Yahweh?

He is capable of friendship, yes, true human friendship! With Moses, for example. Moses was so loved by God that Yahweh listened to Moses’ opinion and often made concessions at the latter’s request. Because of Moses, Yahweh killed fifteen thousand Jewish people. That is, the life of Moses was valued above the life of the Jewish people. The entire Jewish camp saw how Moses went to the tabernacle, away from all the people, and there he talked with God as with a friend. At the same time, a pillar of cloud necessarily descended from the sky. Sometimes it is written that “the glory of the Lord” was omitted. Although Moses’ closest relatives were also close to Yahweh. Brother Aaron, sister Miriam and their children. That is, again there are purely human signs in behavior.

I can’t stand it when believers make Yahweh into some kind of heavenly chimera. An abstract being, inaccessible to anyone, that controls everything on Earth, and cannot be touched. But their motives are clear to me. But the Old Testament is a very truthful book, and there is nothing like that there. Yahweh communicates with people constantly. Only exclusively through intermediaries. They see him, hear him and suffer from him in case of misconduct, quite truly. And nowhere in the Testament is it said that Yahweh is somewhere out there... In the clouds. Moreover, his subordinates are from the team. Somehow they descended to Earth. And even their faces, like Yahweh, are not hidden.

And of course, the most unique contactee is Moses. In the book of Numbers in chapter 12 we see that the “glory of the Lord” has descended from heaven and Yahweh himself, dealing with the scandal of Moses with his brother Aaron and sister Miriam, says: “If I appear to someone in visions or in dreams, then it is not so with my servant Moses. He is faithful throughout my house. I speak to him mouth to mouth, and clearly, and not in fortune-telling, and he sees the image of the Lord. And how come you were not afraid to rebuke my servant Moses?” And he struck Miriam with leprosy as with snow. And the “glory of the Lord” departed from the tabernacle of meeting - the discus flew away. Moses then begged Yahweh to heal his sister. Yahweh calmed down and fulfilled Moses' request.

And now about the nuance that I talked about a little earlier. This interesting fact is surprising - Yahweh forces you to fulfill the Ten Commandments and many other good rules, which, in general, are not bad! Quite decent morals by human standards. But this applies to the Jews themselves. Inside Jewish society. But in relation to other nations that are not his, you can do whatever you want. Jews are allowed to kill, rob and rape them. Direct hatred towards representatives of humanity who do not worship him and are not subject to him.

In the book of Numbers, ch. 31 interestingly describes the behavior of the Jews towards the defeated Midianites. They killed everyone, burned and plundered the cities. They took the women and children of Midian captive. But Moses and Eliazar, coming out to meet them, shouted - kill all male children and women. And keep all the female children who have not known the male bed alive for yourself... Why? After all, Yahweh ordered it, and Moses only carried it out!

What right do you have to divide the people of the Earth into yours and yours? Where does this thirst for war and murder come from? That's right, he got out of the military. Unbalanced character, hot temper, vindictiveness. And this is God who created everything?! So scanty and primitive? He caused a stir in the Middle East, quarreled Arabs with Jews and left nothing worthy behind him.

Compare with the pyramids of Egypt. Compare with Teo Tihuacan in Mexico, with the Baalbek platform in Lebanon. This is where the “gods” worked! This is where the wonders of technology lie. World historians are still in a stupor. Who could have done this? What machines and tools were used to cut rocks into pieces of hundreds of thousands of tons. Yes, how they cut it - flat. They mounted it anywhere on a steep cliff. They have left traces across all continents. These were the Gods! And they didn’t kill tens of thousands of people. And they didn’t force them to worship themselves. They taught science, medicine, and agriculture.

And Yahweh hated those other gods for some reason. Paranoid with an inferiority complex. And he was probably afraid, since he didn’t destroy Egypt. So he did a mischief and hid in the desert. And yet Yahweh is an alien. If he were truly omnipotent, he would not limit himself to the Arabian Desert and the Jews. All over the Earth there are already quite developed peoples and cultures. He didn't even touch them with his finger! I wouldn't be able to carry a load like that. Limited to the Middle East. Although he boasted to Moses - The whole Earth is mine! It would be better if he said the whole Arabian Desert - it would be more honest.

In my previous article, “The Inconvenient Truth of History,” I perceived it differently, but delving deeper into the text of the Testament, I became more and more disappointed in it. In his good mission on Earth. His behavior betrayed his low rank among the truly omnipotent gods. But, once on Earth and without competition, I had a blast!

The fact of his disappearance is interesting. Where did he go with the team? He appears periodically. Yahweh appeared quite openly and symbolically after the completion of the construction of the house of the Lord by King Solomon. That is, according to the reign of Solomon, one can calculate the appearance of Yahweh in a given area. “When Solomon finished praying, fire came down from heaven and consumed the burnt offerings and sacrifices. And the glory of the Lord filled the whole house. And the priests could not enter the house because the house was filled with the radiance of the glory of the Lord. And all the children of Israel, seeing fire come from heaven and the glory of the Lord upon the house, fell with their faces to the ground, onto the platform, and bowed down. And King Solomon sacrificed twenty-two thousand oxen and one hundred and twenty thousand sheep..."

Wow, the Jews were overjoyed. We had a great time... I wonder if this expression was born from the text of the Testament? Now, I'm not good at chronology, but the obvious fact is that eventually there came a point in the history of Israel when Yahweh no longer appears. And why? There are several reasons for this. He could go home. The aliens have flown away. But Yahweh did not say this to any of the mediating prophets. He could finally grow old and die. After all, nothing lasts forever. He could have died in a disc plane accident – ​​that’s also a version. Flying equipment sometimes falls... So the question of its disappearance remains open.

His base on the mountain has not yet been found. Although they are not actually looking for her. But not much time has passed. And the building was visible. Terrace-like, 250 by 250 meters in size. Moreover, it is very cleverly designed. And on the south side there are, as it were, city buildings (Ezekiel ch. 40). Maybe when he flew away he ruined everything. I covered my tracks just in case.

All that is left to us from Yahweh is the Old Testament story. But it was written not by Yahweh himself, but by eyewitnesses of those events. Therefore, you have to seriously filter the text. Make allowance for the ignorance of the ancient Jews. On their specific attitude towards what happened to them. On the imagery of the description. They're great though! The accuracy of the description is sufficient for text analysis. Oh, how I would like to be on the mountain where the “glory of God” flies to the base and look at this device. Look at a person who has the appearance of shiny copper. See the centrifugal folding propellers of the cherubs and the manipulators underneath them. Reveal the secret of Yahweh's face. What is so scary about it that a person will die if he looks at it? He's not a crocodile, is he?

And yet people believe this without bothering to pick up the Bible and read it carefully. But the motives of believers are clear to me - I have already written about this. They need God at any cost! They have this form of self-awareness. Sheep. And the flock needs a shepherd. The sheep bleat, and these hallelujahs scream and rejoice like children.

Maybe someday I will understand a little more. Although I have made some progress on this issue. Many people do not understand me and do not agree. But in polemics with me they reveal complete ignorance of the text, or a strong interest in God. It’s easier for them to live this way - they have someone to blame their mistakes and mistakes on. There is someone to ask about the secret, don’t do it - ask and believe that he will give...

video demonstrating the reconstruction of Yahweh’s arrival:

» rel=»nofollow»>The Spaceships of Ezekiel P1 - YouTube

video in first comment



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