Names in August for girls: list of names, name days by day, choosing a name according to the calendar

  • September 1, 2018
  • Name day
  • Kristina Kuzmina

Choosing a name for a girl becomes a reason for thought for many parents. There are many ways to decide what to name your future daughter. This could be a choice based on the seasons or numerology. Many believers turn to the Saints. The future life of the baby depends on the given name, so many parents want to name the child in accordance with church custom.

What are name days?

Some people believe that name day and birthday are the same thing. But this opinion is a common mistake. What is the difference between a name day and a birthday and why is a person called a birthday person on the day he was born?

Birthday is the specific date on which a person was born. The tradition of celebrating this holiday appeared quite recently. Previously, not all people were educated and, accordingly, did not know how to use the calendar. In such circumstances, it was not possible to celebrate the birthday. During pagan times, a person was considered weak and vulnerable on this day, and could easily be exposed to dark forces. Gifts were given to strengthen a person’s energy field. This tradition has survived to this day.

A name day is a day of remembrance of the saint after whom a person is named. This is the main difference between birthday and name day.

Back in the days of Ancient Rus', a tradition arose of naming newborns according to the Saints. It was believed that the child was protected by his guardian angel. Therefore, there is such a thing as Angel Day.

A child named after the saint whose feast day is closest in time to the child's birthday. And receives a guardian angel with the same name. Of course, if a child is named after the Saints, then his birthday, name day and Angel Day coincide.

Currently, parents do not always name their child in accordance with the Saints.

Tender names for August babies

When looking through beautiful names for their daughter, parents strive to choose one that will make her happy.

Look at the examples below: maybe one of the proposed options will be exactly what you were looking for.

NameWhat does it mean
the giver of life - Heb.
The character is strong-willed, balanced, persistent.
Loves to develop and learn new things.

Does not go against his beliefs, listens to logic and facts.

glorifying the world - glory.
She prefers proven paths and is not inclined to experiment in life.
Decent, knows how to keep secrets; gives good advice.

Bold in childhood, but balanced in adulthood, a neat housewife and attentive mother.

is a Christian – lat.
Thoughtful, observant nature.
Loves and understands people; makes decisions after reflection.

Knows how to smooth out conflict, strives to adapt to her husband.

courage, grace – Heb.
Since childhood, she has been telling the truth and is ready to defend it without compromise.
Takes care of the weak, loves animals, is kind.

Strives to do good, inspires to fight; does not take into account morality.

violet - lat.
She has extraordinary intelligence and is capable of empathy to the point of self-sacrifice.
Brave, independent and disciplined.

Chooses only work that inspires; gives up his career for the sake of his family.

Maria, Miriam, Marilyn,
desired, serene - Heb.
A girl with a kind, affectionate, balanced character.
She is hardworking, loves to take care of the house and help loved ones.

Loves originality, has his own view of things.

Olga, Helga
, holy, wise - glory.
He has a strong will and developed intelligence.
Responsible, self-possessed, strives to achieve the intended result.

Takes revenge if she notices deception; prone to self-examination.

If determining the meaning of the name is not enough, you can look at what the horoscope says.

Beautiful names for girls born in August

Let's take a closer look at women's names and their meanings, which are suitable for those born in the last month of summer. Their range is quite wide.

  • Evgenia - noble;
  • Milena - sweetheart;
  • Karina - beautiful, generous;
  • Alina - noble;
  • Magdalena - hair curler, native of Magdala;
  • Christina or Christina - Christ's, or follower of Jesus Christ;
  • The Olympics - glorifying the sky;
  • Sylvia - forest;
  • Anastasia - resurrected;
  • Arina - peaceful;
  • Teresa is a protector;
  • Paulina - modest;
  • Angelina - like an angel;
  • Julia - July;
  • Elina is Greek;
  • Sophia - wise;
  • Daria - bestowed;
  • Ilona - light;
  • Tatiana is the organizer;
  • Sarah - mistress;
  • Margarita is a pearl;
  • Regina - queen;
  • Rose - bud;
  • Ksenia is a foreigner;
  • Eve - life-giver;
  • Monica is inspiring;
  • Maria - beloved;
  • Lyudmila - sweet to people;
  • Ulyana - from Julius;
  • Zhanna - gifted by the Lord God;
  • Vladana - possessing;
  • Rufina is a redhead.

Names for girls by zodiac sign

Between July 23 and August 22, girls are born under the zodiac sign Leo.

Leo babies love beauty and love being surrounded by cute things. They are very brave and self-confident. Girls are born creative individuals, so they are often interested in music, drawing or poetry.

Babies love attention very much, which is why they will often gather a lot of people around them. Girls can easily gain the respect of any person. They easily subjugate people, which is why they make excellent leaders. They do an excellent job of managing any team. Girls help unleash the full potential of their subordinates.

They can also be deceived very easily, which is why it will be very difficult for them in adulthood. But, no matter what, they will not lose their cheerfulness. They are selfish, but at the same time very kind and noble.

Gentle and melodic names are perfect for Leo girls:

  • Augusta;
  • Angela;
  • Veronica;
  • Nona;
  • Raisa;
  • Regina;
  • Ulyana;
  • Evdokia;
  • Svetlana;
  • Natalia;
  • Anna;
  • Praskovya;
  • Magdalene;
  • Milena;
  • Susanna;
  • Catherine;
  • Elizabeth;
  • Maria;
  • Christina;
  • Tatiana;
  • Seraphim;
  • Anita.

Between August 23 and September 22, babies are born under the zodiac sign Virgo.

Virgo babies are very purposeful and independent. They will achieve the desired result at any cost. But despite all the difficulties facing them, they will not ask for help. They have a highly developed sense of responsibility.

The kids are very diligent, talented and smart. It may seem to many that babies are indifferent, but at the right moments they are ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of other people. Girls are very shy and modest, but despite this, if they consider it necessary, they can express their “no”.

For girls celebrating their name days at the end of August - beginning of September, solid and melodic names are suitable:

  • Agnes;
  • Alevtina;
  • Albina;
  • Vasilisa;
  • Daria;
  • Elizabeth;
  • Inga;
  • Camilla;
  • Caroline;
  • Christina;
  • Lily;
  • Leah;
  • Natalia;
  • Nellie;
  • Susanna;
  • Ellina;
  • Elvira.

Christian girl names

Those people who want to follow original Russian traditions should pay attention to church names for girls in August. There are quite a lot of them. Let's look at the names according to the calendar for girls in August in accordance with the numbers.

Each saint has her own history and fate, so before choosing a name, you should familiarize yourself with the fate of the woman after whom you are going to name your daughter.

How to choose a name for a girl according to the Saints in August?

It should be noted that choosing names for newborns according to the church calendar is a long-standing tradition. There is a popular belief that along with the child’s name, a piece of spiritual Holiness also passes on. In the Saints of August, a girl can choose from a variety of names, not only native Russian ones like Martha or Matryona, but also modern names such as Arina, Angelina. In addition, Old Russian names are becoming relevant in modern society. People began to more often give their daughters names such as Maria, Anna, Anastasia, Yulia, Alexandra, Elizaveta and Varvara. But it’s rare to find a girl with a name like Euphrosinia, Agrippina, Vassa, Martha and Fevronia.

Many of the names of girls in the Saints of August have Hebrew (for example, Mary), Aramaic (Martha) and Greek (Veronica) roots. There are even girls' names that have been adapted from other languages, for example, the name Olga is derived from the Scandinavian name Helga, and Elena is derived from the name Helen. Looking through the Saints of different monasteries, you can notice the difference in their composition. It should be noted that each church or monastery has its own list of Saints, and everyone compiles it at their own discretion. This is why the Saints differ from each other. But so far there is no single, correct edition of the Saints. The main requirement that the Church makes for the preparation of the Orthodox calendar is that all names must be canonized. Therefore, when choosing a name for girls according to the Saints in August, we advise you to contact the church where you will baptize the baby and take their church calendar.

May 31, 2022 at 11:46 am

How to name a child according to the seasons?

It is believed that people born in summer are naturally kind. They simply radiate warmth and attention, trying to help others. Summer people are very vulnerable, they are prone to depression and nervousness, and they take judgment and other people’s negative opinions to heart.

Despite the fact that August women are powerful, they try to control everything around them - this is just the outer shell. At heart, such women are quite insecure people. Suitable names for girls in August are Christina, Svetlana, Maria, Anna, Ulyana, Susanna, Anna. Such names will help a child, and subsequently an adult woman, balance the imbalance of character traits inherent in nature.

Character traits

Girls born in August have strong energy and predict independence for the child. Babies are very restless and prefer freedom. As adult women, they have wisdom, intelligence, activity, determination, but at the same time they are very demanding of others.

Sociability, sociability, eloquence and charm - this is how you can describe the girl who received her name in August according to the Saints. The absence of rudeness and communication on equal terms always makes them the soul of the company, since it is easy and simple to communicate with them. To achieve success, these girls will never cheat or play around. They cannot stand betrayal, braggarts, selfish and cunning hypocrites.

Year-old girls are unsure of themselves, which provokes problems for them in the future. At the developmental stage, parents should support the baby, helping her communicate with peers. It is very difficult to predict their future; much depends on the data invested by the parents and on the environment in which they find themselves. Born under the signs of Virgo or Leo, babies are under the cover of Mercury, which indicates their responsibility in terms of work. They do not strive to become leaders, but they successfully complete all the tasks assigned to them.

How to name a child according to numerology?

Science such as numerology will also help you choose names for girls in August. It is based on numbers. It is believed that with its help it is possible to calculate almost the entire human life. By studying the special table in detail, you can find out which name is best for your child. For this you will need his date of birth. As a result of all calculations, only one digit is obtained. And certain names correspond to it.

Should you pay attention to your last and patronymic names?

Of course, no matter what method of choosing a name a person chooses, it is necessary to compare the sound with the surname and patronymic that the child will bear. For example, we chose “Alina” from the list of names in August for girls. It is worth comparing it with the middle name first. Not every patronymic is consonant with this name. It is also necessary to pay attention to the child’s last name. For example, Beatrice Petrova does not sound very harmonious. Therefore, before making a choice, you should think about how others will perceive it. To avoid ridicule and bullying of your child.

Based on all of the above, we can conclude that choosing a name for your daughter is a very important point. You can be guided in various ways, but you should always think about your child’s future first. About whether he will be comfortable. After all, your child will live with the chosen name all his life, communicate with the people around him. And, of course, you should not forget that the fate of a person, his life path may depend on your decision.

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