Which is correct: to make it public or to make it public?

What do they say at a funeral?

The relatives of the deceased are usually told

at the funeral the following phrases: On the death of a loved one: We mourn with you. On the death of a colleague: We will remember him as a good (kind/sympathetic) person. ... On the death of a Muslim: May Allah grant you patience.

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Land during funeral services in church and cemetery

In the case where the priest does not accompany the coffin to the grave, the symbolic burial of the body takes place where the funeral service took place, that is, in a temple or at home. At the end, when the deceased is completely covered with a veil, the priest sprinkles earth on top of it in a cross shape with the words “The earth is the Lord’s and its fullness, the universe and all who live on it” (Ps. 23:1). After this, the coffin is closed with a lid and taken to the burial site.

If a clergyman accompanies the deceased to a cemetery, then the rite of litia is performed there. The coffin is then lowered into the grave. The priest is the first to throw a handful of earth, making the sign of the cross over the coffin.

During an absentee funeral service, when there is no coffin with the body of the deceased, the clergyman blesses the earth three times with the same first verse of the 23rd Psalm. This land is given to the relatives of the deceased.

If he has not yet been buried, the earth received in the church must be poured over the shroud in a cross shape: from head to feet and from right shoulder to left. The coffin can then be closed and burial can begin.

If the burial has already taken place, the earth handed over by the priest is poured crosswise onto the grave mound.

In the case where cremation has taken place, the earth can be poured into an urn with the ashes of the deceased, symbolically interring him with the earth.

It should be noted that superstitions accompany even burial soil received at an absentee funeral service. Some people believe that it should not be stored at home for more than one day.

Holding a wake

Funeral services are scheduled for 3, 9, 40 days. It is best to do them in the house where the deceased lived, inviting only the closest people.

Funerals are carried out following certain rules:

At a wake there must be kutia and pancakes. According to tradition, the first pancake is broken by hand and left on the windowsill for the deceased. It is impossible to cut food for the deceased, since he will not be able to taste the energy of such products. A glass of drink and a photograph of the deceased person are also placed on the windowsill.

In addition to kutya and pancakes, porridge with butter and other lean dishes may be present on the table. Drinks include jelly and uzvar.

Grave land is a favorite attribute of sorcerers, magicians and witches

Persistent beliefs endow land taken from a cemetery with special negative properties. It is used in rural and country magic, scattering it on a neighbor’s plot to spoil his harvest.

Some manage to throw this land by the collar to the relatives of the deceased, saying: “So as not to dream, so as not to get bored, so as not to be afraid of the deceased.” True, experts in cemetery witchcraft claim that such actions only lead to damage to “drying out” from disease and apathy. Accordingly, grave soil, poured into someone’s pocket, deprives the poor fellow of money and prosperity.

Among witches and sorcerers of various calibers, the custom of pouring earth collected from a cemetery near the threshold or, for example, into a mailbox, is especially popular. Experts in counteracting dark forces recommend immediately sweeping up such gifts, taking them outside the house and throwing them into the fire, and the used broom should go there too.

When is it permissible to perform a funeral service for the deceased after he is buried?

It is permitted to hold a church funeral after the funeral in several cases:

  • the believer passed away far from home and was buried without the participation of family members and church representatives;
  • there are no Orthodox churches built in the place where the deceased lived and it is not possible to invite a clergyman for the ceremony;
  • the funeral rite was not carried out during the funeral of an Orthodox Christian in the past;
  • the deceased died in an accident, and his body could not be found;
  • The ceremony can only be held with prior permission, which takes time to obtain.

Meanings of the verb “to give”

As for the verb “to give,” you can find four interpretations of it in the dictionary.
The first of them is “give, supplement, add.” Example: “This person has a strong character that allows him not to hide his own disapproval of what is happening around him, and to be able to give his statements special thoroughness and weight.” The second is “to increase, strengthen any quality.” Example: “The priests explain that holidays have two religious functions: the first of them is to give new energy to the world, and the second is to cleanse the old existence, which is desecrated.” According to the third meaning, “to give” is (in combination with such nouns as “form”, “appearance”, “appearance”) “to make something in appearance or character”

Example: “Friends were surprised: “Could he really have gotten married just to have a mistress in the house, to give himself more weight in society, and to give his bachelor apartment the fullness of a family home?” The fourth, in combination with the nouns “meaning”, “price”, “value”, “importance” will mean: “to relate to something in one way or another, to comprehend.” Example: “I am seriously warning you: if you do not pay attention to this issue right now, this could become a very big problem.”

Having made a more detailed acquaintance with the lexical meaning of both verbs, you can move on to the first hint. To decide which of the verbs to use – “to give” or “to give”, you need to delve deeper into the shades of its meaning and select the one above that most corresponds to it.

To figure out the second clue, you should study the synonyms for each of the verbs.

Synonyms for the verb “to give”:

Among them are the following:

  • attribute;
  • embellish;
  • exaggerate;
  • inspire;
  • direct;
  • to infuse;
  • bring in;
  • bring;
  • add;
  • involve;
  • add;
  • add;
  • strengthen;
  • report;
  • join;
  • invest;
  • apply;
  • to complement;
  • add;
  • top up;
  • invest;
  • supply;
  • direct.

Now it's time to resort to the second tip. To choose from two options - “to betray” or “to give”, you should select synonyms for the verb using the examples given. In accordance with which synonyms from which group are suitable, you need to choose the option of using one of the two verbs.

Question and answer

Is it possible that nowadays someone really pours soil from the cemetery onto their neighbor’s dacha plot?
Oddly enough, such cases actually exist. They sprinkle it and even hope for an effect.

What about burial soil, which cannot be stored for more than one day? Do they believe it too?

There are also such “believers”. Although the clergy definitely claim that there can be no harm from the land received during the funeral service in absentia.

Where can I find out more about funeral services in absentia?

The corresponding article is posted on our website.

Unsealed Grave

Unsealed Grave

Post by Sarov » 18 Oct 2011, 19:53

“This happened many years ago. I was 20 years old when my father, who was still very young, unexpectedly died. I want to make a small disclaimer. At the age of 20, I was a Soviet Komsomol member who did not believe in God or the devil, did not know how to be baptized, and did not know a single prayer. Now let's get back to the story. Exactly 15 days have passed since the funeral. My father's grave was "unsealed" (a special stone had to be placed on it). Nobody told us that this should be done, and we ourselves did not know anything about it, and even if we knew, we would consider it superstition. On the 16th day I was left alone in the apartment. I watched TV calmly, but the closer it got to midnight, the more anxiety took hold of me. Finally, deciding that it was time to sleep, I turned off the TV. Looking at the clock, I saw that it was already five minutes to midnight.

Suddenly I heard a rather strong knock on the door. I got out of bed and went to open it. Oddly enough, I didn’t even ask who was knocking.

My dead father crossed the threshold. I got a very good look at him. His hands and feet were not visible. The sleeves completely covered the arms. His eyes were closed and he did not open them. I look at him in amazement and say: “Dad, but you died.” Suddenly he grabs my hand and begins to drag me to the threshold of the front door. I physically feel that I can’t leave with him, but I can’t do anything. Suddenly, as in a fairy tale, I hear a voice: “Cross yourself and say: “Lord Jesus Christ.”

She repeated the words after her voice and crossed herself with her free hand. My father dropped my hand and began to slowly, backing away, retreat towards the door. But then I felt very sorry for him. I said: “Dad, you look like you’re alive.” He rushed towards me again and again dragged me to the door.

For the first time in my life I felt scared. When my mother arrived, I told everything. She went to her grandmothers, and they scolded her for her “unsealed” grave. Mother went to church and did everything as she should.

Many years have passed since that day, but I still remember everything well. This incident made me turn to God. I learned to cross myself and learned some prayers. To this day I don’t know what it was.”

Taisiya Ermolina, village. Yuzhny, Rostov region.


What happens to the soul of the deceased after the funeral service?

The position of the incorporeal shell after death is precarious. It is believed that at this time angels and demons appear, each inclining the soul to their side. Burial on the third day is a symbolic event. This is a kind of milestone, meaning that the soul has correctly gone through the process of separation from the body. Then she calms down. Moreover, such changes are facilitated by outside participation—the prayers of relatives. The body goes down, the soul rises. This is an intermediate stage. The incorporeal shell does not yet go to heaven or hell.

Another reason explaining why the funeral is not scheduled before the third day is that the soul is still nearby, it will be unbearably painful for it to contemplate the burial of its material container.

Which is correct: gives or betrays?

To make public means to announce some information, to TRANSFER it to the public.

Here the prefix PRE gives the word meaning through, re, i.e. crossing the border of something, beyond some norm.

So, you need to determine the spelling of the expression to make public. The verb to betray is subject to verification; in this case, by meaning, you need to understand that in the verb to betray the prefix - is used in the meaning of convey. Hence the appearance of the word TREND, that is, what needs to be passed on to subsequent generations. That's right - make it public.

How to spell the word: quot; make publicquot; or quot; make publicquot;?

The correct spelling of the word make public is:

vowels: e, a (two letters in total); stressed vowel in this word: a; unstressed vowels: e (only one letter); consonant letters: p, p, d, t (four letters in total); voiced consonants: r, d (only two letters); voiceless consonants: p, t (only two letters); total letters: seven; total syllables: give - give (two).

In the context of make public the verb quot; betrayquot; Let's use it with the prefix pre-. In this case, this semantic prefix has the meaning of the prefix re-, that is, to convey information, information about something.

Let's compare another context:

give the particle acceleration.

Here we will write the prefix pri-, which means quot;add speedquot;, quot;accelerate the particlequot;.

The correct spelling will look like this: quot; make publicquot;. In the word quot; betrayquot; there is a prefix quot;pre-quot;, which means what it should mean - a rather redundant action. Notification to the whole world, as they say

And it is very important to remember that in the noun quot; publicityquot; in our stable combination, only the ending quot; -еquot;

Some write: quot; make publicquot; - this is a grave mistake. quot;Pri-quot; would mean a certain incompleteness of action, but we note precisely completeness.

The prefix PRE- is written:

  • in words that mean a high degree of quality, or in words that can be replaced with the word “very” (for example, succeed, pre-strong);
  • in cases where the prefix pre- can be replaced by the prefix pere-, or it can be replaced without losing the meaning of the word (for example, block = block, transgress = step over).

The rule for writing the prefixes PRE- and PRI- is presented in the form of a simplified table.

Spelling of prefixes PRE- and PRI-

1. Approaching: to come, to bring, to press…1. Close in meaning to the word very: preinteresting (very interesting)
2. Attachment: nail, tie, screw...
3. Proximity to something (near, nearby): school (near the school)…2. Close in meaning to the prefix pere-: barrier (to block something), criminal (transgressed the law)
4. Incomplete action: sat down (i.e., briefly), got sick (slightly)…
5. Completed action: (invented, prepared...


It is important to consider the correct spelling of words in these cases:

  • check the word using a dictionary - it can be Old Slavonic (to seduce) or borrowed from another language (drug);
  • sometimes the spelling of words can differ in meaning in a sentence (for example, a chapel is a part of a temple, and a limit is a border, edge);
  • in some words the former prefixes are not distinguished or they have become part of the root (adventure, primitive). These words are also checked in the dictionary.

Writing the prefixes PRE- and PRI- in some words

  1. Contempt-contempt.
      Contempt is a negative attitude towards someone or something.
  2. Charity is care. In dictionaries this word is used with the mark “obsolete.” The prefix PRI- is easy to explain - there is a connotation of acceptance, accession.
  3. Successor-successor.
      The receiver is a device.
  4. A successor is a person to whom someone's powers have been transferred.
  5. Transient-coming.
      Transient - that which is not permanent passes away.
  6. The one who comes is the one who approaches (coming in the morning).
  7. Pretend-pretend.
      Making dreams come true. In this case, the prefix PRE- is similar in meaning to PERE- (that is, the dream is reborn and becomes reality).
  8. You can close the door - CLOSE, close, but not completely.
  9. Give, give.
    They betray close people, but attach importance (motive of affiliation).
  10. Be patient, be patient.
      To endure is almost the same as to endure (to wait out).
  11. To endure - to complete an action, to get closer to what you are forced to endure.
  12. Bow-bow.
      Bow your knees or your head.
  13. For example, they bend a branch to the ground.
Remember words where the prefix is ​​difficult to identify, determine its meaning, as well as words of foreign language origin (in them pre- and pre- are not distinguished as prefixes):
obstacles, obstacles, prelude, premiere, hell, transgression, neglect, contradict, argue, throne, perverted, notorious, deceive, elderly, repose, persecute, teacher, present, limit, forward, reverend, adulterer, stumbling block, grovel, preamble , dissect, prestige, president, claim, presumption, prerogative, preventive, prelate, prevail, presidium, applicant, precedent, prefect...joke, fastidious, handsome, device, decency, decent, become boring, order, adventure, take a nap, oath, oppress, oath, oppress, hangout, reason, quirk, claim, nature, example, hairstyle, regrettably, freedom, sight, omen, adherent, diligent, personal belongings, primak, chapel (side part of the temple), pleasant, private, primates, primitive, prima donna, privilege, priority...

When the soul finally leaves our world

After 40 days, the soul says goodbye to our world and rushes to the Lord. The deceased is accountable to the Creator for the life lived on earth. It is believed that the more prayers were read before the 40th day, the better the fate of the deceased will be after a conversation with God.

On the date when the deceased leaves the earthly plane, it is necessary:

With the onset of the 40th day, you should remember only positive things about the deceased, praising him for the best deeds. On this day, read special prayers several times, in which you ask the Lord to forgive the sins of the deceased.

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