Life of the Blessed New Martyr Zinaida (Matrokhina)

Zinaida's Angel Day is celebrated several times a year. Zinaida is a beautiful female name that came to us from the ancient Greek language, its meaning is divine daughter. The name Zinaida has recently lost some of its popularity, but many girls who are just over 30 are its happy owners. Today we will talk about what date Zinaida’s Angel Day is, who Saint Zinaida was in Orthodoxy and how to congratulate Zinaida on Angel Day. Read the next article on pages.

When is Zinaida’s name day according to the church calendar?

Name days in Orthodoxy are considered to be the day of remembrance of the saint in whose honor the believer is named. That is, the memorable date on which the church remembers the merits of the saint is the day of his death. Accordingly, name days are the date of death of the saint whose name the birthday boy bears. The church calendar indicates two name day dates:

  1. Zinaida the Wonderworker - June 20
  2. Zinaida of Tarsia – October 24

Both of these saints have the name Zinaida and both honor God, but their fates are different. Zinaida of Tarsus was killed along with her sister by the pagans. She was stoned to death. This happened on October 24, hence the day of remembrance of the holy martyr.

Zinaida the Wonderworker died during the persecution of Christians, but before her death she was subjected to severe torture. Her death occurred on June 20. Believers honor the saint's memory day and glorify her name as the name of the defender of the faith.

What date is Zinaida's Angel Day?

The name Zinaida is revered in Orthodoxy 2 times in 2022. Angel Day is one of these dates.

The first date, October 24 , is in memory of the martyr Zinaida of Tarsus: according to the lives of the saints, Zinaida and her sister Philonila were natives of the city of Tarsus in the Cilician region and were close relatives of the Apostle Paul. They preached Christianity and practiced medicine. She was brutally stoned. Orthodox people celebrate Zinaida of Tarsia’s name day on October 11 (24).

The name Zinaida is revered in Orthodoxy 2 times in 2022, Angel Day one of these dates

The second date, June 20, is in memory of Zinaida the Wonderworker, of Caesarea (Palestinian): St. Zinaida died (284–305), having undergone various torments; she is connected with the martyrs Kyriacia, Kaleria and Maria. Note Not included in the modern Monthly Book of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Holy Martyr Zinaida the Wonderworker

Zinaida lived at the end of the 3rd and beginning of the 4th century AD. e. in Palestine. There are very few details of her life; all that is known is that during the period of the most intense persecution of Christians by pagans, she actively preached the Christian religion. Not afraid of being tortured by torture, which was cruel, Zinaida continued to convey the word of God to the pagans.

Neither beating with ox sinews, nor wheeling, nor stoning, nor other tortures used by the Roman emperors became a reason for the saint to renounce her religious beliefs. The fact that she was a Wonderworker is mentioned in Byzantine sources. Her veneration among Christians spread throughout Constantinople.

There is only one known icon in which Zinaida is depicted in full height. This is a young girl, in simple clothes, holding in one hand an open scroll, which hangs to the very bottom. Obviously, these were the Christian canons that she preached.

There is no information about her family life or details of her growing up in religious sources. Much more is known about Zinaida of Tarsus, who, like the Wonderworker, experienced pain and humiliation in order to be able to glorify the Christian religion, preaching it in different cities.


Zinaida is a strong and persistent person. As a rule, bearers of this name have high intelligence and amazing strength of character. Many of Zinaida's character traits resemble a predator, so they rarely see obstacles to achieving their goal. The owner of a similar name thinks through every step before doing something.

Often, they are driven by vanity and a desire for superiority. It is very easy to offend Zinaida, but making her forget the offense is an impossible mission. They can remember even the little things you did to them from childhood for the rest of their lives.

As a child, Zinaida surprises those around her with her childish seriousness. They easily find language with older people and can support any topic. Their unusual thinking and erudition attracts their attention. At school, the girl shows great diligence in her studies, which deserves the patronage of teachers. You won't see her playing with other children; as a rule, she keeps her distance. Already at this age, she defines her life goals and systematically achieves them.

Often, bearers of this name are not distinguished by their bright appearance. But this does not prevent them from being popular among men. She is always in shape and always watches her manners; it is difficult to see her in a dressing gown, overweight or without makeup. Even in her youth, Zinaida understands how men are afraid of strong women. Therefore, she masterfully hides it, showing only what they are pleased to see in her.

In married life, Zinaida is a tyrant. She demands complete and unconditional submission from the man, wanting to be the only leader in the relationship. If a man has the will to resist her, then a loud scandal cannot be avoided.

Saint Zenaida of Tarsus

Zinaida, like her sister Filonila, were early Christian preachers. Both of them were cousins ​​of the Apostle Paul. It was thanks to his authority that the sisters, in their youth, accepted the Christian faith. Zinaida and Filonila were born in the Turkish city of Tarsus. The sermons of the Apostle Paul made an indelible impression on them. Inspired by the opportunity to convey the word of God to people, they moved from their father’s house to a cave, which was located not far from the city of Dimitrias.

Zinaida had the gift and skills of a healer. She helped the wounded to treat their wounds and the sick to recover from illness. People from different cities and settlements flocked to Zinaida and her sister for help; they refused to help anyone, both physical and spiritual.

Praise to the Christian God evoked an irresistible feeling of hatred among the pagans. One night, when the sisters were sleeping, infidels sneaked into their cave and stoned the sisters to death. This type of killing is one of the most cruel, since the victim, while experiencing severe torment, remains conscious for a long time.

On the icons Zinaida is depicted together with Filonila. Since during their lifetime they renounced their parental wealth, most often they are depicted in poor clothes. They both hold a cross in their hand as a symbol of faith. However, those icons on which she is written alone come with a message about her gift as a healer, since she holds medicines and potions in her hand.

Prayer directed to Zinaida of Tarsus can grant healing to the sick. She is especially approached by those who are going to heal themselves, as well as in cases when they need help from above to perform complex treatment, such as surgery.

Thus, Christian believers sacrificed their lives for the sake of the Lord and were canonized. The suffering associated with the defense of the Christian religion favors the canonization of such people, so that descendants can be proud and honor their memory.

The name Zinaida in Orthodoxy

The name Zinaida has several versions of origin. According to the most common version, the name Zinaida is derived from the name Zenais, which is translated as “from the family of Zeus, Zeus,” “belonging to Zeus.” In Ancient Greece, this name was masculine, but recently it has become feminine. From Latin the name Zinaida is translated as “caring”; from Arabic the name Zina will be translated as “beautiful”.

In the meaning of “caring” the name Zinaida is close to the rare European name Kare. The affectionate address Ina is also used for many other, mostly female, names (for example, Zarina, Elina, Inna, Georgina, Dekabrina, Martina, Inessa, Faina, Karina, Marina, Selina, Noyabrina, Sabina). Two names appear in the Orthodox calendar - Zinaida and Zina.

Holy Martyr Zinaida the Wonderworker of Caesarea, commemoration date: June 20 A.D. art: she was a Palestinian martyr and wonderworker who suffered death approximately in the years 284 - 305. They were burned at the stake, executed by beheading or crucifixion.

The life and death of Zinaida of Caesarea is associated with other Christian martyrs - Maria, Kyriacia, Kaleria. Saint Zinaida did not renounce her faith in Christ, even despite all the difficult trials that befell her. And the more people were executed, the more they turned to faith.

Holy Martyr Zinaida of Tarsus

Holy Martyr Zinaida of Tarsus, commemoration date: October 24 A.D. st: together with his sister Philonola, they were born in the city of Tarsus in Asia Minor. There is information that they were relatives of the Apostle Paul. Looking at his life, they believed in God and accepted Christianity. The holy maidens renounced their wealth and also began to practice healing, which their mother had left them, and began to live in a den.

Many city residents began to come to them for help. The martyrs did not refuse anyone, they gave not only physical health, but also spiritual health, introducing people to Christianity. The pagans were inflamed with hatred towards them and at night they crept into the monastery of the sisters and threw stones at them.

Akathists to saints and martyrs


Akathist to the martyr Zinaida

Kontakion 1

To the chosen Bride of Christ Zinaida, this akathist intertwined chant proceeds from the love of our hearts, as she is able to greatly promote our salvation with her righteous martyr’s prayers to God and deliver those who come to her from all troubles, for this reason we call everyone in agreement: Rejoice, holy martyr Zinaida, prayer book for those who honor you .

Ikos 1

Having lived like an angel in the world, the all-blessed passion-bearer Zinaido, you filled the angelic face in heaven. But now singing with the angels and sacred virgin martyrs a hymn to the Triune God, do not forget us, your earthly relatives, on the day of your passion, singing: Rejoice, chosen saint of God; Rejoice, faithful servant of Your Lord; Rejoice, O lamb, who followed the Lamb of Christ; Rejoice, beautiful Bride of Christ; Rejoice, you who shone with the purity of virginity; Rejoice, thou who adorned torment with blood. Rejoice, holy martyr Zinaido, prayer book for those who honor you.

Kontakion 2

Having seen Saint Zinaido with your sister Philonilla, the life and works of your kinsman, the blessed Paul, who formerly persecuted the Church of God, followed by many great apostolic exploits, who expanded and beautified and who themselves desired to work for Christ with all their souls, also from the idols of the soulless aversion and the faith of Christ taught by Saint Paul They cried out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

The wise Zinaido, having received the mind enlightened by God, understood the vanity of this world and chose the one need of your soul to please God, also with Philonilla, akin to yourself in flesh and spirit, having rejected the acquisitions of your mother and preached as an apostle, imitating Christ. As you turned to truer faith, I cried out to you like this: Rejoice, wise virgin, who rejected the world and received Christ; Rejoice, wise virgin, who left her mother and came closer to God the Heavenly Father. Rejoice, bright disciple of the great Paul; Rejoice, intoxicated with the spirit of the Gospel from the tongues of the Apostle. Rejoice, you who came from Tarsus and walked the apostolic path; Rejoice, you who brought the Kingdom of Heaven to people. Rejoice, holy martyr Zinaido, prayer book for those who honor you.

Kontakion 3

Having clothed yourself with the power of the grace of Christ, the glorious Zinaido became accustomed to the power and skill of medicine and to the Lord Himself, as a faithful disciple of His, passing through all the cities preaching the Gospel and freely healing every ailment and every ulcer among people. Heal our mental and physical ailments, holy virgin, by the grace given to you, so that I may cry out to God for you: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having in your heart and mind the words of the prophet David “everything is good or good, but let the brethren live together.” In the city of Demetrias, the saints of the sisters Zinaido and Filonillo reached and entered into a certain den, there the life of the equal angels accompanied them without ceasing to heal the ailments of people, sanctify them in labors and miracles, glorifying and preaching both of the Lord in souls and bodies, according to your wondrous life We miraculously call: Rejoice, wonderful Zinaido of the unmercenary; Rejoice, thou who has driven away many and cruel diseases of man. Rejoice, having given yourself long vigil and fasting with Philonilla. Rejoice, you who performed wonderful signs. Rejoice, having together ended the Davidic goodness and the red current. Rejoice, you who have become sisters in the flesh and sisters in the spirit. Rejoice, holy martyr Zinaido, prayer book for those who honor you.

Kontakion 4

A storm of anger and envy of demons is breathing on you, blessed sisters, the pagans living around you, as if you have diminished their vain idols, and even more so the worship of demons, for the sake of your preaching of miracles and signs, flared up with fury against you, killing you from the father of lies, having learned in the darkness of your filth. , not leading to sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing your great virtue, blessed Zinaido, prudent people from everywhere rush to you, with faith in the healing grace existing in you and accepting quick healing, glorifying God and you, healer and servant of His Majesty, singing these: Rejoice, anointed with the world of grace; Rejoice, friend of the Divine gifts; Rejoice, source of the Lord's mercies; Rejoice, quick helper to the suffering; Rejoice, teacher of the erring; Rejoice, great glory to the pious. Rejoice, solid wall of the embittered. Rejoice, holy martyr Zinaido, prayer book for those who honor you.

Kontakion 5

You were like a god-like star, most praiseworthy, in the city of Demetrias, sanctifying the countries with the light of your deeds, affirming the word of the gospel with signs, teaching everyone to sing to the True Sun of Truth, Christ God: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Having seen your great compassion for people who are sick in body and soul, the most luminous Zinaida is flowing to you, illuminate from the heights with the light of your healing our ailing bodies and sin-darkened souls, so that having arisen and corrected by you, we joyfully cry out to you: Rejoice, peacemaker for all healing ailments exuding. Rejoice, quick and merciful physician. Rejoice, most compassionate benefactor of man; Rejoice, O visitor of our bodily ulcers and spiritual sorrows. Rejoice, you do not turn away those who demand your intercession; Rejoice, I will intercede for us before God. Rejoice, holy martyr Zinaido, prayer book for those who honor you.

Kontakion 6

You were truly likened to a preacher by a spiritual apostle, the all-praised virgin, and the Lord offered her words to you, when she spoke to her disciples: “As you go, preach that the Kingdom of God is at hand, heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, eat it, give it to you.” All people learn to sing faithfully to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

The light of the truth of the Gospel has risen to the world and the darkness of demonic delusion has become hardened and cleansed in its powerlessness: not tolerating its defeat, the evil serpent furiously crushes the bodies of the martyrs, but all the more quickly allows their souls to pass to Christ. And here, by the spirit of malice and teaching, the pagans of madness brought at night, like the sons of darkness, into the den of the holy virgins Zinaida and Philonilla, stoning their bodies with stones until the death of death, and gathering their souls into the villages of paradise, repairing the angels, crying out to the angels: Rejoice, holy martyrs who suffered well and now getting married. Rejoice, the faces of the disembodied and the martyr filling the predetermined number. Rejoice, O first-sufferer Stephen, at the sight of a similar death; Rejoice, Thekla, equal to the ruler of the morals of life. Rejoice, your bodies have been killed, but your souls are in the hand of God and their torment has not touched you; Rejoice, sons of darkness in the darkness of the night, but your memory is bright and clear on earth, together with Philonilla. Rejoice, holy martyr Zinaido, prayer book for those who honor you.

Kontakion 7

Wanting to please the Lord, you left your parental home and moved into the den, in the den for the sake of the Born One: and there, having created His commandments and taught others, even to the death of martyrdom you were faithful to Him, the sufferer Zinaido, and for this you have now received the crown of righteousness. , eat to Him forever in heaven: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

“I give you a new commandment, that you love one another,” the Lord spoke to His chosen ones, “for no one has greater love than this, but whoever lays down his life for his friends.” We see you as a faithful fulfiller of these commandments, God’s chosen martyr Zinaido, who showed great love for God and her neighbor in her life, and who laid down her soul for others, especially for Christ as her friend and groom. For this reason, we cry out to you today with love: Rejoice, loving sufferer, filled with mercy for people: Rejoice, wondrous passion-bearer of your neighbor, as you loved yourself. Rejoice, faithful disciple of Christ, who perfectly kept His commandments: Rejoice, having been stoned by the evildoers for Christ and your good deeds. Rejoice, having joined with these stones to the cornerstone - Christ, through love. Rejoice, like a pure dove whose soul quickly soared to the Purest One. Rejoice, holy martyr Zinaido, prayer book for those who honor you.

Kontakion 8

We see a strange and glorious miracle on you, good martyr Zinaida, for you are from the love of God, like your relative Paul - nothing could separate you: neither sorrow, nor distress, nor persecution, nor famine, nor nakedness, nor trouble, nor a sword of stone, no creature, neither life nor death separate. You flew with your soul to God in the villages of paradise, moreover, you were united with Him, but you were not separated from people after death, mercifully inclining your ear to all those who call on you with faith and helping everyone who honors your memory, crying out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

You are all the work and desires of the land, all you are is my sweetness - Sweetest Jesus - thus you cried out to the martyr Zinaido in her prayers to the Lord, burning with all your soul and heart for Him, when wicked people threw stones at you, and thus greatly sweetened your bitter murder and Having ascended to God, sweeten our sorrows, blessed virgin, so that we sweetly call to you: Rejoice, holy mountaineer, who has loved the Sweetest: Rejoice, glorious one, who has turned earthly sorrow into Jesus’ sweetness. Rejoice, you who bore the wounds of your Lord on your body: Rejoice, you who served as an angel: Rejoice, you who were not afraid of the malice of the unfaithful: Rejoice, you who gladdened the hearts of the faithful. Rejoice, holy martyr Zinaido, prayer book for those who honor you.

Kontakion 9

Every nature was amazed, Zinaido, at the radiance of grace and wealth of virtues in you: your angelic purity, your courage in sorrows and suffering. In the weak female body, manifested strong love for Christ and much compassion for people, you created in them the most glorious thing to sing: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

The prophets of many things will not be able to adequately describe your deeds, O virtuous martyr, how, by the invincible grace of God, the young maiden defeated the ancient enemy and put to shame the charm of idols, bringing many souls to Christ. We are filled with amazement, in the weakness of our orbit we humbly cry out to you: Rejoice, joyful sight of angels and reverent surprise of men: Rejoice, bitter weeping of demons and powerless bitterness of their servants. Rejoice, you who shed your blood for Christ: Rejoice, you who gave up your body to martyrdom for Him. Rejoice, having completed your course and kept your faith with your great Paul. Rejoice, you who dwell in heaven in the courts of the firstborn. Rejoice, holy martyr Zinaido, prayer book for those who honor you.

Kontakion 10

The Savior and Lord, many times comforting others, spoke with His most honorable lips: “Remember the word that I told you. There is no sick servant of his Lord, unless he casts me out and you will be destroyed; If you keep My word, yours will also be kept.” We see this whole thing come true on you, Saint Zinaida, for you have also driven the faithful servant of the Lord into disbelief in the image of your Lord, but how much more have you kept your word from many people! With them, we cry out to the Savior for you: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

To the King and to your God, as if you offered a favorable sacrifice, you, God-wise passion-bearer, are also present with Christ in the heavenly canopy, and do not forget us before His throne, calling to you: Rejoice, who joyfully bore reproach for Christ: Rejoice, who received the righteous from your labors His reward. Rejoice, meek lamb, torn to pieces by the body from fierce warriors: Rejoice, quick gusset from the spirits of evil in heaven, not restrained by the soul during ordeals. Rejoice, thou who hast quickly entered into the joy of thy Lord: Rejoice, thou alsost lifting up our petitions to him. Rejoice, holy martyr Zinaido, prayer book for those who honor you.

Kontakion 11

This akathist singing, we know, does not add much to the true praise of your virtues, holy martyr, but your righteous prayer can very powerfully help us unworthy, and for these little hymns, if only from a pure heart, we will lift you up and cry out to God with love for you: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

On the bright day of the general resurrection of the dead and the terrible judgment of God, we are deeply horrified by our fierce deeds and immeasurable sins, with which we hourly anger our Creator and Savior. But having you, blessed intercessor for us before the Lord, like the wise Virgin of the Gospel, who greeted the bridegroom brightly at midnight, we hope that the doors of the heavenly palace will not be closed for us by your prayers calling you like this: Rejoice, virgin, wise with a burning lamp full of oil of good deeds to Christ departed: Rejoice, you who entered joyfully and victoriously in bright clothing to the marriage of the lamb with the elect. Rejoice, before the throne of the Lamb slain with the souls of those slain for His Word, lifting up the song: Rejoice, on the throne of Glory who wants to judge, begging for peace. Rejoice, especially for the multitude of your namesakes living on earth, the hand of salvation before God: Rejoice, and in the faith of your namesakes who have fallen asleep, sins are forgiven and the doors of heaven are opened to the prayer service. Rejoice, holy martyr Zinaido, prayer book for those who honor you.

Kontakion 12

Grace from God came to you even in temporary life, blessed one, to heal the mental and physical illnesses that come to you, we believe that in the eternal and blessed life of God, who glorified you and brought you closer to himself, you are filled with these gifts, and you can help every person in all sorrow and illness, you come running to you with faith and cry out to God Orthodoxy in the warmth of your heart: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing your apostle's equal labors, ascetic life and suffering death, ever-glorious Zinaido, we pray that you extend your help from heaven to us living in the darkness of passions and temptations and with your boldness before God, quickly raise up from the bed of weakness the souls and bodies crying out to you: Rejoice, with Mary, Elena, Nina, Olga and others, as you were glorified by their feat in your strength; Rejoice, triumphant with the virgin martyrs Thekla, Varvara, Catherine, Anastasia and sister Philonilla and others in a bright face. Rejoice, with the venerable virgins Pelagia, Fevronia, Mary and other ranks, like a rejoicing hermit; Rejoice, with Cosmas, Damian and Panteleimon and all healers, as you are glorified by the unmercenary. Rejoice, abiding with the Angels and all the saints in the triumph of the heavenly church. Rejoice, who does not forget us sinners from the unity of the earthly church. Rejoice, holy martyr Zinaido, prayer book for those who honor you.

Kontakion 13

Oh, glorious passion-bearer of Christ Zinaido, His meek servant and always praying for us to Him. With faith, hope and love for your intercession before God through the Mother of God, receive us who flow from all illnesses, troubles and death, and with you we cry out to God: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)

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