The Orthodox Church on masturbation: attitude, opinion and answers to frequently asked questions

The modern world is characterized by permissiveness, but even before humanity was not distinguished by its innocence. The problem of the 21st century is that it has brought globality and publicity to people. Today you can easily find scenes of violence, propaganda of homosexuality and erotic images on the Internet.

It has become very easy to sin today and the priesthood is concerned about the extent to which lust is spreading among people, which leads to masturbation and adultery. And if the negative consequences of adultery are clear to everyone, then some Christians are sincerely perplexed, why is self-satisfaction bad?

Handjob among girls and women

Female masturbation is considered the same great sin as male masturbation, because everyone’s thoughts and deeds are equal.

The harlot should stop thinking about sinful desires and thoughts, and be sure to repent of the committed act.

But young children, particularly girls, often do not know the meaning of the action they perform. Most often this occurs due to discomfort or itching in the genital area.

Parents should gently find out why the girl is doing this action and try to eliminate the reason. It is recommended to wear more comfortable clothes and bathe your child more often.

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What sins to name in confession: a short list

Holy Scripture on the altar for performing the sacrament of confession
Before confession, re-read or remember the 10 commandments that the Lord bequeathed to us. They will become a guide, a hint and a measure of all the actions you have committed.

A brief list of sins voiced in confession looks like this:

  • Fornication is watching and listening to videos with erotica, physical infidelity for those who are married, life in a civil marriage
  • Gluttony is a passion for satisfying the hunger of the body and tongue.
  • The love of money is the race for money, placing money on a pedestal and the first place in life, instead of family and relatives
  • Anger - as a quality of character, the desire to control the lives and actions of other people
  • Dejection - any type of laziness, especially in performing one's daily duties
  • Sadness - prolonged blues, regrets about past days and events
  • Vanity - the desire for fame, the desire to possess material goods and property
  • Pride is one of the most common sins of modern man. This is putting oneself on a pedestal, lack of sensitivity to the life of another person, voluntary and involuntary humiliation of surrounding people, animals and other living beings

What do the holy fathers say about masturbation?

Theophan the Recluse wrote that masculinity is a mortal sin, since the person who commits it succumbs to forbidden passions. He is weak and not ready to fight temptation, which takes up a lot of his energy and time.

Sinful masturbation, according to Theophan, “dries up and causes premature death... it can also cause insanity.”

To the question of the priest, Abba Serapion replied that according to the Bible, the second son of Judah, Onan, was punished with death for not allowing the seed to spill into his own wife (where the meaning of the word masturbation came from).

The sin of fornication is much more terrible, and if a person cannot restrain his desires, then it is better to abolish his desires in marriage, in a more righteous way.

Preparing for confession: list

the priest prays for the penitent during confession
Before coming to confession, it is appropriate to set aside time for preparation. You go deep into yourself, remembering what you said, did and thought about other people or God.

A good practice would be to write down everything that you are ready to sincerely repent of in confession, namely:

  • the gravest mortal sins are apostasy from one's religious tradition, murder and adultery, or illicit sex
  • Serious destructive behavior - theft, deception, intense anger and hatred towards other people and God
  • actions, words and thoughts directed against your neighbor, that is, any person you meet by fate
  • words, thoughts, actions directed against God and holy persons
  • remember only your actions without judging other people and evaluating their lives

If you have never been to confession for a very long time or have never been to confession and during this time the gravest sins have accumulated, before coming to church for repentance, fast, read prayers of repentance, and perform penances. Find out in more detail from your confessor what actions you should take and for how long.

How to get rid of handjob once and for all

The first step is to be absolutely sure of your desire to overcome masturbation. You should turn to yourself and try to understand the reason for bad desires and actions.

You need to go to church and confess, telling it like it is. The priest will help you and give advice. Do not stop praying daily, especially when the sinful desire is strong. If giving up malakia is very difficult, then to help yourself, you can start visiting church more often and surrounding yourself with icons at home.

To get rid of a sinful habit and thoughts about it, you should pray to the Most Holy Theotokos, who is a symbol of purity and chastity. The main thing is not to stop believing in cleansing and sincerely wishing for it.

Bottom line

Never forget the importance of Repentance and the fight against passions. Trust in the Lord. Pray, pray without ceasing. Take communion, confess. Speak up, don't be silent. It is these tips that will prevent such a sin as masturbation.

No matter what society says, you must understand the harmfulness of some actions. Masturbation has never made anyone happy. Satisfied for a while - yes. But is that the point? The meaning is something more important. This is what you strive for. May the Lord help you!

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Inga Yamb

Prayers for masturbation

Prayers that should be read at home with a sincere desire to get rid of a bad habit and cleanse your mind and body are presented below. You can also turn to saints who either were themselves subject to the same passions during their lives, or who helped get rid of fornication.

Lord Jesus

Almighty God, who created all creation with wisdom, raise me up with Your hand, having fallen through many sins: grant me Your help, and grant me freedom from worldly temptations, from the devil’s snares, and from carnal lusts. Have mercy and forgive me all who have sinned all the days of my life; anoint my soul with the oil of grace and generosity of Your only begotten Son, the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ, with Him all glory befits You and the Holy Spirit forever. Amen.

Prayer to the Wonderworker and Saint Euthymius of Novgorod

St. Euthymius had from the Lord a wonderful gift of delivering those suffering from carnal passion.

Father Saint Euthymius! From your youth you have loved Christ, and through His grace we are strengthened, you have put to death all carnal wisdom, by your pure life and meek disposition you have pleased the Lord, and by His grace, laboring on the throne of the holiness, you have appeared to the flock of Christ of Great Novograd, a good shepherd, your soul take care of your flock. Likewise, even after your death, the Chief Shepherd Christ glorified you with the donations of miracles flowing from you, showing us the image of a virtuous life in you. In the same way, I, sinful and sad, falling to the side of your relics, I earnestly pray to you: give me a helping hand, raise me with your prayers from the depths of sin: for I am overwhelmed by the waves of carnal passions and other countless everyday worries. Be that I, a sinner, warm to Christ, a representative and prayer book, and even if I am delivered from the drowning of sin, I will reach the refuge of an immaculate life by the grace of Christ, and with a pure life I will glorify my Savior, who redeemed me with His blood: and having finished this life, I will receive eternal life in the Kingdom Heaven, where the Most Honorable and Magnificent Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit is glorified, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to St. John the Long-Suffering

Rev. During his life, John was often tempted by demons, who kindled lust and passion in him. The saint, in order to get rid of filth, tested himself, exhausted himself with hunger, wore heavy chains, and completely, leaving only his head on the surface, buried himself in a hole. Once the saint spent the entire Great Lent in this position.

O sacred head, reverend father, most blessed Abbot John, do not forget your poor to the end, but always remember us in holy and auspicious prayers to God: remember your flock, which you yourself shepherded, and do not forget to visit your children, pray for us, father sacred, for your spiritual children, as you have boldness towards the Heavenly King: do not keep silent to the Lord for us, and do not despise us, who honor you with faith and love: remember us unworthy at the Throne of the Almighty, and do not stop praying for us to Christ God, for You have been given the grace to pray for us. We do not imagine that you are dead: even though you have passed away from us in body, but remain alive even after death, do not depart from us in spirit, keeping us from the arrows of the enemy and all the charms of the demonic and the machinations of the devil, to our good shepherd even more than the relics your cancer is always visible before our eyes, but your holy soul with the angelic hosts, with the disembodied faces, with the heavenly powers, standing at the throne of the Almighty, worthily rejoices, knowing that you are truly alive even after death, we fall down to you and we pray to you: pray about us to the Almighty God, about the benefit of our souls, and ask us time for repentance, so that we may pass from earth to heaven without restraint, and from bitter ordeals, demons of air princes and from eternal torment, may we be delivered from eternal torment, and may we be heirs of the Heavenly Kingdom with all the righteous, from all eternity have pleased our Lord Jesus Christ: to Him belongs all glory, honor and worship, with His Father without beginning, and with His Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer to Saint Martinian of Caesarea

Saint Martinian was tempted by a harlot who came to his house. The monk threw himself on the hot coals to extinguish the growing passion and lust in his body, and stood there until he completely got rid of the misfortune. During his life he traveled a lot, moving from place to place, retiring to remote corners where there were no women.

Kontakion, tone 2

As skilful ascetics of piety, and a sufferer of honest will, and a desert dweller and inhabitant, let us worthily praise in song the ever-honorable Martinian: for he has trampled upon the serpent.


From end to end, the broadcast of your red virtues and Divine deeds passed: when you were young in age, you desired to live in the deserts, singing to Christ, singing psalms and prayers ever after: but growing day and night in illnesses and tears, you ended your pure life and, wise, you have put to shame the evil one, for you have trampled upon the serpent.

Prayer to Saint Moses Ugrin

Rev. Moses was captured by the King of Poland and then ransomed by a wealthy Polish woman. A noble Lyakhina tried to involve her captive in a fornication, but the righteous husband did not succumb, since a pious life was more valuable to him. Then the Polish woman left the teacher. Moses was thrown into a pit, she was not given food for many days, she ordered him to be beaten, then she condemned him to be a eunuch and drove him away with dishonor.

O wonderful and God-bearing Father Moses, a great servant of Christ and a great miracle worker, we humbly fall down to you and pray: let us be partakers of your love for God and neighbor, help us to do the will of the Lord in simplicity of heart and humility, to fulfill the Lord’s commandments without sin, look with compassion for every soul of your faithful admirers who seek your mercy and help.

To her, all-merciful servant of God, hear us praying to you, and do not despise us, who demand your intercession and bring you a worthy song, we please you, Father Moses, we glorify you, purity of the lamp, glorifying the merciful God, in the Holy, Originless Trinity of the glorified Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

No matter how wild the thought of ordeals may seem to wise men, they cannot be avoided. (Theophan the Recluse) “The authorities of prodigal ordeals boast that they alone, more than all other ordeals, fill the fiery kinship in hell.” Therefore, there is no need to be shy in confession, this is false shame, it will lead you to hell, everything must be said, it is not necessary to describe the details and nuances, but it is necessary to name the sin itself. It is better to endure shame in confession than to spend a century in hell. *** It is known that there are 2 types of prodigal sins - natural and unnatural. With the first ones everything is clear. Among the latter there are many different perversions. Is it enough to say in confession “sinned by unnatural fornication,” or simply “fornication” if you have committed such a sin? *** Serious prodigal sins committed must be confessed with all the degree of conviction that conscience requires. This does not mean that you need to describe each episode in detail, but it does mean that you need to call things by their proper names. And then there is no need to return in remembrance to those prodigal sins, no matter natural or unnatural, that took place in our lives. Moreover, drive away the thought of them as coming from the evil one. That is, we must try not to remember them, not to imagine them. *** St. Chrysostom says: “One must not only say: “I have sinned, or am a sinner,” but also every type of sin must be stated,” i.e. Every sin must be named. “Discovery of sins,” says St. Basil the Great, “subject to the same law as the declaration of bodily infirmities...”, the sinner is a mentally ill person, and the spiritual father is a doctor or healer; therefore, one must confess, or tell one’s sins to one’s spiritual father, just as a sick person physically tells his bodily illnesses to a doctor, wanting to receive healing through him. *** SAMPLE LIST OF SINS ACCORDING TO THE PASSION OF FORnication (Diary of a Penitent) had a carnal relationship before marriage (did not maintain virginity, fornication); allowed the conception of children before marriage; cheated - adultery (adultery); ruined a married life; conceived children from extra-family carnal relations; entered into a fourth marriage; entered into a carnal relationship with a former spouse after the divorce (fornication); had same-sex carnal relations; entered into a same-sex “marriage”; sinned by masturbation (masturbation); sinned by unnatural fornication (anal, oral, with animals, between same-sex people, between close relatives, with several at the same time); joined a family with close relatives (incest); they destroyed someone else's family through fornication, as a result of which the children became orphans; broke up someone else's family, wanting to arrange their personal life; a prodigal relationship brought someone to despair, to an unwillingness to live, to suicide; corrupted, dragged into fornication those younger in age, a virgin (-tsu); engaged in pimping (assisted in meeting people seeking fornication); kissed, hugged, behaved unchastely before marriage; read voluptuous books, listened to and retold obscene jokes, watched programs and films with lewd scenes, and allowed children to do the same; considered carnal relationships necessary for health and good mood; they allowed carnal interest in people of the opposite sex, they looked at the body through clothes (looking at the bodies of same-sex people with curiosity is also sinful); gazed with lust at beautiful faces, indecent scenes and paintings, obscene advertising; wore clothes that emphasized the shape of the body and did not cover (or deliberately reveal) indecent areas (this applies to both women and men); allowed flirting, coquetry, antics, loose hands and tongue, hints, ambiguity, free treatment of persons of the opposite sex; they allowed lustful memories and dreams, willingly held them in their thoughts, and did not consider the resulting lustful feeling in the body to be a sin; danced with shameless body movements; used cosmetics and other means of body decoration to attract attention; spouses showed carnal desire in front of children; did not abstain in married life during fasting, on Wednesdays and Fridays, Sundays and holidays; allowed immoderation in carnal relations in legal marriage; betrayed the other half in their hearts with unclean views of persons of the opposite sex; drove the other half to the point of betrayal by constant denial of marital intimacy; turned to literature that teaches the diversity of carnal relationships; taught children “safe sex”; approved of fornication, fornication, infidelity, divorce, marriage with divorced people and other sins characteristic of fornication; they mocked chastity, virginity, honest marriage, marital fidelity; used foul language (foul language); husbands forced their wives to wear unchaste clothing; the elders forced the younger ones to wear unchaste clothes; had a short-term lustful feeling from something accidentally heard, seen or remembered; they often laughed at every trifle; had naive romantic dreams of “sublime” love, contrary to Christian understanding.

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How to repent of the sin of masturbation

In confession, it is better to call masturbation sinful or prodigal touches. The main thing is to speak honestly, openly and not be shy.

Although it is difficult to speak without embarrassment, the more truthfully and without deceit you tell about everything, the purer your soul will become, and the easier it will be to cleanse yourself.

You can write on a piece of paper if you are completely ashamed to admit your actions, and give the piece of paper to the priest.

Church ministers who constantly accept confession listen to everything they can during their lives, and they try to make it easier for a person to confess if they see that he is honest and open to conversation.

What negative consequences does masturbation have?

Masturbation has a negative impact on a person’s physical and mental health. On the physical side, weakness, weakness, and exhaustion appear. The person becomes irritable, quick-tempered, prone to alienation from others and self-centered, secretive and suspicious. Mentally, memory becomes dulled, there is limited intelligence and, in general, mental retardation. A feeling of guilt appears and self-esteem drops; this habit turns into a real passion, which has a destructive effect on various aspects of life.

Contagious Sin

It should be noted, speaking about malakia, that this is a sin that can be called very sticky. As they say, you just have to start, and then it will drag on.

Many people, even after getting married, cannot leave malakia. There are two types of it: self-satisfaction and someone else's hand. May the reader forgive us for the details, but these are facts. The last type of sin is no less nasty and serious than the first. According to John the Faster, one who involves a colleague in his dirty work takes on double responsibility.

Inciting lust

We will not repeat what malakia is - it is not only the desecration of one’s body, but also the incitement of one’s own flesh.

It would seem, what kind of incitement are we talking about? The body demanded “discharge”. The man was discharged in this way, and that was the end.

No matter how it is. The flesh will rebel every time, demanding a new “release.” And the onanist, unable to overcome it, will give the body what it wants. It is no coincidence that masturbation is a mental disorder. If you open old textbooks on psychiatry, they talk about this.

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