Effective rituals for the waxing moon to attract money

Since ancient times there has been a belief that waxing moon spell for money helps you become rich and achieve success in your business. This period is favorable for turning to higher powers for help in financial matters. Many rituals are easy to perform and accessible to everyone without exception. But you need to strictly follow the rules and see the line between white and black magic, otherwise it is easy to harm yourself and others.

A money spell helps you become rich.

The influence of the phase on the effectiveness of magical rituals

Use magic to improve your financial condition.
Astrologers and magicians claim that the heavenly bodies have a strong influence on people's lives. Depending on the phase in which the Moon is located, you can get rid of poverty, bewitch a loved one, or eliminate damage.

If a person passionately desires something, then the rituals are performed on the waxing moon. Rituals for receiving money are especially effective during this period.

This is due to the fact that the night luminary gains strength and, when casting spells, shares its power with the sorceress, fulfilling not only her requests, but also bestowing good luck and fortune.

Important Exercises

Initially, it must be said that you can attract money even if you really want it

Therefore, before considering any ritual to attract money, it should be noted that it is important to perform a couple of simple exercises daily that will set the higher powers in the right direction

  1. Every day, as often as possible, and ideally 54 times, you need to repeat the phrase: “The abundance of the Universe immediately turns into a flow of material wealth in my life.” This saying must be memorized like a mantra and repeated from time to time.
  2. A person who wants to get rich must have the right attitude. There is no need to think that money will fall from heaven directly into your pocket. You will have to work for this. However, by repeating the phrase “I can do anything!” every morning and right before bed, you can achieve considerable heights in life.

Rules for conducting rituals to attract money for the waxing Moon at home

Wealth conspiracies can be performed independently at home.

The main thing is to believe in your own strengths and results, as well as follow the rules and recommendations:

  1. The best day for the ritual is Wednesday, since it has powerful monetary energy.
  2. It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions of the ritual. There is no need to engage in amateur activities, otherwise the fortuneteller will receive illness, poverty and failure instead of money.
  3. You should cast magic in a quiet, secluded place, completely alone. Pets must be locked up in advance, electrical appliances and cell phones must be turned off so that there are no distractions during the ceremony.
  4. The text of the conspiracy must be learned by heart. Read without hesitation, in a firm and confident voice. The effectiveness of the ritual depends on how much the witch herself believes in it and in her own powers. Magic will not help lazy people and doubting people.
  5. You need to prepare for the ceremony in advance: take a bath, put on clean linen and new clothes.
  6. Any witchcraft must be kept secret. You cannot tell loved ones and others about reading money prayers and whispers.

The most powerful rituals

Money rituals for the growing moon are powerful due to the influence of the growing celestial body. By reading the plot correctly, you can quickly improve your financial situation.

On a bill

For the ritual you will need a banknote of any denomination, but it is better to take a 5-thousandth one. When the sun sets, you should place it on the windowsill so that the light of the moon illuminates the money, and whisper the spell:

Ritual with a banknote.

In the morning, you need to put the charmed bill in your wallet. It cannot be paid for, given away or shown to anyone.

There is another ritual using banknotes. It is folded in the shape of a triangle, after which it is bent in half and the hex is pronounced 3 times:

We recite the banknote ritual three times.

The money is put into the wallet without straightening it. They should not be touched for 3 months. When this period expires, you can repeat the ritual so that the cash flow resumes, or spend the money on something for yourself.

For honey and bread crumbs

The ceremony is carried out after dinner. Bread crumbs are scattered on the kitchen table, and a bowl of honey is placed next to it. Having dipped their hands in it, they collect crumbs while reading the plot:

Ritual with bread crumbs.

Then you need to wash your hands and say:

Spell for honey and bread.

For silver jewelry

For the ceremony you will need silver jewelry: a ring, chain or bracelet. You cannot use a pectoral cross or wedding rings.

How to do it:

  1. At midnight, the product is placed in a saucer filled with water and placed on the window to charge it with lunar energy.
  2. In the morning they read the spell:

Ritual for a silver ring.

For luck and wealth

You can get rich in a short time by preparing a money drink.

You will need:

  • melted or holy water;
  • church candle;
  • mirror;
  • piece of raw meat.

How to do it:

  1. In the morning, water is poured into a glass and placed on the mirror.
  2. Place your left hand on the glass and press firmly. Place a lit candle between yourself and the mirror.
  3. Read 3 times: “The old gray wolf ran into the forest to look for a gray hare. I couldn’t catch up with the hare, but I found an amazing forged casket, all in gold and silver. The lock on the casket is great. The key to that casket is hidden in a deep lake. I need to find that key between the algae and stones. Not a hare, not a wolf, but a servant of God (name). I’ll find the key, I’ll open the lock, I’ll find the treasure, I’ll take it for myself. Amen!".
  4. Drink some of the water, and use the remaining liquid to wash your face. The candle is extinguished with your fingers.
  5. The ritual is repeated until the candle burns out completely. On the last night, the water from the glass must be taken to the crossroads and poured out. Leaving raw meat there is a trade-off.

For pumpkin seeds

For the ceremony you will need a fresh pumpkin. You can buy it at the market without haggling, or take it from your own garden.

At home, you should remove all the seeds from the vegetable and cook porridge from the pulp. Cover the kitchen table with a scarlet cloth, lay out all the seeds and say:

Ritual with pumpkin seeds.

The seeds should be fried in a hot frying pan. In the evening, all residents of the house will need to try a pumpkin dish, and then eat a couple of seeds.

On the windowsill

During the waxing moon, on the first day you should put your wallet on the windowsill in the room where the bed is. In the morning, when picking up your wallet, you need to say 3 times:

The ritual must be repeated until the growth phase is completed.

To wallet

The ceremony will require a new wallet. At night, when the month is visible in the sky, the object is placed on the windowsill, having previously inserted a large bill, a coin and a piece of green cloth into it:

The ritual with the wallet is read three times.

On the water

There are several rituals for money with water.

For the ritual with herbs you will need:

  • mint;
  • marjoram;
  • sage;
  • bloodroot;
  • basil;
  • verbena;
  • calamus;
  • melt water.

How to do it:

  1. Pour water into a glass and add a pinch of all the herbs and mix.
  2. The container is placed on the window under the light of the growing moon for 3 hours.
  3. The infusion is well filtered and put in a secluded place so that it attracts cash flow per day.

Another way to perform a ritual for money is a bath. Add a cinnamon stick and a finely chopped bunch of fresh parsley to 200 ml of boiling water and leave for 20-30 minutes. Then the infusion is poured into the bath and whispered:

Ritual with water.

After this they take a bath.

At a profit

The ritual for profit is performed in clear weather, at night. When you go outside, you should count 333 times to yourself and say:

Ritual for profit.

To win the lottery

You should cast magic over the money that will later be used to buy a lottery ticket. You need to take a bill, put it on the window and read the plot for 7 days in a row:

Conspiracy to win the lottery.

On the 9th lunar day the banknote will be charged.

For coins

Before leaving the house, you need to take a coin and, holding it in your palms, whisper 7 times:

We perform the ritual with coins 7 times.

The coin is placed in the purse and paid with it at the first opportunity.

Another ritual is performed after sunset. Place 10 coins and 10 bills on a table covered with a red cloth and read:

Coin spell.

After this, the money is put away on the windowsill for 2-3 hours, and then put in the wallet.

For debt repayment

In order for a person to repay a debt, you can perform a strong ritual yourself.

All you need is a green candle - according to signs, this color has powerful monetary energy.

Late in the evening you should light a candle and whisper:

Debt repayment ritual.

To increase wealth

There is a simple ritual that will help increase your income. Every day you need to count the money in your wallet, saying out loud:

Ritual to increase income.

To a bank card

Bank cards can also be used to increase profits. Sitting in front of the window, you need to hold the card in your hands and rub it between your palms, whispering:

Bank card spell.

The slander is repeated 3 times. Before performing the ritual, you should make sure that there is money in the account.

Preparatory activities

For the money ceremony to work, you need to prepare for it. They do this as follows:

  1. They fast for 3 days and attend church.
  2. The house is cleaned: old and broken things are thrown away, the floors are thoroughly washed and dust is wiped everywhere. The rooms are sprinkled with holy water, small containers with salt are placed in the corners, which will cleanse the space of negative energy.
  3. During witchcraft, place a burning candle or a bowl of water nearby - these elements will help direct the flow and increase the power.

Prayer spells

Prayer is an appeal to the Saints or patron spirits, who, having heard a sincere prayer, will certainly help and fulfill the person’s request.

It is important that there cannot be negative consequences when reading prayer conspiracies.

Nicholas the Wonderworker

In front of the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, you should light 2 church candles, kneel down and say:

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker.


Those who do not believe in God can turn to Mother Earth instead of prayer:

Prayer to the Earth.

to the sun

This is a pagan ritual that is performed in sunny weather. You need to stand so that the rays of the Sun illuminate your face, stretch your arms up and say:

Prayer to the Sun.

Vanga's original money ritual

For the ritual you will need granulated sugar and coins of different denominations.

How to do it:

  1. In the evening, sugar is scattered on the windowsill, and coins are placed on top of it in a chaotic manner.
  2. They light a church candle and say 3 times: “As many as come through my door, there will be as many helpers.” But there are no enemies or enemies at my door. How many times the door opens, so much goodness will come into the house. But evil, bad weather, evil spirits, grief and trouble have no place here. Happiness - to the house, goodness - to the house, goodness - to the house! Amen".
  3. In the morning, the coins are carefully collected and placed in a separate compartment of the wallet. They will need to be spent at the end of the month.

Possible consequences

Any magical ritual is a complex procedure that requires a lot of effort and preparation.

If the rules are violated in the process, the effect may be diametrically opposite: instead of the expected wealth, financial difficulties will begin, and also:

  • deterioration of health;
  • quarrels with relatives;
  • conflicts at work.

To avoid negative consequences, it is better not to use powerful rituals with complex execution, which can cause severe damage to energy. You cannot covet other people's money - any ritual aimed at borrowing another person's wealth will not work.

When performing rituals for money, it is important to carefully follow the rules and instructions, then there will be no bad consequences, and your income will increase.

In a particularly critical situation

At critical moments, especially strong money spells will help. There are times in life when the state of affairs is so critical that you don’t know how to get out of the situation, be it a debt trap or an urgent repayment of a large loan.
Then particularly strong money conspiracies can come to the rescue. But, be careful and keep in mind that any action related to magic has its consequences, often unpleasant. Everything that is given must be compensated someday. If you need a fairly large sum on the third day of the new moon, with the help of ten coins of any denomination you can attract wealth; it will be enough to say the words:

“Let everything that lives and feeds on the sun always multiply, and let my wealth from the power of the moon increase, multiply and return to me (name) many times.”

When you finish saying these words five times in a row, fold the coins instead of storing your cash.

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