How to make rain with a spell - effective rites and rituals

The efficiency of rural labor largely depends on weather conditions. Prolonged drought can dry out the soil and deprive plants of the moisture they need. But its excess during frequent and prolonged downpours interferes with harvesting and preserving crops, washes out roads, and causes damage to housing.

People have long been trying to find ways to influence the weather. In search of an answer to the question of how to make rain, the spell has become a godsend for people who need to control precipitation.

Features of spells to call rain

Magic rituals to control the weather.
You can cause bad weather by turning to the Higher powers that control the water element for help. To do this, you need to enter a state of energetic contact with natural processes.

For a successful session, you need to concentrate your thoughts on the water. You should imagine as vividly as possible the sensations of touching the body with refreshing wet streams. Try to really imagine how the cool moisture brings relief from the unbearable heat and feeling of dryness.

Science has proven that liquid has the ability to perceive and retain information. With the power of imagination you can connect to the information field of water. As a result of contact, this field will be corrected, which will affect the weather change: the appearance or cessation of precipitation.

Potential environmental risks of cloud seeding

Surprisingly, there has been quite a bit of research to date on the environmental impacts of cloud seeding.

It is known that silver and its compounds are not mutagenic, teratogenic or carcinogenic.

Early work, such as a 1983 report, concluded that developments in winter cloud seeding with silver iodide could be carried out without significant or adverse environmental impacts. It was noted that falling snow had a slight effect, and not the reagent itself, which was reflected in tree growth due to changes in soil moisture. The latter is considered rather useful for forest plantations.

Concerns were raised about the development of argyria among workers and local residents, but the concentrations of the reagent were considered insufficient for such an undesirable effect.

The ecotoxicological effects of various silver compounds are mainly related to free ion toxicity. Silver can exist in several oxidation states, but in ambient conditions only Ag0 (solid silver) and Ag+ (free silver ion in water) are found. In water, silver is present as a free ion or in association with negative ions. Silver ions from water-soluble silver salts are fungicidal, algicidal and bactericidal agents even at relatively low doses. Insoluble silver iodide, a weak source of ions, has been found to be much less toxic or even non-toxic to terrestrial and aquatic animals.

Elevated concentrations of silver in biota are found near sewage drains, electroplating plants, mine dumps and areas seeded with silver iodide. Maximum concentrations recorded in field collections, in milligrams of silver per kilogram of tissue dry weight, ranged from 1.5 mg/kg in mammals to 320 mg/kg in gastropods; people suffering from silver poisoning contained up to 1300 mg/kg of whole body weight. Under normal routes of exposure, silver does not create serious environmental problems for human health at concentrations of up to 50 μg Ag/l of drinking water or 10 μg Ag/m3 of air. However, free silver ions were lethal to sensitive aquatic plants, invertebrates and teleost fish at nominal water concentrations ranging from 1.2 to 4.9 µg/L. There are no data on the effects of silver on birds or mammals in the wild, but silver is known to harm poultry at 100 mg/l in drinking water or 200 mg/kg in food. Mammals experienced adverse effects at total silver concentrations of up to 250 µg/L in water or 6 mg/kg in food.

In the United States, silver iodide is considered a hazardous substance, a priority pollutant, and a toxic pollutant. The Australian Drinking Water Guidelines set a concentration of 0.43 µM AgI as the threshold value in drinking water. In Russia, the MPC value for inorganic silver compounds is 0.5 mg/m3 (hazard class A). Cloud seeding activities result in the release of silver iodide into the atmosphere over certain areas, and the total amount of silver iodide released reaches 3 tons per year in some cases.

In general, cloud seeding has long been considered virtually safe, and less common catalysts have not been considered at all. However, it must be taken into account that AgI enters the cloud environment with a large concentration difference, and when the substance is washed out by precipitation, cloud seeding can lead to a cumulative effect in a certain area, repeatedly seeded from year to year. In fact, after weather modification activities, large amounts of reagents are released into the soil, potentially leading to adverse effects in both aquatic and terrestrial systems. Thus, the potential risks of repeated application of cloud seeding in a specific area where large amounts of seeding materials are expected to accumulate in the environment (especially in the soil) raise concerns among environmentalists.

Only relatively recently, in 2016, a work was published devoted to a detailed study of the long-term impact of silver iodide on the environment. Scientists from Spain assessed the risk of acute toxicity for soil and aquatic biota. The authors determined the viability of soil bacteria Bacillus cereus and Pseudomonas stutzeri and the survival of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans treated with various concentrations of silver iodide, as well as the green algae Dictyosphaerium chlorelloides and the cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa. The soil bacteria B. cereus and P. stutzeri are two ubiquitous microorganisms. A series of toxicological tests included BOD5 and the Microtox® toxicity test.

The researchers found that at AgI concentrations above 2.5 μM, BOD5 values ​​decreased by 20–36% compared to the control. In the Microtox® test, higher concentrations of AgI (5 and 12.5 μM) suppressed bioluminescence. Silver reduced the viability of B. cereus and P. stutzeri strains by 24–50%, as well as the density of living cells. None of the AgI concentrations studied had any significant effect on C. elegans. After 72 hours of exposure to the reagent, populations of D. chlorelloides and M. aeruginosa decreased by 27–56%. Inhibition of the total rate of photosynthesis reached 78%.

Based on the data obtained, the authors calculated the percentage of ecotoxicological risk, which is 31.13, which corresponds to a high level of danger.

The main risk associated with re-treatment with AgI, as noted above, is its accumulation in soil and sediment. Exposure of soil biota to AgI can influence ecosystem equilibrium, overall well-being, and functioning.

In general, AgI deposits in soil do not pose a risk to the survival of terrestrial organisms, but elevated concentrations of silver iodide are moderately toxic to soil and aquatic microorganisms.

  • After exposure to silver iodide, the cell viability of soil bacteria decreases.
  • Freshwater organisms are more sensitive to silver iodide than soil organisms.
  • The cumulative effect of silver iodide can affect terrestrial and aquatic biota.

Rules for performing rituals at home

While at home, you should fully concentrate on the rain.

You need to drive away extraneous thoughts and think about the element of what power you want to evoke:

  • shower;
  • light rain;
  • short-term precipitation;
  • prolonged bad weather.

Mandatory conditions must be met:

  1. The window in the house should be opened wide so that the glass does not block the view of the sky and clouds.
  2. You cannot cast a spell in the presence of witnesses. The ritual must be carried out in secret from everyone, otherwise it will not succeed.
  3. During fortune telling, there must be a small open container filled with water inside the room.

An important stage of the sacrament is its completion. At the end of the conspiracy, you must definitely thank the spirits, otherwise they will be offended and will not fulfill the request.

Gratitude to the spirits is called ransom.

In order to make a ransom, after the home ritual you need to go to church and light 3 candles. The ransom will be accepted when 9 coins laid out on the road are picked up and taken by strangers.

Precipitation upon request. Good or bad?

Numerous experiments ended successfully. Humanity has learned to disperse clouds and create them at will. Why isn't artificial rain produced wherever necessary? At the moment, this pleasure is not cheap. But the most important thing is that a discovery created to make people’s lives easier can very easily be redirected to their own detriment. Rain that falls in one place will leave another dry, and vice versa, dispersed clouds over the venue of any event will pour out their reserves threefold in another direction. There are already known cases when imitations of natural phenomena, including actions with precipitation, were used, and successfully, in military operations. Artificial downpours, thunderstorms, landslides, tsunamis - how many lives they can take in the hands of soulless businessmen. Nature reveals its secrets to humanity, but does not like to be used thoughtlessly.

Effective rituals

For many centuries, people have turned to the Higher Powers with a request to send or stop the rain. From generation to generation, peoples of different countries and nationalities pass on the secrets of spells addressed to the water element.

The rituals they inherited from their ancestors have proven their effectiveness and do not raise doubts in them. Despite the development of a materialistic worldview, mystical sacraments are still popular all over the world.

Ritual for the “Princess Shovel”

This magic spell in Balkar is called “Kurek Biyche”. The arid climate of the Caucasus forces local farmers to ask the Lord of the Elements to send rain to their land.

To do this, teenagers dress up a shovel in a woman's dress and stuff the resulting stuffed animal with straw. Taking the “spade princess” under their arms, they walk around the territory of the village.

The procession stops in the courtyard of each house and is accompanied by songs and dances. They ask the scarecrow to send rain to the cultivated fields. During the ritual, irony and mocking ridicule of the scarecrow are not allowed. The “princess” should be treated with respect.

Repeat the song near every house.

Lament for Drowned Makarka

In pagan times, a ritual of making rain arose in Belarusian Polesie. It is called lamentation for the drowned Makarka. It is generally accepted that drowned people in the afterlife protect people in communicating with the water element.

Local residents, sadly mourning the fictional character, call on him to return to them and water the earth with his tears. During fortune telling, you need to pour poppy seeds into the well, stirring the water in it with a long pole. They bow to the well and, upon returning home, pray for the repose of the souls of suicides and drowned people.

We repeat the words of crying many times.

Spell on water

This ritual belongs to the ancient Slavic tradition. A small amount of moisture is collected early in the morning from dew. The rest is poured from the spring. All this must be brought into the house and mixed in a bucket. After reading aloud the plot that attracts precipitation:

Precipitation spell.

The water is poured out, saying the following words:

The procedure is repeated until it starts to rain.

For sheepskin

In Romania, there is a widespread custom of making rain using sheep's wool or tanned sheep skin. To do this, several women lay out the sheepskin on dry ground and water it generously. At noon, the owner of the sheep collects wool in an apron and raises the hem of the apron to the sky. At the same time, she asks the heavenly lamb to shed as much moisture on the ground as there is water in the hem.

Ritual with sheepskin.

The wool is squeezed onto the ground, and after bowing three times everyone returns home. The ritual brings positive effects within a week.

River plowing

Among Belarusian peasants, there has long been a custom of plowing the river in order to cause rain.

During a drought, women arm themselves with choppers and hoes, designed for loosening the soil in the garden, and go to the river. There they beat the water with all their might, calling on the rain clouds to irrigate the earth with life-giving moisture.

This event takes place in a fun, festive atmosphere. People have no doubt that the Elemental Forces will show them their favor and send water to the fields.

In the Mogilev region, the ritual of river plowing is carried out using a real plow. Several women strip naked and go into the river. Some of them are harnessed to the plow, the rest follow it. The plowing of the river is accompanied by songs calling for rain.

Chants for calling down rain.

On the street

In order to conjure inclement weather with thunderstorms and lightning, you need to stock up on a hammer or mallet, a container of water and a large metal sheet. The sheet should be placed in the middle of the street on any stand.

The stump of a cut tree or a barrel is suitable for this purpose. You need to hammer the metal hard with a mallet and periodically spray water from the container on different sides of the street. The sounds of striking a piece of iron will symbolize the beginning of a thunderstorm and will bring rain.

You can cause precipitation by standing outside and spitting on the ground.

We speak the words loudly.

After this, you need to turn to the sky with a call to water the earth and say after spitting again: “I’m waiting for the rain!”

In many areas, there is a common custom of making rain, which consists of local residents pouring water on certain categories of their fellow countrymen:

  1. Pregnant women. They, being the personification of life and fertility, are able to attract life-giving moisture to the fruits of plants.
  2. Priests and sorcerers who act as intermediaries in communication with Higher Powers.
  3. Pastukhov. These people, knowing how to manage a herd, can also cope with clouds.

Using a natural pond

This ritual is performed on any natural body of water. A pond, lake or river will do.

You must proceed in the following order:

  1. Undress completely.
  2. Enter the water up to your chin.
  3. Say the spell three times in a row: “Water, water, life is not sweet to me without you. Save me, don’t let me disappear!”
  4. Dive headlong into a body of water.
  5. Pour the liquid into a bottle or other container.
  6. Get dressed, return home, leaving an open bottle in the yard. At dawn, the charmed water should be sprinkled over the area.

Precipitation will fall within 24 hours.

Shamanic dances

The rituals of Siberian sorcerers to summon rain are called rituals. At the beginning of the ritual, it is necessary to appease the Spirits. Sacrifices are made to them in the form of food, sweets, tea and alcoholic beverages.

The main attributes of a shaman:

  • ritual costume;
  • leather mask;
  • tambourine.

With the help of a tambourine, the shaman sets the rhythm of the dance, putting himself into a trance. After the spells are cast, the earth, water and fire are filled with milk.

Any person can partially reproduce the shamanic ritual.

To do this you need to do this:

  1. Stock up on an oblong sealable vessel and pour a little dry sand or cereal into it.
  2. Pour water generously along the path from the porch to the site gate.
  3. Walk along the path, dancing and singing the words of the spell.

Shamanic conspiracy.
Shake the vessel while dancing. The sand will make sounds similar to the sound of water.

Per plant

Dried plants must be woven into a wreath and thrown into the river. When mourning the dead flowers, you should ask the wreath in a sad voice to send moisture from distant lands.

Ancient way

Since ancient times, the South Slavs have been confident that precipitation can be caused by destroying a forest anthill. To do this, you need to take a stick and stir it completely.

Watching the disturbed insects rush about, the Slavs loudly say:

Ritual with ants.

The custom is barbaric, but effective.

History of "rain" research

For a very long time it was believed that you could make a cloud shed tears by shaking the air. Probably, these conclusions were made based on the accompanying thunderstorms and wind. How was artificial rain produced before the 20th century, when prayers and sacrifices did not help? Or rather, they tried to call. In Italy, cannons were fired into the sky. The idea was submitted by the famous sculptor Benvenutto Cellini. The French believed that the clouds could be brought closer by ringing loud bells. America's farmers came out together during dry periods and fired their guns. Funny? But this theory was supported by many famous American scientists. Daniel Riggles proposed exploding a powder charge directly in the air, rising in a balloon, and even patented his invention. Employees of the Ministry of Agriculture began to seriously improve the method, tried various explosives, and changed the height of the explosions. Sometimes it rained, sometimes it didn’t, sometimes it rained, but not where it should have been.

Prayer ritual for it to rain

In prayers for the calling of rain, Orthodox Christians ask for the mercy of the Almighty and the help of the Saints in sending down life-giving moisture for the sake of a good harvest. You need to pray in accordance with church canons, signing yourself with the Sign of the Cross and making bows.

You should not compose prayers on your own, mixing into them elements of pagan divination.

During a severe drought that threatens people with disaster, the Orthodox Church holds a Procession of the Cross. This is an extra-church joint prayer of a large number of believers. The procession is led by the Holy Cross, the Gospel, banners and holy icons. Those praying ask the Lord for deliverance from the misfortune that has befallen them.

Correct execution

All these rituals are united by one condition for their correct performance: the need to believe in what the spellcaster is doing. Always remember, you cannot demand from Nature, you can only ask and beg. There should be no grins or smirks when performing rituals. You need complete dedication with your soul to what you do and say, and then Mother Nature will have mercy and give the person what he asks for.

What to do if it doesn't work out?

The question needs to be asked: did I believe in what I was doing? With all your heart? The purpose of the ceremony should be exclusively bright, kind and pure. There must be an urgent need to resort to extreme measures, like a petition from Nature itself. When performing a ritual, one must not offend Nature and everything that relates to it. Will you help those who offended or hit you? The rules are the same for everyone.

How to drive away the rain and bring in the sun

It is possible for a person to drive away the rain and return the sun. There are situations when there is no time for drought, it rains for days without stopping. Then they resort to a ritual against the rain. You need to say the words:

Say it three times, take soil from the pot (a handful) where the flower grows, pour it outside, cross yourself three times. Soon the rain will stop.

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