Temple of the Icon of the Mother of God “Consolation and Consolation” on Khodynskoe Field (Moscow)


Russia Moscow Temple of the Icon of the Mother of God “Consolation and Consolation” on Khodynskoye Field (Moscow) Map is loading...

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55.780456; 37.546821

Russia, Moscow, Polikarpova street, 16




for inquiries: 8-926-265-25-06 (Nina)


+7 (495) 945-37-46; +7 (985) 241-40-52 (priest on duty); +7 (495) 946-10-45 (phone number of the temple duty officer for calls at night)

Temple of the Icon of the Mother of God “Consolation and Consolation” on Khodynka Field

- an Orthodox church belonging to the All Saints Deanery of the Moscow City Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church.


At the beginning of the 20th century, for the 1st Grenadier Artillery Brigade of Count Bruce and the 1st Don Cossack Generalissimo Prince Suvorov Regiment, Nikolaev barracks were built near the Khodynskoye Field. According to the project, a church was not envisaged at the barracks, and its construction was financed by the money of the actual state councilor I. A. Kolesnikov. The author of the project was the architect V. D. Adamovich. The church was founded on April 29, 1907. The temple was consecrated on April 5, 1909 by Metropolitan Vladimir of Krutitsky and Kolomna in the presence of Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna.

The temple was closed in 1922, the building housed a dormitory and then a construction workshop. The heads of the building were demolished, the belfry was destroyed, and the fence was partially dismantled. The temple building was scheduled for demolition in connection with the reconstruction of the Botkin Hospital. However, thanks to the efforts of the hospital’s chief physician, I.P. Kuzin, in February 1990, the church building was transferred by the Frunzensky District Council to the Russian Orthodox Church. The building was freed from production equipment only on January 5, 1991, the same year the temple was consecrated, and restoration lasted until 1996. The most significant contribution to the restoration of the temple was made by its rector, Abbot Irinarch (Grezin), who in 2002 became Bishop of Perm and Solikamsk, now Bishop of Krasnogorsk, vicar of the Moscow diocese.

Hospital churches: City Clinical Hospital named after. S.P. Botkin

Temple in honor of the Icon of the Mother of God “Consolation and Consolation” on Khodynskoye Field
Begovaya metro station (exit to 1st Khoroshevsky Ave.)
Temple phone number:
Clergy: Rector

– Hegumen Theophylact (Bezukladnikov) Priest Dimitry Shumov Priest Vladimir Kuparev Priest Sergius Rozhdestvensky Priest Alexander Ursulov Deacon Mikhail Remezov Deacon Alexander Tumanov

Schedule of services: Monday – Saturday

– Divine Liturgy (8.00);
All-Night Vigil (17.00) Resurrection
– Hours (9.00), Divine Liturgy (10.00); All-night Vigil (17.00) with an akathist to the icon of the Mother of God “Consolation and Consolation.”


Four-part icon

Icon of the Mother of God “Consolation and Consolation”;
Four-part icon (images of the Mother of God “Inexhaustible Chalice”, “Healer”, “Helper in Childbirth”, “The All-Tsarina”); Icon of the Vladimir Mother of God; The image of the holy infants, from Herod in Bethlehem, killed for Christ; Icon of the martyr Huar; Icon of the Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon; Icon of St. Spyridon of Trimifuntsky; Icon of the Blessed Matrona of Moscow; The temple is open from 8.00 to 19.00. Free admission. History:
The temple in honor of the Vatopedi Icon of the Mother of God “Consolation and Consolation” was built on the Khodynka field in 1907-1909. The church was erected in memory of Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich and all those faithful to duty and oath who died for the Tsar and the Fatherland at the hands of revolutionaries in 1905-1907. That is why the temple began to be called the “Monument of Russian Sorrow.” Subsequently, with the participation of Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna, the Community of Sisters of Mercy was organized at the church.

On February 5, 1924, the temple was closed. All five domes of the church and the belfry were demolished. At first, a dormitory was located on the territory of the temple, then a warehouse and a construction workshop.

The restoration of the temple began in 1990. On January 5, 1991, the church was returned to the believers. By February 1996, the main work on the restoration of the temple was completed. The consecration of the church took place on February 3, 1999, on the day of the 90th anniversary of the temple.

In June 2004, a copy of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Consolation and Consolation”, written by the monks of the Vatopedi Monastery, arrived from the holy Mount Athos to the temple.

The clergy of the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God “Consolation and Consolation” cares for the sick in the hospital named after. S.P. Botkin. According to the cleric of the temple, Priest Vladimir Kuparev, applications are received every day. “Any priest, at will and on demand, visits the sick. We go to the hospital, perform the sacraments of confession, communion, unction, baptism,” says Fr. Vladimir. “We try to reach everyone – both baptized and unbaptized.” The clergy also conduct catechetical discussions. Religious literature and gifts are also distributed. Priest Dimitry Shumov takes care of the medical school at the State Clinical Hospital named after. S.P. Botkin. Clergy of the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God “Consolation and Consolation” also visit the Moscow Research Oncology Institute. P.A. Herzen.

At the church there is a branch of the Orthodox classical gymnasium, which is located at the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God “The Sign” in Khovrino. There is also a Sunday school for adults and children. Employees of the Sukhoi Design Bureau attend classes in the form of conversations.

The temple provides assistance to people without a fixed place of residence, helping with food and things.

Also assigned to the church is the temple of the unmercenary saints Cosmas and Damian, which is located on the territory of the Botkin hospital at the address: 2nd Botkinsky proezd, 5/27. Currently, no services are held there. The temple is closed, work is underway to create an iconostasis. After the restoration work is completed, it is planned to make the temple a hospital.

Temple of the Holy Unmercenaries Cosmas and Damian

Activities of the parish[edit]

Sunday school "Otrada"[edit]

There is a Sunday school for children at the church.


for inquiries: 8-926-265-25-06 (Nina)

Youth movement[edit]

With the blessing of Father John, every Thursday at 18.00 a youth group gathers in the Baptismal Church and sings an akathist to the Reverend Martyr Grand Duchess Elizabeth, after which the youth drink tea, chat, and watch a movie.

Youth group page on social networks


The sisterhood of the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God “Consolation and Consolation” carries out social service in the parish.

"Sobriety Club"[edit]

In the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God “Consolation and Consolation” on Khodynka Field every week, at approximately 18.30 (after the evening service), “Prayer singing for those suffering from the ailment of drunkenness and drug addiction” is performed with the reading of an akathist before the icon of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice” for all those suffering and those whose loved ones suffer from alcohol and drug addictions.

To clarify the specific day on which the prayer service will be held, you can look at the information on the page “Schedule of Divine Services” or contact the temple by phone


  • For those preparing for the Sacrament of Baptism, you must contact the catechist by phone:

Khokhlov Sergey Vyacheslavovich – 8 (903) 675-70-74; Eliseeva Elena Vasilievna - 8 (926) 078-18-31

  • Conversations with the catechist take place in the “Consultation Center” (the building is located on the territory of the church, 3rd entrance)

Wed, Thu, Fri: 18.00-20.00; Sat, Sun: 12.00-14.00

  • A conversation with a priest for those preparing for the Sacrament of Baptism takes place in the church from 14.00 to 15.00

Interior of the temple

The best craftsmen of Tsarist Russia were sent to build a church in the name of the Mother of God image “Consolation and Consolation”. Unfortunately, after the sad events of 1917, many masterpieces were damaged, but modern restorers still managed to restore them to their former beauty.

In addition to the ancient Byzantine masonry of the temple walls, the interior of the Cossack Temple is decorated with:

  • holy faces painted by Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov;
  • icons by Vasily Pavlovich Guryanov;
  • a shroud for the church iconostasis, embroidered according to Vasnetsov’s sketches;
  • an Athonite copy of the miraculous image “Consolation and Consolation”, dating back to the 10th century;
  • a skillfully decorated martyrology with the names of those killed at the hands of revolutionaries during the years of the uprising.

Interior of the temple

Let's sum it up

The Orthodox church at the intersection of Kakhovka and Azovskaya streets was built relatively recently - in 2014. It was erected in honor of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Consolation and Consolation”. An exact copy of the icon of the Vatopedi Monastery is kept within the walls of this holy place. Any believer can turn to her to receive protection from enemies, impending danger and serious illness. In Moscow, on Khodynka Field, there is another church consecrated in honor of Our Lady of Vatopedi. It is located on Polikarpov Street not far from the Botkin Hospital.

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What do they ask for in front of the icon?

The celebration takes place on February 3. Before the face they ask for the following:

  • that sins or mistakes may be forgiven;
  • about receiving consolation after the death of relatives and friends;
  • to avoid God's wrath after doing wrong.

The Mother of God traditionally helps mothers when they pray for protection, help for children, and guidance for the lost.

History of appearance and acquisition

The discovery of the Vatopedi icon is associated with the events of 807. According to the chronicles, the abbot of the Athos monastery traditionally performed prayers in front of the iconostasis, among which there was a canonical image of the Mother of God with Jesus.

Suddenly the image began to move, the mother turned her head to the right and warned the abbot about the attack of the robber detachment on the monastery. After the attack was repelled, the abbot of the monastery returned to the iconostasis. He saw that the figures on the canvas had completely changed their position. This was an unprecedented miracle, about which rumors immediately spread.

The monks of the monastery considered the baby’s gesture to be a desire to prevent the mother from uttering a warning. They began to pray more earnestly, hoping to earn God's blessing. Because of this, the painting received another interpretation. According to many chroniclers, the Mother of God, frozen on the canvas, acts as an intercessor of people who convinces her strict son to be more lenient.

general information

The Icon of the Mother of God “Consolation and Consolation” is a miraculous image revealed in the Vatopedi Monastery on Mount Athos. Initially, it was an ordinary icon of the Virgin Mary with the Child Christ in her arms. One day, in an hour of danger for the monastery, she came to life to warn the monks about the trouble that threatened them.

After this message, the figures of the Mother of God and Jesus Christ froze in a different position. This image enjoys great honor throughout the Christian world. It is truly miraculous. The image protects believers from various misfortunes, natural disasters, enemies and diseases. The day of veneration of the icon is January 21.

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The Temple of Otrada and Consolation in Moscow on Kakhovka Street is dedicated to the miraculous image of the Mother of God. The holy image of the Mother of God for this monastery was painted and consecrated directly on the original in the Vatopedi Monastery. It is an exact copy of Our Lady of Vatopedi. The scroll written on Mount Athos was solemnly brought into the temple on November 7, 2016. From now on, every believer can come and venerate the holy image and ask for its protection.

Today, the Temple of Joy and Consolation is a small wooden building, erected in 2014. In the near future, construction of a large brick temple is planned in its place.

The church needs financial resources from benefactors who will help complete construction work and improve this holy place.

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There is a Sunday school at the temple, which began its work in 2014 with the blessing of the rector of this monastery, Alexander Melin. Children aged 3 to 16 years can study here. In class, Sunday school students learn:

  • God's law
  • choral church singing,
  • history of Orthodox Russia,
  • needlework.

The holy monastery in Kakhovka operates a social service, and also hosts various public events, such as bicycle rides, holiday concerts, festivals, celebrations of Maslenitsa, the Nativity of Christ and Easter, open lessons and screenings of films on theological topics.

Helpful information:

  • Official website of the temple: otrada-nam.ru.
  • Opening hours: daily from 08:00 to 19:00.
  • How to get to the church: the temple is located at the intersection of Kakhovka and Azovskaya streets. It is within walking distance from the Kakhovskaya metro station.

Note! Details for donations are indicated on the official website of the church. As the scriptures say, “He who sacrifices gains doubly.”

Schedule of services

Day of the weekTimeEvent
Monday Thursday07:30
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday17:00Vespers. Matins. Confession.



All-night vigil.




Vespers with Akathist

The schedule of services in the church changes during Lent and on major church holidays. In addition, periodically one weekday is allocated for needs. You can follow the schedule of services on the official website of the church.

Church at the Botkin Hospital

The Church of the Icon of Our Lady “Consolation and Consolation” on Khodynka Field is located next to the Botkin Hospital. Thanks to this location, patients and relatives can visit the holy place to receive consolation in illness, pray and ask God for healing.

This holy church is located near the Begovaya metro station. You can get to it not only by metro, but also by regular buses.

Within the walls of the monastery, the church sacraments of baptism, communion, confession, wedding, unction and priesthood are performed. If necessary, if a person cannot come to church on his own, a priest can come to his home or hospital to perform the sacrament.

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At the Botkin Hospital there is also another temple, consecrated in 1911 in honor of the holy unmercenaries of Asia Cosmas and Damian. Initially, it was used to conduct the sacrament of funeral services. Today this small church is assigned to the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God “Consolation and Consolation”. Here the clergy conduct services, read prayers for the sick and an akathist to the Mother of God “All-Tsarina”. You can visit the church at any time to light a candle and offer praise and gratitude to God.

Church on Khodynka Field

In Moscow there is another Orthodox church, built in honor of the miraculous image of the Mother of God “Consolation and Consolation”. Its history goes back more than one century.

The church was erected at the beginning of the 20th century on a plot of land allocated on the territory of Khodynskoye Field next to the barracks. It was consecrated in the presence of Princess Elizabeth Feodorovna Romanova.

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Later, with the participation of the blessed princess, an order of mercy was created within the walls of the monastery, which helped all suffering and poor people overcome a difficult period of life and find faith in the Lord. However, under Soviet rule, the church was on the verge of demolition twice. But by the grace of God, it survived and today it welcomes within its walls numerous believers who want to offer prayer to the Lord.

Important! The temple on Khodynskoye Field is located at Moscow, Polikarpova Street, 16. You can get to it by metro; the church is a 15-minute walk from Begovaya station.

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