Providing assistance in any trouble: how to ask for protection in front of the icon of the “Three Joys”

In Russia, Orthodox Christians have always prayed to the Mother of God in difficult times. The icon of the “Three Joys” is especially revered, which can be addressed in different situations with any request.

Our world is imperfect and no one in it is immune from all kinds of troubles and misfortunes. Often, when sad events suddenly occur in a person’s life, he simply has no one to turn to. And then the only place where the unfortunate person can come asking for help, where they will completely unselfishly lend a helping hand, listen and give him good advice, becomes the church. Surrounded by holy faces, all troubles and bad thoughts recede, a person understands that he is not alone, his prayers will definitely be heard.

History of the appearance of the shrine

The image of the Most Holy Theotokos appeared in Russia at the end of the 18th century. He was brought to his homeland by one of the young Russian artists who studied in Italy with local painters. The master painted a copy of the image of the painting by the brilliant Italian artist Raphael “The Holy Family”. The young man gave the brought list to the Moscow Church of the Life-Giving Trinity, whose rector was his relative.

The image of the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared in Russia at the end of the 18th century

The image of the Most Holy Theotokos has always been revered by Christians, but this icon became miraculous 40 years after its appearance in Russia.

In Moscow at that time it was restless. The family of one titled noblewoman, a person close to the imperial family, suffered misfortunes as if from a cornucopia. The head of the family fell out of favor with the emperor due to a false denunciation and was exiled; the estate and property were transferred to the disposal of the state treasury. To top it all off, the only son became a military man and was captured during the next campaign.

Salvation came from the image of the Most Holy Theotokos. The unhappy wife and mother was a deeply religious person; she constantly prayed and asked for the salvation of her family. In a revelation dreamed by a desperate mother, she was ordered to find the icon of the Holy Family, patronized by the Virgin Mary. After a long search, the holy image was found in the Trinity Church. The unfortunate woman spent a long time kneeling near the face of the Queen of Heaven, offering her tearful prayers.

And the miracle happened. Soon the aristocrat received 3 good news - her husband was completely acquitted, the property was returned, and the heir to the family was released.

The news of the miraculous icon quickly spread throughout Moscow, and as a result, the image of the Most Holy Theotokos received the popular name of the “Three Joys” icon.

How the icon got its name

According to the urban legend, which is told by almost every Moscow guide, the icon of the “Three Joys” acquired significance because of a story that happened several decades after the installation of the image within the walls of the temple.

According to legend, a certain noble woman fell into despair because her husband was slandered and imprisoned, her son was captured, and the authorities seized the family estate. Day after day the unfortunate woman prayed to the Mother of God for help, spending her days without sleep, water or food in front of the images in the deepest despair.

One day the sufferer had a dream, and in a vision the Mother of God visited her and ordered her to pray at an icon that no one had ever worshiped in Moscow, namely, before the image of the “Holy Family.” Opening her eyes, the woman went in search of the desired image and, having walked around almost all the city churches, finally found the icon, located in the farthest and darkest corner of a small church. There was no place in front of the image where a candle could be placed; the lamps were not burning. The woman prayed, holding the candle in her hands until it burned out completely. Of course, the temple servants could not help but notice this.

A short time later, the devout believer returned to the church again and just as fervently thanked the Mother of God in front of the same image of the “Three Joys.” The icon of the Mother of God, which had not previously been significant in the eyes of the clergy, attracted their attention thanks to these two visits. The woman told the rector of the temple about her troubles and that she had been given three great joys: her husband was acquitted, her son returned to his homeland safe and sound, and the arrest was lifted from the authorities’ property.

Whether this story actually happened or not, no one can say. There are no names or dates in the legend. However, theoretically these events could happen. Be that as it may, it is believed that in connection with this story the icon of the “Three Joys” acquired meaning. What the image helps and to whom is clear from the legend. It received its name from the number of joys given to the sufferer from legend.

Description and iconography of the image

In the center is the Blessed Virgin Mary holding the baby Jesus on her lap. On opposite sides of her are Joseph the Betrothed and young John the Baptist. Their gaze, fixed on the Mother of God and her son, is permeated with love and immeasurable respect.

It should be noted that this style of writing is characteristic only of Orthodox artists. In the original, the images are written in a more laconic manner. Catholics sometimes have a white lamb on their lists of this icon, symbolizing sacrifice, and John the Baptist is depicted at different ages. Also absent from the Catholic version is Saint Joseph; he appeared in Orthodox images after the miraculous appearance of the Virgin Mary.

In the center is the Blessed Virgin

The Mother of God holds the Divine Infant on her knees

Joseph the Betrothed and young John the Baptist are depicted nearby.

When is the holiday of the icon celebrated?

The day of honoring the miraculous image falls on August 10. These days, the icon is taken out during the procession, and anyone can pay homage to it.

There is another permanent holiday, almost directly connected with this icon. This is December 22: this day is considered the date of the founding of the Diveyevo monastery by the same Venerable Seraphim, thanks to whom “The Joy of all Joys” became known.

Trinity Seraphim-Diveevo Monastery

The meaning and meaning of the icon for Orthodoxy

The Don and Kuban Cossacks attached special meaning to the prayers of the image of the “Three Joys”. It was believed that turning to him helps maintain well-being in family life, find peace of mind and unlearn bad habits for overly zealous men.

Often this image became a family saint and guardian; it was passed on from one generation to another. For example, the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, which brings joy, was especially revered by the Romanov royal dynasty. In the family of the writer Leo Tolstoy, the miraculous face was also given great importance - the novelist’s father, who participated in the Patriotic War of 1812, wore a talisman under his overcoat throughout the entire period of hostilities. To this day, the family icon is in the museum located on the Tolstoy estate in Yasnaya Polyana.

The religious meaning of the icon has two directions - divine and worldly. The Mother of God depicted in the icon feels great joy and happiness, acting as the mother and teacher of the future Savior, which she no longer hoped to experience. Having received it as a blessing from heaven, the Most Holy Theotokos thus united in herself two principles - the heavenly and the earthly.

Reading rules

The Akathist to the Image of the Mother of God, like any other prayer, must be read with inner sincerity, with great faith in the help of the Lord. God is merciful and forgives those who repent. The desire to never stumble again must be strong and unshakable.

Before singing praise, it is important to undergo the rite of communion and confession. A soul filled with sins cannot contain God's blessing. Then even a sincere prayer may not be heard.

An Orthodox Christian must have an icon of the Mother of God at home. The iconostasis is usually located on the eastern side of the home. Upon entering it is immediately visible. Like all shrines, icons must be kept in order and clean.

Before prayer, you should definitely light a candle or lamp in front of the Divine image. So the light from the candle will illuminate the holy face. Singing of praise should be slow and thoughtful. You need to understand the meaning of each word. It will be different for each person.

How does the “Three Joys” image help?

Many sorrows recede when turning to the holy face. Believers are sincere in their prayers and ask the Mother of God to help them find joy in the following cases:

  1. Being far from home, in exile or abroad.
  2. Granting forgiveness of sins, deliverance from evil thoughts.
  3. Strengthening the military spirit and protecting the defenders of the fatherland.
  4. Victory over enemies - physical and moral.
  5. Return what was lost.

The icon of the “Three Joys” acts as a symbol of the inviolability of family ties; it is considered the keeper of the hearth, bringing well-being to the family. The Mother of God will avert evil slander, empty speculation and slander, and envious glances. She will help you gain self-confidence, and will return those who have gone astray to the true path.

Orthodox Christians who left their homeland for one reason or another often find consolation in turning to the miraculous icon of the “Three Joys.”

The icon of the “Three Joys” acts as a symbol of the inviolability of family ties

What do they ask for before the image?

People come to Our Lady of the Three Joys primarily as the guardian of the hearth and protector of marital relationships. The icon helps you find your way in life, get rid of slanderers and damage, protect your good name, return lost values, and restore relationships with loved ones.

Special requests to the Holy Image of the Three Joys

  • help a loved one get out of trouble, cope with serious problems;
  • forgive the sin committed if the repentance is sincere;
  • to strengthen weakening faith in the Almighty;
  • to save the life and health of a soldier who went to a hot place;
  • free a prisoner of war from the shackles of the enemy;
  • to avoid the machinations of evil people;
  • to solve an important, fateful case;
  • recover from a serious illness;
  • get married happily, live happily and joyfully with your loved one;
  • recover from infertility, give birth to a long-awaited child;
  • restore sanity and health to a person who has lost his mind or suffers from mental disorders.

Location of the icon

The original icon, brought by a young artist from Italy, to the great regret of Orthodox believers, was lost during the 1917 revolution. At the same time, the building of the Trinity Church was taken away by the Bolsheviks. Subsequently, already in the 90s, it was returned back, and the church was reopened. The Patriarchate donated several randomly selected icons to the temple - among them was the icon of the “Three Joys”, painted in the 19th century. The priest of the temple discovered among the transferred relics the typewritten text of the Akathist. When the church ministers were discussing its regular reading before the holy image, a lamp suddenly flared up.

All disputes stopped by themselves, every Wednesday an akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos in Joy is now read and a prayer service is served.

Now there are several lists of the miraculous icon. One of them resides in the village of Gryazi in the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity, and the rest are in churches in Moscow.

There is a miraculous list in the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity in the village of Gryazi

Where is the icon located and its most revered lists

Later, lists began to appear, some of which were also miraculous. Since 1861, after the reconstruction of the church, its central altar of the Trinity Church was consecrated in honor of the icon. Her veneration was interrupted by revolutionary events when the shrine disappeared. Now the fate of the image of the 18th century. unknown.

In 1992, when the temple building was returned to the Church, several ancient shrines that were confiscated by customs officers during an attempt to be exported from Russia ended up here. Imagine the abbot’s surprise when “Three Joys” was among them! This list was made around the middle of the 19th century.

Later, the church received another copy of the shrine, painted according to the canons of Orthodox iconography. And then a miracle happened again.

Contemporaries of the events recall:

“In mid-1996, a typewritten copy of the Akathist in front of the icon was transferred to the Temple. Disputes began to arise: should we start reading this Akathist weekly? In the midst of these disputes, the lamp itself was lit in front of the “Russian” icon.”

From now on, the Akathist is read every Wednesday. Then the holy image, stored in the altar, is brought to the middle of the temple for the worship of believers.

Address of the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity : Moscow, st. Pokrovka, 13.

In addition to 2 lists in the temple where the shrine was once found, revered images are known:

  • in the relatively recently built church of the Blgv. Prince Alexander Nevsky in Sofrino (Moscow region), when the temple was laid on September 27, 2003, a chapel was immediately planned dedicated to the image of the “Three Joys,” especially revered by the military, because the temple belongs to the special forces brigade of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • Church of the Deposition of the Robe Leonovo near Moscow; this ancient temple of the 18th century. received a list in 1918 among many shrines from the destroyed churches of the capital.

Days of veneration and general rules of prayer

Only once a year, on January 8, Orthodox Christians can officially venerate the holy icon and celebrate its appearance.

Although on ordinary days, many parishioners come to church in order to venerate the miraculous image. There is a special prayer to the image of the “Three Joys,” but you can address the Mother of God in your own words. The main thing is that they come from a pure heart, and the thoughts of the person asking are pure and do not harm other people.

The day of celebration of the shrine is January 8

Prayer and akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos before the icon of the “Three Joys”

Troparion, tone 4

From Your holy icon, You filled the heart of the pious wife with unspeakable joy. / Oh, Most Pure Lady of the world, / Omnipotent Queen of joy, Ever-Virgin creature, / when she returned her husband, her son, and her property, / likewise you are merciful to all of us, / grant the fulfillment of good desires, / emanating an ever-flowing source of joy , praying to You / and crying out with all our hearts: / you have given birth to joy to the whole world, // fill those who honor You with unfailing joy.

Prayer before the icon

Oh, Most Holy Virgin, the All-Blessed Son of the All-Blessed Mother, the protection of the capital city and the holy temple of this temple, faithful to the Representative and Intercessor of all who are in sins and sorrows! Do not despise the prayers of us, Thy unworthy servants, but pray to Thy Son and our God, that He may grant to all of us, who worship Thy miraculous image with faith and tenderness, according to each need: to the sinner - all-effective admonition, repentance and salvation; for those who are in sorrow and sorrow - consolation; for those who remain in troubles and embitterment - complete relief from them; for the faint-hearted and unreliable - hope and patience; to those who live in joy and abundance - unceasing thanksgiving to God; to those in illness - healing and strengthening. Oh, Most Holy Lady, have mercy on all who honor Your honorable name and show everyone Your all-powerful protection and intercession, protect and preserve people from visible and invisible enemies. Establish marriages in love and like-mindedness; raise babies; Young chastity, open their minds to the perception of every useful teaching; Protect half-blooded people from domestic quarrels with peace and love, and give us all love, peace and piety, and health with long life, so that everyone in heaven and on earth will lead You as a strong and unashamed Representative of the Christian race and, this is true, glorify You and Your Son with His beginningless Father and His Consubstantial Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Joy can and should be experienced not only by receiving what you ask for. The mental satisfaction of doing a good deed is difficult to compare with anything. If a Christian is able to come to the aid of another person in difficult times, support him and even save him, the Most Holy Mother of God will always help him with this.

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