How to write a wish on paper so that it comes true: effective examples

In this article I will share the secrets of how to fulfill any desire with the power of thought and build your future in your own way.

There are people whose most important dreams and desires always come true, and sometimes in surprising ways, seemingly at the most unexpected moments. People say that all correct and true desires will definitely come true if you really want to. Lucky people are sure that the power of desire itself helps them to fulfill their dreams.

It turns out that the method of achieving a dream in reality can be worked out and turned into a simple rule in the unconscious, i.e. instinctive level. If the desire is consistent, real and conscious, then using simple rules, you can really control your destiny. With just the power of thought, you can fulfill any desires and attract the best events into your life in the future.

Healers, meditation gurus and all kinds of fortunetellers can tell gifted people that they have a third eye, intuition, the gift of foresight (also called the sixth sense). But even their owners do not always believe this. Such abilities are most developed in people with innate intuition, whose ancestors had the gift of clairvoyance and treated people with spells. But only abilities are inherited, not true knowledge. To get them in the future, in the present reality you need to work hard.

But first, you need to accept as true the fact that when important desires are fulfilled, there is no place for any coincidences or accidents; this is not magic, but a working mechanism of reality. People whose important dreams come true can unanimously confirm that at one fine moment everything important comes to them, which they begin to think about with lust, which can be called a strong desire. Moreover, an important, strong desire cannot be repulsed by any cataclysms or suppressed by authoritative skeptical opinions. The most important point is to tell yourself: “everything will be the way I want!” The power of the right thought in reality works real miracles!

People who have worked this tool on themselves can in the future direct the power of their thoughts to other people and help them achieve the fulfillment of their innermost desires. Many people are full of doubts about how justified the practice of helping other people fulfill their desires is.

This is a complex and important question, because different people have completely different energies, intentions and knowledge, and the importance of the same desire differs for different people. It is impossible to predict what intervention in such an individual universe might actually entail.

Therefore, the best way to properly influence their lives is to teach people to think correctly, independently manage their thoughts and desires, and get rid of doubts and stereotypes.

How to make a wish and have it come true

In order for everything you want to come true, you need to memorize the basic rules and not be lazy to put them into practice.

There are five of them in total:

  1. You cannot make a wish and think of it as a goal in the past tense. This is a bad sign because your thoughts should be focused on the present moment or what will happen in the near future.
  2. Never use negation NOT when thinking about your desire. For example, instead of the phrase “I am not poor,” it is correct to use the word form “I am wealthy.”
  3. Statement language should be used instead of conditional desires. For example, “I’m relaxing on the most beautiful island, I’m happy and everyone around me is happy too.”
  4. Write down your intended desire on paper so that you can periodically read the note until the goal is achieved.
  5. Even before your dream comes true, do not forget to thank God or the Universe for making it possible for your desire to come true. True gratitude has a special importance; it must be endured long before the wish comes true.

Remember that the power of the universe cannot be used for harm, it does not provide any techniques to those who wish evil. Avoid fear of failure and any other negative emotions and thoughts, set them up correctly.

You need to think about a true desire as if it will certainly come true. Only those aspirations to which you reach with all your heart, overcoming fear, will be fulfilled in reality. If you have the slightest doubt, nothing will come of it, because the Universe will decide that your desire is not particularly important, and you yourself do not really know what you want in reality.

But it is worth noting that when fulfilling complex desires, one must beware of inflated importance. What does it mean?

If you yourself are not sure that your wish will come true and you experience doubts, alternating with the uncertainty that you will have to wait a very long time for fulfillment. You are chaotically turning over thoughts in your head about whether you made the right wish, or maybe this wish is not true at all - this is overestimated importance.

Going through thoughts like: Well, when will your wish come true? What am I doing wrong? Why does everything come true for others, but not for me? The universe doesn't love me. Maybe I don’t deserve a better life - you overestimate the importance, preventing the Universe from finally starting to fulfill your desires.

Relax!) The Universe loves everyone equally, but it quickly fulfills the desire of those who themselves believe that they are worthy of it.

Let's take a closer look at the issue of reducing the importance of desire.

Variety of implementation methods.

When thinking about how to make a wish come true, you need to describe it in detail, but not limit the Universe in the ways of its implementation. If you want a car, you don’t need to say that you are buying it, because it can be inherited, a gift, or as a lottery win. The dream comes true literally. If you write “I’m meeting a handsome and smart man,” then the acquaintance can easily happen within 10 minutes, but whether it will result in a dream relationship remains in question. In fact, it will be considered fulfilled.

How much force will you have to apply?

To activate the power of thought to work in fulfilling a desire, three conditions must be met:

  • First, you don’t need to constantly think about how to fulfill your desire. If you passionately want something, at the same moment let your thoughts go free! Take care of your daily affairs that require attention in everyday reality, but return to your plans from time to time. However, do not make this your main, much less your only, goal. A full-fledged, correct dream should not be difficult, it should not be a burden. A real, true desire must be airy and light, only in this way can it fly to the heavens during the process of meditation and at the right moment reach higher powers.
  • The second condition is that the desire must be clearly formulated. Write it down exactly the way you want it to come true. The slightest distortion, and the highest patrons may misunderstand your desire, as a result of which you may get a completely different result than you desired. For example, get a temporary lover instead of marrying the perfect man once and for all. To make it easier for your heavenly patron to understand and fulfill everything, write down your desire as briefly and clearly as possible, just as a boss writes an order to a subordinate.
  • The third condition is that you must, having cast aside fear and doubt, firmly believe that your desire is, in principle, possible. Even atheistic skeptics can be convinced that the power of thoughts is real and is capable of fulfilling any dream at any time if it is managed correctly.

After all the ritual formalities in meditation, just let go of your dream and believe that magic will happen if all the fears and resentments of life remain in the past!

Brief rules for making a wish

Esoterics perfectly formulated the main elements of the request. For this to happen, you need to:

  1. Desire exclusively for yourself. It is prohibited to ask for another person, even the closest one. It is better to forward the person a link to this article. Let him order it himself.
  2. Eliminate the particle "not". This combination of sounds is invisible to angels. Therefore, instead of “not being single,” they read “unmarried.”
  3. Avoid setting strict deadlines. Time should not appear in the assignment. An ultimatum is considered disrespectful to the highest patrons.
  4. Write in the present tense. Imagine this has already happened. Briefly describe the sensations.
  5. Concentrate on feelings. Don't ask for money, but for the pleasure of ownership.
  6. Pay attention to detail. If you want a car, please describe the color and make. But if you dream of a child, then do not describe the baby in detail. They may refuse.
  7. Making riddles is environmentally friendly. This means refusing a negative attitude towards other participants in the process. If you are in love with a married man, then ask for a harmonious partner in destiny. Believe me, the Supreme Ones know better who will make you happy.

Don't dictate to the universe exactly how to perform. She can handle it herself. For example, there is no need to look for sources of finance to acquire what you want. They will open if you do everything correctly.

Two basic laws of success:

  1. Record the request only in high spirits. Drive away sadness from your heart in any way possible. Options: film, music, childhood memories, intimate conversation.
  2. Make the recording calmly. Excitement, anticipation, excessive delight will destroy the possibility of receiving.

After performing the ritual, you need to forget about it. Don't expect to dream every second. Thoughts aimed at what you want will definitely push away a happy chance. Keep yourself busy with something everyday and interesting.

Vision board or wish map

With the help of what technique will the wish map help activate the universal law of attraction and fulfill your innermost desire? The human brain constantly works on the commands that the subconscious writes to it. If the incoming signals are high-frequency affirmations, the priority choice falls on them, and then the fulfillment of your dream is just a stone's throw away :)

Making a vision board (wish map) is the most valuable technique for creating an image of an ideal future. This is a visual representation of the upcoming path that you want to follow. Those. it is a visual representation of a deepest desire. This is an image of a holiday of an ideal life, which is formed by the brain in your head.

For you, I have already collected the best pictures for the wish card, which you can print here >>>

Since the human mind responds most strongly to stimulation by visualization, receiving a clear picture of desire in the form of pictures and images, this technique stimulates and enhances emotions, and they, in turn, activate the Universal Law of Attraction.

The saying “it’s better to see once than to hear a hundred times” works 100 times here. A wish map, as a powerful tool for visualizing desires, very effectively stimulates the brain, which begins to understand how to fulfill its plans.

To start creating a vision map, or vision board, you need to have enough time. The pictures you choose should be a reflection of your desire. Looking at them you should have fun, unconsciously programming yourself to fulfill your desire!

When creating a wish map, it is very useful to show a little creativity and add something of your own. For example, some symbols. Also, don't forget to put your personal photo on the board. The choice should fall on a photo taken at a happy moment, at some holiday, etc. Apt quotes and expressive affirmations wouldn’t hurt on your vision board. Some people write their thoughts there, others – popular expressions.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a wish card are here >>>

Thus, everything that lifts your mood, pleases you and evokes pleasant emotions, eliminates fear, resentment and other negativity should be placed on the vision board.

The vision board of desires is a perfectly working tool in all areas of life; it is an effective way to fulfill a desire as quickly as possible. But you need to try to place materials on the vision board that very accurately express the essence of your desire. Otherwise, you can simply attract chaos into your life.

Creative rituals for fulfilling wishes

The wish-granting rituals that we have in our culture are closely related to creativity, where we use our creativity and talents to create something new. For the New Year, we decorate the Christmas tree, make toys with our own hands, write notes and congratulations, wrap gifts, write poems, come up with some performances. This allows creative energy to unfold, which contributes to a more elevated state, and therefore helps our dreams come true.

All these creative ways, starting with a letter to Santa Claus, are very effective. You can write a letter to the Universe, God, or even to yourself, where you write down what you want to receive. Or try to compose a therapeutic fairy tale, where the plot will tell about what is happening to you, how you feel. You can express your desires using a collage. Nowadays, the wish notebook is gaining popularity. Coloring mandalas, creating Christmas tree decorations with your own hands - this can be any creative object into which we place our desire.

Correct Thought Setting

Let's consider simple affirmations, the use of which helps in fulfilling desires and attracting success. A list of magic phrases will help those who find it difficult to formulate their plans correctly.

  • Here and now my wish *** began to come true.
  • I am grateful to the universe for fulfilling my wish ***.
  • Every new day brings me closer to my cherished dream***.
  • I am open or open to receive desire ***.
  • I trust the universe to fulfill my wish *** in the near future.

How to write dreams and goals correctly so that they come true: result

When you formulate your intention, pay all your attention to the result you plan to get.

For example, you are looking for a job and you have to go through an interview. The attitude “I successfully pass the interview and am hired” may come to mind. In principle, not a bad formulation. But it can be improved.

Try to focus not on the expected process of the interview itself, but on its result: “I am pleased that I successfully passed the interview and was hired.”

Get into it. Then you will act as if you are already an employee of the company. The interviewer will feel this and will have no choice but to bring your internal radiation into line with reality.

What days are best to make a wish?

It has long been believed that the best day for making wishes and sending your thoughts to higher powers is the period of the new moon, including the first few days after it. These days of renewal of the lunar cycle are considered the “cleanest”.

But there are special wishes that are better to make during the full moon. These include a woman’s desire to get married and dreams of love in general. They have the most powerful force.

To make your wish come true correctly, you need to follow the following tips:

  • To prevent dreams from getting lost, the right dreamer writes them in a separate notebook or personal notebook.
  • While writing down your deepest desires, you should be alone, the house should be clean, and you should be wearing clean, neat clothes.
  • Thoughts and feelings need to be freed from everything bad and negative, incl. fear and resentment.
  • It is best to take notes after sunset using candlelight.

I don’t want to, but there is, not someday, but now

The brain takes words literally. Compare “I want a cozy house” and “I am the owner of a cozy two-story house.” If you “want”, then this is exactly what your subconscious mind will do - you will continue to want.

The same applies to a phrase in the future tense. If you work with the desire “I will have a house,” then you are transmitting to the world precisely the state of waiting for a home. And your inner message comes back to you literally. Therefore, it is important to radiate not the expectation of a home, but the fact of owning it.

Yes, it’s not easy to feel like the owner of your own cottage when you rent a room in a communal apartment. But imagination was given to us for a reason. Use it for your benefit.

And in order to correctly use your imagination to build your happy life, you should learn to control your brain. The first step for this is to stop the internal dialogue. This technique will help you learn to control your thoughts - and this is an important step on the ladder to transforming yourself and your surroundings. You will find 5 effective techniques for stopping internal dialogue in this article (opens in a new window).

The most effective affirmations

For love

Below I will give examples of the most effective affirmations for love and marriage, which are equally relevant and effective for both sexes and work 100%.

  • I am getting married because my love is mutual.
  • My relationship is harmonious.
  • Every second with my partner gives me pleasure.
  • I thank the universe for my happiness.
  • In marriage I discover new aspects of my sexual life.
  • I am discovering new facets of my sexuality.
  • I feel boundless pleasure next to my man (my woman).
  • I feel passion. My married relationship is full of tenderness and care.
  • My man (my woman) delights me.
  • I enjoy expressing my feelings.
  • I admire my beloved (beloved).
  • I feel the gaze of my beloved (beloved) on me and enjoy it.
  • Our married relationship is a long-term union of loving hearts.
  • I am confident in my choice.
  • I feel safe next to my loved one.
  • My man (my woman) admires my beauty.
  • It’s easy and pleasant for me to be in love (in love).
  • I easily tell my loved one about my feelings and desires.
  • Relationships with my loved one fill me with vital energy.
  • I'm getting married because I choose sexual pleasure.
  • I choose sincerity and ease in relationships.
  • I'm getting married because I love you and it's mutual.

You can change some words at your discretion in the way that will be most relevant and important for you here and now.

For money

Now I will give examples of affirmations for fulfilling a desire to attract money. It is best to read them out loud, relaxing as much as possible and clearing your mind of unnecessary thoughts. Some write them on paper, some learn them by heart, and some play an audio recording. Concentrate on pronouncing the words, putting into them the feeling and desire to have more money. In order for money to come into your life easily and stay in it forever, you need to speak or listen to special “money” affirmations every day for at least a month. They will give a powerful mood to activate cash flow, and reality will begin to change.

  • I am a magnet, I attract money.
  • I choose prosperity, wealth, abundance.
  • I respect money, so it literally sticks to me.
  • Money gives me freedom.
  • My account is always replenished.
  • Money comes into my life in the most favorable way.
  • I'm getting richer every day.
  • I feel joy and gratitude when I check my account.
  • My wealth has no boundaries, it is like the universe.
  • I enjoy my wealth and share money easily.
  • I am the most powerful magnet for attracting money.
  • I'm walking down a path strewn with money.
  • All my material desires are quickly fulfilled.
  • I feel a sincere feeling of love for money.
  • I'm happy that I have a lot of money.
  • I like to spend money with pleasure.
  • Wealth is absolutely normal.
  • I am ready for wealth because I know how to earn a lot of money.
  • Every minute I become richer thanks to my inner world.
  • I allow my well-being to grow constantly and regardless of what happens in the world around me.
  • My hobby brings not only pleasure, but also money.
  • I'm free (free) from money blocks.
  • My wealth inspires me to do good.
  • I am full (full) of profitable ideas.
  • I choose to be rich (rich).
  • I am a successful person because I know what I want.
  • I feel grateful for every bill in my wallet.
  • I am becoming richer every day, moving towards success confidently and calmly.
  • I am building up the energy of money within myself.
  • I am free (free) from stinginess and envy.
  • I know how to increase money.
  • Now I have a favorite business that brings me a lot of money.
  • I allow myself the best, and I am proud of it.
  • I feel a gold mine inside of me.
  • I always attract abundance to me.
  • I choose to live richly, it is my right, and I am using it right now.
  • I consciously choose prosperity and wealth.
  • I respect money.
  • I believe in myself and am getting richer every day.
  • I feel joy and gratitude when I check my account.
  • My wealth has no limits.
  • With my wealth, I share money with the world.
  • I am lucky (lucky), all my wishes come true quickly.
  • I am happy that I have large amounts of money.
  • I spend money with pleasure.
  • My own ideas help increase income.

To your health

Choose the most relaxing position, preferably lying down, throw away grievances, failures and other negativity. Close your eyes and immerse yourself in your own space to feel every word, so that every organ of your body receives a healing impulse.

This is an appeal to the Thymus, and it must be read twice, placing your palm on the thymus gland (our sacred heart):

“I have love, faith, gratitude and courage.”

And our lungs listen to this energy:

“I am modest, patient and reserved, I am happy, I have a good destiny, I am cheerful.”

This is a message for the liver:

“I am happy, I have a good husband, I am cheerful and open in love, I turn to *** with love and send forgiveness to this person. I open up in love."

Next, pay attention to the gallbladder, spleen and pancreas:

“I believe in the future, I and it are safe.”

Appeal to the kidneys:

“My sexual and creative energies are completely balanced and I am confident in my sexual and creative abilities.”

Appeal to the large intestine:

“I am pure and good, I am worthy of love and success.”

You can cleanse the blood with the following words:

“I accept my entire past with love, gratitude and forgiveness. I let it go, I'm relaxed and I feel great."

At this time, it is advisable to gently stroke your hand.

Our heart hears these words:

“There is forgiveness in my heart, I love and forgive,” especially if you stroke your belly with your hand and add: “I am relaxed, content and calm.”

It is useful for the thyroid gland to say:

“I am full of hope, bright and cheerful.”

The intestines love these words:

“I am cheerful and joyful, I jump for joy.”

For the bladder:

“I am at peace, I am in peace, harmony and peace, the conflicts are over.”

Practice these affirmations for health and healing every day, and you will feel your desire for health and vitality come true, filling your body with energy and strength.

Why write dreams and goals?

“What is written with a pen cannot be cut out with an axe,” I didn’t come up with that idea. Folk wisdom teaches us a lot, we just have to listen to its advice. Why did our ancestors come to the conclusion that what is written is much more powerful than what is simply said or thought?

It's simple. A thought is a fleeting “swirl of energy.” For it to come to life, it needs to be greatly condensed.

The word is already a “heavier” energy. When we speak, thought becomes more concentrated. The word is a certain manifestation of life in material reality.

And the written word is even stronger in its energetic impact on reality. This is a denser and more manifested thought in reality, an even more enhanced impulse. And there are only a couple of steps left for your dream to come true exactly in the form in which you expect it.

In addition, thoughts rush through our heads on autopilot. Usually we attach little importance to them. If we said something, then it already has more weight. After all, you have to keep your word, everyone is taught this from childhood.

But when the intention is not only spoken out loud, but also written, it acquires the greatest power. When we write, we focus all our attention on our dream. Where attention goes, energy goes. The mastery of attention management allows you to manage your entire life. Read about the secrets of managing your attention in this article (opens in a new window).

In addition, our brain takes written documents more seriously. “How is it that it is written on paper that I have a house, but in reality I don’t? Disorder! We need to move, look for opportunities to make what we have written become a reality,” and the brain actively starts working. He begins to introduce useful people and necessary situations. All you have to do is react and act.

We talked about why to write down your desires on paper. Now let's move on to the practical part.

Why doesn't the wish come true?

Let's look at typical mistakes that lead to the fact that the wish is not fulfilled.

Don't figure out how you will achieve your goal.

Most often, a wish is not fulfilled due to the fact that a person fantasizes about how and when everything should happen. By thinking about different paths to the goal, you tie the hands of higher powers, who may have their own opinion on this matter. Those. You limit the methods of execution to your vision when you think, for example, like this: “I want this by the required date,” “I want to receive money in this way,” etc. Instead, think better about what you need this money for and what you will spend it on. If you want some kind of relationship, don't think about dates and times! No numbers, conventions or set boundaries!

If your wish doesn't come true the way you wanted

If everything happened, but not exactly as you intended, you should under no circumstances be offended by higher powers, much less show your dissatisfaction. You need to accept the situation with gratitude and learn a lesson from the mistake - formulate your desire more precisely. Most likely, you either incorrectly voiced your dream to the Universe, or were not quite ready to fulfill it. To avoid repetitions of such failures, make sure that your thoughts reflect your desire for good: your fulfilled desire must necessarily bring benefit to both you and those around you.

Signs and intuition

Believe that you have intuition, and it will be your faithful assistant on the path to achieving what you want. The voice of intuition is like questions or tips from higher powers. Most often, it manifests itself in the form of attentive attention to the signs of fate, which the universe sends as if to clarify your true aspirations.

Listen to yourself, especially to those thoughts that suddenly come into your head.

Real time frame.

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Sometimes it is better to set deadlines for the Universe, otherwise a wish may come true when it is no longer needed. If you want to get a promotion, you need to think about how much time it really takes to turn from a secretary into a deputy director of an international company. It is unlikely that this can be done in a month.

Where should you aim?

To achieve your dream, you have to go somewhere. It is obvious. Analyze: is it possible to create a map for your purpose?

I don't mean write down every step, no. When you open the navigator, you are required to put points A and B. Are there such points in your desire?

The point, of course, exists. This is your current situation. What about the destination?

Not from where, but where

“I paid off all my loans,” is everything okay with this statement? Do you feel joy and enthusiasm?

Not at all. On the contrary, there is stiffness and tension evident here. This is because all the attention in this case is paid to the problem. All attention is directed precisely to complexity, to the burning need to get rid of it.

Where attention goes, energy goes. The loans will remain the same. What to do?

Think not about where you want to get out of, but where you dream of getting to. If you only put point A in the navigator, you will remain standing in place.

Imagine what you want your life to be like without loans. That's it, you have no debts. How are you feeling? What you are doing? Dream about this and write down these wishes so that they come true.

Getting rid of “no”

It is easy to conclude from this. If there is a particle “not” in your dream, rephrase it.

“No” is a negation. And we usually deny problems. Let me remind you once again: we transfer all our attention from troubles to our dreams and goals.

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