A guide to applying, diagnosing, and removing damage to trade!

Business always attracts the attention of people, and a good business attracts competitors, especially in the field of trade.
So that “life doesn’t seem like raspberries,” you have to resort to serious measures and turn to magic rituals. Damage to trade is used where it is necessary to create financial problems for an opponent without harming his physical health.

How to spoil trade?

Casting a spell on an opponent will make him experience an endless series of failures in his business: broken contracts, disruptions in deliveries, loss of regular customers - all adversity will be associated with his financial situation and source of profit.

There are different methods. Sometimes just a strong evil eye or envy is enough, and sometimes you need to resort to other more serious measures. You can use rune magic. Magic runes have long been known for their power. There are dozens of signs, each of which, in combination, influences the final result in its own way.

Here's how to spoil your trading competitors just using a letterhead with a logo, or any document with a company seal:

  • Under the logo or directly on it, list all the founders, directors and those directly associated with the success of the business, who bear the greatest influence and responsibility for the welfare of trade in the company. You can write first and last names with a pen, marker, or paint;
  • Next, you will need to draw the Scandinavian rune “Isu” under the list of names with charcoal or activated charcoal to give a good effect. The rune “Isa” carries the meaning of “freezing”, “freezing” of what it is superimposed on, that is, such a procedure brings “freezing” to all areas of the competing company;
  • You can add the “Uruz” rune, meaning “depression”, but such a ritual is better done in a photograph, however, this is too strong magic, which is better to resort to last;
  • The last step of the ritual will require burying the form under a dried tree, I turn to the Scandinavian goddess “Hel”. It is better to carry out such a ritual yourself during the waning moon.


Sometimes it can be difficult to distinguish a banal temporary crisis from manifestations of a curse. But a powerful evil eye immediately affects all areas of work, undermines the health of the owner, and leads the person and the company to collapse. Intervention can be determined by symptoms:

  • constant delays, interruptions of important meetings;
  • failure to fulfill obligations for no apparent reason;
  • money flows away to no one knows where;
  • conflicts with partners;
  • unjustified dismissal of colleagues;
  • problems with the mental and physical health of the company manager.

The current damage to business is inexorably worsening the company's position in the market. Having discovered unknown problems, they carefully examine the current state of affairs. Suspecting negative influence from the outside, it is important to take appropriate measures in time to neutralize the curse.

How to spoil trade using a lining?

Another method using fabric, rope and water is also effective, but has one caveat. This kind of damage is called lining.

Gifts left in place of a “favorite” exude energy that inhibits profit, creating an “economic hole,” but it is easy to get rid of such damage to trade - you just need to destroy the thrown item.

To cause such damage, you must do the following:

  • Dip a piece of fabric into water in a basin;
  • Use a dampened piece to wipe the item purchased from a competitor;
  • Sitting down facing west, they tie a rope and dip the knot into the water;
  • They move the rope through the water in a circular motion 3 times counterclockwise, saying in a whisper:

    “I spin in circles - I torture water”;

    Then, after a short pause, the rope is thrown into the water;

  • Salt is sprinkled on top with the words:

    “I don’t want someone else’s, I don’t have my own”;

  • The container with water is left along with the rope;
  • At the end of the day, the water is poured out and the rope is dried;
  • At the end, you need to bring the rope to the trading place and leave it there.

Communion and water

If we consider the second case with communion, then it is necessary to perform the church ceremony twelve times in order to remove any evil eye. Experts believe that only after the twelfth time can damage completely leave a person. Don't forget to confess before communion. Confession cleanses a person’s energy and makes him protected by heavenly forces.

If you need to get rid of damage for a long time, then the priest must consecrate your store. This way you can block the way for evil forces to enter your business. An effective way to get rid of negativity is to wash with holy water. While washing, you need to read the following plot:

“Living water, I ask you to deliver me, God’s servant (name), from the negative effects of magic. May all failures disappear and never return. Will you help me, heavenly spirits? Amen".

In order to prevent damage from yourself, you need to get rid of all the garbage that is contained in the store. It is likely that the magical ritual was performed using some item from your store. The energy of such a store can negatively affect your income and financial profit. Go home and throw all the trash out of the house. This way, you can clean not only the energy of the store, but also influence the positive properties of your home. To return large profits, a money spell is read.

How to recognize a person who has damaged a trade?

The circle narrows when it becomes absolutely clear that things are going badly only in the trade sector. There are basically several candidates here that you need to take a closer look at and discern an unhealthy interest in business affairs.

It is important not just to guess who it is, but to know for sure in order to accurately remove the maximum impact of damage, because not only finances, but also the health of close family members can fall into the risk zone if the competitor is not satisfied with what he has already done.

It is worth paying attention to regular customers, maybe they are actually sent “messengers” who came on reconnaissance to drop something or take something important for the ritual.

If it seems that a person is full of negativity and hatred, and clearly does not want the success and prosperity of the business, inciting strange conversations and aggression in every possible way, then most likely this is the same “beloved” competitor who came to visit and brought “gifts”. In such cases, simply have a black cat in the trading area. The animal is very sensitive to the presence of dark magical forces, and will behave extremely strangely in the presence of an ill-wisher.

You can recognize the person who caused the damage more accurately in a dream, but such a search must be done on the eve of the holy holiday. To do this, before going to bed, you need to clear your mind of everything that is not related to the search for the offender, cast a prophetic dream spell and quickly fall asleep.

Place a pen and paper near you, because if the answer comes in deep sleep, then when you first wake up, do not be lazy to write down the vision, otherwise you risk, when you wake up a second time, not remembering anything.

Church ritual

A simple action that allows you to quickly remove the evil eye. Religious energy is very strong and has a detrimental effect on negativity.

The owner of the company goes to church, gets baptized and prays for salvation and protection. Then he places health candles next to the icons of all the Saints, the Mother of God and Jesus Christ. Near each image a person looks at the flame, prays and asks for mercy.

The ceremony in the church must be carried out personally by the entrepreneur

More accurate methods for identifying the person causing damage.

If the dream and the cat have led to even greater misconceptions, then it’s time to resort to a more accurate diagnosis.

Let's use the wax method:

  • You will need wax, a water bath with filtered water, and a container for hot wax;
  • We heat the wax over the bath and pour it slowly into a container with the words:

    “I pour wax, I pour out the enemy”;

  • As a result, we look at what happened at the bottom. If these are “strong signs” like a wild animal or a diamond shape, then the offender is male. If the figure has a feminine principle, for example, a flower, the moon, then the offender is female. Try to abstract the figure as much as possible, to see what it looks like.

If the result is something completely incomprehensible, then the damage was applied using powerful magic.

You can add the nail method to the list of good ways to find the person who caused the damage.

To do this you need:

  • In the cemetery, find a nail from a coffin and take it with gloves, pliers, in general, somehow so that the object does not touch the bare areas of your hands;
  • Drive a nail near the threshold, or into the door frame of your own home;
  • The ill-wisher will soon want to pay a visit, or will simply pass by. His state will be very exhausted and nervous - this is a sign that he is the desired offender.

Neutralization with banknotes

After the ceremony, not only the damage to the business and lack of money is neutralized, but also additional luck is attracted in the financial affairs of the company.

The head of the company buys a new pair of gloves and goes out into nature:

  1. A person throws a glove into the water, looks at the surface and imagines how the negative is washed away.
  2. Back at the office, the second glove is hidden in a secluded place.
  3. Left alone, the owner focuses on restoring his former glory and declares:

“A pair of arms covered the entire planet. But they became few. One plays with the sun, the other beckons to the moon. In my hands, money flows into my chest. Amen".

The hidden glove must not be touched.

How to remove damage to trade yourself using a chicken or other animal?

You need to be absolutely sure that damage is really present and all the troubles are not due to naive stupidity and inexperience. To do this, you just need a glass of water and a chicken egg. Separate the contents of the egg from the shell and place in a container, keeping the yolk intact. Next, we move the glass over the person’s head, presumably causing damage.

If you yourself are this person, then ask a close friend to rub your head. After the procedure, we look at the white, yolk and water, which should remain unchanged. If the white has darkened and the water has become cloudy, black magic is taking place.

If signs of dark rituals appear on the egg, then it is enough to take a few simple steps to remove them, even without special witchcraft skills. Here's how to remove damage to trade on your own without much expense, just using the carcass of a dead animal:

  • You need to get any dead animal, even chicken from the store will do, preferably chilled, not frozen. Heads and legs won't work - you need a whole carcass;
  • Next you will need an awl or a large sharp needle. This can be purchased at any sewing store;
  • Before the ceremony, you need to take communion and confess to the priest;
  • After all the preliminary procedures, we consecrate the animal with a church candle. To do this, you need to draw a cross across the entire area of ​​the body. Now we pierce the carcass and say:

    “Take for yourself what I don’t need, it won’t harm you”;

  • Then bury or burn the chicken.

With the help of this simple ritual, all the damage was absorbed by the dead chicken, which took it away with it.

Ritual with a candle

The ritual will help you quickly forget about what is harmful to business. The action is performed by the main person in the organization.

A few days before the selected date you need to purchase:

  • three wax candles;
  • smooth saucer without rim;
  • matches.

The action happens naturally after dark:

  1. Light a candle and place it at the head of the bed.
  2. Look at the flame, imagining recovery, asking for help.
  3. Read any known prayers or spells.

For three days after the magical action, it is forbidden to lend things or take anything from the hands of others.

How to remove damage from trading using a glass of liquid?

If, after all, the chicken did not help, then there is a much more effective option if the damage was confirmed by a glass with an egg. Here again you need a clean glass of distilled boiled water. Now, we read in detail how to remove damage from trade using a vessel with water:

  • Fill the mug or container only halfway with boiled artesian or distilled water. Alcohol-containing substances and tap water are not suitable;
  • We pour a small handful of earth into a container and place it on our left hand straightened in front of us;
  • With your free hand, in a circular motion, we pass over the glass several times strictly clockwise and say:

    “Let all unclean nonsense go away from my business.”

  • We go to the intersection and pour water in the center. It is advisable to do this not on a road, but somewhere in the forest;
  • This needs to be done for two weeks;
  • On the last day, you need to come to the river at dawn, cut off six heads of ripened river reeds, clean them, put some small stone from the river and a piece of thread inside the reed stem. Whisper the magic word three times and scatter the reeds over the river.

How to remove damage to trade using a talisman?

If all the pins, dreams, glasses indicate that damage is taking place, then there is a very powerful way to get rid of it, without even knowing who sent it.

You just need to get with

a powerful talisman against damage. Here's how to easily do it:

  • We wash coins, preferably with disinfectants and distilled water. You can use rubbing alcohol;
  • We go out into the street and look for a pregnant dog, you can ask a neighbor or friend if he has such a dog;
  • During childbirth, be sure to be present near her, so that when the first puppies appear, you can have time to place a clean coin under the tongue of the dog, which is about to lick the newborns;
  • While the dog is licking the coin, confusing it with puppies, you need to cast a magic spell. Such a ritual will call on the higher forces of good and light to settle in the coin and become a talisman of good luck.

Ready! Now you should always carry the coin with you in your wallet so that it repels black magic. In this simple and fairly safe way you can get a “lucky talisman” that protects and removes damage.

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