The text of the most powerful prayer to Archangel Michael on the porch of the Chudov Monastery

The meaning of the prayer to Archangel Michael on the porch of the Chudov Monastery

To understand the meaning of prayer, let us turn to the origins of its appearance. The Miracle Monastery was once called the Great Lavra. It was built back in 1365, and the cathedral church, which gave it its name, in 1503. The temple was named in honor of the miracle performed by the holy Archangel Michael in Honekha.

The history of this event is as follows. In the ancient pan-Asian power of Phrygia, in the ancient city called Colossae, in the place where the healing spring was located, a temple was erected glorifying the Archangel Michael. It was built by one of the townspeople as a token of gratitude for the healing of his daughter with the water of the spring.

The sexton Arkhipp Herotopsky served faithfully in this temple for 60 years. He was a respected man, but disliked by the local pagans. Having planned the murder and destruction of the temple, evil people connected two mountain rivers so that they would wash away the structure from the face of the earth. The sexton began to fervently pray to Archangel Michael for help and protection. The prayer was heard, the archangel appeared in that place, and struck the mountain with his rod. A chasm magically formed into which the waters rushed. Both the temple and the city were saved. Since then, the city was called Khony, translated as “cleft.”

Let's return to Moscow. There is a legend that here, on the porch of the Chudov Monastery, on August 11, 1906, words of prayer came to one godly monk, and he had a vision. The Archangel Michael appeared to the monk and said: “If a person reads this prayer all the days and that day the devil and no evil person will touch him, his heart will not be tempted by laziness, if a person reposes, then hell will not accept his soul. Amen".

That is, the main meaning of prayer is to help a person from many troubles and protect him not only in earthly life, but also when he passes into another world.

The history of the temple is sad - on December 17, 1929, it was completely destroyed by Soviet power. But the written prayer is alive and helps those who turn to it.

Miracles Monastery

The Chudov Monastery was founded in 1358. The Metropolitan of Moscow, Saint Alexy, by the power of Christ’s prayer, healed, according to some sources, his wife, and according to others, the mother of the Tatar Khan Janibek, the blind Taidula.

As a token of gratitude to God for this miraculous healing, Metropolitan Alexy consecrated the only monastery in Moscow in honor of the miracle of the Holy Archangel Michael in Khoneh. It was located on the site of the modern government building and Senate.

When to read

Archangel Michael is translated from Hebrew as “a great warrior like God.” The strongest prayer directed to him helps in difficult times to find peace, accept the life situation in peace, and rely on the help of the archangel.

  • The heavenly helper always responds to requests for protection from evil people, from any negativity, scandals, quarrels, and protects when there is a threat to life.
  • He is asked for healing, gaining strength and endurance, and protection while traveling.
  • Michael guides believers in finding their destiny.
  • They pray to him for help in getting rid of grievances, sadness, grief, fears, and stress.
  • Prayer helps when there is a threat of war, international conflicts, natural disasters - floods, fires, hurricanes.
  • The Archangel, as a messenger between people and God, conveys people’s requests for help to the Almighty.
  • He is considered the patron saint of police and military personnel. Therefore, people of these professions can ask him for help in difficult work situations.

It is good for protection to carry with you a small image of the archangel or a pendant with his image.

Who is the Holy Archangel Michael

The Almighty God is surrounded by angels - and all believers know this.
These incorporeal creatures appeared long before the creation of the human world, they combine qualities such as will, strength, intelligence and personality. Angelic world created by God On earth, angels are always messengers of God. Archangel Michael is appointed by God himself for all heavenly angels. His name means “like God” in Hebrew. This angel is distinguished by enormous spiritual power. He is a faithful fighter for the glory of God and the salvation of all mankind.

Heavenly angels are not only God’s messengers, but also his intercessors before the Lord for the needs of all people and for the forgiveness of their sins. But the most important messages regarding changes in the world are conveyed to people directly by Archangel Michael. Moreover, Angels always oppose the forces of evil directed against the bright world of God, and the Holy Archangel Michael always stands at the head of such an angelic army.

This archangel first became famous for having won the first victory in heaven over the fallen angel Lucifer and expelled him to earth. And today it is believed that the battles of Archangel Michael and Lucifer continue. Only battles now periodically take place on the ground. Moreover, every living person can participate in such a battle.

In the annals of antiquity there is often information about the miraculous help of the Archangel Michael to people in battle. For example, in 1239 he helped the Novgorodians in the fight against the invasion of Batu Khan. Witnesses claim that Archangel Michael stood in front of the Khan’s army and prohibited the assault on the Novgorod fortress. As a result, the war was stopped.

But long before that, a real miracle happened. At the beginning of the Christian era, a believing peasant dreamed that his mute daughter could be healed if she drank from a source of healing water. The dream turned out to be prophetic, and the girl really spoke. The farmer's faith only strengthened, and he built a temple in the valley in honor of the Archangel Michael. But the pagans decided to destroy the religious building and flooded the valley. The farmer could not resist this and could only pray. His prayer was heard, Archangel Michael descended from heaven and saved the temple. This happened on September 19. Since then, the miraculous feast of Archangel Michael has been celebrated on this day. It is widely known as "Michael's miracle".

Full text of the ancient prayer in Russian

In addition to reading, you can manually rewrite the full text of the prayer and always carry it with you or make a talisman for loved ones by putting the text in a pendant. In our turbulent times, such protection will not be superfluous.

“Lord, Great God, King Without Beginning! Send, O Lord, Thy Archangel Michael to the aid of Thy servant (name), take me away from my enemies, visible and invisible!

O Lord Archangel Michael, pour out myrrh of benevolence on your servant (name).

O Lord Michael the Archangel, destroyer of demons! Rebuke all the enemies who fight against me, make them like sheep and crush them like dust before the wind.

O Great Lord Michael the Archangel, six-winged first Prince and Governor of the Heavenly Powers, Cherub and Seraphim!

About the wonderful Archangel Michael! Be my help in everything: in insults, in sorrows, in sorrows, in deserts, at crossroads, on rivers and seas a quiet refuge!

Deliver me, Great Archangel Michael, from all the charms of the devil, when you hear me, your sinful servant (name), praying to you and calling on your holy name, hasten to my help, and hear my prayer.

Oh, Great Archangel Michael! Conquer all those who oppose me by the power of the Honest and Life-giving Cross of the Lord, by the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos, the holy Apostles, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, St. Andrew the Fool for Fool, and the holy Prophet Elijah, the holy Great Martyr Nikita and Eustathius, St. George the Victorious, John the Warrior, the venerable father and the holy hierarchs, and martyr, and all the holy Heavenly Powers.

Oh, Great Archangel Michael! Help me, your sinful servant (name), deliver me from coward, flood, fire, sword, vain death, from all evil, from the flattering enemy, from the storm and from the evil one, deliver me, Great Michael the Archangel of the Lord, always now and ever and forever and ever. Amen".

The strongest Orthodox prayers to the Archangel of God Michael

All prayers to Archangel Michael have enormous power. In order for them to be heard, it is important that there is sincere faith in God in a person’s soul.

In the Orthodox Church, prayers to this Saint are in great demand; all believers treat Archangel Michael as a very strong patron. After all, the Old Testament says that he is the supreme angel who can always take the lead during the battle of dark and light forces.

What do they pray to the Saint for?

Archangel Michael always helps in the fight against evil spirits. He always supports people in misfortunes and troubles. If a prayer is said with sincere faith in the soul, then it will definitely be heard.

You can contact Archangel Michael with many other requests, namely:

  • For all everyday issues;
  • About healing;
  • About support on a long journey;
  • From all troubles and misfortunes.

It is believed that Archangel Michael will always provide effective assistance against thieves and robbers. He patronizes people affected by war or natural disasters. Believers also often turn to this Holy Angel in moments of great sadness and sorrow.

Archangel Michael also helps sincerely believing people to create real, albeit small, miracles. For example, if a student or schoolchild prays before an exam, he will pass the exam successfully. It is useful to use such a prayer before a long journey.

Saint Archangel Michael is depicted on icons holding a spear in one hand and a sphere-shaped mirror in the other. According to legend, it was given to the Saint by God himself. This item symbolizes the gift of foresight. Sometimes on icons Archangel Michael is depicted in full growth, and he tramples the Devil underfoot. In one hand he holds a date branch. Any icon of the Archangel Michael is distinguished by great power.

It can reliably protect:

  • From any evil, including magical effects in the form of damage or the evil eye. Archangel Michael is the head of the Army of the Lord, which confronts the devilish forces.
  • Sleeping people, so at this time a person is in a relaxed state, and, therefore, most vulnerable.

It is especially important for sick people to keep the icon of Archangel Michael next to them. She has healing powers. Moreover, you can pray to Archangel Michael not only for your own healing, but also for the healing of loved ones.

Prayers for help

A prayer for help is considered a universal prayer; by turning to Archangel Michael, you can count on his support in any of your endeavors. If you turn to the Saint from a sincere heart, he will not leave you. Moreover, his presence can be felt on a physical level. A warm energy wave will pass through your body.

Therefore, if you need reliable protection, use the following prayer appeal:

“Oh, Holy Archangel Michael, have mercy on all of us sinners who have committed unknown sins through our misunderstanding. We all need your protection and support, save us from all visible and invisible enemies and enemies, protect us from the horror of death and from the temptation of the devil, and help us to appear in purity of soul before the Creator at the hour of the terrible and righteous Judgment. O All-Holy, great Archangel Michael! Do not reject us, sinners, who pray to you for your help and intercession. Support us in today and the future, and push us to pray to the Lord God. Amen".

Prayers for the departed

Archangel Michael is considered, according to the Holy Scriptures, to be the protector of the souls of dead people on their way to the Throne.

It states the following:

  • It is Archangel Michael who accompanies the Virgin Mary through hell (Walking of the Virgin Mary through torment), he explains to her the reasons why sinners ended up in hell.
  • Jesus Christ trusts Archangel Michael to escort the souls of the righteous to heaven.
  • According to Greek legends, Archangel Michael is always present at the death of a person.
  • According to the revelations of St. Paul, Archangel Michael performs the washing of the souls of the dead before their entry into the Heavenly Kingdom.

The scripture also says that Archangel Michael separates sinners from the righteous. In addition, he begs the Lord for the souls of those sinners who did many good deeds during their lifetime, but against the background of this they managed to seriously sin.

A strong prayer for the departed is read on the eve of the feast of the Archangel Michael on September 19, as well as on Memorial Day - November 21. It is believed that on his holidays, Archangel Michael is on the shore of the valley of fire at night and lowers his right wing into fiery Gehenna, which goes out for a while.

At this moment, having heard a prayer for specific dead, Archangel Michael will save their sinful souls if they provided assistance to poor and unfortunate people during their lifetime. Sometimes a Saint can help save the souls of people who have gone to hell for the most terrible sin, suicide.

The prayer appeal is as follows:

“Holy Archangel of God Michael, I appeal, Slave (s) of God (s) (proper name) with a sincere request. If my blood relatives (names of deceased relatives) are for sins committed during their lifetime in the lake of fire, then under your blessed wing lead them out of the eternal fire. Bring them straight to the Throne of God so that he can hear their sincere repentance. Pray to our Most High and Merciful Lord Jesus Christ to forgive them their sins. Amen".

Prayers for protection and patronage

A person’s life path is filled with a variety of events, which are influenced by both good and evil people. It happens that friends become their worst enemies, and a lot of trouble comes from them, and very often the flow of negative energy becomes the cause of the development of serious illnesses. To protect yourself from this, you need to turn to Archangel Michael in prayer.

The protective patronage prayer sounds like this:

“I appeal to You, Lord Almighty, to send to me your Strong warrior, the demon crusher Archangel Michael. May he protect me from the enemies who are pursuing me, whom I know, and whom I do not know, all visible and invisible! Oh, God's Archangel Michael, I ask you to hear my requests for protection and patronage. Forbid all my enemies from approaching me, and if they disobey, then crush them forever. Oh, Great Archangel Michael, don't push me away. Be my support in everything. Cover with your wing from insults, sorrows and sorrows. Give me peace of mind anywhere. Deliver me from all devilish temptations and guide me on the true path. Amen".

Daily appeal helps everyone

Daily prayer to Saint Archangel Michael is salvation for every person. It helps to cleanse your own heart from fictitious or real fears and doubts; a prayerful appeal to this Saint always gives spiritual support and faith in a better future. Such a prayer is always a request for help in pressing matters. And she will always be heard by the heavenly forces.

It is believed that daily prayer to Archangel Michael helps a person become successful. And this is really so, because it is not for nothing that on the icon in the hand of the Saint there is a sharp and long sword. This symbol indicates that Archangel Michael is always ready to fight evil forces; it is with this weapon that the Saint cuts off all the fears and anxieties of a person and fills his life with faith in a bright future.

Protective short prayer for every day

A short protective prayer for every day is read in the morning. It will not take much time, but it is very important to pronounce all words with deep sincerity.

The prayer goes like this:

“Archangel Michael come to the aid of the Servant of God (proper name). Protect me in the coming day from all visible and invisible enemies. Be my reliable support in adversity, troubles and sadness. Be my quick assistant in all my endeavors. Amen".

Read an ancient prayer from enemies

If you are sure that there are people around who are trying to harm you, then you can neutralize your enemies with the help of a strong ancient prayer from enemies.

It sounds like this:

“I ask you, Lord, to hear me and send your strong Archangel Michael to me. I ask him to protect me from enemies visible and invisible. Destroyer of demons, drive away all enemies from me, forbid them to do evil, turn them into the likeness of meek sheep and humble their evil hearts. Six-winged first heavenly Prince and Voivode, leader of the Heavenly forces - Cherubim and Seraphim, become my assistant in grief and sorrow, be a refuge in deserts and on endless seas. I ask you, God's Great Archangel Michael, deliver me from devilish temptations. Amen".

A rare prayer from evil forces and corruption

If you feel that someone is trying to harm you, then you need to use a rare prayer to Archangel Michael against evil forces and corruption. Before you pray, you must visit the temple. There you need to put a note about the health of your entire family and light candles for the health of all your loved ones. It is also necessary to put three candles on the icons of Jesus Christ, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and the Blessed Matrona of Moscow.

Before you go home, you should purchase 12 candles. The prayer must be read on the same day; it cannot be postponed until later. It is necessary to light candles near the icon, and place a glass of holy water next to them. You should sit in silence for some time, looking at the flames of the candles. At the same time, it is imperative to drive away thoughts associated with wishing death for your enemies, known and unknown. Only the Lord can decide their future fate. The following prayer must be read repeatedly until the candles burn out.

Her words are as follows:

“Archangel Michael, Great Heavenly Voivode and Savior of the human race from devilish forces. Pray to the Lord God for forgiveness of all my earthly sins. committed due to my lack of understanding. I urge you to come down from heaven, and for this I will pray earnestly to God. I ask you to protect me from damage and the evil eye. Keep my enemies away from me, but do not harm them, let God judge them and decide their fate. Let them beg for forgiveness for their sins, because we on earth have one road that leads to God’s threshold. Amen".

Once you feel that the prayer has been heard, you can stop. Then you need to take a few sips of holy water, and a little later give it to all your loved ones.

Reading rules

The archangels do not interfere in earthly life without our consent, so as not to violate the free will of people. Therefore, in order to receive help from the archangel, you need to sincerely, with all your heart, pray to him.

  • In order for the prayer to reach the archangel, it should be read in secret.
  • There is no need to rush into reading the prayer. Focusing on the text and taking your time helps you find consolation in words and experience a blissful state of involvement with the Divine.
  • The call to the Archangel is read daily, in the morning or evening. In difficult situations, it is better to contact him twice a day.
  • You can go to temple or pray at home.
  • It is advisable to say the words of prayer in front of the icon of the archangel, with a lit church candle, making the sign of the cross.
  • It's better to pray out loud. There is no need to worry if this is not possible, because the Heavenly Helper also hears our mental requests.

Those who constantly read this prayer are always protected by the wisdom and strength of Archangel Michael and feel his love.

How to ask correctly

The prayer to Archangel Michael, written on the porch of the Chudov Monastery, does not have any distinctive advice or recommendations for reading it. They say that if you read it a certain number of times, it guarantees 100% luck and protection. In fact, the power of prayer is determined not by the number of times, but by the quality. That is, for what purpose do we pray, are we not distorting God’s commandments with our petitions? To the extent that our spiritual work in prayer is sincere, the help will be real.

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You need to cultivate the discipline of prayer work

Prayer to Archangel Michael is a very strong protection for warriors, not only those who fight in wars or serve in the army. And for anyone who wants to be under the patronage of Archangel Michael. There is a main battle - for human souls.

And the first warriors in this, people are prayer books, those who have taken upon themselves this dangerous and difficult spiritual work. Monks, priests, lay people, for Archangel Michael, as for God, every soul is important. Therefore, it is important to pray not from time to time, but to cultivate discipline in the matter of prayer work.

The Lord left the opportunity to pray for the dead. When the soul of the deceased no longer has the opportunity to ask for itself, the living, who love this person, have the opportunity to take care of the soul of the deceased. Provide invaluable spiritual care. A short prayer to Archangel Michael for the departed has the same power in the mouth of a sincere person who, while praying, passes the words through his heart, and does not just mechanically read the text.

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