Collection of prayers to Archangel Michael for all occasions

Michael is the main angel. Perhaps, for all of us, Archangel Michael is the most famous and most revered representative of the angelic world. His name is mentioned in both the Old and New Testaments, and many legends and tales have been written about Him.

Archangel Michael is known and revered in many religions of the world. Archangel Michael is prayed for protection, for healing from illnesses, when entering a new home, and in many other cases.

A few words about angels and the angelic world

The Angelic World is a Great Spiritual World created by God, in which intelligent, good beings live. This world was created a long time ago and is inhabited by enlightened and very kind beings - angels. Angels is the common name for these creatures, which translated means “Messenger”. Messengers of the Will of God - this is their main purpose, but at the same time, each angel is a separate Person, endowed with his own will and freedom of choice.

For now we will only briefly touch on the structure of this amazing world, but in the following posts we will definitely take a closer look at it. Let me just mention that this world also has its own hierarchy. The lowest link in this wondrous world order is the one closest to us - the guardian angel, but the prefix “arch” indicates the most exalted service to God, compared to others. Archangels are higher than guardian angels and their main credo is our heavenly teachers, who show us how to do the right thing and strengthen people’s holy faith (Rev. 12:7). And the very first of them is the Archangel Michael. Archangel means “Commander-in-Chief”

Archangel Michael in Holy Scripture

The name of this archangel appears several times in the Bible. It literally translates as “who is like God.” Despite the fact that angels are rarely mentioned by name in the Old Testament, Michael is directly mentioned more than once in the sacred Jewish texts.

Saint Innocent of Kherson

For those who are adorned with the name of the first of the Archangels, it is most fitting to be distinguished by zeal for the glory of God, loyalty to the King of Heaven and the kings of the earth, constant warfare against vice and impiety, and constant humility and self-sacrifice. He was the first to rebel against Lucifer when he rebelled against the Almighty. It is known how this first terrible battle ended - with the overthrow of Dennitsa from the sky. Since then, Michael has not ceased to fight for the glory of the Creator and Lord of all, for the salvation of the human race, for the Church and her children.

Analyzing the Holy Scriptures, Christian theologians came to the conclusion that other Old Testament appearances of archangels not named by name are also associated with Michael:

  • the rescue of Jewish youths from the fiery furnace during the Babylonian captivity (Dan. 3:95);
  • blocking the path of Balaam (Num. 22:22);
  • the death of 185 thousand soldiers of the Assyrian king Sennacherib (2 Kings 19:35);
  • the appearance of the leader of the army of the Lord to Joshua in the form of a man with a drawn sword in his hand (Joshua 5:13–15).

Book of the Prophet Daniel

But the prince of the kingdom of Persia stood against me twenty-one days; but behold, Michael, one of the first princes, came to help me, and I remained there with the kings of Persia. (Dan: 10: 13-13) However, I will tell you what is written in the true scripture; and there is no one who would support me in this except Michael, your prince. (Dan 10:21)

On the pages of the canonical books of the New Testament, this archangel is directly named only once. Apostle Jude Jacob, mentioning the book “The Dormition of Moses,” reports that Michael forbade the devil to possess the body of the prophet Moses.

Apostle Jude Jacob

Michael the Archangel, when he spoke with the devil, arguing about the body of Moses, did not dare to pronounce a reproachful judgment, but said: may the Lord rebuke you. (Jude 1:9)

He appears repeatedly in apocryphal books, but a special place is given to him in the prophecies of the Last Judgment by the Prophet Daniel and in the “Revelation” of John the Theologian.

Prophet Daniel

And at that time Michael will arise, the great prince who stands for the sons of your people; and a time of trouble will come, such as has not happened since people existed until now; But at that time all of your people who are found written in the book will be saved” (Dan. 12:1)

Revelation of the Apostle John the Theologian

And there was a war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought against them, but they could not resist, and there was no longer a place for them in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, the ancient serpent, called the devil and Satan. Open 12:7-9.

About names and angels. Day of the Archangel Michael

“No one like God” - this expressed all the knowledge of the great Archangel of his God. He does not describe Him, he does not explain Him - he stands up and testifies. This is his involvement in the radiance of the Divine, and this is the extent to which he reveals this radiance and opens the way to the mystery of the Lord with his word and the name that expresses his entire incomprehensible experience of the incomprehensible God.

Archangel Michael, Byzantium, Sinai, XII century. Kept in the altar of the basilica

There is a place in the book of Revelation where the seer John tells us that when the time comes and we will all be in the Kingdom of God, then everyone will receive a mysterious name, which only God who gives it knows, and the one who receives it will know it.
This name seems to contain the whole secret of a person; this name says everything about him; No one can know this name except God and the one who receives it, because it defines that unique, unique relationship that exists between God and His creation - each and only creature for Him. We bear the names of saints who lived and fulfilled their calling on earth; we are dedicated to them, just as churches are dedicated to this or that saint; and we should ponder both the meaning of his name and the personality of the saint, which is accessible to us from his life. After all, he is not only our prayer book, intercessor and defender, but to some extent also an image of what we could be. It is impossible to repeat anyone’s life, but it is possible to learn from the life of this or that person, a saint or even a sinner, to live more worthy of oneself and more worthy of God.

And today we celebrate the honor and memory of Archangel Michael, surrounded by the Angels of the Lord. Angels are messengers; An angel is someone whom the Lord can send on a mission and who will completely and completely fulfill it. It may seem strange that we call a whole group of the Lord's creatures by a name that denotes their office, their service, as if there was nothing else about them. And in fact this is so, and this is their holiness: purified, shining with God’s light, according to the word of Gregory Palamas and our liturgical books, they are the second lights,

reflections of the eternal light of the Divine.
They do not have that opacity, that darkness that allows us to be called by a name, and this name is the definition of our place in the face of God and our place in the Lord’s creation. They are the second lights.
What does it mean?

This means that some divine light flows through them unhindered, freely, like a wide river; but not just like through an empty chute, not just like through a lifeless glass, but the way the light flows, sparkles, shines, and multiplies, when it falls on a precious stone, reaches his heart and from there shoots out to the sides with an answering radiance, illuminating, and sometimes blinding with its beauty.

This is an image of true holiness, and in this respect they are truly Angels, because we recognize them, experience them only as the radiance of Divine light, a radiance not diminished, not darkened, but an increased and joyful radiance, bringing life - and the essence of their being and the essence of their holiness remains a mystery between them and God, Who knows the depths of His creation...

But their personal holiness is revealed to us especially by the separate name by which each of them is named. Some of these names entered the Holy Scriptures, were revealed to the experience of the Church and show us what their special holiness is. The Archangel of the Heavenly Powers, to whom many among us here and many in the Russian country are dedicated, is named Michael. "Michael" is a Hebrew word, and it means "No one like God"; and this word expresses the entire stand of the great Archangel, when Dennitsa rebelled against God, wanting to establish himself in some, at least created, isolation and independence, and when the great Archangel Michael stood up and uttered this one word, which determined everything for him: “No one like God,” and established him in such a relationship with God that he became the keeper of the gates of heaven. “No one like God” - this expressed all the knowledge of the great Archangel of his God. He does not describe Him, he does not explain Him - he stands up and testifies. This is his involvement in the radiance of the Divine, and this is the extent to which he reveals this radiance and opens the way to the mystery of the Lord with his word and the name that expresses his entire incomprehensible experience of the incomprehensible God.

On the icons, Archangel Michael is depicted in armor, with a flaming sword in his hand. He tramples the dragon, which signifies evil; The Archangel stands at the gates of heaven, not allowing those who are not ready to enter this holy and sacred place; and he is also depicted on those gates of the iconostasis through which the clergy exits the altar: a priest with the Gospel, at the Great Entrance, or a deacon at the litany; and these are the gates through which, in the liturgical, liturgical order, no one enters the Holy of Holies, the altar.

Another Archangel, Gabriel, whose name means “Fortress of God,” is depicted on the gate through which the deacon enters back into the altar during the service. Gabriel is the one who announces to us that the door is open for us to enter again into the presence of God; that the power of God has been demonstrated, that God has overcome and we are saved. From the Evangelist Luke we know that Archangel Gabriel brought Zechariah the news of the birth of John the Baptist, and he also announced to the Virgin Mary that She had found grace from God and would give birth to the Savior to the world; That’s why we see him on icons with an olive branch in his hands - a sign of God’s reconciliation with the world.

We read about Archangel Raphael in the book of Tobit, how he accompanied his son Tobias and healed Tobit and his daughter-in-law, and his name means “Healing of God”; and the Holy Scripture tells us about other Archangels and Angels; and the faith of the Church, Christian experience tell us about Guardian Angels.

About the day of remembrance of the saint whose name we bear, we say that this is “the day of our Angel.” And in a sense, in the sense of our dedication to the saint, this is true; but with different holy people - as well as with the ordinary people around us - our communication develops in different ways: some are closer to us personally, through prayer and through their life, which we would like to imitate; others we admire as if from afar. Our relationship with the Guardian Angel is completely different: we are entrusted to him, and he is our Guardian, as if we turn to him, whether we remember him at all or not - like our mother and father, with whom we have an indestructible connection, no matter what we think, no matter how we act towards them, no matter how we behave...

And one more thing: one person on earth was called the messenger and Angel of the church faith: this is the Baptist John, and about him we read words exactly similar to what I just said about Angels. The beginning of the Gospel of Mark says about him: He is the voice of one crying in the wilderness... He is a voice, he is only the sound of the Lord’s voice, he is an Angel, because God Himself speaks through him, and he himself says about himself that he needs to diminish in order to the image of the Lord stood before people in full measure.

This is the way on earth; we must diminish, diminish, gradually lose what seems so precious, but in fact is the condensation of our visible nature. We must gradually become transparent in order to become, as it were, invisible - just as a precious stone is invisible and is revealed only by the light that, striking it, illuminates everything around. Then we seem to lose something of our temporary being, but only in order to acquire the inalienable knowledge of God, the only one that each of us who calls himself “I” can have and which he can reveal to all others, because each of us experiences God in a unique and unique way. Our path is from earth to Heaven, from our heavy incarnation into enlightenment and transparency... The angel on earth is the unfalse witness - John the Baptist, who is on the way, and the One Whom the Holy Scripture calls the “Great Council Angel” - God who came in the flesh.

These are the images, those thoughts, those thoughts from our veneration of the Angels, from our love for them, from our communication with them in prayer and their intercession for us, which can help us find the path of our own soul from earth to Heaven, from our own darkness to perfect enlightenment. Through the prayers of the holy Angels and Archangels, may the Lord grant us, having renounced ourselves, by free will, by love for God, to begin to diminish until God Himself shines forth in full measure in each of us. Amen.

Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Sermons.

Publishing house "Christian Life" 2010

The role of Archangel Michael

From the Holy Scriptures we also learn about the special role of the Archangel Michael in the struggle between good and evil, which occurred before man was created. Once upon a time, in the spiritual world inhabited by angels, a “revolution” took place: Lucifer (“the luminous one”), one of the angels close to God, rebelled against Him: “I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God... I will be like the Most High” (Isa. 14:13–14).

Many succumbed to the devil's temptation, but Michael, with the words “Who is like God? No one like God! raised everyone who did not follow Lucifer to battle evil. With his army, he won a victory, as a result of which the demonic forces were “cast down into hell, into the depths of the pit” (Is. 14:15).

However, the confrontation between light and dark forces, of course, did not end there; it will continue until the Last Judgment, and every person is a participant in this struggle.

Fedor Dostoevsky

What seems disgraceful to the mind is pure beauty to the heart. Is there beauty in sodom? Believe that it is in Sodom that she sits for the vast majority of people - did you know this secret or not? The terrible thing is that beauty is not only a terrible, but also a mysterious thing. Here the devil fights with God, and the battlefield is the hearts of people. (“The Brothers Karamazov”, Book 3, Chapter III)

Who can pray to Michael

The Lord is omnipresent and will hear anyone who sincerely asks if help is needed or trouble threatens.

His main support is the angels, who have direct spiritual contact with people. They try to quickly convey a person’s appeal to the Lord or help someone in need on their own.

Archangel Michael will hear everyone. This will not be affected by a person’s age, nationality, or gender. Even an unbeliever who feels that some evil forces are preventing him from building his life and fulfilling his plans can appeal to the saint and he will definitely convey his request to the Lord.

The main thing is that all this comes from the heart of a person with an open soul. Those who do not know Orthodox prayers in Russian can turn to the saint in their own words. It is important that the request is “pure” and sincere.

What does Archangel Michael help with?

Archangel Michael has been revered throughout the Christian world since the first centuries. He took a great part in the destinies of the church and entire states.

Patron of warriors and protector from all evil

The conqueror of the devil has always been an assistant to warriors. It is not for nothing that he is otherwise called the commander-in-chief - the archangel (from the Greek αρχιστρατηγός). In Byzantium, the eastern part of the Roman Empire, coins with his image were minted by order of the emperors: monarchs and military leaders considered him their patron.

In Rus', he was also considered the patron saint of the defenders of his land. His figure adorned the helmets of ancient Russian warriors.

Protector of the souls of the dead and sleeping

Thanks to the prophecies of the Holy Scriptures, which say that the Archangel Michael in the last times will intercede for those in whom at least the slightest bit of good remains, Christianity has developed the idea of ​​him as the protector of the souls of the dead and sleeping people.

In Byzantium, many noble people were buried in the temples of the Archangel Michael in the hope of his protection on the Day of Judgment.

Healing power and help in sanctifying the home

The veneration of the Archangel Michael as a healer also dates back to early Christian times. In Asia Minor, healings often took place at springs consecrated in his honor, and then temples were erected in these places. Later, hospitals were built next to them and received the same name.

After the Baptism of Rus', this tradition took root in our country: before the revolution, many Russian hospitals had St. Michael the Archangel chapels.

Archangel Michael is also addressed when they begin to build a house or move into a new apartment. He who defeats the devil also protects human habitation from evil.

How the Archangel is depicted in icons

In Christianity, there are a huge number of faces depicting this angelic character. It is not surprising, because his image is very important for believers.

As a rule, on icons the Archangel, as the head of the holy army, appears dressed in military clothing (tavlion - a cloak with rectangular embroidery and a tunic). There are half-length or full-length images.

Since the 17th century, images of the Lorat angel Michael have appeared - in them he is dressed in the costume of a Byzantine courtier with the following characteristic details:

  • dalmatica - a long, tight-fitting chasuble with an embroidered hem and shoulders, voluminous sleeves;
  • lora - a large woven piece thrown over the shoulder. Usually it is decorated with precious stones and pearls;
  • boots – also decorated with gold and valuable minerals.

Popular scenes show Michael as a Roman general wearing a short tunic with a metal armor over it. The angel has shoulder pads and legguards with intricate relief, and on top is a scarlet officer's robe, which is tied at the left shoulder.

There are differences in military armor on icons - it all depends on the nation depicting the messenger from Heaven, the time and circumstances of the painting of the image. Be that as it may, the angelic clothing is intended to emphasize the high rank occupied by the Archangel.

Often he holds a weapon in his hands - a spear, an ordinary or fiery sword, and sometimes both weapons at the same time. There are also other objects: a rod, a mirror, a labarum. And, given that Michael will become one of the judges during the Last Judgment, sometimes scales are attached to him.

Miracles of Archangel Michael

The Holy Scriptures have preserved many evidences of miraculous phenomena associated with the name of the Archangel Michael.

Miracle in Khoneh

In the 4th century, in the Asia Minor city of Colossae, located in the valley of the Lycus River, there was a Christian temple. According to legend, it was erected by one of the townspeople in gratitude for the healing of his daughter in the waters of the miraculous spring, which was consecrated in honor of the Archangel Michael.

In the first centuries of Christianity, pagans often persecuted followers of Christ and destroyed temples. This time they decided to take advantage of the forces of nature and connected the beds of two stormy rivers flowing from the mountains, so that the flow would wash away the church.

Icon “The Miracle of the Archangel Michael in Khoneh”

One of the sextons (according to another version, a deacon) of this temple named Arkhip addressed a fervent prayer to the archangel, to which he was not slow to respond. He appeared in the path of the seething water, hit the rocks with his staff, causing a crack to form in the mountains into which the water rushed. Thus, the temple was saved, and the city, in memory of the miraculous event, was named Khona - “cleft”.

The colossus was located in the territory of modern southwestern Turkey, near Denizli. In pre-Christian times, it was a prosperous city located at the crossroads of trade routes. However, by the 1st century it began to gradually decline, presumably due to changes in trade caravan routes.

In the New Testament, it is mentioned in the letter of the Apostle Paul to the Colossians - residents of Colosse, which was not yet renamed Chona. After the conquest of Byzantium by the Turks, Khony was repeatedly plundered, and by the second half of the 13th century the city was practically destroyed.

In memory of this event, a holiday was established in the Orthodox Church called “Remembrance of the miracle of Archangel Michael in Khoneh.” It was reflected in iconography; churches were consecrated in his honor in Russia.

Plague in Rome

In the 6th century, the first plague epidemic in human history claimed thousands of lives. It began in 541 in Egypt and spread to Asia Minor, and then to Europe - to the territory of modern Italy, Spain, France and Germany. After the emperor of the eastern part of the Roman Empire, Justinian I, who suffered a terrible disease, the epidemic was named Justinian.

In the spring of 590, in deserted Rome, Deacon Gregory, who later became Pope Gregory I the Great, organized a religious procession and prayer service, calling the remaining townspeople to repentance. At that moment, when the procession passed by the mausoleum erected over the tomb of Emperor Hadrian, the image of the Archangel Michael was revealed above the dome. In his hands was a bloody knife, which he wiped off and sheathed. Soon after this miraculous phenomenon, the disease retreated from the city.

Rescue of Sipontus

In the 6th century, the warlike tribe of Lombards, immigrants from western Germany, fought with Italy. During the siege of the city of Sipontus, through the prayers of the local bishop, the Archangel Michael appeared, who promised a quick victory over the Lombards. According to legend, the attackers were deafened by thunder and blinded by a cloud from which lightning, fire and smoke rained down. Soon they left the city.

The grateful residents decided to build a church in the name of the archangel, but, appearing again to the bishop, he reported that in a nearby cave there was already a temple in his honor.

Surprised townspeople discovered a church carved from stone, in the altar of which there was a source of healing water. The place was named Monte Sant'Angelo and became very revered in the Christian world. Today, pilgrims still flock to this town, located on Cape Gargano.

What does the Archangel look like?

The image of the Heavenly Warrior is depicted in many paintings and icons. He is depicted as a young man with wings. The spear or sword of Archangel Michael, as symbols of the Heavenly Governor, is always in the hand.

In canonical iconography, the plot of the battle with Satan has the following image.

Michael the Archangel with a spear on horseback

Saint Michael and the Devil, depicted in the following painting, symbolize the eternal battle between good and evil. This battle has embraced all of humanity for centuries, the result of which is being with the Lord above, or in the lake of fire, or Gehenna below.

Archangel Michael of God defeating Satan

How to correctly contact Archangel Michael

In Orthodoxy, it is generally accepted that prayer is a personal conversation between a person and God, angels or holy people. Its “success” or “failure” does not at all depend on “right” or “wrong” actions, therefore prayer cannot be considered as a spell with magical powers. The answer that the person praying depends on his own mental state and on the mercy of the Lord.

Meanwhile, the words that we address in prayer are, of course, of great importance, first of all, for ourselves, so we need to pronounce them with attention and concentration, turning to the archangel from a pure heart. You can pray in your own words or using texts compiled earlier. The main thing is that they are in tune with our soul.

Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh (Blum)

It is not enough to pray just because it is “right”, “this is how it should be”. We must pray in such a way that we gradually grow into prayer. If you go to a concert, you are most likely unable to perceive the music with the same feeling with which the composer perceived life, beauty, meaning - everything that he included in his creation. But if during a concert you let the music carry you away, embrace you, influence you, you will gradually become more receptive to what the composer wanted to convey.

How does Archangel Michael help and protect from

The apocrypha mentions the following duties of the heavenly guard:

  • meeting souls after death, preparing for entry into heaven and accompanying them to Heaven;
  • protection of the righteous in times of oppression and persecution, on the Day of Judgment.

He protects every person from birth to death, keeps the Book of Life, in which he records all good and evil deeds.

Since Archangel Michael is the head of the army, he especially assists in military affairs, patronizes military personnel, soldiers who stand for the faith and truth of their land and state. But at the same time, it is believed that the image of the saint helps everyone who is related to the water element, primarily sailors. Therefore, it will largely protect those serving in the navy, so it will be a good gift for them. But it protects not only physical bodies, but also souls facing a choice of destiny, directing them to the righteous path. It is a symbol of hope and salvation, protecting the soul from evil intentions, filling it with faith and God's grace. The saint helps not only in the fight against external known and unknown enemies, but also against our internal ones, because we know that sinfulness exists within ourselves. When a person can learn to keep his mind under control, cleansing it of all sinful thoughts, then he will realize the true essence of evil, how to recognize and resist it, remaining faithful to the Lord and His holy commandments.

The icon of the Archangel Michael will protect the house from all troubles, illegal invasions, bandits and thieves, bad people and evil spirits, natural disasters, failures, grief and any visible and invisible type of evil.

If you are in one of the following situations, you need to contact the Archangel:

  • you need healing from various types of illnesses;
  • experiencing physical and mental illness;
  • you are faced with choosing your true purpose, the right path in life;
  • need help in military matters;
  • are you planning to build new churches or restore destroyed ones;
  • you are surrounded by enemies, you need protection from them;
  • you are in difficulties, difficult life circumstances, and want to find a way out of them;
  • there is an important event ahead, exams, a long journey;
  • you feel fear, anxiety and doubt, and need strengthening of faith, courage and strength from God.

A person will be able to receive an answer to any of his prayers if he does not pursue only selfish goals, asks with all sincerity and does not remain inactive, but does everything in his power. At the same time, he must remain spiritually pure and righteous, because only through knowledge of his inner essence can he come closer to the knowledge of God.

What prayers should you read?

Orthodox prayer books contain several prayers to the Archangel Michael for various needs.

Prayer to Archangel Michael from enemies and all evil

Daily prayer to Archangel Michael against all evil

Prayer to Archangel Michael for intercession, help and against illnesses

Troparion to Archangel Michael, tone 4

Prayer to Archangel Michael for every day


The Holy and Great Archangel of God Michael, the first angel of the inscrutable and essential Trinity, the primate of the human race, the guardian and guardian, having crushed the head of his army from his hosts I will bring forth his malice and deceit upon the earth! We resort to you with faith and we pray to you with love, be an indestructible shield and firmly take back the Holy Church and our Orthodox Fatherland, protecting them with your lightning sword from all enemies, you see ours and the invisible! Be the leader and companion of our invincible Christ-loving army, crowning it with glory and victories over our adversaries, so that all who oppose us may know that God and His holy Angels are with us. Do not forsake, O Archangel of God, your help and intercession for us, who today glorify your holy name: behold, even though we are many sinners, we do not want to perish in our iniquities, but rather be converted to the Lord and to be quickened by Him to do good works . Illuminate our mind with the light of the face of God, which shines on your lightning-like forehead, so that we may understand that God’s will for us is good and perfect, and we will do everything that we should do, and even despise and abandon. Strengthen our weak will and weak will with the grace of the Lord, so that, having been established in the law of the Lord, we will cease to be dominated by earthly thoughts and the lusts of the flesh, being carried away, likewise and senseless children, the perishing beauties of this world, as if for the sake of the corruptible and the earthly it is madness to forget the eternal and the heavenly. Over all of these, ask us from above for the spirit of true repentance, unfeigned sorrow for God and contrition for our sins, so that the remaining number of days of our temporary life will not depend on pleasing feelings and work our passions, but to blot out the evils committed by us, with tears of faith and contrition of heart, feats of purity and holy deeds of mercy. When the hour of our death and liberation from the bonds of this mortal body approaches, do not leave us, Archangel of God, defenseless against the spirits of malice in the heavens, who habitually block the soul of mankind’s delight. to the mountains, so that, protected by you, we will reach those glorious villages of paradise without stumbling, where there is no sorrow, not sighing, but endless life, and let us be worthy to see the bright face of the All-Good Lord and our Master, and give glory to Him, together with the Father and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

Second prayer to the Archangel of God Michael

Oh, Saint Michael the Archangel, have mercy on us sinners who demand your intercession, save us, the servants of God (names), from all visible and invisible enemies, moreover, strengthen us from the horror of mortals and from the embarrassment of the devil, and grant us to shamelessly present ourselves to our Creator in the hour of His terrible and righteous Judgment. Oh, all-holy, great Michael the Archangel! Do not despise us sinners who pray to you for help and your intercession in this world and the future, but grant us there together with you to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

The meaning of the icon of the Archangel Michael

Images of the Archangel Michael, which were created by Orthodox icon painters, always correspond to the approved canon, according to which angels appear on icons in the form of young people with wings, dressed in tunics and himationa (cloaks). Their heads are crowned with toroki (ribbons).

An icon or fresco depicting the head of the angelic army can be distinguished from other angelic ranks by the spear, pike or sword that he holds in his right hand. With the help of this weapon he defeats the devil. In the left hand, in different versions, you can find a mirror, symbolizing insight, a date branch, meaning victory, or a scales, reminiscent of the coming final judgment for each person.

Often, icon painters “dress” the archangel in scarlet military robes or chain mail. Icons depicting the miracle performed by the archangel in Khoneh are also widespread.

Miraculous icon in Moscow: Archangel Michael with his deeds

Archangel Michael with his deeds. Archangel Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin.

In the Archangel Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin, a particularly revered icon of the Archangel with stamps exists. It is also dated to the end of the fourteenth, beginning of the fifteenth century, this rather voluminous composition 235.5 × 182.2 cm, with a very dynamic figure of an archangel depicted in the middle, in traditional military attire, with a sword in his hand. Eighteen marks along the perimeter of the composition contain scenes of miracles and apparitions of the archangel. One of the stamps depicts the plot of Abraham's hospitality, with three angels - better known as the Trinity.

The Archangel Cathedral is located on Cathedral Square of the Moscow Kremlin.

In the private collection of the St. Andrew the First-Created Foundation, in Moscow, there is a rare icon of the Archangel Michael “Loratny”, which is a monument of the fifteenth century.

Memorial Days

In the Orthodox tradition, the main holiday associated with the name of Archangel Michael is November 21. This date was not chosen by chance in the 4th century. At that time, a heretical teaching spread among Christians, whose supporters worshiped angels as the creators of the world and its rulers.

At the Council of Laodicea, heresy was condemned and a decision was made to establish a day of remembrance of the angelic forces under the leadership of the archangel on the eighth day of the ninth month of each year. The number 9 corresponded to the nine ranks of angels, and 8 symbolized the eighth day of creation, when the Last Judgment will take place.

The day was chosen according to the calendar in force at that time in the Roman Empire, but in Russia it corresponded to November 8. When switching to a new style, the date shifted by two weeks, and now we celebrate the Council of the Archangel Michael of God and all the ethereal Heavenly Powers on November 21.

The remembrance of the miracle performed by the archangel in Khoneh is celebrated on September 19 according to the new style. On the same day, the memory of the deacon through whose prayers it happened, the Monk Archippus of Herotopus, is commemorated.

Patron of the military and protector from all evil

In front of the icon of the Archangel Michael, it is customary to pray for the care of the fatherland, for “companionship with the army,” in case of any threats to life and soul. He is the main patron of military personnel.




During the Civil War, the Cross (Order) of St. Michael the Archangel was established in the city of Uralsk. They were awarded to soldiers who particularly distinguished themselves in battles against the Red Army.

Traditionally, remembering his miracle in Khoneh, the power of the intercessor of Christianity, Michael is asked for the protection of the Holy Church and the Orthodox faith. They especially pray to him for the revelation of the will of God, for the granting of an image of repentance and for the protection of the soul after death.

Archangels preach the gospel to people, strengthen the holy faith in human souls, deliver them from the wiles of the devil, and enlighten the mind with the light of the Holy Gospel.

Divine services

On November 21, solemn services are held in all Orthodox churches in honor of the angelic forces and their leader, Archangel Michael. The canon, troparion, kontakion and magnification are “woven” into the text of the service. In addition, the corresponding fragments from the Old Testament are read on the prokemna.


Kontakion, tone 2

Joshua reading. [Chapter 5.]

Reading of the Judges of Israel. [Chapter 6.]

Reading the prophecies of Isaiah. [Chapter 14.]

Prayer service

If one of your loved ones is in places of hostilities or there is a danger to his life, you should visit an Orthodox church and order a prayer service to Archangel Michael. The note can include the names of not only these people, but also all loved ones and relatives. When the priest reads a prayer service, it is advisable for the person giving the request to be personally present in the church and participate in the service, since Orthodox prayers are not spells that can only be read.

The text can be found in complete Orthodox prayer books, or published as a separate book. If you have time and heartfelt prayers, you can read them yourself. It is advisable to ask the priest about how often to read the prayer service; it depends on each individual case.

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