Text and rules for reading a prayer for those who hate and offend us

Prayer to the Mother of God for enemies

The Mother of God was known as the kindest, purest and most sympathetic woman who ever walked the earth.
Today the name of the Virgin Mary is on the lips of many people who need protection and reassurance. Appeal to the Mother of God is a special ritual that must be approached with all responsibility. There are many prayers to the Virgin for those who hate us. If desired, any person who needs the support of a saint can find a favorite and easy-to-remember text of the prayer for the offender, or address her in his own words.

“Virgin Mary, Most Pure of the Most Pure, I ask you to help me find kindness and love for my neighbors and my enemies. I ask you to shelter me from the evil eye and envy, not to know black feelings and share the light with those around me. You see my heart and my thoughts, I ask you, send me strength and faith in people.

I also ask you to protect my enemies from all evil and misfortune. Cover with your holy veil all who wish me harm and remove the veil of envy from their eyes. Help me, Most Pure One, so that no one offends me, and help me establish relationships with everyone with whom it is difficult for me to communicate. I believe that you will definitely come to the rescue, amen!”

Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian

O great apostle, loud-voiced evangelist, most graceful theologian, wiser than incomprehensible revelations, virgin and most beloved confidant of Christ John, accept with your characteristic mercy us sinners (names), who come running under your strong intercession and protection! Ask the All-Generous Lover of Mankind, Christ and our God, Who, before your eyes, poured out Your most precious blood for us, Your worthless servants, may He not remember our iniquities, but may He have mercy He eats us, and may He deal with us according to His mercy; May He grant us health of soul and body, all prosperity and abundance, teaching us to turn all of it into the glory of Him, the Creator, Savior and our God. At the end of our temporary lives, may we, holy apostle, escape the merciless tortures awaiting us in the airy ordeals, but may we achieve under your leadership and the patronage of the Gorny O To Jerusalem, whose glory you have seen in revelation, and now you enjoy the joys promised to the elect God's. Oh, great John, save all Christian cities and countries, this whole temple, dedicated to your holy name, those serving and praying in it, from famine, destruction, cowardice and flood , fire, sword, invasion of foreigners and internecine warfare, deliver from all kinds of troubles and misfortunes, and with your prayers turn away the righteous wrath of God from us, and ask for His mercy for us. Oh, great and incomprehensible God, Alpha and Omega, the source and object of our faith! Behold, in supplication to You we offer Saint John, whom You have made worthy to know You, the inscrutable God, in ineffable revelation. Accept his intercession for us, grant us the fulfillment of our petitions, for Your glory: and above all, complete us with spiritual perfection, to the enjoyment of endless life in Your heavenly abode telekh. Oh, Heavenly Father, who created all the Lord, the Soul of spirits, the Almighty King! Touch our hearts with Your finger, and they, melting like wax, will be shed before You, and the mortal spiritual creation will be created, in honor and glory of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Prayer for forgiveness of grievances

Soften our evil hearts, Mother of God, and repel the attacks of those who hate us, and resolve all our spiritual sorrows, for, looking at Your holy image, with Your compassion and mercy for us we heartily lament and kiss your wounds, but for our arrows that torment You, we are horrified. Do not let us, Merciful Mother, perish in our hard-heartedness or from the hard-heartedness of our neighbors, for You are truly the softener of evil hearts.

We must remember that God is love. Therefore, anyone who turns to him with hope will definitely get what they want.

Prayers for those who hate and offend us

Praying for those who have crucified You, O Lord of love, and commanding Your servant to pray for all of us, forgive us those who hate and offend us, and instruct us from all evil and wickedness to brotherly and virtuous living, we humbly offer You a prayer; Yes, in unanimity we glorify Thee, the One Lover of Mankind.

Like Your first martyr Stephen, he prayed to You for those who kill him, O Lord, and we also pray deeply: forgive those who hate everyone and those who offend us, so that not a single one of them will perish for us, but all will be saved by Your grace, O All-Bountiful God.

Prayers before the icons of the Mother of God “Softening Evil Hearts”

O long-suffering Mother of God, Higher than all the daughters of the earth, in Your purity and in the multitude of sufferings You have endured on earth, accept our much-painful sighs and keep us under the shelter of Your mercy. Do You know of no other refuge and warm intercession, but, since You have the boldness to be born of You, help and save us with Your prayers, so that we may without stumbling reach the Kingdom of Heaven, where with all the saints we will sing praises in the Trinity to the One God, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

O Reverend Father Seraphim! Offer up for us, servants of God (names), your powerful prayer to the Lord of hosts, may He grant us all that is useful in this life and all that is useful for spiritual salvation, may He protect us from the falls of sins and may He teach us true repentance, in order to heed us without stumbling to the eternal Heavenly Kingdom, where you now shine in eternal glory, and there sing with all the saints the Life-Giving Trinity forever and ever.

Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian

O great apostle, loud-voiced evangelist, most graceful theologian, master of secrets of incomprehensible revelations, virgin and beloved confidant of Christ John, accept with your characteristic mercy us sinners (names), who come running under your strong intercession and protection! Ask the All-Bountiful Lover of Mankind, Christ and our God, Who, before your eyes, poured out His most precious blood for us, His indecent servants, may He not remember our iniquities, but may He have mercy on us, and may He deal with us according to His mercy; May He grant us mental and physical health, all prosperity and abundance, teaching us to turn all of it into the glory of Him, the Creator, Savior and our God. At the end of our temporary life, may we, holy apostle, escape the merciless tortures that await us in the airy ordeals, but may we, under your guidance and protection, reach the Mountain of Jerusalem, whose glory you have seen in revelation, and now enjoy these joys promised to the chosen ones God's. Oh, great John, save all Christian cities and countries, this whole, this temple, dedicated to your holy name, serving and praying in it, from famine, destruction, cowardice and flood, fire, sword, invasion of foreigners and internecine warfare, deliver from all kinds of troubles and misfortunes, and with your prayers turn away the righteous wrath of God from us, and ask us for His mercy; Oh, great and incomprehensible God, Alpha and Omega, the source and object of our faith! Behold, for Your supplication we offer Saint John, whom You have made worthy to know You, the inscrutable God, in ineffable revelation. Accept his intercession for us, grant us the fulfillment of our petitions, for Your glory: and above all, make us spiritual perfection, to the enjoyment of endless life in Your Heavenly abodes. Oh, Heavenly Father, created all the Lord, the Soul of spirits, the Almighty King! Touch our hearts with Your finger, and they, melting like wax, will be shed before You, and mortal spiritual creation will be created, in honor and glory of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayers before the icons of the Mother of God “Tenderness”

We advise you to study Prayers to Simeon of Verkhoturye

Accept, O all-powerful, Most Pure Lady Theotokos, these honorable gifts, the only ones applied to You, from us, Your unworthy servants: chosen from all generations, the highest of all creatures of heaven and earth, who appeared, because for Your sake the Lord Almighty was with us, and Your Son By knowing God and being made worthy of His holy Body and His most pure Blood; Blessed are you, too, in the birth of generations, O God-blessed One, the brightest of the Cherubim and the most honest of the Seraphim. And now, all-sung Most Holy Theotokos, do not cease praying for us, Thy unworthy servants, that we may be delivered from every evil council and every situation and that we may be preserved unharmed from every poisonous pretext of the devil; but even to the end, through Your prayers, keep us uncondemned, as if through Your intercession and help we are saved, we send glory, praise, thanksgiving and worship for everything in the Trinity to the One God and the Creator of all, now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer for those who have offended and hated

Among the billions of people living on earth, it is difficult to find a person who has never been hurt by another person.
Betrayal, meanness, resentment and insults not only from strangers, but also from relatives, hurt painfully, leaving scars on the soul in the form of a desire for revenge, resentment and unforgiveness. Prayers for those who offend and hate are a great feat of Christian obedience, opening the doors of eternal life, for they are the fulfillment of the command of Jesus given in the Sermon on the Mount.

The Importance of Intercessory Prayer

Christians begin every morning with the prayer “Our Father,” sometimes without delving deeply into its meaning, but there are the following words: “And forgive us our sins (debts), as we forgive our debtors.” Christ knew the human soul to the depths of his heart; He understood that resentment and unforgiveness, the desire to repay evil for evil, first of all, are a heavy burden for the offended one.

Only a sincere believer, in whose heart the Savior lives, guided by the Holy Spirit, understands that the wounded are wounded, the offended are offended, and such people must be pitied, praying for them.

This is impossible with the human mind and our own strength, but the Apostle Paul said that Christians can do everything through Jesus who strengthens them. (Phil. 4:13) Only the Holy Spirit helps the offended to forgive the offender, and Jesus shows how to do this in the Sermon on the Mount.

Important! Until a person’s heart is filled with love and the desire to pray for those who offend and hate, the Almighty God will not hear the prayer appeals of the one asking.

Sermon on the Mount or how to forgive those who hate us

Jesus, having climbed the mountain, taught people the basics of a happy, righteous life (Matthew 5:37-47), calling not to avenge an eye for an eye, but to forgive, filling your heart with kindness and patience.

The importance of prayer for those who offend and hate lies precisely in this sermon; if you want to become a son or daughter of the King of Heaven, to receive His Grace on earth and eternal life in Heaven, follow the commandments:

  • loves his enemies;
  • bless those who curse;
  • pray for those who offend;
  • do good to those who hate you;
  • accept your persecutors.

Prayer for those who have offended and hated is needed to a greater extent by the victim himself in order to gain perfection, to put on God’s clothing of righteousness and love for the sake of the future salvation of himself and his descendants.

How prayers to the saints will help

Knowing the weakness and hardness of the human heart, the great Lord left the prayers of saints to help the offended, as an example of forgiveness and kindness. Mary, the Mother of God, forgave people for the terrible torment they inflicted on Her Son.

The prayer “Softening Evil Hearts” will help those who have suffered cruel bullying, insults and humiliation find pieces of goodness and forgiveness in their own hearts.

O Many-sorrowful Mother of God, who surpassed all the daughters of the earth in Her purity and in the multitude of sufferings You brought to the earth! Accept our much-painful sighing and keep us under the shelter of Your mercy, for refuge and warm intercession are not known to You, but as we have boldness towards Him Who was born of You, help and save us with Your prayers, so that we may unfalteringly reach the Kingdom of Heaven, where we with all the saints we will sing praises to the One God in the Trinity, always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Daily reading of this prayer will soon bear fruit:

  • forgiveness will come to the one who offended and hated;
  • peace will come in the heart;
  • spiritual doors will open for joy;
  • Thoughts of revenge and desires for retaliatory evil will go away.

The Seven Arrows Icon of the Mother of God will help you in this prayer to survive your pain by understanding how human arrows pierced the heart of the Mother of God, who later became our Intercessor in heaven.

The prayer of Ephraim the Syrian is also intended to help overcome the pain of grief or resentment. Saint Ephrem said that patience, humility, and love for people are the very qualities of a Christian walking along the road of eternal life.

Sirin's prayer calls on the Lord to help the offended overcome pain and help those who hate to free themselves from all evil, while at the same time having mercy on them.

Have mercy, Lord, on those who hate me and envy me! Have mercy, Lord, on those who slander me and cause me offense! Do not do anything evil to them for Your unworthy servant; but according to Their ineffable mercy and according to Their immeasurable goodness, neither in this life nor in the next century, may they not tolerate evil for me, a sinner! Sanctify them with Your mercy and autumn with Your grace, O All-Good One, because before all, blessed are You forever and ever. Amen.

Every evening before going to bed, you should ask the Lord for forgiveness, because it is unknown whether the next morning will come,

The prayer “Forgive me, O Lord who loves mankind” will close all the doors to unforgiveness and help you end the past day with peace of mind.

Forgive those who hate and offend us, Lord Lover of Mankind. Do good to those who do good. Grant to our brothers and relatives the same petitions for salvation and eternal life. Visit those who are infirm and grant healing. Manage the sea as well. For travelers, travel. Grant forgiveness of sins to those who serve and forgive us. Those who commanded us unworthy to pray for them, have mercy according to Your great mercy. Remember, Lord, our fathers and brothers who have fallen before us, and give them rest, where the light of Your face shines. Remember, Lord, our captive brothers, and deliver me from every situation. Remember, Lord, those who bear fruit and do good in Your holy churches, and give them petitions for salvation and eternal life. Remember, Lord, us, humble and sinful and unworthy Thy servants, and enlighten our minds with the light of Thy mind, and guide us on the path of Thy commandments, through the prayers of our Most Pure Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary and all Thy saints, for blessed art Thou unto the ages of ages. . Amen.

Farewell, and you will be forgiven!

Prayer for those who hate and offend us

Throughout life, a person encounters different people who evoke a huge range of feelings. We can be loved, appreciated, hated, protected, offended, etc. Not only psychologists, but also believers believe that it is impossible to accumulate negativity in the soul, since it only leads to the abyss. There is a special prayer for those who offend and hate us, by reading which a person can cleanse himself of negativity and achieve perfection. The clergy say that when a person is ripe to pray for his enemies, this indicates his readiness to enter the Kingdom of God.

You can make prayer requests both at home and in church. The location doesn't really matter. If you want to go to confession, then before it, you need to pray for your enemies in order to cleanse yourself of negativity.

Why read a prayer for those who hate and offend us?

To understand this issue, we suggest turning to religious origins. While Jesus was being crucified on the cross, he turned to God and asked him to forgive the soldiers involved in the execution and the people who watched what was happening and did nothing. The Christian religion has always been considered “all-forgiving,” since even in the Old Testament the feeling of revenge is included in the list of terrible sins. There is even a commandment that very clearly describes the principle of forgiveness: “if you are hit on one cheek, then turn the other.” The meaning of this expression is much deeper than it seems, since it helps a person to distinguish between accident and malicious intent. Believers believe that prayer for hating enemies helps to cleanse one’s own soul and draw closer to God.

Almost every religion has certain taboos, the list of which includes the desire for revenge. In Christianity, it is believed that a person who is often offended, hates others and wants to take revenge is simply denigrating his soul. It is necessary to read prayers regularly, and do this exclusively from a pure heart and with good intentions. You need to open up to God only in this way so that you can receive blessings and support from the Higher Powers.

Prayer to forgive those who hate and offend us Ignatius Brianchaninov

This prayer is largely a prayer of gratitude, because the saint asks God to send various blessings to his enemies. He explains this by the fact that it is enemies who allow a person to become closer to God, teaching humility and awareness of existing sins.

Text of the prayer for those who hate and offend us:

“I thank You, Lord and my God, for everything that has happened to me! I thank You for all the sorrows and temptations that You sent me to cleanse those defiled by sins, to heal those ulcerated by sins, my soul and body! Have mercy and save those instruments that You used to heal me: those people who insulted me. Bless them in this age and the next! Credit to them as virtue what they did for me! Assign them abundant rewards from Your eternal treasures. What did I bring to You? What are acceptable sacrifices? I brought only sins, only violations of Your Divine commandments. Forgive me, Lord, forgive the guilty one before You and before people! Forgive the unrequited! Grant me to be convinced and sincerely admit that I am a sinner! Grant me to reject crafty excuses! Grant me repentance! Grant me contrition of heart! Grant me meekness and humility! Grant love to my neighbors, immaculate love, the same to everyone, both those who console me and those who insult me! Grant me patience in all my sorrows! Die me to the world! Take away my sinful will from me, and plant Your holy will in my heart, so that I may do it alone in my deeds, words, thoughts, and feelings.”

There are other prayers for those who hate and offend us.

Troparion, tone 4:

“Lord of love, who prayed for those who crucified You, and commanded Your disciples to pray for their enemies! Forgive those who hate and offend us, and turn from all evil and deceit to a brotherly and virtuous life, we humbly offer a prayer to You: that in unanimity we may glorify You, the only Lover of mankind.”

“As Your first martyr Stephen prayed to You for those who killed him, Lord, and we, falling to You, pray: forgive those who hate everyone and those who offend us, so that not one of them perishes because of us, but all are saved by Your grace, O All-Bountiful God.” .

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Prayer to forgive those who were offended

Religious reading: a prayer to forgive those who were offended to help our readers.

You and I live in a world that is far from ideal, and therefore we ourselves are not ideal. Our words and actions sometimes upset our neighbors.

We all know how easy it is to offend a person with a rude, mocking word, an inappropriate remark, inattention, and how difficult it is to beg forgiveness after that. Even if we offended a person inadvertently, this does not mean that we can leave everything as it is

An unforgiven offense will lie like a heavy stone on the heart, spoil relationships, and sooner or later it will turn into another quarrel.

Before you read the prayer for forgiveness yourself, you need to honestly say to yourself: “I am guilty.” The worst thing a person can do is start to justify themselves.

God showed us the depth of the fall in self-justification through the example of the first people, Adam and Eve, when they violated His only commandment and were called to account. Then Adam said, “The woman whom You gave me, she gave me from the tree, and I ate.”

Adam made a mistake even worse than breaking God's commandment: he shifted the blame for his sin onto everyone around him - onto Eve and even onto God Himself, who gave him a wife - instead of praying to God for forgiveness of sins, saying “Forgive me, God."

Before you pray for forgiveness of grievances, you must forgive yourself.

But what should we do if a person really has a far-fetched grievance against us, if we really are not to blame? In this case, the Orthodox Church still teaches us to read prayers for forgiveness of those who have offended us.

We all know very well that the closer, dearer, more beloved a person is, the more difficult it is to reconcile with him.

We advise you to study Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God “Addition of mind”

This happens precisely from excessive closeness - when the one who offended us or the one we offended is constantly nearby, we do not have the opportunity to pause, calm down, in order to objectively assess the situation.

In this case, we can and should pray to God to forgive us, so that the Lord will enlighten both us and the other side of the conflict. Forgiveness plays a huge role in Orthodoxy.

On the last Sunday before Lent, a special rite of forgiveness was even established for everyone who did not have the fortitude to apologize or reconcile on their own during the year.

It is very important from early childhood to teach children to apologize for their wrongdoings, setting an example for them

If you quarrel with a child, stand with him in front of the icon of the Lord and together read a prayer for forgiveness of each other. Thanks to this, the child’s heart will not harden and resentment will not linger in him for long.

Before which icons should you read a prayer for forgiveness?

If you yourself are offended, read a prayer for forgiveness of the offender. Even if at first glance it seems that the conflict is too advanced and there is no chance, remember: water wears away stones, and for God nothing is impossible.

Read the text of the Orthodox prayer for the forgiveness of sins

I confess to You, Lord my God and Creator, in the One Holy Trinity, glorified and worshiped Father, and Son, and Holy Spirit, all my sins, which I have committed all the days of my life, and for every hour, both now and in the past. days and nights, by deed, by word, by thought, by gluttony, drunkenness, secret eating, idle talk, despondency, laziness, bickering, disobedience, slander, condemnation, neglect, pride, covetousness, theft, false speech, filthiness, bribery, jealousy, envy, anger, memory of malice, hatred, covetousness and all my feelings: sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch and my other sins, both mental and physical, in the image of my God and Creator I have angered You, and my neighbor for being untruthful: regretting these, I blame myself for You God I represent it to you, and I have the will to repent: then, Lord my God, help me, with tears I humbly pray to You: You have come to forgive me my sins with Your mercy, and forgive me from all these things that I have said before You, for You are Good and Lover of Mankind.

Prayer for those who hate and offend us as an example of Christian love and forgiveness

All people on Earth know how to pray. Even those who currently deny the existence of God. There are a lot of prayers. They are pronounced every day in hundreds of different languages, but their essence is the same - this is a person’s appeal to higher powers.

We will consider in this short article only one of the prayer requests - this is a prayer for those who hate us and offend us.

Why is this prayer so important in Christianity?

If we turn to the history of mankind, we can see that not all religions of the world call to pray for people who offend us.

This is not even in Judaism, which is built on a creed that precedes Christianity. We must love our friends, but be wary of our enemies, the Torah tells us. Even Confucius testifies that evil cannot be answered with evil, only with justice.

Why does Christ call to love your enemies?

Therefore, in Christianity there is a belief that if a person knows how to forgive his enemies and pray for them, then the Lord will forgive him for his sins and give him the opportunity to find himself in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Prayer for those who hate and offend us: what should it be?

There is a text for such a prayer that can be found in any Orthodox prayer book. This prayer is read at the very end of the morning and evening prayer rules.

However, this does not mean that we cannot pray for our enemies in our own words. Moreover, we need to pray not only in our own words, but precisely when we feel resentment and irritation brewing in our hearts.

It is very important in these moments not to let your anger pour out into bitter and terrible curses or - even worse - obvious aggression, but simply silently pray in your soul for the person who speaks evil words to you or acts deeply dishonestly towards you. The ways of the Lord are inscrutable, perhaps at this very moment, by simply praying for the person who offends you, you will save yourself both from a bad deed and from an internal crisis

The ways of the Lord are inscrutable, perhaps at this very moment, by simply praying for the person who offends you, you will save yourself both from a bad deed and from an internal crisis.

Why is it always worth praying?

It is worth praying always and everywhere. In general, prayer consoles a person and gives him extraordinary inner strength. By saying simple words: “Forgive, Lord, our offenders, send them joy, health, mental and physical strength,” you seem to overcome your spiritual weakness and become a stronger spiritual person.

After all, accumulating grievances against people is empty. As they say, offended people are unhappy people, forced to drag with them the burden of their own problems and grievances all their lives.

And those who know how to forgive, on the contrary, can move through life easily and freely.

They do not hold a grudge against people; a difficult life situation for them, accompanied by disappointments and misfortunes, is nevertheless surmountable, because, seeing their own shortcomings, they try to forgive their neighbors.


Always rejoice and always pray - the great saints of the Russian land bequeathed to us. And the ability to forgive one’s enemies and pray for them is one of the most important qualities of every Christian. Therefore, prayer for those who hate and offend us should become a prayer that we repeat every day in our own hearts.

The meaning of this prayer from the point of view of psychological science

Today, the science of psychology, the object of study of which is the human psyche, largely complements the conclusions that theology offers us. From the point of view of psychology, the Christian virtue of forgiveness and love for one’s enemies allows the individual to develop harmoniously, reaching a state that psychologists call self-actualization.

Only this happens not with the help of the potency of the individual himself, but with the help of the support of divine forces.

Moreover, it doesn’t matter how you read the prayer: out loud, silently, or address it mentally in difficult life situations. The main thing is to just read it and think that Christ commanded his disciples to forgive offenses and pray for those who cause us harm

The Bliss of Those Who Follow the Path of Christianity

In fact, real Christians are very happy people, they know how to enjoy life, hope to meet God beyond the grave, and know how to love and forgive. They know that the ways of the Lord are mysterious, and even an enemy at some point can become a true friend, repent and reconcile with us.

Christians know how to believe in miracles, because prayer itself is a real miracle that gives us strength to live.

So let us be real Christians, let us believe, pray and love, and also know that in the prayer book there are wonderful words of forgiveness, which are called “Prayer for those who hate us and offend us.” Let us pray and believe in the mercy of God and his holy providence for us!


We advise you to study What is a schema in Orthodoxy?

The meaning of prayer

The Christian way to overcome hostility toward the guilty is to pray for them, but not everyone can do this. The benefits of handling complaints this way are:

  • a person brings into his life more joy, good deeds, time for which he appears, because he stops wasting time on worries and grievances.
  • a person finds peace in his soul, stops being tormented by unpleasant thoughts;
  • learn to forgive people and not notice their shortcomings;

The importance of prayer for those who hate and insult us in the Orthodox faith is difficult to overestimate: this is its basic principle. The Christian commandment of love is a guide. Jesus Christ commanded us to love not only our neighbors, but also our enemies: “.. love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you and pray for those who offend you. And they are persecuting you, so that you may be children of your Father in heaven...” (Gospel of Matthew 5: 44.45). Forgiveness of insults to neighbors and prayer for them brings a person closer to the ideal of Christian life: the Kingdom of Heaven. This seems like an unattainable Christian goal to most people, but you need to start small: try not to take other people's unpleasant words to heart, because all people make mistakes.

A prayer for those who offend and hate us can be read at home or in church, where you can order a prayer service to increase love. Such prayers are different, they are addressed to the Lord, to the Mother of God, to the saints.

Prayer for offenders for all occasions

Prayer for those who hate us can be addressed to the Lord, His Mother, Guardian Angel or any saint who patronizes your name. In your appeal, you can mention the names of all the holy martyrs who sympathize with you. On church holidays, you should pray to those martyrs whose names are mentioned during the church liturgy.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker:

“Holy Father, Nicholas, help me cope with the anger and envy directed at me from the outside. You can perform great miracles, and I ask you to sow good seed in the hearts of my offenders.

Let them look at the world differently and let the black scale fall from their eyes, may they find the grace of God and His protection. For everyone who is in the temple of Christ finds mercy and prosperity. Amen forever!”

Appeal to the Most Pure Barbara:

“Virgin Barbara, blessed of women! I ask you to descend with your mercy on my enemies and turn away their anger from me. Let my enemies turn into my friends, and I will love them more than now. They will not know refusal in any matter, and I will come to their aid day and night. I ask you to soften their hearts and turn to the true path.”

Prayer to Saint Archangel Michael:

“Mikhail the Intercessor, you have strong and bright wings. I, the servant of God, ask you to assist me in my quest and bring his disobedient sheep to the Lord. You see my offenders and you know how to lead them to a good and clean path. Help me sow goodness in their hearts and come to the temple of the Lord, bending my knees before His greatness.

Let them repent of their sins, just as I repent of them. Let them renounce their dark deeds and caustic thoughts. I don’t want quarrels and enmity, discord and scandals. I ask forgiveness before the Lord and before my enemies if I am wrong in something. I repent and humble myself before the power and glory of the Lord, and am ready to help everyone who wants to come to him.”

Not only in words, but also in their deeds, believers must demonstrate their devotion to the Father and love for their neighbors. You need to testify to your pure intentions by going through all these points:

  • acceptance of the offender and his complete forgiveness.
  • daily prayers before the Lord for the salvation of offenders.
  • friendly attitude towards enemies.
  • sincere love and desire to help both morally and physically.

Who to contact for help

Prayer words for anger require concentration. They create an invisible but very strong connection. For best results, the appeal is read several times in a row. After this, the person listens to himself, to his feelings. If reading prayer words brings a positive effect, the person immediately feels better.

Prayer for intense anger or rage gives instant results. The personality feels light, even empty. A person gets rid of hatred and cleanses his soul: anger decreases gradually, but rage goes away immediately. The most popular prayer appeals for irritability are to Ephraim the Syrian or to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Turning to the Mother of God saves you from irritation. Prayer for anger helps you find balance and drive away inner demons.

Ephraim the Syrian

Anger, like anger, has its own definition in religious teaching. It is called the tricks of the devil and is considered one of the most serious sins. Aggression always has demonic roots: such a feeling not only harms the individual, but also affects her intentions. She is not capable of giving joy, love or happiness. The causes of hatred gradually develop into such serious consequences as misfortune, self-inflicted damage or voluntary loneliness.

According to legend, Ephraim the Syrian was hot-tempered and intolerant during his lifetime. Until he believed in God, his life was filled with anger and aggression. Ephraim's path was difficult and thorny. Gradually he recovered from his mental illness and God fully helped him in this. For this reason, turning to Ephraim the Syrian gives liberation from aggression or negativity accumulated within.

Contacting Ephraim the Syrian is quick help. It reduces the influence of negative emotions. If you read prayers constantly, you will be able to understand the cause of suppressed anger. Complex prayer with repentance helps in eradicating anger. If a person is not afraid to admit mistakes, he is ready to correct them, then higher powers will favor him.

Prayer for anger and severe irritability:

Nicholas the Wonderworker

Aggression begets aggression. There is no end point in such a natural process. People do dangerous things out of anger and, trying to get rid of it, create even more negativity. Appealing to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is an effective tool for eliminating hatred both towards yourself and towards the people around you. Prayer helps with irritability, with internal pain, with a constant pessimistic outlook on life.

Prayer words to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker:

Prayer reduces the level of irritation and eliminates all accompanying symptoms: dissatisfaction with oneself, aggression, taking out anger on people from one’s close circle. Prayer words are used for any person, regardless of his age, gender or status.

Akathist to the Mother of God from strong anger

Anger is born from accumulated negativity. At first, a person suffers from bad thoughts, from negative thinking. Gradually, the negative attitude takes root, and the person is no longer able to think differently. He is immersed in negative thoughts, he is completely dependent on them. Negative thinking develops into anger. It accumulates and is released from time to time. At the end of self-destruction lies anger. It requires no justification, no reason, no time frame. Anger completely takes over a person.

Prayers against anger gradually cleanse the soul. Step by step, they remove all the troubles that have accumulated in the soul: first, they free you from anger and hidden resentment, then they free you from any negative and ingrained attitude. In the end, anger goes away as the main cause of an endless series of internal problems.

The most effective prayers for any anger: an akathist to the Mother of God or an appeal to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

The Mother of God is the protector of all suffering souls. She saves a sinful soul and directs it to the righteous path. Prayer-conversion saves you from anger, resentment, and self-hatred. The Mother of God loves every creation of God, every person. Through her love, the suffering soul also learns to love. A person learns to accept himself with all his shortcomings and imperfections, after liberation from the shackles of anger.

Turning to the Mother of God softens a person’s soul. A person himself rarely thinks about the reasons for his anger, and turning to the Mother of God triggers inevitable processes. A person learns to see himself from the outside. He is ready to take responsibility, accept his path and improve. A petition to the Mother of God saves you from resentment towards yourself. Such sin has the most power and influence.

Prayer for all anger accumulated in the soul:

Prayer to Ephraim the Syrian for those who hate and offend us

Offense, insults, betrayal of loved ones, injustice and cruelty leave deep emotional wounds and provoke a desire for revenge. A person takes a double portion of poisonous bitterness - from the insult received and the thirst for retribution that has appeared.

The principle of “An eye for an eye!” acts destructively, creating a gaping chasm between the despairing soul and the Lord. To be able to forgive an offender requires enormous spiritual work and effort, since three important tasks are solved at once:

  • forgiveness;
  • dealing with your own anger;
  • replacing negative thoughts with righteous intentions.

There is a request to eradicate evil in the hearts of those who hate, are angry or feel envious, and to give them peace. Brings those praying closer to the highest degree of spiritual virtue and grace. Having accepted the fact that the offender himself was captured by his own evil actions and thoughts and is also a victim of the evil he created, a Christian rises spiritually. It is precisely this behavior of believers that the Savior approves of.

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