Orthodox prayer at night before bed - text and reading rules

"Save me, God!".
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Many people accumulate negativity and fatigue after the past day, commit imaginable and unimaginable sins, and fall under the influence of bad people. All this and more is reflected in your sleep. It will be anxious and intermittent. Or maybe you won’t be able to sleep at all under their weight. Short prayers for the coming sleep will help you sleep well.

You can read one or several, you can pray in your own words, addressing the saints and Kings of Heaven. If your sleep is completely disturbed due to various reasons, even stress, then it is recommended to read all the prayers for the coming sleep. Worth reading every evening. Nothing should distract or interrupt you. Contact the Mother of God, the Guardian Angels, the Kings of Heaven, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Mother of God Mary and other holy faces.

A short prayer before bedtime

What should you pray about before going to bed? What can you ask for? We will answer these questions for you. You can pray:

  • about the salvation of soul and body;
  • ask for intercession (protection);
  • ask for forgiveness of sins;
  • give blissful sleep;
  • get rid of enemies and harmful influences;
  • drive Satan away from you;
  • about the message of an angel of peace;
  • about chaste life and obedience;
  • about deliverance from eternal torment;
  • about deliverance from temptation and cowardice;
  • to give a good thought;
  • about patience and repentance;
  • to protect you from bad people and their influence on you.

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Pray not only when you have problems and misfortunes, but every single day. In your prayers, give thanks for the day you have lived, because this is important. Ask for God's protection when you go to bed. The desired will come to a truly believing person.

How prayer works

In order not to lose mental “balance,” the Holy Fathers call for constant prayer.

“Unceasing prayer is not an accidental prescription, but an integral feature of the Christian spirit” (St. Theophan the Recluse, 1815-1894).

Saint Philaret of Moscow (1783-1867) compared the beneficial effect of prayer on a person to the effect of a magnet:

“The prayer of faith is a spiritual magnet that attracts gracious and miraculous power.”

Just as a magnet is capable of attracting objects made of metal, divine grace is attracted to the believer. During prayer, a Christian draws God's attention to himself. Holy Righteous John of Kronstadt (1829-1908) spoke about the beneficial effect of prayer on the human soul:

“The burning glass then ignites wood or paper when we point it at the object in such a way that the rays of the sun, concentrated at the focus of the glass, are all concentrated on one point of the ignited object, with their entirety acting on it, and thus, as if the whole sun in a reduced form it is placed on the object. So in prayer, then our soul warms up, enlivens and ignites with the intelligent Sun - God, when with our mind, like a burning glass, we point this mental Sun at the heart, as a spiritual point in our being, and when It acts on the heart with all By His simplicity and His power.”

This indicates that every believer must approach prayer carefully and responsibly. That is, you need to constantly be in grace-filled communion with God. Do not forget about the best medicine - Confession and Communion.

Read prayers for the coming sleep

There is a Prayer Book that contains all the petitions, and these are the ones that need to be read before going to bed. For monks - Orthodox prayer book. You need to pray not only in the evenings, but also in the morning. Definitely every day. Take this with complete seriousness and responsibility.

If you have not prayed before, start with five prayers and add one more every ten days. Read intelligently, slowly, and think about every word. She must go sincerely and from a pure heart. There are times when you don’t have the energy or time to read the full rule. Remember that it is better to pray briefly and thoughtfully than in a hurry, “for show.” Such speed reading would be a big mistake.

Here is one of the petitions to the Lord for a good dream:

“Eternal God and King of every creature, who has made me worthy even at this hour, forgive me the sins I have committed this day in deed, word and thought, and cleanse, O Lord, my humble soul from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit. And grant me, Lord, to pass through this dream in peace at night, so that, rising from my humble bed, I will please Your most holy name all the days of my life, and will trample the fleshly and incorporeal enemies that fight me. And deliver me, Lord, from vain thoughts that defile me, and from evil lusts. For Yours is the kingdom, and the power and the glory, of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

Causes of insomnia

I think each of us, being healthy and young, has at least sometimes experienced the feeling of insomnia for various reasons. Most often it is caused by the following factors:

  • Chronic diseases, such as diabetes, accompanied by frequent urination and the desire to drink.
  • Failure of sleep patterns: sometimes you just overslept in the morning or decided to take a nap during the day and sleep dragged on for several hours; At the right time, the body simply does not need sleep.
  • Physical fatigue caused by hard, often monotonous work. Overstrain in muscles and joints can cause insomnia.
  • Nervous overstrain, stress experienced during the day, an unpleasant conversation on the phone before bed;
  • Watching an emotional television program or film that left a deep, both positive and negative impression;
  • The air temperature in the bedroom is high or, conversely, too low. By the way, the normal temperature of a sleeping room is considered to be about 20 degrees. But here everything depends on the individual characteristics of each organism. Not everyone can sleep in the cold. So the main thing is comfort.
  • Overeating during dinner or too salty or fatty foods in dishes.
  • Overstrain caused by working at the computer is not even work, but sometimes entertainment in the form of games, browsing social networks, visiting guests on blogs)).

Prayers for the coming sleep with Andrey Tkachev

Who is Andrey Tkachev? From one thousand nine hundred and ninety-three to two thousand and five he was a priest in the St. George Church. Since two thousand and six he has been rector of the Kyiv Church of Agapit of the Pechersk; since two thousand and seven he has become rector of the stone church of Luke of Crimea. In two thousand and fourteen he moved to Russia to serve in the Church of the Resurrection of the Word.

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Some know him from videos on the Internet, where a man gives various lectures, including prayers that are read before bed. This program helps you learn the Holy Scriptures. There are many prayers on the Internet that you can download for reference, including for the coming sleep. Read the petitions with Andrei Tkachev more than once and you will achieve a positive result.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel

In addition to the Almighty, you can turn to other Saints, as well as to the Guardian Angel. You can pray to the Guardian Angel in any situation, in grief, in joy, with or without requests.

The words below are great to use before bed.

"Guardian angel! Protector and guardian of my body and soul! Pray before the Lord God for my sinful soul! So that He would forgive me all my mistakes and sins, and protect me from illnesses of spirit and body, from evil intentions and bad people. Protect me from the wrong step and take away misfortune from me. Amen!"

It is best to repeat these words three times and read the prayer every day before going to bed. This use of this ritual will help you become better yourself and clear your thoughts of all bad things. In just a few weeks you will feel that your Guardian Angel is somewhere nearby and is helping you in everything.

A short prayer for the coming sleep

Prayer helps us in difficult times, whether we are awake or asleep. Often we sleep poorly because we anticipate a bad event or misfortune. Pray in your sleep too. It's possible. This way you can prevent trouble.

Small children often do not sleep soundly. The morning then begins with whims, and the parents are completely sleep-deprived. There is a way out in this situation. In order for the child to sleep peacefully and soundly, there is a prayer for the baby’s sleep to the Mother of God. She will save him from nightmares. After putting the baby to bed, the mother should read a petition to the Kazan Mother of God at the head of the crib:

“Oh, Most Pure Lady Theotokos, Queen of heaven and earth, the highest angel and archangel and all creatures, the most honest, pure Virgin Mary, the Good Helper of the world, and affirmation for all people, and deliverance for all needs! You are our intercessor and representative, you are protection for the offended, joy for the grieving, refuge for the orphans, guardian for widows, glory for virgins, joy for those who cry, visitation for the sick, healing for the weak, salvation for sinners. Have mercy on us, Mother of God, and fulfill our request, for all things are possible through Your intercession: for glory befits You now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen".

Dear parents, poor sleep is often the cause of fear. Be kind, considerate and gentle. In case of fright, it is recommended to read a special plot for two to three weeks.

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If the baby still sleeps restlessly, then most likely he has been jinxed. Then you should read a prayer against the evil eye.

After reading, you will see the result for yourself. The baby will wake up only once at night to eat. When your child grows up, teach him to pray on his own.

A powerful ritual with candles for insomnia

If the causes of insomnia are so deep that simple spells do not work, the healer advises resorting to a more powerful ritual:

  • The ritual will require 7 church candles, a personal photograph and a blank sheet of paper. There should be no other people or animals in the photo. The prayer must be learned by heart; when read from the screen of a phone or other device, it will not work.
  • The ritual should begin when it is time to sleep at night.
  • Place the candles in a circle, in the center of which you need to put your own photo.
  • You need to read the hex in a quiet whisper, constantly peering into the flames of the candles and not taking your eyes off until the candles go out.
  • Read the prayer slowly, as many times as the candles burn. After the words “servant of God or servant of God,” say your full name:

    “Let the white day bring health, and let the dark night cover you with peace, dispel vain thoughts, and give you sound sleep. Let all the enemies calm down, lose their strength, and if they have done damage, let it return to them a hundredfold. Like a flame that burns, let the corruption of God's servant burn away. As the flame goes out, so the insomnia will disappear, and I, the servant of God, will begin to sleep soundly, sleep innocently. Amen".

  • When the candles burn out, you need to collect everything, wrap it in a prepared clean sheet and bury it where there is no constant presence of people: in a forest, park, near a pond. It is advisable to do this the same evening, but if this is not possible, then no later than the next day.

The time it takes to get rid of insomnia after this ritual varies; for many, just one time is enough, and for some, several repetitions are required.

Prayer for the coming sleep Optina Pustyn

This is an appeal to the Higher Powers of the Optina elders from the monastery. Reverend Joseph says that if you are not able to adhere to the rules of petition, then you should come to church for the service. At the same time, add five hundred. What it is? This is the same cell rule. Reverend Anatoly says that after prayer it is worth thanking God. Otherwise you will judge yourself. If you do not have the opportunity to read, play the audio recording, which you can hear below in the video.

Peaceful and humble dreams to you!

Evening prayers Optina Pustyn:

Who does prayer help?

The struggle with insomnia often involves more than just the inability to fall asleep. Poor sleep, frequent waking up in the middle of the night, a long time falling asleep in the evening, feeling tired in the morning after sleep - these are conditions in which Orthodox prayer magically helps. Few people know how to fight insomnia without medication with the help of prayer, but increasingly Orthodox Christians turn to God for help, treat illnesses, and heal mental anguish with prayer.

Orthodox prayer for insomnia in adults helps to quickly fall asleep, helps relieve a person from night torment, after which he wakes up unrested, and restores deep sleep without the use of medications.

Prayer for insomnia in a baby is recommended for parents - mother, father, relatives who are responsible for the child’s deep and restful sleep, which directly affects the baby’s development. Frequent awakening of the baby causes lack of sleep and insomnia in adults.

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Children's crying, caused by cutting teeth, colic in the stomach, requiring parental attention to the child, causes inconvenience to adults, especially when it is deep night and the adult really wants to sleep.

When, after singing a lullaby, rocking in your arms, or walking around the room for a long time, you cannot stop the baby’s crying or calm down a child who has not slept all night, they read a prayer for insomnia in a baby, which will help adults and restless babies get enough sleep.

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