Read online prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary
9 strong birthday prayers that are read once a year - for yourself, for your son, daughter, child, deceased
Types of holiday prayers On your birthday, it is especially important to support weakened energy. A prayer that is read
Psalm 107 “My heart is ready, O God”
Psalm of David 107 in Russian and Church Slavonic languages
Text of Psalm 107 It is not customary to read prayers in Russian in churches during services.
'Prayer to the icon "Economissa"' loading="lazy
Akathist and prayer to the icon of the Mother of God “Economissa” - “Housebuilder”
885 09/13/2018 Author: Mysekret Team 0 Looking for a way to survive the crisis? Get rich or improve your living standards?
A conspiracy to get your luck back from the one who took it
It's hard when fortune turns away from you. Luring her back is a difficult task. Return
Communication spell: how to get a guy to call
It is very important for every person to have a true boyfriend or girlfriend. But sometimes relationships with
Confrontation between God and the Devil
Rite of exorcism: rules of conduct and text in Latin
11360 06-09-2018 Author: Mysekret Team 0 Every person has experienced
WE ALL NEED TO PASS A “GENERAL” CONFESSION. Republishing. (download confession sheets)
PREPARATION FOR CONFESSION Orthodox Christians of all times cleanse their souls from sin by going through a special
Text of the dua Tajnama in Arabic and translation: to read the prayer
Islam and its philosophy People belonging to different religious denominations trade; atheists do not either
All-night vigil and Sunday Liturgy. Voice 4th
Troparions, kontakia and general magnifications
Troparions, kontakia and general magnifications On the feasts of the Theotokos Troparion, tone 4 Diligent to the Mother of God
Rite of baptism
Is it possible to perform a funeral service for an unbaptized person? Canon "To the Holy Martyr Huar"
The death of a person is always a great grief for his relatives, but bitterness from the death of a loved one
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