Good Friday 2022: what you can’t do on this day and what you can do

What is Good Friday

In Orthodoxy, Good Friday is the most terrible day. The history of the origin of the holiday is told in the Gospel. After Judas' betrayal, Jesus was accused of inciting a riot. Christ was crucified at 9 am (according to Jewish clocks - at 3 pm), and the Savior died closer to Friday evening. The body of the Son of God was taken down from the cross and buried in a cave by the Apostles.

This Friday is called “Holy” because this day was filled with the passions (sufferings) of Jesus Christ. This was the last day of the Lord's human life. There are also other names: Holy Friday, Good Friday, Great Friday, Fridays, Red Friday.

The symbol of the holiday is the shroud - this is a cloth with an image of the icon of Jesus Christ in the tomb.

Pilate's Court

The Jewish priests, having seized Christ on Thursday, sentenced him to death, but it had to be approved by the Roman ruler Pontius Pilate. Pilate arrived in Jerusalem before Passover, which the Jews celebrated every year, remembering their liberation from Egyptian captivity. That year Easter fell on Sunday.

Bound and spat upon, Jesus was brought to Pontius Pilate, who asked Christ if He was a king, to which the Savior did not give a clear answer, but showed Himself to be a teacher, a preacher, but not a troublemaker. (Luke 15:1-7).

The Trial of Jesus Christ

Pilate did not find the Savior guilty and transferred the solution to the unpleasant issue for him to Herod, the king of Galilee.

Surprisingly, the procurator made his decision after a conversation with his wife, who asked not to do anything bad to the prisoner, because she had a dream that she suffered for the Teacher. The Bible does not give the name of this woman, but historians claim that she was Claudia Procula, who later converted to Christianity and was canonized.

Tetrarch Herod Antipas hated Christians, about whom he had already heard, and gave the Recusant to be mocked by the Roman soldiers. It is difficult to imagine what kind of torture the Son of God was subjected to, how God the Father cried when he saw the whips with huge hooks at the ends. The Holy Blood flowed like a river, but the warriors, insatiable by human suffering, continued their work in front of the numb crowd, joyful priests and grief-stricken Mother Mary.

Having violated the innocent Jesus, Herod sent the half-dead God-man back to Pilate to carry out his sentence. Pontius Pilate, not wanting to be recognized as an opponent of Caesar, confirmed the verdict, while uttering his famous phrase that there is no innocent Blood on his hands, all the blame now lies with the Jewish people, with future generations. (Matthew 27:24).

Pontius Pilate washes his hands of

Celebration traditions

On the fifth day of the week, the church holds three services. Matins takes place on the night from Thursday to Friday. The Gospel about the Passion of the Lord is read on it. During the day the “Royal Clock” is used. The last one is Vespers, where the shroud decorated with flowers is brought out.

The shroud is buried at the end of the day at Matins on Holy Saturday. There is no Divine Liturgy on Good Friday.

After the burial, a small vespers is held, at which hymns are sung about the lamentation of the Most Holy Theotokos on Good Friday, as well as a canon about the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

All preparations for Easter should be completed on Maundy Thursday, but sometimes housewives do not have time to prepare holiday cakes and do it on Good Friday. Before you start kneading dough for them, you need to receive a blessing. To do this, read the “Our Father” prayer, after which you need to cook in peace and quiet.

In Rus', it was customary to observe both church and pagan traditions. For example, the custom of lighting fires and calling on God Perun to protect the harvest from the effects of natural elements. Our ancestors considered this time the most favorable for sowing.

On the day of celebration for the Orthodox, certain rules and prohibitions come into force. This is also the strictest day of Lent. The first meal should not be earlier than three o'clock in the afternoon, since this is the time when the ceremony of removing the shroud ends.

What not to do on Good Friday

  • On this holy holiday, you cannot clean or wash clothes.
  • You can't wash or swim.
  • Any work around the house or in the garden is prohibited.
  • Do not use rakes, pitchforks or shovels.
  • You cannot be angry, offended, swear or swear.
  • Drinking alcohol is strictly prohibited
  • You can't have fun.
  • Cut and dye hair.
  • It is not recommended to bake Easter cakes and paint Easter eggs.
  • You cannot indulge in carnal pleasures.
  • You can't go to the cemetery. (Exception: funeral)
  • It is not customary to heat the bathhouse on Good Friday.

What can you do

  • On this day, you must definitely visit the temple and pray.
  • The day should pass in peace and quiet, without feasts and festivities.
  • We need to help those in need.
  • Do good, godly deeds.
  • Forgive all offenders and ask for forgiveness yourself.
  • You can visit a person you haven’t seen for a long time.
  • Thank the Lord for suffering.
  • You can be sad and cry.

What can you eat on Good Friday?

On Fridays you cannot eat until the end of the second service. Afterwards they eat bread and drink water. You can also have fruits and vegetables. All animal products and alcoholic beverages are strictly prohibited. No food is prepared. Sick and pregnant women do not have to fast.

Historical information

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According to information taken from the Gospel, on the fifth day of the week before the Jewish Passover, the traitor Judas Iscariot betrayed his teacher Jesus Christ into the hands of the procurator of Judea named Pontius Pilate. Jesus was accused of being a rebel and an instigator. And although Pilate himself, being a conscientious man, understood that the claims of the accusers were unfair, he still gave the order to execute Christ by crucifixion.

The execution procedure was carried out on Mount Calvary; the Savior was forced to first carry his cross throughout Jerusalem, led by Pilate’s guards. In addition to Christ, two more people were executed that day - criminals, one of whom, before his death, repented of the atrocities he had committed.

As we know further, on the third day after death, the Savior rises from the dead, and the women who came to the tomb see there the Angel of God, who told them amazing news. This is where the tradition of celebrating Easter in Christianity arose - the day when a real miracle happened, and which played a huge significance for the entire Christian history.

What prayers to read on Good Friday at home

Prayers you can read at home:

Akathist to the Passion of Christ

Kontakion 1

Chosen by the Voivode and Lord of Heaven and earth, You, the Immortal King, hanging on the Cross, all creation changed, the sky was terrified, the foundations of the earth were shaken. But we, who are unworthy, bring Thy grateful worship to us for the sake of suffering, crying out to Thee with the thief: Jesus, Son of God, remember us when Thou comest in Thy Kingdom.

Ikos 1

Replenishing the angels of the ranks, you did not receive from the Angel, but for my sake, this God, having become a man, having died in sins with your life-giving Body and revived by Your Blood; In the same way, give thanks to the capital of Your love, crying out to You:

Jesus God, Eternal Love, has been pleased with us earth-born creatures; Jesus, immeasurable mercy, descended to fallen people. Jesus, who clothed himself in our flesh, and by His death destroyed the empire; Jesus, you deify us with Your Divine Mysteries. Jesus, through Your suffering and Your Cross you have redeemed the whole world; Jesus, Son of God, remember us when You come into Your Kingdom.

Kontakion 2

Seeing Thee in the helitown of Gethsemane, sweating bloodily in prayer, appearing to strengthen Thee, when the heavy burden of our sins weighed down on You: for you, Adam who perished on the frame, You presented to the Father, kneeling in prayer. For this reason I sing to You with faith and love: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

A mind that cannot comprehend Your free suffering did not understand the Jews: for this reason, always in the night with the lamps you proclaimed to those who were looking for You: I am, even though I had fallen to the earth, but for this reason I bound You, leading you to the judgment; We, on this path, falling to You, call with love:

Jesus, Light of the world, hated by the evil world; Jesus, living in the Unapproachable Light, removed from the region of darkness. Jesus, the Immortal Son of God, designated from the son of destruction to death; Jesus, in Him there is no flattery, kissed by the traitor with flattery. Jesus, give Yourself tuna to everyone, sold for pieces of silver; Jesus, Son of God, remember us when You come into Your Kingdom.

Kontakion 3

By the power of Your Divinity, You prophesied threefold rejection of the disciple. Therefore, even if he had renounced You with an oath, he, however, when he saw You in the courtyard of the bishops, his Lord and Teacher, was touched in his heart, and went out crying bitterly: “Look then upon me, Lord, and strike my cruel heart, and with your tears with mine I will wash away my sins, singing to You: Alleluia.”

Ikos 3

Truly have power according to the order of Melchizedek, as a Bishop forever, you have become before the lawless high priest Caiaphas, Lord and Lord of all; Having suffered torment from Your servants, accept from us the following:

Jesus, priceless, purchased with a price, gain me for Your eternal inheritance; Jesus, the desire of all, from Peter, outcast for fear, do not reject me, a sinner. Jesus, gentle Lamb, tormented by fierce boars, rescue me from my enemies; Jesus, Bishop, who entered the Holy of Holies with Your Blood, cleanse me from the defilements of the flesh. Jesus, bound, have the power to bind and decide, resolve my grave sins; Jesus, Son of God, remember us when You come into Your Kingdom.

Kontakion 4

The Jews breathing a storm of Christ-killing, having listened to the voice of the father of lies and murderer from time immemorial, the devil, rejected You, the right Path, Truth and Life; We are Thee, Christ, the power of God, in Him all the treasures of wisdom and reason are hidden, confessing, crying out: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing Your meek words, Pilate, like one worthy of death, delivered You up to be crucified, even though you yourself testified that you have not found a single guilt in You: defile your mind with your hands, but defile your heart; We, marveling at the mystery of Your free suffering, call with tenderness:

Jesus, Son of God and Son of the Virgin, martyred from the sons of iniquity; Jesus, mocked and naked, give glory to the villages and clothe the sky with clouds. Jesus, full of stripes, fed five thousand with five loaves; Jesus, the King of all, received cruel torment instead of tribute to love and thanksgiving. Jesus, for our sake you have been wounded all day, heal the wounds of our souls; Jesus, Son of God, remember us when You come into Your Kingdom.

"Our Father"

Our Father who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven; Give us this day our daily bread; And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

Troparion of the Great Heel

To this day hangs on the Tree He who hung the earth on the waters; the King of Angels is crowned with a crown of thorns; Clothes the sky with clouds in clownish purple; The one who freed Adam in the Jordan receives slaps; the Bridegroom of the Church is nailed; The Son of the Virgin is pierced by a spear. We worship Your suffering, O Christ. We worship Your suffering, O Christ. We worship Your suffering, O Christ. Show us Your all-glorious Resurrection!

Let us not celebrate like the Jews: for our Passover, Christ God, was sacrificed for us; but let us cleanse ourselves from all filth, and sincerely pray to Him: “Rise up, Lord, save us, as a Lover of mankind!” Thy Cross, O Lord, is life and resurrection for Thy people; and trusting in him, we sing praises to You, our crucified God, have mercy on us.

Rituals and rituals

Although such actions are not only not encouraged by the Christian Church, but even strictly prohibited , nevertheless, they have always enjoyed great popularity among the people. This is how people tried to get rid of various ailments, made amulets, and learned their fate. I propose to consider several rituals.

Fortune telling to find out what will happen

You don't need any special attributes to perform it. Just get up early in the morning, don’t say a word and immediately look out the window. It is important to notice who caught your eye first:

  • bird - promises a new acquaintance to an unmarried girl; for a guy - receiving good news;
  • cat - all year you will live in abundance and luxury, not needing anything;
  • dog - portends dreary and sad experiences;
  • a young guy or a man - your health will be pleasing all year;
  • young girl - family well-being;
  • a whole family of people - you will establish harmonious relationships with relatives, peace and harmony will reign in the family;
  • if it was an old man, especially a disabled or sick person, this is not the most positive interpretation, which promises illness or significant losses.

A ritual to conjure up melancholy (get rid of depression)

Ritual rituals for the deliverance of those suffering from depressive disorders are especially popular on Good Friday among healers. For example, you can perform the following ritual. Stock up on 3 colored eggs, blessed in the temple, for him, put them in the water, and then let the patient wash (or wash yourself if the patient is you). When washing, read the words of the hex:

“Strengthen my faithful words, Lord, Strengthen, Christ, the servant of God (name). Just as people rejoice at the bright Easter, so may the servant of God (name) be glad of life. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".


Folk signs:

  • Whatever is planted on this day will not bear fruit. You can only plant parsley and cabbage.
  • To be born on a holiday means a difficult fate.
  • To give birth is to bring trouble to the baby and yourself.
  • If you laugh and have fun on this day, you will have to cry all year.
  • Children who were conceived on the day of the holiday are doomed to misfortune.
  • Those who die on Red Friday receive God's grace.
  • People born on this day cannot celebrate their birthday.

Weather signs:

  • If many stars are visible in the sky, then wheat will be born.
  • Sunny weather means a large harvest of bread.
  • Rainy weather means cold spring.

Signs for unmarried girls:

  • There is an insect in the food - see you soon.
  • Seeing a bird outside the window means meeting a man.
  • If your lip itches, go for kisses.
  • If your eyebrow itches, you’ll soon meet your betrothed.
  • If you leave one shelf in your closet empty on the eve of a holiday, it means inviting a man into your home.
  • A girl hits her elbow, which means her betrothed is thinking about her.

Signs for health:

  • Digging the ground on the day of the holiday means serious illness.
  • If you bake bread in the shape of a cross, it will become a talisman.
  • A ring consecrated in the church on the day of the holiday will serve as a talisman.
  • If you bake bread on Good Friday, it will acquire medicinal properties.
  • If you get sick on the day of the holiday, it means there will be a quick recovery.

Dream from Maundy Thursday to Good Friday

It is believed that truly prophetic dreams occur on the night of Good Friday. There is an opinion among people that on this day dreams are filled with special content. There are also those who are convinced that on all the nights of the festive week they dream of something that will definitely come true.

The meaning of dreams on Good Friday before Easter:

Dreams this night are divided into 3 groups:

  • the events of the past day are repeated in a dream;
  • prophetic visions;
  • dreams sent by demons.

Believers claim that dreams that were dreamed on Friday night will come true during the first half of the day or within a year. It is only important to interpret them correctly. Dreams from the first group do not have any supernatural meaning. Those that are commonly called “demonic” require special attention. They cause the most anxiety and fear. But there is nothing to worry about here, no dark entities are trying to take over a person. The appearance of something unpleasant in a dream may mean that someone from above is trying to warn the sleeping person about something. There is no need to concentrate on the bad, because “demonic” dreams are harbingers of good events and news.

Don't ignore what you dream about on the eve of the holiday. These dreams contain hidden signs and clues that can predict the near future and even help prevent impending disaster.

How to Avoid Negative Predictions

To protect against illnesses and troubles on Good Friday, before dawn, corners and doors in the house were wiped with a new towel. They hid it in a closet and kept it all year. It was believed that such a towel has healing powers and serves as a talisman to attract good luck.

The ashes were raked out of the oven, poured into a cloth bag, and tied in a knot. She protected the house from troubles.

Some used this ash to treat alcoholism. The contents of the bag were poured out at the crossroads, reciting the spell three times: “Just as ash does not sprout, and sprouts do not produce petals, and from petals do not produce fruits, so the servant of God (name) will not take wine into his mouth: neither on Sunday, nor on Saturday, nor on Friday , not on Thursday, not on Wednesday, not on Tuesday, not on Monday. Amen. Just as this ash does not fill a spring, does not sing like a nightingale, so the servant of God (name) will not drink green wine. Amen".

To ensure that peace and harmony reigned in the house, and troubles were avoided, housewives baked 2 small round loaves of bread. Before kneading the dough, they said the words: “Lord, save, preserve, defend. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen". One was divided among household members, the second was hidden behind an icon until the next year.

Questions and answers

Is it possible to take a bath on Good Friday?
It is recommended to take water procedures and clean the day before the holiday - Maundy Thursday. You can't do this on Good Friday.
Is it possible to dye eggs on the day of the holiday? And is it possible to bake Easter?
Anything, including preparing for Easter, should be abandoned today.
When is the shroud taken out?
The Shroud is taken out at Great Vespers at 3 pm and then the cycle of services is considered completed.
Is it possible to work?
There is no specific ban on work on this day. But even in the workplace, it is necessary to devote the whole day to the memory of Jesus the Savior.
Is it good to die on Good Friday or not?
death during the festival is not a good or bad sign. There is no guarantee that a soul will definitely go to heaven or hell. It is popularly believed that if death occurs during the week of Holy Week, this means that the deceased received God's blessing.

What can you do around the house on this day, what can you eat?

The clergy answer the question about household chores unequivocally - urgent and obligatory work should be done, the rest should be postponed to another day.
Devote time to prayer and reflection on the suffering of Christ, and not waste it on small household chores and routine worries. You can only eat bread. But if for some reason you cannot limit yourself to such a strict fast, follow the rules of a regular fasting Friday. Eat only raw foods and do not use vegetable oil.

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