Iconography of the Feast of the Entry of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the Temple

The Entry into the Church of Our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary is one of the twelve (from the Slavic “twelve” - twelve), that is, the largest Orthodox holidays, established in memory of the fact that the parents of the Mother of God solemnly led Her at the age of three to the Jerusalem temple, under whom she lived until her betrothal to the righteous Joseph. The Feast of the Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos into the Temple is celebrated annually on December 4 (November 21, old style) and has 1 day of pre-celebration and 4 days of post-celebration.

Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the temple. Holiday event

We learn about the events of the earthly life of the Most Holy Theotokos The canonical Gospels do not tell anything about the birth, childhood and youth of the Blessed Virgin Mary, therefore we can learn about the events of the feast of the Entry into the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary from later texts - the Greek “Proto-Gospel of James” (second half of the 2nd century) and the Latin “Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew” "(IX century), in which oral traditions are recorded.

It is known that the parents of the Mother of God, Joachim and Anna, were childless for a long time. Praying that the Lord would resolve their infertility, they made a vow to dedicate the born child to God. When the Blessed Virgin was three years old, in fulfillment of the promise, her parents, accompanied by relatives and people close to them with lighted lamps, solemnly led Her to the Jerusalem Temple. The High Priest Zechariah and, at the inspiration of God, led her into the Holy of Holies. This was a temple room where the high priest himself could enter only once a year, after making a special sacrifice. This is how the festive service says about this extraordinary, exceptional event: “ The angels saw the introduction of the Most Pure Mother of God, and were surprised: how the Virgin enters the Holy of Holies .” (The angels, seeing the introduction of the Most Pure Mother of God, were surprised: how the Virgin entered the Holy of Holies).

It must be said that at that time the Jerusalem temple was restored after the Babylonian captivity. The Ark of the Covenant was no longer in it - it had disappeared. The Holy of Holies was empty, there was only a stone slab in place of the main shrine.

A mysterious, symbolic event took place: instead of the lost Ark of the Covenant, the high priest introduces the Virgin Mary - the one who became the Mother of God, the new Icon, the Ark. The time of the New Testament was coming, the Nativity of Christ was approaching. The Church’s liturgy also speaks about this: the Feast of the Entry of the Virgin Mary precedes the Nativity of Christ. It’s still a long way before Christmas, Lent has just begun, but they are already beginning to sing during the evening service: “Christ is born, give thanks!”

The most complete theological interpretation of the introduction of the Mother of God into the Temple is given by St. Gregory Palamas in his Homily “On the Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos into the Temple.” In it, the saint tells the history of the holiday, gives his opinion about the reasons for God’s election of Mary as the mother of Jesus Christ, and in conclusion explains the reason for her introduction into the Holy of Holies of the Jerusalem Temple:

...why the Chosen One from the beginning of the century among the elect turned out to be the Holy of Saints. Having Her body purer than the spirits themselves purified by virtue, so that it could receive the very Hypostatic Word of the Eternal Father, the Ever-Virgin Mary, as the Treasure of God, according to her heritage was now placed in the Holy of Holies, so that in due time, as it was, she could serve for enrichment and to a premium decoration.

Library of the Russian Faith Teaching on the Entry into the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Great Menaion of Cheti →

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Folk signs

There are several signs and rules of conduct during the celebration of the Entry of the Holy Mother of God into the temple. The date when the holiday is celebrated in 2022 is intransitive, so the weather on November 21 can be used to judge further events. The most famous signs:

  • warm weather in November promises a warm, snowy winter;
  • Frosty, sunny days on the eve of December and after it speak of a rich, bountiful summer harvest.

On December 4, it is strictly forbidden to do laundry, ironing, handicrafts, or clean the house. On the holiday, it is allowed to guess about the future life, betrothed, children.

Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the temple. history of the holiday

Having entrusted their only child to God, Joachim and Anna returned home. The Mother of God remained to live at the temple. Pious women who dedicated themselves to God raised Her along with other pious girls. Mary prayed, diligently read the Holy Scriptures and did handicrafts. Church tradition says that an Angel of God often appeared to her and brought food. This is also stated in the festive service: “ Raised by heavenly bread, the Virgin, in the Church of the Lord, truly, gave birth to the world’s belly bread, the Word... ” (Brought up, nourished by heavenly bread in the Church of the Lord, the Virgin gave birth to the world the bread of life - the Word, i.e. Gentlemen). However, Saint Jerome of Stridon points out: “If someone asked me: how the Most Holy Virgin spent her youth, I would answer him: that is known to God Himself and the Archangel Gabriel, Her constant guardian.”

The beginning of the celebration of the Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos into the temple dates back to the 4th century, when references to the holiday appeared in the writings of St. Gregory of Nyssa . Sermons on the feast of the Presentation of the Virgin Mary by the Patriarchs of Constantinople Germanus and Tarasius (8th century) have been preserved. Instructions about the holiday are contained in some month books of the same time. Although the Feast of the Entry has been known since the first centuries of Christianity, at first it was not celebrated as solemnly as it is now. Church historians say that he became one of the Twelves only after the 14th century.

Feast of the Introduction in the West

In Southern Italy, where many Orthodox Greeks lived, the Entry was celebrated from c. The Normans, who captured these lands in the century, transferred it to England: for example, the Calendar from Winchester (1100) mentions Oblationis S. Mariae in templo Domini cum esset trium annorum) [32]. However, the holiday became widespread only in the 2nd half. XIV century In 1340, the French crusader nobleman Philippe de Maizières (†1405), chancellor of the titular king of Jerusalem Peter I of Lusignan, who also owned Cyprus, turned to Pope Gregory XI with a proposal, following the example of the Greeks, to officially establish the celebration of the Entry into the Catholic Church. The Pope authorized the celebration of the Service of Introduction only as a votive

(services by choice or vow). Since 1371 it was regularly served in Avignon in the Church of the Friars Minor.

During the King Charles V made special efforts to spread the holiday in French lands, who ordered the Service of Introduction to be performed in his court chapel in Paris. In 1472, Pope Sixtus IV (1471–1484) included the service of Introduction to the Breviary (as a feast "optional" for some places). Subsequently, Pope Pius V (1566–1572) eliminated the service of the Presentation, but Pope Sixtus V in 1585 made the Feast of the Presentation mandatory for the Roman Catholic Church. During this time, 7 different services of the Introduction appeared in the West, including Philippe de Maizières and Pope Gregory XI.

Currently, the Feast of the Presentation in the Catholic Church is considered small, lasts 1 day, and the service is performed without much solemnity.

Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the temple. Divine service

The stichera for the Feast of the Entry, written by George of Nicomedia, depict this event (procession with lamps, meeting the high priest in the temple, etc.) and the inner meaning of the holiday. Then the purpose of “introducing the Holy Virgin into the temple” is clarified. She is brought to the temple to be brought up into God’s dwelling and to prepare with herself the Throne of God and then to reconcile us with God, to “deify” our nature corrupted by sin.

Two canons for the holiday, repeating the thoughts of the stichera, were compiled by George Nicomedia and Basil Pagariot, Archbishop of Caesarea. The Gospel (Luke X, 38-42. XI, 27-28) speaks of Christ’s stay in the house of Martha and Mary. The Apostle (Heb. IX, 1-7) contains the idea that the Most Holy Theotokos was typified in the Old Testament by the tabernacle.

Library of the Russian Faith Canon of the Entry into the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary →

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The first proverb (Ex. XL, 1-5, 9-10, 16, 34-35) tells about the construction of the tabernacle by Moses and how the cloud shone around it. The second paremia (1 Kings VII, 51; VIII, 1, 3, 7, 9-11) tells about the solemn transfer of the Ark of the Covenant to the temple built by Solomon and how the glory of the Lord filled the temple (both the tabernacle and the temple served as a prototype of the Virgin Mary, who was the abode of the Glory of the Father - the Son of God). The third paremia is the same as on the feast of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary (Ezek. XLIII, 47; XLIV, 1-4).

Troparion for the holiday. Church Slavonic text:

Today the blessing is presented, and 3 the preaching of salvation, in the Church of the Holy Spirit, there is a lot of good news, and 3 the good news is given to all. t0y and3 we2 loudly cry out, rejoice at watching the construction and fulfillment.

Russian text:

Today is a foreshadowing of God’s favor and a foreshadowing of the salvation of people. The Virgin openly appears in the temple of God and announces Christ to everyone. We, too, will loudly shout to her: Rejoice, fulfillment of the Creator’s providence for us.

Kontakion for the holiday. Church Slavonic text:

Precious tsRkvi sp7sova, many-honest features of the dv7tsa, the sacred treasure of the glory of b9iz, today is introduced into the day, the blessing of the commonwealth of the divine. yu4zhe sing ѓнGлі б9іи, єєєє4ст сіннбсназ.

Russian text:

The Most Holy Virgin, the most pure Church of the Savior and the valuable palace, the sacred repository of the glory of God, is today introduced into the house of the Lord and brings with her the grace of the Divine Spirit. The Angels of God sing about her: She is a heavenly village.


December 4 (November 21, old style)


The icon of the twelfth (one of the 12 main) feasts of the Entry into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos depicts the Gospel story about an event that occurred after the Virgin Mary turned three years old. The parents of the Most Holy Theotokos, righteous Joachim and Anna, who did not have children, praying for the gift of a child to them, made a vow to the Lord: if a child is born, then dedicate him to serving God. And then their daughter was born, who was named Maria.

When the Virgin Mary was three years old, Her righteous parents, in fulfillment of their vow, dressed Mary in the best clothes and, with lighted candles, brought Her to the Temple of Jerusalem. High stone steps led to the temple. Three-year-old Maria, unexpectedly for everyone, climbed these steps herself, without the help of adults. The high priest, by inspiration from above, took Her by the hand and led her not only into the temple, but also into the “Holy of Holies” - a place in the temple, entry into which was allowed only to the high priest, and then only once a year. Everyone in the temple was amazed at such an extraordinary event.

The Most Pure Virgin was brought up in the Jerusalem Temple in the company of pious virgins, diligently read the Holy Scriptures, did handicrafts, constantly prayed and grew in love for God. The Most Holy Virgin remained in the temple until she was fourteen years old - an age when, according to the law, She could no longer remain in the temple. The priests wanted to marry Her off, but She announced her promise to God - to preserve Her purity and remain a Virgin. Then the priests betrothed Her to a distant relative, eighty-year-old Joseph, so that he would take care of Her and protect Her virginity.

In front of the icon “The Entry of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the Temple” they pray for healing from various ailments.

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God “Entry of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the Temple”

To whom shall I cry, O Lady, to whom shall I resort in my sorrow, if not to You, the Queen of Heaven? Who will hear my cry and receive my sighs, if not You, Most Immaculate, the hope of Christians and refuge for us sinners? Who will protect You more in misfortunes? Hear my groaning and incline Your ear to me, the Lady and Mother of my God! Do not despise the one who seeks Your help and do not reject me, a sinner, Queen of Heaven! Teach me to do the will of Your Son and grant me the desire to always follow His holy commandments. For my murmur in illness, labor and misfortune, do not retreat from me, but remain the Mother and Patroness of the faint-hearted me, my most beloved Queen, my zealous Intercessor! With your intercession, cover my sins, protect from visible and invisible enemies, soften the hearts of those who are hostile against me and warm them with Christ’s love. Grant to me, who is weak, Your all-powerful help to overcome my sinful habits, so that, purified by repentance and subsequent virtuous life, I may spend the remaining days of my earthly journey in communion with the Holy Church. Appear to me, the hope of all Christians, at the hour of my death and strengthen my faith in the difficult hour of death. Offer up for me, who has sinned many times in this life, Your all-powerful prayers after my departure, that the Lord will justify me and make me a partaker of His endless joys. Amen. Troparion, tone 4 On the day of God's favor, the transfiguration and salvation of men is preached in the temple of God, the Virgin clearly appears and announces Christ to everyone. To that we too will loudly cry out: Rejoice, fulfillment of the Creator’s vision. Kontakion, tone 4 The Most Pure Temple of the Savior, the precious palace and the Virgin, the sacred treasure of the glory of God, is today introduced into the house of the Lord, conferring grace, even in the Divine Spirit, even as the Angels of God sing: This is the village of Heaven. Greatness We magnify You, Most Holy Virgin, God-chosen Youth, and we honor Your entry into the Temple of the Lord.


Akathist to the Entry into the Temple of the Holy Mother of God Kontakion 1 Chosen by the Eternal King, the Virgin Mary, the Queen of Angels and men, who sometimes came to the temple of the Lord in the Holy of Holies, to betroth her virginity to the Heavenly Bridegroom, be brought up in God's Dwelling Place, we diligently offer worthy worship to You, You are like a powerful Intercessor ours, free us from all troubles and sorrows, and with love and tenderness we cry out to You: Rejoice, God-chosen Youth, who opened the doors of heaven to us by entering the temple. Ikos 1 The faces of Archangels and Angels from the heavenly heights flocked to see Your glorious, O Mother of God, into the temple of the Lord. Introduction and, together with the earthly face of pure virgins, the invisible face of disembodied minds walking with joy, You, the Most Pure Virgin, accompanying and like a vessel chosen by God by the command of the Lord surrounding , and as I serve my Lady, even though I have not seen the mystery of Your power, seeing You, I am indescribably filled with heavenly purity, and everything that was seen about You, I was terrified and with many fears hurried to You like this: Rejoice, overjoyed Virgin, Mother of the Tsar who had to be. Rejoice, preferred to the Queen, coming to live in the temple of the Kings. Rejoice, chosen and exalted Daughter of God the Father. Rejoice, Mother of God the Son, foretold from the ages. Rejoice, O Bride of God, the All-Holy Spirit, unartificed. Rejoice, most beloved Lady of all Creatures, visible and invisible. Rejoice, God-chosen Youth, who opened the doors of heaven to us by entering the temple. Kontakion 2 Seeing Thy righteous parents, O Most Holy Virgin, as three years have been fulfilled since Thy birth, they desire to fulfill in deed their promise, which they first uttered in words, that they may offer Thee as a gift to God, for this purpose they called all their relatives from the royal and bishop's family to Nazareth, and many priests, having also invited the face of pure virgins, accompanied Thee with burning candles, as the Scripture foretold: “The virgins will be brought to the King in Her wake, Her sincere ones will be brought to Thee, they will be brought in joy and joy, they will be brought into the temple of the Kings.” And so they all joined together and prayed to God for You, hurrying to Him: Alleluia. Ikos 2 Opening the Heavenly Mind, You were pleased with the Mother of God, because you would not appear in poor rags at the temple of the Heavenly King, for this reason you were clothed with much glory and beauty, so that the prophecy of David of Your forefather may be fulfilled on You: “The Queen appears at Your right hand, in vestments of gilded garments, speckled." When, as the Bride of God, You were adorned and everything was worthy of Your all-honorable Presentation, Your parent brought You, like a three-year-old lamb to Jerusalem, singing to You like this: Rejoice, dressed in the golden robe of virginity and purity. Rejoice, adorned with all the goodness of heavenly beauty. Rejoice, Daughter of the Tsar, who possesses all the virgin glory within Herself. Rejoice, Bride of God, present yourself at the right hand of the Heavenly Bridegroom. Rejoice, animated by the Icon of God, in the midst of the virgin tympanis you arrange your procession. Rejoice, most pure Temple of the Savior, direct Your rightful path to the Temple. Rejoice, God-chosen Youth, who opened the doors of heaven to us by entering the temple. Kontakion 3 The Power of the Highest Autumn of You and the Holy Spirit came upon You and became Your Leader, when after three days of travel you reached the city of Jerusalem, and like the Ark of God you were led to the temple of the Lord, the Virgin Mary, so that the word of the Psalm might be fulfilled, saying: “Seen Thy processions, O God, were the processions of my God the King, who is in the Holy One.” And so, for Your great heavenly purity, You were worthy of being the temple of God, where the Holy Spirit, desiring to live, may make You His Dwelling, a heavenly settlement, so that another Scripture may be fulfilled on You, saying: “Thou hast sanctified Thy Dwelling, O Most High, Holy is Thy temple, Lord, marvelous in righteousness,” for this sake let us sing everything about You: Alleluia. Ikos 3 For three years, the Most Holy Virgin, You were brought to the temple, and Your holy parents, from one country and from another, took You by the hands, His God-given Daughter, meekly and honestly leading You to the temple, saying: “Begin the luminous Virgins, go before the Virgin Mary.” Still, many known relatives and neighbors and the priest followed with joy, holding candles in their hands, and surrounding Thee, like the stars and the bright moon. And all Jerusalem came together, seeing this new arrival with amazement, the Three-year-old Maiden, clothed with such glory and revered with such light, and hurried to Thee like this: Rejoice, thou who art trifling in body, who broadest the heavens. Rejoice, perennial in spirit, exceeding the powers above. Rejoice, Immaculate Lamb, who offered her virginity to God as a pure sacrifice. Rejoice, Undefiled Dove, who surprised the Angels with Her purity. Rejoice, brought to the Lord with virgin faces. Rejoice, you who were led to the temple with burning lamps. Rejoice, God-chosen Youth, who opened the doors of heaven to us by entering the temple. Kontakion 4 Having a storm inside with doubtful thoughts, the High Priest Zechariah was dismayed, in vain Your, Most Pure One, was leading to the temple of the Lord with much glory and to the gates to the east who saw the closed beings approaching. When I remember Ezekiel’s ancient prophecy: “This gate will be shut and no one will pass through it, as the Lord God will pass through it, and it will be closed.” Having been filled with the Holy Spirit and having received a revelation from above, let the closed gate open to the brought Virgin Mary, cry out to God: Alleluia. Ikos 4 “Hear, O Daughters, and see, and incline Your ear, and forget Your people and Your father’s house, and the King will desire Your kindness.” This is what I said to You, O Most Holy Virgin, Your parents, when You were brought to the temple of the Lord. The priests performing the services, seeing Your coming, came out to meet Your glorious introduction, and with songs they received You, as the Mother of the Bishop of the Great Heaven Who Has Passed, saying: Rejoice, the good will of God, foreshadowed by the prophets. Rejoice, preaching of the salvation of men, now revealed to us. Rejoice, escorted in glory by the Heavenly Angels. Rejoice, welcomed by the priests of God with joy. Rejoice, O Thy Father's house and Thy people forsaken. Rejoice, you who sanctified the house of God by Your appearance. Rejoice, God-chosen Youth, who opened the doors of heaven to us by entering the temple. Kontakion 5 The former temple of God, the Virgin Mary, was led to the legitimate temple with much glory, so that the prophecy of Haggai the prophet would be fulfilled: “And I will fill this temple with glory, the glory of this last temple will be greater than the first, says the Lord Almighty.” Your Mother will bring You to the church entrance, saying: Come, O Dshi, to Whom You bestowed upon me. Come, O Irk of consecration, to the blessed Lady. Come, Door of Life, to the Merciful Giver. Come, O Irk of the Word, to the temple of the Lord. Come into the Church of the Lord, peace and joy, that I may sing to God about You: Alleluia. Ikos 5 Having seen Your Mother, the Virgin Mother of God, the priests of God leaving the temple, and the great Saint Zechariah, at Your coming meeting, he spoke to him: “Receive, Zechariah, the Undefiled Shade; accept, priest, the Immaculate Ark; accept, prophet, the Censer of immaterial Coal; accept, O righteous one, the Spiritual Censer. Receive, O prophet, my God-given Daughter and bring her into the temple of your Creator, and bring her in, plant her in the mountain of holiness, in the ready dwelling of God, testing nothing, for for her sake there will be deliverance,” and with her we cry out to you like this: Rejoice , the heavenly faces rejoiced with Your entry. Rejoice, priests of God, who rejoiced at Your appearance. Rejoice, Heavenly Village, you who sanctified the lawful temple with grace more than the first. Rejoice, Earthly Heaven, who has prepared for Yourself the dwelling of Christ with purity. Rejoice, Bride of God, for Your presence is great and wondrous. Rejoice, O Pure Virgin, for how fearful and glorious is Your dwelling in the temple. Rejoice, God-chosen Youth, who opened the doors of heaven to us by entering the temple. Kontakion 6 The preacher of Your entry into the temple of the Lord, the righteous Zechariah, was greatly surprised when he saw Yours, the Virgin Mother of God, along the church stairs, having fifteen degrees, a wondrous ascent: having been placed by Your former parents on the first degree, You abbey yourself flowed to other degrees quickly , supported by no one, and ascending to the highest level, you became strengthened by the invisible power of God; Saint Zechariah, seeing this, was embraced by the Spirit of God and the speech of Your Mother: “Blessed is the Fruit of your womb, O woman, glorious is your bringing: for you bring forth the true Mother of life, how can the temple accommodate You?” Having also thanked God, he sang to Him: Alleluia. Ikos 6 A great joy arose to all those coming to the lawful temple, when the great Saint Zechariah, filled with the Holy Spirit, received You, O Mother of God, before the church gates, holding his hand, and leading You into the Holy Place, speaking to You like this: “Oh, Undefiled Youth! Oh, Virgin of the Heavenly One! Oh, Beautiful Maiden! Oh, decoration for wives! Oh, fertilizer for my daughters! You are Blessed among women, You are glorified by purity, You are sealed with virginity, You are the resolution of Adam’s vows. Come, the fulfillment of my prophecy. Come, fulfillment of the promises of the Lord. Come, seal of that covenant. Come, the expression of That council. Come, the fulfillment of the Mysteries. Come, Mirror of all prophets. Come, renewal of the dilapidated. Come, Light in the darkness of those who lie. Come, newest and most Divine gift. Enter into joy into the Church of Your Lord, now into the valley, the entrance of men, not by many into the mountainous and inaccessible.” With him, we too will sing to You: Rejoice, animated Ladder, who ascended to the temple of the Lord by the degree of the high ladder. Rejoice, Door, impenetrable by human thoughts, who entered into the doors of the temple. Rejoice, for through the degree of virtues you have risen to the height of the Heavenly Altar. Rejoice, for on the wings of virginity and purity you have reached the City of the Great King. Rejoice, having reached the House of God on the top of the mountain. Rejoice, you who have passed through the closed gate. Rejoice, God-chosen Youth, who opens the doors of heaven to us by entering the temple. Kontakion 7 Although the Lord is a lover of mankind to save the human race, He chose You as His only Mother and brought You into His holy temple, and there in solitude and deep silence, far from the temptations of this world, you were brought up in the shrine of the Lord in God's dwelling. But you, playing and greatly rejoicing, as if in the devil, you walked in the house of the Lord, even though you were small in age, three years old, yet you were perfect by grace, as if you were foreknown and chosen from God before the foundation of the world, and there you sang to Him : Alleluia. Ikos 7 The Lord, O God-gracious One, created a new, wondrous and terrible thing for You, when the Great Hierarch Zechariah, being beside himself, by the mysterious revelation of God, brought You beyond the law behind the second veil, into the inner tabernacle, which is called the Holy of Holies, where not specifically the female sex, but It is fitting for a priest to enter below, but only as a single Bishop in the summer; It is fitting for You, as the Animated Icon of God, even before conception, more than any nature full of purity, stand in the place of the lawful Irk of God, the hidden Jeremiah, so that the temple of the Lord will again be filled with glory. This wonderful entry of Thy is visible, we cry to Thee as follows: Rejoice, O thou in the Holy of Holies, as thou hast ascended into the earthly heaven. Rejoice, great Holy of Holies, as if you have appeared before the Throne of God. Rejoice, you astonished the Angels, how gloriously you ascended into the Holy of Holies. Rejoice, thou who hast made men glad, for thou hast filled the temple of the Lord with glory. Rejoice, Most Red One, in whom the Most Essential One makes the dwelling of the Holy Trinity. Rejoice, Holy Throne, on which the Divine One is preparing to sit in the flesh. Rejoice, God-chosen Youth, who opened the doors of heaven to us by entering the temple. Kontakion 8 Your conception and birth are strange. Strange is the image of Your growth. Strange and glorious, Bride of God, Your entrance into the Sanctuary, and your continued presence in prayer, and all that is Your essence: from the morning, even until the third hour, You stood all day in prayer inside the Sanctuary, therefore with the other virgins in the vestibule in handicrafts You practiced, and from the ninth hour in the temple in the Holy of Holies you stood before God in prayer, in the thought of God and in the teaching of the Divine Scriptures, until the Angel of the Lord appeared to nourish You with heavenly food. Marveling at such an equal life with Your angels, we cry out to God, who was so well pleased with You: Alleluia. Ikos 8 The All-Holy Spirit, who dwells inside the temple, sanctify all of you, O Most Holy Virgin. For this reason, let nothing from earthly defilement touch You, you were nourished by heavenly and incorruptible food, and you distributed the earthly food served to the poor and strange. And so, having received heavenly bread from the Angel all day, you have prospered in wisdom and grace, rejoicing in body and spirit, so that you may immaculately contain the inconceivable Word of God. And the Archangel Gabriel was the persistent guardian of Your virgin purity and often appeared to You with other Angels of God, strengthening You in spiritual struggles, in prayer and fasting, in meekness and humility and kindly conversing with You, revealing the Eternal Council of the Most High about You, so that you would be ready for acceptance of God, this cry to You is: Rejoice, wonderful fulfillment of the ineffable mysteries of God. Rejoice, all-wonderful accomplishment of the Eternal Council of the Most High. Rejoice, inexpressibly raised by heavenly bread from the Angel. Rejoice, strengthened beyond words by the grace of God from heaven. Rejoice, even as the many eyes of the Cherubim are placed in the Holy of Holies. Rejoice, the six-winged Seraphim continually converse with Neyuzhe. Rejoice, God-chosen Youth, who opened the doors of heaven to us by entering the temple. Kontakion 9 Every angelic nature was amazed at the great beauty of Your virginity, O All-Holy Virgin. You are with the Angels in the Holy of Holies, You Yourself desired to live forever in the purity of the Angels and Your undamaged virginity. For this reason, you were the first in the world to take a vow of virginity and betrothed yourself to eternal service to God in the purity of maidenhood, and you were ignorant of Him, so that by the Holy Spirit you would be prepared into a pure and incorruptible Village of the Word of God, singing to Him day and night: Alleluia. Ikos 9 The God-speaking Vetii cannot speak, but utter the mystery of Thy life in the purity of virginity in the temple, O Theotokos. As You grow in years, You have strengthened Your spirit day by day and You have expanded Your life in the most active way: With diligence You have multiplied your prayer, going from strength to strength, until the Power of the Most High autumn of You. I also grew in You the gifts of the Holy Spirit: when you came to a greater age, you practiced more in prayer than in handicrafts, and you spent entire nights in prayer with the Angels behind the second veil; For this reason, with astonishment, we call to You this: Rejoice, Holy of Holies, Most Holy Virgin, who offered Her pure virginity to God as a sacrifice. Rejoice, purest Palato of the Holy Spirit, who raised Herself in the Habitation of Christ. Rejoice, Door of Heaven, in the temple, as if you were in heaven. Rejoice, Goro, Infused with the Spirit, flourishing in the Sanctuary with all virtues. Rejoice, for the Angels of God have delivered their messages faithfully. Rejoice, for all the faithful always glorify with gratitude. Rejoice, God-chosen Youth, who opened the doors of heaven to us by entering the temple. Kontakion 10 The joyful spring of our salvation has risen with all the ends of the glorious earth for the sake of Your Entry into the Temple, O Theotokos. Scripture is mimimoid and the law is impoverished, like the canopy that entered You into the temple of God, the Pure Virgin, the rays of grace rising to all, enlightening the souls and thoughts of all those who sit in the darkness of ignorance. For this sake, let heaven and earth rejoice, let the Intelligent Heaven of the Future see and let the multitude of angels and men cry out: joy and deliverance are brought into the temple to all who cry: Alleluia. Ikos 10 Thou art the wall of virgins who labor in the purity of virginity in the monasteries, O Virgin Mother of God, having made a vow of virginity to God in the temple, Thou hast marvelously preserved it, and having reached the age of twelve, while other virgins living at the temple married in accordance with the lawful custom, Thou hast opened Thou art the mystery of Thy promise, for the sake of which thou wast given for the safekeeping of virginity to the elder Joseph, indicated by God by the flight of a dove from his staff. And thus, having clothed yourself with the complete goodness of virginity, as the Bride of God, You bestow Your service in purity to all who perform the gifts of Your meek and silent spirit, Your silence, humility and unspeakable purity, so that all who are saved by You will sing to You with thanksgiving: Rejoice, in your prayers O thou who never sleepest in the temple of the Lord, do not let us sleep in sin. Rejoice, thou who dwellest in silence in the Holy of Holies; grant us to live in the silence of a more animal life. Rejoice, ever interlocutor with the Angels in the Sanctuary, teach us disembodied verbs to listen. Rejoice, cohabitant with the pure virgins at the temple, help us to live our lives in virginity and purity. Rejoice, Animated Temple of the Living God, create us temples of the Holy Spirit. Rejoice, O All-Dear One of all good deeds, strengthen us in all the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Rejoice, God-chosen Youth, who opened the doors of heaven to us by entering the temple. Kontakion 11 All-compassionate singing from unearthly music is offered to You, Most Holy Virgin, Holy Angels, serving Your virginal Presentation and creating joy and heavenly voices, entering into Your service of God, with them on earth from the songs of men the virgin faces of the Lord sing, psalmically chanting and reverently His Mother to you. With them, grant us with pure minds and undefiled lips to sing about Your honest Introduction: Alleluia. ICOCO 11 Light acceptable to us, if you, the Mother of God, came to the temple of the Lord, the joy of the greatest habitful and in prayer in the holy holy burning, otonuzhezu and shone with the heavenly world to the whole world, in the darkness of sinful people, and we are with the flawed virgins, The temple of the Lord was light with glory with the glory of the Virgin, stable, joyfully, in the light of purity of sincere and bodily radiant, and we will sing the praises of you: Rejoice, lightly unquenchable, enthusiastic, sparkled by the blond -shaped virgins. Rejoice, the dawn is unnecessary, the whole world of the deposit, the bright angels in the temple are delayed. Rejoice, the luminous glory of glory, the light of the unflattering in the temple, who was lying to everyone. Rejoice, the curtainer of God's grace, the one who was pleasing from the hand of the angel, who was verbal. Rejoice, mature of the light of the coming life, the light of your purity enlightening. Rejoice, downs of light of a quiet radiance, the warmth of your prayers comforting. Rejoice, God -chosen by the ladies, entering the temple of the door of Rayskiy to us opened. Kondak 12 of the grace of God is a new and animated kivot of string, the Virgin Mary, in Neme, instead of manna, the sensual and material tablets, the immature of the inexhaustible talents of God, was adequately introduced into the holy saints, as to comply with the plot of the hopeless Word of God, and that the heavenly heavenly power, terrible is terrible. Cherubimi and flaming the love of Seraphim of the autumn, the wings, thrones and dominance, the beginning, the strength and power of the archangels and the angels, egregative of you: Allluja. ICOCT 12 Singing Your Temple of the Lord Introduction, we praise your vsi pure in the Holy Saints with Angels Spraying and Heavenly Bread, we worship the equalngel virgin purity, the Mother of God, and we believe, as if they came from an earthly house to the house of God, like a pure sacrifice, as a pure sacrifice, as a pure sacrifice. The gift is consecrated to the collapse of the virginity of your groom to the heavenly, but is prepared to be worthy of the imperfect and pure birth of Christ in God's dwelling. The same is the same believer, after you, you are a sice: Rejoice, the temple of the Lord of the Most Holy legs consecrated. Rejoice, the dwelling of God from the desecration of the sinners was washed. Rejoice, in the Holy Temple, as in heaven, the worship of the mountains is accepting. Rejoice, in the holy of holies, as in heaven, who imagined God. Rejoice, a beautiful girl, because of your home from home to the temple, the world brought the world to the whole world. Rejoice, a new blue, entering the temple righteous in the underworld for the first time granted hope. Rejoice, God -chosen by the ladies, entering the temple of the door of Rayskiy to us opened. Kondak 13 o, an all -otepy god -toe, who came to the temple of the Lord to be educated in the Holy Saints in God's dwelling, our current introduction of the introduction of acceptance, deliver us from all sorrow and the temptations of enemy, cleansing us from all fades of the flesh and spirit and preserve us and preserve us Until our end in chastity and purity, and the consecration of you will be worthy of introducing in the monastery of Rayskiy with wise virgins, with them we will sing about you to God: Allilua. (This kondak is read three times, then the 1st ICOCO and the 1st Kondak) Prayer to the introduction to the temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Blessed Virgin, the Queen of Heaven and the Earth, previously chosen by the Blessed of God, who in the last times came to the temple for the collapse of the groom Heavenly! You left your people and your father’s house, in a hedgehog to sacrifice a pure and immaculate Godovy, and the first gave a vow to the everlasting virginity. Give us to observe in chastity and purity and in the fear of God in the whole days of our abdomen, let the temples of the Holy Spirit be, in the same way, help everyone in imitation of your living and bringing up their liveliness to their life and from your youth and from youth To carry the yoke of Christ's good and light, sacredly keeping its vows. You spent the whole, all the days of your youth in the temple of the Lord away from the temptations of this world, in a dream of wakefulness of prayer and in all abstinence of the mental and bodily, help us and reflect all the temptation of the enemy from the flesh, the world and the devil who are in us from your youth Our, and defeat the one by prayer and fasting. You are in the temple of the Lord with the angel, decorated with all the virtue, as well as humility, purity and love and worthy to be brought up, but I am ready to accommodate the flesh of God by the flesh. We will also act, obsessed with pride, infrequent and laziness, fitting into all perfection of the spiritual, may Kijdo prepares from us with the help of your robe of the mating soul and fir -up of Dobrodlavia, but not Nazi and Neyatovy come into the creation of the immortal groom to our and your Son, Christ, Christ, Christ, Christ. The Savior and our God, but let us come with the wise virgins in the monastery of Rayskiy, and even with all the saints we will have to grant us and glorify the omnipotent name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and your gracious intercession always, now and forever and ever. Amen. Prayer on the feast of the introduction to the temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary to whom is the resort, the lord, to whom I will resort to my sorrow, not to you, the Queen of Heaven? Who will hear my crying and the sigh will come, if not you, the disdain, the hope of Christians and the refuge for us, sinful? Who will protect you in misfortunes more than you? Hear my moaning and tie your ear to me, the lord and the mother of my God! Do not despise your sinning sinful, sinful, the Queen of Heaven! Teach me to fulfill the will of your son and grant a desire to always follow his holy commandments. For my murmur in the diseases, labors and misfortunes, do not depart from Men, but clog the matter and the patroness of Mena, cowardly. My queen is consuming, a zealous intercessor! Your application of the sin of my integrity, from visible and invisible enemies to protect, the hearts of those to be warmed against Menea and the love of their love warm them. I will give me the weak for your omnipotent help to win my sinful habits, so that, cleared by repentance and subsequent virtuous life, in communication with the Holy Church spent the rest of the earthly wanderings. Imagine me, the hope of all Christians, at the hour of my death and reinforce my faith in the mortal heavy hour. Ascertain for Men, the multi -navigable in this life, your omnipotent prayers after my departure, may the Lord justify me and make a participant in His infinite joys. Amen. The troparion of the festival of the introduction to the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the voice 4 on the day of the goodness of God's science and the people of salvation, preaching, in the temple of God, the Virgin is clearly pre -emerges to all, and we are vigilantly resolving: rejoice, the viewing of Zizdielev’s fulfillment. Kondak, Voice 4 The Most Holy Temple of the Savior, a multi -center Hall and Virgo, the sacred treasure of the glory of God is introduced into the house of the Lord, the grace of the Council, even in Dus Divine, sang the angels of God: this is the village of Heaven. The greatness of the great, the Blessed Virgin, God chosen by the lad out, and honor your entry into the temple of the Lord. Sades, voice 4 Angels, entering the whole -wire sight, amazed: what is with glory to the Holy Saints? The hand of the nasty, but the verbal of the faithful Virgin Mary is unmarticulously, is not in no way, the voice of the angel, with joy and yells: Truly healed all, the girl, and the girl, the girl, is not at all.


Also read on our website:

The earthly life of the Mother of God - Description of the life, Nativity, Dormition of the Mother of God.

Apparitions of the Mother of God - About the miraculous apparitions of the Mother of God.

Icons of the Mother of God - Information about the types of icon painting, descriptions of most icons of the Mother of God.

Prayers to the Mother of God - Basic prayers.

Lives of the Saints - Section dedicated to the Lives of Orthodox Saints.

For the beginning Christian - Information for those who have recently come to the Orthodox Church. Instructions in spiritual life, basic information about the temple, etc.

Orthodox parables - Collection of small parables (stories)

Literature - Collection of some Orthodox literature.

Orthodoxy and the occult - Orthodoxy's view of fortune-telling, extrasensory perception, the evil eye, corruption, yoga and similar “spiritual” practices.

Superstitions - Description of some superstitions.



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Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the temple. Folk traditions of the holiday

The day of the Feast of the Entry into the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary is marked in the folk calendar with a number of special beliefs and customs associated with them. A number of common folk song legends have been preserved, which at the same time are laudatory magnifications of the Blessed Virgin who first entered the temple of the Lord. “You were brought to church, you were rewarded as a bishop and preferred by an angel,” one of them begins. This beginning-“starter” is followed by a refrain that is repeated at the very end of the verse: “The virgins, Her neighbor, will be brought after Her into the Holy of Holies!” The story, interrupted by this quatrain, continues: “Zechariah rejoices, prophetically announces, triumphs with joy. The elder stretches out his hand. She calls her the queen and sings with sweet voices. Today the old man lifts up the Virgin, let him raise up Eva, and destroy the ancient oath. Eva, now rejoice: behold, the Virgin has appeared this day and sat down on the throne. The Holy Spirit overshadows, and the Virgin receives, and appears to everyone at three years of age. Cherubs fly in, surround them with seraphim, and sing the voices of the Trisagion. The angel brings food, and the Virgin receives it, stretching her hand upward”... Another verse praising this holiday begins with words about the Mountains of Zion, on which God “laid a covenant, opened the light of God from above to us from heaven, and watered our hearts with streams of words.” In the third, the “patriarchs” are invited to triumph, “all the virgins” are invited to stay awake and “rejoice with the prophets.” In the fourth, foremother Eve is having fun. And in all of them one can clearly hear the reverent feeling of the song-creator people, giving honor and praise to the Mother of God.

This holiday was considered in Rus' to be women's, "women's" holidays, like the day of the Intercession of the Virgin Mary, the martyrs Catherine and Barbara, as well as Paraskeva Friday.

On the Feast of the Introduction, according to folk traditions (if there was enough snow), sleigh rides began. “Time for business, time for fun!” - says a Russian person even today, alternating his work and worries with rest. Our ancestors treated the first sleigh ride as a special celebration. The “season” was opened by newlyweds, married in the church.

In the old days, the Feast of the Introduction was the day of the first winter auction. The Vvedensky fairs began immediately after the end of the morning divine liturgy and were often located in the squares adjacent to the Vvedensky churches. At the fairs one could purchase a variety of goods, have fun and enjoy the treats offered. It was at the Vvedensky fairs that sleighs were sold - single, double, triple; everyday and festive, decorated with skillful carvings or paintings, as well as horse harnesses for the winter. In addition, at the Vvedensky fairs they always sold frozen fish, as well as autumn preparations brought from surrounding villages - dried mushrooms and berries for the Lenten table of the townspeople. At holiday fairs in winter, peddlers sold pies “hot and hot” and treated everyone to hot sbiten, a herbal infusion with honey.

Winter fair. Boris Kustodiev

The Feast of the Entry has always been associated with the natural cycle of the entry of nature from autumn into winter. Based on the weather on this holiday, conclusions were drawn about the state of nature on the days of all subsequent winter holidays: “In Vvedenye there is frost - all holidays are frosty, and warmth - all holidays are warm.” In Rus', many proverbs have been formed that are associated with the signs of this time of year. In some Russian regions, a thaw often occurred during the Introduction, then they said:

  • Vvedensky frosts do not cause winter;
  • The introduction breaks the ice;
  • Before the Introduction, if snow falls, it will melt.

If frost had already set in by this time, they said:

  • The introduced frosts put mittens on the peasant, set the cold, brought winter to mind;
  • On Introduction - thick ice cream;
  • Introduction came - winter brought;
  • If deep winter begins with Vvedenya, prepare deep bins - there will be a rich harvest of grain.

Folk and Orthodox traditions of celebration

The date December 4 began to be called “Introduction” among the people. Over time, celebration traditions were established. At the Introduction after services in churches it was accepted:

  • give sweets;
  • organize fairs;
  • sledding down the hills.

According to tradition, broken tree branches were placed next to the icon of the Mother of God, and on the eve of the New Year they were checked to see if buds had appeared on them or if they had dried out. The appearance of buds promised good events in the new year. The introduction took place during the Nativity Fast, so on this day it was allowed to cook only fish and Lenten delicacies.

Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the temple. Icons

The earliest depictions of the Feast of the Entry of the Mother of God into the Temple on icons are fragments of 12th-century epistilia from the Vatopedi Monastery and the monastery of the Great Martyr Catherine in Sinai. The center of the composition is the small, fragile figure of the Virgin Mary in the Jerusalem Temple. The high priest who came out to meet Her, the righteous Zechariah, the father of John the Baptist, bows to Her. The Mother of God as an animated temple that contained the incontainable Divinity.

Introduction to the temple. Epistilium of the templon (fragment). End of the 12th century Monastery of St. Catherine, Sinai, Egypt

In the late Byzantine period, a change occurred in the iconographic scheme: immediately behind the Mother of God are the Jewish virgins and the parents of the Mother of God, the righteous Joachim and Anna. At the top of the composition is a scene of the Mother of God being fed by an angel. The Blessed Virgin is represented inside the temple, standing on the steps of the Holy of Holies.

Introduction to the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary with scenes from her life. XVI century State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

Icon of the Presentation of the Virgin Mary. XV century. Novgorod

Icon of the Presentation of the Virgin Mary. XIV century. State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg

Introduction to the temple. From the festive ceremony. OK. 1497 Kirillo-Belozersky Historical, Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve

Patristic Sermons on Introduction

Patristic lectionaries [6] usually give for reading at the service of the Introduction one (or both) of the 2 words of St. George of Nicomedia: “Good foundations are the first fruits - the present triumph” [7] and “The radiance of the Divine triumphs” [8], and sometimes the word of St. Herman I of Constantinople “Here comes another triumph again” [9]. Less common are the words of St. Tarasius of Constantinople “The present celebration is bright and wonderful” [10] (this is the word indicated in the first printed Moscow Typikon of 1610) and John Gavra “Now in words” [11].

Temples in honor of the Entry of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Rus'

It is believed that the first temple in honor of this holiday was built in Palestine in the 4th century by Queen Helen, Equal to the Apostles. The holiday became widespread only in the 9th century. Perhaps this is due to the small number of churches consecrated in honor of the Entry into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos.

In honor of the Entry into the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the church of the Luzhetsky Ferapontov Monastery in the city of Mozhaisk, Moscow Region, . The Church of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the temple in the refectory building was erected in the 16th century and was originally a tent-roofed church. In the 17th century, the church burned, then after restoration it was rebuilt. During Soviet times, the church was used for economic and production purposes. Partially restored in the 1960s. Currently, the monastery buildings have been returned to the local diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Vvedenskaya Church of the Luzhetsky Ferapont Monastery in Mozhaisk, Moscow Region

In honor of the Entry of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the temple, a church was consecrated in the Shknyatino tract, Soletsky district, Novgorod region . The stone church, made of thick limestone slabs, was built in Sknyatyn at the turn of the 11th-12th centuries. Along the entire perimeter of the graveyard territory, and this is the entire current vast Shknyatyn cemetery, it was surrounded by a stone wall. In 1938, construction of a military airfield began in Soltsy and the church was demolished. The stone fence was destroyed manually with crowbars, and explosives were also used. The bells were lowered on hoists. Following the bell tower, they quickly dismantled the extension and took up the first, ancient church building. It was not possible to break the walls and roof, made of thick and tightly fastened limestone slabs. The walls of the ancient church were smashed by the Germans during the years of occupation, and the church was finally destroyed after the Great Patriotic War by the residents of Zamosc and Kamenka.

Vvedenskaya Church in the Shknyatino tract, Soletsky district, Novgorod region

In honor of the Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos into the temple, a church in the village was consecrated. Surah of the Arkhangelsk region . The church was wooden, in the form of a four-pointed cross, built by the parishioners and consecrated in 1587. The church has been restored several times. Lost in 1935.

On the left is the Vvedenskaya Church in the village. Surah of the Arkhangelsk region

In honor of the Entry into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos, the Church of the Trinity Monastery in Astrakhan . By 1573, Abbot Kirill had built: the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity, to which was “attached a meal about six fathoms, and a cellar about three fathoms, 12 cells, two cellars with dryers, a bakery and a cookhouse.” All buildings were wooden. By the time of the death of Abbot Kirill in 1576, he had built two more wooden churches in the monastery: in honor of the Entry into the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Nicholas. The monastery itself, originally called Nikolsky, later received the name Trinity, in honor of the cathedral church of the Life-Giving Trinity, consecrated in 1576. In 1603, the new stone Trinity Cathedral was consecrated. A little later, a chapel was added to it in honor of the holy passion-bearers Princes Boris and Gleb. In 1606, already under the new abbot Jonah, construction began on the stone Vvedenskaya Church with refectory chambers in one connection, and under it a bakery and a warm cellar. This entire structure was adjacent to the Trinity Cathedral on the western side and, in its main features, was already beginning to resemble the complex of monastery buildings that has survived to this day. But the completion of the construction of the Church of the Presentation with the refectory slowed down due to the events of the Time of Troubles of 1606 - 1614, and only in 1620 this church was consecrated. In 1920, Trinity Cathedral was captured by renovationists. Divine services were rarely held there due to the small number of the Renovationist cathedral community. In 1928, the Soviet authorities finally took away the temple. It was looted, the iconostasis was broken and burned. In the 1970s, restoration work began on the territory of the Trinity Monastery.

Vvedenskaya and Sretenskaya churches of the Trinity Monastery in Astrakhan

In honor of the Entry into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos, the Church of the Spaso-Prilutsky Monastery in Vologda . The Vvedenskaya Church is two-story, single-domed, with a large refectory. The shape of the church is unique in the form of a slender cubic volume, devoid of altar apses. Its straight eastern facade has, like the others, ledges with profiled plinths at the basement level, blades in the middle of the walls and kokoshniks at the end of the spindles. Under the kokoshniks, between the shoulder blades, there is a wide patterned belt consisting of a curb, brick balusters and rectangular depressions. The exact time of construction of the church is unknown: according to the monastery inventory of 1623, it is listed as stone. A stone covered gallery connects this church with the cathedral. In 1918, the church was closed; in 1927-28, after the dome was dismantled, there was a club in it, where films were shown and performances were played, and there was a buffet. Disabled people then lived in residential and commercial buildings. The original appearance of the church was returned during the restoration that began at the Spaso-Prilutsky Monastery in 1954. The Vvedensky Church is currently not used for regular services.

Vvedenskaya Church of the Spaso-Prilutsky Monastery in Vologda

, the Church of the Trinity Gerasimo-Boldinsky Monastery in the village was consecrated Boldino, Smolensk region . The stone two-story refectory Vvedensky Church with a cellar chamber was built in the 1590s. The quadrangle of the single-apse church was crowned with an octagon under a high stone tent; an extensive refectory chamber adjoined the church from the west, and a cellar chamber from the south. In November 1929, the monastery was closed. The Trinity Cathedral housed a granary, and the Vvedensky Church housed a collective farm cheese factory. From the 1970s to the 1990s, the monastery was restored.

Trinity Gerasimo-Boldin Monastery in the Smolensk region

, the church of the Novinsky Monastery in Moscow was consecrated . The church was built in 1565. Initially it was a tent-roofed building, but in 1675 it was converted into a five-domed one and a bell tower was added. Updated in 1754. In 1764, the Novinsky Monastery was abolished. In the 1920s The Vvedensky Church was closed and demolished in 1933. Until the early 1960s. In the surrounding area, buildings that once belonged to the Novinsky Monastery were preserved.

Vvedenskaya Church of the former Novinsky Monastery in Moscow

, the chapel of the Cathedral of the Great Martyr Nikita of the Nikitsky Monastery in Moscow was consecrated . The cathedral was first mentioned in 1534. It is a single-domed, four-pillar church, rebuilt several times. The Introduction chapel existed since ancient times, the second chapel in the refectory - St. Nicholas was built in 1833. The Cathedral was closed in 1929, and in 1933 it was demolished.

Church of the Great Martyr Dmitry of Thessalonica and the Church of the Great Martyr Nikita of the former Nikitsky Monastery in Moscow

, the church on Bolshaya Lubyanka in Moscow was consecrated . In 1514, Vasily III issued a decree on the construction of eleven stone churches in Moscow. One of them was the Church of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the Temple, which was built in 1514-1519. Subsequently, the temple underwent changes in external and internal decoration. In 1924, under the far-fetched pretext of obstructing traffic, the Church of the Entry of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the Temple was demolished. Now the place on Lubyanka where the Vvedensky Church stood is located on Vorovsky Square, on the corner of Bolshaya Lubyanka and Kuznetsky Most streets.

Church of the Entry of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the Temple on Bolshaya Lubyanka in Moscow

, the church of the Boris and Gleb Monastery in the city of Torzhok, Tver Region, was consecrated . The stone Vvedenskaya Church with a bell tower was built in 1620. It is known that the church was built on the site of a wooden one. The wooden church of the same name was built in the monastery under Archimandrite Misail in 1552-1586, which was burned by the Poles in 1609. The architectural appearance of the Vvedenskaya Church is a combination of simple forms and elegant decor. Cube-shaped, single-domed, pillarless, with one apse, at first it apparently was not plastered and had an open red brick color combined with carved white stone decorative details. In 1833, the church was rebuilt: the former altar was turned into a sexton's room, part of the church into an altar, and the other, with a refectory, into a church. At the same time, the building was plastered, and the white stone decor was replaced with plaster. In 1930, the Vvedenskaya Church was closed. Its decoration and icons were lost. In 1997, the temple was returned to the monastery. Restoration work began immediately. In 1998, church services in the monastery resumed.

Vvedenskaya Church of the Boris and Gleb Monastery in Torzhok, Tver Region

, the Church of the Assumption Monastery in the city of Staritsa, Tver Region, was consecrated . The Vvedenskaya Church with a large refectory was built in 1570. The vaults of the refectory rest on a powerful square pillar, and a tent rises above the warm church adjacent to the refectory hall. And downstairs there are rooms that were used for household needs. The Vvedenskaya Church was later completed: a porch was added to it on the north side, and a chamber on the south, where the monastery sacristy was located. During the German occupation, the church burned and until 1950 stood without a roof, which led to the disrepair of the vaults. The church has now been restored.

Vvedenskaya Church of the Assumption Monastery in Staritsa, Tver Region

, the chapel of the Church of the Resurrection of Christ from Stadishche in Pskov was consecrated . The Maiden Resurrection Monastery stood in Zapskovye. The temple dates back to 1532. Later, the church was also rebuilt several times. The ancient quadrangle of the temple has four pillars, three apses, and is covered with continuous vaults. The porch with pillars, the vestibule, the belfry, the southern aisle and the northern part of the church date back to the 17th-18th centuries. In 1924 the temple was closed. Nowadays, the church has been transferred to the local community of the Russian Orthodox Church and restored.

Church of the Resurrection of Christ from the Stadium in Pskov

, the chapel of the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity, beyond Tmaka in Tver, was consecrated . The church was consecrated in 1564. The inscription on the western side of the temple has been preserved: “In the summer of 7072 this temple was completed in the name of the Life-Giving Trinity in the month of August 15 under the blessed Tsar Grand Duke Ivan Vasilyevich and all Russia and under Bishop Akaki of Tfersky by the design and construction of the servant of God Gabriel Andreev Toushinsky.” The church is built of brick with white stone, plastered and whitewashed. It consists of a low apse, the temple itself, close in plan to a square, a refectory with two side chapels, and a three-tier bell tower. Initially the temple had three domes. Over time, the number of chapters reached seven. of which five are light and two are dull. The building was rebuilt several times. Since ancient times, the temple has been popularly known as the “White Trinity”. It is believed that the name comes from the fact that the temple was always painted white and in ancient times had a roof made of whitish tiles. Trinity Church is the only one in Tver in which services did not stop even during the Soviet period.

Trinity Church in Tver

The ensemble of the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery preserves the pre-schism Church of the Introduction , built in 1519 on the site of the old wooden monastery refectory. In the first half of the 19th century, the appearance of the church underwent several changes.

Church of the Entry of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the Temple in the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery

In 1547, a stone one-domed Church of the Entry into the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Podol at the expense of the boyar I. Khabarov. The church was rebuilt several times; the modern vaults with the dome were built in 1740. The temple was closed in 1928 and partially restored in 1968. Returned to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra in 1991.

Church of the Entry of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the Temple in Podol. Sergiev Posad

The two-pillar, five-domed Cathedral of the Entry of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the Temple in the Vladychny Monastery in the city of Serpukhov was built no earlier than 1597 with the contribution of Boris Godunov instead of the stone building of 1362. The porches surrounding the cathedral were completely rebuilt in the 19th century. The cathedral was closed in 1927 and served as a warehouse. In the beginning. In the 2000s, the temple was restored in the forms of the 16th century.

Cathedral of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the Temple. Serpukhov

In honor of the Entry into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos, a temple in Athens (Greece) was consecrated. The church dates from 1100. There is also the Church of the Presentation in the city of Prilep (Macedonia). The date of construction is 1300 or 1400.

Old Believer Vvedensky churches

In the Old Believers, a number of churches were also consecrated in honor of the Entry into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos. In the Russian Orthodox Old Believer Church: in the city of Borovsk, Kaluga region, in the city of Simferopol, in the village of Novaya Nekrasovka and the city of Balta, Odessa region, p. Lipovany, Chernivtsi region, in Braila (Romania), in Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan). Initially, the Holy Trinity Church in the village of Pristan, Sverdlovsk region, was also consecrated in honor of the Introduction, but after a fire in the 1980s it was reconsecrated in the name of the Holy Trinity. Since then, two patronal holidays have been celebrated here - the Introduction and Trinity.

Vvedensky Church of the Russian Orthodox Church in Borovsk, Kaluga Region

Church of the Russian Orthodox Church in the village of Pristan, Sverdlovsk region. Originally consecrated in the name of Introduction

The Entry into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos is a patronal feast day for the convents of Nikolo-Uleiminsky in Russia and the village of Russian Glory in Romania.

Nikolo-Uleima Monastery

Pomeranian churches in Nizhny Novgorod, the village of Belaya Kalitva in the Rostov region, the Ulyanovsk community (Latvia) and the Bobrish (Pushcha) community in Lithuania are dedicated to the introduction of the Mother of God.

Church of the Entry of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Beavers

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