List of names according to the calendar (church calendar) 2022

When choosing a child's name according to the calendar, they look at the child's date of birth. Each day of the church year usually celebrates the memory of several saints. In addition, you can choose a name on the eighth day from the birth of the child. This is acceptable because in ancient times the number eight symbolized eternity, and brought the child a long and happy life.

If you don’t like any name from the first and eighth days, then choose from the 40th day from the date of birth of the child. On this day, the child is brought to the temple to perform the sacrament of Holy Baptism, a cleansing prayer is read to the mother, and then the child’s mother can return to church life, confession and communion.

In the last century, in villages and villages, and sometimes in cities, the priest gave the name to the babies. As a rule, the name was chosen in honor of a saint whose memory was celebrated by the church on that day or a few days later. But not everyone named their children by this name; some families had their own traditions and named their children for their own reasons.

In the modern world, parents choose a child’s name based on their personal preferences and ideas. There are many ways to choose a name for a child.

You can name a child after a relative, after a famous person whom the parents admire. Or simply choose a euphonious name from a name book or on the website.

Do not forget that the child’s name is of great importance for the child’s entire life - it is laid as a red line in his life, character, and destiny.

For boys, this is of great importance so that their character develops all those traits that will help them become a man, grow up, create a family and a career. Therefore, it is better to choose boys' names according to the months in which they were born.

Therefore, it is worth taking this seriously. Those born on a certain day and month carry a certain charge, which certain names correspond to. This article presents the most suitable names for boys by month and date of birth.

Names according to the church calendar 2022: where to find information about the saint after whom the child is named

Before naming your baby after a saint, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the life of that saint. There are many names of saints in the calendar, about which even deeply religious people know little. Even if you like the name, it is better to get acquainted with the biography of the saint, find out where he lived. what he did, why he was canonized.

Information about many saints by month is on the website:

There is also the opportunity to go to the electronic library:

But, having read the biography of the saint, even if his life was not easy, you should not be afraid that the child’s fate will not work out, or that great trials await him. The clergy claim that the name does not affect the life of the child.

Holy Wonderworkers of the Orthodox Church

Glorifying the righteous, the Church in her prayer hymns gives them various greatnesses, which are given according to the image of their earthly life, rank, title, any accomplished feats and, finally, the type of their life outcome, why in the Orthodox calendar, as well as in liturgical scriptures, Russian saints The Orthodox Church is divided into ranks and hosts, namely:

  • Prophets are the saints of the Old Testament Scriptures who were chosen by the Almighty to prepare the Christian people to accept the Lord God and those who were endowed with the gift of foreseeing the future.
  • The apostles are the best followers of the King of Heaven, some of whom are among the 12 close associates, and the rest among the 70 of his disciples.
  • Forefathers are the pious men of the Old Testament, who in the flesh were the ancestors of Our Savior.
  • Reverends (wives and husbands) are righteous from the monastic (monastic) order.
  • Great martyrs or martyrs are those saints who accepted martyrdom for their faith in the Savior. Those who were martyred while in the rank of clergyman or bishop are called holy martyrs, and those who suffered in monasticism (monasticism) are called venerable martyrs.
  • The blessed are the pious, who, according to God's legend, were fools for Christ's sake and travelers who did not have a permanent refuge. Such people received God's mercy for their obedience.
  • Enlighteners and Equal to the Apostles are called righteous people who, after the apostolic times, with their instructions led nations and even entire states to the Most High.
  • The righteous and unmercenary are those who please God, who, while living a worldly life and without removing both social and family obligations, have pleased the King of Heaven.
  • Passion-bearers and confessors are pious who endured torment, persecution and imprisonment for their faith in the Savior, but suffered their death in the world.

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Let's look into the Saints: how to choose the right name for your son and daughter?

If parents decide to turn to the calendar, they will not have such a small choice of names as it seems at first glance. The church calendar includes names that came to us from different languages: Hebrew, Latin, Greek. Others will seem anachronisms to modern parents: Axentius, Eulogius, Asklipiodota, Photinia.

The names are truly unusual, but each name has its own story. For example, Saint Eulogius the Host was a stonemason. Every day, after hard work, he went to look for the wanderer to feed him and talk with him. He spent everything he earned that day on dinner, and gave the rest to the dogs so that the next day he would be left with empty pockets, since he relied on the Lord in everything. After the saint fed the Venerable Daniel of Skete dinner, he asked for grace from God for him. After this, Eulogius found a cave with gold. Since then, his life has changed dramatically. From a poor stonecutter he turned into a rich and noble man. Later he returned to his previous lifestyle. But this path was not easy for him. This is the story hidden by an unusual and unusual name for a modern person.

Names according to the calendar (2021)

Below you can see the exact lists of names according to the calendar according to the months according to the new style. Don’t forget that you have three days that are suitable for choosing a name for your child: the birthday, the eighth and fortieth days after the birth of the baby.



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